Allied Warships

HMS Colombo (D 89)

Light cruiser of the Carlisle class

HMS Colombo in June 1943 as AA cruiser

NavyThe Royal Navy
TypeLight cruiser
PennantD 89 
Built byFairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. (Govan, Scotland) 
OrderedJul 1917 
Laid down8 Dec 1917 
Launched18 Dec 1918 
Commissioned18 Jun 1919 
End service21 Jun 1945 

Converted to Anti-Aircraft cruiser between June 1942 and March 1943.
Armament was modified to;
6 4" AA guns (3x2)
4 40mm AA (2x2)
14 20mm AA (6x2, 2x1)

Placed in reserve on 21 June 1945 but probably used as accomodion ship from then on. Sold to be broken up for scrap on 22 January 1948.
Scrapped by Cashmore, Newport arriving on 13 May 1948.


Commands listed for HMS Colombo (D 89)

Please note that we're still working on this section
and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Commodore 2nd cl. Richard James Rodney Scott, RN31 Jul 19398 Feb 1940
2Capt. Charles Alfred Evelyn Stanfield, RN8 Feb 194028 Aug 1941
3Capt. Cecil Charles Acland Allen, RN28 Aug 194121 Apr 1942
4Capt. William Power Carne, RN21 Apr 194211 Jun 1942

5Capt. Derrick Henry Hall-Thompson, RN20 Feb 194316 Jan 1944
6Capt. Herbert Wyndham Williams, RN16 Jan 194411 Apr 1944
7Capt. Christopher Theodore Jellicoe, DSO, DSC, RN11 Apr 194416 Dec 1944
8A/Capt. Kenneth Mark Lefebre Robinson, RN16 Dec 194423 May 1945
9T/A/Lt.Cdr. Joseph Sidey, RNVR23 May 194521 Jun 1945
10A/Capt. George Lee-Morris, RNVRmid 1945late 1945

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Notable events involving Colombo include:

The page dealing with the wartime history of HMS Colombo was created in June 2023.

The page of HMS Colombo was last revised (also) in June 2023.

25 Aug 1939
Around 1430/25, the light cruiser HMS Dauntless (Capt. G.D. Moore, RAN) departed Portsmouth. At sea she joined the passenger/cargo ship Dunera (11162 GRT, built 1937) to escort her to Gibraltar.

Around 2000/25, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Plymouth to join HMS Dauntless and Dunera which she did around 2315/25.

Around 1800/26, they were joined by the heavy cruiser HMS Exeter (Capt. F.S. Bell, RN, flying the flag of Commodore H.H. Harwood, OBE, RN) which remained with HMS Dauntless, HMS Colombo and the Dunera until around 1330/28.

HMS Dauntless, HMS Colombo and the Dunera arrived at Gibraltar around 0630/29. (1)

3 Sep 1939
HMS Capetown (Capt. T.H. Back, RN) and HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Gibraltar to patrol in company with each other between Portugal and the Azores. (2)

12 Sep 1939
HMS Capetown (Capt. T.H. Back, RN) and HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) returned to Gibraltar from patrol. (2)

15 Sep 1939
Around 0715A/15, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Gibraltar for Casablanca where she arrived around 1830A/15. (3)

16 Sep 1939
Around 1550A/16, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Casablanca for Gibraltar where she arrived around 0700A/17. (3)

26 Sep 1939

Convoy HG 1.

This convoy departed Gibraltar on 26 September 1939.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; British Engineer (British (tanker), 6993 GRT, built 1922), British Science (British (tanker), 7138 GRT, built 1931), Calchas (British, 10304 GRT, built 1921), Carelia (British (tanker), 8062 GRT, built 1938), City of Adelaide (British, 6589 GRT, built 1920), City of Dunkirk (British, 5861 GRT, built 1912), Clearpool (British, 5405 GRT, built 1935), Dilwara (British, 11080 GRT, built 1936), Estrellano (British, 1982 GRT, built 1920), Fabian (British, 3059 GRT, built 1919), Gabbiano (Italian, 6567 GRT, built 1923), Ilvington Court (British, 5187 GRT, built 1919), Jurko Topic (Yugoslavian, 5202 GRT, built 1919), Kioto (British, 3297 GRT, built 1918), Largs Bay (British, 14182 GRT, built 1921), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Mahratta (British, 6990 GRT, built 1917), Maja (British (tanker), 8181 GRT, built 1931), Makalla (British, 6677 GRT, built 1918), P.L.M. 22 (French, 5646 GRT, built 1921), P.L.M. 25 (French, 5461 GRT, built 1922), Palistinian Prince (British, 1960 GRT, built 1936), Stentor (British, 6148 GRT, built 1926) and Westbury (British, 4712 GRT, built 1928).

The RFA tankers Abbeydale (8299 GRT, built 1937), Aldersdale (8402 GRT, built 1937), Serbol (2668 GRT, built 1918) were also part of the convoy.

On departure from Gibraltar the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser Colombo and the destroyers HMS Grenville (Capt. G.E. Creasy, MVO, RN), HMS Gipsy (Lt.Cdr. N.J. Crossley, RN), HMS Grenade (Cdr. R.C. Boyle, RN), HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, RN) and Blyskawica (Kmdr.por. (Cdr.) W.A. Kodrebski-Poraj).

Around 2200A/26, the British destroyers parted company to return to Gibraltar.

Around 2000A/28, ORP Blyskawica was detached to proceed to Plymouth.

On 29 September, the RFA tanker Aldersdale was detached to Trinidad where she arrived on 10 October 1939. Also one of the two French ships and the Gabbiano straggled from the convoy and did not rejoin.

Around 1400A/3, the destroyers HMS Imogen (Cdr. E.B.K. Stevens, RN), i>HMS Imperial (Lt.Cdr. W. Kitcat, RN), HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. P.L. Saumarez, RN) and HMS Isis (Cdr. J.C. Clouston, RN) joined the convoy.

On 4 October it was noticed that three more merchant vessels had straggled from the convoy during the night, these were the Clearpool, Ilvington Court and Westbury. The Ilvington Court however rejoined around 0900A/4.

At 1200A/4, the convoy split and the section which was to proceed up the Irish Sea towards Liverpool parted company escorted by HMS Imogen and HMS Ilex.

The remainder of the convoy set course for the English Channel.

On 5 October the Westbury rejoined the Channel section of the convoy.

Around 1400A/5, the destroyers HMS Intrepid (Cdr. J.W. Josselyn, RN) and HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, RAN) joined the Channel section of the convoy. HMS Colombo, HMS Imperial, HMS Isis and the RFA tanker Abbeydale were then detached to Plymouth where they arrived around 1700A/5.

The Liverpool section with HMS Imogen and HMS Ilex arrived there around 1300A/6.

The Channel section proceeded to the Downs escorted by HMS Intrepid and HMS Echo. These two destroyers arrived at Dover on 6 October 1939. (4)

6 Oct 1939
HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) is taken in hand for repairs at the Devonport Dockyard. (5)

11 Oct 1939
Around 1115A/11, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Plymouth for Scapa Flow where she arrived around 0830A/13. (5)

14 Oct 1939
Around 0800A/14 HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Kirkwall where she arrived around 1530A/14. (5)

17 Oct 1939
Around 1330A/17 HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Kirkwall for Sullom Voe where she arrived around 0815A/18. (5)

19 Oct 1939
Around 1645A/19, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Sullom Voe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol west of the Faeroer Islands. (5)

25 Oct 1939
Around 15400A/25, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Sullom Voe from patrol. (5)

25 Oct 1939
Around 1700A/27, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Sullom Voe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol west of the Faeroer Islands. (5)

1 Nov 1939
The Norwegian merchant vessel Mim (4996 GRT, built 1938) grounded on Reef Dyke, North Ronaldsay. On board was an armed guard from HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN), which she had put onboard around 1430A/30. The ship, with a cargo of grain, was en route from Adelaide, Australia to Vaksdal, Norway had been ordered to proceed to Kirkwall for contraband inspection. The ship was wrecked the next day.

3 Nov 1939
Around 1130A/3, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Sullom Voe from patrol. (6)

4 Nov 1939
Around 0800A/4, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Sullom Voe to search for a missing aircraft.

Around 1030A/4, she was ordered to abandon the search and return to Sullom Voe where she arrived around 1245A/4. (6)

7 Nov 1939
Around 0835A/7, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Sullom Voe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol west of the Faeroer Islands. (6)

12 Nov 1939
Around 1300A/12, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) returned to Sullom Voe from patrol. (6)

14 Nov 1939
Around 1215A/14, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Sullom Voe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol the Iceland - Faeroer gap. (6)

17 Nov 1939
Around 1030A/17, the German merchant vessel Henning Oldendorff (3986 GRT, built 1916), posing as a Soviet merchant vessel, is captured south-east of Iceland in position 63°00'N, 10°45'W by the British light cruiser HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN).

The German ship was en-route from Huelva, Spain, which she had departed on 2 November 1939, to Germany.

She was taken to Kirkwall by the boarding party and was later renamed British Industry in British service. She was sunk by the German battlecruiser Gneisenau in the North Atlantic on 16 March 1941 while en-route, in ballast, from Hartepool to Galvaston, USA.

20 Nov 1939
Around 1230Z/20, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Loch Ewe from patrol. (6)

23 Nov 1939
Around 1630Z/14, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Loch Ewe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south of the Faeroer islands but before arriving in that area she is ordered to patrol further to the east, to the north-east of the Shetland Islands. (6)

23 Nov 1939

Sinking of the armed merchant cruiser HMS Rawalpindi

Around midday on 21 November 1939 the German battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, escorted by the light cruisers Köln and Leipzig and the destroyers Z 11 / Bernd von Arnim, Z 12 / Erich Giese and Z 20 / Karl Galster, departed Wilhelmshaven for a raid into the North Atlantic, this was to relieve the pressure of the pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee operating in the South Atlantic. Late on the 21st the escorts left the battlecruisers.

Just after 1500A/23 the British armed merchant cruiser HMS Rawalpindi (Capt.(Retd.) E.C. Kennedy, RN) sighted the Scharnhorst. Rawalpindi was part of the British Northern Patrol and was stationed south-east of Iceland in the Iceland-Faroe gap. Captain Kennedy at first tried to get away from the German ship and report to the Admiralty that he sighted the German pocket battleship Deutschland, still believed to be operating in the North Atlantic, and so as to buy time so that other ships of the Northern patrol could come to his assistance. Just after 1600 hours, Rawalpindi came within range of the Scharnhorst and was quickly reduced to a flaming wreck. During this engagement Scharnhorst was hit by a 6in shell from Rawalpindi causing only light damage. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau together picked up 27 survivors from the Rawalpindi which finally sank around 2000 hours.

The British light cruiser HMS Newcastle (Capt J. Figgins, RN), that was also part of the Northern Patrol, picked up Rawalpindi's signal and closed the scene. She sighted the Gneisenau but the Germans managed to escape in the fog.

The Admiralty also thought the ship sighted by Rawalpindi and Newcastle was the Deutschland that was trying to return to Germany. In response to the sighting and destruction of the Rawalpindi the Admiralty took immediate action;
The battleships HMS Nelson (Capt. G.J.A. Miles, RN, flying the flag of Admiral J.M. Forbes, KCB, DSO, RN) HMS Rodney (Capt. F.H.G. Dalrymple-Hamilton, RN) and the heavy cruiser HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN) escorted by the destroyers HMS Faulknor (Capt. C.S. Daniel, RN), HMS Fame (Cdr. P.N. Walter, RN), HMS Firedrake (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Norris, RN), HMS Foresight (Lt.Cdr. G.T. Lambert, RN), HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN), HMS Fortune (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, RN) and HMS Fury (Cdr. G.F. Burghard, RN) departed the Clyde around 1930A/23 to patrol of Norway to cut off the way to Germany for the Deutschland.

The light cruisers HMS Southampton (Capt. F.W.H. Jeans, CVO, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral G.F.B. Edward-Collins, CB, KCVO, RN), HMS Edinburgh (Capt. F.C. Bradley, RN) and HMS Aurora (Capt. G.B. Middleton, RN) escorted by the destroyers HMS Afridi (Capt. G.H. Creswell, DSC, RN), HMS Gurkha (Cdr. F.R. Parham, RN), HMS Bedouin (Cdr. J.A. McCoy, RN), HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, RN) and HMS Isis (Cdr. J.C. Clouston, RN) departed Rosyth to patrol between the Orkney and Shetland islands.

Light cruiser HMS Sheffield (Capt. E. de F. Renouf, CVO, RN) was sent from Loch Ewe to the last known position of the German ship(s).

On northern patrol, south of the Faroes were the light cruisers HMS Caledon (Capt. C.P. Clark, RN), HMS Cardiff (Capt. P.K. Enright, RN) and HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN). These were joined by HMS Dunedin (Capt. C.E. Lambe, CVO, RN) and HMS Diomede (Commodore E.B.C. Dicken, OBE, DSC, RN).

Of the ships of the Denmark strait patrol, the heavy cruisers HMS Suffolk (Capt. J.W. Durnford, RN) and HMS Norfolk (Capt. A.G.B. Wilson, MVO, DSO, RN) were ordered to proceed to the Bill Bailey Bank (to the south-west of the Faroe Islands).

The light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. F.H. Pegram, RN) escorted by the destroyers HMS Maori (Cdr. G.N. Brewer, RN) and HMS Zulu (Cdr. J.S. Crawford, RN) were already at sea patrolling north-east of the Shetlands were to be joined by the destroyers HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, RN), HMS Imperial (Lt.Cdr. W. Kitcat, RN), HMS Impulsive (Lt.Cdr. W.S. Thomas, RN) and HMS Imogen (Cdr. E.B.K. Stevens, RN).

The light cruisers HMS Calypso (Capt. N.J.W. William-Powlett, DSC, RN) and HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) were stationed off Kelso Light to act as a night attack striking force. The destroyers HMS Somali (Capt. R.S.G. Nicholson, DSC, RN), HMS Ashanti (Cdr. W.G. Davis, RN), HMS Mashona (Cdr. P.V. McLaughlin, RN) and HMS Punjabi (Cdr. J.T. Lean, RN) had just departed Belfast on escort duties. They were ordered to join Admiral Forbes. The ships they were escorting were ordered to return to Belfast.

The destroyers HMS Tartar (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Holland-Martin, RN), HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, RN) and HMS Kashmir (Cdr. H.A. King, RN) departed Scapa Flow with orders to locate and shadow the German ships. HMS Tartar however had to return to Scapa Flow the next day due to a damaged rudder. The other two destroyers were ordered to join HMS Aurora which was to form a strike group of destroyers.

Despite the British effort to intercept the German ships, both German battlecruisers returned to Wilhelmshaven on the 27th.

27 Nov 1939
Around 0900Z/27, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Sullom Voe from patrol.

After fuelling she departed again to resume her patrol around 1300Z/27. (6)

2 Dec 1939
Around 0830Z/2, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Loch Ewe from patrol. (7)

8 Dec 1939
Around 1530Z/8, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Loch Ewe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south-west of the Faeroer Islands. (7)

10 Dec 1939

Convoy TC 1.

This convoy of troopships departed Halifax around 0510Q/10, for the Clyde where it arrived on 17 December 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following troopships / liners; Aquitania (British, 44786 GRT, built 1914, carrying 2638 troops), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928, carrying 1312 troops), Empress of Australia (British, 21833 GRT, built 1914, carrying 1235 troops), Empress of Britain (British, 42348 GRT, built 1931, carrying 1303 troops) and Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931, carrying 961 troops),

Close escort was provided on leaving Halifax by the battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN) and the Canadian destroyers HMCS Fraser (Cdr. W.N. Creery, RCN), HMCS Ottawa (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN), HMCS Restigouche (Lt.Cdr. W.B.L. Holms, RCN) and HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN). These Canadian destroyers remained with the convoy until 12 December 1939 when they set course to return to Halifax.

Cover for the convoy was provided by the battlecruiser HMS Repulse (Capt. E.J. Spooner, DSO, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Furious (Capt. M.L. Clarke, DSC, RN), light cruiser HMS Emerald (Capt. A.W.S. Agar, VC, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Hunter (Lt.Cdr. L. de Villiers, RN) and HMS Hyperion (Cdr. H.St.L. Nicholson, RN). At dusk on the 10th both destroyers were detached to join the local escort. They returned to Halifax with the Canadian destroyers.

Early on the 15th, HMS Emerald was detached, HMS Newcastle (Capt. J. Figgins, RN) had joined the cover force in the afternoon of the 14th to take her place.

When the convoy approached the British isles, the destroyers HMS Eskimo (Cdr. St.J.A. Micklethwait, RN), HMS Bedouin (Cdr. J.A. McCoy, RN), HMS Mashona (Cdr. P.V. McLaughlin, RN), HMS Somali (Capt. R.S.G. Nicholson, DSC, RN), HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, RN), HMS Khartoum (Cdr. D.T. Dowler, RN), HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, RN), HMS Kashmir (Cdr. H.A. King, RN), HMS Fearless (Cdr. K.L. Harkness, RN), HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. P.L. Saumarez, RN) and HMS Impulsive (Lt.Cdr. W.S. Thomas, RN) departed the Clyde on the 12th to sweep ahead of the convoy. HMS Imperial (Lt.Cdr. W. Kitcat, RN) was also to have sailed but was unable to join. HMS Matabele (Cdr. G.K. Whitmy-Smith, RN) was sailed in her place and later joined the other destroyers at sea.

After German warships had been reported in the North Sea, and concerned for the safety of convoy TC.1, Admiral Forbes, departed the Clyde on the 13th to provide additional cover with the battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN), HMS Barham (Capt. H.T.C. Walker, RN), battlecruiser HMS Hood (Capt. I.G. Glennie, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral W.J. Whitworth, CB, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, RN), HMS Icarus (Lt.Cdr. C.D. Maud, RN), HMS Imogen (Cdr. E.B.K. Stevens, RN), HMS Imperial, HMS Isis (Cdr. J.C. Clouston, RN) and HMS Foxhound (Lt.Cdr. P.H. Hadow, RN). The destroyers HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN) and HMS Firedrake (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Norris, RN) sailed from Loch Ewe and later joined this force at sea. Three cruisers from the Northern Patrol were ordered to patrol in position 53°55’N, 25°00’W to provide cover for the convoy. These were the heavy cruisers HMS Berwick (Capt. I.M. Palmer, DSC, RN), HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN) and the light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. F.H. Pegram, RN).

The light cruisers HMS Southampton (Capt. F.W.H. Jeans, CVO, RN), HMS Edinburgh (Cdr. C. Wauchope, RN, temporary in command) departed Rosyth to patrol between the Shetlands and the Faroes.

The destroyers HMS Afridi (Capt. G.H. Creswell, DSC, RN), HMS Maori (Cdr. G.N. Brewer, RN) and HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN) departed Rosyth and proceeded north at high speed to try to cut of the enemy warhips if they were to enter the Atlantic.

The light cruisers HMS Cardiff (Capt. P.K. Enright, RN), HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN), HMS Delhi (Capt L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN), HMS Diomede (Commodore E.B.C. Dicken, OBE, DSC, RN) which were on the Northern Patrol were to concentrate near the Faroes where they were joined by HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) and HMS Dragon (Capt. R.G. Bowes-Lyon, MVO, RN) which were on passage to their patrol stations.

Around 0430Z/17, in foggy conditions, the outward bound liner Samaria (British, 19597 GRT, built 1921) collided with both HMS Furious and the Aquitania but no major damage was done to either one of the three ships.

The convoy arrived safely in the Clyde on 17 December 1939. (8)

12 Dec 1939
Around 1815Z/12, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from patrol. (7)

13 Dec 1939
Around 1630Z/13, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Loch Ewe for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south-west of the Faeroer Islands. (7)

18 Dec 1939
Around 0830Z/18, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from patrol. (7)

21 Dec 1939
Around 1615Z/21, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Scapa Flow for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south-west of the Faeroer Islands. (7)

28 Dec 1939
Around 0815Z/28, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from patrol. (7)

30 Dec 1939
Around 1615Z/30, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Scapa Flow for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south-west of the Faeroer Islands. (7)

6 Jan 1940
Around 0800Z/6, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from patrol. (9)

8 Jan 1940
Around 1730Z/8, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Scapa Flow for the Northern Patrol. She is ordered to patrol south of the Faeroer Islands. (9)

14 Jan 1940
Around 1120Z/14, HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) arrived at Plymouth from patrol. She is to be taken in hand for a refit at the Devonport Dockyard to prepare the ship for overseas service. (9)

15 Jan 1940
At 1630Z/15, at Devonport, Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN, struck his broad pendant on board HMS Colombo as Commanding Officer of the 11th cruiser squadron which then ceased to excist.

It seems he remains in command of HMS Colombo for the moment, reverting to the rank of Captain. (9)

28 Jan 1940
Around 0945Z/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. R.J.R. Scott, RN) departed Plymouth for Belfast where she arrived around 1530Z/29. She is to continue her refit at Belfast. (9)

3 Feb 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. R.J.R. Scott, RN) is docked at Belfast. (10)

12 Feb 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is undocked. (10)

24 Feb 1940
Around 1515Z/24, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Belfast for Plymouth where she arrived around 1400Z/25. (10)

2 Mar 1940
Around 1715A/2, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Plymouth for Gibraltar. (11)

5 Mar 1940
Around 1530A/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from Plymouth. (11)

6 Mar 1940
Around 0730A/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Gibraltar for Malta. (11)

8 Mar 1940
Around 1530B/8, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Malta from Gibraltar. (11)

11 Mar 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Malta. (11)

13 Mar 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Malta. (11)

16 Mar 1940
Around 0815B/16, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Malta for Port Said. On departure from Malta they carried out gunnery exercises. (12)

18 Mar 1940
HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Port Said from Malta. They then transited the Suez Canal southbound and set course for Aden. (12)

21 Mar 1940
Around 1815C/21, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Aden. (12)

22 Mar 1940
Around 1140C/22, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden for Colombo. (12)

26 Mar 1940
Around 1800EF/26, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Colombo from Aden. (12)

27 Mar 1940
Around 0615EF/27, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Colombo for Singapore. Their originally intended deployment to Australian waters being cancelled. They had now been ordered to join the China Station. (12)

31 Mar 1940
Around 0730GH/31, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Singapore from Colombo.

During the passage from the U.K. HMS Colombo had developed leaks in her fuel oil tanks for which she was to be taken in hand for repairs. (12)

1 Apr 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is docked in AFD 9 at Singapore. (13)

5 Apr 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is undocked. (13)

18 Apr 1940
Around 1700GH/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Singapore to patrol off Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies. (13)

20 Apr 1940
HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) is relieved on patrol off Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies, by HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN). (14)

23 Apr 1940
Off Surabaya, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is fuelled by the RFA tanker Appleleaf (5891 GRT, built 1917). (13)

1 May 1940
HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) relieved HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) on patrol off Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies. (15)

3 May 1940
Around 1700GH/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Singapore from patrol. (16)

7 May 1940
Around 1600GH/7, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Singapore for patrol. She is ordered to patrol off Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies. (16)

10 May 1940
HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) is relieved on patrol off Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies, by HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN).

HMS Ceres then set course to return to Singapore. As the Germans invaded the Netherlands on this day she was divered to patrol in the Sunda Straits. Later she was ordered to return to patrol off Surabaya with HMS Colombo. (15)

15 May 1940
Around 0830GH/15, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived back at Singapore from patrol. (17)

23 May 1940
During 23/24 May 1940, HMS Danae (Capt. A.C. Collinson, RN), HMS Durban (Capt. J.A.S. Eccles, RN), HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted exercises off Singapore. (18)

28 May 1940
HMS Danae (Capt. A.C. Collinson, RN), HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted exercises off Singapore. (19)

30 May 1940
Around 1700GH/30, HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Singapore for Colombo. They were to join the East Indies Station.

They parted company in the afternoon of June, 1st. (17)

3 Jun 1940
Around 1500EF/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Colombo. (20)

4 Jun 1940
Around 1815EF/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Colombo for Kilindini / Mombasa. (20)

11 Jun 1940
Around 1330CD/11, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Colombo. She then quickly fuelled and departed again late in the afternoon to patrol off Kismayu, Italian Somaliland. (20)

19 Jun 1940
Around 1200C/19, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (20)

27 Jun 1940
Around 1745C/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to pay visits to Tanga, Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam and then to return to Kilindini / Mombasa. (20)

28 Jun 1940
Around 1115C/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Tanga. She departed for Zanzibar around 1710C/28. (20)

29 Jun 1940
Around 0950C/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Zanzibar from Tanga. She departed for Dar-es-Salaam around 1605C/29. (20)

30 Jun 1940
Around 1145C/30, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Dar-es-Salaam from Zanzibar. She departed for Kilinini / Mombasa around 1720C/30. (20)

1 Jul 1940
Around 1330C/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilinini / Mombasa from Dar-es-Salaam. (21)

3 Jul 1940
Around 1145C/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilinini / Mombasa for Aden. She is escorting the troopships Takliwa (British, 7936 GRT, built 1924) and Talamba (British, 8018 GRT, built 1924) which had troop on board for Berbera. (21)

9 Jul 1940
Around 2220C/9, the light cruiser HMAS Hobart (Capt. H.L. Howden, RAN) and the destroyer HMS Kimberley (Lt.Cdr. J.S.M. Richardson, RN) departed Aden to make rendezvous with the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) which was escorting the transports Takliwa (British, 7936 GRT, built 1924) and Talamba (British, 8018 GRT, built 1924).

Rendezvous was effected around 0630C/10. HMS Kimberley then took over the escort of the Takliwa with HMAS Hobart providing cover. They set course for Berbera.

HMS Colombo and the Talamba meanwhile continued on to Aden where they arrived around 1330C/10.

HMAS Hobart, HMS Kimberley and the Takliwa arrived off Berbera around 1320C/19 and disembarkation of troops and stores commenced. HMS Kimberley meanwhile conducting an A/S patrol off the area.

Around 1800C/11, disembarkation was completed and the ships left Berbera around 2210C/11.

Around 0030C/12, HMS Kimberley parted company to search for an enemy submarine reported earlier off Siyara (to the east of Berbera).

Around 0530C/12, HMAS Hobart and the Takliwa made rendezvous with HMS Colombo and the Talamba which had departed Aden around 0155C/12.

HMS Colombo then took over the escort of the Takliwa to Aden where they arrived around 1035C/12.

HMAS Hobart now escorting the Talamba proceeded to Berbera where they arrived around 1345C/12. They had been joined by HMS Kimberley around 0950C/12.

Unloading commenced with HMS Kimberley again conducted an A/S patrol off the area.

Unloading was completed around 1800C/14 and the ships left Berbera for Aden around an hour later.

Around 0045C/15, HMAS Hobart and HMS Kimberley parted company with the Talamba in position 11°32'N, 45°34'E.

The Talamba then set course for Bombay where she arrived on 19 July.

HMAS Hobart and HMS Kimberley arrived at Aden around 0730C/15. Before entering harbour exercises were carried out. (22)

12 Jul 1940
Around 1200C/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden escorting the (troop) transport Talamba (British, 8018 GRT, built 1924) towards Berbera.

Around 0530C/12, them met HMAS Hobart (Capt. H.L. Howden, RAN) and the (troop) transport Takliwa (British, 7936 GRT, built 1924) departed Berbara for Aden.

The (troop) transports then swapped escorts and HMS Colombo and the Takliwa arrived at Aden around 1035C/12.

HMAS Hobart with the Talamba arrived at Berbera around 1345C/12. (22)

15 Jul 1940
Around 1830C/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. She is to conduct brief patrols off Mogadishu and Kismayu, Italian Somaliland en-route. (21)

22 Jul 1940
Around 1715D/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is bombed by a single Italian aircraft. Six bombs were dropped but no damage was sustained. (23)

23 Jul 1940
Around 1530C/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilinidini / Mombasa from Aden and patrol. (21)

26 Jul 1940
Around 2359C/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol in the Mozambique Channel. (23)

4 Aug 1940
Around 1000C/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (24)

7 Aug 1940
Around 1805C/7, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (25)

15 Aug 1940
Around 1000C/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (26)

19 Aug 1940
Around 1105C/19, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (26)

25 Aug 1940
Around 1615C/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (26)

27 Aug 1940
Around 0830C/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Mauritius.

This was due to the British tanker British Commander (6901 GRT, built 1922) having reported being attacked by an enemy raider to the south of Madagascar in position 29°27'S, 45°50'E. (24)

27 Aug 1940

Convoy US 4.

This convoy departed Wellington on 27 August 1940.

It was made up of the troopships; Empress of Japan (British, 26032 GRT, built 1930), Mauretania (British, 35739 GRT, built 1939) and Orcades (British, 23456 GRT, built 1937).
This last ship joined the convoy coming from Lyttleton.

They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Achilles (from the New Zealand Division) (Capt. W.E. Parry, CB, RN).

To provide additional cover for this convoy the light cruiser HMAS Perth (Capt. P.W. Bowyer-Smith, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral J.G. Crace, RN) departed Sydney on 28 August 1940. She joined the convoy on 30 August.

Also on 30 August the troopship Aquitania (British, 44786 GRT, built 1914) departed Sydney to join the convoy. She was escorted by the heavy cruiser HMAS Canberra (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, RAN).

They joined the convoy around dawn on 31 August 1940. HMS Achilles was then detached to proceed to Melbourne where she arrived later the same day. Rear-Admiral Crace transferred from HMAS Perth to HMS Achilles as he was required at Melbourne for staff discussions.

HMAS Perth also parted company with the convoy to return to Sydney.

The convoy continued on escorted by HMAS Canberra. It arrived at Fremantle on 4 September 1940.

The convoy departed Fremantle on 5 September 1940 still escorted by HMAS Canberra.

Around 1500EF/13, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) took over escort from HMAS Canberra which then set course to proceed to Colombo.

The convoy arrived at Bombay on 15 September 1940.

30 Aug 1940
Around 1545D/30, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Mauritius from Kilindini / Mombasa. (26)

31 Aug 1940
Around 0630D/31, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Mauritius for patrol. She is ordered to patrol to the east of southern Madagascar. (26)

2 Sep 1940
Around 1530D/2, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Mauritius from patrol. (26)

3 Sep 1940
Around 0645D/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Mauritius for Colombo. (26)

9 Sep 1940
Around 0945EF/9, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Colombo from Mauritius. (26)

12 Sep 1940
Around 1735EF/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Colombo for escort duty with convoy US 4.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy US 4 ' for 27 August 1940.] (26)

15 Sep 1940
Around 1330EF/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Bombay with convoy US 4. (26)

19 Sep 1940

Convoy BN 5A.

This convoy departed Bombay on 19 September 1940 for Suez where it arrived on 29 September 1940.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Empress of Japan (British, 26032 GRT, built 1930), Orion (British, 23371 GRT, built 1935) and Ormonde (British, 14982 GRT, built 1917).

On departure escort was provided by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the armed merchant cruiser HMS Kanimbla (A/Capt. F.E. Getting, RAN).

The Ormonde was not ready to depart on the 19th and she departed one day later with orders to overtake the convoy. Until she made rendez-vous with the convoy she was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Antenor (Capt.(Retd.) D.I. McGillewie, RN).

The convoy arrived off Aden on 25 September and HMS Colombo and HMS Kanimbla were relieved by the light cruiser HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D. McCarthy, RN), AA cruiser HMS Coventry (Capt. D. Gilmour, RN), destroyers HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, RN), HMS Kimberley (Lt.Cdr. J.S.M. Richardson, RN) and sloop HMS Flamingo (Cdr. J.H. Huntley, RN).

Light cruiser HMNZS Leander (Capt. H.E. Horan, RN) had also been with the convoy (briefly) but parted company on 26 September 1940.

On 27 September the southbound convoy SW 1 was sighted and the destroyers HMS Kandahar, HMS Kimberley and sloop HMS Flamingo joined that convoy as escorts. The convoy then continued northwards escorted by HMS Ajax and HMS Coventry.

Çonvoy BN 5A arived at Suez safely on 29 September 1940. (27)

25 Sep 1940
Around 1800C/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Aden from convoy escort duty. (28)

26 Sep 1940

Convoy AK 2.

This convoy departed Aden on 26 September 1940.

It was made up of the (troop) transport Varela (British, 4651 GRT, built 1914).

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN).

The convoy arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa on 3 October 1940. (27)

6 Oct 1940
Around 1115C/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (29)

13 Oct 1940
Around 0715C/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (29)

18 Oct 1940
Around 1145C/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Durban. (30)

24 Oct 1940
Around 1130C/24, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Durban from Kilindini / Mombasa. At Durban she was taken in hand for repairs and a docking. (30)

26 Oct 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is docked at Durban. She was docked together with the Q Ship RFA Maunder. (30)

1 Nov 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is undocked. (31)

2 Nov 1940
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is docked again at Durban. She is undocked later the same day. (31)

4 Nov 1940

Convoy CM 5.

This convoy departed Durban on 4 November 1940.

It was made up of the (troop) transports; Llanstephan Castle (British, 11340 GRT, built 1914) and Selandia (South African, 8482 GRT, built 1938).

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN).

The convoy arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa on 11 November 1940. (27)

13 Nov 1940
Around 1145C/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (32)

16 Nov 1940
At 1830D/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) sighted a small merchant vessel / coaster at anchor off Mogadishu.

At 1841D/16, fire was opened on this vessel.

At 1843D/16, an enemy shore battery opened fire on HMS Colombo.

At 1847D/16, HMS Colombo ceased fire and retired at 24 knots under the cover of a smoke screen. Two his are claimed on the merchant vessel.

The target was actually a bit bigger then was though by the British and was the merchant vessel Somalia (2699 GRT, built 1918). She was not hit. The Italians also claimed that their shore batteries had hit the British cruiser which was not the case. (33)

18 Nov 1940
Between around 1815D/18 and 1830D/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN), still on patrol off Italian Somaliland, is attacked some 60 miles north-east of Kismayu, by an enemy aircraft which made two attack runs. The bombs dropped during these two attacks missed astern during both attacks. (32)

19 Nov 1940
Between around 1815D/19 and 1830D/19, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN), was again attacked from the air. This time some 45 miles south-east of Kismayu, by three enemy aircraft which made two attack runs. The bombs dropped during these two attacks once again missed astern. (32)

21 Nov 1940
Around 0800C/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (32)

25 Nov 1940
Around 1715C/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (32)

29 Nov 1940
Around 1800C/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa after having been relieved on patrol around dawn that day by HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN). (31)

30 Nov 1940
Around 1630C/30, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Durban. (31)

6 Dec 1940
Around 1345C/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Durban from Kilindini / Mombasa. (34)

9 Dec 1940

Convoy CM 7.

This convoy departed Durban on 9 December 1940.

It was made up of the troop transports; Nieuw Holland (Dutch, 11066 GRT, built 1927), Selandia (South African, 8482 GRT, built 1938) and Westernland (Dutch, 16479 GRT, built 1918).

On departure from Durban the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the armed merchant cruiser HMS Carthage (Capt.(Retd.) B.O. Bell-Salter, RN).

Around 1730C/12, HMS Carthage parted company with the convoy. She then set course to proceed to patrol off the southern entrance to the Mozambique Channel.

The convoy arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa on 15 December 1940. (35)

16 Dec 1940
Around 1600C/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Italian Somaliland. (36)

23 Dec 1940
Around 2345C/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) returned to Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol after having been relieved on patrol around dawn that day by HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN). (36)

28 Dec 1940
Around 1715C/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Kismayu. (36)

1 Jan 1941
Around 0745C/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (37)

2 Jan 1941
Around 1145C/2, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Kismayu. (37)

10 Jan 1941
Around 0915C/10, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) returned to Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (37)

14 Jan 1941
Around 1215C/14, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to patrol off Kismayu. (37)

15 Jan 1941
Due to engine defects, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is forced to abandon her patrol off Kismayu and set course to Kilindini / Mombasa for repairs. (37)

17 Jan 1941
Around 1000C/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) returned to Kilindini / Mombasa from patrol. (37)

22 Jan 1941
Around 1130C/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for the Seychelles. (38)

28 Jan 1941
Around 1000C/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Port Victoria, Seychelles. There she fuelled from the chartered tanker Clydefield (British (tanker), 7365 GRT, built 1928).

Around 1450C/28, she departed Port Victoria for Colombo where further repairs to her engines were to be undertaken as this was not possible at Kilindini / Mombasa. It had also been decided to refit her at the same time. (38)

3 Feb 1941
Around 1145EF/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Colombo from the Seychelles. (37)

7 Feb 1941
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is docked at Colombo. (39)

10 Mar 1941
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) is undocked. (40)

25 Mar 1941

Convoy WS 7.

This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 25 March 1941 for several destinations in the Middle and Far East.

This convoy was made up of the following troopships / transports; Andes (British, 25689 GRT, built 1939), Dempo (Dutch, 17024 GRT, built 1931), Denbighshire (British, 8983 GRT, built 1938), Duchess of Atholl (British, 20119 GRT, built 1928), Duchess of York (British, 20021 GRT, built 1929), Empress of Canada (British, 21517 GRT, built 1922), Georgic (British, 27759 GRT, built 1932), Glenorchy (British, 8982 GRT, built 1939), Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (Dutch, 19429 GRT, built 1930), Orcades (British, 23456 GRT, built 1937), Orion (British, 23371 GRT, built 1935), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Pasteur (British, 29253 GRT, built 1938), Stirling Castle (British, 25550 GRT, built 1936), Strathaird (British, 22281 GRT, built 1932), Strathallan (British, 23722 GRT, built 1938), Stratheden (British, 23722 GRT, built 1937), Strathmore (British, 23428 GRT, built 1935), Strathnaver (British, 22283 GRT, built 1931), Viceroy of India (British, 19627 GRT, built 1929) and Warwick Castle (British, 20107 GRT, built 1930).

These ships had come from Liverpool and from the Clyde. While proceeding to the Oversay rendezvous (from the Clyde) the Strathaird collided with the Stirling Castle and was forced to return due to the damage sustained. The Stirling Castle also had damage but was able to continue.

On departure from the U.K. waters the convoy was escorted by the battleships HMS Nelson (Capt. G.J.A. Miles, RN) (came from Scapa Flow), HMS Revenge (Capt. E.R. Archer, RN) (came from the Clyde), light cruiser HMS Edinburgh (Commodore C.M. Blackman, DSO, RN) (came from the Clyde), AA cruiser HMS Cairo (A/Capt. I.R.H. Black, RN) (came from Moelfre Bay) and the destroyers HMS Somali (Capt. C. Caslon, RN), HMS Bedouin (Cdr. J.A. McCoy, DSO, RN), HMS Mashona (Cdr. W.H. Selby, RN), HMS Matabele (Cdr. R.St.V. Sherbrooke, DSO, RN), HMS Legion (Cdr. R.F. Jessel, RN), ORP Piorun (Kmdr.por. (Cdr.) E.J.S. Plawski), HMS Broadwater (Lt.Cdr. W.M.L. Astwood, RN) (these destroyers came with the Clyde section of the convoy), HMS Whitehall (Lt.Cdr. A.B. Russell, RN), HMS Winchelsea (Lt.Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, DSC, RN) (came with the Liverpool section of the convoy), HMS Viceroy (Lt.Cdr. D.P. Trentham, RN), HMS Rockingham (Lt. A.H.T. Johns, RN), Léopard (Lt.Cdr. J. Evenou) (came from Londonderry), HMS Arrow (Cdr. R.E. Hyde-Smith, RN), HMS Eclipse (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN), HMS Eskimo (Lt.Cdr. E.G. Le Geyt, RN) (had come from Scapa Flow with HMS Nelson) and HMCS St. Clair (Lt.Cdr. D.C. Wallace, RCNR) (came from Tobermory).

On assembly of the convoy, around 0800A/25, the destroyers HMS Winchelsea, HMS Arrow, HMS Eclipse and HMS Eskimo first proceeded to Londonderry to fuel. All rejoined the convoy later the same day, HMS Winchelsea at 1330A/25, at the same time HMCS St. Clair also joined. HMS Arrow, HMS Eclipse and HMS Eskimo rejoined around 1830A/25.

Around 2130A/26, HMS Winchelsea, HMS Viceroy, HMS Rockingham, HMS Legion, ORP Piorun and Léopard parted company with the convoy in position 54°05'N, 20°41'W.

Around 2200A/26, HMS Cairo also parted company with the convoy.

Around 2130A/27, HMS Arrow and HMS Eclipse parted company with the convoy to return to Scapa Flow via Londonderry. They arrived at Londonderry to fuel on the 29th and then left at 1100A/30 for Scapa Flow where they arrived around 0400A/31.

Around 0830A/28, HMS Broadwater and HMCS St. Clair parted company with the convoy in position 52°52'N, 23°54'W.

Around 1200A/28, HMS Somali, HMS Bedouin,HMS Eskimo, HMS Mashona and HMS Matabele parted company with the convoy in position 46°54'N, 27°50'W. They then set course to proceed to Scapa Flow where they arrived around 1425A/31.

Around 1230A/28, HMS Revenge parted company taking Georgic with her to escort her to Halifax.

Around 2200A/29, HMS Edinburgh parted company with the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar.

Around 1000A/1, the destroyers HMS Duncan (Lt.Cdr. A.N. Rowell, RN) and HMS Foxhound (Cdr. G.H. Peters, DSC, RN) joined the convoy coming from Bathurst.

Around 1350A/2, the destroyers HMS Wishart (Cdr. E.T. Cooper, RN) and HMS Vidette (Lt. E.N. Walmsley, RN) joined the convoy also coming from Bathurst.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 4 April 1941.


The convoy departed Freetown for South Africa (Capetown and Durban) on 7 April 1941. The composition of the convoy was the same in which it had arrived at Freetown.

Escort on departure was also the same as on the convoy's arrival, battleship HMS Nelson, HMS Foxhound, HMS Duncan, HMS Wishart and HMS Vidette.

In the evening of April 7th, HMS Foxhound, picked up three crewmembers from the merchant vessel Umona that had been torpedoed and sunk on 30 March 1941 by the German submarine U-124.

At 0830Z/8 HMS Foxhound parted company with the convoy to return to Freetown due to defects.

The remaining three destroyers parted company at 1800Z/9 to return to Freetown.

Around 1430B/15, the light cruiser HMS Newcastle (Capt. E.A. Aylmer, DSC, RN) joined the convoy in position 30°30'S, 14°23'E and took over the escort. HMS Nelson then parted company to proceed to Capetown to fuel and then on to Simonstown for repairs to her leaking hull.

At 0900B/16, the convoy split up in position 33°53'S, 17°47'E in a Capetown portion and a Durban portion.

The Durban position was made up of the Denbighshire, Glenorchy, Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Orontes, Otranto, Stirling Castle, Strathnaver, Viceroy of India and Warwick Castle. HMS Newcastle remained with this section until its arrival at Durban on 19 April 1941.

The remaining ships made up the Capetown section and arrived there on 16 April 1941. Dempo later went on independently to Durban arriving there on 20 April 1941.


On 20 April 1941 the Capetown portion of the convoy departed. It was made up of the Andes, Duchess of Athol, Duchess of York, Empress of Canada, Orcades, Orion, Pasteur, Strathallan, Stratheden, and Strathmore. They were escorted by the cruiser HMS Hawkins (Capt. H.P.K. Oram, RN).

On 23 April 1941 the Durban portion of the convoy departed. It was made up of the Dempo, Denbighshire, Empress of Australia, Glenorchy, Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Orontes, Otranto, Strathnaver, Viceroy of India and Warwick Castle. They were escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Carthage (Capt.(Retd.) H.L.I. Kirkpatrick, OBE, RN). The Stirling Castle which had arrived with the Durban section sailed on 26 April indepedently to Melbourne, Australia where she arrived on 10 May 1941.

These groups made rendezvous at 0900C/24 after which HMS Carthage parted company while HMS Hawkins continued on with the convoy.

Around 1600C/28, HMS Hawkins was relieved by the light cruisers HMS Glasgow (Capt. H. Hickling, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) which both had departed Mombasa earlier that day.

On 1 May the Bombay section of the convoy split off. it was made up of the Duchess of York, Johan van Oldebarnevelt, Strathmore and Warwick Castle. HMS Colombo went with them as escort. They arrived at Bombay on 5 May 1941.

The remainder of the convoy continued on, escorted by HMS Glasgow until it was dispersed on 3 May after which the ships proceeded independently to Suez. (41)

2 Apr 1941
With her refit completed, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted D/G trials, D/F calibration trails, compass swing and engine trials off Colombo. Following these gunnery and torpedo firing exercises were carried out.After all trials and exercises were conducted satisfactorily course was set for Bombay. (40)

5 Apr 1941
Around 0915EF/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Bombay from Colombo. (40)

6 Apr 1941

Convoy BN 24.

This convoy departed Bombay on 6 April 1941.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Islami (British, 5879 GRT, built 1934, 1049 troops) and Varsova (British, 4701 GRT, built 1914, 870 troops).

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN).

The convoy arrived at Aden on 13 April 1941. (42)

17 Apr 1941
Around 1115C/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. (43)

22 Apr 1941
Around 1130C/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (43)

28 Apr 1941
Around 0615C/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa.

Around 0715C/28, HMS Glasgow (Capt. H. Hickling, RN) also departed.

Both cruisers then joined convoy WS 7.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy WS 7 ' for 25 March 1941.] (44)

5 May 1941
Around 0815EF/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Bombay with the ' Bombay Section ' of Convoy WS 7. (45)

7 May 1941
Around 1515EF/7, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Bombay for Colombo. She is escorting the troop transport Duchess of York (British, 20021 GRT, built 1929). (45)

10 May 1941
Around 0700EF/10, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the troop transport Duchess of York (British, 20021 GRT, built 1929) arrived at Colombo from Bombay. (45)

12 May 1941
Around 1600EF/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Colombo for Aden. (45)

18 May 1941
Around 1530C/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Aden from Colombo. (45)

22 May 1941
Around 0715C/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. She is escorting the troop transport Strathallan (British, 23722 GRT, built 1938). (45)

26 May 1941
Around 1845C/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the troop transport Strathallan (British, 23722 GRT, built 1938) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (45)

29 May 1941
Around 1800C/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Dar-es-Salaam. (45)

30 May 1941
Around 0930C/30, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Dar-es-Salaam from Kilindini / Mombasa.

She departed for 1715C/30, for Lindi. (45)

31 May 1941
Around 1030C/31, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Lindi from Dar-es-Salaam.

She departed for 1700C/31, for Kilindini / Mombasa. (45)

1 Jun 1941
Around 1700C/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Lindi. (46)

2 Jun 1941

Convoy SW 7.

This convoy departed Aden on 2 June 1941 for Durban where it arrived on 12 June 1941.

The convoy was made up of the following troop transports; Duchess of Athol (British, 20119 GRT, built 1928), Empress of Australia (British, 21883 GRT, built 1914), Orontes (British, 20097 GRT, built 1929), Strathmore (British, 23428 GRT, built 1935), Strathnaver (British, 22283 GRT, built 1931) and Viceroy of India (British, 19627 GRT, built 1929).

On departure from Aden the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN).

Around 0900C/7, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) joined. HMS Ceres then parted company taking the Mombasa section of the convoy, made up of the Orontes, Strathnaver, Strathmore and Viceroy of India with her. They arrived at Mombasa later on the 7th.

HMS Colombo then proceeded to Durban with the remaining two ships arriving there on 12 May 1941. (42)

6 Jun 1941
Around 1815C/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to join convoy SW 7.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy SW 7 ' for 2 June 1941.] (46)

12 Jun 1941
Around 0800B/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Durban with convoy SW 7. (47)

16 Jun 1941
Around 1815B/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Durban for patrol. She is ordered to patrol in the southern entrance to the Mozambique Channel. (47)

23 Jun 1941
Around 1445C/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Durban from patrol. (47)

27 Jun 1941
Around 1645B/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Durban for patrol. She is ordered to patrol in the southern entrance to the Mozambique Channel. (47)

1 Jul 1941
Around 1400C/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Durban from patrol. (48)

4 Jul 1941
Around 1800C/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Durban. She is escorting the (troop) transport Sibajak (Dutch, 12226 GRT, built 1927) part of her way to Singapore. (48)

10 Jul 1941
Around 0900D/10, in approximate position 05°20'S, 50°30'E, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the (troop) transport Sibajak (Dutch, 12226 GRT, built 1927) are joined by HMS Mauritius (Capt. W.D. Stephens, RN) which then takes over the escort of the (troop) transport.

HMS Colombo then parted company to proceed to Port Victoria, Seychelles. (49)

11 Jul 1941
Around 1145D/11, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Port Victoria from escort duty. At Port Victoria she fuelled from the RFA tanker Appleleaf (5891 GRT, built 1917). (48)

12 Jul 1941
Around 1600D/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Port Victoria for Kilindini / Mombasa. (48)

15 Jul 1941
Around 0800C/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Port Victoria. (48)

16 Jul 1941
Around 1530C/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa. She is escorting the (troop) transport Yoma (British, 8131 GRT, built 1928) to Mogadishu, Berbera and Aden. (50)

18 Jul 1941
Around 0915D/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) and the the (troop) transport Yoma (British, 8131 GRT, built 1928) arrived at Mogadishu from Kilindini / Mombasa.

They departed for Berbera around 1300D/18 but they parted company around 1040D/20 when the transport continued onwards unescorted and HMS Colombo set course for Kismayu. (48)

23 Jul 1941
Around 1015D/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kismayu from escort duty.

She departed for Kilindini / Mombasa around 1335D/23. (48)

24 Jul 1941
Around 1500D/24, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Kismayu. (48)

5 Aug 1941
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) conducted rangefinding and inclination exercises off Kilindini / Mombasa during which HMS Barham (Capt. G.C. Cooke, RN) acted as target. (48)

6 Aug 1941
HMS Barham (Capt. G.C. Cooke, RN) departed Mombasa for Aden. On departure exercises were carried out with HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN). (51)

15 Aug 1941

Convoy CM 16A.

This convoy departed Kilindini / Mombasa on 15 August 1941.

The convoy was made up of the following (troop) transports; President Doumer (British, 11898 GRT, built 1935) and Tilawa (British, 10006 GRT, built 1924).

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN).

Around 0915D/17, the (troop) transport Burma (British, 7821 GRT, built 1914) joined the convoy off Mogadishu.

The convoy arrived at Aden on 21 August 1941.

22 Aug 1941
Around 0600C/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. (52)

27 Aug 1941
Around 0900C/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.A.E. Stanfield, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (52)

3 Sep 1941

Convoy CM 16B.

This convoy departed Kilindini / Mombasa on 3 September 1941.

The convoy was made up of the following (troop) transports; Ascanius (British, 10048 GRT, built 1910), Cap St. Jacques (British (former French), 8009 GRT, built 1922), Salween (British, 7063 GRT, built 1937), Selandia (South African, 8482 GRT, built 1938) and Yoma (British, 8131 GRT, built 1928).

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN).

Around 1800D/9, the Selandia was detached to proceed unescorted to Berbera.

The convoy arrived at Aden on 10 September 1941.

The convoy arrived at Aden on 10 September 1941. (42)

15 Sep 1941
Around 1100C/15, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. She had the damaged destroyer HMS Ilex (Lt. G.R.P. Goodden, RN) in tow.

