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Re: CAP Coastal Patrol
Posted by: Vince ()
Date: January 05, 2006 03:37AM

I talked to my stepfather long-distance today. He was in the CAP before joining the US Navy as a flight instructor in 1942.

He said they were allowed to buy aviation fuel for their private planes (he didn't own one, though)and were given a larger gasoline allowance for their cars. He flew several patrols off the New Jersey coast, but they never spotted anything.

Best regards, Vince

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Subject Written By Posted
CAP Coastal Patrol Mark 01/02/2006 10:02PM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol Vince 01/03/2006 03:31AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol Ken Dunn 01/03/2006 03:37PM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol Vince 01/04/2006 05:04AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol Mark 01/05/2006 02:42AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol Vince 01/05/2006 03:37AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol bigredlancer 03/04/2012 06:43PM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol dman 03/07/2012 05:00PM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol lcdrusnret 03/08/2012 04:26AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol lcdrusnret 03/05/2012 06:45AM
Re: CAP Coastal Patrol historynow11 03/10/2012 01:52PM

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