Aal | Nickname for torpedo (eel). |
Agru-Front | (Ausbildungsgruppe für Front-U-Boote). Active service training unit for U-boat crew |
AK | Äusserste Kraft (voraus). Command for "full speed". |
Alarm | Emergency dive order on a U-boat. |
Alberich | Rubber coating to protect U-boats from ASDIC. First used on U-67 in 1941. |
Aphrodite | (FuMT 30) Radar decoy device. |
As | Famous U-boat commander (Ace). |
Asto | (Admiralstabsoffizier). Staff officer at BdU. From Nov 1941 to May 1945 the 1. Asto/BdU was Fregkpt. Hessler (former Com. U-107). |
Athos | (FuMB 35) An advanced radar detection device. |
Atlantiksender | KM nickname for Deutsche Kurzwellensender Atlantik, a bogus Wehrmacht radio station targetted at U-boat crews and used by British Naval Intelligence to disseminate 'black' (active) propaganda from 1943. |
Ato | Atmosphärisch getriebener Torpedo (also A-Torpedo) A compressed-air-driven torpedo. |
Aussteigen | Evacuation of the U-boat in an emergency. |
B-Dienst | (Beobachtungsdienst). Radio transmission monitoring service. |
Bachstelze | A man-carrying autogyro kite used on Type IXD U-boats to increase visual range. Bachstelze is the German name for a river bird, Motacilla alba alba, "White Wagtail" in English. |
Backbord | Port |
Bali I | Schnorkel-mounted FuMB 29 radar detector antenna. |
Baubelehrung | U-boat construction familiarisation. The crew were posted to a new U-boat during construction for this purpose. |
BdU | Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote Commander-in-Chief of U-boats, Karl Dönitz from 19 September, 1939. |
Berlin | (FuMO 84) An advanced radar detection device. |
Betasom | Italian submarine command based at Bordeaux. |
Biber | One man midget submarine. (beaver). |
Biene | Nickname for aircraft (bee). |
Biskaya-Kreuz | (FuMB 1) Nickname for the first radar detection device (Biscay Cross), see also Metox. |
Blechkoller | A form of nervous tension that could be caused by depth charge attacks which resulted in violence or hysteria. ("tin fright"). |
Bold | An Asdic/Sonar deception device consisting of a canister which produced a mass of bubbles of the same size as a U-boat. (from "kobold" a mythical troll that helps seamen), |
Borkum | (FuMB 10) A radar detection device. (East Frisian island). |
BRT | Bruttoregistertonne Gross register ton (also as GRT). |
Bugraum | Compartment in the bows of the U-boat used for ratings accommodation (Bow room). |
Bundesmarine | The German Navy from 1848 - 1852 and again after 1956. |
Cypern | (FuMB 9) A radar detection device. See also "Wanze" W-ANZ G 2 (Cyprus). |
Delphin | Midget submarine (dolphin) |
Dreisternemeldung | (Verlustmeldung) Casualty report. |
Druckkörper | Pressure hull. |
E-Mixer | Nickname for electrical engineering rating. |
Einbaum | Nickname for the type II U-boat.(dugout canoe) |
Eisernes Kreuz | Iron Cross. |
Elektroboot | Type XXI and XXIII U-boat. |
Enigma | The Wehrmacht cipher machine. |
ES | Erkennungssignal Recognition signal given by flags, signal lamp or signal pistol (the latter was usual for U-boats). |
Etmal | The distance a U-boat travelled in 24 hours (from noon to noon). |
Eto | Elektrischer Torpedo Electrically propelled torpedo. |
Fächer | The simultaneous launch of two or more torpedoes. (Fan shot) |
Fähnrich z. See | Officer Cadet |
Falke | Acoustic homing torpedo T 4. (Falcon). |
Fangschuß | Final torpedo which sinks the vessel. ("final shot" coup de grâce). |
FAT | Flächenabsuchender Torpedo A torpedo that was capable of running in pre-programmed patterns and loops. |
FdU | Führer der Unterseeboote Commander of U-boats. |
Feger | Nickname for destroyer. (sweeper). |
Feindfahrt | Active service patrol. (enemy patrol) |
Flak | (From FLieger-Abwehr-Kanone) Anti-Aircraft gun, anti-aircraft fire. |
Fliebo | (From Fliegerbombe) Aircraft bomb. |
Fliege | (FuMB 24) A radar detector. (fly). |
Flottille | Flotilla. |
Frontboot | U-boat which had finished all training courses and was part of an active service flotilla. |
FT | Funktelegramm Radio message. |
FuMB | FUnk-Mess-Beobachtung Radar detection. |
FuMO | FUunk-Mess-Ortung Radar. (RadioDetection). |
Funker | Radio operator. |
