General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
addendum: June 22, 1941
Posted by: Yuri IL\'IN ()
Date: June 20, 2001 08:21PM

<B><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\"><P>#3, 1999.</B></FONT> </DIV></TD>
<B><FONT SIZE=4><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">W. Wette (Germany)</B></FONT> </P>
<FONT SIZE=2><P>Dr. Wolframium Wette, Private Senior lecturer Fraibuerg University (Germany), expert in a history of the Second World War. The scientific report is put in a basis of article, with which the author has acted at a historical seminar in Wurtzburg in November, 1997 </DIV></FONT></TD>

<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#000080\">Has not passed 50 years, as Western Germans began to realize, that their fathers and grandfathers serving in Wermacht, war criminals, which under pretext of scrambling with Communism, and at the same time and with the Jews, with inhuman cruelty cleared away the world for the German expansion. What \"civilized\" methods utilized to keep post-war generations of the Germans in ignorance that was known to any child on occupied lands, that was fixed in materials and verdict of the Nuremberg tribunal? How many years should pass, while the Germans (Englishmen, French...) realize criminality of participation of their Army in the American aggression against Serbia?</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> <DIV ALIGN=right></P>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.<BR>
<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2>At the begining of 80th the West-German society basically has achieved the consent concerning necessity \"overcoming past\", extraction of lessons from a history of a Nazi mode and aggressive war, untied by it. The confession of the masters of the \"Third Reich \"for a genocide in relation to the Jewish population became property of social consciousness of Germany in 60-70th years. The feeling of shame for these crimes has covered a significant part of the population of Germany. When the Germans heard about the Holocaust, in their representation invariably there were horrors of Osventsim and other death camps. </P>
<P>However in public opinion of Germany kept to dominate representation that against the Soviet Union Wermacht ostensibly led \"net war\", war, which as if did not contradict the international real laws. That USSR concerned apparent crimes in occupied territories, they habitually concerned extremely on score of Nazi punitive forming, first of all SS and SD. </P>
<P>In a historical science and in the society of Germany within several years there is a discussion about criminal practice German Wermacht. Since March, 1995 exhibiting the large mobile exhibition \" War on destruction\" proceeds, telling about crimes of the German armed forces in war against USSR [</FONT><A HREF=\"#1\"><FONT SIZE=2>1</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>The task of article is, that, basing on archival sources and on materials of new historical researches should to uncover process of difficult comprehension by the Germans of historical true about criminal acts of the German Army. </P>
<P>The war of the \"Third Reich\" against the Soviet Union from the very beginning was aimed at capture of territories down to Ural, operation of a natural resources USSR and long-term subordination of Russia to the German domination. Before direct threat of systematic physical destruction have appeared not only Jews, but also Slavs, lived on the Soviet territories captured by Germany in 1941-1944 .. Only recently subject of researches of the historians of Germany became\" other Holocaust\", USSR, directed against the Slavic population, which alongside with the Jews was professed by the \"lowest\" race \"and also was subject to destruction. The victims among Russian, Ukrainians and Belorussians, mainly of peace inhabitants, are comparable to figure of the European Jews, destroyed by the Nazis. </P>
<P>In time of Cool War in Germany the image \"unstained Wermacht\" was targeted formed. The definite political forces were interested in it. The path to true has appeared long and inconsistent. Many years have passed, while in the society of Germany the determination to confession of that fact has ripened, that, as the Christian democrat</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2> &#9552; </FONT><FONT SIZE=2>Blum has told <EM>\"the pipes of the furnaces in which burnt bodies of the people in death camps were smoked only so long as Wermacht could hold front\"</EM>. </P>
<P>Is not subject to doubt, that the commands on Wermacht, no less than directivity of propagation in Army of the \"Third Reich\", were criminal. They formed a climate, in which the Holocaust became possible(probable), the direct liability for which was carried by the military management of Germany, i.e. Supreme command of armed forces (AF) and Supreme command of an overland troops (OT). </P>
