Italian submarines in World War Two

Italian Commanders

Umberto De Julio

Born  27 Jun 1912Naples
Died  Jun 1943(30)Killed in action


  T.V.Tenente di Vascello


9 Feb 1942 Medaglia d'argento al valore militare
9 Feb 1942 Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare

Career information

VETTOR PISANI (T.V. First Officer): from 15.02.1940 to ?
BARBARIGO (T.V. First Officer): Ca. January 1941 to ?
From 17.09.1942 to at least January 1943, served at 2° GRUPSOM.
PLATINO (T.V. resp.): from 22.11.1942 to 23.12.1942 (refit at Naples).
BARBARIGO (T.V. C.O.): from 07.05.1943 to 20.06.1943? (Sunk, De Julio was killed).

Commands listed for Umberto De Julio

Submarine Type Rank From To
Platino (PT)Coastal / Sea goingT.V.22 Nov 194223 Dec 1942
Barbarigo (BO, I.15)Ocean goingT.V.7 May 194320 Jun 1943

Ships hit by Umberto De Julio

No ships hit by this Commander.

War patrols listed for Umberto De Julio

 SubmarineDateTimePortArr. dateArr. timeArr. portMilesDescription
Platino (PT)22 Nov 1942Naples22 Nov 1942NaplesAt Naples. Change in command.

1.Barbarigo (BO, I.15)16 Jun 19431000Le Verdon20 Jun 1943Sunk with all handsSailed for Singapore with Luigi Torelli and Ammiraglio Cagni escorted out by Sperrbrecher 5 and the German minesweepers M 262 and M 271. She had been transformed to a transport submarine: both 102-mm deck guns fore and aft of the conning tower were exchanged with single-barrel German type C38 20-mm A/A-guns and the attack periscope was removed. In addition, the ammunition magazines were turned into additional fuel tanks and a great part of the on-board comforts, including one of the toilets, were now used as cargo space. Barbarigo carried 130 tons of stores and passengers Colonel Gondo (former Military Attaché Assistant in Italy) and Colonel Miura (Medical Officer). At 1415, they reached point "Gabel" (German Grid BF 9312 or 45°33' N, 01°42' W) where the Sperrbrecher left them to return to Royan. They proceeded through the "Handgepäck" way to Point "Hand" (Grid BF 9281 or 44°57' N, 02°38' W). Between 1720 and 1840 hors, the submarines carried out test dives. Cagni who had defects had to turn back escorted by the minesweepers. Torelli and Barbarigo then proceeded independently. Probably sunk by air attack on 20 June 1943 or later. Six officers, forty-seven ratings and two passengers killed, no survivors. Our thanks to Dr. Axel Niestlé who provided additional details.
  20 Jun 1943
1637 (e)

(e) 45° 28'N, 9° 31'W
At 1637 hours, Whitley 'J' (EB399) (Pilot Officer R.H. Orr) of 10 OTU (Operational Training Unit) Squadron from St. Eval, sighted a submarine on a SW (outbound) course. The bomber attacked from the starboard beam of the submarine, releasing a stick of six depth charges from 75 feet. The rear gunner saw the stick undershoot, exploding well short. Another aircraft was now observed approaching and carrying out an attack during which it was observed to crash in flames.

This aircraft was Whitley 'L' (LA814) of the same squadron, piloted by Flight Sergeant Harry Martin. It attacked at 1640 hours and was witnessed by bomber 'J' and three Halifaxes of 58 Squadron to approach from a low height and release a stick of six depth charges as the U-boat turned to port. The stick was observed by 'J' to slightly undershoot, the last depth charge falling just short of the U-boat's stern. Though no flak was observed from the submarine, the Whitley was seen to be trailing smoke following the attack. It caught fire, crashing into the sea. There were no survivors of the six man crew. The submarine then dived apparently normally.

Could this have been Barbarigo? Was she perhaps mortally wounded? She disappeared without a trace. T.V. Umberto De Julio, five officers and forty-seven ratings and the two Japanese passengers were missing. Our thanks to Dr. Axel Niestlé for additional details.

2 entries. 2 total patrol entries (1 marked as war patrols) and 1 events.

Italian Commanders

Italian Submarines