Funkraum | Radio room. |
Funkspruch | Radio message. |
G 7a | Geradlaufapparat 7 (meters length) a (atmosphärisch) A compressed air propelled torpedo. |
G 7e | Geradlaufapparat 7(meters length) e (elektrisch) Electrically propelled torpedo. |
Geheim | Secret (used for documents etc). |
GeKDos | (Geheime Kommandosache) Top Secret. |
Geleitzug | (also Geleit) Convoy. |
GHG | GruppenHorchGerät Hydrophone underwater sound detector. |
Goldbutt | (also Goldfisch) Codename for the torpedo G 5ut. Intended for the Walther U-boats. |
Goliath | Codename for the Kriegsmarine long wave radio station at Kalbe near Magdeburg. Used by BdU to maintain contact with long range U-boats. (17 pylons between 170 and 200m high). This station's signals could be received at a depth of 25m (82ft) |
Hagenuk | (FuMB 9) A radar dedector (see also Wanze) (Acronym for Hanseatic apparatus company Neufeldt and Kuhnke |
Hakenkreuz | Swastika. |
Halsschmerzen | "Knights Cross fever". (sore or "itching" throat). |
Hartmut | Codename for German U-boat operations during the invasion of Norway. |
Hecht | Midget submarine (pike). |
Heizer | Stoker (engine room rating). |
Hohentwiel | (FuMo 61 and 65). A radar device. |
Horchraum | Sound detection room. |
I WO | Erster Wachoffizier First Watch Officer. |
II LI | Zweiter Ingenieur Second Engineering Officer. |
II WO | Zweiter Wachoffizier Second Watch Officer. |
III WO | Dritter Wach-Offizier Third Watch Officer (as a rule the "Obersteuermann"). |
Kaiserliche Marine | The German Navy between 1871 - 1919. |
Kaleu | (also Kaleun or Kaleunt). Abbreviation for "Kapitänleutnant" |
Kaleu | Kapitänleutnant (also Kaleun or Kaleunt). |
Kaptlt. | Kapitänleutnant (also Kl, KL, Kptlt.) Lieutenant Commander. |
Kimm | The visual horizon. |
Klappbuchse | Nickname for signal lamp (Aldis), also "Varta-Lampe". |
Kolcher | Nickname for small ship. |
Kolibri | The U-boat crews favourite cologne. |
Kommandant | Commander. |
Kommandanten-schiesslehrgang | U-boat commanding officer course, equivalent to RN "Perisher" (Periscope School) or USN PCO (Prospective Commanding Officers) Course. |
Kommissbrot | Hard black Kriegsmarine issue bread. |
Konfirmant | Nickname for prospective U-boat commander on instructional patrol. (confirmand). |
Koralle | The Codename for Admiral Doenitz HQ located near Berlin December 1943 - August 1945. |
Korvkpt. | Korvettenkapitän Commander (also KK). |
Kriegsmarine | The German Navy between 1935 - 1945. |
Kriegstagebuch | (KTB) Log Book (War diary). |
KTB | Kriegstagebuch Log Book. (war diary). |
Kurzsignal | A very short radio signal. |
LI | Leitender Ingenieur Chief Engineering Officer. |
Ltnt. z. S. | Leutnant zur See Lieutenant (also L, Ltn. or Lt.). |
Luftwaffe | German Air Force 1935 - 1945. |
LUT | Lagenunabhängiger Torpedo A torpedo that could be preset to steer itself on a particular bearing. |
Mücke | (FuMB 25) A radar detector. (Gnat) |
Mülltonnen | Nickname for (depth charges) often used by seamen. (garbage cans). |
Mündungsklappen | Torpedo tube bow caps. |
Maat | Petty officer. |
Mahalla | Nickname for convoys. |
Malings | U-boat conning tower emblems. (pictures, as in cartoons or "funny pictures" |
Marder | One man midget submarine based on torpedo (see Midget U-boats). |
Matrose | Seaman. |
Metox | A radar detection device (FuMB 1). (French manufacturer). |
Milchkuh | A nickname for the type XIV supply U-boat. (milch cow). |
Mine | A mine. |
Mixer | Nickname for the torpedo-mechanics. |
MND | Marine-Nachrichten-Dienst German naval radio intelligence service. |
Monsunboote | U-boats that operated in the Far East and the Indian Ocean. |
Naxos | (FuMB 28). An advanced radar detection device. |
Neger | One man semi-submersible craft based on a torpedo. (See Midget U-boats). |
Nibelung | An advanced sonar device on Type XXI U-boats (also called S-Anlage). |
ObdM | Oberbefehlshaber der Marine Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. |
Oblt. z. S. | Oberleutnant zur See Lieutenant (also OL, Oblnt. z. S.). |
OKM | Oberkommando der Marine Naval High Command, equivalent of British Admiralty. |
OKW | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht High Command of the Armed Forces. |