<P>In the spring of 1941 in performances before the commanders the Hitler repeatedly stressed, that the war with Russia will be <EM>\"war of ideologies\"</EM>, which purpose the destruction <EM>\"of the lowest races\"</EM> will be<EM>.</EM> The Hitler considered, that in eyes of the Generals he should be not only Supreme Commander-in-chief, but also by the <EM>\"Supreme ideological leader\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#2\"><FONT SIZE=2>2</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>During preparing aggressive war against USSR was reached full mutual understanding between the Hitler and German military command AT and OT. The ideological dissents were not. March 30, 1941. The Hitler on secret counsel has acted with speech before 250 Generals commanding troops, which through three and a half of one month should participate in operation \"Barbarossa\". At meeting with the Hitler were present commanding and chiefs of Army headquarters of armies and Army groups, air fleet and cases, armored and infantry jointing. It were \"the ordinary German Generals\": for war on Eastern front the command staff(frames) were not taken apart reliable in the ideological relation. </P>
<P>In speech, which kept about two and a half of hours, the Hitler has stated about race-ideological points of view and the plans of aggressive war. He has called Bolshevism as a development <EM>\"of social criminality\"</EM> and has stated, that <EM>\"the speech goes about scrambling on destruction \",</EM> instead of, that <EM>\"to lay up an enemy\"</EM>. Any developments <EM>\"of soldier\'s partnership with an enemy are not permissible. The war in East should in all differ from war in West\"</EM>: the speech goes about <EM>\"destruction of the Bolshevik Commissioners and Communist Intelligence\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#3\"><FONT SIZE=2>3</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. From run-down of speech of the Hitler recorded by the chief of a General Staff OT by the General-Colonel F. Halder, it is difficult to judge, whether the Hitler liquidation of the Jews mentioned. Apparently yes, as in official propagation of that time the enemy image invariably associated with <EM>\"Jewish Bolshevism\"</EM>. </P>
<P>In a light of the subsequent discussions about a role Wermacht in war against USSR is important a question, how the German Generals to the German Generals to the German Generals to the German Generals to each participant of session, norms of international law and code of soldier\'s honor. </P>
<P>On the Nuremberg process conducted on business AT (a verdict was disclosed in October, 1948), the American militarians the judges have fixed the testimonies of the German Generals asserting(approving), that the speech of the Hitler from March 30, 1941 as if has called <EM>\"rather heavy sea among present, which, naturally, understood, that his commands were cruel, criminal, not civilized\"</EM>. The Generals certified the judges, that <EM>the protests of the commanders\"</EM> took place <EM>\"</EM>, afraid <EM>of \"undermining of discipline\"</EM> and that the Commander-in-chief of OKH the General-fieldmarshal V. von Brauchitsh <EM>\"aspired to achieve change of the plans, but his attempt has appeared unsuccessful\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#4\"><FONT SIZE=2>4</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </DIV></FONT></TD>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2>The conducted later thorough Military-historical researches have shown, that if such protests took place, nobody converted on them of attention. The historian H. Uhlig, which per 60 years has studied the archival documents AT and OT and has compared their contents to the post-war testimonies of the Generals Wermacht, has come to an apparent conclusion: their expressions on court wore especially justificative character and consequently they have no any relation to historical true [</FONT><A HREF=\"#5\"><FONT SIZE=2>5</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>Scientific Military-historical Department of Army of Germany in Freiburg, and nowadays finding in Potsdam, came to the conclusion, that was not any organized protest of General\'s, the speech went only about separate developments of grievance, which have not yielded appreciable result. The historian U/ Bersher reports, that after the specified performance of the Hitler the collateral lunch of highest military grades was held, during which the separate votes of grievance by the commands of the Hitler on ideologically reasoned methods of warfare were distributed [</FONT><A HREF=\"#6\"><FONT SIZE=2>6</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. Call doubts of determination of the German commanders to force the Hitler to refuse the determinations, as the Generals immediately have begun engineering the operative documents AF and OT, received subsequently title \"the criminal commands\", in which idea of the Hitler have found full and concrete implementation. The employee of Military-historical department U.Ferster that the German command <EM>\"has accepted determinations of the Hitler without reserve\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#7\"><FONT SIZE=2>7</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>There are, thus, no doubts that the actions of military elite of a Reich were completely defined by that image of Russia, in which basis laid the Nazi racist concepts and that the separate protests could not influence a course of world development in any way. For accomplishment of the criminal designs of the Hitler Wermacht did not require institute of the political commissioners: their role was undertaken by(with) the German Generals. </P>