Around 1730D/16, near Cape Guardafui, the tow was slipped and both ships then set course for their destination independently. (53)

20 Sep 1941
Around 1300C/20, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (53)

4 Oct 1941
Around 1315C/4, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the damaged destroyer HMS Ilex (Lt. G.R.P. Goodden, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Durban. (53)

10 Oct 1941
Around 1315C/10, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the damaged destroyer HMS Ilex (Lt. G.R.P. Goodden, RN) arrived at Aden from Kilindini / Mombasa.

At Durban further temporary repairs were undertaken on HMS Ilex before she would be fit for further passage.

HMS Colombo was also taken in hand for repairs. (53)

18 Oct 1941
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) is docked at Durban. (54)

25 Oct 1941
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) is undocked. (54)

28 Oct 1941
Around 2330B/28, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the armed merchant cruiser HMS Carthage (Capt.(Retd.) H.L.I. Kirkpatrick, OBE, RN) departed Durban for operation ' Bellringer '.

They parted company around 0500B/30.

[For more info on operation ' Bellringer ' see the event ' Operation Bellringer ' for 2 November 1941. (55)

2 Nov 1941

Operation Bellringer.

Interception of a Vichy-French convoy off South Africa.

Around 1800B/1, a Vichy French convoy of 5 ships and one escort was sighted in position 36°04'S, 34°44'E by the South African minesweeping whaler HMSAS Southern Barrier (T/Lt.Cdr. R.L.V. Shannon, SDF).

The Vichy French convoy, en route from Madagascar to Dakar, was then intercepted in the afternoon of the 2nd in position 37°43'S, 30°16'E by the heavy cruiser HMS Devonshire (Capt. R.D. Oliver, DSC, RN), light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN), armed merchant cruisers HMS Carnarvon Castle (Capt.(Retd.) H.N.M. Hardy, DSO, RN) and HMS Carthage (Capt.(Retd.) H.L.I. Kirkpatrick, OBE, RN). The convoy was made up of the merchant vessels Bangkok (8056 GRT, built 1919), Cap Padaran (8009 GRT, built 1922), Cap Touraine (8009 GRT, built 1924), Commandant Dorise (5529 GRT, built 1917) and Compiègne (9986 GRT, built 1923). They were escorted by the sloop D'Iberville.

Five more South African minesweeping whalers were also on the scene, these were the HMSAS Florida (T/Lt. J.V. Ingram, RNVR(SA)), HMSAS Nigel (T/Lt. W.D. de la Bat van Alphen, SDF), HMSAS Steenberg (T/Lt. S.B. Petzer, SDF), HMSAS Stellenberg (T/Lt. W. Taylor, SDF) and HMSAS Terje (T/Lt. H.G. Amor, SDF).

The Vichy French escort vessel refused to divert the convoy to South Africa so the merchant vessels were boarded the following morning. The Vichy French sloop then made off being unable against the more powerful British ships to prevent the seizure of the convoy.

The crew of the Bangkok set the ship on fire and then abandoned the ship. They were picked up by HMS Colombo and HMSAS Nigel.

The Cap Padaran was immobilised by her crew which sabotaged the ships engines. She was taken in tow by HMS Carthage which took her to Port Elizabeth with HMSAS Stellenberg. They arrived there on 7 November. HMS Carthage did not enter the port though, she went on to Durban arriving there on 8 November.

The Cap Touraine was escorted by HMS Devonshire and HMSAS Steenberg to Port Elizabeth where they arrived on 6 December. HMS Devonshire only briefly anchored off Port Elizabeth but quickly left to return to Durban.

The Commandant Dorise was escorted to East London by HMS Carnarvon Castle and HMSAS Florida. The Compiègne was escorted by HMS Colombo and HMSAS Nigel also to East London where they arrived on 5 November and 6 November respectively. (56)

6 Nov 1941
Around 0938B/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) dropped anchor off East London arriving there from Operation Bellringer.

She departed for Durban around 1550B/6. (57)

7 Nov 1941
Around 1040B/7, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Durban from East London. (57)

16 Nov 1941

Convoy CM 22.

This 'convoy' departed Durban for Suez on 16 November 1941.

It was made up of only one troop transport, the Mauretania (British, 35739 GRT, built 1939, with 3959 troops on board).

On departure from Durban the escort was the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN).

Around 0830D/20, escort was taken over by the light cruiser HMS Ceres (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN). HMS Colombo then proceeded to Mombasa.

Around 2215D/23, HMS Ceres parted company with the Mauretania which then continued on to Suez unescorted. She arrived at Suez on 26 November 1941.

HMS Ceres arrived at Aden on 24 November 1941. (42)

20 Nov 1941
Around 1800C/20, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from convoy escort duty. (57)

21 Nov 1941
Around 1130C/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Durban. (58)

26 Nov 1941
Around 1430C/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Durban from Kilindini / Mombasa. (58)

30 Nov 1941

Convoy CM 23.

This convoy departed Durban on 30 November 1941. It arrived at Aden on 13 December 1941.

The convoy was made up of the following (troop) transports; City of Canterbury (British, 8331 GRT, built 1922), Dilwara (British, 11080 GRT, built 1936), Dunera (British, 11162 GRT, built 1937), Elisabethville (Belgian, 8351 GRT, built 1922), Llandaff Castle (British, 10799 GRT, built 1926) and Pulaski (Polish, 6345 GRT, built 1912).

On depature from Durban the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN).

Around 0600C/7, HMS Colombo was relieved by the light cruiser HMS Ceres (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) H.W.V. Stephenson, RN). HMS Colombo then proceeded to Mombasa.

The convoy arrived at Aden on 13 December 1941. (42)

7 Dec 1941
Around 1730C/7, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from convoy escort duty. (59)

8 Dec 1941

Convoy MA 3.

This convoy departed Kilindini / Mombasa on 8 December 1941.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Burma (British, 7821 GRT, built 1914) and Salween (British, 7063 GRT, built 1937).

The RFA tanker Derwentdale (8398 GRT, built 1941) was also part of the convoy.

The convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN).

The convoy arrived at Aden on 15 December 1941. (42)

9 Dec 1941

Convoy WS 14.

This convoy was formed off Oversay on 9 December 1941.

On forming up the convoy was made up of the following (troop) transports; Abosso (British, 11330 GRT, built 1935), Andes (British, 25689 GRT, built 1939), Athlone Castle (British, 25564 GRT, built 1936), Cameronia (British, 16297 GRT, built 1920), City of Pretoria (British, 8049 GRT, built 1937), Clan Cameron (British, 7243 GRT, built 1937), Duchess of Atholl (British, 20119 GRT, built 1928), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Empire Condor (British, 7773 GRT, built 1940), Empire Curlew (British, 7101 GRT, built 1941), Empire Egret (British, 7169 GRT, built 1939), Empire Oriole (British, 6535 GRT, built 1941), Empire Peregrine (British, 6440 GRT, built 1941), Empire Pintail (British, 7773 GRT, built 1940), Empire Widgeon (British, 6737 GRT, built 1940), Empress of Australia (British, 21833 GRT, built 1914), Esperance Bay (British, 14204 GRT, built 1921), Highland Monarch (British, 14139 GRT, built 1928), Highland Princess (British, 14133 GRT, built 1930), Orcades (British, 23456 GRT, built 1937), Orestes (British, 7748 GRT, built 1926), Oronsay (British, 20043 GRT, built 1925), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931), Scythia (British, 19761 GRT, built 1920), Strathallan (British, 23722 GRT, built 1938), Troilus (British, 7422 GRT, built 1921) and Warwick Castle (British, 20107 GRT, built 1930).

The aircraft transport HMS Engadine (Cdr. W.T. Fitzgerald, RD, RNR) was also part of the convoy.

On forming up the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser Cilicia, AA ship HMS Ulster Queen (Capt.(Retd.) D.S. McGrath, RN) and the destroyers HMAS Nestor (Cdr. A.S. Rosenthal, DSO, RAN), HMS Foxhound (Cdr. G.H. Peters, DSC, RN), HMS Westcott (Cdr. I.H. Bockett-Pugh, RN), HMS Witherington (Lt. R. Horncastle, RN), HMS Beverley (Lt.Cdr. J. Grant, RN), HMS Lancaster (A/Cdr. N.H. Whatley, RN), HMS Newark (Lt.Cdr. R.H.W. Atkins, RN), HMS Sherwood (Lt.Cdr. S.W.F. Bennetts, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Badsworth (Lt.Cdr. M.S. Townsend, DSC and Bar, OBE, RN), HMS Beaufort (Lt.Cdr. S.O’G Roche, RN) and HMS Croome (Lt.Cdr. J.D. Hayes, DSO, RN).

In the afternoon of the 11th, HMS Newark parted company with the convoy due to damaged fuel tanks.

Bad weather was experienced on the 11th, and late in the evening, the Empire Oriole had to heave to in order to secure tanks that were carried as deck cargo. She did not rejoin the convoy and proceeded independently to Freetown arriving there on 23 December.

At 0415N/12, HMS Ulster Queen parted company with the convoy in approximate position 49°08'N, 19°08'W.

Later that morning, HMS Lancaster parted company with the convoy in approximate position 47°50'N, 20°42'W.

Around midnight during the night of 12/13 December, Westcott, HMS Witherington, HMS Beverley, HMS Newark and HMS Sherwood parted company with the convoy in approximate position 41°46'N, 22°51'W.

Around 0940Z/13, the battleship HMS Ramillies (Capt. D.N.C. Tufnell, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Vanquisher (Cdr. N.V. Dickinson, DSC, RN), HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, RN), HMS Witch (Lt.Cdr. C.H. Holmes, RN) and HMS Gurkha (Cdr. C.N. Lentaigne, RN) joined the convoy in approximate position 44°00'N, 22°16'W coming from Milford Haven (HMS Gurkha came from Plymouth).

At the time of joining HMAS Nestor, HMS Foxhound, HMS Badsworth, HMS Beaufort and HMS Croome were supposed to be with the convoy but they had lost touch with the convoy in the heavy weather conditions. All were in touch trough V/S except for HMS Croome. HMAS Nestor, HMS Foxhound and HMS Gurkha were then ordered to proceed to Gibraltar. HMS Croome was ordered to join them the next day. Vanquisher, Volunteer, Witch, HMS Badsworth and HMS Beaufort remained with the convoy.

At 1800Z/13, in approximate position 42°38'N, 22°40'W HMS Badsworth and HMS Beaufort were detached to fuel at Ponta Delgada, Azores.

Also on 13 December (around 0500 hours) the Scythia left the convoy due to ' not being under control '. She did not rejoin the convoy and arrived independently at Freetown on 23 December.

At 2200Z/14, in approximate position, 36°07'N, 23°24'W, HMS Vanquisher was detached to fuel at Ponta Delgada, Azores. She was detached earlier then intended due to condenser trouble.

At 0400Z/15, in approximate position 35°02'N, 23°23'W, HMS Volunteer and HMS Witch were detached to fuel at Ponta Delgada, Azores.

At 1030Z/15, HMS Badsworth and HMS Beaufort rejoined the convoy in approximate position 34°03'N, 23°24'W.

At 0930Z/18, the destroyer HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. A.G. Poe, RN) and escort destroyer HMS Hurworth (Lt.Cdr. J.T.B. Birch, RN) joined the convoy in approximate position 18°50'N, 21°52'W.

At 0910Z/19, the destroyers HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. R.L.S. Gaisford, RN) and HMS Wild Swan (Lt.Cdr. C.E.L. Sclater, RN) joined the convoy in approximate position 14°30'N, 19°17'W.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 21 December 1941.


The convoy departed Freetown on 25 December 1941 for South Africa.

The convoy sailed with the same ships as with it had arrived except for HMS Engadine

On departure from Freetown the convoy was escorted by the battleship HMS Ramillies, destroyers HMS Brilliant, HMS Vimy (Lt.Cdr. H.G.D. de Chair, RN), escort destroyers HMS Beaufort, HMS Hurworth and the sloop HMS Bridgewater (A/Cdr.(Retd.) H.F.G. Leftwich, RN).

At 1100Z/26, HMS Vimy developed engine trouble and fell behind. She rejoined the convoy at 0600Z/27.

At 1800Z/26, in approximate position 03°02'N, 12°25'W, HMS Brilliant parted company with the convoy, taking the troopship Abosso with her. They were to proceed to Takoradi.

At 0400Z/27, the Orestes fell out of line with engine trouble. As by noon she was not in sight HMS Vimy was ordered to search for her. She reported at 1800Z/27 that she had found the Orestes which was now able to proceed at 14 knots. HMS Vimy was then ordered to return to Freetown. The Orestes then proceeded to Capetown unescorted.

At 1900Z/27, HMS Bridgewater was detached to proceed ahead to fuel from the RFA tanker Rapidol (2648 GRT, built 1917).

At 0600Z/29, HMS Beaufort was detached to fuel from the Rapidol.

At 1100Z/30, HMS Hurworth was detached to fuel from the Rapidol but she could not find the tanker and rejoined the convoy at 1930Z/29. Fortunately the tanker was then sighted on the convoy's beam and she was able to fuel after all. On completion of fuelling she started a search for an unidentified ship that had been sighted earlier by the Rapidol.

At 1320/30, HMS Beaufort rejoined the convoy.

At 1700/30, HMS Bridgewater rejoined the convoy.

At 1845A/31, HMS Hurworth rejoined the convoy. The ship reported by the Rapidol had not been sighted.

At 0100Z/3, the Andes was detached to proceed ahead of the convoy to Capetown where politicians were to be landed. She later joined the Durban section of the convoy.

In the morning of the 4th, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Derbyshire (Capt.(Retd.) C.C. Bell, DSO, RN) joined the convoy in approximate position 31°45'S, 14°00'E.

At 1600Z/4, in approximate position, 33°12'S, 15°45'E, HMS Derbyshire parted company with the convoy taking the Durban section of the convoy with her. The Durban section was made up of the Andes, Athlone Castle, Cameronia, Duchess of Atholl, Durban Castle, Esperance Bay, Highland Princess, Oronsay, Reina del Pacifico, Scythia and Strathallan.

The Capetown section of the convoy, made up of the City of Pretoria, Clan Cameron, Empire Condor, Empire Curlew, Empire Egret, Empire Oriole, Empire Peregrine, Empire Pintail, Empire Widgeon, Empress of Australia, Highland Monarch, Orcades, Troilus and Warwick Castle arrived at Capetown early in the morning escorted by HMS Ramillies, HMS Beaufort and HMS Hurworth. The escort destroyers then proceeded to Simonstown. The Orestes arrived later in the morning.

The Durban section was joined in the morning of the 6th by the light cruiser HMS Ceres (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) H.W.V. Stephenson, RN) in approximate position 35°18'S, 23°32'E.

In the morning of the 8th the convoy arrived at Durban in three sections in order to avoid congestion in the swept channel. Each of the escorts, HMS Ceres, HMS Bridgewater and HMS Derbyshire took one section under their orders.


On 9 January 1942, the Capetown section, made up of the City of Pretoria, Clan Cameron, Empire Condor, Empire Curlew, Empire Egret, Empire Oriole, Empire Peregrine, Empire Pintail, Empire Widgeon, Empress of Australia, Highland Monarch, Orcades, Troilus and Warwick Castle. An additional transport, the Malancha (British, 8124 GRT, built 1937), joined the convoy.

The Orestes was also to have joined the convoy but she was delayed, probably due to repairs, and she sailed later with orders to overtake the convoy.

The convoy was escorted by the battleship HMS Ramillies and the corvettes HMS Hollyhock (Lt. T.E. Davies, OBE, RNR) and HMS Verbena (Lt.Cdr. D.A. Rayner, DSC, RNVR).

In the early morning of the 10th both corvettes parted company to return to Capetown.

On the 13th the convoy was joined by the Durban section made up of the transports City of Canterbury (British, 8331 GRT, built 1922), Dilwara (British, 11080 GRT, built 1936), Duchess of Atholl, Dunera (British, 11162 GRT, built 1937), Esperance Bay, Nova Scotia (British, 6796 GRT, built 1926) and Thysville (Belgian, 8351 GRT, built 1922). They were escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Corfu (Capt.(Retd.) J.P. Landon, RN).

Also the Orestes caught up with the convoy off Durban and joined.

The Orcades of the Capetown section parted company with the convoy and entered Durban.

The Duchess of Athol soon developed engine trouble and returned to Durban. Her troops were transferred to the Andes and this ship then departed Durban on 14 January 1942, escorted by HMS Ceres to overtake the convoy which Andes did early on the 16th. HMS Ceres then set course to return to Durban where she arrived on the 18th.

Early on the 19th, rendezvous was made with the battleship HMS Royal Sovereign (Capt. R.H. Portal, DSC, RN) which then took the ships bound for Singapore with her forming convoy DM 2. These were the City of Canterbury, City of Pretoria, Dunera, Empress of Australia, Malancha, Troilus and Warwick Castle. They then set course for Port T (Addu Atoll).

At 1000C/20, the convoy was joined by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) which had the transports Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919) and Salween (British, 7063 GRT, built 1937) with her. HMS Ramillies then parted company and proceeded to Mombasa arriving there on 21 January 1942.

The convoy then split into two more sections; convoy WS 14A was to proceed to the Gulf of Aden where it was to disperse. It was made up of the Empire Egret, Empire Oriole, Empire Pintail, Highland Morarch, Mendoza, Orestes and Salween. HMS Colombo was escorting these ships. The convoy was dispersed on 26 January 1942 in the Gulf of Aden. The Thysville proceeded independently to Aden as she had straddled from the convoy not long after it had departed Durban due to bad coal having been supplied.

HMS Corfu took the remainder of the ships with her towards Bombay. This convoy was then known as convoy WS 14B and was made up of the Andes, Clan Cameron, Dilwara, Empire Condor, Empire Curlew, Empire Peregrine, Empire Widgeon, Esperance Bay and Nova Scotia.

At 1930E/25, the Clan Cameron, Empire Curlew, Empire Peregrine, Empire Widgeon parted company with the convoy to proceed to Basra independently.

The remainder of Convoy WS 14B arrived at Bombay on 28 January 1942. (41)

21 Dec 1941
Around 1105C/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. (59)

23 Dec 1941
In the morning, the US troop transport Mount Vernon (24289 GRT, built 1932) was detached to meet with the Britsh light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and then to proceed to Aden. The cruiser however failed to show up on the rendezvous and the Mount Vernon then proceeded to Mombasa.

HMS Dorsetshire (Capt. A.W.S. Agar, VC, DSO, RN) and the remaining four ships of convoy WS 12X continued on towards Bombay. (60)

24 Dec 1941

Convoy WS 12Z.

[Part from Durban to their final destinations.]

This convoy departed Durban on 24 December 1941 and was split into three sections near Mombasa on 2 January 1942.

On departure from Durban the convoy was made up of the following troopships / transports; Abbekerk (Dutch, 7906 GRT, built 1939), Adrastus (British, 7905 GRT, built 1923), Aorangi (British, 17491 GRT, built 1924), Aronda (British, 8328 GRT, built 1941), Capetown Castle (British, 27002 GRT, built 1938), Deucalion (British, 7516 GRT, built 1930), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928), Eastern Prince (British, 10926 GRT, built 1929), Empire Star (British, 13479 GRT, built 1935), Empress of Asia (British, 16909 GRT, built 1913), Indrapoera (Dutch, 10825 GRT, built 1925), Narkunda (British, 16632 GRT, built 1920), Nieuw Amsterdam (Dutch, 36287 GRT, built 1938), Orduna (British, 15507 GRT, built 1914) and Sussex (British, 11062 GRT, built 1937).

The convoy was escorted by the battleship HMS Royal Sovereign (Capt. R.H. Portal, DSC, RN) until it was split up on 30 / 31 December 1941 into convoy's WS 12ZA, WS 12ZB and DM 1. HMS Royal Sovereign then proceeded to Port Victoria, Seychelles where she arrived on 2 January 1942.


Convoy WS 12ZA was formed on 31 December 1941 and was made up of troopships / transports; Aronda, Eastern Prince, Nieuw Amsterdam and Orduna. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) which had brought out the US troop transport USS Oziraba (6937 GRT, built 1918) from Mombasa.

Convoy WS 12ZA was dispersed off Aden on 4 January 1942.


Convoy WS 12ZB was formed on 31 December 1941 and was made up of troopships / transports; Adrastus, Capetown Castle, Deucalion, Duchess of Bedford, Empire Star, Empress of Asia, Empress of Japan, Indrapoera and USS Oziraba. They were escorted by the heavy cruiser HMS Cornwall (Capt. P.C.W. Manwaring, RN).

Convoy WS 12ZA arrived at Bombay on 6 January 1942.


Convoy DM 1 split off from convoy WS 12Z on 30 January 1942 and was made up of troopships / transports; Abbekerk, Aorangi, USS Mount Vernon, Narkunda and Sussex. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Emerald (Capt. F.C. Flynn, RN) which had brought out the US troop transport Mount Vernon (24289 GRT, built 1932) from Mombasa.

Convoy DM 1 arrived at Addu Atoll (Port T) on 4 January 1942. It departed from there, with a strengthened escort, for Singapore on 5 January 1942.

Convoy DM 1 arrived at Singapore on 13 January 1942. (42)

25 Dec 1941
Around 1630C/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (59)

29 Dec 1941
Around 1130C/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transport USS Oziraba (6937 GRT, built 1918) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to join convoy WS 12.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy WS 12Z ' for 24 December 1941.] (59)

4 Jan 1942
Around 0845C/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Aden from escort duty with Convoy WS 12ZA. (61)

5 Jan 1942
Around 1015C/5, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. She is escorting the troop transport Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919). (61)

10 Jan 1942
Around 1300C/10, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transport Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (61)

12 Jan 1942

Convoy WS 15.

This convoy assembled off Oversay on 12 January 1942.

On assembly the convoy was made up of the (troop) transports; Aagtekerk (Dutch, 6811 GRT, built 1934), Arawa (British, 14462 GRT, built 1922), Autolycus (British, 7621 GRT, built 1922), Britannic (British, 26943 GRT, built 1930), Christiaan Huygens (Dutch, 16287 GRT, built 1927), Dorset (British, 10624 GRT, built 1934), Elisabeth Bakke (Norwegian, 5450 GRT, built 1937), Empire Woodlark (British, 7793 GRT, built 1913), Laconia (British, 19695 GRT, built 1922), Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Melbourne Star (British, 11076 GRT, built 1936), Orontes (British, 20097 GRT, built 1929), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Pardo (British, 5400 GRT, built 1940), Pasteur (British, 29253 GRT, built 1938), Port Chalmers (British, 8535 GRT, built 1933), Staffordshire (British, 10683 GRT, built 1929), Stirling Castle (British, 25550 GRT, built 1936), Strathmore (British, 23428 GRT, built 1935), Stratnaver (British, 22283 GRT, built 1931) and Viceroy of India (British, 19627 GRT, built 1929).

The Dutch submarine tender HrMs Colombia (Capt. J.L.K. Hoeke, RNN) was also part of the convoy.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck (Cdr. E.J. van Holte, RNN), armed merchant cruisers HMS Ascania (A/Capt. A.G. Davidson, RN), HMS Cheshire (Capt.(Retd.) J.M. Begg, RN), destroyers HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr. C.F.H. Churchill, RN), HMS Vanquisher (Cdr. N.V. Dickinson, DSC, RN), HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, RN), HMS Walker (Cdr. D.G.F.W. MacIntyre, DSO, RN), HMS Witherington (Lt. R. Horncastle, RN), HMS Boreas (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Jones, DSC, RN) and HMS Demirhisar (?). [This was an 'I-class' destroyer, one of four ordered by the Turkish government before the start of the war. Two of these destroyers were taken over by the Royal Navy and two were delivered to Turkey. On passage to Turkey they were commissioned as HMS ships with a Royal Navy crew so they also served on escort duty during their passage to Turkey (via the Cape of Good Hope).]

On 15 January, HMS Vanoc and HMS Walker parted company with the convoy.

On 16 January, the Llangibby Castle was torpedoed and damaged by the German submarine U-402. The damaged ship managed to reach the Azores steering on her engines as her rudder had been blown off.

Around 0900N/17, the battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. A.R. Halfhide, CBE, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral W.E.C. Tait, CB, MVO, RN) and the destroyer HMAS Norman (Cdr. H.M. Burrell, RAN) joined coming from Milford Haven. The destroyers ORP Garland (Kmdr.por. (Cdr.) K.F. Namiesniowski) and HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Hodges, RN) had also been with the battleship but these had been detached to go to the assistance of the damaged Llangibby Castle. It had originally been intended that HMS Resolution would join the convoy on 15 January but this did not materialise due to the bad weather conditions.

Around 1400N/17, HMS Boreas and HMS Demirhisar were detached to fuel at Ponta Delgada, Azores.

Around 1400N/18, HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck parted company with the convoy to fuel at Ponta Delgada.

Around 1830N/18, HMAS Norman parted company with the convoy to fuel at Ponta Delgada.

Around 1400O/19, HMS Boreas rejoined the convoy but the Demirhisar had sustained damage to her stern and had to make some repairs before she was able to proceed.

Around 1000O/20, HMAS Norman and later HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck rejoined the convoy.

Around 1500O/21, the destroyer HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. R.L.S. Gaisford, RN) joined. She had however one engine out of action and could only proceed at 22 knots.

After nightfall on the 21st, HMS Resolution was ordered to proceed ahead for an ocean rendezvous with the RFA tanker Rapidol (2648 GRT, built 1917). Due to the bad weather conditions encountered, HMS Resolution had not enough fuel on board to reach Freetown without refuelling. She met the Rapidol and her escort, the corvette HMS Jasmine (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) C.D.B. Coventry, RNR), the following day but conditions were unfavourable to fuel and every attempt failed. Course was therefore set to the Cape Verde Islands.

The convoy meanwhile continued on to Freetown where it arrived on 25 January. On 22 January the convoy had been joined by the destroyer HMS Vimy (Lt.Cdr. H.G.D. de Chair, RN) and on 23 January HMS Demirhisar rejoined after her delay at the Azores. Shortly before the convoy arrived at Freetown, HMS Vimy was detached to join HMS Resolution (see below).

At 0830N/23, in the lee of Sal Island, another attempt was made just outside Portugese territorial waters. However wind and swell were still too great for oizling at sea and the ships therefore anchored in Murdeira Bay with the Rapidol proceeding alongside while the Jasmire and the Vansittart, which meanwhile had also joined to fuel, conducted an A/S patrol off the Bay.

Oiling was ceased at 1230N/23 so then it was Vansittart's turn. HMS Resolution then left the Bay and proceeded ahead to Freetown. HMS Vansittart was to overtake her.

At 0830N/25, the destroyer HMS Vimy joined HMS Resolution. Two hours later HMS Vansittart finally caught up with HMS Resolution. They arrived at Freetown early in the afternoon.


The convoy departed Freetown on 29 January 1942, in the same composition. The convoy was now escorted by the battleship HMS Resolution, armed merchant cruiser HMS Cheshire destroyers HMS Vimy, HMS Wild Swan (Lt.Cdr. C.E.L. Sclater, RN), HMS Boreas, HMS Demirhisar and the sloop HMS Milford (Cdr.(Retd.) the Hon. V.M. Wyndham-Quin, RN).

At dusk on 31 January, HMS Vimy, HMS Wild Swan, HMS Boreas parted company to return to Freetown.

It had been arranged that the RFA tanker Rapidol would be in position 14°30'S, 05°10'W at 0830Z/3, to fuel HMS Demirhisar and HMS Milford and if needed HMS Resolution.

At 1800Z/3, HMS Resolution parted company with the convoy to make a short call at St. Helena.

At 0610Z/4, HMS Resolution anchored off St. Helena. She departed around 1130Z/4 to rejoin the convoy which she did in the afternoon of 6 February.

The convoy split into two section and the Capetown section made up of the Dorset, Elizabeth Bakke, Laconia, Orontes, Pasteur and HrMs Colombia. They arrived at Capetown on 9 February escorted by HMS Resolution, HMS Cheshire and HMS Demirhisar. HMS Demirhisar then proceeded to Simonstown for repairs for the damage she had sustained at Ponta Delgada.

The other ships continued on to Durban escorted by the armed merchant cruisers HMS Dunnottar Castle (Capt.(Retd.) C.T.A. Bunbury, RN) and HMS Worcestershire (A/Capt.(Retd.) E.H. Hopkinson, RN) which had joined the convoy on 9 February coming from Capetown. HMS Milford also remained with the convoy until Durban the Durban section arrived there on 13 February 1942.


The Capetown section departed from there (less the Elizabeth Bakke) on 14 February 1942 escorted by HMS Cheshire.

They made rendezvous off Durban with the Durban section (less the Arawa and Letitia) on 17 February 1942. The Durban section was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Ceres (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) H.W.V. Stephenson, RN), armed merchant cruiser HMS Worcestershire and the destroyer HMAS Norman.

On 21 February, HMAS Norman fuelled from HMS Worcesterhire, while being alongside and proceeding at 10 knots !.

At 0800C/22, HMAS Norman was detached to the Seychelles.

At 1230C/22, the battleship HMS Ramillies (Capt. D.N.C. Tufnell, DSC, RN) joined and half an hour later the 'Batavia Section' of the convoy parted company in position 10°22'S, 42°00'E forming convoy DM 3 to proceed to Port T (Addu Atoll). The ships that parted company were the Aagtekerk, Autolycus, Christiaan Huygens, Empire Woodlark, Pardo, Port Chalmers, Staffordshire, Strathnaver and HrMs Colombia.

The remaining ships continued northwards escorted by HMS Ceres and HMS Worcestershire.

They were joined at 0700C/24, in position 02°44'S, 43°20'E, by the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the transport Khandalla (British, 7018 GRT, built 1923) coming from Mombasa. HMS Ceres then parted company to proceed to Mombasa.

At 0300C/26, the convoy split up into two sections. Convoy WS 15A set course for the Gulf of Aden escorted by HMS Colombo. It was made up of the Dorset, Laconia, Melbourne Star, Orontes, Otranto, Pasteur and Viceroy of India. It was dispersed off Aden on 1 March 1942 to proceed independently to Suez.

Convoy WS 15B set course for Bombay escorted by HMS Worcestershire. It was made up of the Britannic, Khandalla, Stirling Castle and Strathmore. The convoy arrived at Bombay on 4 March 1942. In the approaches to Bombay it was joined by the sloop Lawrence (T/Lt. C.F. Smith, RINR) and the auxiliary patrol vessel HMIS Dipavati (T/Lt. P. Munday, RINR). (62)

19 Jan 1942
Around 0830C/19, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for gunnery exercises on completion of which she set course for Aden escorting the troop transports Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919) and Salween (British, 7063 GRT, built 1937). (61)

26 Jan 1942
Around 1000C/26, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transports Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919) and Salween (British, 7063 GRT, built 1937) arrived at Aden from Kilindini / Mombasa. (63)

13 Feb 1942
Around 1330C/13, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transport Highland Monarch (British, 14139 GRT, built 1928) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. (64)

16 Feb 1942

Convoy WS 16.

This convoy departed the Clyde on 16 February 1942.

The convoy was made up of the troopships / transports; Awatea (British, 13482 GRT, built 1936), Bergensfjord (British, 11015 GRT, built 1913), Brisbane Star (British, 12791 GRT, built 1937), City of Edinburgh (British, 8036 GRT, built 1938), City of Lincoln (British, 8039 GRT, built 1938), Cuba (British, 11420 GRT, built 1923), Delftdijk (Dutch, 10220 GRT, built 1929), Denbighshire (British, 8983 GRT, built 1938), Duchess of Richmond (British, 20022 GRT, built 1928), Duchess of York (British, 20021 GRT, built 1929), Empire Pride (British, 9248 GRT, built 1941), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Mooltan (British, 20952 GRT, built 1923), Nea Hellas (British, 16991 GRT, built 1922), Ormonde (British, 14982 GRT, built 1917), Port Jackson (British, 9687 GRT, built 1937), Potaro (British, 5410 GRT, built 1940), Sibajak (Dutch, 12226 GRT, built 1927), Strathaird (British, 22281 GRT, built 1932), Stratheden (British, 23722 GRT, built 1937) and Volendam (Dutch, 15434 GRT, built 1922).

The Straithaid was unable to sail with the convoy and joined at sea on 21 February 1942.

On departure from the Clyde the convoy was escorted by the battleship HMS Malaya (Capt. C. Coppinger, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E.N. Syfret, CB, RN), aircraft carriers HMS Formidable (Capt. A.W.LaT. Bisset, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.F. Somerville, KCB, KBE, DSO, RN), HMS Eagle (Capt. E.G.N. Rushbrooke, DSC, RN), light cruiser HMS Hermione (Capt. G.N. Oliver, DSO, RN), destroyers HMS Laforey (Capt. R.M.J. Hutton, RN), HMS Lightning (Cdr. H.G. Walters, DSC, RN), HMS Panther (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Jocelyn, RN), HMS Firedrake (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Norris, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Duncan (Lt.Cdr. A.N. Rowell, RN), HMS Active (Lt.Cdr. M.W. Tomkinson, RN), HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Hodges, RN), HMS Verity (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN), HMS Walker (Cdr. D.G.F.W. MacIntyre, DSO, RN), HMS Witherington (Lt. R. Horncastle, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Blankney (Lt.Cdr. P.F. Powlett, DSC, RN) and HMS Croome (Lt.Cdr. J.D. Hayes, DSO, RN).

Between 1300Z/18 and 1500Z/18 the transports City of Edinburgh, City of Lincoln and Potaro reported that their cargo had shifted. The Potaro was able to continue but was ordered to proceed to Freetown independently. The other two ships had to return to the U.K.

At 0920Z/20 the destroyer HMS Anthony left the convoy to proceed to the Azores with condensor trouble.

At 1800Z/20 HMS Panther was detached to fuel at the Azores and then rejoin the convoy.

At 1300Z/21 the light cruiser HMS Newcastle (Capt. P.B.R.W. William-Powlett, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral W.G. Tennant, CB, MVO, RN) and destroyer HMS Paladin (Cdr. A.D. Pugsley, RN) joined the convoy. They had the troopship Strathaird with them. They had departed from the Clyde on 18 February 1942.

At 0800Z/21 HMS Croome was detached to Gibraltar.

At 1530Z/21 HMS Malaya, HMS Eagle, HMS Hermione, HMS Laforey, HMS Lightning, HMS Duncan, HMS Active and HMS Blankney were detached to Gibraltar.

At 1600Z/21 HMS Paladin was detached to the Azores to refuel after which she was to rejoin the convoy.

At 1800Z/21 HMS Firedrake was detached. She was to return to the U.K independently.

At 1800Z/22 HMS Verity, HMS Walker and HMS Witherington were detached to the Azores where they were to fuel after which they were to proceed to Halifax.

At 1600Z/23 HMS Paladin rejoined the convoy. HMS Panther had sailed from the Azores before her but apparently she was unable to find the convoy. Eventually she joined in the evening.

At 0905Z/26 the destroyers HMS Boreas (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Jones, DSC, RN), HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. A.G. Poe, RN) and HMS Wild Swan (Lt.Cdr. C.E.L. Sclater, RN) joined the convoy coming from Bathurst.

The convoy arrived safely at Freetown in the morning of 1 March 1942 escorted by HMS Formidable, HMS Newcastle, HMS Paladin, HMS Panther, HMS Boreas, HMS Brilliant and HMS Wild Swan.


The same ships departed Freetown on 6 March 1942 for South Africa.

Escort was provided by the light cruiser HMS Newcastle, destroyers Brilliant, Wild Swan, sloop HMS Bridgewater (A/Cdr.(Retd.) H.F.G. Leftwich, RN) and the corvettes HMS Jasmine (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) C.D.B. Coventry, RNR) and HMS Nigella (T/Lt. L.J. Simpson, RNR).

Before deparure of the convoy HMS Newcastle conducted gunnery exercises and the A/S escorts conducted an A/S sweep off Freetown returning to meet the convoy off the boom.

At 2100Z/6, HMS Nigella was detached due to engine trouble. After repairs she was to proceed to St. Helena to fuel.

In the morning of 8 March 1942 HMS Newcastle attempted to fuel HMS Bridgewater but owning to the swell this was not possible.

At 0930Z/8, in position 01°46'N, 17°52'W, HMS Brilliant and HMS Wild Swan were detached to return to Freetown.

On 9 March 1942 further attempts were made to fuel HMS Bridgewater and some fuel was transferred.

In the afternoon of 12 March 1942 HMS Newcastle was able to fully fuel HMS Bridgewater. After dark, at 1930Z/12, HMS Jasmine was detached in position 15°44'S, 04°27'W to fuel at St. Helena.

At 1600Z/17, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Dunnottar Castle (Capt.(Retd.) C.T.A. Bunbury, RN) and the sloop HMS Milford (Cdr.(Retd.) the Hon. V.M. Wyndham-Quin, RN) joined the convoy in position 33°13'S, 16°06'E. These ships had departed Capetown at 0520Z/17. Shortly afterwards, the Capetown section, made up of; Bergensfjord, Brisbane Star, Delftdijk, Denbighshire, Nea Hellas, Port Jackson, Potaro, Sibajak, escorted by HMS Newcastle and HMS Milford splít off. The Capetown section arrived there around 0900Z/18. HMS Milford split off shortly before the convoy arrived and proceeded to Simonstown arriving there at 1410Z/18.

The Durban section, made up of the Awatea, Cuba, Duchess of Richmond, Dutchess of York, Empire Pride, Monarch of Bermuda, Mooltan, Ormonde, Strathaird, Stratheden and Volendam continued on now escorted by HMS Dunnotar Castle and HMS Bridgewater.

At 0400Z/18, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Cheshire (Capt.(Retd.) J.M. Begg, RN) and the corvettes HMS Freesia (T/Lt. R.A. Cherry, RNR) and HMS Fritillary (Lt.Cdr. W.H. Barker, RD, RNR) joined the Durban section of the convoy in position 34°55'S, 18°08'E. They had departed Capetown at 1715Z/17.

At 0630Z/18, in position 35°19'S, 18°55'E, HMS Bridgewater parted company to proceed to Simonstown where she arrived at 1156Z/18.

At 1300A/18, in position 35°57'S, 19°36'E, HMS Freesia and HMS Fritillary parted company. They arrived at Capetown at 0620Z/19.

The Durban section of the convoy arrived off Durban at 0800Z/21. The transports then entered harbour. HMS Cheshire and HMS Dunnotar Castle did not enter the harbour but set course to return to Capetown.


The sloop HMS Milford departed Simonstown at 0500Z on 22 March 1942 to make rendezvous with the Capetown position of the convoy in Table Bay at 1000Z/22.

On departure the convoy was also briefly escorted by HMS Jasmine and HMS Fritillary. These corvettes returned to Capetown at 1150Z/22.

At 0800Z/22, HMS Newcastle departed from Simonstown to make rendezvous with the Capetown section of the convoy.

At 1330Z/25, the Capetown section made rendezvous in position 33°30'S, 31°22'E with the Durban section of the convoy, now made up of the Awatea, Duchess of Richmond, Duchess of York, Empire Pride, Stratheden and Volendam, which had departed Durban at 1000Z/25 escorted by the light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. J.W. Cuthbert, RN) and the armed merchant cruiser HMS Worcestershire (A/Capt.(Retd.) E.H. Hopkinson, RN). HMS Milford by that time was no longer with the convoy as she arrived at Simonstown at 1300Z/26. HMS Newcastle parted company with the convoy at 2200Z/25 in position 30°03'S, 33°08'E and proceeded to Durban for repairs arriving there at 0548Z/26.

At 0245Z on 1 April 1942 the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) E.N. Kershaw, RN) joined in position 01°38'S, 44°52'E.

At 1800Z/2, HMS Colombo split off in position 04°49'N, 50°00'E with the Aden section of the convoy which was made up of the Bergensfjord, Nea Hellas and Volendam. This section of the convoy was dispersed off Aden on 6 April 1942.

The remainder of the convoy continued on to Bombay escorted by HMS Alaunia and HMS HMS Worcestershire. It arrived at Bombay on 8 April 1942. (65)

18 Feb 1942
Around 1015C/18, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transport Highland Monarch (British, 14139 GRT, built 1928) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (66)

23 Feb 1942
Around 0830C/23, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for gunnery exercises on completion of which she set course to make rendezvous with convoy WS 15. She was escorting the troop transport Khandalla (British, 7018 GRT, built 1923).

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy WS 15 ' for 12 January 1942.] (64)

1 Mar 1942
Around 1415C/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Aden from convoy escort duty. (67)

3 Mar 1942
Around 1305C/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. (67)

8 Mar 1942
Around 1000C/8, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (67)

27 Mar 1942
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) conducted gunnery and torpedo firing exercises off Kilindini / Mombasa. (67)

31 Mar 1942
Around 0600C/31, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) E.N. Kershaw, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa to join convoy WS 16.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy WS 16 ' for 16 February 1942.] (68)

4 Apr 1942

Convoy SU 4.

This convoy departed Bombay on 4 April 1942.

It was made up of the troop transports; Duntroon (British, 10346 GRT, built 1935), Katoomba (Australian, 9424 GRT, built 1913) and Willard A. Holbrook (American (Army transport), 14812 GRT, built 1921).

On departure from Bombay the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Chitral (A/Capt.(Retd.) G.W. Hoare-Smith, RN) and the sloop HMS Falmouth (Cdr. U.H.R. James, RN).

The convoy arrived at Colombo on 8 April 1942.


The convoy departed Colombo on 12 April 1942. The transports Kenmar (American, 6844 GRT, built 1919) and Pardo (British, 5400 GRT, built 1940) had joined the convoy as had the corvette HMS Aster (Cdr. E. Hewitt, RD, RNR).

Around 1900E/14, in approximate position 07°12'N, 70°40'E, the Katoomba, Kenmar and Pardo parted company to proceed to their respective destination independently. HMS Falmouth and HMS Aster also parted company to return to Colombo.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa on 20 April 1942.


The convoy, now made up of the troop transports Duntroon and Willard A. Holbrook departed Kilindini / Mombasa on 21 April 1942. It had been joined by the troop transports Felix Roussel (British, 17083 GRT, built 1930) and Mendoza (British (former French), 8233 GRT, built 1919). Escort was still the armed merchant cruiser HMS Chitral.

Around 1730C/22, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) joined the convoy as additional escort.

The convoy arrived at Durban on 27 April 1942.


On 1 May 1942, the convoy, now made up of the Duntroon, Felix Roussel and Willard A. Holbrook departed Durban for Fremantle. The convoy was escorted by HMS Chitral.

Around 0845GH/12, the light cruiser USS Phoenix (Capt. H.E. Fischer, USN) joined the convoy.

The convoy arrived at Fremantle on 13 May 1942.


The convoy departed Fremantle on 17 May 1942.

It was still made up of the now made up of the Duntroon, Felix Roussel and Willard A. Holbrook.

On departure from Fremantle the convoy was escorted by USS Phoenix and the destroyer HMAS Voyager (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Robison DSC, RAN).

The Duntroon was delayed by engine trouble and sailed around two hours later to overtake and join the convoy at sea which she did around 0135H/18.

Around 1600H/19, HMAS Voyager parted company with the convoy in position 35°20'S, 120°00'E. She was to return to Fremantle.

Around 0500HI/20, the convoy was dispersed. USS Phoenix then set course to return to Fremantle. (69)

6 Apr 1942
Around 0930C/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) arrived at Aden from convoy escort duty. (70)

9 Apr 1942
Around 1745C/9, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) departed Aden for Kilindini / Mombasa. She is escorting the troop transport Felix Roussel (British, 17083 GRT, built 1930). (70)

15 Apr 1942
Around 1000C/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.C.A. Allen, RN) and the troop transport Felix Roussel (British, 17083 GRT, built 1930) arrived at Kilindini / Mombasa from Aden. (71)

21 Apr 1942
Around 1530C/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) departed Kilindini / Mombasa for Durban. She is ordered to overtake and join convoy SU 4.

For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy SU 4 ' for 4 April 1942. (70)

27 Apr 1942
Around 0830B/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) arrived at Durban from Kilindini / Mombasa with convoy SU 4.

She departed for Simonstown around 1500B/27.

HMS Colombo is to return to the U.K. to refit and conversion to Anti-Aircraft cruiser. (70)

1 May 1942
Around 0900B/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) arrived at Simonstown from Durban. (72)

8 May 1942
Around 0910B/8, HMS Colombo departed Simonstown for Capetown. On departure D/F calibration trials were carried out followed by gunnery (LA and HA) exercises. (72)

9 May 1942
Around 1230B/9, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) arrived at Capetown from Simonstown. Before entering harbour D/G trials were carried out. (72)

10 May 1942
Around 1245B/10, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) departed Capetown for Freetown via Pointe Noire. She is escorting the troop transport Empress of Russia (British, 16810 GRT, built 1913). (72)

15 May 1942
Around 1115B/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) and the troop transport Empress of Russia (British, 16810 GRT, built 1913) arrived at Pointe Noire.

Around 1630B/15, they departed Pointe Noire for Freetown. (72)

21 May 1942
Around 1430Z/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) and the troop transport Empress of Russia (British, 16810 GRT, built 1913) arrived at Freetown from Pointe Noire. (72)

24 May 1942
Around 1230Z/24, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) departed Freetown for Bathurst. (72)

25 May 1942
Around 1730Z/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) arrived at Bathurst from Freetown. (72)

27 May 1942
Around 1115Z/27, the light cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) departed Bathurst for the U.K. via the Azores.

Around 1450Z/27, she joined the troop transport Empress of Russia (British, 16810 GRT, built 1913) and her escort, made up of the destroyer HMS Wild Swan (Lt.Cdr. C.E.L. Sclater, RN) and the ocean boarding vessel HMS Largs (Cdr. E.A. Divers, RNR). They had departed Freetown around 0645Z/26.

Around 1600Z/28, HMS Wild Swan parted company to proceed to Bathurst to fuel.

Around 1700Z/31, HMS Colombo parted company with the other ships to proceed to the Azores.

On HMS Colombo rejoining the troop transport on 1 June 1942, HMS Largs parted company.

On 3 June 1942, the destroyers HMS Charlestown (Lt.Cdr. N.R. Murch, RN), HMS Mansfield (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Hill, OBE, RNR) and HMS Salisbury (Lt.Cdr. H.M.R. Crichton, RN) joined in approximate position 47°35'N, 21°34'W. HMS Colombo then parted company to proceed to Plymouth where she arrived on 5 June 1942.

The Empress of Russia and HMS Mansfield arrived at Liverpool on 6 June 1942. HMS Charlestown arrived at londonderry on 5 June and HMS Salisbury at Greenock also on 5 June having been detached. (73)

5 Jun 1942
HMS Colomb (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) arrived at Plymouth. She is then taken in hand for refit and conversion to Anti-Aircraft cruiser at the Devonport Dockyard. During the conversion she was in dockyard control. (74)

5 Apr 1943
With her refit / reconstruction completed, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted D/G trials off Plymouth. (75)

7 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted trials, including gunnery, off Plymouth. On returning to harbour D/G trials were carried out. (75)

8 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted full power trials off Plymouth. (75)

11 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted D/G trials off Plymouth. (75)

12 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted D/F calibration trials at Plymouth.

Around 1330B/12, HMS Colombo departed Plymouth for Greenock. (75)

13 Apr 1943
Around 1830B/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Greenock from Plymouth. (75)

19 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (75)

20 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises in the Clyde area. (75)

21 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises in the Clyde area. (75)

23 Apr 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises in the Clyde area. (75)

29 Apr 1943
HMS Cardiff (A/Capt.(Retd.) A.G. Davidson, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises in the Clyde area. (76)

2 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) proceeded from Greenock to Lamlash. (77)

4 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

6 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

7 May 1943
HMS Cardiff (A/Capt.(Retd.) A.G. Davidson, RN) conducted torpedo firing exercises in the Clyde area during which HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) acted as target. (78)

11 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

12 May 1943
HMS Syrtis (Lt. M.H. Jupp, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area during which HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) served as the target. (79)

13 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

14 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

17 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

18 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. These included A/S exercises with HMS L 27 (Lt.Cdr. W.N. Eade, RNR). (77)

19 May 1943
During 19/20 May 1943, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (77)

25 May 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) was to conduct AA gunnery exercises in the Clyde area but shortly before these started that aircraft towing the sleeve that served as target crashed. The pilot was picked up but while doing so HMS Colombo fouled a propellor and sustained some damage.

Later HMS Colombo conducted exercises during which she was 'attacked' by torpedo bombers. (77)

27 May 1943
Around 1300B/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Greenock for Plymouth. On departure AA gunnery exercises were carried out. (77)

28 May 1943
Around 1720B/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Plymouth from Greenock. (77)

4 Jun 1943
Around 1415B/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Plymouth for Scapa Flow. (80)

6 Jun 1943
Around 1415B/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from Plymouth. (80)

10 Jun 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises at and off Scapa Flow. (80)

14 Jun 1943
During 14/15 June 1943, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Scapa Flow. (80)

17 Jun 1943
During 17/18 June 1943, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Scapa Flow. (80)

21 Jun 1943
in the evening, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Scapa Flow. (80)

22 Jun 1943
During 22/23 June 1943, HMS Sheffield (Capt. C.T. Addis, RN) and HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) both conducted exercises off Scapa Flow. (81)

24 Jun 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Scapa Flow. (80)

24 Jun 1943

Convoy KMS 18B.

This convoy departed the U.K. on 24 June 1943.

The convoy was made up of the transports; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Benedict (British, 4949 GRT, built 1930), City of Venice (British, 8762 GRT, built 1924), Derwenthall (British, 4934 GRT, built 1940), Devis (British, 6054 GRT, built 1938), Empire Cato (British, 7039 GRT, built 1942), Empire Confidence (British, 5023 GRT, built 1925), Empire Elaine (British, 7513 GRT, built 1942), Fort Buckingham (British, 7122 GRT, built 1943), Fort Lajoie (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Meductic (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Nashwaak (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Stager (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Gudrun Maersk (British, 2294 GRT, built 1937), Norman Monarch (British, 7005 GRT, built 1943), Orestes (British, 7748 GRT, built 1926), Prometheus (British, 6096 GRT, built 1925), St. Essylt (British, 5634 GRT, built 1941) and Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942).

The landing ship Derwentdale (Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), 8390 GRT, built 1941) was also part of the convoy.

Also with the convoy were the rescue vessel Rathlin (British, 1600 GRT, built 1936) and the rescue tug HMRT Allegiance.

The convoy was escorted by and the frigate HMS Teviot (Lt.Cdr. T. Taylor, DSC, RN), cutter HMS Banff (Lt. P. Brett, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR), HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS Honeysuckle (Lt. H.H.D. MacKillican, DSC and Bar, RNR), HMS Hyderabad (T/Lt. T. Cooper, RNR), HMS Oxlip (Lt. C.W. Leadbetter, RNR) and HMS Rhododendron (T/Lt. O.B. Medley, RNVR).

On 26 June 1943, the sloop HMS Erne (Lt.Cdr. E.D.J. Abbot, DSC, RN) departed Londonderry to join the convoy which she did later the same day.

On 3 July 1943, the Rathlin and HMRT Allegiance arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy.

Around 2052B/4, in position 36°44'N, 01°25'E, the transport City of Venice was torpedoed by the German submarine U-409. The ship eventually sank the following morning.