Papenberg | Depth meter for fine trimming, named after its inventor (a WWI U-boat engineer). |
Pastorius | Codename for an espionage mission in which U-202 and U-548 put ashore eight agents on the US east coast in June 1942. |
Paukenschlag | Operation Drumbeat against allied shipping in US and Caribbean waters during the first half of 1942. |
Peter | Codename for a mine-laying operation by U-589 in the Arctic Sea in August 1942. |
Pillenwerfer | Ejector system for launching Bold anti-sonar device. (pill thrower). |
Reichsmarine | The German Navy between 1919 - 1935. |
Ritterkreuz | Knight's Cross (of the Iron Cross). |
Rohr | (also Torpedorohr) Torpedo tube. |
Rosengarten | Nickname for the Allied minefield west of Norway between Iceland and Scotland. (The suggestion being that it's prickly to get through, and the roses can bloom (explode) at any time). |
Rudel | (Wolf)-pack |
Samos | (FuMB 4). An early radar detection device. (Greek island) |
Schlüssel M | German Navy cypher code. |
Schleichfahrt | Silent running. |
Schlicktown | Nickname for Wilhelmshaven. (sludge town). |
Seehund | Midget submarine with two-man crew. |
Seekuh | Nickname for large Type IX U-boats (Sea Cow). |
Seerohr | Periscope. (sea pipe) |
Seetakt | (FuMO 29). An early radar device. |
SKL | Seekriegsleitung German Supreme Naval Command. |
Soldatensender Calais | British radio station used for passive (accurate news) propaganda targetted at the U-boat force. |
Sonderführer | Special officer. Specialists or technical experts given officer status without officer training. Lothar-Günther Buchheim, author of "Das Boot", was made a Sonderführer-Leutnant as a war correspondent. |
Spargel | Nickname for the periscope (asparagus). |
Spiegelei | Nickname for the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (fried egg). |
Steuerbord | Starboard. |
T 5 | Codename for the acoustic torpedo (homing weapon). |
Tauchretter | Escape apparatus (life jacket with respirator), equivalent of British DESA or US Momsen Lung. |
Tauchtanks | U-boat saddle tanks, used when submerging. |
TEK | Torpedo-Erprobungs-Kommando Torpedo proving section. |
Tiefenruder | Hydroplanes. |
Tunis | (FuMB 26). An advanced radar detection device. (North African city) |
TVA | Torpedo-Versuchs-Anstalt Experimental torpedo section |
U-Boot Päckchen | Nickname for two-piece leather work clothing . |
U-Boot-Frontspange | U-boat decoration awarded from 1944. |
U-Bootkriegsabzeichen | U-boat decoration usually awarded after two patrols. |
UA | U-boat built for Turkey between 1938-1939 as Batiray, but taken into German service as UA 21 Sept, 1939. |
UAA | Unterseeboots-Ausbildung-Abteilung Section responsible for training U-boat crew. |
UAK | Unterseeboots-Abnahme-Kommando Unit which took over and commissioned newly constructed U-boats from the shipyards. |
UB | The former British submarine HMS Seal. Commissioned into the Kriegsmarine as UB. |
UC | Former Norwegian submarines. |
UD | Former Dutch submarines. |
UF | Former French submarines. |
UIT | Former Italian submarines. |
UJ | Unterseeboots-Jäger German submarine chasers, often converted trawlers. |
ULD | U-Boots-Lehr-Division U-boats training division. |
UT | Unterwasser-Telefonie Device for communicating with U-boats or surface vessels while submerged.(underwater telephone). |
UZO | U-Boot-Ziel-Optik U-boat target optic (aiming binoculars). |
Valentin | U-boat bunker near Bremen, Germany. |
VO | Verwaltungsoffizier Administrative officer. |
Vorhalterechner | Electro-mechanical deflection calculator; generated attack coordinates for the torpedoes. |
Wabos | Abbreviation of Wasserbomben (depth charges). |
Waffen | Weapons. |
Wanze | (FuMB 9 - more correctly W-Anz [Wellenanzeiger] A radar detection device. (bedbug). |
Werft | shipyard. |
Werftgrandi | Nickname for shipyard-workers. |
Wintergarten | Nickname for U-boat's anti-aircraft platform. See U-boat Flak. |
Zaunkönig | Nickname for acoustic torpedo T 5. (Wren). |
Zentrale | U-boat control room. |
180 entries located
Abbrevations |
Commander nicknames |
Special thanks to Bob Connolly for language editing and additions.