<P>In full correspondence with premeditation\'s of the Hitler between the chief of Headquarters of imperial safety (RSHA</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2>) Obergruppenfuerer SS &#9576;. Haidrich and by t</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>he General-major E. Wagner the agreement on differentiation of competencies was concluded and about cooperation of armed forces with Einsatztruppen SS [</FONT><A HREF=\"#8\"><FONT SIZE=2>8</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>] in the future war against the Soviet Union. April 28, 1941, for two months before the beginning operation \"Barbarossa\", this agreement was concluded in the form of the secret command Brauhich\" About regulation of usage of police of safety and SD in jointing an overland troops\". In the command was defined, that in operative space of an overland troops for accomplishment <EM>\"of the special tasks\"</EM> will act <EM>\"Zonderkomanden of police of safety\"</EM>. On experience of act of war in Poland it was well known that called <EM>\"the special tasks\"</EM> meant execute of definite groups of the population. In the command Brauhich was said, that Einsatztruppen and Einsatzkomanden <EM>\"is self-supporting carry out executions against civilian population\"</EM>. The forms of co-operation between Wermacht and bodies SS both in front regions were defined, and in rear [</FONT><A HREF=\"#9\"><FONT SIZE=2>9</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>Shortly before that hour, when three million German soldier have realized attack on USSR, the command AT \"the command Papers on conduct of a troops in Russia\" was disclosed; in this document Bolshevism was called <EM>as \"mortal enemy\"</EM> of Germany, the scrambling with which requires(demands) <EM>\"ruthless and resolute measures\", \"of full elimination of any attempts of active or passive recalcitrance\"</FONT></EM><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2>. In the command &#9580;&#9577;&#9516; were enumerated as the main opponents the </FONT><FONT SIZE=2><EM>\"Bolshevik prompters, partisans, saboteurs and Jews\"</EM>. As to the political commissioners of Red Army, which were presented as the main implementation <EM>\"Jewish Bolshevism\",</EM> they were ordered for killing in a place [</FONT><A HREF=\"#10\"><FONT SIZE=2>10</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. One more criminal command paper issued May 14, 1941, concerned <EM>\"military jurisdiction\"</EM> in region of operation \"Barbarossa\" [</FONT><A HREF=\"#11\"><FONT SIZE=2>11</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>] and required acceptance of ruthless measures against civilian population. The statements of the command were made in such a manner that the soldiers Wermacht received a full exemption from liability for committing of any violence. Each participant of Eastern campaign Wermacht knew, that all is allowed to it(him), and it(he) will not face a military tribunal. </P>
<P>To an ideological bow of the Generals Wermacht with the Hitler testify not only command paper of the Supreme command, but also commands commanding by jointing acting on Eastern front. Let us mark circumstance not so typical of the German military documentation: called commands are contained the detailed ideological argumentation. It concerns and to speeches mainly racist directivity, with which the commanders addressed to the officers to preform them for war against Russia. The one who reads today documents signed by the General-Colonel E. Gepner, General-fieldmarshal V. von Raihenau or General-Colonel E. von Manstein, can not be saved of impression, that it(he) hears an echo of speech of the Hitler made March 30, 1941. </P>
<P>May 2, 1941, more than 1,5 months before attack on USSR commanding by 4-th tank group Gepner has put to the officers an operational task. His command surrendered in writing, - typical example of confronts thinking, in which the various propaganda components constitute explosive mixture. The forthcoming war should be, directed Gepner, continuation <EM>\"of scrambling Germans against Slavs and protection from Jewish Bolshevism\"</EM>. The General admonished subordinated from <EM>\"of any developments of pity in relation to the supporters of a Russian Bolshevik system\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#12\"><FONT SIZE=2>12</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>] </P>
<P>Manstein, having reputation issued strategies and the post, taken in 1941, commanding by 11 Army, was the commander, which by the commands attempted to convince the soldier of correctness aggressive of anti-Semitic philosophy [</FONT><A HREF=\"#13\"><FONT SIZE=2>13</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. In the command on 11 Army from November 20, 1941 which has been lead up to the officers of regiments and subdivision levels, was spoken: <EM>\"The Jewish Bolshevik system should be destroyed once and for all. To it(her) should not be any more permissible to invade in limits of our European biotic space\"</EM>. A task of the German soldier - <EM>\"to be the bearer of national idea and To revenge for all cruelties, which were caused to him and German people\"</EM>. In the command was justified of a genocide in relation to the Jewish population without reserve: <EM>\"Each soldier should like necessity ruthlessly to revenge the Jews - ideological bearers of a Bolshevik terror. To revenge, that in a root to strangle all mutinies, which organizers are Generally Jews\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#14\"><FONT SIZE=2>14</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </DIV></FONT></TD>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2>Whether such circulation is such circulation such circulation such circulation\'s such circulation\'s