General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
Fight back!
Posted by: John Griffiths ()
Date: June 23, 2001 09:41AM


I\'m right in the middle of reading through my batch of new books here:

Iron Coffins / Das Boot / Convoy / Hirschfeld / U-Boat Commander / Enigma U-Boats / U-Boats, illustrated history and Three Corvettes. The last one is the one I am stuck nose deep in right now. Yeah, I know...more money than sense!

In each, a glance shows that one thing mattered throughout the conflict on all sides. It was the glue that kept things together, the reaison d\'etre, the rationale and the reason - it was discipline.

If we, those of us who have a real passion for this forum and its subject, work together as a group then we can defeat the flamers. How?

By ignoring dodgy postings.
By refusing to rise to the bait of greyed out non-viable posters.
By standing together and using our own off forum e-mail address contact to determine whether a posed question is legitimate or not.

So, Kameraden! Do we stand as a group and try to steer the forum back on course?

Answers to the forum, unless you want to get to me via e-mail. At least that way I will know the ID of the poster is real and not a decoy!

I think it\'s time we broke the battle ensign out at the yard and went back to the fray all guns blazing!



Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
Fight back! John Griffiths 06/23/2001 09:41AM
RE: Fight back! MPC 06/23/2001 10:20AM
RE: Fight back! Tim 06/24/2001 03:18AM
RE: Fight back! Ted Agar 06/23/2001 06:05PM
RE: Fight back! Ted, Mike et al John Griffiths 06/23/2001 06:32PM
RE: Fight back! Ted, Mike et al Torlef 06/24/2001 05:25AM
RE: Fight back! Ted, Mike et al Vin 06/24/2001 05:53AM
RE: Dont blame me... MPC 06/24/2001 12:06PM
RE: Fight back! tony 06/24/2001 11:13AM
RE: Fight back! MPC 06/24/2001 11:41AM
RE: Fight back! Frank Blazich 06/24/2001 02:04PM
RE: Fight back! Tom Iwanski 06/24/2001 05:08PM
RE: Fight back! Johannes 06/24/2001 05:15PM
RE: Fight back! kurt 06/25/2001 07:38PM

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