Around 2145B/4, in position 36°44'N, 01°31'E, the transport St. Essylt was torpedoed by the German submarine U-375 which had fired a salvo of four torpedoes at the convoy. The ship eventually sank the following morning.

The escort destroyers HMS Lamerton (Lt.Cdr. C.R. Purse, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Wheatland (Lt.Cdr. R.deL. Brooke, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Wilton (Lt. A.P. Northey, DSC and Bar, RN) and HMS Brocklesby (Lt. K.R.S. Leadlay, RN), which were en-route from Algiers to Oran were diverted to hunt these submarines as was HMS Quantock (Lt.Cdr. R.G.L. Pennell, DSC, RN) which was en-route from Gibraltar to Algiers.

On 5 July 1943, the original escort arrived at Algiers after having been relieved by a new escort made up the escort destroyers HMS Farndale (Cdr. D.P. Trentham, RN), HMS Tynedale (Lt. J.J.S. Yorke, DSC, RN), HMS Cleveland (Lt. J.K. Hamilton, RN), HMS Calpe (Lt.Cdr. H. Kirkwood, DSC, RN), HMS Haydon (Lt. R.C. Watkin, RN), ORP Krakowiak (Kpt.mar. (Lt.Cdr.) Wszechwlad Maracewicz, ORP) and HMS Viceroy (Lt. T.F. Hallifax, RN).

Around 1541B/5, in position 37°01'N, 04°10'E, the transport Devis was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine U-593 which had fired two speads of two torpedoes at the convoy. THe destroyers HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN), USS Cole (T/Lt.Cdr. B. Chipman, USN), sloop HMS Erne and frigate HMS Teviot were sailed from Algiers to hunt this sumbarine.

With them the monitor HMS Roberts (A/Capt.(Retd.) R.E.C. Dunbar, RN) and the LST's HMS LST 301 (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) R.F. Hoyle, RNR), HMS LST 305 (A/Lt.Cdr. R.M. Naylor, RNR), HMS LST 319 (Cdr.(Retd.) J.G. Sutton, RN), HMS LST 321 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.H. Metcalfe, RNR), HMS LST 365 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.F. Halliday, RNR), HMS LST 366 (A/Lt.Cdr. N. Hall, RNR) and HMS LST 424 (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Grandage, RNR) also joined the convoy.

Around 1500B/6, the light cruisers HMS Aurora (Commodore W.G. Agnew, CB, RN) and HMS Penelope (Capt. G.D. Belben, DSC, AM, RN) joined the convoy. They parted company with the convoy around 2200B/7.

On 7 July, the minesweepers HMS Fly (Capt. J.W. Boutwood, RN), HMS Espiegle (Lt.Cdr. G. Dibley, RD, RNR), HMS Circe (Lt.Cdr. J.H.M. Malcolm, RN) and HMS Cadmus (Lt.Cdr. (Retd.) J.S. Landers, RNR) joined the convoy.

Around 0515B/8, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 1300B/9, the following transports parted company and joined convoy KMF 1B; Alcinous, Empire Confidence, Orestes, Prometeus, Derwentdale, HMS LST 301, HMS LST 305, HMS LST 319, HMS LST 321, HMS LST 365, HMS LST 366 and HMS LST 424. HMS Roberts Also joined convoy KMF 18.

Convoy KMS 18B arrived off Sicily in the afternoon of 10 July 1943.

25 Jun 1943
Around 1300B/25, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Greenock. (80)

26 Jun 1943
Around 0930B/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Greenock from Scapa Flow. (80)

28 Jun 1943

Convoy KMF 18

This convoy departed U.K. waters on 28 June 1943.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Ascania (British, 14013 GRT, built 1925), Batory (Polish, 14287 GRT, built 1936), Circassia (British, 11136 GRT, built 1937), Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929) and Marnix van St. Aldegonde (Dutch, 19355 GRT, built 1930).

The headquarters ship HMS Hilary (Capt.(Retd.) J.F. Paget, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral P.L. Vian, KBE, DSO and 2 Bars, RN), fighter direction ship HMS Ulster Queen (A/Capt. M.H.J. Bennett, RD, RNR) and landing ships HMS Glengyle (A/Capt. E.C.L. Turner, RN), HMS Boxer (Lt.Cdr. G.B Herbert-Jones, RNR), HMS Bruiser (Lt.Cdr. J. Stretch, RD, RNR) and HMS Thruster (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. McMullan, DSC, RNR).

The convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), sloops HMS Pheasant (Cdr. L.F. Durnford-Slater, RN), HMS Chanticleer (Lt.Cdr. R.H. Bristowe, DSO, RN), HMS Crane (Lt.Cdr. R.G. Jenkins, RN), HMS Cygnet (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Proudfoot, RN), HMS Whimbrel (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Moore, DSC, RNR) and the frigates HMS Test (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Collinson, RD, RNR) and HMS Trent (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J.G. Rankin, DSC, RNR).

Around 2300B/1, HMS Colombo parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead to Gibraltar to fuel and rejoin the convoy. She arrived at Gibraltar around 1535B/3. After fuelling she departed Gibraltar around 2200B/3 for Algiers where she arrived around 1950B/4. On entering harbour her port engine failed.

Around 0600B/5, the escort destroyer HMS Ledbury (Lt. D.R.N. Murdoch, RN) and netlayer HMS Guardian (Capt.(Retd.) H.A.C. Lane, OBE, RN) joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar which they had departed around 0330B/5.

Around 1325B/6, the sloops HMS Cygnet and HMS Whimbrel attacked a submarine in position 36°46'N, 01°38'E. This was U-409 which escaped without damage.

Around 2115B/6, the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 7 July, HMS Ledbury and HMS Ulster Queen rejoined the convoy after having fuelled at Algiers.

Also on 7 July the destroyer HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN) and escort destroyers HMS Wallace (Lt. D. Carson, RN), HMS Woolston (Lt. F.W. Hawkins, RN), HMS Hambledon (Lt.Cdr. G.W. McKendrick, RN), HMS Mendip (Capt. C.R.L. Parry, RN, Capt. D 21), HMS Blankney (Lt.Cdr. D.H.R. Bromley, RN), HMS Blencathra (Lt. E.G. Warren, RN) and HMS Brissenden (Lt. D.C. Beatty, RN) joined the convoy coming from Bone. HMS Pheasant, HMS Chanticleer, HMS Crane, HMS Cygnet, HMS Whimbrel, HMS Test and HMS Trent then parted company and arrived at Bone also on the 7th.

Around 1300B/9, the following transports joined the convoy from convoy KMS 18B; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Empire Confidence (British, 5023 GRT, built 1925), Orestes (British, 7748 GRT, built 1926) and Prometeus (British, 6096 GRT, built 1925). Also joining was the landing ships Derwentdale (Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), 8390 GRT, built 1941) and the HMS LST 301 (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) R.F. Hoyle, RNR), HMS LST 305 (A/Lt.Cdr. R.M. Naylor, RNR), HMS LST 319 (Cdr.(Retd.) J.G. Sutton, RN), HMS LST 321 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.H. Metcalfe, RNR), HMS LST 365 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.F. Halliday, RNR), HMS LST 366 (A/Lt.Cdr. N. Hall, RNR) and HMS LST 424 (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Grandage, RNR).

Besides these transports the monitor HMS Roberts (A/Capt.(Retd.) R.E.C. Dunbar, RN) also joined the convoy.

Around 1815B/9, HMS Guardian parted company with the convoy to proceed independently to Malta where she arrived around 2100B/9.

The convoy arrived off Sicily in the early hours of 10 July 1943.

3 Jul 1943
Around 2200B/3, having completed fuelling, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Gibraltar for Algiers where she arrived around 1950B/4. On entering harbour her port engine failed. (82)

6 Jul 1943
Around 1700B/6, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) conducted engine trials off Algiers. On completion of these trials an hour later she was joined by the escort destroyers HMS Wallace (Lt. D. Carson, RN) and HMS Hambledon (Lt.Cdr. G.W. McKendrick, RN) and they set course to the east. The AA cruiser was to join convoy KMS 18B which she did around 0515B/8 and the escort destroyers were to proceed to Bone.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy KMS 18B ' for 24 June 1943 (on the page of HMS Colombo only).] (83)

13 Jul 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Malta from the operations area off Sicily. She had been escorted to Malta by USS Gherardi (T/Cdr. J.W. Schmidt, USN). They returned to the operations area off Sicily the following day. (84)

27 Jul 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Malta from the operations area off Sicily where she had provided AA cover off the invasion beaches near Gela. (82)

30 Jul 1943
Around 1645B/30, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Malta for Palermo where she arrived around 1620B/31. At Palermo she was to bolster the AA defences. (82)

9 Aug 1943

Combined convoy OS 53 / KMS 23.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 9 August 1943.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Alresford (British, 2472 GRT, built 1922), Antilochus (British, 9082 GRT, built 1906), Avon Coast (British, 1036 GRT, built 1923), Baron Fairlie (British, 6706 GRT, built 1925), Baron Forbes (British, 3061 GRT, built 1915), Botlea (British, 5119 GRT, built 1917), British Engineer (British (tanker), 6993 GRT, built 1922), Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910), Elizabeth Massey (British, 4323 GRT, built 1929), Empire Bardolph (British, 7063 GRT, built 1943), Empire Cabot (British, 6715 GRT, built 1941), Empire Capulet (British, 7044 GRT, built 1943), Empire Chamois (British, 5684 GRT, built 1918), Empire Clarion (British, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Empire Deed (British, 6766 GRT, built 1943), Empire Flame (British, 7069 GRT, built 1941), Empire Porpoise (British, 7592 GRT, built 1918), Empire Prince (British, 7030 GRT, built 1942), Empire Prowess (British, 7058 GRT, built 1943), Empire Rain (British, 7290 GRT, built 1941), Empire Shearwater (British, 4970 GRT, built 1920), English Monarch (British, 4557 GRT, built 1924), Euryades (British, 5801 GRT, built 1913), Facto (Norwegian, 1522 GRT, 1921), Fenad Head (British, 5038 GRT, built 1941), Filleigh (British, 4856 GRT, built 1928), Fort Albany (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Ash (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Assiniboine (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Caribou (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Carillon (British, 7129 GRT, built 1943), Fort Connolly (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Drew (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fraser (British, 7126 GRT, built 1942), Fort Glenlyon (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort McLeod (British, 7127 GRT, built 1942), Fort St. Paul (British, 7137 GRT, built 1943), Fort Ville Marie (British, 7122 GRT, built 1941), Greathope (British, 2297 GRT, built 1926), Hilversum (Dutch, 3717 GRT, built 1920), Itinda (British, 6619 GRT, built 1938), Lanrick (British, 1276 GRT, built 1920), Leighton (British, 7412 GRT, built 1921), Lowlander (British, 8059 GRT, built 1925), MacGregor Laird (British, 4992 GRT, built 1930), Neleus (British, 6685 GRT, built 1911), New Brooklyn (British, 6546 GRT, built 1920), Norjerv (Norwegian, 5582 GRT, 1919), Northleigh (British, 5450 GRT, built 1937), Ocean Faith (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Valentine (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Penshurst (British, 1454 GRT, built 1921), Peterston (British, 4680 GRT, built 1925), Portsea (British, 1583 GRT, 1938), Selvik (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1920), Solarium (British, 6239 GRT, built 1936), St. Rosado (British, 4312 GRT, built 1937), Tigre (Norwegian, 5498 GRT, built 1926), Trojan Star (British, 9037 GRT, built 1936), Tynemouth (British, 3168 GRT, built 1940), Warfield (British, 6070 GRT, built 1917) and Wayfarer (British, 5068 GRT, built 1925).

The rescue vessel Rathlin (British, 1600 GRT, built 1936) was also part of the convoy.

Also part of the convoy were the boom defence vessels HMS Barndale (T/Lt. R.L. Jones, RNR) and HMS Barnehurst (T/Lt. T. Robb, RNR).

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the frigates HMS Blackwood (Lt.Cdr. L.T. Sly, RD, RNR, with Cdr. E.H. Chavasse, DSC, RN on board as Senior Officer of the Escort Group), HMS Bazely (Lt.Cdr. J.V. Brock, RCNVR), HMS Drury (Lt.Cdr. N.J. Parker, RN), HMS Fal (Lt.Cdr. M.G. Rose, RANVR), HMS Test (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Collinson, RD, RNR), HMS Trent (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J.G. Rankin, DSC, RNR), HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN) and the M/S trawlers (for passage to the Mediterranean) HMS Staffa (T/Lt. R.L. Roat, RNVR) and HMS Unst (T/Lt. F.M. Cornall, RNVR).

Around 1700Z/11, in position 51°38'N, 13°14'W, the sloop HMS Stork (Cdr.(Retd.) G.W.E. Castens, RN) joined coming from Londonderry.

Around 1300Z/12, the sloop HMS Redpole (Lt.Cdr. I.M. Carrs, RN) joined the convoy coming from Milford Haven. She had the tanker Empire Bombardier (British (tanker), 8202 GRT, built 1943) with her.

Around 0715Z/13 the light cruiser HMS Bermuda (Capt. T.H. Back, RN) arrived near the convoy to provide cover against surface attack. About an hour later she positioned herself well to the east of the convoy. She left the vicinity of the convoy the following day after the AA cruiser HMS Scylla (Capt. I.A.P. Macintyre, CBE, DSO, RN) had joined around 0535Z/14 in position 43°42'N, 14°15'W. She was stationed inside the convoy for AA protection. During daylight hours, HMS Stork and HMS Redpole were also stationed inside the convoy to provide AA protection with their 4" gun batteries. During the night there were deployed in the A/S screen.

At 0915Z/15, when the convoy was in position 39°40'N, 13°33'W, it was noticed that en enemy FW 200 aircraft was shadowing the convoy.

At 1015Z/15, two FW 200's commenced high level bombing attacks on the convoy but all bombs fell wide.

Around 1745Z/15, the convoy was attacked by (16 to 18) German FW 200 aircraft from 1./KG.40 in position 38°59'N, 12°58'W. The Warfield was heavily damaged and later sank while the Baron Fairlie and Ocean Faith were both damaged. The Baron Fairlie was making water in the engine room. HMS Bazeley remained behind to assist these ships but she later rejoined the convoy. She sank the wreck of the Warfield which was beyond salvage. HMS Bazeley was near missed and slightly damaged but this was not discovered until the ship was docked for inspection.

Around 1200Z/16, HMS Trent was detached to fuel at Casablanca.

Around 2045Z/16, HMS Scylla parted company with the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar where she arrived around 0830B/17.

Around 0600Z/16, HMS Test was detached to fuel at Casablanca.

Around 0900Z/17, the convoy split into convoy OS 53 and KMS 23.


Convoy OS 53, towards Freetown, was made up of the following merchant vessels; Antilochus, Botlea, British Engineer, Empire Bardolph, Empire Bombardier, Empire Cabot, Empire Porpoise, Empire Prowess, English Monarch, Hilversum, Leighton, MacGregor Laird, Neleus, New Brooklyn, Norjerv, Peterston, Solarium, St. Rosario, Trojan Star and Tynemouth.

They were joined by the merchant vessels; Dalcross (British, 4557 GRT, built 1930), Dumfries (British, 5149 GRT, built 1935), Fort Alexandria (British, 7127 GRT, built 1942), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Kootenay (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Glaucus (British, 7596 GRT, built 1921), Glenpark (British, 5136 GRT, built 1939), Pentridge Hill (British, 7579 GRT, built 1941), Richmond Hill (British, 7579 GRT, built 1940), Stad Maassluis (Dutch, 6541 GRT, built 1918), Trevaylor (British, 5257 GRT, built 1940) and the boom defence vessel HMS Barbette (Skr.Lt. F. Parsons, RNR) and the rescue tug HMRT Antic which came from Gibraltar which they had departed on the 15th escorted by the destroyers HMS Isis (Cdr. B. Jones, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN) and the trawler HMS St. Nectan (T/A/Lt.Cdr. T.F. Broadhead, RNR).

The convoy was escorted by HMS Blackwood, HMS Bazeley, HMS Drury, HMS Fal and HMS Johan Maurits van Nassau. HMS Trent and HMS Test latr rejoined from Casablanca on the 18th and 19th of August respectively.

On 17 August 1943, the convoy was joined by the following merchant vessels coming from Casablanca which they had departed the previous day; El-Biar (French, 4678 GRT, built 1927), Finistere (French, 1158 GRT, built 1909), Fort Nakasley (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943) and Montaigne (French, 2770 GRT, built 1920). They were escorted by the patrol vessels USS PC-471 (Lt. G. Washburn, USNR), USS PC-473 (Lt. D.F. Welch, USNR) and USS PC-474 (Lt. A.D. Weekes, Jr., USNR). These patrol vessels did not join the convoy but returned to Casablanca arriving there on the 18th. They had taken the merchant vessel Empire Prowess with them.

Around 1000Z/22, the sloops HMS Enchantress (Cdr. A.E.T. Christie, OBE, DSC, RN), HMS Leith (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. Preston, RN), HMS Sandwich (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.J. Clemence, RNR) and the corvette HMS Anchusa (T/Lt. R.A. Baker, RNVR) joined the convoy. HMS Blackwood, HMS Bazeley, HMS Drury and HMS Johan Maurits van Nassau then parted company to proceed to Dakar to fuel where they arrived the following day.

On 23 August 1943, the El-Biar, Finistere and Montaigne arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy. The merchant vessels Fort Vercheres (British, 7128 GRT, 1942) and Thomas Holt (British, 3585 GRT, built 1929) joined the convoy coming from Dakar.

On 24 August 1943, the British Engineer and Empire Bombardier arrived at Bathurst after having been detached from the convoy. The merchant vessel Lida (Polish, 1387 GRT, built 1938) joined the convoy the following day coming from Bathurst.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 27 August 1943. Not all merchant ships entered Freetown but continued on to their destination independently.


Convoy KMS 23, towards the Mediterranean, was made up of the following merchant vessels; Arlesford, Avon Coast, Baron Fairlie, Baron Forbes, Chloris, Elizabeth Massey, Empire Capulet, Empire Chamois, Empire Clarion, Empire Deed, Empire Flame, Empire Prince, Empire Rain, Empire Shearwater, Euryades, Facto, Fenad Head, Filleigh, Fort Albany, Fort Ash, Fort Assiniboine, Fort Caribou, Fort Carillon, Fort Connolly, Fort Drew, Fort Fraser, Fort Glenyon, Fort McLeod, Fort St. Paul, Fort Ville Marie, Greathope, Itinda, Lanrick, Lowlander, North Leigh, Ocean Faith, Ocean Valentine, Penshurst, Portsea, Selvik, Tigre and Wayfarer.

The rescue vessel Rathlin and the boomb defence vessels HMS Barndale and HMS Barnehurst were also with the convoy.

They were escorted by the destroyers HMS Isis, HMS Anthony, sloops HMS Stork, HMS Redpole, A/S trawler HMS St. Nectan and the M/S trawlers HMS Staffa and HMS Unst. Also joining on the split up of the combined convoy was the Mediterranean escort of the convoy. It had departed Gibraltar on 16 August 1943 and was made up of the sloop HMS Shoreham (Cdr. E. Hewitt, RD, RNR) and the minesweepers HMS Hythe (Lt.Cdr. L.B. Miller, RN), HMS Romney (Lt. W.E. Halbert, RNR), HMS Rye (A/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Pearson, DSC and Bar, RNR), HMS Whitehaven (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) G.W.A.T. Irvine, DSC, RNR), HMAS Gawler (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) W.J. Seymour, RAN), HMAS Ipswich (T/Lt.Cdr. J.S. McBryde, RANR(S)), HMAS Lismore (T/Lt. L.C.G. Lever, RANR(S)) and HMAS Maryborough (T/Lt. J.C.P. Boyle, RANR(S)).

On 18 August 1943, the Arlesford, Baron Forbes, Ocean Faith, Selvik, Rathlin, HMS Barndale and HMS Barnehurst arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy. From the escort, HMS Isis, HMS Anthony, HMS Stork, HMS Redpole, HMS St. Nectan, HMS Staffa and HMS Unst also arrived at Gibraltar.

On 18 August 1943 the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Gibraltar; A.C. Bedford (British (tanker), 9485 GRT, built 1918), Balteako (British, 1328 GRT, built 1920), Belnor (Norwegian, 2871 GRT, built 1926), Gulf of Venezuela (American, 6910 GRT, 1919) and Toorak (British (tanker), 8627 GRT, built 1927).

Around 1700B/19, the AA cruiser HMS Carlisle (Capt. H.F. Nalder, RN) joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar which she had departed around 1200B/19. She parted company with the convoy around 0725B/20 to return to Gibraltar where she arrived around 1915B/20.

On 20 August 1943, the Cloris, Elizabeth Massay, Greathope and Gulf of Venezuela arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Oran; Edward Richardson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Eildon (British, 1447 GRT, built 1936), Grand Quevilly (French, 2844 GRT, built 1914) and Horace Binney (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942).

Also joining from Oran were the LST's USS LST 17 (Lt. H.B. Gallagher, USCGR), USS LST 21 (Lt. C.M. Brookfield, USCGR), USS LST 25 (Lt. J.P. Houlinan, USCGR), USS LST 72 (Lt. H.A Kaye, USNR), USS LST 73 (Lt. W.K. Bradbury, USNR), USS LST 175 (Lt. E.J. Fitzgerald, USNR), USS LST 176 (Lt.(jg) J.A. Salt, USNR), USS LST 208 (Lt. R.W. Emmons, USNR), USS LST 209 (Lt. F.J. Oberg, USNR) and USS LST 261 (Lt. L.I. Reilley, USCG).

On 21 August 1943, the Avon Coast, Baron Fairlie, Empire Chamois, Empire Flame, Empire Prince, Empire Rain, Facto, Filleigh, Fort Fraser, Grand Quevilly, Lanrick and Penshurst arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Algiers; Almenara (British, 1851 GRT, built 1922), Benedict (British, 4949 GRT, built 1930), Cape Sable (British, 4398 GRT, built 1936), Empire Cato (British, 7039 GRT, built 1942), Empire Commerce (British, 3722 GRT, built 1943), Empire Salvage (British (tanker) 10746 GRT, built 1940), Jade (British, 930 GRT, built 1938), Kingsborough (British, 3368 GRT, built 1928), Miriam (British, 1903 GRT, built 1912), Ravens Point (British, 1708 GRT, built 1918) and Ville de Djidjelli (French, 1132 GRT, built 1907).

The submarines HMS Templar (Lt. D.J. Beckley, DSO, RN) and HMS Torbay (Lt. R.J. Clutterbuck, RN) also joined the convoy off Algiers for passage to Malta.

On 22 August 1943, the Fort Ash arrived at Bougie after having been detached from the convoy.

On 22 August 1943, the Benedict, Empire Cato, Fort Albany, Northleigh and Ville de Djidjelli arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

On 22 August 1943, the Empire Clarion, Empire Commerce, Empire Deed, Fenad Head, Fort Caribou, Fort Carillon, Fort Ville Marie and Ravens Point arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

Around 1800B/22, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) joined coming from Bizerta which she had departed around 1000B/22.

On 23 August 1943, the A.C. Bedford, Armenara, Balteako, Edward Richardson, Eildon, Empire Salvage, Horace Binney, Kingsborough, Toorak and all the LST's arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 23 August 1943, the Cape Sable arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 24 August 1943, the Belnor, Empire Shearwater, Fort Connolly, Fort Drew, Fort St. Paul, Jade, Miriam and Ocean Valentine arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Algiers; Beacon (American (tanker), 10388 GRT, built 1921), British Vigour (British (tanker), 5844 GRT, built 1943), Good Gulf (Panamanian (tanker), 7805 GRT, built 1938), Meroe (British, 3832 GRT, built 1928), Ovula (Dutch (tanker), 6256 GRT, built 1938), Rancher (British, 5882 GRT, built 1927) and Shirrabank (British, 7274 GRT, built 1940).

The two submarines were detached to Malta. The escort destroyer HMS Blackmore (Lt. H.T. Harrel, RN) escorted them there.

Around 2230C/26, HMS Colombo parted company with the convoy to proceed to Benghazi.

On 27 August 1943 the merchant vessels Egret (British, 1391 GRT, built 1937) and Trajanus (Dutch, 1712 GRT, built 1930) joined the convoy coming from Benghazi.

On 29 August 1943, the British Vigour, Egret, Euryades, Fort Assiniboine, Lowlander, Meroe, Ovula , Shirrabank and Trajanus arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy. They were escorted by HMS Shoreham, HMS Hythe, HMS Romney, HMS Whitehaven and HMAS Gawler.

HMAS Lismore proceeded to Haifa where she arrived on 30 August 1943.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 30 August 1943.

16 Aug 1943
Around 1830B/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Palermo for Bizerta where she arrived around 0910B/17. (85)

22 Aug 1943
Around 1800B/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) diparted Bizerta to join convoy KMS 23.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 53 / KMS 23 ' for 9 August 1943.] (85)

25 Aug 1943

Convoy MKS 23.

This convoy departed Port Said on 25 August 1943.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; City of Calcutta (British, 8063 GRT, built 1940), City of Newcastle (British, 6921 GRT, built 1915), Custodian (British, 5881 GRT, built 1928), Defender (British, 8078 GRT, built 1915), Empire Garrick (British (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1942), Fernplant (British, 5274 GRT, built 1939), Fort Chambly (British, 7130 GRT, built 1942), Fort Gaspereau (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Grahame (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort McMurray (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Forthbank (British, 5057 GRT, 1929), Henry St. G. Tucker (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Indian Prince (British, 8587 GRT, built 1926), James Fenimore Cooper (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James J. Maguire (British (tanker), 10525 GRT, built 1939), Kaituna (British, 4914 GRT, built 1938), Macoma (Dutch (tanker), 8069 GRT, built 1936), Miranda (Greek, 278 GRT, built 1919), Ocean Viking (British, 7174 GRT, built 1941), Peter J. Maguire (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), President de Vogue (Norwegian (tanker), 9320 GRT, built 1935), Prince de Liege (Belgian, 2588 GRT, built 1938), Robert J. Collier (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937), William H. Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Yenangyaung (British, 5447 GRT, 1937).

The landing ship Derwentdale (Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), 8390 GRT, built 1941) was also part of the convoy.

The convoy was escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Holcombe (Cdr. S.H. Pinchin, DSC, RN), HMS Atherstone (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Liddesdale (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Mackenzie, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Coltsfoot (T/Lt. G.W. Rayner, RNVR), HMS Honeysuckle (Lt. H.H.D. MacKillican, DSC and Bar, RNR), HMS Hyderabad (T/Lt. T. Cooper, RNR) and HMS Rhododendron (T/Lt. O.B. Medley, RNVR).

Around 1440C/28, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) joined the convoy coming from Benghazi which she had departed around 1230C/27.

On 29 August 1943, the City of Newcastle, Custodiands, Defender, Fort Chambly, Fort Gaspereau, Fort Grahame, Forthbank, Indian Prince, Macoma, Ocean Viking, President de Vogue, Prince de Liege, Yenangyaung arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Malta; Alexandre Andre (Belgian (tanker), 5261 GRT, built 1928), Belnor (Norwegian, 2871 GRT, built 1926), Empire Charmian (British, 7519 GRT, built 1943), Empire Moorhen (British, 5617 GRT, built 1919), Empire Trooper (British, 14106 GRT, built 1922), Harpalycus (British, 5629 GRT, built 1935), Joseph G. Cannon (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Karoa (British, 7009 GRT, built 1915), Kheti (British, 2734 GRT, built 1927), Lucretia Mott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Marigot (French, 4047 GRT, built 1932), Nirvana (British, 6044 GRT, built 1914), Octane (British (tanker) (former French), 2034 GRT, built 1939), Orna (British, 6779 GRT, built 1938) and South America (Norwegian (tanker), 6246 GRT, built 1931).

The Yenangyaung apparently also rejoined the convoy after a short stop at Malta.

Also the salvage vessels HMS Salveda and HMS Salvestor joined the convoy off Malta.

The Belnor however had to return to Malta where she arrived on the 30th.

On 30 August 1943, the Alexandre Andre, Fort McMurray, Miranda, Octane, Orna and Sofala arrived at Tripoli after having been detached from the convoy.

On 31 August 1943, the Nirvana arrived at La Goulette (Tunis) after having been detached from the convoy.

On the Empire Charmian, Empire Garrick, James J. Maguire, Kheti and South America as well as the Derwentdale, HMS Salveda and HMS Colombo arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Alexander White (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Chertsey (British, 6001 GRT, built 1943), Eleazar Wheelock (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Empire Farmer (British, 7049 GRT, built 1943), George Vancouver (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Henry Middleton (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) and Robert M. la Follette (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943).

On 31 August 1943, the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Bone; Fort Aklavik (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Buffalo (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Kofresi (British, 4934 GRT, built 1920) and Ocean Volga (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942).

On 31 August 1943, the Chertsey and Empire Farmer arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined from Philippeville; Fort Slave (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942) and Tautra (Norwegian, 1749 GRT, built 1920).

On 2 September 1943, the Marigot and Tautra as well as HMS Salvestor arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined from Algiers; Atlantic City (British, 5133 GRT, built 1941), Charles R. McCormick (American, 6027 GRT, built 1920) and Kosciuszko (Polish, 6852 GRT, built 1915).

On 2 September 1943, the Alexander White, Charles R. McCormick, Eleazar Wheelock, Empire Trooper, Fort Slave, George Vancouver, Harpalycus, Henry Middleton, Joseph G. Cannon, Karoa, Kofrisi, Kosciuszko, Lucretia Mott and Robert M. la Follette arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy.

On 4 September 1943 the convoy arrived at Gibraltar.

27 Aug 1943
Around 0720C/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Benghazi from convoy escort duty.

After fuelling she departed around 1230C/27 to join convoy MKS 23.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 23 ' for 25 August 1943.] (85)

31 Aug 1943
Around 0345B/31, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (85)

12 Sep 1943
Around 0930B/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Bizerta for Augusta where she arrived around 1030B/13. (86)

14 Sep 1943

Convoy STF 1.

This convoy departed Augusta on 14 September 1943.

It was made up of the transports City of Newcastle (British, 6921 GRT, built 1915), Duke of Athens (British, 5217 GRT, built 1940), Empire Archer (British, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Forthbank (British, 5057 GRT, 1929), Ronan (British, 1489 GRT, built 1938) and ten LCI(L). [Identities of the LCI(L) unknown to us at the moment]

The convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Quantock (Lt.Cdr. R.G.L. Pennell, DSC, RN), HMS Brocklesby (Lt. K.R.S. Leadlay, RN) and the A/S trawler HMS Grayling (A/Skr.Lt. H.E. Burman, RNR).

Around 1032B/15, the of the transports Duke of Athens and Empire Archer left the convoy to proceed to Crotone escorted by HMS Grayling. They arrived later the same day.

Shortly before arrival at Taranto on the 15th, the transport Ronan (British, 1489 GRT, built 1938) lost speed and straggled from the convoy. HMS Brocklesby escorted her to Taranto behind the convoy.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Taranto on 15 September 1943. (86)

13 Oct 1943
Around 2100A/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Taranto for Alexandria. (87)

16 Oct 1943
Around 0900C/16, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Alexandria from Taranto. (87)

17 Oct 1943

Combined convoy MKF 24 / XIF 2A.

This convoy departed Port Said on 17 October 1943.

It was made up of the (troop) transports; Britannic (British, 26943 GRT, built 1930), Egra (British, 5108 GRT, built 1911), Glenartney (British, 9795 GRT, built 1940), Largs Bay (British, 14182 GRT, built 1921), Martand (British, 7967 GRT, built 1925), Maloja (British, 20914 GRT, built 1923), Stirling Castle (British, 25550 GRT, built 1936), Stratheden (British, 23722 GRT, built 1937) and Tamaroa (British, 12405 GRT, built 1922).

The headquarters ship HMS Largs (Capt. H.S. Allan, RNR) was also part of the convoy.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Lamerton (Lt.Cdr. C.R. Purse, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Wilton (Lt. A.P. Northey, DSC and Bar, RN), RHS Kanaris and RHS Themistocles.

On 18 October 1943, the (troop) transports; Aronda (British, 9031 GRT, built 1941), Karoa (British, 7009 GRT, built 1915), Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Llandgibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929) and Nieuw Holland (Dutch, 11066 GRT, built 1927) departed Alexandria to join the convoy which they did later the same day.

The were escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Croome (Lt. H.D.M. Slater, RN) and HMS Tetcott (Lt. A.F. Harkness, DSC, OBE, RNR).

In the morning of 21 October 1943, the convoy arrived off Augusta where the Britannic, Glenartney, Largs Bay, Maloya, Martand, Stirling Castle, Stratheden, Tamaroa, and HMS Largs were detached and entered harbour.

The Aronda, Egra, Karoa, Letitia, Llangibby Castle and Nieuw Holland and the entire convoy escort then proceeded to Taranto where they arrived early in the morning of 22 August 1943.

The convoy departed Taranto in the late afternoon to proceed to Augusta. The escort destroyer HMS Haydon (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Watkin, RN) had joined the convoy escort. The Llangibby Castle and HMS Lamerton did not sail with the convoy.

Early in the afternoon of 23 October the convoy was back off Augusta. the Nieuw Holland was then detached and entered Augusta. The convoy was rejoined by the Britannic, Glenartney, Largs Bay, Maloya, Martand, Stirling Castle, Stratheden, Tamaroa and HMS Largs which had been detached on 21 October. More (troop) transports however joined coming from Augusta, these were; Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928), Dunnottar Castle (British, 15007 GRT, built 1936), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931) and Sibajak (Dutch, 12226 GRT, built 1927).

Late in the afternoon of 23 October the convoy was off Malta where it was joined by the damaged light cruiser HMS Cleopatra (Cdr. M.J. Ross, DSC, RN) and the landing ships HMS Prince Charles (A/Cdr. (Retd.) S.H. Dennis, DSC, RN), HMS Prince Leopold (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Lowe, DSO, DSC, RNR), HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte (Lt. J.E. Bromley, RNR) and HMS Princess Astrid (T/A/Lt.Cdr. (Retd.) C.E. Hall, RNR).

On 25 October 1943, the convoy arrived at Algiers. Part of the convoy however went on to Oran. These were the Aronda, Egra, Karoa, escorted by HMS Croome, HMS Tetcott, RHS Kanaris and RHS Themistocles.

On 27 October 1943, the convoy departed Algiers. It was now made up of the following (troop) transports; Britannic, Duchess of Bedford, Dunnottar Castle, Durban Castle, Franconia (British, 20175 GRT, built 1923), Largs Bay, Maloja, Martand, Reina del Pacifico, Samaria, Sibajak, Stirling Castle, Stratheden, Tamaroa,

The light cruiser HMS Cleopatra, headquarters ship HMS Largs and the landings ships HMS Prince Charles, HMS Prince Leopold, HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte, HMS Princess Astrid, HMS Ulster Monarch (Lt.Cdr. N.A.F. Kingscote, RNR) were also part of the concoy.

The convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo, escort destroyers HMS Haydon, HMS Wilton, sloop HMS Pelican (Cdr. J.S. Dalison, DSO, RN) and the frigates HMS Jed (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Freaker, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Rother (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Hickey, RNR) and HMS Spey (Lt.Cdr. B.A. Rogers, RD, RNR).

The frigate HMS Evenlode (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.L. Turner, RNR) departed Algiers on the 28th to overtake and join the convoy at sea which she did on 30 October.

On 28 October 1943, the convoy passed Gibraltar and the following ships were detached from the convoy; HMS Cleopatra, HMS Prince Charles, HMS Prince Leopold, HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte, HMS Princess Astrid, HMS Colombo and HMS Haydon.

From Gibraltar the following ships joined the convoy; (troop) transports; Esperance Bay (British, 13837 GRT, built 1922), Highland Princess (British, 14133 GRT, built 1930), Moreton Bay (British, 14193 GRT, built 1921), Rangitata (British, 16737 GRT, built 1929), Saturnia (Italian, 23940 GRT, built 1927), Strathaird (British, 22281 GRT, built 1932).

The landing ship HMS Prince Albert (Lt.Cdr. H.B. Peate, RNR) also joined as did the AA ship HMCS Prince Robert (Cdr. A.M. Hope, RCN) and the destroyers HMS Beagle (Lt.Cdr. N.R. Murch, RN), HMS Boadicea (Lt.Cdr. F.C. Brodrick, RN) and HMS Bulldog (Lt.Cdr. E.J. Lee, RN).

On 30 October 1943, HMS Wilton was detached to return to Gibraltar where she arrived at following day.

On 1 November 1943, the convoy was joined by the frigate HMS Tavy (T/A/Lt.Cdr. F. Ardern, RNR).

On 4 November 1943, HMCS Prince Robert arrived at Horta, Azores after having been detached from the convoy earlier on it approaching 50°N.

On 4 November 1943, HMS Prince Albert and HMS Bulldog arrived at Plymouth after having been detached from the convoy earlier.

On 5 November 1943, the convoy arrived in U.K. waters. The bulk of the convoy proceeded to Liverpool.

18 Oct 1943
Around 0800C/18, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Croome (Lt. H.D.M. Slater, RN) and HMS Tetcott (Lt. A.F. Harkness, DSC, OBE, RNR) departed Alexandria with the ' Alexandria section ' of the combined convoy Combined convoy MKF 24 / XIF 2A.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy MKF 24 / XIF 2A ' for 17 October 1943 '.] (87)

18 Oct 1943

Convoy KMS 30.

This convoy was assembled near Oversay on 18 October 1943.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Amstel (Dutch, 2115 GRT, built 1925), Baron Forbes (British, 3061 GRT, built 1915), Baron Stranraer (British, 3668 GRT, built 1929), Begum (British, 5843 GRT, built 1922), Belgian Seaman (Belgian, 7023 GRT, built 1941), Blairdevon (British, 3282 GRT, built 1925), Cape Hawke (British, 5081 GRT, built 1941), Carlton (British, 7210 GRT, built 1942), Celtic Monarch (British, 5824 GRT, built 1929), Corfirth (British, 1803 GRT, built 1934), Coulmore (British, 3670 GRT, built 1936), Cydonia (British, 3517 GRT, built 1927), Dan-Y-Bryn (British, 5117 GRT, built 1940), Empire Ballad (British, 6700 GRT, built 1942), Empire Cameron (British, 7015 GRT, built 1941), Empire Copperfield (British, 6013 GRT, built 1943), Empire Tern (British, 2479 GRT, built 1919), Eridan (French, 9928 GRT, built 1928), Errington Court (British, 4913 GRT, built 1925), Esneh (British, 1931 GRT, built 1919), Fort Fairford (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Liard (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Fort Livingstone (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), Fort Reliance (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Tadoussac (British, 7129 GRT, built 1941), Greathope (British, 2297 GRT, built 1926), Harberton (British, 4585 GRT, built 1930), Lech (British, 1568 GRT, built 1934), Ledaal (Norwegian, 3076 GRT, built 1899), Lodestone (British, 4877 GRT, built 1938), Marwarri (British, 8067 GRT, built 1935), Nolisement (British, 5084 GRT, built 1928), Olga E. Embiricos (Greek, 4677 GRT, built 1922), Riverton (British, 7307 GRT, built 1943), Sinnington Court (British, 6910 GRT, built 1928), Stancleeve (British, 5970 GRT, built 1942), Topdalsfjord (Norwegian, 4271 GRT, built 1921) and Wearwood (British, 4597 GRT, built 1930).

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the destroyers HMS Highlander (Cdr. C.W. McMullen, DSC, RN), HMS Walker (Lt.Cdr. A.N. Rowell, RN) and the corvettes HMS Abelia (Lt. R.I. Floris, RNZNR), HMS Asphodel (Lt.Cdr. H.P. Carse, DSC, RNVR) and HMS Pennywort (A/Lt.Cdr. O.G. Stuart, RCNVR). The corvette HMS Clover (Lt. T.E. Fanshawe, RNR) was unable to join them due to defects but sailed later to overtake and join the convoy at sea which she did on 20 October.

The Blairdevon and Fort Livingstone collided in position 55°39'N, 07°21'W, not long after assembly of the convoy. Both ships being heavily damaged and the Blairdevon was even in a sinking conditiom but both ships were successfully towed to Moville where they arrived on 19 October. HMS Pennywort remained behind with the damaged ships but later rejoined the convoy.

The convoy encountered heavy weather conditions and several ships were forced to turn back, these were; Amstel, Baron Forbes, Begum, Empire Ballad and Nolisement. The Begum had to be towed back as she had lost her propeller.

On 23 October 1943, the merchant vessels Corfell (British, 1802 GRT, built 1934), Scottish Monarch (British, 7004 GRT, built 1943) departed Ponta Delgada, Azores to join the convoy around 1200Z/26 in position 41°53'N, 18°30'W. They were escorted by the destroyer HMS Viscount (Lt.Cdr. L.E. Woodhouse, RN) which was not to join the convoy.

From 26 to 28 October 1943, HMS Warwick and HMS Asphodel were not with the convoy as they had to fuel at Ponta Delgada and then rejoin the convoy.

During their absence the destroyer HMS Warwick (Cdr. Y.M. Cleeves, DSO, DSC, RD, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Buttercup (T/Lt. R.J. Jonckheere, RNR) and HMS Lavender (Lt. L.G. Pilcher, RNR) were with the convoy.

Also joining the convoy were the destroyers HMS Active (Lt.Cdr. P.G. Merriman, DSC, RN) and HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. J. Smallwood, RN). They had departed Gibraltar on 27 October with orders to join the convoy around 1800A/28 in position 37°37'N, 18°00'W. On these destroyers the three escorts from the Azores were then to part company and return to the Azores.

The convoy arrived off Gibraltar during the night of 31 October / 1 November 1943. The Corfirth arrived at Horta on 3 November after having been detached from the convoy. [or straggled from the convoy ?.] The Cydonia arrived at Lisbon on 1 November after having been detached from the convoy.

The following ships were detached to Gibraltar; Cape Hawke, Carlton, Corfell, Dan-Y-Bryn, Empire Copperfield, Esneh, Fort Tadoussac, Greathope, Lech, Olga E. Embiricos, Scottish Monarch and Stancleeve.

The original escort also proceeded to Gibraltar and was replaced by a new escort made up of the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), escort destroyer HMS Haydon (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Watkin, RN), frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR), corvettes HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR) and the A/S trawler L'Ajacienne.

The following merchant ships joined the convoy off Gibraltar; Benjamin Huntington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), British Merit (British (tanker), 8093 GRT, built 1942), Empire Derwent (British, 4026 GRT, built 1930), Empire Trent (British, 5006 GRT, built 1927), F.T. Freylinghuysen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Mary Odin (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Jonathan Trumbull (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Warren (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Montaigne (French, 2770 GRT, built 1920), Nemours (French, 673 GRT, built 1935), Norjerv (Norwegian, 5582 GRT, 1919), Orminster (British, 5712 GRT, built 1914), Puck (Polish, 1065 GRT, built 1935), Wearfield (British (tanker), 9795 GRT, built 1943), William B. Woods (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and William Coddington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 2 November 1943 the following ships were detached to Oran; Coulmore, Empire Tern, George Bancroft, Joseph Warren and Montaigne while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Oran; Alexander Graham Bell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Augustus S. Merrimon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Caid (British, 255 GRT, built 1906), Fort de Douaumont (French, 5266 GRT, built 1918), Francis L. Lee (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), George B. McClellan (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George M. Bibb (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Grand Quevilly (French, 2844 GRT, built 1914), Joseph Hewes (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Kemp P. Battle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kosciuszko (Polish, 6852 GRT, built 1915), Leland Stanford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mont Viso (French, 4531 GRT, built 1921), Robert Dale Owen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Robert F. Stockton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Selvik (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1920), William C. Endicott (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Zebulon Pike (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942). The minesweeper HMS BYMS 2186 (?) also joined the convoy.

Around 0051A/3, the merchant vessel Mont Viso was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine U-593. HMS Bryony went to the assistance of the torpedoed ship but it sank in two minutes. The corvette then picked up the survivors and later obtained an asdic contact on the enemy and attacked with depth charges during which the German submarine sustained damage due to which she was to return to Toulon for repairs.

Around 0900A/3, HMS Colombo was detached to return to Gibraltar. Between around 1100A/3 and 1410A/3 she was in the area where the Mont Viso had been sunk searching for survivors but none were found. She arrived at Gibraltar around 0805A/4.

On 3 November 1943 the following ships were detached to Algiers; Belgian Seaman, Caio, Empire Trent, Eridan, Fort Fairford, Fort Reliance, Lodestone, Orminster and Topsdaldjord as was HMS Haydon, while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Anna Capano (Italian, 1345 GRT, built 1938), Chateau Pavie (French, 2047 GRT, built 1930), Empire Daring (British, 7059 GRT, built 1943), George C. Childress (American, 7245 GRT, built 1943), Lars Kruse (British, 1807 GRT, built 1923), Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Pan-Delaware (American (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1918), Richmond Mumford Pearson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Ronan (British, 1489 GRT, built 1938). HMS Bryony also made a short stop at Oran to land the survivors of the Mont Viso before rejoining the convoy. The corvette HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR) also joined the convoy off Algiers.

On 4 November 1943, the Empire Daring arrived at Bougie after having been detached from the convoy.

On 4 November 1943 the following ships were detached to Philippeville; George C. Childress, Letitia and Sinnington Court while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Philippeville; Afghanistan (British, 6992 GRT, built 1940), Cap Padaran (British (former French), 8009 GRT, built 1922), Fort Fork (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Lawrence (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Norman Monarch (British, 7005 GRT, built 1943) and Prometheus (British, 6095 GRT, built 1925).

On 4 November 1943 the following ships were detached to Bone; Empire Derwent, F.T. Freylinghuysen, John Mary Odin, Jonathan Trumbull, William B. Woods and William Coddington while the following merchant vessel joined the convoy coming from Bone; Yenangyaung (British, 5447 GRT, 1937).

On 5 November 1943 the following ships were detached to Bizerta; Anna Capano, George M. Bibb, Grand Quevilly, Kemp P. Battle and Wearfield while the following merchant vessel joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Spero (Norwegian, 3619 GRT, built 1919).

On 5 November 1943 the Errington Court was detached to Bizerta.

On 6 November 1943 the Fort Liard, Puck and Selvik were detached to Malta as was HMS BYMS 2186.

On 6 November 1943 the Afghanistan, Alexander Graham Bell, Augustus S. Merrimon, Baron Stranraer, Benjamin Huntington, British Merit, Cap Padaran, Celtic Monarch, Empire Cameron, Fort de Douaumont, Fort Fork, Fort Lawrence, Francis L. Lee, George B. McClellan, Harberton, Joseph Hewes, Kosciuszko, Lars Kruse, Leland Stanford, Norman Monarch, Pan-Delaware, Prometheus, Richmond Mumford Pearson, Riverton, Robert Dale Owen, Robert F. Stockton, Ronan, Wearwood, William C. Endicott, William F. Cody and Zebulon Pike were detached to Augusta while the following merchant vessel joined the convoy coming from Augusta; Brighton (British, 7345 GRT, built 1943), City of Windsor (British, 7218 GRT, built 1923), Comliebank (British, 5149 GRT, built 1924), Fort la Traite (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Pembina (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Newbrough (British, 5255 GRT, built 1941), Pellicula (British (tanker), 6254 GRT, built 1936) and Talma (British, 10000 GRT, built 1923).

On 11 November 1943 the Brighton, City of Windsor, Comliebank, Fort la Traite, Fort Pembina, Norjerv, Talma and Yenangyaung arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy. They took HMS Bergamot and HMS Bryony with them.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said also on 11 November escorted by HMS Barle and HMS La Malouine. HMS Barle then continued on toward Haifa where she arrived on the 12th.

28 Oct 1943

Convoy KMF 25A

This convoy was formed off Oversay on 28 October 1943.

The convoy was made up of the following (troop) transports; Almanzora (British, 15551 GRT, built 1914), Anne Arundel (American, 7796 GRT, built 1941), Aorangi (British, 17491 GRT, built 1924), Argentina (American, 20614 GRT, built 1929), Aronda (British, 9031 GRT, built 1941), Dorothea L. Dix (American, 6736 GRT, built 1940), Edmund B. Alexander (American, 21329 GRT, built 1905), Hai Lee (Norwegian, 3616 GRT, built 1934), Hawaiian Shipper (American, 7775 GRT, built 1941), Henry Gibbons (American, 12097 GRT, built 1943), James Parker (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), John Ericsson (American, 16552 GRT, built 1928), Marnix van St. Aldegonde (Dutch, 19355 GRT, built 1930), Monterey (American, 148017 GRT, built 1932), Ruys (Dutch, 14155 GRT, built 1937), Santa Elena (American, 9135 GRT, built 1933), Santa Paula (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932), Santa Rosa (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932), Sloterdijk (Dutch, 9230 GRT, built 1940), Staffordshire (British, 10683 GRT, built 1929), Strathmore (British, 23428 GRT, built 1935), Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937), Thomas H. Barry (American, 11250 GRT, built 1930) and Thurston (American, 6509 GRT, 1942).

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the destroyers USS Davison (T/Cdr. J.D. Collett, USN, with COMDESRON 15, T/Capt. C.C. Hartman, USN on board), USS Parker (T/Cdr. J.W. Bays, USN, with COMDESRON 16, T/Capt. C.J. Cater, USN on board), USS Mervine (T/Cdr. D.R. Frakes, USN), USS Boyle (T/Cdr. B.P. Field, Jr., USN), USS Champlin (T/Cdr. C.L. Melson, USN), USS Laub (T/Lt.Cdr. A.G. Hay, USN), USS McLanahan (T/Lt.Cdr. N.C. Johnson, USN), USS Nields (T/Cdr. A.R. Heckey, USN), USS Ordronaux (T/Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr., USN), USS Beatty (T/Cdr. W. Outerson, USN) and USS Tillman (T/Cdr. C.S. Hutchings, USN).

Around 1440A/4, the Strathmore parted company with the convoy to make a short call at Gibraltar. She rejoined the convoy around 1830A/4 having been escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) which also joined the convoy.

Around 0500A/5, USS Davison, USS Laub and USS Tillman parted company to proceed to Oran to fuel. They rejoined the convoy around 1345A/5.

Around 1415A/5, USS Minerve parted company to make rendezvous with the attack cargo ships USS Oberon (T/Cdr. D.G. Greenlee, Jr., USN), USS Andromeda (T/Cdr. W.A. Fly, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR) and USS Herbert C. Jones (Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN) coming from Oran. They (re)joined the convoy around 1800A/5.

Around 0630A/6, the Anne Arundel, Aorangi, Dorothea L. Dix parted company with the convoy to proceed to Algiers escorted by USS Ordronaux.

Around 0800A/6, the escort destroyers HMS Croome (Lt. H.D.M. Slater, RN), HMS Haydon (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Watkin, RN), HMS Tetcott (Lt. A.F. Harkness, DSC, OBE, RNR), RHS Kanaris and RHS Themistocles joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

Around 0815A/6, USS Boyle, USS Champlin and USS Nields parted company with the convoy and proceeded to Algiers.