such circulation\'s this \"the small man\" Invoked in Wermacht the Germans being the civilians were exposed daily \"to flushing of brains\" by department of Reichminister formation and propagation of Dr. A. Gebbels. With a beginning of war against Russia the anti-Semitic propagation received increasingly and more militant character. The speech went any more only about <EM>\"Jewish-Bolshevik-Imperialist Plot</EM>\", but also <EM>about the \"Jewish world enemy, which should be destroyed</EM>\", about the Jews <EM>as \"the instigators of war against a Reich</EM>\". The Nazi propagation resorted to the same methods to strengthen and to justify and without that <EM>feeling \"of the national superiority Aries of race</EM>\"above the Slavic peoples of East Europe. To the purposes of ideological processing of the service members the published materials AT, issued by its subdivision - Department of propagation Wermacht served. Contrary to leaer legends, the propagandists OKB have made for forming anti-Semite, anti-Bolshevik, anti-Slavic \"enemy image\", no less than for introduction in minds the \"simple Germans\" of stereotypes of war on destruction much. </P>
<P>The department of propagation Wermacht issued the newsletter, which materials read to the soldiers of each company. Issuance of the bulletin which has published at once after attack on USSR, was contained such sentence concerning aims of a war: <EM>\"It is necessary to liquidate red </FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2>untermenchen</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> together with their Kremlin dictators. The German people should carry out the greatest task in the history, and the world still will hear that the given task will be carried out up to the end\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#15\"><FONT SIZE=2>15</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>The philosophy of war on destruction begun June 22, 1941, at all was not direct continuation already existing in Germany and till 1933 of racial prejudices. The purpose of the documents, quoted by us, Wermacht is explicit: at the soldier the habit should be developed that SS commit the regular criminal shares. Moreover, for the service members there should be a usual extraordinary cruelty, them it is necessary to deprive both remorse, and feeling of fault for was made. The effectiveness of a racist ideology was shored with that at the soldier the psychological distance(range) in relation to the future victims successively subjected brutal degrading was formed so that then it was easier them to kill. </P>
<P>How Wermacht has appeared involved in a crime against the Jewish population? The carnage of the Jews, contrary to a popular belief, has begun not in Russia after June 22, 1941, but much earlier in Poland in 1939-1940 . In addition, in Serbia in the spring of 1941. </P>
<P>In Poland there passed massive preparing both to future \"lightning war\" against USSR, and to physical liquidation of groups of the population called \"hostile in racial relation\". </P>
<P>Even before attack on Poland AT, OT and RSHA have agreed that after the termination of act of war the man - according to the black lists beforehand prepared by an agency SD is necessary to subject to arrest approximately of 30 thousand. Acting on September 7, 1939. Haidrich required physical liquidation of the representatives of Polish elite, by which he has referred nobility, clergy and Jews. The Hitler, in turn, as the record Borman from October 2, 1939 testifies, has commanded <EM>\"to destroy Polish intelligence\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#16\"><FONT SIZE=2>16</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. According to the arrangement between combined-arms command and police of safety SS, Einsatztruppen it was necessary <EM>\"to finish with all ant-Imperial and anti-German elements in Army rear\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#17\"><FONT SIZE=2>17</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. The chief of a General Staff of an overland troops Halder perfectly knew about planed scales of liquidation of the Polish population [</FONT><A HREF=\"#18\"><FONT SIZE=2>18</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>After capture of Poland of occupation authorities successively carried out the criminal designs. SS fulfilled tasks of liquidation of Polish intelligence, in which composition there were many Jews. The assassinations of the Jews happened, as the General-Colonel And testified commanding by a German troops in Poland. Blaskovitch, <EM>\"is perfectly opened\"</EM>, on eyes at the service members Wermacht [</FONT><A HREF=\"#19\"><FONT SIZE=2>19</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. In territory of Poland, instead of Soviet Union, as it was accepted to consider(count) earlier, the accomplishment of the German policy of physical destruction of the population, circulation of the people in servitude, absolute neglect to human denomination and international law began. The parts Wermacht did not participate yet directly in carnage of civilian population, but the military command did not require accomplishment of occupation policy answering international standards. Wermacht be able to act against crimes SS: the police subdivisions lay in jurisdiction of military tribunals. However, any protest was not. Already in Poland Wermacht has lost the right to claim for considering(counting) the German soldier not guilty of crimes against humanity. </P>
