Heinz-Wilhelm Eck
Siegerjustiz and the Peleus Affair
by Dwight R. Messimer
About the author of this section
Dwight R. Messimer teaches history at San Jose State University and is the author of several titles, including
The Merchant U-boat (Annapolis, 1988)
Please note
This is a chapter from the book Silent Hunters (see our review) kindly provided by its editor and publisher, Theodore P. Savas, for exclusive publishing on uboat.net.
The chapter is heavily footnoted in the book but they were excised for purposes of
posting on the net.
We've added some 9 photos not included in the book, we hope they help to clarify the picture a bit.
This article was published on 28 Mar 1998.
Heinz-Wilhelm Eck
Siegerjustiz and the Peleus Affair - Read about one of the most interesting events of the U-boat of WWII when Heinz-Wilhelm Eck of U-852 ordered the wreck of the torpedoed merchant Peleus destroyed with machine-gun fire. - Read about one of the most interesting events of the U-boat of WWII when Heinz-Wilhelm Eck of U-852 ordered the wreck of the torpedoed merchant Peleus destroyed with machine-gun fire. - Read about one of the most interesting events of the U-boat of WWII when Heinz-Wilhelm Eck of U-852 ordered the wreck of the torpedoed merchant Peleus destroyed with machine-gun fire. - Read about one of the most interesting events of the U-boat of WWII when Heinz-Wilhelm Eck of U-852 ordered the wreck of the torpedoed merchant Peleus destroyed with machine-gun fire. - Read about one of the most interesting events of the U-boat of WWII when Heinz-Wilhelm Eck of U-852 ordered the wreck of the torpedoed merchant Peleus destroyed with machine-gun fire. Go to the front page of |
 Operational Necessity, An Griffin, Gwyn
Buy this title at amazon.co.uk
Books dealing with this subject include
An Operational Necessity. Griffin, Gwyn, 1999. (transl.)
Silent Hunters. Savas, Theodore P. (editor), 1997. (transl.)
Trial of Heinz Eck, August Hoffmann, Walter Weisspfennig, Hans Richard Lenz and Wolfgang Schwender (The Peleus Trial). Cameron, John (editor), 1948.
Verdammter Atlantik. Herlin, Hans, 1994. (transl.)