Ships hit by U-boats

Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats


American steam merchant

Tachirá under her former name Antonio. Photo courtesy of State Library of New South Wales

This is a listing of people associated with this ship.
We also have a detailed page on the American steam merchant Tachirá.

Aboard Tachirá when hit on 12 Jul 1942

You can click on any of the names for possible additional information

NameAgeRankServed on
AmericanAideem, Burt Reginald, Merchant MarineAble SeamanTachirá +
AmericanGram, Sverre Mordale, Merchant MarineMasterTachirá
AmericanHumble, Richard Allison, Merchant MarineAble SeamanTachirá +
AmericanKnopf, Edward Ervin, USNSeaman Second ClassTachirá
AmericanLaney, James Henry, USNSeaman Second ClassTachirá
AmericanMcClave, Wayne Barney, USNSeaman Second ClassTachirá +
AmericanReynolds, Jack Earl, Merchant MarineFireman/WiperTachirá +
AmericanSuarez, Jose, Merchant MarineFirst Assistant EngineerTachirá +

8 persons found.

Served on indicates the ships we have listed for the person, some were stationed on multiple ships hit by U-boats.

People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.