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This is the forum for Movie and Film discussions. Again, our topic is naval warfare in WWII for the most part. 
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP
Posted by: Volker Erich Kummrow ()
Date: October 09, 2002 10:56AM

<HTML>Hello Dietzsch,

please be pedantic, after all for a German in Holland to learn Dutch-spelling through a Dutch in Germany by corresponding in English via Internet, I mean how much more European can we get.

As far as my modest knowledge of history has it, all (continental) European kings at the end of the nineteenth century at the latest were ripped off their autonomous rule making powers; in the Netherlands in a High Court ruling in the Meerenburg case of 1879, followed by the revision of the Constitution in 1887. Our friends in the UK imlemented this idea of parliament being the only body with legaslative power hundreds of years earlier and kings refusing or failing to recognise this power, if bad came to worse just had their heads chopped off, admittingly a rather drastic but effective solution.

The only governmental power left to the kings (or head of states) was signing a law into effect or not if they had any objections. In other words had H come to whoever was king in the Weimarer Republoc in 1935, the Nuremberg-laws under his arm ready for signature, he would most likely had told him, why don't you just get lost. But that's just like Goethe said "Grau teurer Freund ist alle Theorie...."

Sincerely Yours
Volker Erich Kummrow</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
How often do you watch Das Boot? Wachoffizier 09/29/2002 02:36PM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? Io Chrysafidou 09/29/2002 04:39PM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? FUBAR 09/29/2002 05:36PM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? Dietzsch 10/01/2002 09:26AM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? Volker Erich Kummrow 10/01/2002 10:56AM
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Re: Altona ROBERT M. 10/05/2002 01:35AM
Re: Altona Dietzsch 10/07/2002 07:47AM
Re: Altona ROBERT M. 10/07/2002 11:18PM
Good -vs- bad? Nah. Dietzsch 10/08/2002 07:02AM
Re: Good -vs- bad? Nah. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/08/2002 09:32AM
Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP Dietzsch 10/08/2002 10:04AM
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP Volker Erich Kummrow 10/08/2002 02:03PM
Whose insanity? cate 10/08/2002 04:50PM
Re: Whose insanity? Volker Erich Kummrow 10/08/2002 05:46PM
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP Volker Erich Kummrow 10/09/2002 08:20AM
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP Dietzsch 10/09/2002 09:09AM
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP Volker Erich Kummrow 10/09/2002 10:56AM
Re: Prins Claus von Amsberg - RIP radiogaga80 05/23/2012 08:25PM
Re: Good -vs- bad? Nah. ROBERT M. 10/09/2002 02:52AM
Re: Good -vs- bad? Nah. cate 10/09/2002 06:24AM
Undaunted spirit Dietzsch 10/09/2002 08:37AM
Re: Undaunted spirit Volker Erich Kummrow 10/09/2002 11:13AM
Re: Undaunted spirit Dietzsch 10/10/2002 09:13AM
Re: Undaunted spirit ROBERT M. 10/11/2002 12:08AM
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Re: Undaunted spirit Barry Scully 10/10/2002 11:59AM
Re: How Often do you watch Das Boot Barry Scully 10/10/2002 12:05PM
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Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? radiogaga80 05/23/2012 08:22PM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? theresap 05/25/2012 03:40PM
Re: How often do you watch Das Boot? radiogaga80 05/25/2012 06:55PM

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