Around 1800A/6, the convoy was attacked in position 37°13'N, 06°12'E by 35 German aircraft from KG.26 (Major Klümper). They attacked with glider bombs and torpedoes. The result of the attack was that the Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Santa Elena and USS Beatty were hit and heavily damaged. USS Parker, USS Tillman and HMS Croome were ordered to assist them. They all sank later, USS Beatty around 2304A/6, the Marnix van St. Aldegonde and Santa Elena sank in the late afternoon / early evening of the following day after attempts to tow them to Philippeville had failed. They actually even collided with each other while under tow. To tow these ships the tugs HMRT Hengist, HMRT St. Day and salvage vessel HMS Salveda were sent out from Philippeville. USS Mervine and the Ruys were detached from the convoy to remain in the area of the attack to take over troops from the damaged ships.

Around 2110A/6, the Hai Lee and Thomas H. Barry were detached from the convoy and proceeded to Philippeville.

Around 0810A/7, USS Oberon and USS Andromeda left the convoy to proceed to Bizerta.

Around 0950A/7, the Palermo/Naples section of the convoy parted company. This section was made up of the Hawaiian Shipper, Henry Gibbons, James Parker, John Ericsson, Monterey, Santa Paula, Santa Rosa, Sloterdijk and Thurston. They were escorted by HMS Colombo, USS Davison, USS McLanahan, USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones.

Around 1645A/7, the destroyer USS Wainwright (T/Cdr. W.W. Strohbehn, USN) joined coming from Palermo.

Around 2215A/7, the Hawaiian Shipper, Henry Gibbons, James Parker, Santa Paula, Santa Rosa and Sloterdijk parted company to proceed to Palermo escorted by USS Wainwright.

The Naples section, made up of the John Ericsson, Monterey and Thurston arrived at its destination around 1030A/8 escorted by HMS Colombo, USS Davison, USS McLanahan, USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones.

Meanwhile the remaining ships of the convoy had continued eastwards escorted by HMS Haydon, HMS Tetcott, RHS Kanaris and RHS Themistocles.

On 8 November 1943, the Argentina, Aronda and Edmund B. Alexander arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 9 November 1943, the (troop) transport Devonshire (11275 GRT, built 1939) joined the convoy coming from Taranto.

On 11 November 1943, the Almanzora, Staffordshire, RHS Kanaris and RHS Themistocles arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 12 November 1943.

29 Oct 1943
Around 0245A/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (87)

4 Nov 1943
Around 0805A/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (88)

4 Nov 1943
Around 1805A/4, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF 25A.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy KMF 25A ' for 28 October 1943.] (88)

9 Nov 1943

Convoy MKF 25A.

The Naples section of this convoy departed that place on 9 November 1943. It was made up of the following (troop) transports; John Ericsson (American, 16552 GRT, built 1928), Monterey (American, 148017 GRT, built 1932) and Thurston (American, 6509 GRT, 1942). They were escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), destroyers USS Davison (T/Cdr. J.D. Collett, USN, with COMDESRON 15, T/Capt. C.C. Hartman, USN on board), USS McLanahan (T/Lt.Cdr. N.C. Johnson, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR) and USS Herbert C. Jones (Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN).

They all arrived at Palermo later the same day.

On 11 November 1943, the Palermo section of the convoy departed that place. It was made up of the three (troop) transports that had earlier made up the Naples section as well as the Hawaiian Shipper (American, 7775 GRT, built 1941), Henry Gibbons (American, 12097 GRT, built 1943), James Parker (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), Santa Paula (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932), Santa Rosa (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932) and Sloterdijk (Dutch, 9230 GRT, built 1940). Escort was provided by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo, destroyers USS Davison, USS Parker (T/Cdr. J.W. Bays, USN, with COMDESRON 16, T/Capt. C.J. Cater, USN on board), USS Mervine (T/Cdr. D.R. Frakes, USN), USS Laub (T/Lt.Cdr. A.G. Hay, USN), USS McLanahan, USS Tillman (T/Cdr. C.S. Hutchings, USN), USS Edison (T/Cdr. H.A. Pearce, USN) and USS Wainwright (T/Cdr. W.W. Strohbehn, USN).

Also on 11 November 1943, the Augusta section departed that place. It was made up of the (troop) transports Aronda (British, 9031 GRT, built 1941), Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Dominion Monarch (British, 27155 GRT, built 1939), Edmund B. Alexander (American, 21329 GRT, built 1905), Leopoldville (11509 GRT, built 1929), Nea Hellas (British, 16991 GRT, built 1922) and Ville d'Oran (British, 10172 GRT, built 1936).

They were escorted by the escort destroyers ORP Slazak (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) R. Nalecz-Tyminski, ORP), HMS Atherstone (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Catterick (Lt.Cdr. A. Tyson, RN) and HMS Cleveland (Lt.Cdr. J.K. Hamilton, RN).

The two sections joined company around 1100A/12.

At 0120A/13, the Derbyshire parted company to proceed to Philippeville escorted by USS Laub. The destroyer rejoined around 0800A/13, having taken with her the Thomas H. Barry (American (tanker), 11250 GRT, built 1930).

Around 0900A/13, USS Parker and USS McLanahan parted company to proceed ahead to Algiers to fuel.

Around 1200A/13, USS Mervine and USS Laub parted company to proceed to Algiers.

Around 1530A/13, USS Tillman parted company to proceed to Algiers.

Around 1615A/13, the (troop) transports Ancon (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), Anne Arundel (American, 7796 GRT, built 1941) and Argentina (American, 20614 GRT, built 1929). Also joining the convoy were the destroyers USS Nields (T/Cdr. A.R. Heckey, USN), USS Ordronaux (T/Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr., USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones.

Around the same time the Aronda and Ville d'Oran parted company and proceeded to Algiers.

Around 1645A/13, USS Parker rejoined the convoy.

Around 2020A/13, USS Mervine and USS Tillman rejoined the convoy. ORP Slazak and HMS Cleveland then parted company to proceed to Algiers.

Around 2045A/13, HMS Atherstone and HMS Cattistock parted company to proceed to Algiers.

Around 2315A/13, USS Laub rejoined the convoy.

Around 0820A/14, the Oran section of the convoy joined. It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Dorothea L. Dix (American, 6736 GRT, built 1940) and Orontes (British, 20097 GRT, built 1929). Also the destroyers USS Boyle (T/Cdr. B.P. Field, Jr., USN) and USS Champlin (T/Cdr. C.L. Melson, USN) joined. USS Wainwright, USS Edison, USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones were then detached and proceeded to Oran.

Around 2010A/14, USS Davison parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead of it to Gibraltar to fuel.

Around 0500A/15, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Carnarvon Castle (Capt.(Retd.) E.W. Kitson, RN) and the troop transport Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915) departed Gibraltar to join the convoy which they did around 0600A/15.

Around 0615A/15, USS Davison departed Gibraltar to rejoin the convoy which she did around 0745A/15.

Around 0645A/15, HMS Colombo arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy.

The convoy arrived in U.K. waters on 23 November 1943.

15 Nov 1943
Around 0645A/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (88)

15 Nov 1943

Convoy KMF 26.

This convoy departed the Clyde on 15 November 1943 and arrived at Alexandria / Port Said on 30 November 1943 / 1 December 1943.

This convoy was made up of the following transports; Arundel Castle (British, 19118 GRT, built 1921), Cameronia (British, 16297 GRT, built 1920), Chinese Prince (British, 9485 GRT, built 1943), City of Lincoln (British, 8039 GRT, built 1938), Clan Campbell (British, 9545 GRT, built 1943), Dempo (British, 17024 GRT, built 1931), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928), Dunnottar Castle (British, 15007 GRT, built 1936), Franconia (British, 20175 GRT, built 1923), Highland Princess (British, 14133 GRT, built 1930), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Orion (British, 23371 GRT, built 1935), Ranchi (British, 16738 GRT, built 1925), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931), Samanco (British, 8336 GRT, built 1943), Samaria (British, 19597 GRT, built 1921), Sarmiento (British, 8335 GRT, built 1943) and Scythia (British, 19761 GRT, built 1920).

On departure the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Birmingham (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) (actually joined on the 16th), sloops HMS Pelican (Cdr. J.S. Dalison, DSO, RN, S.O. of A/S escort), HMS Woodpecker (Lt.Cdr. H.L. Pryse, RNR) and the frigates HMS Evenlode (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.L. Turner, RNR), HMS Jed (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Freaker, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Rother (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Hickey, RNR) and HMS Spey (Lt.Cdr. B.A. Rogers, RD, RNR).

In the afternoon of 19 November, HMS Birmingham fuelled HMS Spey as the frigate had two out of four fuel tanks contaminated with seawater drastically effecting her range. With this underway refuelling she was able to continue on to Algiers.

During the morning of 20 November, the frigate HMS Rother also received some fuel from HMS Birmingham.

On passing the Straits of Gibraltar, HMS Birmingham parted company with the convoy and entered Gibraltar harbour. The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the destroyers HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN) and HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. J. Smallwood, RN) joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar. Also the submarine HMS Stonehenge (Lt. D.S.M. Verschoyle-Campbell, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy for passage to Alexandria.

On the 25th, HMS Anthony and HMS Spey parted company with the convoy.

Off Oran / Mers-el-Kebir the transports Egra (British, 5108 GRT, built 1911), Karoa (British, 7009 GRT, built 1915) and Rohna (British, 8602 GRT, built 1926) joined the convoy. They were escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR), USS Herbert C. Jones (T/Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN) and the minesweepers USS Pioneer (Lt. L.E. Rogers, Jr., USNR) and USS Portent (Lt. H.C. Plummer, USNR).

Off Algiers transport Monarch of Bermuda and the escorts HMS Brilliant, HMS Pelican, HMS Woodpecker, HMS Evenlode, HMS Jed, HMS Rother parted company with the convoy while the escort destroyers HMS Atherstone (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Catterick (Lt.Cdr. A. Tyson, RN), HMS Cleveland (Lt.Cdr. J.K. Hamilton, RN), RHS Miaoulis and ORP Slazak (Cdr. R. Nalecz-Tyminski, ORP) joined the convoy.

In the afternoon of 26 November the convoy was attacked by German aircraft and the transport Rohna was sunk by a glider bomb in position 36°56'N, 05°20'E. 1149 crew and passengers (mostly US troops) were killed in this attack.

Off Philipeville the transports Cameronia, Clan Campbell and Duchess of Bedford parted company with the convoy to proceed to that place while the transport Derbyshire joined the convoy coming from there.

On 27 November first HMS Colombo and later USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones parted company with the convoy to proceed to Bizerta.

The remainder of the convoy proceeded towards Alexandria / Port Said arriving there on 30 November / 1 December 1943.

17 Nov 1943

Combined convoy MKF 26 / XIF 4.

This convoy departed Port Said on 17 November 1943.

It was made up of the (troop) transports; Duchess of Richmond (British, 22022 GRT, built 1928), Karamea (British, 10530 GRT, built 1928), Margrethe Bakke (Norwegian, 5478 GRT, built 1938), Nieuw Holland (Dutch, 11066 GRT, built 1927) and Orduna (British, 15507 GRT, built 1914).

They were escorted by the escort vessel HMS Antwerp (Cdr. J.N. Hulse, DSC, RD, RNR) and the escort destroyer RHS Kriti.

On 18 November 1943, the (troop) transports; Cuba (British, 11420 GRT, 1923), Staffordshire (British, 10683 GRT, built 1929) and Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937) departed Alexandria to join the convoy. They were escorted by the destroyer HMS Paladin (Lt. E.A.S. Bailey DSC, MBE, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Beaufort (Lt. J.R.L. Moore, RN), HMS Belvoir (Lt. J.F.D. Bush, DSC and Bar, RN), RHS Kanaris and Pindos which also joined the convoy.

On 21 November 1943, the bulk of the convoy, Duchess of Richmond, Karamea, Margrethe Bakke, Nieuw Holland, Orduna and Tegelberg escorted by HMS Antwerp, HMS Paladin, HMS Belvoir and RHS Kriti arrived at Augusta. Meanwhile the Cuba and Staffordshire had been detached to Taranto where they arrived on 22 November 1943 escorted by HMS Beaufort, RHS Kriti and RHS Pindos.

The ships that had arrived at Taranto (convoy XIF 4) departed from there again on 24 November 1943 and arrived at Augusta the following day.

Convoy MKF 26 departed Augusta on 27 November. It was now made up of the following (troop) transports; Almanzora (British, 15551 GRT, built 1914), Cuba, Duchess of Richmond, Karamea, Margrethe Bakke, Nieuw Holland, Orduna, Staffordshire and Tegelberg. They were escorted by the escort vessel HMS Antwerp, escort destroyers HMS Beaufort, HMS Belvoir, RHS Kriti, RHS Kanaris and RHS Pindos. The destroyer HMS Nubian (Cdr. D.E. Holland-Martin, DSO, DSC, RN) joined coming from Malta which she had departed on the same day.

On 28 November 1943, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the destroyer escorts USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR) and USS Herbert C. Jones (T/Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN) joined the convoy escort coming from Bizerta while the Cuba was detached to Bizerta.

Later on the 28th, the troop transport Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Philippeville.

On 29 November 1943, the Karamea was detached to Algiers as were the following escorts; HMS Antwerp, HMS Beaufort, HMS Belvoir, RHS Kriti, RHS Kanaris and RHS Pindos.

The following (troop) transports joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Franconia (British, 20175 GRT, built 1923), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Samaria (British, 19597 GRT, built 1921) and Scythia (British, 19761 GRT, built 1920). Also joining from Algiers were the following escorts; sloops HMS Pelican (Cdr. J.S. Dalison, DSO, RN), HMS Woodpecker (Lt.Cdr. H.L. Pryse, RNR) and the frigates HMS Evenlode (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.L. Turner, RNR), HMS Jed (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Freaker, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Rother (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Hickey, RNR) and HMS Spey (Lt.Cdr. B.A. Rogers, RD, RNR).

Later on the 29th, the (troop) transport Champollion (French, 12546 GRT, built 1924) joined the convoy coming from Oran / Mers-el-Kebir. Also joining from there were the USN transports USS Andromeda (T/Cdr. W.A. Fly, USN), USS Arcturus (T/Cdr. C.R. Woodson, USN), USS Barnett (T/Capt. G.E. Maynard, USN), USS Charles Carroll (T/Capt. H. Biesemeier, USN), USS Frederick Funston (T/Cdr. J.E. Murphy, USN), USS James O'Hara (T/Capt. C. Allen, USN), USS Joseph T. Dickman (Capt. R.J. Mauermann, USCG), USS Oberon (T/Cdr. D.G. Greenlee, Jr., USN), USS Procyon (T/Cdr. B.A. Hartt, USN) and USS Thomas Jefferson (T/Capt. P.P. Welch, USN).

Around 1945A/30, USS Frederick C. Davis and USS Herbert C. Jones parted company with the convoy to proceed to Algiers. HMS Nubian also parted company with the convoy on the 30th to fuel at Gibraltar and then rejoin the convoy when it passed through the Straits of Gibraltar.

Around 0445A/1, HMS Colombo was detached from the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar. Also on 1 December 1943 the following (troop) transports joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar; Aorangi (British, 17491 GRT, built 1924), City of Bristol (British, 8424 GRT, built 1943) and City of Capetown (British, 8046 GRT, built 1937). The destroyer HMS Velox (Lt. G.B. Barstow, RN) also joined the convoy off Gibraltar.

HMS Velox fuelled at Horta, Azores during 3/4 December 1943 and then rejoined the convoy.

Around 1800O/4, the light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. C.P. Clarke, RN) joined the convoy. She parted company around 1800Z/6.

The Margrethe Bakke was detached in the North Atlantic and arrived at New York on 12 December 1943.

The convoy arrived in U.K. waters on 8/9 December 1943.

24 Nov 1943
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), destroyers HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN), HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. J. Smallwood, RN) and the submarine HMS Stonehenge (Lt. D.S.M. Verschoyle-Campbell, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Gibraltar and joined eastbound convoy KMF 26.

For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy KMF 26 ' for 15 November 1943.] (89)

26 Nov 1943

Combined convoy OS 60 / KMS 34.

This combined convoy assembled off Oversay on 26 November 1943.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Alex (British, 3932 GRT, built 1914), Allerton (British, 7195 GRT, built 1941), Baron Ramsay (British, 3650 GRT, built 1929), Belgian Sailor (Belgian, 7028 GRT, built 1942), Benton Field (British, 1124 GRT, built 1943), Chief Joseph (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Clan Forbes (British, 7529 GRT, built 1938), Clan MacBean (British, 5000 GRT, built 1918), Colytto (Dutch, 4408 GRT, built 1926), Elswick Park (British, 4138 GRT, built 1920), Empire Chamois (British, 5684 GRT, built 1918), Empire Chivalry (British, 6007 GRT, built 1937), Empire Jessica (British, 2890 GRT, built 1943), Empire Planet (British, 4290 GRT, built 1923), Empire Torridge (British, 4050 GRT, built 1923), Erastus Smith (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Fauzon (French, 4376 GRT, built 1938), Flimston (British, 4674 GRT, built 1925), Fort Alexander (British, 7127 GRT, built 1942), Fort Augustus (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Gabon (Norwegian, 4651 GRT, built 1931), Hardanger (Norwegian, 4000 GRT, built 1924), Inventor (British, 6210 GRT, built 1935), Jerome K. Jones (American, 7199 GRT, built 1943), Jobshaven (Dutch, 3528 GRT, built 1916), John M. Harlan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kaldfonn (Norwegian (tanker), 9931 GRT, built 1936), Kerma (British, 4333 GRT, built 1928), Mary Kingsley (British, 5021 GRT, built 1930), Nairung (British, 5414 GRT, built 1942), Narwick (Polish, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Nassa (British (tanker), 8134 GRT, built 1942), Norefjord (Norwegian, 3082 GRT, built 1920), Norfalk (British, 5675 GRT, built 1919), Pandorian (British, 4159 GRT, built 1941), Scorton (British, 4813 GRT, built 1939), Silverteak (British, 6770 GRT, built 1930), Simon Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Souliotis (Greek, 4299 GRT, built 1917), Stad Haarlem (Dutch, 4518 GRT, built 1929), Stuyvesant (Dutch, 4249 GRT, built 1918), Thistleford (British, 4781 GRT, built 1928), Timok (Yugoslavian, 3130 GRT, built 1924), Tudor Prince (British, 1914 GRT, built 1940), Vera Radcliffe (British, 5587 GRT, built 1925), Wellington Court (British, 4979 GRT, built 1930) and William Kent (American, 7187 GRT, built 1942).

The rescue ship Fastnet (British, 1415 GRT, built 1928) was also with the convoy as was the French survey vessel President Theodore Tissier.

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Fencer (Capt. E.W. Anstice, RN), destroyer HMS Highlander (Cdr. C.W. McMullen, DSC, RN), corvettes HMS Abelia (Lt. R.I. Floris, RNZNR), HMS Clover (Lt. P.H. Grieves, RNR), HMS Linaria (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.H. Jameson, RNR) and the A/S trawlers HMS Northern Spray (Lt. F.A.J. Downer, RNR) and HMS Northern Sun (T/Lt. H. Meredith, RNVR).

On 27 November 1943, the frigate HMS Avon (Lt.Cdr. P.G.A. King, RD, RNR) joined coming from Londonderry.

On 1 December 1943, the frigates HMS Nene (Cdr. J.D. Birch, RD, RNR), HMS Tweed (Lt.Cdr. R.S. Miller, DSC, RNR) and corvettes HMCS Lunenburg (T/Lt. D.L. Miller, RCNVR) and HMCS Snowberry (T/Lt. J.A. Dunn, RCNVR) joined . These ships had departed Plymouth on 28 November 1943. They parted company with the convoy on 3 December 1943 to join convoy MKF 26. Also on 1 December 1943, a fighter from HMS Fencer reported shooting down a German Focke Wolf reconnaissance aircraft.

On 2 December 1943, the destroyer HMS Walker (Lt.Cdr. A.N. Rowell, RN) overtook and joined the convoy after having departed Londonderry on 30 November. She had grounded on 27 November when originally sailing to join the convoy and had needed repairs.

Also on 2 December 1943, the Allerton arrived in the Clyde after having been detached from the convoy, most likely due to engine trouble.

Around 0515Z/6, HMS Fencer parted company with the convoy to join the combined convoy SL 141 / MKS 32.

Also on 6 December 1943, HMS Linaria arrived at Horta with the Kaldfonn. They had parted company with the convoy on 4 December 1943.

On 7 December 1943 the convoy split into convoy OS 60 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 34 bound for the Mediterranean. The merchant vessels Alex, Baron Ramsay, Elswick Park, Pandorian and Thistleford were detached to Lisbon.


Convoy OS 60 was made up of the merchant vessels; Fauzon, Flimston, Gabon, Mary Kingsley, Nassa, Silverteak and Stuyvesant.

These were joined by the merchant vessels Bactria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), Celtic Monarch (British, 5824 GRT, built 1929), Empire Lightning (British, 6942 GRT, built 1940), Fort Liard (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Glenwood (British, 4897 GRT, built 1940), Keila (British, 3621 GRT, built 1905), Riley (British, 4993 GRT, built 1936) and Stanford (British, 5969 GRT, built 1941) coming from Gibraltar which they had departed earlier that day.

These ships had been escorted by the frigate HMS Ballinderry (Lt.Cdr. E.F. Aikman, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Aubretia (Lt. G.D. Fowler, RNR) and HMS Cyclamen (T/Lt. W.S. Joliffe, RNR) which now formed the escort of this convoy towards Freetown.

On 8 December 1943 the merchant vessel Canada (French, 9684 GRT, built 1912) departed Casablanca to join the convoy which she did later the same day. She was escorted by the sloop / minesweeper Annamite which also joined the convoy.

On 14 December 1943, the merchant vessels Lycaon (British, 7552 GRT, built 1913) and Thomas Holt (British, 3585 GRT, built 1929) departed Dakar to join the convoy.

On 15 December 1943, the Canada and Fauzon arrived at Dakar after having parted company with the convoy. They were escorted to Dakar by the Annamite.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 18 December 1943. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 34 was made up of the merchant vessels; Belgian Sailor, Benton Field, Chief Joseph, Clan Forbes, Clan MacBean, Colytto, Empire Chamois, Empire Chivalry, Empire Jessica, Empire Planet, Empire Torridge, Erastus Smith, Fort Alexandria, Fort Augustus, Hardanger, Inventor, Jerome K. Jones, Jobshaven, John M. Harlan, Kerma, Nairung, Narwick, Norefjord, Norfalk, Scorton, Simon Willard, Souliotis, Stad Haarlem, Timok, Tudor Prince, Vera Radcliffe, Wellington Court and William Kent as well as the Fastnet and the President Theodore Tissier.

Escort was provided by the remaining escort from combined convoy OS 60 / KMS 34.

While en-route to the Straits of Gibraltar the Kerma and Empire Jessica were detached to Huelva and Cadiz respectively.

On 9 December 1943 the original escort parted company and entered Gibraltar harbour as did the Fastnet, President Theodore Tissier, Timok and Tudor Prince. The Vera Radcliffe, which had straggled from the convoy, arrived on the 10th.

Off Gibraltar new escorts joined the convoy, these were the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), frigate HMS Cuckmere (Lt.Cdr. A. Johnson, VRD, RNVR) corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR), HMS Coltsfoot (T/Lt. G.W. Rayner, RNVR), HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR) and HMS Hyderabad (T/Lt. T. Cooper, RNR). The rescue tug HMRT Mindful, minesweeper HMS BYMS 2187 (T/Lt. P. Moore, RNVR), motor minesweeper HMS MMS 20 (T/Lt. L.S. Kay, RNVR) and boom defence vessel HMS Barnehurst (T/Lt. T. Robb, RNR) also joined the convoy.

On 10 December 1943, the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Oran; Colin P. Kelly Jr. (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), David G. Farragut (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Jade (British, 930 GRT, built 1938), John Blair (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John Howland (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), John Murray Forbes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Stevens (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Jonathan Worth (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Newton D. Baker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Richard Rush (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943) and Russell A. Alger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

Around 1304A/11, in position 36°55'N, 03°01'E, north-north-east of Algiers, HMS Cuckmere was torpedoed and heavily damaged by the German submarine U-223. She was towed to Algiers but later declared a total loss.

On the 11th the following merchant ships were detached to Algiers; Empire Planet, John M. Harlan, Russell A. Alger as was HMS MMS 20 while the following merchant ships joined the convoy off Algiers; Anglo-African (British, 5601 GRT, built 1929), Argentina (Italian, 5085 GRT, built 1907), Baron Inchcape (British, 7005 GRT, built 1917), Benjamin Tay (British, 1814 GRT, built 1943), Borgholm (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1922), British Endurance (British (tanker), 8406 GRT, built 1936), Cape Hawke (British, 5081 GRT, built 1941), Chester O. Swain (American (tanker), 8146 GRT, built 1921), Empire Tana (British, 6148 GRT, built 1923), Helmwood (British, 2156 GRT, built 1923), Hjalmar Wessel (Norwegian, 1742 GRT, built 1935), Lesto (British, 1893 GRT, 1918), Marita (Norwegian, 1931 GRT, built 1919), Nolisement (British, 5084 GRT, built 1928), Thorsholm (Norwegian (tanker), 9937 GRT, built 1937) and William L. Yancey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). Also the motor minesweepers HMS MMS 13 (T/Lt. A.E. Durham, RNVR) and HMS MMS 48 (T/Lt. J.R. Kingdon, RNVR) joined the convoy.

On 11 December 1943, the merchant vessels Empire Daring (British, 7059 GRT, built 1943) and Fort Reliance (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942) departed Bougie to join the convoy while the Borgholm and Empire Tana were detached to Bougie arriving on the 12th.

On 12 December 1943, the merchant vessel Norefjord was detached to Philippeville while the Dux (Norwegian, 1590 GRT, built 1934) and Stancleeve (British, 5970 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy.

On 13 December 1943, the merchant vessels Belgian Sailor, John Wise, Lesto, Narwick and HMS Mindful were detached to Bone while the Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910), Empire Gain (British (tanker), 3738 GRT, built 1943), Fort Carillon (British, 7129 GRT, built 1943), Jennings (British, 1148 GRT, built 1943) and Shirrabank (British, 7274 GRT, built 1940) joined the convoy.

Later on 13 December 1943, the merchant vessels Baron Inchcape, Empire Gain, Helmwood, Jobshaven, Norfalk and William L. Yancey arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy while the Benjamin Huntington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Daniel H. Lownsdale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George Shiras (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), George Vickers (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Gleniffer (British, 9559 GRT, built 1919), Joel Chandler Harris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Hopkinson (British, 1314 GRT, built 1932), Marion McKinley Bovard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Volunteer (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Patrick Henry (American, 7191 GRT, built 1941), Ponce de Leon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Tarvisio (Italian, 5484 GRT, built 1927) and Titus (Dutch, 1712 GRT, built 1930) joined coming from Bizerta. HMS Colombo also parted company with the convoy arriving at Bizerta around 0800A/13.

On 14 December 1943, HMS BYMS 2187 and HMS HMS Barnehurst arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the minesweepers HMS BYMS 2203 (/Lt. R.D. Adam, RNVR), HMS BYMS 2204 (T/Lt. M.R. Bell, RNR), HMS BYMS 2232 (?) and the merchant vessel Talma (British, 10000 GRT, built 1923) joined the convoy.

On the 14 December 1943, the merchant vessels Comliebank (British, 5149 GRT, built 1924), Defender (British, 8078 GRT, built 1915), Fort St. Francois (British, 7125 GRT, built 1942), Newbrough (British, 5255 GRT, built 1941), Reginald A. Fessenden (American, 7213 GRT, built 1943), Trevelyan (British, 7292 GRT, built 1943) and Vasco (British, 2878 GRT, built 1939) departed Augusta to join the convoy.

On 14/15 December 1943, the merchant vessels Argentina, Benjamin Huntington, Benjamin Tay, British Endurance, Chester O. Swain, Chief Joseph, Chloris, Colin P. Kelly Jr., Daniel H. Lownsdale, David G. Farragut, Dux, Empire Chamois, Empire Chivalry, Empire Daring, Empire Torridge, Erastus Smith, Fort Alexandria, Fort Carillon, Fort Reliance, George Shiras, George Vickers, Gleniffer, Hardanger, Hjalmar Wessel, Jade, Jerome K. Jones, John Blair, John Hopkinson, John Howland, John Murray Forbes, John Stevens, Jonathan Worth, Marion McKinley Bovard, Marita, Nairung, Newton D. Baker, Patrick Henry, Ponce de Leon, Richard Rush, Scorton, Shirrabank, Simon Willard, Stad Haarlem, Stancleeve, Tarvisio, Thorsholm, Wellington Court and William Kent arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy. HMS MMS 13 and HMS MMS 48 were also detached to Augusta.

On 18 December 1943, the merchant vessels Cape Hawke, Fort St. Francois and Newbrough arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy. They were escorted by HMS Coltsfoot

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 19 December 1943.

27 Nov 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), USS Frederick C. Davcis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR) and USS Herbert C. Jones (T/Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty.

28 Nov 1943
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), USS Frederick C. Davcis (Lt.Cdr. O.W. Goepner, USNR) and USS Herbert C. Jones (T/Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN) departed Bizerta to join convoy MKF 26.

For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy MKF 26 / XIF 4 ' for 17 November 1943.

1 Dec 1943
Around 0815A/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (90)

6 Dec 1943

Convoy GUS 24.

This convoy departed Port Said on 6 December 1943.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports; Katy (Norwegian, 6825 GRT, built 1931), Lowlander (British, 8059 GRT, built 1925), Mahlon Pitney (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Robert Morris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Samariz (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samblade (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samdak (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samkansa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Urbino (British, 5198 GRT, built 1918).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the minesweeper HMS Rye (A/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Pearson, DSC and Bar, RNR) and the A/S trawler HMS Wolborough (T/Lt. G.A. Hartnell, RNR).

On 7 December 1943, the following transports joined coming from Alexandria; Afghanistan (British, 6992 GRT, built 1940), Avristan (British, 7266 GRT, built 1942), Blairclova (British, 5083 GRT, built 1938), Corstar (British, 2337 GRT, built 1918), Egret (British, 1391 GRT, built 1937), Empire Addison (British, 7010 GRT, built 1942), Empire Glory (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frederick (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), George M. Pullman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Gudrun Maersk (British, 2294 GRT, built 1937), Hindustan (British, 5245 GRT, built 1940), Horace Bushnell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Hughli (British, 6589 GRT, built 1943), Ocean Liberty (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Sambrake (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937) and Tynebank (British, 4651 GRT, built 1922).

They were escorted by the frigate HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Gloxinia (Lt. M.C. English, RNR), HMS Primula (Lt. G.H. Taylor, RNR) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Maid (?).

On 8 December 1943, the Lowlander arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy with engine trouble.

On 10 December 1943, the Egret arrived at Benghazi after having been detached from the convoy.

On 11 December 1943, the convoy was sighted by enemy reconnaissance aircraft but no attack developed.

Also on 11 December 1943, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Antonia (Dutch (tanker), 3357 GRT, built 1938), Athelviking (British (tanker), 8779 GRT, built 1926), Baron Stranraer (British, 3668 GRT, built 1929), Empire Deed (British, 6766 GRT, built 1943), Empire Success (British, 5988 GRT, built 1921), Fort Lac la Ronge (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Hermelin (Norwegian, 1683 GRT, built 1940), Lord Byron (British, 4118 GRT, built 1934) and Somerville (Norwegian, 4265 GRT, built 1929).

On 12 December 1943, the following transports arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; Afghanistan, Blairclova, Corstar, Empire Addison, Empire Glory, Fort Frederick, Gudrun Maersk, Katy, Ocean Liberty, Sambrake and Sofala.

Also on 12 December 1943, the submarines HMS Shakespeare (Lt. M.F.R. Ainslie, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Universal (Lt. C. Gordon, RN) and HMS Unseen (Lt. M.L.C. Crawford, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy coming from Malta. The following day, after having passed through the Sicilian Narrows, HMS Univeral and HMS Unseen parted company with the convoy and proceeded on patrol.

On 14 December 1943, the following transports / tankers joined the convoy off Bizerta; A.P. Hill (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Alexander Graham Bell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), American Trader (American (tanker), 8862 GRT, built 1923), Anson Jones (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Belgian Fisherman (Belgian, 4714 GRT, built 1918), Caleb Strong (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Emma Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Coleridge (British (tanker), 9798 GRT, built 1942), Empire Dickens (British (tanker), 9819 GRT, built 1942), Esek Hopkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Fanny Brunner (Italian, 2464 GRT, built 1925), Fort Lajoie (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Walsh (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Francis L. Lee (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), George B. McClellan (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George Matthew (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Grace Abbott (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Haym Salomon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Henry Middleton (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Horace Binney (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Isaac Coles (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Isaac Sharpless (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James W. Fannin (American, 7244 GRT, built 1942), John A. Rawlins (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John Hathorn (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Sergeant (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), John Walker (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Alston (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Joshua Seney (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Josiah Parker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Leland Stanford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mayo Brothers (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Nettuno (Italian, 5088 GRT, built 1916), Orient City (British, 5095 GRT, built 1940), Prosper Schiaffino (French, 1634 GRT, built 1931), Richmond Mumford Pearson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert Dale Owen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Stanford Newel (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Star (Norwegian, 1531 GRT, built 1922), Thomas Nelson Page (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Townsend Harris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William D. Pender (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943) and William R. Davie (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942).

The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) and the rescue tug HMS Hengist also joined the convoy coming from Bizerta.

On 14 December 1943, the following ships were detached to Bone; Belgian Fisherman, Fort Lac la Ronge, Hermelin and Star while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bone; British Vigour (British (tanker), 5844 GRT, built 1943), Eleazar Wheelock (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Empire Zephyr (British, 6327 GRT, built 1941), Esso Providence (American (tanker), 9059 GRT, built 1921), Srbin (Yugoslavian, 928 GRT, built 1913) and William Coddington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 14 December 1943, the following ships were detached to Philippeville; British Vigour and Fanny Brunner while the following transport joined the convoy coming from Philippeville; Lago (Norwegian, 2552 GRT, built 1929).

On 14 December 1943, the Empire Zephyr arrived at Bougie after having straggled from the convoy.

On 15 December 1943, the following ships were detached to Algiers; Antonia, Empire Deed, Prosper Schiaffino and Srbin while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Andrea Gritti (Italian, 6404 GRT, built 1943), Enrico (Italian, 1817 GRT, built 1909), Gryfevale (British, 4434 GRT, built 1929), Marie-Louise le Borgne (French, 1263 GRT, built 1903), Moses Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Myriel (British (tanker), 3560 GRT, built 1913), Ocean Courier (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Orminster (British, 5712 GRT, built 1914), Pencarrow (British, 4841 GRT, built 1921), Ronan (British, 1489 GRT, built 1938) and Thomas Stone (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942).

The rescue tug HMS Hengist also arrived at Algiers.

On 16 December 1943, the following ships were detached to Oran / Mers-el-Kebir; Alexander Graham Bell, Empire Success, Enrico, Fort Walsh, George Matthews, Henry Middleton, John Hathorn, John Walker, Joseph Alston, Marie-Louise le Borgne, Mayo Brothers, Orminster, Pencarrow, Ronan, Stanford Newell, Thomas Nelson Page and William D. Pender while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Oran / Mers-el-Kebir; Aztec (Hunduran, 5511 GRT, built 1929), Crosby S. Noyes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Edward N. Hurley (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Esso Nashville (American (tanker), 7943 GRT, built 1940), Gulfpoint (American (tanker), 6972 GRT, built 1920), John S. Copley (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mirabeau B. Lamar (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Pan-Delaware (American (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1918) and Tulsa (American, 5083 GRT, built 1919).

On joining the convoy the John S. Copley was torpedoed and damaged by the German submarine U-73 which in turn was herself sunk following the attack by patrolling destroyers.

On 17 December 1943, the following ships were detached to Gibraltar; American Trader, Baron Stranraer, Esso Providence, Gryfevale, Hindustan, Hughli, Lago, Lord Byron, Myriel, Orient City, Tynebank and Urbino while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar; Karamea (British, 10530 GRT, built 1928) and Robert M.T. Hunter (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). HMS Colombo and HMS Shakespeare also arrived at Gibraltar.

At 1000A/18, a new, American escort joined the convoy and at 1030A/18, the British escort parted company and proceeded to Gibraltar where they all arrived later the same day.

The new American escort (Task Force 64) had departed Casablanca around 1530A/17 and was made up of the destroyers USS Stevenson (T/Cdr. F.E. Wilson, USN, with COMTASKFOR 64 / COMDESRON 19, T/Capt. J. Conner, USN on board), USS Stockton (T/Cdr. R.E. Braddy, Jr., USN), USS Thorn (T/Cdr. E. Brumby, USN), USS Turner (T/Cdr. H.S. Wygant, Jr., USN), destroyer escorts USS Sturtevant (Lt. J.M. Mertz, USNR), USS Blair (Lt. A.J. Laborde, USNR), USS Brough (Lt. J.A. Rector, Jr., USNR), USS Inch (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Frey, USNR), USS Stanton (T/Lt.Cdr. C.S. Barker, Jr., USN) and USS Swasey (Lt. H.M. Godsey, USNR).

Around 1430A/18, the Casablanca section of the convoy joined in position 35°24'N, 08°03'W. It was made up of the transports Felix Grundy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Fitzhugh Lee (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Turner (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) and Richard S. Ewell (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943). The naval tanker USS Housatonic (T/Cdr. A.R. Boileau, USN) was also with them. They were escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Jacob Jones (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Johnson, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 3, T/Cdr. N. Adair, Jr., USN on board), USS Hammann (Lt.Cdr. J.D. Miller, Jr., USNR), USS Robert E. Peary (Lt.Cdr. L.W. Bennett, USNR) and the patrol vessels USS PC-482 (Lt.Cdr. D.W. Hunter, USNR), USS PC-481 (Lt. N.W. Roeder, USNR), USS PC-480 (Lt. F.W. Meyers, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-473 (Lt. D.F. Welch, USNR). The destroyer escorts joined the convoy while the patrol vessels returned to Casablanca taking the following transports / tankers from the convoy with them; Esso Nashville, Fort Lajoie, Gulfpoint and Nettuno. They all arrived at Casablanca on the 19th.

During the morning of 24 December 1943, USS Stevenson, USS Stockton, USS Thorn and USS Turner fuelled from USS Housatonic.

At 1100P/30, USS Housatonic parted company to proceed to Bermuda. To escort her the destroyer escorts USS Darby (Cdr. D.D. Humphreys, USNR) and USS Alger (Lt.Cdr. D.B. Poupeney, USNR) had joined shortly before.

At 1115Q/1, the convoy was split into the ' Delaware section ' and the ' New York section '. The New York section was made up of 31 ships and was escorted by USS Stevenson, USS Stockton, USS Thorn, USS Turner, USS Inch, USS Stanton and USS Swasey. The remaining ships (23) made up the ' Delaware section and were escorted by USS Jacob Jones, USS Hammann, USS USS Robert E. Peary, USS Sturtevant, USS Blair and USS Brough.

The New York section arrived at its destination during the night of 2/3 January 1944. The last of the escort to anchor was USS Turner. She dropped anchor around 0215Q/3. Around 0616Q/3, USS Turner suffered a massive explosion and burned. Survivors could be picked up by pilot boats and small boats from other ships of Task Force 64. 15 officers and 123 men did not survive the internal explosions and subsequent sinking of the ship.

The Delaware section of the convoy also arrived at its destination during the night of 2/3 January 1944.

9 Dec 1943
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), frigate HMS Cuckmere (Lt.Cdr. A. Johnson, VRD, RNVR) corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR), HMS Coltsfoot (T/Lt. G.W. Rayner, RNVR), HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR) and HMS Hyderabad (T/Lt. T. Cooper, RNR), rescue tug HMRT Mindful, minesweeper HMS BYMS 2187 (T/Lt. P. Moore, RNVR), motor minesweeper HMS MMS 20 (T/Lt. L.S. Kay, RNVR) and the boom defence vessel HMS Barnehurst (T/Lt. T. Robb, RNR) all departed Gibraltar to join the eastbound convoy KMS 34.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 60 / KMS 34 ' for 26 November 1943.'] (89)

9 Dec 1943

Combined convoy OS 61 / KMS 35.

This combined convoy assembled off Oversay on 9 December 1943.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Agen (French, 4186 GRT, built 1921), Anglo-Indian (British, 5609 GRT, built 1938), Baron Fairlie (British, 6706 GRT, built 1925), Barrgrove (British, 5222 GRT, built 1918), Barrington Court (British, 4910 GRT, built 1924), Chertsey (British, 6001 GRT, built 1943), Clan MacGillivray (British, 5023 GRT, built 1911), Clan MacIlwraith (British, 4839 GRT, built 1924), Commandant Dorise (British (former French), 5529 GRT, built 1917), Dimitrios Inglessis (Greek, 5275 GRT, built 1918), Drammensfjord (Norwegian, 5339 GRT, built 1920), Empire Austen (British, 7057 GRT, built 1942), Empire Boswell (British, 2898 GRT, built 1942), Empire Gale (British, 7089 GRT, built 1941), Empire Razorbill (British, 5620 GRT, built 1920), Empire Snow (British, 6327 GRT, built 1941), Fairwater (British, 4108 GRT, built 1928), Fort Covington (British, 7130 GRT, built 1943), Fort George (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Fort Meductic (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Ingleton (British, 7203 GRT, built 1942), Ingman (British, 3149 GRT, built 1907), Johilla (British, 4042 GRT, built 1937), Keilehaven (Dutch, 2968 GRT, built 1919), Kiruna (Swedish, 5484 GRT, built 1921), Linge (Dutch, 2114 GRT, built 1928), Lisbeth (Norwegian, 2732 GRT, built 1922), Madoera (Dutch, 9360 GRT, built 1922), Madras City (British, 5080 GRT, built 1940), Mahanada (British, 8489 GRT, built 1943), Manchester Commerce (British, 5343 GRT, built 1925), Manchester Port (British, 7071 GRT, built 1935), Martand (British, 7967 GRT, built 1939), Melampus (Dutch, 6336 GRT, built 1924), Merton (British, 7195 GRT, built 1941), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Sobo (British, 5353 GRT, built 1937), Stad Arnhem (Dutch, 3819 GRT, built 1920), Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942), Tactician (British, 5996 GRT, built 1928), Temple Inn (British, 5218 GRT, built 1940), Tiba (Dutch, 5239 GRT, built 1938) and Zypenberg (Dutch, 4973 GRT, built 1920).

The rescue ship Pinto (British, 1346 GRT, built 1928) was also part of the convoy as were three Greek LST's, RHS Lemnos, RHS Lesbos and RHS Samos.

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the destroyer ORP Burza (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) F. Pitulko), cutter HMS Fishguard (Lt. C.D. Smith, DSC, RNR), frigates HMS Inver (Lt.Cdr. F.H. Gray, RNR), HMS Towy (Cdr. M.J Evans, OBE, RN), corvettes HMS Narcissus (T/Lt. G.T.S. Clampitt, RNR), FFS Aconit, FFS Lobelia, FFS Roselys and the A/S trawlers HMS Lady Madeleine (T/Lt. R.C. Heron, RNVR) and HMS Sapper (T/Lt. R.C. Lees, RNR).

The Clan MacGillivray had to return to the U.K. and arrived in the Clyde on 10 December 1943.

On 11 December 1943, the AA ship HMCS Prince Robert (Cdr. A.M. Hope, RCN) joined the convoy coming from Plymouth which she had departed on 10 December.

Around 1245Z/12, the escort carrier HMS Fencer (Capt. E.W. Anstice, RN) joined the convoy having parted company with northbound convoy SL 141 / KMS 32.

On 16 December 1943, HMCS Prince Robert parted company. Also the transport Linge parted company with the convoy to proceed to the Azores. She was escorted by HMS Fishguard. They arrived at the Azores on 18 December 1943.

Around 0535Z/17, HMS Fencer parted company with the convoy to join the combined convoy SL 142 / MKS 33. She joined this combined convoy around 1120Z/17. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by HMS Inver which then parted company to rejoin combined convoy OS 61 / KMS 35.

On 19 December 1943 the convoy split into convoy OS 61 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 35 bound for the Mediterranean. The merchant vessels Barrington Court, Empire Boswell, Fort Covington and Lisbeth were detached to Lisbon.


Convoy OS 61 was made up of the merchant vessels; Commandant Dorise, Fort George, Kiruna, Merton and Sobo.

They were joined by the following merchant vessels; Baron Stranraer (British, 3668 GRT, built 1929)), Corfirth (British, 1803 GRT, built 1934), Domby (British, 5582 GRT, built 1932), Empire Farmer (British, 7049 GRT, built 1943), Fort Binger (British, 5671 GRT, built 1919), Fort Charnisay (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Finlay (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Yale (British, 7132 GRT, built 1942), Marrakech (French, 6179 GRT, built 1914), Middlesex Trader (British, 7421GRT, built 1942), Nairnbank (British, 5155 GRT, built 1925), Orient City (British, 5095 GRT, built 1940), Silverash (British, 7750 GRT, built 1926) and Tynebank (British, 4651 GRT, built 1922) which came from Gibraltar which they had departed Gibraltar on 19 December 1943 escorted by the sloops HMS Leith (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. Preston, RN), HMS Sandwich (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.J. Clemence, RNR) and the corvette HMS Anchusa (T/Lt. R.A. Baker, RNVR) which now took over the escort of convoy convoy OS 61.

On 21 December 1943, the merchant vessels Chelma (French, 4968 GRT, built 1920), El-Biar (French, 4678 GRT, built 1927) and Montaigne (French, 2770 GRT, built 1920) joined coming from Casablanca which they had departed on 20 December 1943. The Corfirth, Fort George and Kiruna were then detached to Casablanca where they arrived on 22 December 1943.

On 26 December 1943, the Chelma, Marrakech, Montaigne and Tynebank arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessel Canada (French, 9684 GRT, built 1912) and the minesweeping sloop Gazelle departed Dakar to join the convoy.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 29 December 1943. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 35 was made up of the merchant vessels; Agen, Anglo-Indian, Baron Fairlie, Barrgrove, Chertsey, Clan MacIlwraith, Dimitrios Inglessis, Drammensfjord, Empire Austen, Empire Gale, Empire Razorbill, Empire Snow, Fairwater, Fort Meductic, Ingleton, Ingman, Johilla, Keilehaven, Madoera, Madras City, Mahanada, Manchester Commerce, Manchester Port, Martand, Melampus, Ocean Vesper, Stad Arnhem, Stanhill, Tactician, Temple Inn, Tiba and Zypenberg.

The Pinto and the three Greek LST's, RHS Lemnos, RHS Lesbos and RHS Samos were also part of this convoy.

On 21 December 1943, the following ships; Agen, Barrgrove, Ingman, Pinto, RHS Lemnos, RHS Lesbos and RHS Samos arrived at Gibraltar after having parted company with the convoy as did the original escort. [It is possible several other ships of the convoy made a short stop at Gibraltar.]

Early on 22 December 1943, the three Greek LST's and the merchant vessels Colytto (Dutch, 4408 GRT, built 1926), Djebel Aures (French, 2835 GRT, built 1929), Empire Pierrot (British (tug), 232 GRT, built 1943), Fomalhaut (French, 5795 GRT, built 1936), Haakon Hauan (Norwegian (tanker), 6582 GRT, built 1935), Harry A. Garfield (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Stal (British (former Danish), 2242 GRT, built 1921), Vera Radcliffe (British, 5587 GRT, built 1925) and Zena (British, 1416 GRT, built 1911) departed Gibraltar to (re)join the convoy. Also joining were the submarine tender Jules Verne, RFA salvage vessel Salvage Duke, rescue tug HMRT Mindful and the submarine HMS Sea Rover (Lt. J.P. Angell, RN). A new escort group also joined, made up of the frigates HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR), HMS Inver, corvettes HMS Gloxinia (Lt. M.C. English, RNR), HMS Primula (Lt. G.H. Taylor, RNR), A/S trawler HMS Wolborough (T/Lt. G.A. Hartnell, RNR) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Maid (?). Additional escorts were the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), cutter HMS Fishguard (Lt. C.D. Smith, DSC, RNR), minesweepers HMS Rosario (A/Cdr. F.E. Brooking, RN), HMS Waterwitch (Lt.Cdr. D.S. Campbell, RNVR), patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez and the A/S trawler La Setoise.

On 23 December 1943, the following ships; Dimitrios Inglessis, Haakon Hauan, Stad Arnhem, Vera Radcliffe and Zypenberg were detached to Oran, as were the Amiral Mouchez and La Setoise, while the following merchant vessels; George Dewey (American, 7225 GRT, built 1943), George Matthews (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Hilary A. Herbert (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James G. Birney (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Loke (Norwegian, 2421 GRT, built 1915), Paul Hamilton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William Patterson (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy coming from Oran. Also joining from Oran was the salvage vessel USS Tackle (Lt. J.M. Gillespie , USNR).

On 24 December 1943, the following ships; were detached to Djebel Aures, Empire Austen, Empire Razorill, Fort Meductic, Madras City and Temple Inn to Algiers as were the Jules Verne, HMS Salvage Duke and the USS Tackle. The following ships joined the convoy of Algiers; Dallington Court (British, 6889 GRT, built 1929), Empire Bairn (British (tanker), 813 GRT, built 1941), Empire Summer (British, 6949 GRT, built 1941), Esneh (British, 1931 GRT, built 1919), Harald (British, 1970 GRT, built 1903), Ile de Brehat (French, 6176 GRT, built 1919), Kosciuszko (Polish, 6852 GRT, built 1915), Loriga (British, 6665 GRT, built 1919) and Norbris (Panamanian (tanker), 7619 GRT, built 1930). The LST HMS LST 324 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.J. Bell, RNR) also joined the convoy.

On 25 December 1943, the merchant vessel Empire Tana () joined the convoy off Bougie.

Later on 25 December 1943, the merchant vessels Riverton (British, 7307 GRT, built 1943) and Van der Capelle (Dutch, 7037 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy off Bougie.

Also on 25 December 1943, the Harry A. Garfield, Ingleton, Stal and Tiba were detached off Bone as was the rescue tug HMRT Mindful while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Bone; Empire Damsel (British (tanker), 784 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Stranger (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Star (Norwegian, 1531 GRT, built 1922) and Tintern Abbey (British, 2471 GRT, built 1939).

On 26 December 1943, the merchant vessels Harald, Keilehaven, Loke and Paul Hamilton parted company with the convoy off Bizerta as did HMS Colombo, HMS LST 324, RHS Lemnos, RHS Lesbos and RHS Samos.

The following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Bizerta; Benjamin Goodhue (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Empire Opal (British (tanker), 9811 GRT, built 1941), Joseph Hewes (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Mannington (British, 1127 GRT, built 1943), Theodore Foster (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Ugo Fiorelli (Italian, 1600 GRT, built 1943) as did the buoy tender Sunflower (American, 1100 GRT, built 1907).

The Empire Damsel and Sunflower were subsequently detached to Porto Empedocle on the south coast of Sicily.

On 27 December 1943, the merchant vessels Drammensfjord, Kosciuszko and Manchester Port were detached to Malta as was the minesweeper HMS Waterwitch while the merchant vessels Bantria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928) and Forthbank (British, 5057 GRT, 1929) joined the convoy.

