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This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
RE: London flying boats
Date: March 27, 2001 11:04PM


These positions are a real headache I dsicovered. They way I understand, they consisted of a group of 4 letters followed by another of 4 numbers, e.g. PMGB 1912. The letters were codes for lat. and long., the first two letters for lat. and the second two letters for long. The 4 letter number group is minutes of lat. and long.

The problem is these codes were apparently changed every few days. I can understand why one would want to code these positions for radio transmission, but why on earth enter them coded in the Operations Recod Books?


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Subject Written By Posted
London flying boats Rainer Kolbicz 03/27/2001 06:56PM
RE: London flying boats Ragnar J. Ragnarsson 03/27/2001 11:04PM
RE: London flying boats Rainer Kolbicz 03/28/2001 07:40PM
RE: London flying boats James stewart 03/28/2001 10:35PM
RE: London flying boats Rainer Kolbicz 03/30/2001 05:08AM
RE: London flying boats James stewart 03/31/2001 08:43AM
No. 209 &amp; 240 Sqdn Ragnar J. Ragnarsson 03/30/2001 10:24AM

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