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This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
RE: its Cricket, old boy.
Posted by: Vin ()
Date: May 14, 2001 04:00AM

You beat me to that!!!!!!

Just recieved video`s of Das Boot which i haven`t seen since it first
came out, and U-Who ? Please do not disturb!!!!

Regards, Vin.

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
Mad idea - living history John Griffiths 05/08/2001 06:55PM
RE: Mad idea - living history Vin 05/10/2001 04:33AM
RE: pass me the periscope chris lee 05/10/2001 06:53AM
RE: pass me the periscope John Griffiths 05/10/2001 04:54PM
RE: its Cricket, old boy. MPC 05/13/2001 08:15PM
RE: its Cricket, old boy. Geoff Harvey 05/14/2001 02:15AM
RE: its Cricket, old boy. Vin 05/14/2001 04:00AM
RE: its Cricket, old boy. Vin 05/14/2001 04:11AM
RE: its Cricket, old boy. John Griffiths 05/14/2001 04:07PM

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