On 27 December 1943 the following merchant vessels departed Augusta to join the convoy; Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 7086 GRT, built 1942), Berkel (Dutch, 2130 GRT, built 1930), Clan Murdoch (British, 5950 GRT, built 1919), Crista (British, 2590 GRT, built 1938), Empire Addison (British, 7010 GRT, built 1942), Empire Capulet (British, 7044 GRT, built 1943), Empire Daring (British, 7059 GRT, built 1943), Empire Glory (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Empire Path (British, 6140 GRT, built 1943), Fort Ash (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Caribou (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Erie (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frederick (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), Fort Nashwaak (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort St. Paul (British, 7137 GRT, built 1943), Ocean Liberty (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Sambrake (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937).

On 28 December 1943, the following merchant vessels arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Baron Fairlie, Benjamin Goodhue, Chertsey, Colytto, Empire Bairn, Empire Gale, Empire Snow, Empire Summer, Empire Tana, Esneh, Fairwater, Fomalhaut, George Dewey, George Matthews, Hilary A. Herbert, Ile de Brehat, James G. Birney, Joseph Hewes, Loriga, Mannington, Manchester Commerce, Norbris, Ocean Stranger, Ocean Vesper, Riverton, Stanhill, Star, Theodore Foster, Tintern Abbey, Ugo Fiorelli, Van der Capelle, William Patterson and Zena.

On 30 December 1943, HMS Inver arrived at Tobruk after having been detached from the convoy.

On 31 December 1943, the following merchant vessels Aelbert Cuyp, Bantria, Berkel, Crista, Empire Capulet, Empire Daring, Empire Glory, Fort Ash, Fort Erie, Fort Nashwaak, Sambrake and Sofala were detached to Alexandria as were HMS Gloxinia, HMS Fishguard, HMS Rosario, HMS Wolborough and HMSAS Southern Maid.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 1 January 1944 after which the two remaining escorts, HMS Dart and HMS Primula proceeded to Haifa.

13 Dec 1943
Around 0800A/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty.

Around 1535A/13, she departed Bizerta to join convoy GUS 24.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 24 ' for 6 December 1943.] (90)

17 Dec 1943
Around 2215A/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (90)

21 Dec 1943

Convoy MKS 35.

This convoy departed Port Said on 21 December 1943.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; City of Eastbourne (British, 5563 GRT, built 1923), City of Exeter (British, 9654 GRT, built 1914), City of Lyons (British, 7063 GRT, built 1926), Empire Prowess (British, 7058 GRT, built 1943), Empire Rosalind (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Fort Carlton (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Fort Senneville (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vestal (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samsteel (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Swiftarrow (American (tanker), 8207 GRT, built 1921).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR) and the corvettes HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR) and HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR).

On 22 December 1943 the following transports departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Fort Bell (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Bourbon (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Fort Connolly (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort la Traite (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Louisbourg (British, 7130 GRT, built 1942), Fort St. Regis (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943), Fort Sturgeon (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Kepong (British, 1874 GRT, built 1916), Newbrough (British, 5255 GRT, built 1941), Norfjell (Norwegian (tanker), 8129 GRT, built 1942), Nurani (British, 5414 GRT, built 1941) and Petter (Norwegian (tanker), 9109 GRT, built 1935).

They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR) and HMS Myosotis (T/Lt. R. Lugg, RNR) which also joined the convoy.

On 26 December 1943, the the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Afghanistan (British, 6992 GRT, built 1940), Auk (British, 1338 GRT, built 1921), Benjamin Huntington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), British Respect (British (tanker), 8479 GRT, built 1943), British Restraint (British (tanker), 8448 GRT, built 1943), Empire Franklin (British, 7292 GRT, built 1941), Empire Sunbeam (British, 6711 GRT, built 1941), Fort Reliance (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Gabriel Duval (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George Shiras (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Houston Volunteers (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joel Chandler Harris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Steele (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Marion McKinley Bovard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Newton D. Baker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Peter Minuit (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Thorsholm (Norwegian (tanker), 9937 GRT, built 1937) and William H. Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 27 December 1943, the following transports arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; Fort Bell, Fort Bourbon, Fort Connolly, Fort Fiddler, Fort la Traite, Fort Senneville, Fort St. Regis, Fort Sturgeon and Newbrough.

The ships leaving and proceeding to Augusta, were most likely, escorted to and from the rendezvous with the convoy by the torpedo boats Sagittario, Animoso and the M/S trawler HMS Inchmarnock (T/Lt. C.G.V. Corneby, RNR).

On 27 December 1943, the Kepong arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Malta; Avon Coast (British, 1036 GRT, built 1923) and Ocean Coast (British, 1173 GRT, built 1935).

On 28 December 1943, the transport Bradburn (British, 4736 GRT, built 1930) joined coming from Tunis.

On 28 December 1943, the Afghanistan, Auk, Avon Coast, Benjamin Huntington, British Respect, British Restraint, Fort Reliance, Gabriel Duval, Norfjell, Petter, Swiftarrow, Thorsholm and William H. Jackson arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Amos Kendall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Betty Zane (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Cap-Penide (French, 1320 GRT, built 1938), Empire Chivalry (British, 6007 GRT, built 1937), Empire Clive (British, 7069 GRT, built 1941), Felipe de Neve (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Francis Amasa Walker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Iredell (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Joseph E. Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kemp P. Battle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and San Amado (British (tanker), 7316 GRT, built 1935). The tank landing ships HMS LST 65 (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) L.J. Smith, RD, RNR) and HMS LST 407 (?) also joined the convoy as did the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN).

On 29 December 1943, the transports John Wise (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and Southgate (British, 4862 GRT, built 1926) joined coming from Bone. Also joining from Bone was the rescue tug HMRT Mindful.

On 29 December 1943, the transports Betty Zane and Houston Volunteers arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

On 29 December 1943, the transport Sulev (British (former Estonian), 2233 GRT, built 1908) departed Bougie and joined the convoy.

On 30 December 1943, the Amos Kendall, Cap-Pinede, Empire Clive, Joel Chandler Harris, John Wise, Kemp P. Battle, Marion McKinley Bovard and Newton D. Baker arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the tanker Empire Harbour (British (tanker), 797 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 31 December 1943, the Empire Harbour, Felipe de Neve/, Francis Amasa Walker, George Shiras, James Iredell, John Steele, Joseph E. Brown and Peter Minuit arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the transports / tankers British Engineer (British (tanker), 6993 GRT, built 1922), Fort Walsh (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Orminster (British, 5712 GRT, built 1914), Pencarrow (British, 4841 GRT, built 1921) and Souliotis (Greek, 4299 GRT, built 1917) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

The convoy arrived at Gibraltar on 1 January 1944.

22 Dec 1943
Around 0915A/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Gibraltar for escort duty with convoy KMS 35.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 61 / KMS 35 ' for 9 December 1943.] (90)

26 Dec 1943
Around 1200A/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (90)

28 Dec 1943
Around 1615A/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) departed Bizerta to join convoy MKS 35.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 35 ' for 21 December 1943.] (90)

1 Jan 1944
Around 1600A/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (91)

4 Jan 1944

Combined convoy OS 64 / KMS 38.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 4 January 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Anna N. Goulandris (Greek, 4358 GRT, built 1921), Antilochus (British, 9082 GRT, built 1906), Atlantic City (British, 5133 GRT, built 1941), Baron Douglas (British, 3899 GRT, built 1932), Biafra (British, 5405 GRT, built 1933), Bosphorus (Norwegian, 2111 GRT, built 1934), City of Leicester (British, 3351 GRT, built 1926), Coulbeg (British, 5237 GRT, built 1940), Danae II (British, 2660 GRT, built 1936), Edam (Dutch, 8871 GRT, built 1921), Empire Caxton (British, 2873 GRT, built 1942), Empire Cormorant (British, 5760 GRT, built 1918), Empire Geraint (British, 6991 GRT, built 1942), Empire Grange (British, 6981 GRT, built 1943), Empire Melody (British, 2283 GRT, built 1942), Empire Opossum (British, 5644 GRT, built 1918), Empire Peacock (British, 6098 GRT, built 1919), Empire Stronghold (British, 7064 GRT, built 1943), Empire Thackeray (British, 2865 GRT, built 1942), Empire Wolfe (British, 2888 GRT, built 1941), Eskdalegate (British, 4250 GRT, built 1930), Fort Norman (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Governor (British, 5571 GRT, built 1918), Hartbridge (British, 5080 GRT, built 1927), Kyklades (Greek, 7157 GRT, built 1941), Laguna (British, 6466 GRT, built 1923), Lornaston (British, 4934 GRT, built 1925), Manchester Exporter (British, 5277 GRT, built 1918), Marsdale (British, 4890 GRT, built 1940), Merchant Royal (British, 5008 GRT, built 1928), North Devon (British, 3658 GRT, built 1924), Ocean Gallant (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vulcan (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Palacio (British, 1346 GRT, built 1927), Port Melbourne (British, 9142 GRT, built 1914), Scottish American (British (tanker / escort oiler), 6999 GRT, built 1920), Sreca (Yugoslavian, 5248 GRT, built 1918), Telesfora de Larrinaga (British, 5780 GRT, built 1920), Theomitor (Greek, 4427 GRT, built 1910) and Van Honthorst (Dutch, 6140 GRT, built 1943).

The rescue ship Copeland (British, 1526 GRT, built 1923) was also with the convoy as was the Greek LST RHS Chios.

Of the transports the following had to return after departure; Empire Cormorant, Empire Thackeray- and Merchant Royal.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the destroyers HMS Winchelsea (Lt. C.T. Shuttleworth, RNVR), frigates HMS Bayntun (Lt.Cdr. L.P. Bourke, RNZNR), HMS Helmsdale (Cdr. C.W. McMullen, RN), corvettes HMS Abelia (A/Lt.Cdr. O.G. Stuart, RCNVR), HMS Asphodel (Lt.Cdr. H.P. Carse, DSC, RNVR), HMS Burdock (T/Lt. F.R.M. Greasley, RNR), HMS Clover (Lt. T.E. Fanshawe, DSC, RNR), HMS Crocus (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.R. Mackay, RNZNVR) and A/S trawler HMS Vizalma (T/Lt. B. James, RNVR). The rescue tug HMRT Stormking was also with the convoy.

On 6 January 1944, the frigate HMS Foley (A/Lt.Cdr. C.A.H. Bird, RNVR) departed Londonderry to overtake and join the convoy. She had been unable to departed earlier as her new Commanding Officer had not yet arrived to take over command.

On 6/7 January 1944, the frigate HMCS Waskesiu (T/A/Cdr. J.H.S. MacDonald, RCNR) and the corvettes HMCS Camrose (T/A/Lt.Cdr. L.R. Pavillard, RCNR), HMCS Edmundston (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.D. Barrett, RCNR), HMCS Lunenburg (T/Lt. D.L. Miller, RCNVR) and HMCS Snowberry (T/Lt. J.A. Dunn, RCNVR) joined from convoy SL 143. They parted company on 12 January 1944 to join northbound convoy SL 144.

On 7 January 1944, the frigate HMS Avon (Lt.Cdr. P.G.A. King, DSC, RD, RNR) departed Londonderry to overtake and join the convoy. She had been unable to departed earlier due to defects.

In the evening of 8 January 1944, HMS Bayntun and HMCS Camrose sank the German submarine U-757 in position 50°33'N, 18°03'W.

On 9 January 1944, the corvette HMS Abelia sustained damage to her rudder. The damage was possibly due to a T-5 acoustic torpedo fired by a German submarine but might also have been inflicted due to one of her own depth charges exploding prematurely. She was able to steam under her own power but could not steer. HMRT Stormking then took her in tow towards Cardiff where they arrived on 13 January 1944. They had been escorted by HMS Vizalma which subsequently proceeded to Liverpool arriving on the 14th.

On 11 January 1944, the destroyers HMS Wanderer (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Whinney, RN), HMS Watchman (Lt.Cdr. G.H.D. Williams, RN), sloop HMS Woodpecker (Cdr. H.L. Pryse, RNR) and frigates HMS Glenarm (Lt.Cdr. W.R.B. Noall, DSO, RNR) joined from convoy SL 144. They parted company again the following day to rejoin convoy SL 144 taking HMS Burdock also with them.

In the late afternoon of 11 January 1944, the German submarine U-953 attacked the corvette HMCS Lunenburg with a T-5 homing torpedo but it missed. The submarine was then hunted for hours by the Lunenburg herself as well as HMS Foley, HMCS Waskesiu and HMCS Edmundston. The U-boat was damaged but was able to remain on patrol.

On 17 January 1944, the convoy split into convoy OS 64 and KMS 38.


Convoy OS 64, towards Freetown, was made up of the following merchant vessels; Biafra, Bosphorus, Danae II, Empire Geraint and Port Melboune.

On 15 January 1944, the frigate HMS Ballinderry (Lt.Cdr. E.F. Aikman, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Aubretia (Lt. G.D. Fowler, RNR) and HMS Cyclamen (T/Lt. W.S. Joliffe, RNR) had departed Gibraltar escorting convoy OS 64G (the Gibraltar section of convoy OS 64) which was made up of the following transports; Afghanistan (British, 6992 GRT, built 1940), Dalhanna (British, 5571 GRT, built 1930), Empire Meteor (British, 7457 GRT, built 1940), Empire Newton (British, 7037 GRT, built 1942), Empire Sunbeam (British, 6711 GRT, built 1941), Fort Lac la Ronge (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Fort McLoughlin (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Houston City (British, 7262 GRT, built 1942), Nairung (British, 5414 GRT, built 1942), Nyanza (British, 4974 GRT, built 1928), Tiba (Dutch, 5239 GRT, built 1938), Vera Radcliffe (British, 5587 GRT, built 1925) and Vinriver (British, 3881 GRT, built 1917).

On these ships arriving at the rendezvous on the 17th the convoy split. The original escort of the combined convoy then proceeded with convoy KMS 38 towards the Mediterranean.

On 16 January 1944, the transport/ tanker Hoggar (French, 5146 GRT, built 1923) and Ninella (British (tanker), 8134 GRT, built 1943) had departed Casablanca to join the convoy. They were escorted to the rendezvous by the corvette Commandant Detroyant and the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez. These escorts did not join the convoy but returned to Casablanca on the 17th.

On 23 January 1944, the and arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Arcturus (French, 2514 GRT, built 1914) joined the convoy coming from Dakar.

Convoy OS 64 arrived at Freetown 26 January 1944. Some ships from the convoy did not enter Freetown but continued on to their destinations independently.


Convoy KMS 38, made up of the remaining ships, proceeded towards the Mediterranean with the original escort of the combined convoy.

On 17 January 1944, the following transports / tanker arrived at Gibraltar; City of Leicester, Copeland, Empire Caxton, Empire Melody, Empire Wolfe, Laguna, North Devon and Scottish American. The Greek LST RHS Chios also arrived at Gibraltar.

The original escort, made up of HMS Helmsdale, HMS Bayntun, HMS Avon, HMS Foley, HMS Winchelsea, HMS Asphodel, HMS Clover and HMS Crocus also arrived at Gibraltar.

On the convoy passing Gibraltar on the 17th, the transports Cragpool (British 5133 GRT, built 1928) and Empire Daring (British 7059 GRT, built 1943) joined.

Also a new escort joined, this was made up of the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HMS Inver (Lt.Cdr. F.H. Gray, RNR), corvettes HMS Delphinium (Cdr. V.F. Smith, DSO, RD, RNR), RHS Sakhtouris, RHS Apostolis, A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Sea and the M/S trawler HMS Filla (T/Lt. G.H. Syrett, RNVR).

The submarines HMS Tantivy (Cdr. M.G. Rimington, DSO, RN) and HrMs K XIV (Lt.Cdr. J.F. Drijfhout Van Hooff, RNN) also joined the convoy for passage to Port Said.

On 18 January 1944, the transport Lornaston was detached to Oran while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Oran; Cartago (American, 4732 GRT, built 1908), Empire Harbour (British (tanker), 797 GRT, built 1943), George G. Meade (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Irvin MacDowell (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), James R. Randall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John P. Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John S. Pillsbury (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph E. Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Mount Othrys (Greek, 6527 GRT, built 1919), P.L.M. 13 (British, 3754 GRT, built 1921), Tabitha Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ville de Djidjelli (French, 1132 GRT, built 1907) and William Mulholland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 19 January 1944, the transports / tanker Atlantic City, Baron Douglas, Hartbridge, Mount Othrys, Ocean Gallant and Telesfora de Larrinaga were detached to Algiers as was the M/S trawler HMS Filla while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Amberton (British, 5377 GRT, built 1928), Djebel Aures (French, 2835 GRT, built 1929), Edward P. Costigan (American, 7194, built 1943), Fort Fairford (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Reliance (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Gouverneur General Lepine (French, 3509 GRT, built 1923), Guinean (British, 5205 GRT, built 1936), Joseph N. Teal (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Pan-Maryland (American (tanker), 7701 GRT, built 1938), Silvester Gardiner (American, 7176, built 1943), Srbin (Yugoslavian, 928 GRT, built 1913), Temple Inn (British, 5218 GRT, built 1940) and Thomas Pickney (American, 7177, built 1942).

On 20 January 1944, the transport Benjamin Tay (British, 1814 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bougie.

On 20 January 1944, the transport Ville de Djidjelli arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

On 20 January 1944, the transports / tanker , Anna N. Goulandris, Empire Harbour, George G. Meade, Gouverneur General Lepine and Srbin arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Bone; Brighton (British, 7345 GRT, built 1943), Cyrus H.K. Curtis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Destro (British, 3553 GRT, built 1920), Dornoch (British, 5186 GRT, built 1939), Dux (Norwegian, 1590 GRT, built 1934), Empire Brook (British, 2852 GRT, built 1941) and Senga (Yugoslavian, 5140 GRT, built 1913). The RFA tanker Prestol (2629 GRT, built 1917) also joined the convoy.

On 21 January 1944, the transports Cartago, James R. Randall, Senga, Sreca, Theomitor and the RFA tanker Prestol arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; George Matthews (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George W. McCrary (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and John A. Campbell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). HMS Colombo also arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 21 January 1944, the transports Eskdalegate and Joseph N. Teal arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 22 January 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Anglo-African (British, 5601 GRT, built 1929), Blairclova (British, 5083 GRT, built 1938), Comliebank (British, 5149 GRT, built 1924), Empire Ballad (British, 6700 GRT, built 1942), Empire Cedar (British (tug), 129 GRT, built 1941), Empire Daring (British, 7059 GRT, built 1943), Empire Raja (British, 6224 GRT, built 1922), Empire Rock (British, 7061 GRT, built 1943), Fort Capot River (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Clatsop (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943), Fort Nashwaak (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort St. Francois (British, 7125 GRT, built 1942), Lublin (Polish, 1409 GRT, built 1932), Nolisement (British, 5084 GRT, built 1928), Ocean Trader (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Samaritan (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samnebra (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsylvan (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Tide Water (American (tanker), 8886 GRT, built 1930) and Trevelyan (British, 7292 GRT, built 1943).

On 23 January 1944, the transports Amberton, Benjamin Tay, Brighton, Coulbeg, Craigpool, Cyrus H.K. Curtis, Destro, Djebel Aures, Dornoch, Dux, Edward P. Costigan, Empire Brook, Empire Grange, Empire Opossum, Empire Peacock, Empire Stronghold, Fort Fairford, Fort Norman, Fort Reliance, George Matthews, George W. McCrary, Guinean, Irvin MacDowell, John A. Campbell, John P. Mitchell, John S. Pillsbury, Joseph E. Brown , Kyklades, Manchester Exporter, Ocean Vulcan, P.L.M. 13, Pan-Maryland , Silvester Gardiner, Tabitha Brown, Temple Inn, Thomas Pinckney, Van Honthorst and William Mulholland arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 26 January 1944, the following transports arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy. Blairclova, Edam, Fort Capot River, Fort Nashwaak, Fort St. Francois, Lublin, Marsdale, Ocean Trader, Samaritan, Samnebra, Samsylvan and Trevelyan. Also the following escort vessels arrived at Alexandria; HMS Inver, HMS Delphinium and RHS Apostolis.

On 27 January 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Port Said; Anglo-African, Antilochus, Comliebank, Empire Ballad, Empire Cedar, Empire Daring, Empire Raja, Empire Rock, Fort Clatsop, Governor, Nolisement and Tide Water. Also the following escort vessels arrived at Port Said; RHS Sakhtouris, HMSAS Southern Sea

6 Jan 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) is docked in No.2 Dock at Gibraltar. (91)

14 Jan 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) is undocked. She departed Gibraltar for Mers-el-Kebir around 1730A/14. (91)

15 Jan 1944
Around 1100A/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Mers-el-Kebir from Gibraltar. Around 1145A/15, she departed Mers-el-Kebir to return to Gibraltar where she arrived around midnight during the night of 15/16 January 1944. (91)

15 Jan 1944

Convoy GUS 28.

This convoy departed Port Said on 15 January 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Aedanus Burke (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), African Sun (American, 6507 GRT, built 1942), Banff Park (Canadian, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Benjamin Chew (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Britannia (Norwegian (tanker), 9977 GRT, built 1939), Empire Addison (British, 7010 GRT, built 1942), Fort Caribou (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Joyce Kilmer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Knute Nelson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kronprinsessen (Norwegian, 7244 GRT, built 1941), Kwai Sang (British, 2320 GRT, built 1917), Ocean Liberty (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Rideau Park (Canadian, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Samarinda (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samaye (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samflora (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samois (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsette (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samuta (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the corvette HMS Primula (Lt. G.H. Taylor, RNR).

On 16 January 1944, the following transports arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy Fort Caribou and Kwai Sang while the following transports departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Cape Hawke (American, 5081 GRT, built 1941), Empire Falcon (British, 4970 GRT, built 1918), Empire Path (British, 6140 GRT, built 1943), Gatineau Park (Canadian, 7128 GRT, built 1942), Samarina (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samwater (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Valldemosa (British, 7222 GRT, built 1935) and William H. Wilmer (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943). They were escorted by the frigate HMS Usk (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Pattinson, DSC, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Jonquil (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.W. Tretheway, RNR), HMS Vetch (Lt. K.M.B. Menzies, RNR) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Isles (?) which all also joined the convoy. On these escorts joining the convoy HMS Primula was detached to Alexandria arriving later on the 16th.

On 20 January 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; British Tradition (British (tanker), 8443 GRT, built 1942), Conrad Weiser (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), David Caldwell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Gale (British, 7089 GRT, built 1941), F. Marion Crawford (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George M. Bibb (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), George W. Campbell (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Hebe II (British, 957 GRT, built 1912), Helmwood (British, 2156 GRT, built 1923), Indiana (Panamanian, 5617 GRT, built 1917), Jade (British, 930 GRT, built 1938), James Hoban (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Harvard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Walker (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Joseph E. Johnston (American, 7196 GRT, built 1942), Largs Bay (British, 14182 GRT, built 1921), Lincoln Steffens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Lucretia Mott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Luther Martin (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Mariposa (British, 3702 GRT, built 1914), Moray Coast (British, 687 GRT, built 1940), O' Henry (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Stranger (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938), Samuel F. Miller (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Scorton (British, 4813 GRT, built 1939), Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942), Tarleton Brown (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943) and Theodoric Bland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942). The Largs Bay however returned the following day.

On 21 January 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Britannia, Empire Path, Ocean Liberty, Samarina, Samaye, Sampa, Samshire, Samwater and Valldemosa.

On 21 January 1944, the Cape Hawke arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the tanker Empire Traveller (British (tanker), 8201 GRT, built 1943) departed Malta to join the convoy as did the submarine HMS Sickle (Lt. J.R. Drummond, DSO, DSC, RN).

On 22 January 1944, the John Harvard arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Skeldergate (British, 4251 GRT, built 1930) departed Tunis to join the convoy.

On 22 January 1944, the Hebe II, Indiana and Jade arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy while the transports / tankers Agatha (Dutch (tanker), 3369 GRT, built 1927), Benito Juarez (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), British Vigour (British (tanker), 5844 GRT, built 1943), Chertsey (British, 6001 GRT, built 1943), Cliona (British (tanker), 8375 GRT, built 1931), D.L. Harper (British (tanker), 12223 GRT, built 1933), Empire Tana (British, 6275 GRT, built 1922), Empire Wordsworth (British (tanker), 9891 GRT, built 1942), Espiguette (French, 1095 GRT, built 1921), Fort Jasper (British, 7125 GRT, built 1943), Fort Tadoussac (British, 7129 GRT, built 1941), Hjalmar Wessel (Norwegian, 1742 GRT, built 1935), John Drake Sloat (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Howland (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), John Milledge, (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Juan de Fuca (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Madras City (British, 5080 GRT, built 1940), Mark Twain (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert Morris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert Trimble (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Swiftarrow (American (tanker), 8207 GRT, built 1921) and Zacapa (American, 5013 GRT, built 1909) departed Bizerta to join the convoy. Also joining the convoy was the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) and the rescue tug HMRT Hengist.

On 23 January 1944, the Chersey, Conrad Weiser, Espiguette, Joseph E. Johnston, Ocean Stranger and Skeldergate, as well as HMRT Hengist arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy as did HMRT Hengist while the transports / tankers Elisha Mitchell (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Empire Spey (British, 4292 GRT, built 1929) and Polarsol (Norwegian (tanker), 10022 GRT, built 1939) departed Bone to join the convoy.

On 23 January 1944, the Hjalmar Wessel arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

On 24 January 1944, the Benito Juarez, British Vigour, David Caldwell, Empire Addison, Fort Jasper and Ocean Vesper arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the transports / tankers Andrew Carnegie (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Baxtergate (British, 5531 GRT, built 1925), Chantilly (British, 9986 GRT, built 1923), City of Canterbury (British, 8331 GRT, built 1922), Empire Flame (British, 7069 GRT, built 1941), Finistere (French, 1158 GRT, built 1909), Fort Chipewyan (British, 7136 GRT, built 1942), George Vickers (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jonathan Grout (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Lambrook (British, 7038 GRT, built 1942), Louis Marshall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Marion McKinley Bovard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Neuralia (British, 9182 GRT, built 1912) and Scottish Heather (British (tanker), 7087 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 25 January 1944, the Agatha, Chantilly, City of Canterbury, F. Marion Crawford, George W. Campbell, Helmwood, James Hoban, John Walker, Lincoln Steffens, Luther Martin, Moray Coast, Neuralia, O'Henry and Theodoric Bland arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the transports / tankers Benjamin R. Milam (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Chief Joseph (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Duke (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943), Gard (Norwegian (tanker), 8259 GRT, built 1938), Gulfwing (American (tanker), 10217 GRT, built 1928), James G. Birney (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Madagascar (British, 4861 GRT, built 1912), Norfjell (Norwegian (tanker), 8129 GRT, built 1942), Petter (Norwegian (tanker), 9109 GRT, built 1935), Sirehei (Norwegian, 3888 GRT, built 1907), William D. Moseley (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943) and William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

On 26 January 1944, the Empire Falcon, Empire Flame, Empire Gale, Empire Spey, Empire Tana, Fort Chipewyan, Fort Tadoussac, Gard, Gatineau Park, Madras City, Mariposa, Palermo, Rideau Park, Scorton and Stanhill arrived at Gibraltar, as did HMS Colombo and HMS Sickle after having been detached from the convoy while the transports Esso Providence (American (tanker), 9059 GRT, built 1921), Fort Fork (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Gleniffer (British, 9559 GRT, built 1919), Hardanger (Norwegian, 4000 GRT, built 1924), Mosli (Norwegian (tanker), 8291 GRT, built 1935), Pacific Shipper (British, 6290 GRT, built 1924), Taria (Dutch (tanker), 10354 GRT, built 1939) and Zypenberg (Dutch, 4973 GRT, built 1920) joined the convoy around 0845A/27 having departed Gibraltar in the afternoon of the 26th escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Pillsbury (Lt. G.W. Cassleman, USNR, with COMDESDIV 4 on board), USS Chatelain (T/Lt.Cdr. J.L. Foley, USN), USS Pope (T/Lt.Cdr. E.H. Headland, USN), USS Amick (James A Hetherington, 2nd, USNR, with COMDESDIV 15 on board), USS Atherton (Lt. M. Kelly, Jr., USN), USS Booth (T/Cdr. D.W. Todd, USN) and USS Carroll ( T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Kuhn, USN).

Around 1415A/27, the Gibraltar section of the convoy was joined by the destroyer USS Benson (T/Cdr. R.J. Woodaman, USN, with, COMTASKFOR 62, T/Capt. C.L. Winecoff, USN, on board), destroyer escorts USS Cooner (T/Cdr. J.M. Stuart, USN), USS Eldridge (Lt. C.R. Hamilton, USNR) and USS Flaherty (Lt. M. Johnston, Jr., USN) and the naval tanker USS Niobrara (T/Cdr. J.W. Marts, Jr., USN).

Around 0845A/27, the Gibraltar section joined with the main convoy after which the British escort, HMS Usk, HMS Jonquil, HMS Vetch and HMSAS Southern Isles parted company to proceed to Gibraltar where they arrived later the same day.

Around 1400A/27, the Casablanca section of the convoy, which had departed Casablanca on the 26th and was made up of the transports Manchester Commerce (British, 5343 GRT, built 1925) and Thomas Lynch (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942). They were escorted by the patrol vessels USS PC-471 (Lt. G. Washburn, USNR), USS PC-474 (Lt. H.C. Hummer, USNR) and USS PC-481 (Lt. N.W Roeder, USNR) which did not join the convoy but proceeded back to Casablanca taking the transports Baxtergate, Empire Duke, Finistere, Lambrook, Madagascar, Sirehei, Taria, Zypenberg and with them. They arrived at Casablanca on the 28th.

Around 0800Z/30, USS Eldridge was detached from the convoy to proceed to Horta, Azores to escort the Azores section of the convoy from there to a rendezvous position with the convoy. She arrived at Horta around 0630N/31 but the transport she was to escort had not completed unloading yet. Around 0200N/1, USS Eldridge departed Horta escorting the transport John Clarke (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). They joined the convoy around 1150Z/2 in position 36°14'N, 33°53'W.

In the morning of 5 February 1944, USS Benson fuelled from USS Niobrara.

Around 0300Q/14, the convoy split into the ' Chesapeake Bay section ' and the ' New York section '.

The Chesapeake Bay section was made up of sixteen of the merchant vessels and the USS Niobrara. They were escorted by USS Amick, USS Atherton, USS Cooner and USS Eldridge. On the 15th the Delaware section of the convoy got scattered in heavy weather. Six ships managed to remain together with the escort. Straggles were later brought up to rejoin the convoy. In the early evening of the 15th the convoy entered Hampton Roads.

The New York section of the convoy was made up of the remaining ships of the convoy. Around 0830Q/14, the ' Delaware section ' split off. This was made up of three ships and was escorted by USS Carroll. The Delaware section arrived at its destination in the morning of 15 February 1944.

The ' New York section ' of the convoy arrived at its destination in the morning of 15 February 1944.

15 Jan 1944

Combined convoy OS 65 / KMS 39.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 15 January 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Agia Marina (Greek, 4151 GRT, built 1912), Alcor (Dutch, 3526 GRT, built 1920), Amstelkerk (Dutch, 4457 GRT, built 1929), Baron Napier (British, 3559 GRT, built 1930), Baron Ruthven (British, 3178 GRT, built 1925), Belgian Trader (British, 2890 GRT, built 1942), Blairnevis (British, 4155 GRT, built 1930), Bornholm (British, 3177 GRT, built 1930), Capitaine Paul Lemerle (French, 4945 GRT, built 1925), City of Derby (British, 6616 GRT, built 1921), City of Keelung (British, 5186 GRT, built 1919), City of Lancaster (British, 3041 GRT, built 1924), Congonian (British, 5065 GRT, built 1936), Coulmore (British, 3670 GRT, built 1936), Cydonia (British, 3517 GRT, built 1927), Dordrecht (Dutch, 4402 GRT, built 1928), Dromore (British, 4096 GRT, built 1920), Dunelmia (British, 5207 GRT, built 1929), Empire Derwent (British, 4026 GRT, built 1930), Empire Grebe (British, 5736 GRT, built 1918)), Empire Thackeray (British, 2865 GRT, built 1942), Empire Usk (British, 3229 GRT, built 1918), Empire Voice (British, 6828 GRT, built 1940), Fort Cumberland (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Fort Lennox (British, 7149 GRT, built 1943), Fort Nipigon (British, 7132 GRT, built 1942), Fort St.Nicolas (British, 7154 GRT, built 1943), Gascony (British, 4716 GRT, built 1925), Generton (British, 4797 GRT, built 1936), Glaucus (British, 7596 GRT, built 1921), Innerton (British, 5276 GRT, built 1919), John Holt (British, 4964 GRT, 1943), King Edgar (British, 4536 GRT, built 1927), Manchester Shipper (British, 7881 GRT, built 1943), Maycrest (British, 5923 GRT, built 1913), Mimosa (Greek, 3071 GRT, built 1905), Nicolas (Greek, 4540 GRT, built 1910), Nordlys (British, 3726 GRT, built 1916), Peleus (Greek, 4695 GRT, built 1928), Pilar de Larringa (British, 7046 GRT, built 1918), Princesa (British, 8731 GRT, built 1918), Prospector (British, 6202 GRT, built 1944), Recorder (British, 5981 GRT, built 1930), Royal Star (British, 7900 GRT, built 1919), Samhain (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Silvermaple (British, 5313 GRT, built 1937), Slemmestad (British, 4258 GRT, built 1928), Stamos (Greek, 3802 GRT, built 1914), Tobruk (Polish, 7048 GRT, built 1942) and Van Ostade (Dutch, 2890 GRT, built 1942).

The boom carrier HMS Ethiopian (5424 GRT, built 1936, A/Cdr.(Retd.) K.A.S. Phillips, RNR) was also part of the convoy as were the rescue ship Melrose Abbey (British, 1924 GRT, built 1929) and the rescue tugs HMRT Aspirant and HMRT Eminent.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the destroyers ORP Burza (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) F. Pitulko), HMS Verity (Lt. C.G. Cowley, RN), corvettes HMS Meadowsweet (T/Lt. W.E. Saunders, RNVR), HMS Narcissus (T/A/Lt.Cdr. G.T.S. Clampitt, RNR), HMS Orchis (T/Lt. B.W. Harris, RNVR), HMS Violet (Lt. C.N. Stewart, RNR), FFS Aconit, FFS Lobelia, FFS Roselys and the A/S trawler HMS Northern Foam (T/Lt. J.A. Crockett, RNR). As additional escorts the frigates HMCS Waskesiu (T/A/Cdr. J.H.S. MacDonald, RCNR), HMS Nene (Cdr. J.D. Birch, RD, RNR) and the corvettes HMCS Camrose (T/A/Lt.Cdr. L.R. Pavillard, RCNR), HMCS Prescott (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McIsaac, RCNVR), HMCS Snowberry (T/Lt. J.A. Dunn, RCNVR) and HMS Kenilworth Castle (Lt. J.J.Allon, RNR) were also present until 19 January 1944 when they were detached to northbound convoy SL 145/ MKS 36.

On 16 January 1944, HMS Verity was detached to join another southbound convoy KMF 28.

On 17 January 1944, the patrol vessel HMS Kilbirnie (T/Lt. E.R.H. Seddon, RNVR) joined the convoy after having departed the Clyde late on the 15th.

On 18 January 1944, the frigate HMS Towy (Cdr. M.J Evans, OBE, RN) joined the convoy after having departed Londonderry on the 17th.

On 19 January 1944, the German U-boat U-641 was sunk in the North Atlantic south-west of Ireland, in position 50°25'N, 18°49'W by HMS Violet.

On 21 January 1944, the tanker / transport Esturia (British (tanker), 6968 GRT, built 1914) and Serula (British, 2187 GRT, built 1918) departed the Azores to join the convoy.

While en-route, around 19/20 January 1944, the escort oiler San Tirso (British (tanker), 6266 GRT, built 1913) joined at sea from northbound convoy SL 145/ MKS 36.

On 27 January 1944, the convoy split into convoy OS 65 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 33 bound for the Mediterranean.


Convoy OS 65 was made up of the merchant vessels; Amstelkerk, Bornholm, Congonian, Dordrecht, Gascony, John Holt, Mimosa, Princesa, Royal Star and Silvermaple. The corvettes Aconit, Lobelia and Roselys remained with the convoy initially.

On 26 January 1944, the merchant vessels Baron Fairlie (British, 6706 GRT, built 1925), Belgian Seaman (Belgian, 7023 GRT, built 1941), Colytto (Dutch, 4408 GRT, built 1926), Dalmore (British, 5193 GRT, built 1927), Empire Baxter (British, 7024 GRT, built 1941), Harberton (British, 4585 GRT, built 1930), Stad Haarlem (Dutch, 4518 GRT, built 1929) and Wellington Court (British, 4979 GRT, built 1930). They were escorted by the sloops HMS Leith (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. Preston, RN), HMS Sandwich (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.J. Clemence, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Anchusa (T/Lt. R.A. Baker, RNVR) and HMS Crocus (T/A/Lt.Cdr. A.R. Mackay, RNZNVR) which were to escort the convoy to Freetown.

On 27 January 1944, the transport Mimosa and the corvettes Aconit, Lobelia and Roselys arrived at Casablanca after having been detached from the convoy.

On 27 January 1944, the following transports / tanker departed Casablanca to join the convoy; El-Biar (French, 4678 GRT, built 1927), Empire Flint (British (tanker), 8129 GRT, built 1941) and Marrakech (French, 6179 GRT, built 1914). They were escorted to the rendezvous by the patrol vessels USS PC-480 (Lt. F.W. Meyers, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-473 (Lt.(jg) A.W. Silverstein, USNR). The patrol vessels did not join the convoy but proceeded to make rendezvous with convoy OT 12.

On 3 February 1944, the El-Biar and arrived Marrakech arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Sant-Louis (French, 5202 GRT, built 1913) departed Dakar to join the convoy.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 6 February 1944. Some ships from the convoy did not enter Freetown but continued on to their destinations independently.


Convoy KMS 39, made up of the remaining ships, proceeded towards the Mediterranean with most of the original escort of the combined convoy.

On 28 January 1944, the following transports / tanker arrived at Gibraltar; Agia Marina, Baron Ruthven, City of Keelung, City of Lancaster, Dromore, Empire Thackeray, Empire Usk, Esturia and Surula. The rescue ship Melrose Abbey, escort oiler San Tirso and HMS Ethiopian arrived at Gibraltar as did the following escort vessels / rescue tugs; ORP Burza, HMS Towy, HMS Meadowsweet, HMS Narcissus, HMS Orchis, HMS Violet, HMS Kilbirnie, HMS Northern Foam, HMRT Aspirant and HMRT Eminent. HMS Meadowsweet, HMS Violet had probably arrived early to fuel before rejoining the convoy.

The following ships meanwhile directly entered the Mediterranean; Alcor, Baron Napier, Belgian Trader, Blairnevi, Capitaine Paul Lemerle, City of Derby, Coulmore, Dunelmia, Empire Derwent, Empire Grebe, Empire Voice, Fort Cumberland, Fort Frontenac, Fort Lennox, Fort Nipigon, Fort St.Nicolas, Generton, Glaucus, Innerton, King Edgar, Manchester Shipper, Nicolas, Peleus, Pilar de Larrinaga, Prospector, Recorder, Samhain, Slemmestad, Stamos, Tobruk and Van Ostade.

They were joined by transport Baronesa (British, 8663 GRT, built 1918) coming from Gibraltar. Also a new escort joined for the passage through the Mediterranean, this was made up of the following ships; AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Gloxinia (?), HMS Meadowsweet, HMS Violet, A/S trawler HMS Wolborough (T/Lt. G.A. Hartnell, RNR). The minesweeper HMS Rosario (A/Cdr. F.E. Brooking, RN) was also with the convoy as was the submarine Pipinos (Lt.Cdr. Rallis).

On 29 January 1944, the transports Blairnevis and Van Ostade arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Oran; Alexander R. Lillington (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Colin P. Kelly Jr. (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Elihu Yale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ingertre (Norwegian, 2462 GRT, built 1921), J.E.B. Stuart (American, 7196 GRT, built 1942), John McKinley (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John W. Brown (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Johns Hopkins (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Richard Bassett (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Thomas W. Hyde (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Ward Hunt (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and William Kent (American, 7187 GRT, built 1942).

On 30 January 1944, the transports Alcor, Coulmore, King Edgar, Peleus and Stamos arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Oran; British Vigour (British (tanker), 5844 GRT, built 1943), Empire Guinevere (British, 7072 GRT, built 1942), Empire Tristram (British, 7167 GRT, built 1942), Far (Norwegian, 2475 GRT, built 1921), Fort Connally (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Loke (Norwegian, 2421 GRT, built 1915), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Riverton (British, 7307 GRT, built 1943), Samholt (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samson (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Selvik (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1920).

On 30 January 1944, the transports Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910) and Star (Norwegian, 1531 GRT, built 1922) departed Bougie to join the convoy.

On 1 February 1944, the transports Innerton and Nicolas arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy while the transports Chertsey (British, 6001 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Gloucester (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943) and Fort St.Regis (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bone.

On 1 February 1944, the transports Belgian Trader, John McKinley, Ward Hunt and William Kent as well as the AA cruiser HMS Colombo arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy while the transports Indiana (Panamanian, 5617 GRT, built 1917), John Wise (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and Joseph H. Nicholson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bizerta.

On 1 February 1944, the transports Capitaine Paul Lemerle arrived at Tunis after having parted company with the convoy

On 2 February 1944, the transports Baron Napier, Baronesa and Selvik as well as the minesweeper HMS Rosario arrived at Malta after having parted company with the convoy while the transport / tanker Glenogle (British, 9513 GRT, built 1920) and Grena (Norwegian (tanker), 8117 GRT, built 1934) joined the convoy coming from Malta.

During 2/3 February 1944, the transports Alexander R. Lillington, Chertsey, Chloris, Colin P. Kelly, Jr., Dunelmia, Elihu Yale, Empire Derwent, Empire Grebe, Empire Guinevere, Empire Tristram, Far, Fort Connolly, Fort Cumberland, Fort Fidler, Fort Frontenac, Fort Gloucester, Fort Lennox, Fort St.Nicolas, Fort St.Regis, Indiana, Ingertre, J.E.B. Stuart, John W. Brown, John Wise, John Hopkins, Joseph H. Nicholson, Loke, Ocean Vesper, Pilar de Larrinaga, Richard Bassett, Riverton, Samholt, Samson, Slemmestad, Star, Thomas W. Hyde and Tobruk arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy while the transports / tankers Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 7086 GRT, built 1942), Beaconsfield (British, 4635 GRT, built 1938), British Vigour (British (tanker), 5844 GRT, built 1943), Empire Cameron (British, 7015 GRT, built 1941), Empire Capulet (British, 7044 GRT, built 1943), Empire Copperfield (British, 6013 GRT, built 1943), Empire Glory (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Empire Path (British, 6140 GRT, built 1943), Fort Ash (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Cadotte (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenora (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Fort Kootenay (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Fort la Traite (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Senneville (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Samarina (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sambrake (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samwater (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Augusta which they had departed on 2 February 1944.

On 6 February 1944, the transports / tankers Empire Cameron, Empire Capulet, Fort Ash, Fort Cadotte, Fort Glenora, Fort la Traite, Glenogle, Prospector, Samarina, Sambrake, Sampa and Samwater arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy as did HMS Dart, HMS Gloxinia and HMS Meadowsweet of the escort.

On 7 February 1944, the transports / tankers Beaconsfield, City of Derby, Empire Copperfield, Empire Glory, Empire Path, Empire Voice, Fort Kootenay, Fort Nipigon, Fort Senneville, Glaucus, Grena, Manchester Shipper, Recorder, Samhain and Samshire arrived at Port Said after having parted company with the convoy as did HMS Violet and HMS Wolborough of the escort.

On 9 February 1944, the submarine RHS Pipinos arrived at Beirut after having parted company with the convoy.

21 Jan 1944
Around 1130A/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (91)

22 Jan 1944
Around 1620A/22, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Bizerta for escort duty with convoy GUS 28.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 28 ' for 15 January 1944.] (91)

25 Jan 1944

Convoy GUS 29.

This convoy departed Port Said on 25 January 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; A.C. Bedford (British (tanker), 9485 GRT, built 1918), Arthur R.P. Davis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Arthur Riggs (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Charles Crocker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Clan MacNeil (British, 6111 GRT, built 1922), Edward Bruce (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Forest (British, 4998 GRT, built 1937), Fort Bedford (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Kaskaskia (British, 7187 GRT, built 1943), Frank A. Vanderlip (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Heimvard (Norwegian, 4851 GRT, built 1930), Rodsley (British, 5000 GRT, built 1939), Samburgh (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samcleve (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samgara (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samida (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Skotaas (Norwegian (tanker), 8190 GRT, built 1931). The LST USS LST 261 (Lt.Cdr. L.I. Reilley, USCG) was also part of the convoy. They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR) and HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR).

On 26 January 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; E. Kirby Smith (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Peak (British, 7045 GRT, built 1943), Empire Southey (British, 7041 GRT, built 1942), Fort Brandon (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Caribou (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Remy (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), George Walton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jared Ingersoll (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), John J. Crittenden (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lot Whitcomb (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Louis A. Sengteller (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Meonia (Danish, 5214 GRT, built 1927), Pan-Rhode Island (American (tanker), 7742 GRT, built 1941), Patrick C. Boyle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samarkand (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samphire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Stancleeve (British, 5970 GRT, built 1942), Talma (British, 10000 GRT, built 1923), Van der Capelle (Dutch, 7037 GRT, built 1942) and Woodlark (British, 1501 GRT, built 1928). They were escorted by the corvettes HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR), HMS Myosotis (T/Lt. R. Lugg, RNR) and HMS Primula (T/Lt. E.N. Wilding, RNVR) which also joined the convoy.

On 30 January 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Arthur Dobbs (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Belgian Sailor (Belgian, 7028 GRT, built 1942), Charles Goodyear (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Charles Piez (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Cistula (Dutch (tanker), 8097 GRT, built 1939), Daniel H. Lownsdale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Djebel Aures (French, 2835 GRT, built 1929), Empire Harbour (British (tanker), 797 GRT, built 1943), Fort Norman (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), George Leonard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James M. Wayne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John C. Breckinridge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Keilehaven (Dutch, 2968 GRT, built 1919), Louis McLane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Marit Maersk (Greek (former Danish), 1894 GRT, built 1938), Thomas Nelson Page (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Timothy Bloodworth (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943) and William L. Yancey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 31 January 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Arthur R.P. Davis, Empire Peak, Empire Southey, Fort Brandon, Fort Caribou, Fort Remy, Pan-Rhode Island, Samphire, Stancleeve and Van der Capelle.

On 31 January 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Forest, Meonia, Skotaas, Talma and Woodlark.

On 31 January 1944, the submarine HrMs O 21 (Lt.Cdr. J.F. van Dulm, RNN) departed Malta and joined the convoy. HMS Primula arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 1 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy; A.C. Bedford, Charles Goodyear, Djebel Aures and Empire Harbour. USS LST-261 was also detached to Bizerta. The following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Atlantic Coast (British, 890 GRT, built 1934), Black Hawk (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Bruce M. (British, 1887 GRT, built 1927), Cotton Valley (British, 1155 GRT, built 1943), Edward Burleson (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Empire Cavalier (British (tanker), 9891 GRT, built 1942), Empire Charmian (British, 7519 GRT, built 1943), Empire Emerald (British (tanker), 8032 GRT, built 1941), Empire Marvell (British (tanker), 9812 GRT, built 1942), Empire Perdita (British, 7028 GRT, built 1943), Empire Snow (British, 6327 GRT, built 1941), Esso Concord (American (tanker), 7698 GRT, built 1940), Fort de Douaumont (French, 5266 GRT, built 1918), Harry Lane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Hebe II (British, 957 GRT, built 1912), Joseph Pulitzer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Largs Bay (British, 14182 GRT, built 1921), Lawrence D. Tyson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Linge (Dutch, 2114 GRT, built 1928), William Patterson (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Zane Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) and the (damaged) destroyer HMS Jervis (Lt.Cdr. R.P. Hill, DSO, DSC, RN) also joined the convoy.

On 2 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy; Belgian Sailor, Fort Norman, James M. Wayne and Linge while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bone; Anna N. Goulandris (Greek, 4358 GRT, built 1921), Gulfgem (American (tanker), 6784 GRT, built 1920), P.L.M. 17 (British (former French), 4008 GRT, built 1922) and Skeldergate (British, 4251 GRT, built 1930).

On 2 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy; Arthur Dobbs and Cotton Valley while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Philippeville; Henry Baldwin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and James Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 3 February 1944, the transport Empire Charmian arrived at Bougie after having parted company with the convoy.

On 3 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Algiers after having parted company with the convoy; Charles Piez, Daniel H. Lownsdale, Fort de Douaumont, George Leonard, Hebe II, Joseph Pulitzer, Marit Maersk and William Patterson while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Appledore (British, 5218 GRT, built 1929), Baron Douglas (British, 3899 GRT, built 1932), Coulmore (British, 3670 GRT, built 1936), David L. Swain (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Ingleton (British, 7203 GRT, built 1942), Kelbergen (Dutch, 4823 GRT, built 1914), Lafcadio Hearn (American (tanker), 7218 GRT, built 1943), Lornaston (British, 4934 GRT, built 1925), Mount Othrys (Greek, 6527 GRT, built 1919), Ocean Vigil (British, 7174 GRT, built 1941) and Stanford Newel (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 4 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Oran after having parted company with the convoy; Anna N. Goulandris, Atlantic Coast, Coulmore, David L. Swain, Louis McLane, Thomas Nelson Page and Zane Gray while the following transports / tanker joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Gallium (French, 1775 GRT, built 1924), Hiram S. Maxim (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Iroquois (British (tanker), 8937 GRT, built 1907), O'Henry (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and Parame (French, 2337 GRT, built 1918).

On 5 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Oran after having parted company with the convoy; Appledore, Baron Douglas, Bruce M., Clan MacNeil, Empire Perdita/, Empire Snow, Ingleton, Iroquois, Kelbergen, Largs Bay, Lornaston, Ocean Vigil, P.L.M. 17, Rodsley and Skeldergate. Also arriving at Gibraltar were HMS Colombo, HMS Jervis, HMS Bergamot, HMS Bryony, HMS La Malouine, HMS Myosotis and HrMs O 21.

Also on 5 February 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Gibraltar to join the convoy; E.W. Sinclair (American (tanker), 10907 GRT, built 1942), Empire Plover (British, 6109 GRT, built 1920), Empire Tana (British, 6275 GRT, built 1922), Luther Martin (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Ocean Valentine (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942). They were escorted by a new, American, escort made up of the destroyer USS Gleaves (T/Cdr. B.L. Gurnette, USN, with COMTASKFOR 63, Capt. H.S. Berdine, USCG on board) and the destroyer escorts USS J. Richard Ward (Lt. D.A. Smith, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 63, Capt. T.S. Dunstan, USNR, on board), USS Keith (Lt. J.L. Rinn, USNR), USS Otterstetter (Lt. L.E. Whitmore, USNR), USS Sloat (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Cashman, USNR) and USS Tomich (Lt. C.B. Brown, USNR).