<P>However in rare cases developments of variance nevertheless took place. The mentioned above General Blaslovits repeatedly reported in Berlin about disapproval of bloody practice Einsatztruppen and Einsatzkomanden SS, but his(its) argumentation has emanated not from moral, and from practical reasons. Blaskovitch considered, that the assassinations of tens thousand Jews and Poles did not bring results and could harmfully influence condition of military discipline [</FONT><A HREF=\"#20\"><FONT SIZE=2>20</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. But as Commander-in-Chief OKH Brauhich did not react in any way to such reasons, Blaslovits and other Generals have subordinated the highest heads, having refused from demonstrative demotion or from other forms of the opened opposition. However, Blaslovitch has get in unpleasure of the Hitler: he kept a service, but the next military ranks to him did not appropriate. After announcement of the conviction on the Nuremberg process on business AT in 1948. Blaslovits has finished life by suicide. </P>
<P>The General, commanding 3-rd Army, G. von Kuhler attempted to protest against bloody killing in Poland, but was biased from the position [</FONT><A HREF=\"#21\"><FONT SIZE=2>21</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. Other Generals and highest officers followed to the command paper AF: to not handicap <EM>\"with racist-political measures\"</EM> i.e. mass deleting of civilian population. In November, 1939 the Lieutenant Colonel of a General Army headquarters of. Shtif wrote to the wife from Warsaw: <EM>\"I am ashamed to be the German! These people, which constitute minority, braid, kill, and plunder. They dishonor a German nation, they become our general trouble, if we them shall not stop... The most unbridled imagination are the little before the person of crimes, was made by a gang of the assassins and robbers, and all this suffer on the top\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#22\"><FONT SIZE=2>22</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. Stiff became later participant of an anti-Nazi plot of July 20, 1944. </DIV></FONT></TD>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2>In the published recently research of the Austrian historian In. Manoschek, prepared by him based on materials of several German and foreign archives, is irrefutable the command Wermacht in 1941-1942 is proved, that. Has developed and carried out in occupied Serbia regional model <EM>\"the solutions of the Jewish and Gypsy question\"</EM>. On solid belief of the author, the command Wermacht till June 22, 1941 has expressed a consent in principle with a course on liquidation of the Jews. </P>
<P>During battle actions in Serbia Wermacht not only created premises for genocide against the Jewish population, but also planed and carried out the self-supporting punitive shares. Under a kind(view) \"of shootings of the hostages\" the autumn of 1941, executed some tens thousand Serbian Jews. One of the main originators of crimes was served for the Hitler the General F. Beme. </P>
<P>In occupied Serbia the nominal propagandists OKB acted. At numerous assemblies of a personal composition in heads the soldier the idea of the superiority <EM>\"Arian of race of the misters\" </EM>above the Slavs was driven in. In the records of a department of propagation it was directed a high degree <EM>\"rooting in Wermacht of Nazi philosophy\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#23\"><FONT SIZE=2>23</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. In the letters directed home, soldiers is opened wrote about punishments of the peace population and dispatched home - contrary to the strict exclusions - photosnapshots deleting through shootings and hanging. In consciousness of the service members the Jews and the communists were enemies of Germany. The propagation of \"enemy image\" has reached(achieved) the purpose: the premises of violence pledged in consciousness, were realized. Within year of occupation in Serbia all Jewish population was destroyed. Wermacht thus acted self-supporting, without direct support of the assassins from SS. </P>
<P>June 24, 1941, for the third day of war against USSR, the German troops has captured the Lithuanian City of Kaunas, and 25 there assassinations of the Jews already have begun which came true at full mutual understanding both interaction between Wermacht and Zonder-crews SS. The experience of cooperation of Army and SS in conducting mass punishments above the peace population was repeatedly used further. </P>
<P>In works of the historian In. Krausnik, published in 1981-1985, for the first time on the basis of the archival documents the authentic description of this crime was given [</FONT><A HREF=\"#24\"><FONT SIZE=2>24</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>], however materials of his(its) books became then property of a narrow circle of the experts, instead of society of Germany as a whole. The works, which have not received a duly public resonance, Krausnik have shared destiny of many other issuing [</FONT><A HREF=\"#25\"><FONT SIZE=2>25</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>], on which pages it was possible to read that today unsuccessfully attempt to deny other visitors of the exhibition \" War on destruction\". </P>
