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English-German translation
Posted by: anna ()
Date: June 21, 2002 12:46PM

Hi all - I need help with a translation which includes a lot of very specific U-Boot terminology. The terms are:

bow cap
midship vent
to blow the main ballast
to rise/level the planes
to bring the planes to full rise
full rise
vrush depth
emergency surface
pump room
to pump the trim tanks
to blow port
to shut starboard
alternate air supply
to level off
sweps (of the radar)
to keep 10 up

If anyone knows what these terms are in German, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Subject Written By Posted
English-German translation anna 06/21/2002 12:46PM
Re: English-German translation hubertus 06/21/2002 11:38PM
Re: English-German translation George 06/26/2002 11:13AM
Re: English-German translation Uwe Stachelhaus 06/29/2002 09:05AM

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