Around 2200A/5, the convoy was joined by the destroyer escorts USS Sellstrom (Cdr. W.L. Maloney, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 7, Cdr. F.P. Vetterick, USNR, on board), USS Mills (Lt.Cdr. J.S. Muzzy, USCG), USS Ramsden (Cdr. J.E. Madacey, USCG), USS Rhodes (Cdr. E.A. Coffin, Jr., USCG) and USS Savage (Cdr. O.C. Rohnke, USCG) which had first been on an A/S sweep.

On 5 February 1944, the Casablanca section of the convoy departed that place. It was made up of the tanker Taria (Dutch (tanker), 10354 GRT, built 1939) and the naval tanker USS Mattaponi (T/Capt. M.C. Barrett, USN). They were escorted by the seaplane tender USS Matagorda (Cdr. A. Crinkley, USN), destroyer escort USS Richey (Cdr. P.DuP. Mills, USCG) and the patrol vessels USS PC-475 (Lt. W.W. Devine, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-481 (Lt. D.W. Hunter, USNR). They made rendezvous with the convoy around 1045A/6 when the tankers and USS Richey joined the convoy. USS Matagorda, USS PC-475 and USS PC-481 then set course to return to Casablanca taking the transports / tankers E.W. Sinclair, Empire Plover, Empire Tana, Gallium, Keilehaven, Mount Othrys, Ocean Valentin and Parame with them. They all arrived at Casablanca on 7 February 1944.

Around 1330Z/8, USS Tomich was detached to proceed to the Azores to escort the Azores section of the convoy which was to join the convoy from there.

Around 1030Z/10, USS Tomich rejoined the convoy from the Azores. She had the transports Abraham Baldwin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Phineas Banning (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) with her which joined the convoy.

Also on 10 February 1944, USS Gleaves fuelled from USS Mattaponi.

Around 1530Z/11, USS Tomich parted company with the convoy to make rendezvous with the tanker Katy (Norwegian (tanker), 6826 GRT, 1931) coming from the Azores.

Around 0630Z/14, USS Tomich and the Katy (re)joined the convoy.

Also on 14 February 1944, USS Gleaves again fuelled from USS Mattaponi.

Around 2200Z/18, USS Mattaponi and the transport Samgara were detached to Bermuda taking USS Tomich with them as escort. The Samgara had problems with her rudder.

Around 1200Z/19, USS Mills parted company to proceed to Bermuda to land a medical case.

Around 2100Z/19, the transports Frank A. Vanderlip and John J. Crittenden were detached to proceed independently to Saint John, New Brunswick and Boston respecively.

Around 0330Z/20, USS Mills rejoined from Bermuda.

Around 1215Z/20, the tanker Gulfgem was detached to proceed independently to Harbor Island, Texas.

Around 0630Z/21, the Chesapeake Bay section of the convoy parted company. It was made up of 14 ships and was escorted to Hampton Roads by USS Sellstrom, USS Ramsden, USS Rhodes and USS Savage. The Chesapeake Bay section arrived at its destination the following morning.

Around 0300Z/22, USS Mills was detached to escort two ships to Delaware Capes where they arrived in the afternoon.

In the evening of 22 February 1944, the remaining ships of the convoy arrived at New York.

26 Jan 1944
Around 1815A/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) and HMS Sickle (Lt. J.R. Drummond, DSO, DSC, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (91)

28 Jan 1944
Around 0815A/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Gibraltar for escort duty with convoy KMS 39.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 65 / KMS 39 ' for 15 January 1944.] (91)

1 Feb 1944
Around 0745A/1, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty.

Around 1630A/1, she departed Bizerta for escort duty with convoy GUS 29.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 29 ' for 25 January 1944.] (91)

5 Feb 1944
Around 1900A/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (92)

6 Feb 1944

Combined convoy OS 67 / KMS 41.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 6 February 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Ary Lensen (British, 3214 GRT, built 1930), Baltrover (British, 4916 GRT, built 1913), Bangkok II (British (former French, 8056 GRT, built 1919), Baron Forbes (British, 3061 GRT, built 1915), Baron Graham (British, 3242 GRT, built 1925), Baron Haig (British, 3391 GRT, built 1926), Belnor (Norwegian, 2871 GRT, built 1926), Boltonhall (British, 4824 GRT, built 1935), Calgary (British, 7206 GRT, built 1921), Cape Wrath (British, 4512 GRT, built 1940), Clan Cameron (British, 7243 GRT, built 1937), Cochrane (British, 7203 GRT, built 1923), Danby (British, 4281 GRT, built 1937), Empire Buckler (British, 7046 GRT, built 1942), Empire Clarion (British, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Empire Conrad (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), Empire Cormorant (British, 5760 GRT, built 1918), Empire Galahad (British, 7046 GRT, built 1942), Empire Gareth (British, 2847 GRT, built 1942), Empire Heath (British, 6643 GRT, built 1941), Empire Lancer (British, 7037 GRT, built 1942), Empire Mallory (British, 6327 GRT, built 1941), Empire Snipe (British, 2497 GRT, built 1919), Empire Unicorn (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), English Monarch (British, 4557 GRT, built 1924), Errington Court (British, 4913 GRT, built 1925), Explorer (British, 6235 GRT, built 1935), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Henley (British, 7138 GRT, built 1943), Fort Livingstone (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), Fort Michipicoten (British, 7152 GRT, 1943), Fort Poplar (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Prudhomme (British, 7167 GRT, built 1943), Fort St.Joseph (British, 7151 GRT, built 1943), Glaisdale (British, 3777 GRT, built 1929), Gloucester City (British, 3071 GRT, built 1919), Hardingham (British, 7269 GRT, built 1942), Ioannis Frangos (Greek, 3442 GRT, built 1912), Junecrest (British, 6945 GRT, built 1942), King Frederick (British, 5106 GRT, built 1920), Langleebrook (British, 4246 GRT, built 1930), Leeds City (British, 4758 GRT, built 1927), Lyras (Greek, 5685 GRT, built 1918), Marija Petrinovic (Yugoslavian, 5684 GRT, built 1918), Matadian (British, 4275 GRT, built 1936), Merchant Royal (British, 5008 GRT, built 1928), Neleus (British, 6685 GRT, built 1911), Norman Monarch (British, 7005 GRT, built 1943), Ottinge (British, 2818 GRT, built 1940), Parkhaven (Dutch, 4803 GRT, built 1920)), Pentridge Hill (British, 7579 GRT, built 1941), Persier (Belgian, 5382 GRT, built 1918), Rancher (British, 5882 GRT, built 1927), Rugeley (British, 4985 GRT, built 1936), San Rafael (Panamanian, 5379 GRT, built 1919), Sansu (British, 5446 GRT, built 1939), Silverlarch (British, 5064 GRT, built 1924), Silverlaurel (British, 6142 GRT, built 1939), Starstone (British, 5702 GRT, built 1938), Thistleford (British, 4781 GRT, built 1928), Tilemachos (Greek, 3658 GRT, built 1921), Tudor Prince (British, 1914 GRT, built 1940), Tynemouth (British, 3168 GRT, built 1940) and Wanderer (British, 5079 GRT, built 1925).

The rescue ship Accrington (British, 1678 GRT, built 1910) and the rescue tug HMRT Griper were also with the convoy.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), sloops HMS Rochester (Cdr. H.V. King, OBE, DSO, RN), HMS Londonderry (Lt.Cdr. L.B. Philpott, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Scarborough (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Carnduff, RN), frigates HMS Tavy (T/A/Lt.Cdr. F. Ardern, RNR), HMS Tees (Lt.Cdr. R.A.D. Cambridge, DSC, RNR), corvettes HMS Geranium (T/Lt. G. Wallace, RNR), HMS Mignonette (Lt. H.H. Brown, DSC, RNR) and the A/S trawlers HMS Cape Argona (T/Lt. L.B. Payton, RNVR) and HMS Stafnes (T/Lt. A.T. Motion, RNVR).

Four of the merchant vessels of the convoy had to return to the U.K. due to defects of weather damage, these were; Baron Forbes, Lyras, Silverlaurel and Wanderer.

On 10 February 1944, the escort oiler San Tirso (British (tanker), 6266 GRT, built 1913) joined the convoy from convoy SL 147 / MKS 38.

On 12 February 1944, fighters from HMS Pursuer shot down two German aircraft that were shadowing the convoy.

On 16 February 1944, the convoy split into convoy OS 67 and KMS 41.

HMS Stafnes had been detached from the convoy and arrived at Horta, Azores on 17 February 1944.


Convoy OS 67, towards Freetown, was made up of the following merchant vessels; Calgary, Cochrane, Empire Buckler, Empire Galahad, Empire Lancer, Fort Henley, Fort Livingstone, Fort Poplar, Gloucester City, Leeds City, Marija Petrinovic, Matadian, Neleus, Persier, Sansu and Silverlarch. The frigate HMS Tees of the escort remained with convoy OS 67.

On 15 February 1944, the frigates HMS Odzani (Lt.Cdr. L.A. Sayers, RD, RNR), HMS Aire (A/Lt.Cdr. N.K. Boyd, DSC and Bar, RNR) and corvette HMS Stonecrop (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J.H.S. Fayrer, DSC, RNVR) had departed Gibraltar escorting convoy OS 67G (the Gibraltar section of convoy OS 67) which was made up of the following transports; Agia Marina (Greek, 4151 GRT, built 1912), Appledore (British, 5218 GRT, built 1929), Baron Douglas (British, 3899 GRT, built 1932), Empire Perdita (British, 7028 GRT, built 1943), Ingleton (British, 7203 GRT, built 1942), King Edgar (British, 4536 GRT, built 1927), King William (British, 5274 GRT, built 1928) and Van Ostade (Dutch, 2890 GRT, built 1942).

On these ships arriving at the rendezvous on the 16th the convoy split. The original escort of the combined convoy, minus HMS Tees then proceeded with convoy KMS 41 towards the Mediterranean.

On 16 February 1944, the tanker Neritina (British (tanker), 8228 GRT, built 1943) departed Casablanca to join the convoy. She was escorted by the patrol vessels USS PC-474 (Lt. H.C. Hummer, USNR) and USS PC-481 (Lt. N.W Roeder, USNR). On this ship joining the convoy the transport Leeds City parted company with the convoy and proceeded to Casablanca escorted by the two patrol vessels. They arrived at Casablanca on the 17th.

On 23 February 1944, the Fort Livingstone arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy while the transports Kedoe (Dutch, 3684 GRT, built 1921) and Madagascar (British, 4861 GRT, built 1912) joined the convoy coming from Dakar. Also the the sloop / minesweeper Annamite joined the convoy.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 26 February 1944. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 41, made up of the remaining ships, proceeded towards the Mediterranean with the original escort of the combined convoy (minus HMS Tees).

On 28 January 1944, the following transports / tanker arrived at Gibraltar; Baltrover, Baron Graham, Baron Haig, Empire Cormorant, Empire Snipe, Errington Court, King Frederick, Langleebrook, Norman Monarch, Ottinge, Tilemachos and Tudor Prince as did the rescue ship Accrington, escort oiler San Tirso and HMRT Griper. The escort, made up of HMS Rochester, HMS Londonderry, HMS Scarbrough, HMS Tavy, HMS Geranium, HMS Mignonette and HMS Cape Argona also arrived at Gibraltar.

The following ships of the convoy meanwhile directly entered the Mediterranean; Ary Lensen, Bangkok II, Belnor, Boltonhall, Cape Wrath, Clan Cameron, Danby, Empire Clarion, Empire Conrad, Empire Gareth, Empire Heath, Empire Mallory, Empire Unicorn, English Monarch, Explorer, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Michipicoten, Fort Prudhomme, Fort St.Joseph, Glaisdale, Hardingham, Ioannis Frangos, Junecrest, Merchnant Royal, Parkhaven, Pentridge Hill, Rancher, Rugeley, San Rafael, Starstone, Thistleford and Tynemouth.

On passing Gibraltar they were joined by the following transports / tankers; Arena (Norwegian (tanker), 6362 GRT, built 1927), Harrogate (British, 1029 GRT, built 1925), Palacio (British, 1346 GRT, built 1927), Parame (French, 2337 GRT, built 1918) and Robert Y. Haine (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). Also a new escort joined for the passage through the Mediterranean, this was made up of the following ships; AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), minesweepers HMS Hazard (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Smith, RN), HMS Aries (A/Cdr. M.A.O. Biddulph, DSC, RN) and the corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR), HMS Coltsfoot (T/A/Lt.Cdr. G.W. Rayner, RNVR), HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR) and HMS Hyderabad (T/Lt. T. Cooper, RNR).

On 18 February 1944, the transports Palacio, Parame, Parkhaven, Robert Y. Haine and Tynemouth arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Oran; Cara (British, 1760 GRT, built 1929), Cornelius Gilliam (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Cornelius Harnett (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), David L. Swain (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Gabriel Duval (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Grand Quevilly (French, 2844 GRT, built 1914), Iceland (British, 1236 GRT, built 1914), James Barbour (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Louis McLane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Moray Coast (British, 687 GRT, built 1940), Richard Montgomery (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Cresap (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943)), Thomas Nelson Page (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Blount (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Zane Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). The self propelled fuel barges USS Anticline (2670 GRT, built 1943, Lt. A.R. Byron, USNR) and USS Syncline (2670 GRT, built 1943, Lt. A.E. Nichols, Jr., USNR) also joined the convoy.

On 19 February 1944, the transports Cara, Empire Mallory, Glaisdale, Hardingham, Harrogate, Ioannis Frangos, James Barbour, Junecrest, Merchant Royal and Thistleford as well as USS Anticline and USS Syncline arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Benito Juarez (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Brighton (British, 7345 GRT, built 1943), Cuba (British, 11420 GRT, 1923), Daniel Huger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Empire Dickens (British (tanker), 9819 GRT, built 1942), Empire Guinevere (British, 7072 GRT, built 1942), Imber (British, 1899 GRT, built 1920), Nathaniel Macon (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Nebraska (British, 8261 GRT, built 1920) and Samspring (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On 20 February 1944, the transport Empire Gareth arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Fort Bell (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bone.

On 21 February 1944, the transports Cape Wrath, Iceland and William Blount as well as HMS Colombo arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy from Bizerta; Bourgogne (French (tanker), 9357 GRT, built 1937), British Justice (British (tanker), 6932 GRT, built 1928), Nea (Norwegian, 1877 GRT, built 1921), Thomas Pinckney (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) and William L. Smith (American, 7196, built 1943). The rescue tug HMRT Patroclus also joined the convoy.

On 21 February 1944, the transport Boltonhall arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 22 February 1944, the transports Empire Clarion, Imber and Moray Coast arrived at Malta as did the minesweeper HMS Aries after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Toscana (British (former Italian), 9442 GRT, built 1923) joined the convoy from Malta.

On 22 February 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Empire Opossum (British, 5644 GRT, built 1918), Fort Erie (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Newbrough (British, 5255 GRT, built 1941), Nuculana (British (tanker), 8179 GRT, built 1942), Samnebra (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samphire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On 23 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Arena, Ary Lensen, Benito Juarez, Bourgogne, Brighton, Cornelius Gilliam, Cornelius Harnett, Cuba, Danby, Daniel Huger, David L. Swain, Empire Conrad, Empire Dickens, Empire Guinevere, Empire Heath, Empire Unicorn, English Monarch, Fort Bell, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Michipiconten, Gabriel Duval, Grand Quevilly, Louis McLane, Nathaniel Macon, Nea, Nebraska, Richard Montgomery, Rugeley, Samspring, San Rafael, Starstone, Thomas Cresap, Thomas Nelson Page, Thomas Pinckney, William L. Smith and Zane Gray. HMRT Patroclus also arrived at Augusta.

On 26 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy; Clan Cameron, Empire Opossum, Fort Erie, Fort Prudhomme, Newbrough, Samnebra, Samphire and Toscana. From the escort HMS Hazard, HMS Anemone and HMS Coltsfood also arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 27 February 1944.

14 Feb 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) conducted compass swing trials at Gibraltar. She then proceeded to sea for gunnery exercises returning late in the evening. (92)

14 Feb 1944

Convoy GUS 31.

This convoy departed Port Said on 14 February 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Cleodora (Dutch (tanker), 8026 GRT, built 1938), Empire Daring (British, 7059 GRT, built 1943), Empire Rock (British, 7061 GRT, built 1943), Esso Montpelier (American (tanker), 7698 GRT, built 1940), Euryades (British, 5801 GRT, built 1913), Gudrun Maersk (British, 2294 GRT, built 1937), Java (Dutch, 9250 GRT, built 1939), Sampler (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Thomas L. Clingman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Van der Helst (Dutch, 6946 GRT, built 1942). The rescue tug HMRT Vagrant was also with the convoy.

They were escorted by the frigate HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR), minesweeper HMS Sharpshooter (Lt.Cdr. W.L. O'Mara, RN), corvette HMS Primula (T/Lt. E.N. Wilding, RNVR) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Protea (Lt. A. Thomas, DSC, SANF).

On 15 February 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 7086 GRT, built 1942), Belpareil (Norwegian, 7203 GRT, built 1926), Empire Cameron (British, 7015 GRT, built 1941), Empire Capulet (British, 7044 GRT, built 1943), Empire Mariott (British, 5970 GRT, built 1941), Fort Cadotte (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Clatsop (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943), Hubert Howe Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ignatius Donnelly (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lublin (Polish, 1409 GRT, built 1932), Oran M. Roberts (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Peter Zenger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samtucky (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Viggo Hansteen (American, 7176, built 1943), William Whipple (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and Zachery Taylor (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942). The armed boarding vessel HMS Arpha () and the rescue tugs HMRT Barwick and HMRT Respond also joined the convoy from Alexandria.

They were escorted by the corvette HMS Gloxinia (Lt. D. Perry, DSC, RNR) which also joined the convoy.

On 19 February 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Alexander J. Dallas (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Argyll (British, 4897 GRT, built 1939), Beacon (American (tanker), 10388 GRT, built 1921), Benjamin Hawkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Charles Brantley Aycock (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Colin P. Kelly Jr. (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Cragpool (British 5133 GRT, built 1928), David Caldwell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Destro (British, 3553 GRT, built 1920), Empire Coleridge (British (tanker), 9798 GRT, built 1942), Empire Grenadier (British (tanker), 9811 GRT, built 1942), Ethan Allen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Fort Fairford (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frederick (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), Fort Meductic (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort St.Regis (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943), George Dewey (American, 7225 GRT, built 1943), Govert Flinck (Dutch, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Guinean (British, 5205 GRT, built 1936), Henry Middleton (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Hjalmar Wessel (Norwegian, 1742 GRT, built 1935), J.E.B. Stuart (American, 7196 GRT, built 1942), James G. Blaine (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John A. Campbell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John M. Morehead (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Wise (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Johns Hopkins (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Joseph E. Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph E. Johnston (American, 7196 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Hooker (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Louis Marshall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Louisa M. Alcott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Manchester Exporter (British, 5277 GRT, built 1918), Marga (Norwegian, 1583 GRT, built 1923), Narwick (Polish, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Nuculana (British (tanker), 8179 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Riverton (British, 7307 GRT, built 1943), Samuel Livermore (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Sidney Sherman (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Thomas W. Hyde (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Tristram Dalton (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and William T. Barry (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 20 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Aelbert Cuyp, Belpareil, Cleodora, Empire Cameron, Empire Capulet, Empire Daring, Empire Rock, Euryades, Fort Cadotte and Fort Clatsop.

On 21 February 1944, HMS Arpha, HMS Barwick and HMS Respond arrived at Malta after having parted company with the convoy.

On 22 February 1944, the following transports departed Tunis to join the convoy; Britannia (Norwegian (tanker), 9977 GRT, built 1939), British Character (British (tanker), 8453 GRT, built 1941), British Patience (British (tanker), 8097 GRT, built 1943), Capitaine Paul Lemerle (French, 4945 GRT, built 1925), Carrillo (American, 5013 GRT, built 1911), Clausina (British (tanker), 8083 GRT, built 1938), James R. Randall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Paul Hamilton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Thomas Johnson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William Carson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 22 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy; Charles Brantley Aycock, Esso Montpelier, Henry Middleton, Joseph E. Brown, Joseph Hooker and Thomas W. Hyde. Also the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant arrived at Bizerta. Joining the convoy from Bizerta were the following transports / tankers; Empire Grange (British, 6981 GRT, built 1943), Ena (Dutch (tanker), 6229 GRT, built 1936), Fort Rae (British, 7132 GRT, built 1942), Fort Reliance (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), George Cleeve (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Gezina (Norwegian, 1828 GRT, built 1917), Grainton (British, 6341 GRT, built 1929), Henry Dundas (British (tanker), 10448 GRT, built 1937), John Harvard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Steele (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John W. Brown (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Loke (Norwegian, 2421 GRT, built 1915), Peter Skene Ogden (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Richard Bassett (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Rufus W. Peckham (American, 7200 GRT, built 1942), Salamis (Norwegian (tanker), 8286 GRT, built 1939) and Thelma (British, 1593 GRT, built 1935). Also joining from Bizerta was the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN).

On 22 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy; Destro, Empire Grange, Fort Rae, Fort St.Regis, Gezina, Guinean and Narwick while the transport Innerton (British, 5276 GRT, built 1919) joined the convoy coming from Bone.

Around 1215A/22, the transports George Cleeve and Peter Skene Ogden were torpedoed and damaged by the German submarine U-969.

On 22 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Philippeville after having parted company with the convoy; Empire Mariott, Fort Frederick, Hjalmar Wessel while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Philippeville; Generton (British, 4797 GRT, built 1936), Nelson Dingley (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Wallace E. Pratt (American (tanker), 7991 GRT, built 1937).

On 23 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Algiers after having parted company with the convoy; Fort Fairford, Fort Fidler, Fort Meductic, Fort Reliance, Grainton, Gudrun Maersk, Innerton, Loke, Marga, Ocean Vesper, Riverton, Rufus W. Peckham and Thelma while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Alexander Martin (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Baron Elgin (British, 3942 GRT, built 1933), Blairdevon (British, 3282 GRT, built 1925), City of Canterbury (British, 8331 GRT, built 1922), Esso Nashville (American (tanker), 7943 GRT, built 1940), Fomalhaut (French, 5795 GRT, built 1936), Fort Abitibi (British, 7122 GRT, built 1942), Jean L.D. (French, 5795 GRT, built 1935), John Cropper (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Joseph H. Nicholson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph Leidy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph Pulitzer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Moses Austin (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Silvester Gardiner (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Strinda (Norwegian (tanker), 10973 GRT, built 1937), Tabitha Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Thomas B. Robertson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 24 February 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Oran after having parted company with the convoy; Capitaine Paul Lemerle, James G. Blaine, Johns Hopkins, Louisa M. Alcott, Nelson Dingley and William T. Barry while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Oran; Alexander Lillington (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Athelchief (British (tanker), 10000 GRT, built 1939), Button Gwinnett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Conrad Weiser (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Elg (Norwegian, 4014 GRT, built 1930), Empire Damsel (British (tanker), 784 GRT, built 1942), Esso Baltimore (American (tanker), 7940 GRT, built 1938), F.A.C. Muhlenberg (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George Davis (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), George G. Meade (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George W. Woodward (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Irvin MacDowell (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), James Hoban (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James J. Hill (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Joaquin Miller (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John Blair (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John Lawson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John P. Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John R. Park (American, 7184 GRT, built 1944), Joseph Gale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Josiah Bartlett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Justin S. Morrill (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), King S. Woolsey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Lawton B. Evans (American, 7197 GRT, built 1943), Marshall Elliott (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Paine Wingate (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Samuel Griffin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Timothy Dwight (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Floyd (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William Mulholland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William S. Young (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). The escort destroyers HMS Beaufort (Lt. J.R.L. Moore, RN), RHS Kanaris and Pindos also joined the convoy. HMS Gloxinia and HMS Primula were detached (or meanwhile had been detached) to assist in A/S operations.

On 26 February 1944, the following transports arrived at Gibraltar after having parted company with the convoy; Argyll, Baron Elgin, Blairdevon, City of Canterbury, Cragpool, Generton, Govert Flinck, Jean L.D. and Manchester Exporter while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar; Cyrus H. McCormick (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Maja (British (tanker), 8181 GRT, built 1931), Norden (Norwegian (tanker), 8440 GRT, built 1931), Valldemosa (British, 7222 GRT, built 1935) and Velma (Norwegian (tanker), 9720 GRT, built 1930). HMS Colombo also arrived at Gibraltar.

Around 1600A/26, the British escort was relieved by an American escort made up of the destroyer USS Edison (T/Cdr. H.A. Pearce, USN, with COMTASKFOR 65, T/Capt. V. Huber, USN on board) and the destroyer escorts USS Douglas L. Howard (Lt. W.F. Stokey, USNR, with COMDESDIV 9, Cdr. J.H. Forshew, USNR, on board), USS J.R.Y. Blakely (Lt. K.D. Talley, USNR), USS Farquhar (Lt.Cdr. L.E. Rosenberg, USNR), USS Fessenden (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Dobbs, USNR), USS Fiske (Lt. J.A. Comly, USNR), USS Hill (Cdr. G.R. Keating, USNR), USS Menges (Lt.Cdr. F.M. McCabe, USCG, with COMDESDIV 46, Capt. R.E. Wood, USCG, on board), USS Falgout (Cdr. H.A. Meyer, USCG), USS Lowe (Cdr. R.H. French, USCG) and USS Mosley (Cdr. J.A. Alger, Jr., USCG). These ships had departed Casablanca around 1300A/25 to conduct an A/S sweep and then make rendezvous with the convoy.

Around 1730A/26, the transports / tankers Fitzhugh Lee (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Imperial Transport (British (tanker), 8022 GRT, built 1931), John Sergeant (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Samboston (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and the naval tanker USS Chicopee (Cdr. C.O. Peak, USNR) joined the convoy coming from Casablanca which they had departed on the 25th. They were escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Newell (Cdr. R.J. Roberts, USCG), USS Pride (Cdr. R.R Curry, USCG) and the patrol vessels USS PC-474 (Lt. H.C. Hummer, USNR) and USS PC-481 (Lt. N.W Roeder, USNR). On these ships joining the transport / tankers Elg, Empire Damsel and Esso Baltimore parted company with the convoy to proceed to Casablanca escorted by the two patrol vessels. They arrived at Casablanca on 27 February 1944.

Around 1000A/27, the transport Edward M. House (American, 7240 GRT, built 1943) and the tanker Pan-Maine (American (tanker), 7237 GRT, built 1936) joined the convoy coming from Casablanca which they had departed on the 26th. They had been escorted to the rendezvous by the corvette FFS Commandant Detroyat and the patrol vessel USS PC-480 (Lt.(jg) J.K. Miller, USNR) which subsequently returned to Casablanca.

Around 0005N/2, USS Douglas L. Howard was sent o the Azores to pick up two merchant vessels which were to join the convoy. Around 1455N/3, these two merchant vessels still had not appeared and USS Douglas L. Howard then proceeded to rejoin the convoy which she did around 0615N/4. Shortly afterwards the two merchant ships joined the convoy having departed from the Azores unescorted due to miscommunication. The two merchant vessels in question were the; Amelia Earhart (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Harold L. Winslow (American, 7276 GRT, built 1943).

During the morning of 6 March 1943, USS Edison fuelled from USS Chicopee.

Around 1030P/8, the transport Samuel Livermore developed engine trouble and straggled from the convoy. USS Lowe was ordered to remain with her.

Around 2200Q/12, the Samuel Livermore and her escort USS Lowe rejoined the convoy.

Around 0700Q/14, USS Chicopee parted company to proceed to Bermuda. Two destroyer escorts had joined to escort her to that place, these were the USS Osmus (Cdr. R.R. Jackson, USNR) and USS Barr (Lt.Cdr. H.H. Love, USNR). They arrived at Bermuda in the afternoon of the 14th.

Around 1530Q/14, the transport Richard Basset was detached to Bermuda due to fuel shortage.

Around 0600Q/16, the transports Oran M. Roberts and Van der Helst were detached to proceed to Boston and Saint Johns, New Brunswick respectively.

The convoy arrived at New York on 18 March 1944.

17 Feb 1944
Around 1000A/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Gibraltar for escort duty with convoy KMS 39.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 67 / KMS 41 ' for 6 February 1944.] (92)

21 Feb 1944
Around 0800A/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty.

Around 1520A/21, she departed Bizerta for escort duty with convoy GUS 31. [For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 31 ' for 14 February 1944.] (92)

21 Feb 1944

Convoy KMF 29.

This convoy was assembled in the North Channel on 21 February 1944.

It was made up of the (troop) transports; Almanzora (British, 15551 GRT, built 1914), Antenor (British, 11174 GRT, built 1925), Aorangi (British, 17491 GRT, built 1924), Boissevain (Dutch, 14134 GRT, built 1937), Capetown Castle (British, 27002 GRT, built 1938), Dempo (Dutch, 17024 GRT, built 1931), Duchess of Richmond (British, 22022 GRT, built 1928), Franconia (British, 20175 GRT, built 1923), Leopoldville (Belgian, 11509 GRT, built 1929), Morarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Monowai (New Zealand, 10852 GRT, built 1925), New Zealand Star (British, 10740 GRT, built 1935), Ormonde (British, 14982 GRT, built 1917), Orontes (British, 20097 GRT, built 1929), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931), Sibajak (Dutch, 12226 GRT, built 1927), Stratheden (British, 23722 GRT, built 1937), Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937) and Volendam (Dutch, 15434 GRT, built 1922).

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Fencer (A/Capt. W.W.R. Bentinck, OBE, RN), AA ship Prince HMCS Prince Robert (Cdr. A.M. Hope, RCN), destroyers HMS Terpsichore (Cdr. A.C. Behague, DSC, OBE, RN), HMS Urania (Lt.Cdr. D.H.P. Gardiner, DSC, RN) and the frigates HMS Bentinck (Cdr. E.H. Chavasse, DSO, DSC, RN, HMS Burges (Lt.Cdr. H. Hill, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Byard (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E.M. Ferris, RNVR), HMS Calder (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E. Playne, RNVR), HMS Curzon (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Diggins, DSC, RN) and HMS Drury (Lt. N.J. Parker, RN).

On 26 February 1944, the New Zealand Star arrived at Fayal after having been detached from the convoy. She later continued on independently towards the River Plate area.

Around 1200N/26, HMS Fencer parted company with the convoy to join northbound combined convoy SL 149 / MKS 40.

Around 0900Z/27, the destroyers USS Kendrick (T/Cdr. A.M. Boyd, Jr., USN) and USS Mackenzie (T/Cdr. B.N. Rittenhouse, Jr., USN) joined the convoy.

Also on 27 February, the Antenor and Sibajak were detached to Horta, Azores where they arrived later the same day. They were escorted by HMS Terpsichore and HMS Urania. These ships departed for Gibraltar the next day. They all arrived at Gibraltar on 29 February 1944.

On 28 February 1944, the destroyers HMS Undine (Cdr. T.C. Robinson, RN) and HMS Vanoc (Lt.Cdr. P.R. Ward, RN) joined coming from Gibraltar which they had departed on the 27th. These two destroyers, with HMCS Prince Robert and the two American destroyers were detached on passing the Straits of Gibraltar and returned there on 29 February 1944.

On passing Gibraltar the escort was reinforced by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), escort vessel HMS Antwerp (Cdr. J.N. Hulse, DSC, RD, RNR), destroyer HMS Isis (Lt. H.D. Durell, RN) and the escort destroyers HMS Beaufort (Lt. J.R.L. Moore, RN), HMS Blankney (Lt.Cdr. D.H.R. Bromley, RN), HMS Farndale (Cdr. G. Ransome, DSC, RN), RHS Kanaris and Pindos.

During the night of 29 February / 1 March 1944, the convoy passed Oran. The Dempo and Volendam were detached to that place while the (troop) transports Champollion (French, 12546 GRT, built 1924), Circassia (British, 11136 GRT, built 1937), Highland Chieftain (British, 14135 GRT, built 1929), Lancashire (British, 9557 GRT, built 1917), Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929) and the AA cruiser HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck (Capt. W. Harmsen, RNethN) joined the convoy.

On 1 March 1944, the Capetown Castle and Ormonde were detached to Algiers while the (troop) transports Hai Lee (Norwegian, 3616 GRT, built 1934) and Winchester Castle (British, 20012 GRT, built 1930) joined.

Around 2105A/1, the Monarch of Bermuda parted company to proceed to Palermo where she arrived the following day. She was escorted by HMS Blankney which subsequently arrived at Augusta on 3 March.

Around 1100A/2, the Naples section of the convoy parted company. This was made up of the following (troop) transports; Almanzora, Boissevain, Champollion, Circassia, Hai Lee, Highland Chieftain, Letitia, Llangibby Castle, Leopoldville, Tegelberg, Winchester Castle. Escort for the Naples section was provided by HMS Colombo, HMS Bentinck, HMS Burges, HMS Byard, HMS Calder, HMS Curzon and HMS Drury. The Naples section arrived at its destination on 3 March 1944.

On 3 March 1944, HMS Isis arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy.

Later on 3 March 1944, the Aorangi and HrMs Heemskerck arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the (troop) transport Princess Kathleen (British, 5875 GRT, built 1925) and the netlayer HMS Guardian (Capt.(Retd.) H.A.C. Lane, OBE, RN) joined the convoy coming from Malta.

Also on 3 March 1944, the Duchess of Richmond was detached to August as was HMS Farndale as escort.

On 4 March 1944, RHS Kanaris arrived at Tobruk after having been detached from the convoy. She departed again later the same day and rejoined the convoy.

On 5 March 1944, HMS Antwerp and RHS Pindos arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy.

The remainder of the convoy, Franconia, Lancashire, Monowai, Orontes, Princess Kathleen, Reina del Pacifico, Stratheden escorted by HMS Beaufort, RHS Kanaris and HMS Guardian arrived at Port Said on 6 March 1944.

26 Feb 1944
Around 0815A/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (92)

29 Feb 1944
Around 0415A/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Gibraltar for escort duty with convoy KMF 29.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy KMF 29 ' for 21 February 1944.] (92)

2 Mar 1944

Convoy MKF 29.

This convoy departed Port Said on 2 March 1944.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Ascania (British, 14013 GRT, built 1924), Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Dunnotar Castle (British, 15007 GRT, built 1936), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Johan de Witt (Dutch, 10474 GRT, built 1920), Maloja (British, 20914 GRT, built 1923), Mooltan (British, 20952 GRT, built 1923), Mormacswan (American, 7194 GRT, built 1939), Nea Hellas (British, 16991 GRT, built 1922), Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Sobieski (Polish, 11030 GRT, built 1939) and Strathaird (British, 22281 GRT, built 1932). They were escorted by the escort destroyers ORP Slazak (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) R. Nalecz-Tyminski), ORP Krakowiak (Kpt.mar. (Lt.Cdr.) W. Maracewicz), HMS Haydon (Lt. R.G.R. Clay, RN), HMS Mendip (Lt. P.D. Davey, RN) and RHS Themistocles.

The troop transport Scythia (British, 19761 GRT, built 1920) departed Port Said later the same day to overtake and join the convoy. She was escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Catterick (Lt. D.P. Willan, DSC, RN) and RHS Miaoulis.

In the afternoon of 5 March 1944, the troop transport Duchess of Richmond (British, 22022 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Augusta which she had departed earlier the same day escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Farndale (Cdr. G. Ransome, DSC, RN), HMS Blankney (Lt.Cdr. D.H.R. Bromley, RN), HMS Blencathra (Lt.Cdr. E.G. Warren, RN).

Around the same time the troop transport Aorangi (British, 17491 GRT, built 1924) joined the convoy coming from Malta which she had departed earlier the same day escorted by the AA cruiser HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck (Capt. W. Harmsen, RNethN) and the escort destroyers HMS Tetcott (Lt. A.F. Harkness, DSC, OBE, RNR) and RHS Kriti.

On these ship joining the troop transports Ascania, Derbyshire and Sobieski parted company with the convoy to proceed through the Messina Strait towards Naples where they arrived on the 6th. They were escorted by HMS Farndale, HMS Blankney, HMS Blencathra and RHS Kriti and RHS Themistocles.

HMS Tetcott returned to Augusta.

Also on 5 March the Naples section of the convoy departed that place. Convoy SNF 16 also formed part of the Naples section which was then made up of the following troop transports; Boissevain (Dutch, 14134 GRT, built 1937), Highland Chieftain (British, 14135 GRT, built 1929), LLangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937) and the following from convoy SNF 16; Almanzora (British, 15551 GRT, built 1914), Champollion (French, 12546 GRT, built 1924), Circassia (British, 11136 GRT, built 1937), Hai Lee (Norwegian, 3616 GRT, built 1934), Leopoldville (Belgian, 11509 GRT, built 1929), Letitia ((British, 13595 GRT, built 1925) and Winchester Castle (British, 20012 GRT, built 1930).

The Naples section was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) and the frigates HMS Bentinck (Cdr. E.H. Chavasse, DSO, DSC, RN, HMS Burges (Lt.Cdr. H. Hill, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Byard (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E.M. Ferris, RNVR), HMS Calder (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E. Playne, RNVR), HMS Curzon (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Diggins, DSC, RN) and HMS Drury (Lt. N.J. Parker, RN).

On the 6th, off Palermo, the Naples section was joined by the troop transport Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931).

The Naples section merged with the main convoy around 1745A/7. The troop transport Leopoldville then proceeded to Bone while the Hai Lee arrived at Philippeville later the same day after having straggled from the convoy.

On 8 March 1944, the troop transport Winchester Castle was detached to Algiers while the troop transports Capetown Castle (British, 27002 GRT, built 1938) and Ormonde (British, 14982 GRT, built 1917) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 8 March 1944, the (troop) transports Almanzora, Champollion, Circassia,Letitia and Mormacswan were detached to Oran.

On 9 March 1944, the convoy arrived at Gibraltar where part the current escort; HMS Colombo, HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck, ORP Slazak, HMS Catterick, HMS Mendip and RHS Miaoulis. ORP Krakowiak and HMS Haydon had already arrived at Gibraltar the previous day after having proceeded ahead of the convoy.

Coming from Gibraltar the folling (troop) transports joined the convoy; Antenor (British, 11174 GRT, built 1925), Columbia Star (British, 8293 GRT, built 1939), Highland Monarch (British, 14139 GRT, built 1928) and Orduna (British, 15507 GRT, built 1914).

Also joining from Gibraltar were the battleship HMS Warspite (A/Capt. D. Edwardes, RN), escort carriers HMS Activity (Capt. G. Willoughby, RN), HMS Nairana (Capt. R.M.T. Taylor, RN), AA ship HMCS Prince Robert (Cdr. A.M. Hope, RCN), destroyer HMS Winchelsea (Lt. C.T. Shuttleworth, RNVR) and the sloops HMS Crane (Lt.Cdr. R.G. Jenkins, RN), HMS Cygnet (Cdr. D.M. MacLean, RN), HMS Redpole (Lt.Cdr. I.M. Carrs, RN) and HMS Woodcock (Cdr.(Retd.) J.F. Blackburn, DSO, RN).

On 11 March 1944, the light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. C.P. Clarke, DSO, RN) joined the convoy coming from Horta, Azores which she had departed the previous day. She parted company with the convoy early on 15 March and arrived at Greenock later the same day.

The convoy arrived in U.K. waters on 16 March 1944.

3 Mar 1944
Around 0915A/3, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), HMS Bentinck (Cdr. E.H. Chavasse, DSO, DSC, RN, HMS Burges (Lt.Cdr. H. Hill, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Byard (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E.M. Ferris, RNVR), HMS Calder (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E. Playne, RNVR), HMS Curzon (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Diggins, DSC, RN) and HMS Drury (Lt. N.J. Parker, RN) arrived at Naples with convoy KMF 29. (92)

4 Mar 1944

Combined convoy OS 70 / KMS 44.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 4 March 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Angelo (British, 2199 GRT, built 1940), Archangelos (Greek, 5692 GRT, built 1918), Baron Forbes (British, 3061 GRT, built 1915), Baron Maclay (British, 6317 GRT, built 1924), Baron Stranraer (British, 3668 GRT, built 1929), Bruse Jarl (Norwegian, 1890 GRT, built 1923), Cap Cantin (British (former French), 3317 GRT, built 1933), Carslogie (British, 3786 GRT, built 1924), Empire Nile (British, 6318 GRT, built 1921), Empire Rosalind (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Empire Spartan (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), Empire Spey (British, 4292 GRT, built 1929), Eurybates (British, 6276 GRT, built 1928), Fort Aklavik (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Gaspereau (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Liard (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Fort Marin (British, 7159 GRT, built 1943), Fort Nakasley (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Richelieu (British, 7130 GRT, built 1943), Groix (French, 9975 GRT, built 1922), Helencrest (British, 5233 GRT, built 1941), Hermiston (British, 4813 GRT, built 1939), Hopestar (British, 5267 GRT, built 1936), Isipingo (British, 7069 GRT, built 1930), Janeta (British, 4312 GRT, built 1929), Jenny (Norwegian, 4706 GRT, built 1928), Kana (British, 2783 GRT, built 1929), Langleetarn (British, 4908 GRT, built 1929), Leonidas (Greek, 4573 GRT, built 1929), Lorca (British, 4875 GRT, built 1931), Matheran (British, 8007 GRT, built 1942), Monkleigh (British, 5203 GRT, built 1927), Nanceen (French, 2895 GRT, built 1929), Nurani (British, 5414 GRT, built 1941), Porjus (Swedish, 2965 GRT, built 1906), Radmanso (Swedish, 4280 GRT, built 1914), Radport (British, 5355 GRT, built 1925), Redgate (British, 4323 GRT, built 1929), Samoa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Slesvig (British, 3098 GRT, built 1938), Stal (British (former Danish), 2242 GRT, built 1921), Stanhope (British, 2337 GRT, built 1919), Thomas Holt (British, 3585 GRT, built 1929), Topdalsfjord (Norwegian, 4271 GRT, built 1921), Urbino (British, 5198 GRT, built 1918), Ville de Strasbourg (British, (former French), 7007 GRT, built 1920) and Wayfarer (British, 5068 GRT, built 1925).

The rescue ship Fastnet (British, 1415 GRT, built 1928) was also with the convoy.

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Striker (Capt. W.P. Carne, RN), frigates HMS Exe (Cdr. C.E.E. Paterson, RN), HMS Moyola (Lt.Cdr. H.N. Lawson, RD, RNR), HMS Foley (A/Lt.Cdr. C.A.H. Bird, RNVR), corvettes HMS Armeria (T/Lt. M. Todd, RNR), HMS Burdock (Lt. H.M. Collier, RNR), HMS Clarkia (A/Lt.Cdr. J.O. Williams, RNR), HMS Dittany (T/Lt. S.W. Lock, RNVR), HMS Berkeley Castle (T/Lt. F.A. Darrah, RNVR) and the A/S trawler HMS Fusilier (T/Lt. F.M. Phillips, RNVR).

The following merchant vessels of the convoy returned to the U.K. after sailing; Angelo, Hopestar and Stal.

On 10 March 1944, the frigate HMS Foley parted company with the convoy to join the northbound combined convoy SL 150 / MKS 41 while the escort oiler San Tirso (British (tanker), 6266 GRT, built 1913) joined coming from this convoy.

On 16 March 1944, the convoy split into convoy OS 70 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 44 bound for the Mediterranean.


Convoy OS 70 was made up of the merchant vessels; Baron Stranraer, Cap Cantin, Fort Liard, Groix, Isipingo, Jenny, Porjus, Thomas Holt and Ville de Strasbourg.

On 15 March 1944, the merchant vessels Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 7086 GRT, built 1942), Empire Nerissa (British, 7086 GRT, built 1943), Fort Nashwaak (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Norman (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Govert Flinck (Dutch, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Langleebrook (British, 4246 GRT, built 1930), Romney (British, 5840 GRT, built 1929) and Vernon L. Kellogg (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) departed Gibraltar escorted by the sloop HMS Enchantress (Lt.Cdr. E.D.J. Abbot, DSC, RN), frigate HMS Ness (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.H. Marchington, MBE, RNVR) and the corvette HMS Pimpernel (Lt. H.D. Hayes, RNR). These ships joined the combined convoy when it split.

On 16 March 1944, the following transports departed Casablanca to join the convoy; Empire Cabot (British, 6715 GRT, built 1941), Finistere (French, 1158 GRT, built 1909), Fort Fairford (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Isaac Coles (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Parkhaven (Dutch, 4803 GRT, built 1920) and Tilsington Court (British, 6910 GRT, built 1928). They were escorted by the minesweeping sloops Chevreuil, Gazelle and the patrol vessels USS PC-475 (Lt. W.W. Devine, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-480 (Lt.(jg) J.K. Miller, USNR).

On these ships joining on the 17th, the transports Empire Nerissa, Fort Liard, Langleebrook, Porjus and Romney were detached to Casablanca where they arrived later on the 17th. They were escorted by the two American patrol vessels as the two French minesweeping sloops had joined the convoy.

On 22 March 1944, the transports Finistere, Isaac Coles and Vernon L. Kellogg arrived at Dakar after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Hoggar (French, 5146 GRT, built 1923) joined the convoy coming from Dakar. The two French minesweeping sloops also proceeded to Dakar.

On 23 March 1944, the transports Cap Cantin and Fort Nashwaak arrived at Bathurst after having been detached from the convoy.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 25 March 1944. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 44, made up of the remaining ships, proceeded towards the Mediterranean with the original escort of the combined convoy.

On 17 March 1944, the following transports arrived at Gibraltar; Archangelos, Lorca, Redgate, Slesvig, rescue ship Fastnet and the escort oiler San Tirso arrived at Gibraltar together with the original escort of the combined convoy minus HMS Dittany.

The transports Baron Forbes, Kana, Monkleigh, Radport and Stanhope proceeded directly to Lissabon after the convoy had split. They were possible escorted by HMS Dittany which did not arrive with the other escort at Gibraltar on the 17th but only arrived there on the 20th.

The following ships of the convoy meanwhile directly entered the Mediterranean; Baron Maclay, Bruse Jarl, Carslogie, Empire Nile, Empire Rosalind, Empire Spartan, Empire Spey, Eurybates, Fort Aklavik, Fort Gaspereau, Fort Marin, Fort Nakasley, Fort Richelieu, Helencrest, Hermiston, Janeta, Langleetarn, Leonidas, Matheran, Nanceen, Nurani, Radmanso, Samoa, Topsdalfjord, Urbino and Wyfarer.

On passing Gibraltar they were joined by the transports Joshua Hendy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Maycrest (British, 5923 GRT, built 1913) and Southgate (British, 4862 GRT, built 1926). Also a new escort joined for the passage through the Mediterranean, this was made up of the following ships; AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR) and the corvettes HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR), HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR) and (the Yugoslavian) Nada. The submarine HMS Spiteful (Lt.Cdr. F.H. Sherwood, DSC, RCNVR) and the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant also joined the convoy.

On 18 February 1944, the transports Carslogie, Joshua Hendy and Maycrest arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the transports Benito Juarez (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), City of Canterbury (British, 8331 GRT, built 1922), Crawford W. Long (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Crosby S. Noyes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph H. Hollister (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joshua Seney (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mayo Brothers (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Spindletop (British, 1155 GRT, built 1943), William Kent (American, 7187 GRT, built 1942) and Zacapa (American, 5013 GRT, built 1909) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

On 19 February 1944, the transports Fort Gaspereau, Hermiston, Janeta, Leonidas and Zapaca arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the transports / tankers Empire Addison (British, 7010 GRT, built 1942), Empire Gain (British (tanker), 3738 GRT, built 1943), Empire Southey (British, 7041 GRT, built 1942), Empire Wordsworth (British (tanker), 9891 GRT, built 1942), Esneh (British, 1931 GRT, built 1919), Fort Ash (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenora (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Fort la Traite (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Hermelin (Norwegian, 1683 GRT, built 1940), Linge (Dutch, 2114 GRT, built 1928), Meonia (Danish, 5214 GRT, built 1927), Parame (French, 2337 GRT, built 1918), Samettrick (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samuel V. Shreve (British, 1813 GRT, built 1943) and Solarium (British, 6239 GRT, built 1936) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 20 February 1944, the transports Brighton (British, 5359 GRT, built 1928), Fort Rae (British, 7132 GRT, built 1942) and Lightfoot (British, 1894 GRT, built 1922) joined the convoy coming from Philippeville.

On 20 February 1944, the transports Bruse Jarl, Empire Gain, Fort Rae and Radmanso arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy while the transports Empire Cameron (British, 7015 GRT, built 1941), Empire Copperfield (British, 6013 GRT, built 1943), Empire Viceroy (British, 7803 GRT, built 1943), Graiglas (British, 4312 GRT, built 1940), Ousel (British, 1533 GRT, built 1922), Sammex (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samson (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bone.

On 21 February 1944, the transports Empire Spartan, Empire Spey, Mayo Brothers, Nanceen, Parame and Solarium arrived at Bizerta as did HMS Colombo after having parted company with the convoy while the transport / tankers Asa Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Elise (Norwegian (tanker), 7910 GRT, built 1931) and Meline (Norwegian (tanker), 6983 GRT, built 1918) joined the convoy coming from Bizerta.

On 22 February 1944, the transports Graiglas, Topsdalfjord arrived at Malta after having parted company with the convoy as did HMS Spiteful and the Yugoslavian corvette Nada while the tanker Egero (Norwegian (tanker), 7590 GRT, built 1929), transport Empire Noble (British, 7125 GRT, built 1944) and the bouy / lighthouse tender Darien II (British, 459 GRT, built 1892) joined the convoy coming from Malta.

On 22 February 1944, the transports / tankers Beaconsfield (British, 4635 GRT, built 1938), Corfell (British, 1802 GRT, built 1934), Dallington Court (British, 6889 GRT, built 1929), Destro (British, 3553 GRT, built 1920), Dunera (British, 11162 GRT, built 1937), Ekaterini Coumantarou (Greek, 7777 GRT, built 1917), Empire Grange (British, 6981 GRT, built 1943), Empire Peak (British, 7045 GRT, built 1943), Fort Bourbon (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Fort Glenlyon (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Senneville (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Liberty (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vulcan (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Riverton (British, 7307 GRT, built 1943), Samnebra (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), San Rafael (Panamanian, 5379 GRT, built 1919), Van der Capelle (Dutch, 7037 GRT, built 1942), Zaanstroom (Dutch, 1646 GRT, built 1920) departed Augusta to join the convoy while the following transports / tankers parted company with the convoy and proceeded to Augusta; Asa Gray, Benito Juarez, Brighton, City of Canterbury, Crawford W. Long, Crosby S. Noyes, Empire Addison, Empire Cameron, Empire Copperfield, Empire Rosalind, Empire Southey, Empire Wordsworth, Esneh, Fort Aklavik, Fort Ash, Fort Glenora, Fort la Traite, Fort Marin, Fort Richelieu, Helencrest, Hermelin, Joseph H. Hollister, Joshua Seney, Langleetarn, Lightfoot, Linge, Ousel, Samettick, Sammex, Samoa, Samson, Samuel V. Shreve, Southgate, Spindletop and William Kent.