<P>After foremost parts Wermacht in Kaunas the subdivision Einsatztruppen SS has entered, commanded with which Brigadefuerer Stahlekker. Haidrich has returned to him the command: hastily to preform the people from the local inhabitants, which can in an atmosphere of permissiveness and impunity to begin \"spontaneous\" Jewish massacres. In night from 25 to June 26 was killed more one and half of thousand Jews, is destroyed a little synagogue, the Jewish quarter from 60 houses is burnt [</FONT><A HREF=\"#26\"><FONT SIZE=2>26</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. How the Army officers reacted to these atrocities stated in Kaunas?. Krausnik qualifies their position as <EM>\"one of the most infamous pages in a history Wermacht\"</EM>. Under the certificate, fetched by the historian, of one of the staff officers of an Army group \"North\" that happened in the Lithuanian City was <EM>\"most disgusting, that he has gone through during two World Wars\"</EM>. In two hundreds meters from a building of an Army Headquarters of 16 Army, on eyes at hundreds attests, including the numerous German soldier, among is white of day happened shooting the Lithuanian Jews. The Germans coolly photographed a stage of assassination [</FONT><A HREF=\"#27\"><FONT SIZE=2>27</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>The service members Wermacht in these and the next days watched mass public execute, but did not interpose. May be SS, which play bloody killing, were afraid, what the Army officers will act against carnage? As testifies Krausnik, there was a direct written arrangement between the management Einsatztruppen and correct adherent of the Hitler by the General-Colonel</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2>, commanding 16 Army, &#9612;. By a bush. Were disclosed </FONT><FONT SIZE=2>strong the oral commands to not interpose with assassinations, which were called \"as the share of cleaning\". When to the General F. von Fate have reported on the Kaunas tragedy, it(he) was directed behind articulating to the immediate chief to the Commander-in-chief of an Army group \"North\" to the General-fieldmarshal W. von Leeb. Leeb has listened subordinated and has told, that he can not influence course of business in any way, urgently advising Fate to stand aloof from events [</FONT><A HREF=\"#28\"><FONT SIZE=2>28</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>After attack on USSR of the agreement on cooperation between Wermacht and SS acted everywhere. The historian of the second world war A. Hillgruber marked, what exactly to the highest Army officers was guaranteed insulation and registration of the Jews so that they remained in places and could not disappear in the next forests [</FONT><A HREF=\"#29\"><FONT SIZE=2>29</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>The cooperation between Army and punishes kept and further. It became tighter. In a phase <EM>\"barbarisation of methods of warfare\"</EM> (see research of the American scientist A. Bartov [</FONT><A HREF=\"#30\"><FONT SIZE=2>30</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]) some representatives of Army command results of existing distribution of functions with SS seem doubtful. The speech goes about the General-lieutenant G. von Leikauf, expert in military economy, which December 2, 1941 has directed to the Berlin heads the memorandum about <EM>\"the solution of the Jewish question on Ukraine\"</EM>. Leikauf well knew about scales of a genocide. Under his data, only on Ukraine was already executed of 150-200 thousand Jews. The General shared judgement, that thus there was <EM>\"an elimination unnecessary people\",</EM> but was afraid for the future of the German Army and occupation regime. Therefore he notified: <EM>\"If we shall shoot the Jews, we shall kill POW, we shall finish the next year to hungry death of the inhabitants of the large cities and part of the agricultural population, there will be without the answer a question: who, alone, will be occupied here with production?\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#31\"><FONT SIZE=2>31</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. Leikauf, one of the highest commanders Wermacht, with the full basis used a pronoun <EM>\"we\"</EM>: <EM>\"we\"</EM>, German invaders; <EM>\"we\"</EM>, Wermacht and SS, carry full liability for assassinations of the Jews and POW, for hungry death of many inhabitants of Ukraine. </P>
<P>In the publications of the Hamburg historian X. Geer, grounded on archival sources and dedicated to a problematic of an occupation regime in territories USSR, is exhibited, that <EM>\"dressing\"</EM> meaning assassination of the Jews at active participation Wermacht disappeared behind a then service statement. Geer has established, that in October and November, 1941 under the commands of the Army Generals the mass punishments of the inhabitants the Jewish ghetto in Belorussia were conducted [</FONT><A HREF=\"#32\"><FONT SIZE=2>32</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </DIV></FONT></TD>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
<P><DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><FONT SIZE=2>The analysis of the documents stored in the German, Russian and Belorussians archives, has resulted Geer in the conclusion, that in 1941-1942. Under a cover of <EM>\"actions against guerilla\", \"punitive shares against the gangsters\"</EM> or <EM>\"the liquidations of guerilla camps\"</EM> happened carnage of tens thousand civilians, incineration of peace villages [</FONT><A HREF=\"#33\"><FONT SIZE=2>33</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. \"The anti-Guerilla dispatches\" Wermacht presented, by an estimation of Geer, <EM>\"fiction of war giving a maximum of possibilities to kill and a minimum of possibilities be killed\"</EM> [</FONT><A HREF=\"#34\"><FONT SIZE=2>34</FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>]. </P>
