Alessandro Stea
Born | 10 Oct 1914 | | Naples |
Died | 31 Mar 1941 | (26) | Killed in action |

| Ranks | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello |
Decorations7 Nov 1941 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare (posthumous) |
Career information
PIER CAPPONI (First Officer): from 16.02.1940 to 31.03.1941 (sunk, Stea was killed).
Commands listed for Alessandro Stea
Submarine |
Type |
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From |
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Ships hit by Alessandro Stea
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Alessandro Stea
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
0 entries. 0 total patrol entries (0 marked as war patrols) and 0 events.