On 26 March 1944, the transports Beaconsfield, Corfell, Elise, Empire Noble, Empire Peak, Fort Glenlyon, Ocean Vulcan, Riverton, Samnebra and Van der Capelle arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy. Also HMS Barle and HMS La Malouine arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 27 March 1944.

5 Mar 1944
Around 1000A/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), HMS Bentinck (Cdr. E.H. Chavasse, DSO, DSC, RN, HMS Burges (Lt.Cdr. H. Hill, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Byard (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E.M. Ferris, RNVR), HMS Calder (T/A/Lt.Cdr. E. Playne, RNVR), HMS Curzon (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Diggins, DSC, RN) and HMS Drury (Lt. N.J. Parker, RN) departed Naples with the Naples section of convoy MKF 29. 93)

9 Mar 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), HrMs Jacob van Heemskerck (Capt. W. Harmsen, RNethN), ORP Slazak (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) R. Nalecz-Tyminski), HMS Catterick (Lt. D.P. Willan, DSC, RN), HMS Mendip (Lt. P.D. Davey, RN) and RHS Miaoulis arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (94)

14 Mar 1944

Convoy UGS 36.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 14 March 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; A.J. Cermak (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), B.F. Shaw (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), British Diligence (British (tanker), 8408 GRT, built 1937), Charles Crocker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Dilworth (American (tanker), 7045 GRT, built 1920), Donacilla (British (tanker), 8113 GRT, built 1939), E. Kirby Smith (American, 7193 GRT, built 1943), Edward Bruce (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Edward Burleson (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Edwin L. Godkin (American, 7198 GRT, built 1943), Elisha Mitchell (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Erodona (British (tanker), 6207 GRT, built 1937), Frederick C. Howe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Frithjof Nansen (Norwegian, 7177 GRT, built 1943), George Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), George H. Pendleton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George M. Bibb (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Henry Baldwin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Henry W. Longfellow (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Hoke Smith (American, 7199 GRT, built 1943), Howell E. Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Ignace Paderewski (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Iroquois (British (tanker), 8937 GRT, built 1907), James McHenry (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), James Rumsey (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Jared Ingersoll (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), John A. Brown (British (tanker), 10455 GRT, built 1938), John Catron (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Sedgwick (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Trumbull (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jubal A. Early (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), K.I. Luckenbach (American, 7822 GRT, built 1918), Kemp P. Battle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kronprinsessen (Norwegian, 7244 GRT, built 1941), Lawrence D. Tyson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lincoln Steffens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Louis Hennepin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lucretia Mott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Macuba (Dutch (tanker), 8249 GRT, built 1931), Marion McKinley Bovard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Nathan Clifford (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Norfjell (Norwegian (tanker), 8129 GRT, built 1942), Norwegian (British, 6366 GRT, built 1921), Oliver Hazard Perry (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Patrick C. Boyle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Paul H. Harwood (American (tanker), 7192 GRT, built 1918), Peter Cartwright (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Petter (Norwegian (tanker), 9109 GRT, built 1935), Robert R. Randall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samannan (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samarkand (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samburgh (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samcleve (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samgara (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samida (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samleven (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samlyth (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samois (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samstrule (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samtyne (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samuel Moody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Silas Weir Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Solor (Norwegian (tanker), 8262 GRT, built 1938), Stephen C. Foster (American, 7196 GRT, built 1943), Sun (American (tanker), 9002 GRT, built 1928), Sun Yat-Sen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Tarleton Brown (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Theodoric Bland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Thomas Donaldson (American, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Thomas Heyward (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Trondheim (Norwegian (tanker), 8258 GRT, 1939), Walter Releigh (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), William B. Wilson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William D. Moseley (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William H. Dall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William L. Yancey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Woodrow Wilson (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943). The LST's USS LST-27 (Lt.Cdr, L.J. Kirstine, USCG), USS LST-28 (Lt. W.N. Finley, Jr., USNR), USS LST-32 (Lt. G.P. Mulloy, USNR), USS LST-74 (Lt. S.A. Siebenthal, USN), USS LST-140 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Mickelsen, USNR), USS LST-141 (Lt. E.H. Pottle, Jr., USNR), USS LST-173 (Lt. B.J. Barber, USR), USS LST-174 (Lt. A.J. Asche, USNR), USS LST-177 (Lt.Cdr. S.H.P. Read, USNR), USS LST-178 (Lt. L.L. Bernard, USNR), USS LST-210 (Lt. R.K.W. McCoy, USNR), USS LST-262 (Lt. V.M. Hill, USCG), USS LST-265 (Lt. G.F. Sparks, Jr., USNR), USS LST-266 (Lt. L.A. Bolon, USNR), USS LST-519 (Ens. F.L. Brimmer, USN), USS LST-525 (Lt. J.R. Stevens, USN), USS LST-526 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Keeshan, USNR), USS LST-538 (Ens. H.W. Williams, USN), naval tanker USS Escalante (Cdr. C.L. Kiewert, USNR) and stores ship USS Polaris (8222 GRT, built 1939, T/Cdr. C.R. Miller, USN) were also part of the convoy.

On departure from Hampton Roads, around 0430Q/23, the convoy was escorted by Task Force 64 which was made up of the destroyers USS Decatur (Lt. D.G. Wright, USNR, with COMTASKFOR 64, Capt. H.S. Berdine, USCG on board), USS Whipple (T/Lt.Cdr. S.E. Woodard, USN, with COMDESDIV 57, on board), USS Alden (Lt. W. Herkness, 2nd, USN), USS John D. Edwards (Lt. R.A. Norelius, USNR), USS John D. Ford (T/Lt.Cdr. J.S. Slaughter, USN), destroyer escorts USS Sellstrom (Cdr. W.L. Maloney, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 23, Cdr. F.P. Vetterick, USNR, on board), USS Ramsden (Lt.Cdr. S.T. Baketel, USCGR), USS Mills (Lt.Cdr. J.S. Muzzy, USCG), USS Rhodes (Cdr. E.A. Coffin, Jr., USCG), USS Savage (Cdr. O.C. Rohnke, USCG), USS Tomich (Lt. C.B. Brown, USNR), USS Sloat (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Cashman, USNR) and the French patrol vessel Sabre.

Around 1130Z/14, USS Sellstrom parted company to proceed the Portsmouth Navy Yard to effect repairs to her sound gear. She rejoined the following day.

Around 1600Z/14, the tanker Petter parted company to proceed to New York.

Around 1200Z/15, the transport Charles Crocker parted company to return to the USA. USS Tomich was ordered to escort her and then rejoin the convoy.

Around 1400Z/15, USS Sellstrom rejoined the convoy.

Around 1200Z/16, the destroyer escort USS Richey (Cdr. P.DuP. Mills, USCG) joined the convoy. She had been unable to depart with the convoy on the 14th.

Around 0800Z/17, USS Tomich rejoined the convoy.

During 17 March 1944, USS Decatur, USS Whipple, USS Alden, USS John D. Edwards, USS John D. Ford and Sabre fuelled from USS Escalante.

Around 0225Z/18, radar contact was obtained on two vessels which proved to be the transport Oregon (French, 7705 GRT, built 1929) and her escort, the minesweeper USS Despite (Lt.(jg) F.T. Peck, Jr., USNR), coming from Bermuda. The transport subsequently joined the convoy and the minesweeper returned to Bermuda.

On 20 March 1944, USS Sloat fuelled from USS Escalante.

On 23 March 1944, USS Whipple and USS Alden fuelled from USS Escalante.

Around 1300Z/24, Hoke Smith and Iroquois were detached from the convoy to proceed to the Azores. They were escorted by USS John D. Edwards whivh had first fuelled from USS Escalante.

On 26 March 1944, USS Decatur fuelled from USS Escalante.

Around 1330Z/27, USS John D. Edwards rejoined the convoy.

Around 1545Z/27, USS John D. Ford was detached from the convoy to proceed ahead to Gibraltar to obtain written orders and other paperwork so that the Task Force would to be able to operate in the Mediterranean. Before parting company she fuelled from USS Escalante.

At 0554Z/28, the transport A.J. Cermak and USS Richey collided but damage to both was minor.

On 28 March 1944, USS Decatur, USS Whipple and USS Alden fuelled from USS Escalante.

At 0330Z/29, USS John D. Ford collided with the British auxiliary A/S trawler HMS Kingston Agate (T/Lt. R.J. Langley, RANVR) in Gibraltar harbour. The destroyer sustained extensive damage and one of her crew was killed and five were wounded. USS Alden was then detached to take over the duties of USS John D. Ford.

Around 0800Z/29, the transport Dumfries (British, 5149 GRT, built 1935) joined the convoy coming from Casablanca. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez, corvette Commandant Detroyat and the patrol vessels USS PC-480 (Lt.(jg) J.K. Miller, USNR) and USS PC-482 (Lt. D.W. Hunter, USNR) which then set course to return to Casablanca taking the transports Edward Burleson, Edwin L. Godkin, Howell E. Jackson, Oliver Hazard Perry, Oregon and USS Escalante with them. They arrived at Casablanca on 30 March 1944.

Around 2320Z/29, USS Alden rejoined from Gibraltar.

Around 2330Z/29, USS John D. Edwards parted company with the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar to refuel and then rejoin the convoy.

Around 0940Z/30, the Gibraltar section of the convoy joined. This was made up of the transports Angelo (British, 2199 GRT, built 1940), Don (British, 1037 GRT, built 1924) and Morialta (British, 1379 GRT, built 1940). At the same time USS Polaris parted company to proceed ahead of the main convoy to Oran. To escort her the destroyers USS Hilary P. Jones (T/Cdr. F.M. Stiesberg, USN) and USS Charles F. Hughes (T/Lt.Cdr. J.C.G. Wilson, USN) had arrived on the scene.

Around 1000Z/30, USS Decatur briefly stopped in Gibraltar Bay to embark a British liaison officer.

Around 1100Z/30, British (controlled) escorts joined the convoy, these were the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN), sloops HMS Amethyst (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN), HMS Black Swan (Cdr.(Retd.) R.C.V. Thomson, DSC, RN), HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN) and the corvettes HMS Campion (Lt. T.F. Alderman, RNR) and HrMs Friso (Lt.Cdr. Goslings, RNethN). Also the submarine HMS Sirdar (Lt. J.A. Spender, RN) and motor minesweeper MMS 300 (T/A/Skr.Lt. J.W. Lawn, RNVR) joined for passage. The rescue tug HMRT Mindful also joined. The American minesweeper USS Speed (Lt. R.C. Dryer, USNR) joined the convoy for jamming duties (against German radio guided bombs).

Around 1100Z/31, the following ships were detached to Oran; A.J. Cermak, Dilworth, Frithjof Nansen, James Rumsey, John Catron, John Sedgwik, Norfjell, Patrick C. Boyle, Peter Cartwright, Samuel Moody, Stephen C. Foster, Walter Raleigh and William L. Yancey. From the escort, USS Richey and Sabre were also detached to Oran.

At the same time the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Fort Dauphin (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), George Abernethy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John C. Fremont (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) and Titus (Dutch, 1712 GRT, built 1930).

Around 0300A/1, the convoy was attacked by about 20 German aircraft in approximate position 36°52'N, 01°43'E. They attacked with bombs and torpedoes. Two enemy aircraft were claimed to have been shot down. The Jared Ingersoll was hit by a torpedo. USS Mills picked up the crew and together with HRMT Mindful then effected the salvage of the ship. The damaged ship arrived at Algiers later the same day.

Around 1030Z/1, USS Richey rejoined from Oran after having effected repairs there.

Around 1145Z/1, the following ships were detached to Algiers; Donacilla, Fort Dauphin, Solor and Woodrow Wilson. HMS Black Swan was also detached to Algiers.

At the same time the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Atle Jarl (Norwegian, 1173 GRT, built 1919), Corstar (British, 2337 GRT, built 1918), Fort Gaspereau (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Indiana (Panamanian, 5617 GRT, built 1917), Ocean Fame (British, 7173 GRT, built 1942) and Ulla (British, 1575 GRT, built 1930).

Around 1130Z/2, the transport Coulgorm (British, 6997 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy coming from Philippeville.

Around 1630Z/2, the transport Don was detached to Bone while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Bruse Jarl (Norwegian, 1890 GRT, built 1923), Fort Frobisher (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort la Prairie (British, 7138 GRT, built 1943), Fort Sturgeon (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Jan Lievens (Dutch, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Lidvard (Norwegian, 4785 GRT, built 1939) and Serula (British, 2187 GRT, built 1918).

Around 0115Z/3, USS Mills rejoined the convoy from Algiers.

Around 0515Z/3, the Bizerta section of the convoy made up of the following ships parted company with the convoy; B.F. Shaw, British Diligence, George Abernethy, John A. Brown, Kemp B. Battle, Lawrence D. Tyson, Paul H. Harwood, Titus and William H. Dall. Also the complete American escort proceeded to Bizerta as did all the LST's and HMS Colombo. The tanker Luminetta (British (tanker), 6159 GRT, built 1927) joined the convoy coming from Bizerta.

On 3 April 1944, the transport Empire Grebe (British, 5736 GRT, built 1918) joined the convoy coming from Tunis.

On 4 April 1944, the Indiana, HMS Sirdar and HMMS 300 arrived at Malta while the transport Eridan (French, 9928 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Malta.

On 4 April 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Blackheath (British, 4637 GRT, built 1936), Empire Guinevere (British, 7072 GRT, built 1942), Empire Southey (British, 7041 GRT, built 1942), Empire Unicorn (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenora (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Fort Grant (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Lennox (British, 7149 GRT, built 1943), Fort Meductic (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Harlesden (British, 7273 GRT, built 1943), Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsteel (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samcleve (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On 5 April 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Angelo, Atle Jarl, Bruse Jarl, Corstar, Coulgorm, E. Kirby Smith, Empire Grebe, Erodona, Fort Frobisher, Fort Gaspereau, Fort la Prairie, Fort Sturgeon, George Bancroft, George M. Bibb, Henry Baldwin, Henry W. Longfellow, Ignace Paderewski, James McHenry, Jan Lievens, John C. Fremont, John Trumbull, Lincoln Steffens, Lucretia Mott, Macuba, Marion McKinley Bovard, Morialta, Ocean Fame, Samannan, Samleven, Samstrule, Samtyne, Serula, Sun, Sun-Yat-Sen, Tarleton Brown, Theodoric Bland., Trondheim, Ulla, William D. Moseley and William F. Cody.

On 8 April 1944, the following ships arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy; Blackheath, Empire Guinevere, Empire Southey, Empire Unicorn, Eridan, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Fidler, Fort Frontenac, Fort Glenora, Fort Grant, Fort Lennox, Fort Meductic, Frederick C. Howe, Harlesden, Samlyth, Samshire, Samsteel and Stancleeve. Also the following escorts arrived at Alexandria; HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau, HMS Amethyst and HMS Deptford.

The remaining ships in the convoy arrived at Port Said on 9 April 1944.

15 Mar 1944

Convoy GUS 34.

This convoy departed Port Said on 15 March 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Anglo-African (British, 5601 GRT, built 1929), Baron Inchcape (British, 7005 GRT, built 1917), Eli Whitney (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George B. Selden (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John W. Mackay (British, 4049 GRT, built 1922), Ocean Vestal (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samdee (British, 7253 GRT, built 1943), San Eliseo (British (tanker), 8042 GRT, built 1939) and Tanafjord (Norwegian, 5922 GRT, built 1921).

They were escorted by the sloops HMS Amethyst (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN) and HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN).

On 16 March 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria and joined the convoy; Bantria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), Billy Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Brand Whitlock (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Charles A. Warfield (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), City of Rangoon (British, 6635 GRT, built 1914), David Thompson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Edward Canby (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Fort Capot River (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Hoegh Silvercloud (Norwegian, 5287 GRT, built 1943), James B. Hickox (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), James C. Cameron (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Makedonia (Greek, 7044 GRT, built 1942), Mark Hopkins (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Neuralia (British, 9182 GRT, built 1912), Ocean Trader (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ole Bull (Norwegian, 7176 GRT, built 1943), P.T. Barnum (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samvannah (British, 7253 GRT, built 1943), Samwater (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), San Venancio (British (tanker), 8152 GRT, built 1942) and Stephen T. Mather (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). They were escorted by the destroyer HMS Active (Lt.Cdr. P.G. Merriman, DSC, RN), sloop HMS Black Swan (Cdr.(Retd.) R.C.V. Thomson, DSC, RN) and the frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN) which also joined the convoy. The Commanding Officer of HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau was the Senior Officer of the escort.

On 20 March 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Andrew Furuseth (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Daniel H. Hill (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Duncan U. Fletcher (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Elbridge Gerry (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Empire Heath (British, 6643 GRT, built 1941), Empire Heritage (British (tanker), 15702 GRT, built 1930), F. Marion Crawford (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Fort Jasper (British, 7125 GRT, built 1943), Fort Michipicoten (British, 7152 GRT, 1943), George E. Hale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Guinean (British, 5205 GRT, built 1936)), Hardingham (British, 7269 GRT, built 1942), Henry L. Benning (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), James Gunn (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Norman Monarch (British, 7005 GRT, built 1943), Philander C. Knox (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Rugeley (British, 4985 GRT, built 1936), Samspring (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Simon Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Staffordshire (British, 10683 GRT, built 1929), Starstone (British, 5702 GRT, built 1938), Thomas Cresap (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Thomas R. Marshall (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), West Point (British, 4999 GRT, built 1920), William G. Fargo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Zane Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 21 March 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Anglo-African, Bantria, Baron Inchcape, City of Rangoon, Fort Capot River, Ocean Trader, Samwater, San Eliseo and San Venancio.

On 21 March 1941, the transports Makedonia and Neuralia escorted by HMS Active arrived at Malta after having parted company with the convoy while the RFA tankers / landing ships Dewdale (8265 GRT, built 1941) and Ennerdale (8280 GRT, built 1941) as well as the Neuralia and HMS Active (re)joined the convoy.

On 22 March 1944, the following transports / tanker joined the convoy coming from Tunis; Caleb Strong (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Houston Volunteers (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Neocardia (British (tanker), 8211 GRT, built 194).

On 23 March 1944, the following transports were detached to Bizerta; Tanafjord and Thomas R. Marshall while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Abangarez (American, 4538 GRT, built 1909), Atle Jarl (Norwegian, 1173 GRT, built 1919), Dunelmia (British, 5207 GRT, built 1929), Egda (Norwegian (tanker), 10050 GRT, built 1939), Empire Harbour (British (tanker), 797 GRT, built 1943), Good Gulf (Panamanian (tanker), 7805 GRT, built 1938), Horace H. Lurton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Murena (Dutch (tanker), 8252 GRT, built 1931), Pan-Delaware (American (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1918), Pellicula (British (tanker), 6254 GRT, built 1936) and Robert Dale Owen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). Also joining from Bizerta was the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN).

On 23 March 1944, the following transports / tankers were detached to Bone; Atle Jarl, Empire Harbour, Fort Jasper and Hardingham while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bone; Fort Frederick (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), Framlington Court (British, 4888 GRT, built 1924), Sagittaire (French, 7706 GRT, built 1929) and Samholt (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943). Also joining from Bone was the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant.

On 23 March 1944, the following transports were detached to Philippeville; Fort Michipicoten and Norman Monarch while the transport Thistleford (British, 4781 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Philippeville.

On 23 March 1944, the RFA tankers / landing ships Dewdale and Ennerdale arrived at Bougie after having been detached from the convoy.

On 24 March 1944, the following transports were detached to Algiers; Guinean, Neuralia, Sagittaire and West Point while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Arthur P. Davis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Alliance (British (tanker), 9909 GRT, built 1943), Felix Grundy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Frans Hals (Dutch, 6626 GRT, built 1941), Harry A. Garfield (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James G. Blaine (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James M. Wayne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Turner (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Kobad (French (tanker), 7329 GRT, built 1930), Louis McLane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Nicholas Gilman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Nicolaos Michalos (Greek, 4342 GRT, built 1913), Norholm (Norwegian (tanker), 9813 GRT, built 1941), Peregrine White (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Rhea (French (tanker), 7813 GRT, built 1928), Salawati (Dutch, 6643 GRT, built 1920), Samtampa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Winslow Homer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942). Also the boom carrier HMS Leonian (5424 GRT, built 1936) (A/Cdr.(Retd.) R.W. Lundy, OBE, RNR) joined the convoy. HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau and HMS Active also briefly entered Algiers before rejoining the convoy.

On 25 March 1944, the following transports were detached to Oran; Daniel H. Hill, Dunelmia, Fort Frederick, Framlington Court, Horace H. Lurton and Houston Volunteers while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Oran; Charles Nordhoff (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), China Mail (American, 8616 GRT, built 1942), Culebra (Panamanian, 5260 GRT, built 1919), Daniel H. Lownsdale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Emma Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Stour (British, 4678 GRT, built 1930), Esso Concord (American (tanker), 7698 GRT, built 1940), Exanthia (American, 6533 GRT, built 1941), Fort Venango (British, 7166 GRT, built 1943), Frances E. Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George F. Patten (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Hannis Taylor (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Murray Forbes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Warren (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Leland Stanford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Midnight (American, 8258 GRT, built 1944) and William R. Davie (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942).

On 26 March 1944, the following transports were detached to Gibraltar; Empire Heath, Empire Stour, John W. Mackay, Rugeley, Staffordshire, Starstone and Thistleford as were HMS Colombo, HMS Leonian and HMRT Vagrant. The transport Homer Lea (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) joined coming from Gibraltar as did the corvette Commandant Detroyat.

On 26 March 1944, the transports / tankers Alexander Ramsey (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), British Tradition (British (tanker), 8443 GRT, built 1942), Chief Joseph (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Magdala (Dutch (tanker), 8248 GRT, built 1931), Robert T. Hill (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Samtroy (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Teucer (British, 9079 GRT, built 1906) as well as the naval tanker USS Cowanesque (Cdr. L.S. McKenzie, USNR) departed Casablanca to join the convoy. They were escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Eldridge (Lt.Cdr. C.R. Hamilton, USNR), USS Neunzer (T/Lt.Cdr. J.E. Greenbacker, USN) and the patrol vessels USS PC-472 (Lt.Cdr. P.A. Dallis, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-475 (Lt. W.W. Devine, Jr., USNR). They joined the convoy around 1140Z/27. On these ships joining the transports Culebra and Nicolaos Michalos parted company to proceed to Casablanca escorted by Commandant Detroyat, USS PC-472 and USS PC-475. They arrived at Casablanca on 28 March 1944.

On 27 March 1944, the destroyer Le Triomphant departed Gibraltar to join the convoy. She was to proceed to Boston, USA where she was to refit. She joined the convoy around 1410Z/28.

Around 1000A/27, the American Task Force 62 relieved the Mediterranean escort in position 35°32'N, 07°47'W. The Mediterranean escort then set course for Gibraltar where they arrived later the same day. The American escort was made up of the cutter USCGC Spencer (Cdr. W.C. Capron, USCG, with COMTASKFOR62, T/Capt. C.L. Winecoff, USN, on board), destroyers USS Paul Jones (T/Cdr. G.P. Unmacht, USN, which was also COMDESDIV 58), USS Barker (T/Lt.Cdr. R.G. Colbert, USN), USS Bulmer (T/Lt.Cdr. G.T. Baker, USN), USS Parrott (T/Lt.Cdr. E.F. Rye, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Amick (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Hetherington, 2nd, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 15, T/Cdr. F.C.B. McCune, USN, on board), USS Atherton (T/Lt.Cdr. M. Kelly, Jr., USN), USS Booth (T/Cdr. D.W. Todd, USN), USS Carroll ( T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Kuhn, USN) and USS Cooner (T/Cdr. J.M. Stuart, USN).

On 28 March 1944, two transports, the Baron Cawdor and Linda were unable to keep up with the convoy. They were ordered to proceed to Casablanca.

Around 1600Z/31, in position in position 36°49'N, 24°42'W, Le Triomphant parted company with the convoy to fuel at Horta, Azores.

Around 2105Z/1, the tanker Iroquois (British (tanker), 8937 GRT, built 1907) and the transport Pocahontas (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy in position 37°01'N, 32°33'W coming from Horta, Azores. They had been escorted to the rendezvous by the A/S trawler HMS Mazurka (A/Skr.Lt. J. Baxter, RNR).

Around 0945Z/3, Le Triomphant rejoined the convoy in position 36°41'N, 28°02'W after having fuelled at the Azores.

Also on 3 April 1944, USS Barker and USS Bulmer were fuelled by USS Cowanesque.

On 4 April 1944, USS Paul Jones, USS Parrott and Le Triomphant were fuelled by USS Cowanesque.

On 8 April 1944, USCGC Spencer, USS Conner and Le Triomphant were fuelled by USS Cowanesque.

On 10 April 1944, USS Bulmer was fuelled by USS Cowanesque.

Around 0100Z/11, in position 34°51'N, 61°09'W, Le Triomphant was detached to proceed to Boston independently.

Around 2345Z/11, in position 35°05'N, 65°01'W, USS Cowanesque was detached to Bermuda for which the destroyer escorts USS Durik (T/Lt.Cdr. K.B. Smith, USN) and USS Hayter (Lt.Cdr. H.J. Theriault, USNR) had come over to escort her to that place. They arrived at Bermuda the following morning.

Around 0730Z/13, while in position 36°30'N, 70°55'W, the convoy split into the New York / Delaware section and Chesapeake Bay section

The New York / Delaware section section was escorted by USCGC Spencer, USS Paul Jones, USS Barker, USS Bulmer, USS Parrott, USS Cooner and USS Neunzer. Around 2030Z/13, in position 38°03'N, 71°05'W, the transport Homer Lea parted company to proceed independently towards Delaware Bay. The New York section of the convoy arrived at its destination in the evening of 14 April 1944.

The Chesapeake Bay, escorted by USS Amick, USS Atherton, USS Booth, USS Carroll and USS Eldridge had meanwhile arrived at its destination in the morning of 14 April 1944.

16 Mar 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Gibraltar. (93)

17 Mar 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR) and the corvettes HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR), HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR) and (the Yugoslavian) Nada, submarine HMS Spiteful (Lt.Cdr. F.H. Sherwood, DSC, RCNVR) and the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS 44.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 70 / KMS 44 ' for 4 March 1944.] (94)

21 Mar 1944
Around 0645A/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (93)

23 Mar 1944
Around 0140A/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Bizerta to join convoy GUS 34.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 34 ' for 15 March 1944 '.] (93)

26 Mar 1944
Around 1745A/26, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), boom carrier HMS Leonian (5424 GRT, built 1936) (A/Cdr.(Retd.) R.W. Lundy, OBE, RNR) and the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant arrived at Gibraltar from convoy GUS 34. (93)

30 Mar 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN), sloops HMS Amethyst (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN), HMS Black Swan (Cdr.(Retd.) R.C.V. Thomson, DSC, RN), HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN) and the corvettes HMS Campion (Lt. T.F. Alderman, RNR) and HrMs Friso (Lt.Cdr. Goslings, RNethN), submarine HMS Sirdar (Lt. J.A. Spender, RN), minesweeper USS Speed (Lt. R.C. Dryer, USNR), motor minesweeper MMS 300 (T/A/Skr.Lt. J.W. Lawn, RNVR) and the rescue tug HMRT Mindful all departed Gibraltar to join convoy UGS 36.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGS 36 ' for 14 March 1944.] (94)

30 Mar 1944

Convoy MKS 45.

This convoy departed Port Said on 30 March 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Brajara (Norwegian (tanker), 8116 GRT, built 1934), British Ambassador (British (tanker), 6940 GRT, built 1924), British Soldier (British (tanker), 5564 GRT, built 1918), City of Delhi (British, 7443 GRT, built 1925), Clan Matheson (British, 5613 GRT, built 1919), Empire Stronghold (British, 7064 GRT, built 1943), George D. Prentice (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Marit Maersk (Greek (former Danish), 1894 GRT, built 1938), Mirror (British (cable ship), 1850 GRT, built 1923), Mooncrest (British, 5173 GRT, built 1941), Nathan Hale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Niobe (Panamanian (tanker), 7299 GRT, built 1915), Pronto (Norwegian, 2201 GRT, built 1920), Samnesse (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Thorshavn (Norwegian (tanker), 6869 GRT, built 1930), Tide Water Associated (American (tanker), 8906 GRT, built 1930), Tobruk (Polish, 7048 GRT, built 1942), William Dunbar (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Eaton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William J. Bryan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the corvette HMS Saxifage (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J. Renwick, DSO, RNR).

On 31 March 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Adviser (British, 6348 GRT, built 1939), Castalia (British, 6601 GRT, built 1906), City of Agra (British, 6361 GRT, built 1936), Empire Noble (British, 7125 GRT, built 1944), Empire Wyclif (British, 6966 GRT, built 1941), Fort Clatsop (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943), Fort St.Regis (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943), Historian (British, 5074 GRT, built 1924), Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Ocean Vulcan (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samnebra (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samyork (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

They were escorted by the sloops HMS Pheasant (Cdr. W.E.J. Eames, DSC, RN), HMS Bideford (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.J. Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Alisma (Lt. G. Lanning, RANVR) and HMS Spiraea (Lt. A.H. Pierce, OBE, RNR) which also joined the convoy.

On 4 April 1944, the transport Pronto arrived at Benghazi after having parted company with the convoy.5

Also on 4 April 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Balfe (British, 5369 GRT, built 1920), Edward N. Hurly (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Empire Shearwater (British, 4970 GRT, built 1920), Ezilda Croce (Italian, 1230 GRT, built 1900), Fanad Head (British, 5038 GRT, built 1941), Felipe de Neve (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Fort Maurepas (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), George B. McClellan (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Henry Jocelyn (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jesse Billingsley (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Joseph Alston (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Josiah Quincy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), M.M. Guhin (American, 7180 GRT, 1943), Morrison R. Waite (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Narwick (Polish, 7031 GRT, built 1942), Nyhorn (Norwegian, 4494 GRT, built 1929), Ocean Rider (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ponce de Leon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Prosper Schiaffino (French, 1634 GRT, built 1931), Robert Jordan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samearn (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samson (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samuel V. Shreve (British, 1813 GRT, built 1943), San Venancio (British (tanker), 8152 GRT, built 1942), Theodore Foster (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Thomas Sully (American, 7225 GRT, built 1943), Ville de Bougie (French, 1237 GRT, built 1907), W.H. Libby (Panamanian (tanker), 7992 GRT, built 1921), William Johnson (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), William Kent (American, 7187 GRT, built 1942) and William W. Campbell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 5 April 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Brajara, British Soldier, Empire Noble, Empire Stronghold, Empire Wyclif, Fort Clatsop, Fort St.Regis, Macharda, Marit Maersk, Nathan Hale, Ocean Vulcan, Samnebra, Thorshavn, Tide Water Associated, Tobruk and William Eaton.

On 5 April 1944, the transport Pencarrow (British, 4841 GRT, built 1921) departed Malta to join the convoy.

On 6 April 1944, the transports Ary Lensen (British, 3214 GRT, built 1930), Empire Trent (British, 5006 GRT, built 1927), Mary Wilkins Freeman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Tanafjord (Norwegian, 5922 GRT, built 1921) departed Tunis to join the convoy.

On 6 April 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Bizerta; British Ambassador, Ezilda Croce, Thomas Sully, William Dunbar and William Kent while the following transports / tankers joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Adjutant (British, 1931 GRT, built 1922), Alexandre Andre (Belgian (tanker), 5261 GRT, built 1928), Ezra Cornell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Ingertre (Norwegian, 2462 GRT, built 1921) and John B. Gordon (American, 7201 GRT, built 1943). Also joining from Bizerta was the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN).

On 7 April 1944, the following transports arrived at Bone; Empire Trent, Henry Jocelyn, Ocean Rider, Pencarrow, Ponce de Leon, Theodore Foster and William W. Campbell while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Empire Bairn (British (tanker), 813 GRT, built 1941) and Radmanso (Swedish, 4280 GRT, built 1914).

On 8 April 1944, the transport Ingertre arrived at Philippeville.

On 8 April 1944, the following transports arrived at Algiers; Adjutant, Alexandre Andre, Edward N. Hurley, Empire Bairn, Empire Shearwater, Fort Maurepas, Jesse Billingsley, Joseph Alston, Josiah Quincy, Morrison R. Waite, Narwick, Nyhorn, Prosper Schiaffino, Robert Jordan, Samearn, Samuel V. Shreve, Ville de Bougie, W.H. Libby and William Johnson while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Empire Capulet (British, 7044 GRT, built 1943), Fort de Douaumont (French, 5266 GRT, built 1918), Harmatris (British, 5395 GRT, built 1932), Janeta (British, 4312 GRT, built 1929) and Theomitor (Greek, 4427 GRT, built 1910).

On 9 April 1944, the following transports arrived at Oran; Ezra Cornell, Fanad Head, Felipe de Neve, Fort de Douaumont, George B. McClellan, George D. Prentice, Harmatris, John B. Gordon, M.M. Guhin, Mary Wilkins Freeman, Radmanso, Samson, Tanafjord and Theomitor while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Chateauroux (British, 4765 GRT, built 1921) and Peribonka (British, 5673 GRT, built 1937).

On 10 April 1944, the following transports arrived at Gibraltar; Balfe, Chateauroux, Empire Capulet, Janeta, Mirror, Mooncrest, Peribonka and William J. Bryan. The current escort also arrived at Gibraltar.

The following transports proceeded directly into the Atlantic where the convoy merged with convoy SL 154 coming from Freetown; Adviser, Ary Lensen, Castalia, City of Agra, City of Delhi, Clan Matheson, Historian, Samnesse and Samyork. They were joined by the following transports / tankers; Alex (British, 3932 GRT, built 1914), Baron Forbes (British, 7529 GRT, built 1938), British Chancellor (British (tanker), 7085 GRT, built 1921), Carslogie (British, 3786 GRT, built 1924), Esturia (British (tanker), 6968 GRT, built 1914), Fort Rae (British, 7132 GRT, built 1942), Jacinth (British, 650 GRT, built 1937), Kana (British, 2783 GRT, built 1929), Pilar de Larrinaga (British, 7046 GRT, built 1918), Radport (British, 5355 GRT, built 1925), Redgate (British, 4323 GRT, built 1929) and Stanhope (British, 2337 GRT, built 1919). With these ships a new escort also joined coming from Gibraltar, this was made up of the escort carrier HMS Nairana (Capt. R.M.T. Taylor, RN), sloop HMS Fowey (A/Lt.Cdr. G.E. Newey, RNR) frigates HMS Helmsdale (Cdr. C.W. McMullen, RN), HMS Bayntun (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wright, RD, RNR), HMS Foley (A/Lt.Cdr. C.A.H. Bird, RNVR) and the corvettes HMS Borage (Lt. W.S. MacDonald, DSC, RNVR), HMS Clover (Lt. T.E. Fanshawe, DSC, RNR) and HMS Pennywort (T/Lt. A.W. James, RNR).

3 Apr 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), destroyers USS Decatur (Lt. D.G. Wright, USNR, with COMTASKFOR 64, Capt. H.S. Berdine, USCG on board), USS Whipple (T/Lt.Cdr. S.E. Woodard, USN, with COMDESDIV 57, on board), USS Alden (Lt. W. Herkness, 2nd, USN), USS John D. Edwards (Lt. R.A. Norelius, USNR), USS John D. Ford (T/Lt.Cdr. J.S. Slaughter, USN), destroyer escorts USS Sellstrom (Cdr. W.L. Maloney, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 23, Cdr. F.P. Vetterick, USNR, on board), USS Ramsden (Lt.Cdr. S.T. Baketel, USCGR), USS Mills (Lt.Cdr. J.S. Muzzy, USCG), USS Rhodes (Cdr. E.A. Coffin, Jr., USCG), USS Savage (Cdr. O.C. Rohnke, USCG), USS Tomich (Lt. C.B. Brown, USNR), USS Sloat (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Cashman, USNR), minesweeper USS Speed (Lt. R.C. Dryer, USNR) and the USS LST-27 (Lt.Cdr, L.J. Kirstine, USCG), USS LST-28 (Lt. W.N. Finley, Jr., USNR), USS LST-32 (Lt. G.P. Mulloy, USNR), USS LST-74 (Lt. S.A. Siebenthal, USN), USS LST-140 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Mickelsen, USNR), USS LST-141 (Lt. E.H. Pottle, Jr., USNR), USS LST-173 (Lt. B.J. Barber, USR), USS LST-174 (Lt. A.J. Asche, USNR), USS LST-177 (Lt.Cdr. S.H.P. Read, USNR), USS LST-178 (Lt. L.L. Bernard, USNR), USS LST-210 (Lt. R.K.W. McCoy, USNR), USS LST-262 (Lt. V.M. Hill, USCG), USS LST-265 (Lt. G.F. Sparks, Jr., USNR), USS LST-266 (Lt. L.A. Bolon, USNR), USS LST-519 (Ens. F.L. Brimmer, USN), USS LST-525 (Lt. J.R. Stevens, USN), USS LST-526 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Keeshan, USNR), USS LST-538 (Ens. H.W. Williams, USN) all arrived at Bizerta from convoy UGS 36.

6 Apr 1944
Around 1745A/6, HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN) departed Bizerta to join convoy MKS 45.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 45 ' for 30 March 1944.] (95)

10 Apr 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. H.W. Williams, RN), sloops HMS Pheasant (Cdr. W.E.J. Eames, DSC, RN), HMS Bideford (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.J. Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Alisma (Lt. G. Lanning, RANVR), HMS Saxifage (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J. Renwick, DSO, RNR) and HMS Spiraea (Lt. A.H. Pierce, OBE, RNR) arrived at Gibraltar from escort duty with convoy MKS 45. (94)

17 Apr 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) is taken in hand for repairs at Gibraltar. The dockyard staff taking care of structural defects and the ships staff worked on the port condensor. (95)

24 Apr 1944

Combined convoy OS 75 / KMS 49.

This combined convoy was assembled off Oversay on 24 April 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Astrid (Norwegian, 2861 GRT, built 1942), Badjestan (British, 5573 GRT, built 1928), Baron Yarborough (British, 3388 GRT, 1928), Bradburn (British, 4736 GRT, built 1930), Dalcross (British, 4557 GRT, built 1930), Dalmore (British, 5193 GRT, built 1927), David Livingstone (British, 5013 GRT, built 1930), Empire Gale (British, 7089 GRT, built 1941), Empire Gareth (British, 2847 GRT, built 1942), Empire Meteor (British, 7457 GRT, built 1940), Empire Peacock (British, 6098 GRT, built 1919), Hopepeak (British, 5179 GRT, built 1938), Irisbank (British, 5627 GRT, built 1930), Johilla (British, 4042 GRT, built 1937), MacGregor Laird (British, 4992 GRT, built 1930), Marsdale (British, 4890 GRT, built 1940), Norman Star (British, 6817 GRT, built 1919), Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938), Sarpedon (British, 11321 GRT, built 1923) and Tudor Star (British, 7199 GRT, built 1919).

The rescue ship Zamalek (British, 1567 GRT, built 1921) was also with the convoy. Later, at sea, the escort oiler Scottish American (British (tanker), 6999 GRT, built 1920) also joined after having parted company with northbound combined convoy SL 155 / MKS 46.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the destroyers HMS Hesperus (Cdr. G.V. Legassick, RD, RNR), HMS Havelock (Lt.Cdr. R. Hart, DSC and Bar, RN), frigate HMS Gardiner (Lt. W.G.H. Bolton, DSC, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Flint Castle (T/Lt. N. Harrison, RNVR), HMS Oxford Castle (T/Lt. H.E. Holden, DSC, RNR) and HMS Rushen Castle (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.C. Warwick, DSC, RNR). The M/S trawler HMS Gulland (T/S.Lt. W.G. de Jonge, RNVR (?)) was also with the convoy as was the auxiliary boom defence vessel HMS Basuto (T/Lt. N. Minshull, RNR).

En route the Empire Gareth and HMS Basuto were detached to Azores while the Badjestan earlier had returned to the Clyde arriving on 27 April 1944 as she had been unable to keep up with the convoy. HMS Havelock was detached on 28 April 1944.

On 5 May 1944, the convoy split into convoy OS 75 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 49 bound for the Mediterranean.


Convoy OS 75 was made up of the merchant vessels; Astrid, Bradburn, David Livingstone, Empire Peacock, MacGregor Laird, Norman Star and Tudor Star.

On 3 May 1944, the following merchant vessels departed Gibraltar to join the convoy; Baron Inchcape (British, 7005 GRT, built 1917), Briarwood (British, 4019 GRT, built 1930), Fort Remy (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort St.Regis (British, 7140 GRT, built 1943), Hoperange (British, 5177 GRT, built 1939), Southgate (British, 4862 GRT, built 1926) and Stal (British (former Danish), 2242 GRT, built 1921). They were escorted by the frigates HMS Odzani (Lt.Cdr. L.A. Sayers, RD, RNR), HMS Aire (A/Lt.Cdr. N.K. Boyd, DSC and Bar, RNR) and the corvette HMS Stonecrop (T/Lt. P.N.F. Appleyard, RNVR). These ships joined the combined convoy when it split.

On 4 May 1944, the following transports departed Casablanca to join the convoy; Fauzon (French, 4376 GRT, built 1938), Guinean (British, 5205 GRT, built 1936) and John P. Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). They were escorted by the minesweeping sloop La Boudeuse and the patrol vessels USS PC-472 (Lt.Cdr. P.A. Dallis, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-480 (Lt. J.K. Miller, USNR). La Boudeuse and USS PC-480 then returned to Casablanca arriving on 5 May 1944. On 6 May 1944, USS PC-472 also arrived back at Casablanca having escorted the Empire Peacock to that place.

On 6 May 1944, the transport Empire Darwin (British, 6765 GRT, built 1941) departed Las Palmas, Canary Islands to join the convoy.

On 11 May 1944, the transports Astrid, Fauzon, John P. Mitchell and Southgate arrived at Dakar while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Dakar; Charles H. Cramp (American, 6220 GRT, built 1920), Dunkerque (French, 2477 GRT, built 1925), Fort Fraser (British, 7126 GRT, built 1942) and Newchang (British, 2482 GRT, built 1922).

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 14 May 1944. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 49, made up of the remaining ships, proceeded towards the Mediterranean with the original escort of the combined convoy. On 6 May 1944, the following transports arrived at Gibraltar; Palermo, Scottish American and Zamalek. Also the current escort arrived at Gibraltar.

The following ships of the convoy meanwhile directly entered the Mediterranean; Baron Yarborough, Dalcross, Dalmore, Empire Gale, Empire Meteor, Hopepeak, Isisbank, Johilla, Marsdale and Sarpedon.

On passing Gibraltar they were joined by the tanker Empire Cavalier (British (tanker), 9891 GRT, built 1942) and transport Port Melbourne (British, 9142 GRT, built 1914). Also a new escort joined for the passage through the Mediterranean, this was made up of the following ships; AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN), sloop HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN) and the corvettes HMS Campion (Lt. T.F. Alderman, RNR) and HrMs Friso (Lt.Cdr. L.J. Goslings, RNethN).

On 7 May 1944, the following ships departed Oran to join the convoy; Esek Hopkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Facto (Norwegian, 1522 GRT, 1921), Joel Chandler Harris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Blair (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John M. Morehead (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Sergeant (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Tabitha Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Titus (Dutch, 1712 GRT, built 1930) and Toltec (Honduran, 5527 GRT, built 1929). The tug USS ATR-1 (Lt.(jg) H.L. MacGill, USN) also joined the convoy.

On 8 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy; Empire Cavalier, Empire Meteor, Joel Chandler Harris, John Sergeant, Port Melbourne and Tabitha Brown. Also USS ATR-1 was detached to Algiers. The following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Abbazia (Italian, 3706 GRT, built 1912), Archbishop Lamy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Bourgogne (French (tanker), 9357 GRT, built 1937), Cap-Pinede (French, 1320 GRT, built 1938), Charles Brantley Aycock (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Iceland (British, 1236 GRT, built 1914), James W. Nesmith (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Lucia C. (Italian, 6123 GRT, built 1922), Marathon (Norwegian, 7208 GRT, built 1930) and Samsylvan (British, 7219 grt, built 1943).

On 9 May 1944, the Cap-Pinede was detached to Philippeville while the RFA tanker Prestol (2629 GRT, built 1917) joined the convoy coming from Philippeville.

On 9 May 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Bone to join the convoy; Corfell (British, 1802 GRT, built 1934), Empire Lass (British (tanker), 813 GRT, built 1941), Fort Maisonneuve (British, 7128 GRT, built 1942), Fort Missanabie (British, 7147 GRT, built 1943), Thistledale (British, 7241 GRT, built 1942) and Thistlemuir (British, 7237 GRT, built 1942).

On 10 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy; Baron Yarborough, Empire Lass, Esek Hopkins, Facto, John Blair, Prestol, Titus as well as HMS Colombo .0 and Toltec while the following transports departed Bizerta to join the convoy; Edward Burleson (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943) and Joseph H. Nicholson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). The RFA tanker Celerol (2649 GRT, built 1917) also joined the convoy.

On 10 May 1944, the Lucia C. was detached to Tunis.

On 11 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy; Celerol, Dalmore and Empire Gale while the following transports / tankers departed Malta to join the convoy; Serula (British, 2187 GRT, built 1918).

On 11 May 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Bantria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), British Commodore (British (tanker), 6865 GRT, built 1923), Chertsey (British, 6001 GRT, built 1943), Ekaterini Coumantarou (Greek, 7777 GRT, built 1917), Fort Aklavik (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Richelieu (British, 7130 GRT, built 1943), Hjalmar Wessel (Norwegian, 1742 GRT, built 1935), Kiungchow (British, 2653 GRT, built 1921), Morialta (British, 1379 GRT, built 1940), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942) and Vasco (British, 2878 GRT, built 1939).

On 11 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; Abbazia, Archbishop Lamy, Bourgogne, Charles Brantley Aycock, Corfell, Edward Burleson, Fort Maisonneuve, Fort Missanabie, Hopepeak, Iceland, James W. Nesmith, John M. Morehead, Joseph H. Nicholson, Marathon, Samsylvan, Thistledale and Thistlemuir.

On 15 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Alexandria after having parted company with the convoy; Dalcross, Fort Aklavik, Fort Richelieu, Johilla, Kiungchow and Ocean Vesper. Also HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau, Deptford, Campion and arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 16 May 1944 escorted by HrMs Friso.

3 May 1944

Convoy UGS 41.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 3 May 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; Albert C. Ritchie (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Andrew Briscoe (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), Andrew Furuseth (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Andrew Pickens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Brand Whitlock (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Caleb Strong (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Calvin Coolidge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Charles Crocker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Charles Scribner (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Daniel H. Lownsdale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Daniel Huger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Eastgate (British, 5032 GRT, built 1940), Edward H. Crockett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Edward Rutledge (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Elbridge Gerry (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Emma Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Collins (British (tanker), 9796 GRT, built 1942)), Empire Dickens (British (tanker), 9819 GRT, built 1942), Empire Emerald (British (tanker), 8032 GRT, built 1941), F. Marion Crawford (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Felix Grundy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Fort Coulonge (British, 7136 GRT, built 1943), Francisco Coronado (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George F. Patten (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George W. Campbell (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), Hannis Taylor (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Henry Bacon (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Henry D. Thoreau (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Henry George (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jacob Perkins (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), James McCosh (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Turner (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), John Murray Forbes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John S. Casement (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Johns Hopkins (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Jose J. Acosta (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), King Stephen (British, 5274 GRT, built 1928), Kong Haakon VII (Norwegian, 7073 GRT, built 1942), Lawrence J. Brengle (American, 7209 GRT, built 1944), Leland Stanford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Levi Woodbury (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Louis McLane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mary Lyon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Miguel Hidalgo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nonsuco (American, 5212 GRT, built 1938), Norden (Norwegian (tanker), 8440 GRT, built 1931), Norfjell (Norwegian (tanker), 8129 GRT, built 1942), Norsol (Norwegian (tanker), 8236 GRT, built 1941), Nueva Granada (Norwegian (tanker), 9968 GRT, built 1937), Ocean Vestal (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Ole Bull (Norwegian, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Pocahontas (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), President de Vogue (Norwegian (tanker), 9320 GRT, built 1935), Richard H. Alvey (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Robert Dale Owen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Robert Howe (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Robert Luckenbach (American, 8152 GRT, built 1919), Samdee (British, 7253 GRT, built 1943), Samhope (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samjack (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samtampa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtroy (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samuel Johnston (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Cresap (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Nelson Page (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thorstein Veblen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Timothy Dwight (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Coddington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William M. Eastland (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), William R. Davie (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), William W. Mayo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Woodbridge N. Ferris (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943).

The naval tanker USS Chepachet (Cdr. H.R. Adams, USNR), stores ship USS Merak (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Cawthon, USN), attack cargo ship USS Betelgeuse (T/Cdr. J.F. Grube, USN) and the LSI(L)'s USS LCI(L)-562 (Lt.(jg) S.M. Ruffin, USNR), USS LCI(L)-563 (Ens. P. App, USNR), USS LCI(L)-581 (Lt.(jg) R.P. Mulligan, USNR), USS LCI(L)-582 (Lt.(jg) D. Radford, USNR), USS LCI(L)-583 (Lt. W.J. Sharp, Jr., USNR), 21649 584 (Lt.(jg) T.M. Smagala, USNR), USS LCI(L)-585 (Lt.(jg) J.L. Thomas, USNR), USS LCI(L)-586 (Lt.(jg) J.S. Murtha, USNR), USS LCI(L)-664 (Lt.(jg) J. Kennedy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-665 (Lt.(jg) O.E. Neidlinger, USNR), USS LCI(L)-666 (Ens. J.E. Earls, USNR), USS LCI(L)-667 (Lt.(jg) J.L. Dowd, USNR), USS LCI(L)-668 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Snapp, USNR), USS LCI(L)-669 (Lt.(jg) I.S. Bookman, USN), USS LCI(L)-670 (Lt.(jg) T.M. Hoban, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-671 (Lt.(jg) J.H. Carmona, USNR).

On departure from Hampton Roads the convoy was escorted by Task Force 62 which was made up of the cutter USCGC Spencer (Cdr. W.C. Capron, USCG, with COMTASKFOR62, T/Capt. C.L. Winecoff, USN, on board), destroyers USS Paul Jones (T/Cdr. G.P. Unmacht, USN, which was also COMDESDIV 58), USS Barker (T/Lt.Cdr. R.G. Colbert, USN), USS Bulmer (T/Lt.Cdr. G.T. Baker, USN), and the destroyer escorts USS Amick (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Barsumian, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 15, T/Cdr. F.C.B. McCune, USN, on board), USS Atherton (T/Lt.Cdr. M. Kelly, Jr., USN), USS Booth (T/Cdr. D.W. Todd, USN), USS Carroll (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Kuhn, USN), USS Cooner Lt.Cdr. T.L. Bergen, USNR), USS Eldridge (Lt. W.K. Vanallen, USNR) and USS Neunzer (Lt. V.E. Gex, USNR).

Around 0930Z/6, the Norden was detached to Bermuda as she was unable to maintain the convoys speed.