<P>The researches realized by the scientists of the Hamburg Institute of Social Researches in connection with preparing of exposure about crimes of Wermacht on Eastern front, have shown, that the soldiers and officers of German Army are guilty of assassinations of millions people, that Wermacht was the direct participant of the Holocaust. </P>
<P>This conclusion became a shock for a set of the Germans, which within decades trusted in myths, opposite <EM>\"criminal SS\"</EM> and <EM>\"good Army\"</EM>. The image <EM>\"net Wermacht\"</EM> was actively implanted in consciousness of Western Germans per 50 years. The justice of Germany, as she(it) was occupied with investigation of Nazi crimes, has not made anything essential for making out of a question about participation Wermacht in evil actions of the Holocaust. The path to the historical truth has appeared too long. </P>
<P>Only since 60 years, when the archival documents of Wermacht are accessible to steel, the representatives of a critical direction of historiography of Germany have shown, what even before attack on USSR of the higher authorities of the German Army have preformed the whole series of the criminal commands, in which the physical liquidation of the Jewish population was provided - alongside with destruction others \"hostile groups\" -. In modern Germany there is a new perusal of a history of the German armed forces in the Second World War, and thousand people anew realize a role of Wermacht as support criminal of a Nazi mode. </DIV></FONT></TD>

<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=\"#ffffff\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> </P></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=5><EM><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Literature</FONT></EM><FONT SIZE=2> </P>
<B><P><A NAME=\"BM1\"></A>1. <EM>Wette W.</EM> Befreiung von der Wehrmacht. - Frankfurter Rundschau, 23. V. 1997. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM2\"></A>2. <EM>Forster J.</FONT></EM><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2> Zur Rolle der Wehrmacht im Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion. - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 1980, <BR>
&#9571; 45, S. 6. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM3\"></A>3. Revelation and confession. Nazi an apex about war of the \"Third Reich\" against USSR. Moscow, 1996, <BR>
S. 118-119. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM4\"></A>4. Fall 12. Das Urteil gegen das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Berlin, 1960, S. 91. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM5\"></A>5. <EM>Uhlig H.</EM> Der verbrecherische Befehl. - Vollmacht des Gewissens. Bd. 2. Frankfurt a. M\" 1965, S. 293-294. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM6\"></A>6. <EM>Ueberschar G.</EM> Hitlers Entschiup zum \"Lebensraum\" - Krieg im Osten. - Der deutsche Oberfall auf die Sowjetunion. Hrsg. G. Ueberschar, W. Wette. Frankfurt a. M., 1991, S. 41. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM7\"></A>7. <EM>Forster J.</EM> Das Untemehmen \"Barbarossa\" als Eroberungs- und Vernichtungskrieg. - Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Bd. 4. Stuttgart, 1983, S. 434. </P>
</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM8\"></A>8. Einsatztruppen, Einsatzkomanden, Zonderkomanden (used groups and crews, special crews) - special subdivisions</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> SS, movements, following on main routes, of a German troops on East and executed shares on \"take-off\" and \"to the special circulation\", i.e. on a mass destruction of the people. Only in territory USSR was destroyed by four Einsatztruppen about 750 thousands man. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM9\"></A>9. Cit. On: Der deutsche Oberfall auf die Sowjetunion, S. 249-250. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM10\"></A>10. <EM>Ibid.,</EM> S. 258-260. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM11\"></A>11. <EM>Ibid.,</EM> S. 251-254. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM12\"></A>12. <EM>lbid.,</EM> S. 251. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM13\"></A>13. </FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><EM>Schneider &#9572;. Denkmal</FONT></EM><FONT SIZE=2> Manstein. Psychogramm eines Befehishabers. - Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941-1944. Hamburg, 1995. The author of the specified article, the psychoanalyst and sociologist X. Schneider from Frankfurt, comes to a conclusion, that Manstein practically <EM>\"fulfilled a role of serviceman of the Hitler, which he despised\"</EM> - Ibid., S. 407. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM14\"></A>14. Cit.. On: Der deutsche Uberfall aufdie Sowjetunion, S. 289-290; <EM>Wallach J.</EM> Feidmarschall Erich von Manstein und die deutsche Judenausrottung in Rutland. - Tel Aviver Jahrbuch des Instituts fur deutsche Geschichte. Bd. 6. Gerlingen, 1974, S. 457-472. </P>
