The What's New Archive
May 2004
24 May
13:12 - Server being upgraded Again, our needs have outgrown those of our hosting plan and we're upgrading the site to a new server (we had an outage in the last 24 hours that prompted this) these days. This should solve our problems for a long time to come.
18:47 - Ships hit during WWI
We've finally opened this massive section (7503 attacks at this time) in our members area, the Conning Tower! Fully searchable and heavily improved data to most other sources. Check it out. It's been linked to boats and commander pages as well.
12:21 - U-boat Crewlists
Mr. Hubertus Weggelaar has added 1.840 new names to this massive database bringing the number of U-boat found here up to 25.658. This is fully searchable in the Conning Tower.
In addition to the items shown here above we made some 858 additions or changes in our databases during May 2004.