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Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower
Posted by: Einsamer Wolf ()
Date: April 20, 2006 12:33AM

I have several photos of u-96's conning tower, but am unable to ascertain whether one should place vents on the horizontal top of the conning tower, above the vents on the side. The parts would be #23 and #24 of the Eduard kit.


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Subject Written By Posted
Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower Einsamer Wolf 04/20/2006 12:33AM
Re: Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower Don Prince 04/20/2006 01:25AM
Re: Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower Andy 04/20/2006 02:36AM
Re: Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower Don Prince 04/22/2006 07:55PM
Re: Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower Richard 05/13/2006 01:07AM
Re: Horizontal vents on u-96 conning tower marc goecke 07/07/2006 03:34PM

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