</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM15\"></A>15. Mitteilungen fiir die Truppe, &#9571; 112, Juni 1941. The copy of the newslet</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>ter is stored in library of Military-historical department in Potsdam. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM16\"></A>16. Cit. On: <EM>Krausnik H., Wilhelm H-H.</EM> Die Truppe des Weltanschauungskrieges. Stuttgart, 1981, S. 33. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM17\"></A>17. <EM>Ibid.</EM>, S. 36. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM18\"></A>18. <EM>Schreiher G.</EM> Die Zerstorung Europas im Weltkrieg. Tubingen, 1983, S. 22. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM19\"></A>19. <EM>Ibid.</EM>. S.I 12. </P>
</FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM20\"></A>20. Kruiisnik &#9552;.. Wiihelm &#9552;.-&#9552;. cit., S. 79: Schreiber G. cit., S. 112. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM21\"></A>21. <EM>Steinert M.</EM> Hitlers Krieg und die Deutschen. Diisseldorf. 1970, S. 105. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM22\"></A>22. <EM>Ibid.</EM>, S. 106; Ausgewahite Briefe von </FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2>Generalmajor Helmuth Stieff. - Vierteljahreshefte fiir Zeitgeschichte, 1954, &#9552;. I, S. 300. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM23\"></A>23. <EM>Manoschek W.</EM> \"Serbien ist judenfrei\". Militarische Besatzungspolitik und Judenvemichtung in Serbien 1941/42. Munchen, 1993. S. 33. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM24\"></A>24. </FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><EM>Krausnik &#9552;.. Wilhelm &#9552;-&#9552;.</EM> cit., S. 79; Krausnik &#9552;. Hitlers Einsatztruppen. Die Truppen des Weltanschauungskrieges 1938-1942. Franfkurt a. M., 1985. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P><A NAME=\"BM25\"></A>25. In this connection it is necessary to mention documentary research of the Berlin historian of item. Kohl, which, obeying I call of conscience, with a microphone and notebook in hands has passed through former occupied regions of Belorussia and Russia, writing down the stories of the escaped eyewitnesses and victims of German crimes. <EM>Kohl P.</EM> \"Ich wundere mich, dap ich noch lebe\". Sowjetische Augenzeugen berichten. Glitersloh, 1990. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM26\"></A>26. <EM>Krausnik H.</EM> Hitlers Einsatztruppen, S. 178. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM27\"></A>27. <EM>Ibiden.</EM> </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM28\"></A>28. <EM>Ibiden.</EM> </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM29\"></A>29. <EM>Hillgruber A.</EM> Der Ostkrieg und die Judenvernichtung. - Der deutsche Uberfall aufdie Sowjetunion. S. 192. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM30\"></A>30. </FONT><FONT FACE=\"Times New Roman\" SIZE=2><EM>Bartov &#9580;. The</FONT></EM><FONT SIZE=2> Eastern Front and the Barbariization of Warfare. London, 1985. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM31\"></A>31. Der deutsche Uberfall aufdie Sowjetunion. S. 338-339. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM32\"></A>32. <EM>Heer H.</EM> Killing Fields. - Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944. Hamburg, 1995, S. 57-77. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM33\"></A>33. <EM>Idem.</EM> Die Logik des Vernichtungskrieges. Wehrmacht und Partisanenkampf. - <EM>Ibid.</EM>, S. 104-156. </P>
<P><A NAME=\"BM34\"></A>34. <EM>lbid.</EM>, S.120. </DIV></B></FONT></TD>


Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/20/2001 07:41PM
RE: June 22, 1941 George Roumbos 06/20/2001 07:52PM
RE: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/20/2001 08:46PM
RE: June 22, 1941 George Roumbos 06/20/2001 10:24PM
RE: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 04:21AM
RE: June 22, 1941 AZ 06/21/2001 05:20AM
RE: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 07:57AM
RE: June 22, 1941 Annelie 06/23/2001 08:29AM
addendum: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/20/2001 08:21PM
This is no place for speeches kurt 06/20/2001 09:20PM
RE: June 22, 1941 Ted Armstrong 06/21/2001 06:08AM
RE: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 07:48AM
That clean cut short back N sides Mr Nice Guy Dion Pauls 06/21/2001 07:42AM
RE: That clean cut short back N sides Mr Nice Guy Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 08:07AM
RE: That clean cut short back N sides Mr Nice Guy Walt 06/27/2001 01:55PM
RE: That clean cut short back N sides Mr Nice Guy Terry Andrews. 06/21/2001 11:46AM
RE: That clean cut short back N sides Mr Nice Guy Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 03:38PM
September 29, 1939 Steve Cooper 06/21/2001 04:08PM
RE: September 29, 1939 Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 04:36PM
RE: September 29, 1939 Steve Cooper 06/22/2001 01:32AM
RE: September 29, 1939 Yuri IL\'IN 06/22/2001 03:44AM
addendum #2 Yuri IL\'IN 06/21/2001 05:04PM
RE: addendum #2 adrian 06/22/2001 01:27AM
addendiom #3June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/22/2001 04:18AM
addendum #4 June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/22/2001 04:29AM
And this has what to do with u-boats? / 06/22/2001 04:35AM
RE: And this has what to do with u-boats? Rainer Bruns 06/22/2001 12:10PM
addendum #4 (German) Yuri IL\'IN 06/22/2001 10:54AM
RE: June 22, 1941 Stefko 06/22/2001 12:16PM
RE: June 22, 1941 Yuri IL\'IN 06/25/2001 04:51PM
RE: June 22, 1941 Walt 06/27/2001 01:50PM
addendum #5 and last Yuri IL\'IN 06/22/2001 08:57PM

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