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Mediterranean U-boats
Posted by: bruce dennis ()
Date: June 10, 2005 10:52PM

Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me.
I'm looking into a sighting of a U boat at noon on September 24th 1915 in the area of CAPE MALEAS (23o 12', 36o 21' 12") in the Mediterranean at the entrance to the Aegean. The boat was in trouble on the surface in bad weather and then "broke up" and sank. Wreckage was washed up on shore including "benzine tins". I don't see a U boat lost on that day except U-41 in the Western Approaches: anyone have any ideas about who else it might be "overdue" or maybe an Allied sub?

Also, there is a sighting of a submarine with the number “23” in early April 1916 along the west coast of Lakonia, same general area as mentioned above but further west. It can’t be the German U-23 as it had already been lost, so once again, any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Bruce Dennis

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Subject Written By Posted
Mediterranean U-boats bruce dennis 06/10/2005 10:52PM
Re: Mediterranean U-boats Michael Lowrey 06/11/2005 12:57AM
Re: Mediterranean U-boats Yves D 06/11/2005 06:10AM
Re: Mediterranean U-boats bruce dennis 06/11/2005 03:13PM

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