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Re: Question about U-22
Posted by: Yves D ()
Date: January 26, 2012 05:32PM

I have not that KTB, my source of information is Dwight Messimer in the book previously quoted, he is a very reliable historian. Per this source, U 22 returned Emden on 21st after discovering he had torpedoed U 7.

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Subject Written By Posted
Question about U-22 Denis_469 01/25/2012 04:58PM
Re: Question about U-22 Yves D 01/26/2012 08:38AM
Re: Question about U-22 Denis_469 01/26/2012 12:09PM
Re: Question about U-22 Yves D 01/26/2012 05:32PM
Re: Question about U-22 Denis_469 01/26/2012 06:11PM
Re: Question about U-22 Michael Lowrey 01/26/2012 06:58PM
Re: Question about U-22 Denis_469 01/26/2012 07:20PM
Re: Question about U-22 Josephbremez 01/27/2012 01:30AM
Re: Question about U-22 Denis_469 01/27/2012 10:16PM

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