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Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz
Posted by: Michael Lowrey ()
Date: December 21, 2020 05:28AM

There is an oddity in Helmut Schmoeckel's career path, and it comes in 1938. He clearly entered as Crew 36, and was promoted to Fähnrich zur See on May 1, 1937. He's not listed though in the 1938 Rangliste. In the 1940 Rangliste, he's a Leutnant zur See as of August 1, 1939 (with Crew 1937a) with seniority of “14a”, indicating he was inserted into into the list.

In the 1941 Rangliste (date: June 1, 1941), he's still a Leutnant zur See. In the 1942 Rangliste, he listed as an Oberleutnant zur See (and of Crew 1936 again) with a promotion date of October 1, 1940, seniority of “21b”, again indicating he was inserted into the list retroactively. Schmoeckel's promotion to Kapitänleutnant is as expected given his promotion date to Oblt.z.S.

Best wishes,

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Subject Written By Posted
Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz jwmlex53 11/02/2020 06:45PM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz Urs Heßling 11/06/2020 01:23PM
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Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz Nigel Ling 11/26/2020 08:30PM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz Peter D 11/27/2020 05:50PM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz ARANTALES 11/27/2020 07:59PM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz Michael Lowrey 12/21/2020 05:28AM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz jwmlex53 01/22/2021 10:17PM
Re: Kaptlt. Helmut Schmoeckel freed from Dachau by Dönitz Michael Lowrey 01/25/2021 01:19PM

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