Augusto Biagini

| Ranks | | S.T.V. | Sottotenente di Vascello | | | T.V. | Tenente di Vascello |
Decorations9 Apr 1942 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare | 17 Aug 1942 | | Medaglia di bronzo al valore militare |
Career information
MOROSINI (S.T.V. officer): from 10.05.1940 to April 1942?
Promoted T.V. on ?
GIUSEPPE FINZI (T.V. First Officer): from 20.05.1942 to ?
S.2 (T.V. C.O.): from 04.07.1943? to 09.09.1943 (working up at Danzig).
Joined RSI.
Commands listed for Augusto Biagini
Submarine |
Type |
Rank |
From |
To |
S 2 () | Sea going | T.V. | 4 Jul 1943 | 8 Sep 1943 |
Ships hit by Augusto Biagini
No ships hit by this Commander.
War patrols listed for Augusto Biagini
| Submarine | Date | Time | Port | Arr. date | Arr. time | Arr. port | Miles | Description |
| S 2 () | 4 Jul 1943 | | Danzig | 4 Jul 1943 | | Danzig | | Entered service. |
| S 2 () | 30 Jul 1943 | | Danzig | 30 Jul 1943 | | Danzig | | Last day of trials. Then carried out exercises off the Hel Peninsula. |
| S 2 () | 9 Sep 1943 | | Danzig | 9 Sep 1943 | | Danzig | | Torpedo exercises. Interrupted by two German torpedo boats who escorted her back to port where they were disarmed. Seized by the Germans at the Armistice. Did not carry out patrols. Scuttled on 5th May 1945. |
3 entries. 3 total patrol entries (0 marked as war patrols) and 0 events.