General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity
Posted by: gavin ()
Date: June 30, 2001 12:17PM

<HTML>Mind you, if you had sugested at the time to any one of those infantrymen in the water that he had surrendered or was hors de combat he would have either strangled or knifed you. If you were lucky he would have kept you for subsequent torture and interogation then execution.If you were unlucky he would have castrated you and left you tied to a tree to scream for help. When your mates arrived they would have been shot by snipers castrated and tied to the true and so on. If you died you would be eaten!! this is the reality of the war in New Guinea. The UBOAT war has nothing to do with it.
Incidentally we forget that WW1 Germany thought poison gas was ok? When they stopped we did. Was gas ever OK? NO but for all you agression apologisists you better believe it will be used against you if you start it. After all this is the whole principle of MAD which all of NATO embraces!!.
And thats just human nature not the deliberate mass murder policies pursued by the OKW.



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Subject Written By Posted
TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities John Griffiths 06/28/2001 07:20PM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Gavin 06/29/2001 08:01AM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Walt 06/29/2001 10:08AM American, by any chance? FrancisI 06/29/2001 03:13PM
RE: American, by any chance? Walt 06/29/2001 03:38PM
RE: American, by any chance? Rainer Bruns 06/29/2001 04:47PM
RE: American, by any chance? Walt 06/29/2001 09:46PM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Rainer Bruns 06/29/2001 05:08PM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities FAlmeida 06/29/2001 05:55PM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Torlef 06/30/2001 03:04AM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities gavin 06/30/2001 04:08AM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Rich 06/30/2001 01:16PM
RE: TV Series Hell in the Pacific - Atrocities Walt 06/30/2001 02:42PM
killing the enemy is no atrocity kurt 06/30/2001 08:55AM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Dave McQueen 06/30/2001 11:58AM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity gavin 06/30/2001 12:17PM
eh?? Eric Petersen 06/30/2001 12:24PM
RE: eh?? gavin 06/30/2001 12:52PM
RE: eh?? Rich 06/30/2001 01:33PM
Whats your example Gavin? Dave McQueen 06/30/2001 01:44PM
Gavin made some excellent points Forest 06/30/2001 08:22PM
yes thanx Dave McQueen 06/30/2001 08:37PM
Sources Forest 07/01/2001 03:12AM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Walt 06/30/2001 02:56PM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Mike McCarthy 06/30/2001 06:09PM
Mike McCarthy: very good post Torlef 07/01/2001 05:23AM
RE: Mike McCarthy: very good post Walt 07/01/2001 11:59AM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Walt 07/01/2001 11:33AM
RE: killing the enemy is no VFW Walt 07/02/2001 10:56AM
RE: Add on to the VFW comment Walt 07/02/2001 06:27PM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity kurt 06/30/2001 02:38PM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Dave McQueen 06/30/2001 03:11PM
Disturbingly harsh, Kurt Dietzsch 06/30/2001 03:34PM
Do we need a Forum about war crimes? Rainer Kolbicz 06/30/2001 09:24PM
RE: killing the enemy is no atrocity Walt 06/30/2001 02:53PM
RE: killing the enemy - my POV? John Griffiths 06/30/2001 07:19PM
We seem to be getting wiser here. Tim 06/30/2001 10:52PM
RE: killing the enemy - my POV? Vin 07/01/2001 08:11AM
RE: killing the enemy - my POV? John Griffiths 07/01/2001 11:56AM
RE: killing the enemy -worn out! Walt 07/01/2001 01:52PM
RE: killing the enemy -worn out! Mike McCarthy 07/01/2001 03:15PM
RE: killing the enemy -worn out! Walt 07/02/2001 09:37AM
RE: killing the enemy- Time out! John Griffiths 07/02/2001 03:20PM

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