Around 0030Z/7, in position 32°40'N, 61°18'W, the Felix Grundy was detached to Bermuda with defects. She was escorted by USS Paul Jones and USS Bulmer. The destroyers rejoined the convoy around 1400Z/8 in position 33°17'N, 55°18'W.

Around 0730Z/16, in position 36°34'N, 26°40'W, the transport Charles A. Wickliffe (American, 7218 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from the Azores. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by the auxiliary A/S trawler HMS Kingston Amber (T/Lt. R. Adams, RNR) which then proceeded to return to the Azores taking the transport Pocahonatas with her.

Around 1700Z/17, in position 34°20'N, 19°53'W, the transports Elbridge Gerry, F. Marion Crawford and Levy Woodbury were detached to proceed ahead of the main convoy to Oran where they were to disembark troop which they had on board after which they were to rejoin the convoy. They were escorted by USS Amick, USS Cooner and USS Bulmer. they arrived at Oran on 21 May before the main convoy passed. after having disembarked the troops they rejoined the convoy later on 21 May.

At 0551B/20, the transports Robert Howe and Nonusco collided in position 35°36'N, 07°38'W. The Robert Howe lost a man overboard and sustained damage in such a nature that she had to part company with the convoy. The Nonusco was holed well above the waterline and would be able to continue with the convoy in normal weather conditions.

Around 0830B/20, the Casablanca section of the convoy joined. This was made up of the following transports; Charles Schiaffino (French, 3664 GRT, built 1930) and Gouverneur General Lepine (French, 3509 GRT, built 1923). They had been escorted to the rendezvous by the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez and the patrol vessels USS PC-473 (Lt. A.W. Silverstein, USNR) and USS PC-474 (Lt.Cdr. H.C. Hummer, USNR).

On these ships joining the following transports / tankers parted company to proceed to Casablanca with the same escort that had escorted the Casablanca section; Edward Rutledge, Empire Dickens, President de Vogue, Robert Dale Owen and Timothy Dwight.

Around 1045B/20, USS Barker parted company with the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar to pick up paperwork and a liason officer and then rejoin the convoy which she did around 1455B/20.

Around 1500B/20, the rescue tug HMRT Athlete joined the convoy to assist the damaged Robert Howe during the remainder of the passage to Gibraltar. The transport Charles A. Wickliffe also parted company for Gibraltar shortly afterwards.

Around 1645B/20, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), submarine HMS Vox (Lt. J.M. Michell, RN) and rescue tug HMRT Nimble joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar. Also joining the convoy were the transports City of Keelung (British, 5186 GRT, built 1919) and Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938).

On 21 May 1944 (around 1945B/21), the following ships were detached to Oran; Andrew Furuseth, Caleb Strong, Calvin Coolidge, Edward H. Crockett, George F. Patten, John S. Casement, Kong Haakon VII, Leland Stanford, Palermo, William R. Davie, USS Chepachet, USS Merak, USS Betelgeuse while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Cushing Eells (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Dux (Norwegian, 1590 GRT, built 1934), Edwin L. Godkin (American, 7198 GRT, built 1943), Esso Charleston (American (tanker), 7949 GRT, built 1938), Henry Ward Beecher (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Laura Keene (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Levi Woodbury (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Robert H. Harrison (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and William A. Graham (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942). Also the destroyers USS Madison (T/Cdr. D.A. Stuart, USN) and USS Hilary P. Jones (T/Cdr. F.M. Stiesberg, USN) joined the convoy for jamming duty against German radio controlled guided bombs.

Around 0800B/22, the Eastgate was detached from the convoy to proceed ahead to Algiers to pick up a new (British) Commodore for the convoy. She was escorted by USS Bulmer. They were to rejoin the convoy in the evening when the convoy would pass Algiers.

On 22 May 1944 (around 1930B/22), the following ships were detached to Algiers; Andrew Pickens, Charles Schiaffino, Cushing Eells, Gouverneur General Lepine, John Murray Forbes, Louis McLane and Norsol while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Barfleur (French, 3259 GRT, built 1938), Empire Noble (British, 7125 GRT, built 1944), Empire Unicorn (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Fort Carlton (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Cumberland (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frobisher (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Sambre (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samphire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

Around 2200B/23, USS Madison and USS Hilary P. Jones were detached.

On 23 May 1944 (around 2300B/23), the Samphire and HMRT Nimble were detached to Bone while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Empire Marlowe (British, 6768 GRT, built 1941), Fort Lennox (British, 7149 GRT, built 1943), Fort Pembina (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Harlesden (British, 7273 GRT, built 1943) and Sampford (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On 24 May 1944 (around 1100B/24), the following ships were detached to Bizerta; Andrew Briscoe, Barfleur, Nueva Granada, Robert H. Harrison and all the LCI(L)'s while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Empire Lass (British (tanker), 813 GRT, built 1941), Empire Spartan (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), Empire Stalwart (British, 7045 GRT, built 1943), Henry Groves Connor (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lawrence D. Tyson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), North Devon (British, 3658 GRT, built 1924) and Ocean Valour (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942).

Also the current escort, was replaced by a new escort which was made up of the sloops HMS Fleetwood (Cdr. W.B. Piggott, DSC and Bar, OBE, RD, RNR), HMS Amethyst (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN), minesweeper HMS Hazard (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Smith, RN), minesweeping sloop Commandant Bory (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN) and the corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR) and HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR).

On 25 May 1944, the Empire Lass and HMS Vox were detached to Malta while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Malta; Elise (Norwegian (tanker), 7910 GRT, built 1931) and Polartank (Norwegian (tanker), 6356 GRT, built 1930).

On 26 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; Daniel H. Lownsdale, Daniel Huger, Dux, Edwin L. Godkin, Elbridge Gerry, Emma Willard, Empire Collins, Empire Emerald, Empire Noble, Empire Stalwart, Empire Unicorn., F. Marion Crawford, Fort Carlton, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Cumberland, Fort Frobisher, Fort Lennox, Fort Pembina, George W. Campbell, Hannis Taylor, Harlesden, Henry George, Henry Groves Conner, Henry Ward Beecher, James McCosh, James Turner, Johns Hopkins, King Stephen, Laura Keene, Levi Woodbury, Mary Lyon, Norfjell, North Devon, Sambre, Samhope, Sampford, Samuel Johnston, Thomas Cresap, Thomas Nelson Page, William A. Graham, William M. Eastland and Woodbridge N. Ferris.

On 28 May 1944, HMS Amethyst parted company with the convoy to return to Bizerta. The corvette HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR) joined the convoy on 28 May 1944.

On 29 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; City of Keelung, Empire Spartan, Miguel Hidalgo, Polartank, Richard H. Alvey, Samtampa and Thorstein Veblen. Also HMS Fleetwood, HMS Anemone, HMS Convolvulus and Commandant Bory arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 30 May 1944 escorted by HMS Bergamot.

4 May 1944

Convoy GUS 39.

This convoy departed Port Said on 4 May 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Ammla (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Benjamin Bourn (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Benjamin Williams (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), British Aviator (British (tanker), 6998 GRT, built 1924), Cape Hawke (British, 5081 GRT, built 1941), Dallington Court (British, 6889 GRT, built 1929), Edmund F. Dickins (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Eridan (French, 9928 GRT, built 1928), Fort St.Francois (British, 7125 GRT, built 1942), Frank A. Vanderlip (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Frank C. Emerson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Geronimo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Gulf of Mexico (American (tanker), 7807 GRT, built 1917), Gulfpoint (American (tanker), 6972 GRT, built 1920), Liss (Norwegian (tanker), 5932 GRT, built 1921), Meline (Norwegian (tanker), 6983 GRT, built 1918), O'Henry (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Peter Donahue (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Samport (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Thorshavn (Norwegian (tanker), 6869 GRT, built 1930), Trevince (British, 7292 GRT, built 1943), Tweedsmuir Park (Canadian, 7143 GRT, built 1943), Ville de Majunga (British (former French), 6174 GRT, built 1931), W.H. Libby (Panamanian (tanker), 7992 GRT, built 1921) and William S. Halsted (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943).

They were escorted by the corvette HMS Saxifage (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J. Renwick, DSO, RNR).

On 5 May 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria and joined the convoy; Anson Jones (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Crista (British, 2590 GRT, built 1938), Empire Lionel (British, 7030 GRT, built 1942), Finley Peter Dunne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George Uhler (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Ida Bakke (Norwegian, 5455 GRT, built 1938), Ittersum (Dutch, 5199 GRT, built 1938), James Harlan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James L. Breck (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John C. Spencer (American, 7242 GRT, built 1943), Margrethe Bakke (Norwegian, 5478 GRT, built 1938), Pete Marquette (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Philip Schuyler (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert G. Ingersoll (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Stanlodge (British, 5977 GRT, built 1943), Theodore Sedgwick (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William Byrd (American, 7225 GRT, built 1943).

They were escorted by the sloops HMS Pheasant (Cdr. W.E.J. Eames, DSC, RN), HMS Bideford (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.J. Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Alisma (Lt. G. Lanning, RANVR) and HMS Spiraea (Lt. A.H. Pierce, OBE, RNR).

On 9 May 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Alexander H. Stephens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Benjamin Tay (British, 1814 GRT, built 1943), British Respect (British (tanker), 8479 GRT, built 1943), E.A. Peden (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Empire Crown (British, 7070 GRT, built 1944), Empire Duchess (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Empire Glen (British, 6316 GRT, built 1941), Empire Southey (British, 7041 GRT, built 1942), Empire Unicorn (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Esso Baltimore (American (tanker), 7940 GRT, built 1938), Ethan Allen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Fitzhugh Lee (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Fort Carlton (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Marin (British, 7159 GRT, built 1943), Fort Pembina (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Frank Springer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), G.S. Walden (British (tanker), 10627 GRT, built 1937), George M. Bibb (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), George Shiras (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Gulfdisc (American (tanker), 7140 GRT, built 1938), James E. Howard (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), James Hoban (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James J. Hill (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John C. Breckinridge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Gorrie (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Mason (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John N. Maffitt (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Trumbull (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Wanamaker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kemp P. Battle (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Luther Martin (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Newbrough (British, 5255 GRT, built 1941), Ocean Rider (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ralph Waldo Emerson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsteel (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtucky (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samuel Livermore (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Tarleton Brown (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Van Honthorst (Dutch, 6140 GRT, built 1943), William Ellery (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William J. Worth (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William L. Yancey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and William P. Fessenden (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 10 May 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; British Aviator, Cape Hawke, Crista, Dallington Court, Empire Lionel, Finley Peter Dunne, Fort St.Francois, Frank C. Emerson, Gulf of Mexico, Ittersum, Liss, Meline and Thorshavn.

On 10 May 1944, the transports Eridan and Stanlodge arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while transports / tankers departed Malta to join the convoy; Campidoglio (Italian, 3702 GRT, built 1910), Empire Guinevere (British, 7072 GRT, built 1942), Norelg (Norwegian, 6103 GRT, built 1920) and William Eaton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 11 May 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy; Ethan Allen, George M. Bibb, Gulfpoint, John C. Breckinridge, John Trumbull, Kemp P. Battle, Luther Martin, Norelg, Tarleton Brown and William F. Cody. Also the current escort entered Bizerta as the escort of the convoy was now taken over by an American Task Force.

The following transports / tankers departed Bizerta to join the convoy; Bret Harte (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Carrillo (American, 5013 GRT, built 1911), Coulgorm (British, 6997 GRT, built 1942), David J. Brewer (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Fort Grahame (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), George Gipp (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jan Lievens (Dutch, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Holt (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Laurent Meeus (Belgian (tanker), 6429 GRT, built 1930), Polarsol (Norwegian (tanker), 10022 GRT, built 1939), Silverelm (British, 4351 GRT, built 1924), Tijuca (Norwegian, 5498 GRT, built 1926) and William Dunbar (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). Also the new escort departed Bizerta to join the convoy. This was Task Force 60 which was made up of the cutter USCGC Bibb (Cdr. C.A. Anderson, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 60, T/Capt. R.B. Nickerson, USN, on board) and the destroyer escorts USS Vance ( Cdr. E.A. Anderson, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 45, Cdr. E.J. Roland, USCG, on board), USS Calcaterra (Lt.Cdr. E.D. Howard, 2nd, USCGR), USS Chambers (Cdr. H.A. Loughlin, USCG), USS Durant (Cdr. C.C. Knapp, USCG), USS Lansing (Cdr. S.R. Sands, Jr., USCG), USS Merrill (Cdr. I.J.Stephens, USCG), USS Thomas (Lt.Cdr. D.M. Kellogg, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 48, Cdr. G.A. Parkinson, USNR, on board), USS Baker (Lt.Cdr. L.B. Lockwood, USNR), USS Bostwick (Lt. C.G. Hall, USNR), USS Breeman (Lt.Cdr. E.N.W. Hunter, USNR), USS Bronstein (T/Lt.Cdr. S.H. Kinney, USN) and USS Coffman (Cdr. W.H. Putnam, USNR). Additional escorts were AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) and the destroyer USS Hilary P. Jones (T/Cdr. F.M. Stiesberg, USN) which was fitted for jamming the signals of German guided bombs. The rescue tug HMRT Nimble also joined the convoy.

On 12 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy; Coulgorm, Fort Grahame, Fort Pembina, Jan Lievens and Tijuca while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Empire Damsel (British (tanker), 784 GRT, built 1942) and Empire Tern (British, 2479 GRT, built 1919).

On 13 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy; Campidoglio, Empire Damsel, Empire Tern, Empire Unicorn, Fort Carlton, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Marin, Ocean Rider, Polarsol, Samsteel, Silverelm, Tweedsmuir Park, Van Honthorst, Ville de Majunga, W.H. Libby, William Ellery and William J. Worth while the following ships joined the convoy of Algiers; Amos Kendall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Benjamin Lundy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Dux (Norwegian, 1590 GRT, built 1934), Empire Salvage (British (tanker) 10746 GRT, built 1940), Finistere (French, 1158 GRT, built 1909), Fort Ash (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenora (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Gideon Welles (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Hamlin Garland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Helmwood (British, 2156 GRT, built 1923), Howell E. Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James H. Couper (American, 7199 GRT, built 1943), King S. Woolsey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Marshall Elliott (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Medie II (French, 5078 GRT, built 1922), Robert Y. Hayne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Sambrake (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampler (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samuel Gorton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Stage Door Canteen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Hill (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Van Ostade (Dutch, 2890 GRT, built 1942), William D. Moseley (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Wilson P. Hunt (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Zypenberg (Dutch, 4973 GRT, built 1920).

On 14 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy; Benjamin Tay, Bret Harte, British Respect, Dux, Empire Crown, Frank Springer, Howell E. Jackson, King S. Wolsey and Laurent Meeus while the following ships joined the convoy of Oran; Arthur Dobbs (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Arthur M. Huddell (American, 7240 GRT, built 1943), Howard A. Kelly (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), John Jay (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John W. Hoyt (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samannan (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samleven (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Sammex (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtyne (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944) and Thaddeus Kosciuszko (American, 7200 GRT, built 1942). The naval tanker USS Cossatot (Lt.Cdr. C.H. Glenwright, USNR) and naval stores ship USS Yukon (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Barnhart, USNR) also joined the convoy.

On 15 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy; Empire Glen, Empire Guinevere, Empire Southey, Helmwood, Trevince, Van Ostade and Zuypenberg. Also HMS Colombo and HMRT Nimble were detached to Gibraltar. USS Hilary P. Jones was also detached.

On 15 May 1944, the following ships departed Casablanca to join the convoy; Alexander Lillington (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Deebank (British, 5060 GRT, built 1929), Henry Watterson (American, 7225 GRT, built 1943), Irvin MacDowell (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Kobad (French (tanker), 7329 GRT, built 1930), Samconon (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samstrae (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944) and Samwater (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943). They were escorted by the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez and the patrol vesselsUSS PC-471 (G B Calkins, USNR), USS PC-474 (Lt.Cdr. H.C. Hummer, USNR) and USS PC-481 (Lt. N.W Roeder, USNR). These ships joined the convoy around 0915A/16. The escort vessels then returned to Casablanca on the 17th having taken the following ships with them; Empire Duchess, Finistere, Fort Ash, Fort Glenora, Medie II, Newbrough and Samtucky.

Around 1215Z/20, two ships joined the convoy coming from the Azores, these were the George Matthews (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Gulfcoast (American, 7140 GRT, built 1937). They had been escorted to the rendezvous by the auxiliary A/S trawler HMS Stafnes (T/Lt. A.T. Motion, RNVR).

On 22 May 1944, USCGC Bibb fuelled from USS Cossatot.

Around 1625P/28, the convoy split up into two sections. One section was bound for Chesapeake Bay. This was made up of 37 ships, inluding USS Cossatot and USS Yukon. It was escorted by USS Thomas, USS Baker, USS Bostwick, USS Breeman and USS Bronstein. The Chesapeake Bay section of the convoy arrived at its destination in the evening of 29 May 1944.

The remaining ships, 48 in total, proceeded to New York with the remainder of the escort. The New York section of the convoy arrived at its destination in the morning of 30 May 1944.

6 May 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN), sloop HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN) and the corvettes HMS Campion (Lt. T.F. Alderman, RNR) and HrMs Friso (Lt.Cdr. Goslings, RNethN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS 49.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 75 / KMS 49 'for 24 April 1944.] (96)

10 May 1944
Around 0645B/10, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty. (96)

11 May 1944
Task Force 60, made up of the cutter USCGC Bibb (Cdr. C.A. Anderson, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 60, T/Capt. R.B. Nickerson, USN, on board) and the destroyer escorts USS Vance (Cdr. E.A. Anderson, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 45, Cdr. E.J. Roland, USCG, on board), USS Calcaterra (Lt.Cdr. E.D. Howard, 2nd, USCGR), USS Chambers (Cdr. H.A. Loughlin, USCG), USS Durant (Cdr. C.C. Knapp, USCG), USS Lansing (Cdr. S.R. Sands, Jr., USCG), USS Merrill (Cdr. I.J.Stephens, USCG), USS Thomas (Lt.Cdr. D.M. Kellogg, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 48, Cdr. G.A. Parkinson, USNR, on board), USS Baker (Lt.Cdr. L.B. Lockwood, USNR), USS Bostwick (Lt. C.G. Hall, USNR), USS Breeman (Lt.Cdr. E.N.W. Hunter, USNR), USS Bronstein (T/Lt.Cdr. S.H. Kinney, USN) and USS Coffman (Cdr. W.H. Putnam, USNR) departed Bizerta to join convoy GUS 39. Besides these ships, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), destroyer USS Hilary P. Jones (T/Cdr. F.M. Stiesberg, USN) and the rescue tug HMS Nimble also joined the convoy.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 39 ' for 4 May 1944.

13 May 1944

Convoy UGS 42.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 13 May 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; A.P. Hill (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Arthur L. Perry (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Bernard N. Baker (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), British Confidence (British (tanker), 8494 GRT, built 1936), British Governor (British (tanker), 6840 GRT, built 1926), British Promise (British (tanker), 8443 GRT, built 1942), British Tradition (British (tanker), 8443 GRT, built 1942), Charles A. Warfield (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Charles Nordhoff (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), City of Durban (British, 5945 GRT, built 1921), Daniel H. Hill American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), David F. Houston (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), David G. Farragut (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), David Holmes (American, 7218 GRT, built 1943), David L. Swain (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Dilworth (American (tanker), 7045 GRT, built 1920), Eli Whitney (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Ezra Meeker (American, 7180 GRT, built 1942), Fort Anne (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Venango (British, 7166 GRT, built 1943), Frans Hals (Dutch, 6626 GRT, built 1941), George B. Selden (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George E. Hale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George Sharswood (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), George Weems (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Gylfe (Norwegian (tanker), 6129 GRT, built 1930), Helencrest (British, 5233 GRT, built 1941), Henry L. Benning (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Hiram S. Maxim (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Hoegh Hood (Norwegian (tanker), 9351 GRT, built 1936), Hoegh Silvercloud (Norwegian, 5287 GRT, built 1943), Homer Lea (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Houston Volunteers (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Iroquois (British (tanker), 8937 GRT, built 1907), Isaac van Zandt (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), James B. Hickok (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), James B. Richardson (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), James Duncan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), James Harrod (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Otis (American, 7180 GRT, built 1942), John B. Gordon (American, 7201 GRT, built 1943), John E. Schmeltzer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Faifield (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Hathorn (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Ireland (American, 7247 GRT, built 1944), John Morton (American, 7181 GRT, built 19432), John P. Holland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph T. Robinson (American, 7196 GRT, built 1943), Keith Palmer (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), Lafontaine Park (Canadian, 7131 GRT, built 1943), Lambert Caldwalader (American, 7196 GRT, built 1942), Loch Dee (British, 5252 GRT, built 1937), Lyman Abbott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Maya (Honduran, 5528 GRT, built 1929), Michael Pupin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Middlesex Trader (British, 7421GRT, built 1942), Moses Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nathaniel Macon (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Nicholas Gilman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Nuculana (British (tanker), 8179 GRT, built 1942), Oregon (French, 7705 GRT, built 1929), Pan-Delaware (American (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1918), Philander R.C. Knox (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Robert F. Stockton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert T. Hill (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Samadre (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Sambanka (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samclyde (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samdon (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samnid (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampring (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtweed (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samvannah (British, 7253 GRT, built 1943), Sarah Orne Jewett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Simon Willard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Stephen T. Mather (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Sverre Helmersen (Norwegian, 7209 GRT, built 1944), Thomas R. Marshall (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Vacport (British (tanker), 6774 GRT, built 1930), Walt Whitman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Walter Forward (American, 7180 GRT, built 1943), William Cushing (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), William G. Fargo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William M. Stewart (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Wilfred L. Smith (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Winslow Homer (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Zacapa (American, 5013 GRT, built 1909). The naval tanker USS Cowanesque (Cdr. L.S. McKenzie, USNR), auxiliary minelayers USS Chimo (Lt. J.W. Gross, USNR), USS Planter (Lt.Cdr. T.T. Scudder, Jr., USNR), USS Barricade (Lt. C.P. Haber, USNR), LST's USS LST-601 (?, with Lt.Cdr. F.M. Perrin, USNR, on board), USS LST-602 (Lt. J.H. Mehus, USNR), USS LST-603 (T/Lt. W.B. Sweet, USN) and the LCI(L)'s USS LCI(L)-587 (Lt.(jg) H.N. Cox, USNR), USS LCI(L)-588 (Lt.(jg) J.K. McMahon, USNR), USS LCI(L)-589 (Lt.(jg) J.J. McCarthy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-672 (Lt. H.G. Hilton, USNR), USS LCI(L)-673 (Lt.(jg) R.G. Creadick, USNR), USS LCI(L)-943 (Lt. J.L. Kuhn, USNR), USS LCI(L)-945 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Saylor, USN), USS LCI(L)-946 (Lt. S.F. Hirshberg, USNR), USS LCI(L)-948 (Lt.(jg) D.P. Kennedy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-949 (Lt.(jg) R. Steele, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-950 (Lt.(jg) J.G. Wilson, USNR) were also part of the convoy.

On departure from Hampton Roads the convoy was escorted by Task Force 63 which was made up of the destroyer USS MacLeish (Lt.Cdr. R.P. Winkel, USNR, with COMTASKFOR 63, T/Capt. H.T. Read, USN, on board) and the destroyer escorts USS Jordan (Lt.Cdr. D. Bontecou, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 55, T/Cdr. C.R. Simmers, USN, on board), USS Cofer (Lt.Cdr. A.P. Chester, USNR), USS Kephart (Cdr. I.H. Cammarn, USNR), USS Cofer (Lt.Cdr. A.P. Chester, USNR), USS Liddle (T/Cdr. R.M. Hinckley, Jr., USN), USS Lloyd (Lt.Cdr. P.N. Gammelgard, USNR), USS Newman (Lt.Cdr. W.C. Meyer, USNR), USS Eisner (Lt.Cdr. D. McVickar, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 52, T/Cdr. R.P. Walker, USN, on board), USS Garfield Thomas (Lt.Cdr. R.G. Werner, USN), USS Rinehart Lt. P.W. Crouch, Jr., USN), USS Roche (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Parker, USNR), USS Thornhill (Lt. J.B. Shumway, USNR), USS Wingfield (Lt.Cdr. H.E. Purdy, USNR) and Marocain (Capt. de Freg.(Cdr.) M.B. Geli).

Shortly after departure the Sverre Helmersen had to turn back due to engine trouble.

On 14 May 1944, the Hiram S. Maxim had to turn back due to engine trouble.

Around 1030P/16, the transport Felix Gundy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Bermuda. The Helencrest, which was straggling, unable to keep up with the convoy, was then ordered to proceed to Bermuda.

Between 0700P/18 and 1310P/18, USS MacLeish, USS Jordan, USS Newman, USS Liddle, USS Kephart, USS Cofer and USS Lloyd from USS Cowanesque.

Between 0700O/20 and 1202O/20, USS Eisner, USS Garfield Thomas, USS Wingfield, USS Thornhill, USS Rinehart, USS Roche and Marocain from USS Cowanesque.

Between 0700O/22 and 1203O/22, USS MacLeish, USS Jordan, USS Newman, USS Liddle, USS Kephart, USS Cofer and USS Lloyd from USS Cowanesque.

Around 1000O/22, the Middlesex Trader, USS Planter and USS Chimo were detached to Horta, Azores. USS Thornhill was ordered to escort them there.

Around 0900N/24, USS Thornhill rejoined the convoy.

Around 1110Z/27, USS Eisner was detached to proceed to Gibraltar to pick up a liasion officer for operations in the Mediterranean.

Around 0600Z/28, the tanker Bourgogne (French (tanker), 9357 GRT, built 1937) joined the convoy coming from Casablanca which she had departed the previous day escorted by the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez and the minesweeping sloops La Gracieuse. On this ship joining the British Promise, David Holmes, George B. Selden and John Morton were then detached to Casablanca escorted by the two French escorts. They arrived at Casablanca later on the 28th.

At 1307A/28, USS Eisner rejoined the convoy. The liaison officer was then transferred to USS MacLeish.

Around 2100A/28, the rescue tug HMRT Aspirant and HMRT Eminent joined the convoy.

On 28 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy; British Governor and Iroquois.

At 1953B/29, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

At 2055B/29, the destroyer USS Livermore (T/Cdr. H.E. Siedel, Jr., USN) joined for jammer duty (against German radio controlled bombs).

At 2055B/29, the minesweepers USS Speed (Lt. R.C. Dryer, USNR) and USS Sustain (Lt. J.E. Lindeman, Jr., USNR) joined for jammer duty (against German radio controlled bombs).

Around 0050B/30, the Oran section of the convoy, made up of the following ships parted company; Bernard N. Baker, Bourgogne, Daniel H. Hill, Felix Grundy, John Fairfield, John P. Holland, Lambert Caldwalader, Sarah Orne Jewett, Walt Whitman, Walter Forward and Zacapa as well as USS Cowanesque, USS LST-602, USS LST-603, USS LCI(L)-587 and USS LCI(L)-588. These last four ships due to the fact that they were straggling from the convoy.

Shortly afterwards the Oran section of the convoy joined. This was made up of the following ships; Empire Spinney (British, 871 GRT, built 1941), George F. Patten (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Howell E. Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lawrence J. Brengle (American, 7209 GRT, built 1944) and Tabitha Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

Around 1725B/30, the City of Durban parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead of the main convoy to Oran to pick up the British Commodore for the remainder of the passage through the Mediterranean. She was escorted by USS Garfield Thomas. They rejoined the convoy around 0120B/31.

Around 0125B/31, the Algiers section of the convoy joined, it was made up of the following ships; Fort Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Harrogate (British, 1029 GRT, built 1925), Samwash (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Van der Capelle (Dutch, 7037 GRT, built 1942). The following ships were detached to Algiers; Empire Spinney, Howell E. Jackson, Lawrence J. Brengle, Loch Dee and Vacport.

At 2253B/31, USS Livermore, USS Speed and USS Sustain were detached.

At 0434B/1, HMRT Aspirant was detached to Bone. The transport Fort Anne also arrived at bone on 1 June while the transport Jersey Hart (British, 7275 GRT, built 1943) departed Bone to join the convoy.

Also on 1 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy; George F. Patten and Van der Capelle while the Andrew Briscoe (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944) departed Bizerta to join the convoy.

USS Barricade, USS LST-601 and the remaining LCI(L)'s also arrived at Bizerta.

Also the current American escort (plus HMS Colombo and the Marocain) was replaced by a new escort which was made up of the following ships; frigates HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (Cdr. A. de Booy, RNethN), sloops HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN), HMS Amethyst (Lt.Cdr. S.C. Tuke, DSO, RN) and the corvette HrMs Friso (Lt.Cdr. L.J. Goslings, RNethN).

Early on 2 June 1944, the convoy merged with convoy KMS 51.

Convoy UGS 42 was at that moment made up of the following ships; A.P. Hill, Andrew Briscoe, Arthur R. Perry, British Confidence, British Tradition, Charles A. Warfield, Charles Nordhoff, City of Durban, David F. Houston, David G. Farragut, David L. Swain, Dilworth, Eli Whitney, Ezra Meeker, Fort Frontenac, Fort Venango, Frans Hals, George E. Hale, George Sharswood, George Weems, Gylfe, Harrogate, Henry L. Benning, Hoegh Hood, Hoegh Silvercloud, Homer Lea, Houston Volunteers, Isaac van Zandt, James B. Hickok, James B. Richardson, James Duncan, James Harrod, James Otis, Jersey Hart, John B. Gordon, John E. Schmeltzer, John Hathorn, John Ireland, Joseph T. Robinson, Keith Palmer, Lafontaine Park, Lyman Abbott, Maya, Michael Pupin, Moses Brown, Nathaniel Macon, Nicholas Gilman, Nuculana, Oregon, Pan-Delaware, Philander C. Knox, Robert F. Stockton, Robert Lucas, Robert T. Hill, Samadre, Sambanka, Samclyde, Samdon, Samnid, Samspring, Samtweed, Samvannah, Samwash, Simon Willard, Stephen T. Mather, Tabitha Brown, Thomas R. Marshall, William Cushing, William G. Fargo, William M. Stewart, Winfred L. Smith and Winslow Homer.

They were escorted by the frigate HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau, sloops HMS Deptford, HMS Amethyst and the corvette HrMs Friso.

15 May 1944
Around 2005B/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (96)

19 May 1944

Convoy MKS 50.

This convoy departed Port Said on 19 May 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Bengkalis (Dutch, 6548 GRT, built 1918), Carelia (British (tanker), 8062 GRT, built 1938), City of Capetown (British, 8046 GRT, built 1937), City of Exeter (British, 9654 GRT, built 1914), City of Sydney (British, 6986 GRT, built 1930), Empire Harry (British (tug), 479 GRT, built 1943), Empire Sandy (British (tug), 479 GRT, built 1943), Empire Voice (British, 6828 GRT, built 1940), Frans van Mieris (Dutch, 7170 GRT, built 1942), Luminetta (British (tanker), 6159 GRT, built 1927), Peter Trimble Rowe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Prometheus (British, 6095 GRT, built 1925), Sambalt (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Skagerak (Norwegian, 4244 GRT, built 1936), Strategist (British, 6255 GRT, built 1937) and Turkistan (British, 6935 GRT, built 1939).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the frigates HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR) and HMS Shiel (Lt. H.P. Crail, DSC, RNR).

On 20 May 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Fort Meductic (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Kalarand (British, 1496 GRT, built 1906), Kepong (British, 1874 GRT, built 1916), Marit Maersk (Greek (former Danish), 1894 GRT, built 1938), Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937) and Trajanus (Dutch, 1712 GRT, built 1930).

The submarines RHS Papanikolis, Galatea and the minesweepers RHS Palaros, RHS Kassos, RHS Kos and RHS Patmos also departed Alexandria and joined the convoy for passage westwards.

They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Gloxinia (Lt. D. Perry, DSC, RNR), HMS Primula (T/Lt. E.N. Wilding, RNVR) and auxiliary A/S trawler HMS Wolborough (T/Lt. G.A. Hartnell, RNR) which also joined the convoy.

on 23 May 1944, the Sofala arrived at Benghazi after having been detached from the convoy.

On 24 May 1944, the following transport / tankers departed Augusta to join the convoy; Antonia (Dutch (tanker), 3357 GRT, built 1938), Archbishop Lamy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Astra (Norwegian, 2164 GRT, built 1919), Cape Howe (British, 6999 GRT, built 1943), Charles Brantley Aycock (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910), Djebel Aures (French, 2835 GRT, built 1929), Empire Gain (British (tanker), 3738 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenlyon (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Michipicoten (British, 7152 GRT, 1943), Fort Thompson (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), George Davis (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Ittersum (Dutch, 5199 GRT, built 1938), James W. Nesmith (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John A. Brown (British (tanker), 10455 GRT, built 1938), Joseph H. Nicholson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), La Drome (French, 1055 GRT, built 1910), Lincoln Steffens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Samur (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sinnington Court (British, 6910 GRT, built 1928), Thistledale (British, 7241 GRT, built 1942), Thistlemuir (British, 7237 GRT, built 1942) and Ugo Fiorelli (Italian, 1600 GRT, built 1943).

On 25 May 1944, the following transports / tankers arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Carelia, Fort Meductic, Kalarand, Kepong, Luminetta, Marit Maersk, Peter Trimble Rowe, Stagerak, Strategist and Trajanus.

On 25 May 1944, the transport Chateau Latour (French, 1912 GRT, built 1914) departed Malta to join the convoy.

On 26 May 1944, the transport Djebel Aures arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy while the following transports joined the convoy coming from Tunis; Lucia C. (Italian, 6123 GRT, built 1922) and William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 26 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy; Empire Harry, Empire Sandy, Frans van Mieris, George Davis, Joseph H. Nicholson, La Drome, Lincoln Steffens and Ugo Fiorelli. The four Greek minesweepers (YMS) were also detached to Bizerta. The following ships joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Esek Hopkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Tore Jarl (Norwegian, 1514 GRT, built 1920) and Vigsnes (Norwegian, 1599 GRT, built 1930). Also the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy.

On 27 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy; Astra, Sinnington Court and Vigsnes while the P.L.M. 17 (British (former French), 4008 GRT, built 1922) joined the convoy coming from Bone. Also joining from Bone was the rescue tug HMRT Nimble.

On 27 May 1944, the transport Empire Thackeray (British, 2865 GRT, built 1942) departed Philippeville to join the convoy while the Tore Jarl arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy.

On 28 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy; Antonia, Archbishop Lamy, Cape Howe, Charles Brantley Aycock, Chateau Latour, Empire Gain, Esek Hopkins, Fort Michipicoten, James W. Nesmith, John A. Brown, Lucia C., Prometheus, Samur, Thistledale and Thistlemuir while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Appledore (British, 5218 GRT, built 1929), Cap-Pinede (French, 1320 GRT, built 1938), Charles Schiaffino (French, 3664 GRT, built 1930), Empire Meteor (British, 7457 GRT, built 1940), Empire Spinney (British, 871 GRT, built 1941), Fort Hudson's Hope (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), James Rumsey (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942) and Lornaston (British, 4934 GRT, built 1925). The destroyer HMS Tigre also joined the convoy.

On 29 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy; Charles Schiaffino, Chloris, Empire Spinney, James Rumsey, William F. Cody and HMS Colombo while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Capitaine Paul Lemerle (French, 4945 GRT, built 1925), Empire Beatrice (British, 7046 GRT, built 1943), Empire Conrad (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), Empire Crown (British, 7070 GRT, built 1944), Fort Bell (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943) and William R. Davie (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942).

On 30 May 1944, the following ships arrived at Gibraltar; Appledore, Cap-Pinede, Empire Thackeray, Fort Glenlyon, Fort Hudson's Hope111, Fort Thompson, Ittersum, Lornaston, William R. Davie as well as HMRT Nimble and the submarine RHS Papanikolis and Galatea. Also the current escort made up of HMS Dart, HMS Shiel, HMS Gloxinia, HMS Primula, HMS Wolborough as well as the HMS Tigre arrived at Gibraltar.

The remaining ships of the convoy; Alcinous, Bengkalis, Capitaine Paul Lemerle, City of Capetown, City of Exeter, City of Sydney, Empire Beatrice, Empire Conrad, Empire Crown, Empire Meteor, Empire Voice, Fort Bell, P.L.M. 17, Sambalt, Turkistan proceeded into the Atlantic and made rendezvous with convoy SL 159 coming from Freetown on 31 May 1944. A new escort had joined them off Gibraltar, this was made up of frigates HMS Towy (Cdr. H.V. King, DSO, OBE, RN), HMS Antigua (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) D.F. White, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Knaresborough Castle (Lt. J.R. Freeman, RNR), HMS Leeds Castle (T/A/Lt.Cdr. W.T. Hodson, DSC, RNVR) and HMS Tintagel Castle (Lt. R. Atkinson, DSC and Bar, RNR).

20 May 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), submarine HMS Vox (Lt. J.M. Michell, RN) and rescue tug HMRT Nimble departed Gibraltar to join convoy UGS 41.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGS 41 ' for 3 May 1944.]

23 May 1944

Convoy UGS 43.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 23 May 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; Arthur P. Davis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Asa Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Atlanta City (American, 5686 GRT, built 1921), Belgian Airman (Belgian, 6960 GRT, built 1942), Benjamin Goodhue (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Charles Carroll (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Christopher Gale (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Cistula (Dutch (tanker), 8097 GRT, built 1939), City of Florence (British, 6862 GRT, built 1918), Clausina (British (tanker), 8083 GRT, built 1938), Edward N. Hurley (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Edward Richardson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Garrick (British (tanker), 8128 GRT, built 1942), Ezra Cornell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), F.A.C. Muhlenberg (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Felipe de Neve (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ferdinand Westdahl (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Fernplant (British, 5274 GRT, built 1939), Fort George (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Francis L. Lee (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Frederick Banting (American, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Garonne (Norwegian (tanker), 7113 GRT, built 1931), George B. McClellan (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Gutzon Borglum (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Haym Salomon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Heimvard (Norwegian, 4851 GRT, built 1930), Henry Gilbert Costin (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Hiram S. Maxim (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Isaac Sharpless (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), J.L. Luckenbach (American, 6369 GRT, built 1919), James Gunn (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), John Barton Payne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Clarke (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John H. Eaton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John M. Harlan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph Alston (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Hewes (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Joshua Seney (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Knute Nelson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lorraine (French (tanker), 9512 GRT, built 1937), M.M. Guhin (American, 7180 GRT, 1943), Mary Wilkins Freeman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Mirabeau B. Lamar (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Moses Rogers (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Nelson Dingley (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nelson W. Aldrich (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Newton D. Baker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Ninella (British (tanker), 8134 GRT, built 1943), Norrisia (British (tanker), 8246 GRT, built 1944), Northia (British (tanker), 8211 GRT, built 1944), Pan-Maryland (American (tanker), 7701 GRT, built 1938), Pierre Laclede (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Regent Lion (British (tanker), 9551 GRT, built 1937), Renald Fernald (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Robert Treat Paine (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Samfeugh (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samglory (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samleyte (British, 7255 GRT, built 1944), Samothrace (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samovar (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtay (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samtrust (British, 7209 GRT, built 1943), Samvigna (British, 7255 GRT, built 1944), Shickshinny (American, 5103 GRT, built 1919), Steel Inventor (American, 5686 GRT, built 1920), Sul Ross (American, 7247 GRT, built 1944), Sun (American (tanker), 9002 GRT, built 1928), Sverre Helmersen (Norwegian, 7209 GRT, built 1944), Tatra (Norwegian, 4766 GRT, built 1937), Thomas Pinckney (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Trondheim (Norwegian (tanker), 8258 GRT, 1939), Victor Herbert (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Walter E. Ranger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Wiley Post (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Bradford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William H. Wilmer (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), William Harper (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943) and William J. Bryan (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

The naval tanker USS Kennebec (Cdr. M.D. Mullen, USNR) was also part of the convoy as were the following LCI(L)'s; USS LCI(L)-590 (Lt.(jg) T.E. Boland, USNR), USS LCI(L)-591 (Lt.(jg) W.A. Putnam, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-592 (Lt.(jg) A.H. Swanke), USS LCI(L)-593 (Lt.(jg) B.V. Wilson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-594 (Lt.(jg) W. Campbell, USNR), USS LCI(L)-595 (Lt.(jg) C. Ringle, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-596 (Lt.(jg) W.H. Crawford, USNR), USS LCI(L)-674 (Lt.(jg) W.P. Eckel, USNR), USS LCI(L)-675 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Tobin, USNR), USS LCI(L)-951 (Lt. N.A. Thompson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-952 (?), USS LCI(L)-953 (Lt.(jg) D.J. Stadfeld, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-954 (Lt.(jg) J.K. Ullrich, USNR).

On departure from Hampton Roads the convoy was escorted by Task Force 64 which was made up of the destroyer USS McCormick (T/Cdr. F.A. Brock, USN, with COMTASKFOR 64, Capt. H.S. Berdine, USCG, on board), USS Sellstrom (Cdr. W.L. Maloney, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 23, Cdr. F.P. Vetterick, USNR, on board), USS Ramsden (Lt.Cdr. S.T. Baketel, USCGR), USS Mills (Lt.Cdr. V. Pfeiffer, USCG), USS Rhodes (Cdr. E.A. Coffin, Jr., USCG), USS Richey (Cdr. P.DuP. Mills, USCG), USS Savage (Lt.Cdr. R. Ridgely, 3rd, USCG), USS Fowler (Lt.Cdr. G.S.J. Forde, USNR), USS Durik (T/Lt.Cdr. K.B. Smith, USN), USS Tomich (Lt. C.B. Brown, USNR), USS Earl V. Johnson (Lt.Cdr. J.J. Jordy, USNR).

Around 2200Z/25, the destroyer escort USS Wiseman (Lt.Cdr. W.B. McClaran, Jr., USNR) joined the convoy escort followed an hour later by her sister ship USS Solar (Lt.Cdr. H.A. Hull, USNR).

During 27 May 1944, USS Kennebec fuelled USS McCormick, USS Solar, USS Wiseman, USS Fowler, USS Durik and USS Earl V. Johnson.

During 31 May 1944, USS Kennebec fuelled USS McCormick, USS Solar, USS Wiseman, USS Earl V. Johnson, USS Fowler and USS Durik.

Around 0410Z/3, the auxiliary minelayer USS Planter (Lt.Cdr. T.T. Scudder, Jr., USNR) joined the convoy coming from the Azores. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by the auxilary A/S trawler HMS Kingston Amber (T/Lt. R. Adams, RNR) which did not join the convoy but set course to return to the Azores taking the transport Joseph Hewes with her.

Around 1335Z/5, USS Kennebec was detached from the convoy to proceed to position 25°00'N, 20°00'W to fuel other USN ships. She was escorted by USS Durik. Before the tanker parted company she fuelled USS McCormick, USS Solar, USS Wiseman, USS Fowler, USS Durik, USS Earl V. Johnson and USS Planter.

Around 2000Z/5, USS LCI(L)-952 staggled from thee convoy due to engine trouble. She rejoined the convoy around 1630Z/6.

Around 1800Z/7, the following ships were detached to Casablanca; Charles Carroll, John Barton Payne, Joseph Alston, Lorraine and Samfeugh. To escort them there the patrol vessels 472, 473 and 482 had come out from Casablanca and had joined the convoy around 1630Z/7. The Casablanca section arrived at its destination the following day.

Around 1400Z/8, USS McCormick parted company with the convoy to pick up liason officers at Gibraltar. She rejoined around 1547Z/8.

Around 1830Z/8, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 0805Z/9, the minesweeper USS Seer (Lt.Cdr. H.S. Walker, Jr. USNR) joined the convoy for jamming duties (against German radio guided bombs).

Around 1830Z/9, the Oran section of the convoy parted company. This was mad up of the following ships; Asa Gray, Belgian Airman, Ezra Cornell, Garonne, John Clarke, Newton D. Baker and Pan-Maryland. At the same time two ship joined the convoy coming from Oran, these were the following; Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910) and George Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

Around 1930Z/9, the destroyer USS Madison (T/Cdr. D.A. Stuart, USN) and the minesweeper USS Sustain (Lt. J.E. Lindeman, Jr., USNR) joined the convoy for jammer duty (against German radio controlled bombs).

Around 1530Z/10, the Algiers section of the convoy parted company. This was mad up of the following ships; Christopher Gale and Clausina. At the same time two ship joined the convoy coming from Algiers, these were the following; Portsea (British, 1583 GRT, 1938) and Zaanstroom (Dutch, 1646 GRT, built 1920).

At 0318Z/11, USS Tomich was detached to proceed back towards Algiers to land an urgent hospital case there. She rejoined the convoy around 2350Z/11.

Around 2030Z/11, USS Madison and USS Sustain parted company with the convoy.

At 0353Z/12, USS Ramsden parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead to Bizerta to land the remains of a deceased crew member.

Around 0500Z/12, HMS Colombo parted company to proceed to Bizerta.

Between 0715Z/12 and 0800Z/12, the following ships parted company with the convoy to proceed to Bizerta; Hiram S. Maxim, J.L. Luckenbach, Norrisia and Portsea. Also USS Planter and all 13 LCI(L)'s entered Bizerta as did the following escort vessels; USS McCormick, USS Sellstrom, USS Mills, USS Rhodes, USS Richey, USS Savage, USS Fowler, USS Tomich and USS Earl V. Johnson.

The following ships joined the convoy off Bizerta; Auk (British, 1338 GRT, built 1921), Black Hawk (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943) and John C. Breckinridge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

Also a new escort joined off Bizerta, this was made up of the frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR), HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS Jonquil (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.W. Tretheway, RNR) and HMS Myosotis (T/Lt. R. Lugg, RNR).

On 13 June 1944, the Chloris arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy while the transport Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938) joined the convoy coming from Malta.

On 13 June 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; British Confidence (British (tanker), 8494 GRT, built 1936), British Tradition (British (tanker), 8443 GRT, built 1942), Califonia (American (tanker), 10398 GRT, built 1921), Dilworth (American (tanker), 7045 GRT, built 1920), Empire Lionel (British, 7030 GRT, built 1942), Empire Peak (British, 7045 GRT, built 1943), Fort Aklavik (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Malvina (Dutch (tanker), 8249 GRT, built 1932), Norelg (Norwegian, 6103 GRT, built 1920), Nuculana (British (tanker), 8179 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Messenger (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Traveller (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vesper (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samoa (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampan (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samphire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samwash (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Stancleeve (British, 5970 GRT, built 1942) and Tide Water Associated (American (tanker), 8906 GRT, built 1930).

On 14 June 1944 the following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Auk, Benjamin Goodhue, Black Hawk, Cistula, Edward N. Hurley, Edward Richardson, Empire Garrick, F.A.C. Muhlenberg, Felipe de Neve, Fort George, Francis L. Lee, George B. McClenllan, George Bancroft, Haym Salomon, Isaac Sharpless, John C. Breckinridge, John B. Eaton, Joshua Seney, M.M. Guhin, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Moses Rogers, Ninella, Northia, Regent Lion, Robert Treat Paine, Steel Inventor, Sun, Thomas Pinckney, Thomas Sumter, Trondheim, Walter E. Ranger, William H. Wilmer and Zaanstroom.

On 17 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Alexandria; Empire Lionel, Fernplant, Fort Aklavik, Fort Frontenac, Ocean Messenger, Ocean Vesper, Palermo, Samglory, Samleyte, Samphire and William Harper. Also the following escort ships arrived at Alexandria; HMS Barle and HMS Bryony.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 19 June 1944.

24 May 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), USCGC Spencer (Cdr. W.C. Capron, USCG, with COMTASKFOR62, T/Capt. C.L. Winecoff, USN, on board), USS Paul Jones (T/Cdr. G.P. Unmacht, USN, which was also COMDESDIV 58), USS Barker (T/Lt.Cdr. R.G. Colbert, USN), USS Bulmer (T/Lt.Cdr. G.T. Baker, USN), USS Amick (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Barsumian, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 15, T/Cdr. F.C.B. McCune, USN, on board), USS Atherton (T/Lt.Cdr. M. Kelly, Jr., USN), USS Booth (T/Cdr. D.W. Todd, USN), USS Carroll (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Kuhn, USN), USS Cooner Lt.Cdr. T.L. Bergen, USNR), USS Eldridge (Lt. W.K. Vanallen, USNR), USS Neunzer (Lt. V.E. Gex, USNR), USS LCI(L)-562 (Lt.(jg) S.M. Ruffin, USNR), USS LCI(L)-563 (Ens. P. App, USNR), USS LCI(L)-581 (Lt.(jg) R.P. Mulligan, USNR), USS LCI(L)-582 (Lt.(jg) D. Radford, USNR), USS LCI(L)-583 (Lt. W.J. Sharp, Jr., USNR), 21649 584 (Lt.(jg) T.M. Smagala, USNR), USS LCI(L)-585 (Lt.(jg) J.L. Thomas, USNR), USS LCI(L)-586 (Lt.(jg) J.S. Murtha, USNR), USS LCI(L)-664 (Lt.(jg) J. Kennedy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-665 (Lt.(jg) O.E. Neidlinger, USNR), USS LCI(L)-666 (Ens. J.E. Earls, USNR), USS LCI(L)-667 (Lt.(jg) J.L. Dowd, USNR), USS LCI(L)-668 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Snapp, USNR), USS LCI(L)-669 (Lt.(jg) I.S. Bookman, USN), USS LCI(L)-670 (Lt.(jg) T.M. Hoban, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-671 (Lt.(jg) J.H. Carmona, USNR) all arrived at Bizerta from convoy UGS 41.

26 May 1944
Around 1445B/26, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Bizerta to join convoy MKS 50.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 50 ' for 19 May 1944.] (96)

29 May 1944
Around 1145B/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Oran from escort duty with convoy KMS 50.

Around 1715B/29, she departed Bizerta to join convoy UGS 42 which she did shortly before 2000B/29.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGS 42 ' for 13 May 1944.] (96)

1 Jun 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), destroyer USS MacLeish (Lt.Cdr. R.P. Winkel, USNR, with COMTASKFOR 63, T/Capt. H.T. Read, USN, on board), destroyer escorts USS Jordan (Lt.Cdr. D. Bontecou, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 55, T/Cdr. C.R. Simmers, USN, on board), USS Cofer (Lt.Cdr. A.P. Chester, USNR), USS Kephart (Cdr. I.H. Cammarn, USNR), USS Cofer (Lt.Cdr. A.P. Chester, USNR), USS Liddle (T/Cdr. R.M. Hinckley, Jr., USN), USS Lloyd (Lt.Cdr. P.N. Gammelgard, USNR), USS Newman (Lt.Cdr. W.C. Meyer, USNR), USS Eisner (Lt.Cdr. D. McVickar, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 52, T/Cdr. R.P. Walker, USN, on board), USS Garfield Thomas (Lt.Cdr. R.G. Werner, USN), USS Rinehart Lt. P.W. Crouch, Jr., USN), USS Roche (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Parker, USNR), USS Thornhill (Lt. J.B. Shumway, USNR), USS Wingfield (Lt.Cdr. H.E. Purdy, USNR), Marocain (Capt. de Freg.(Cdr.) M.B. Geli), LST USS LST-601 (?, with Lt.Cdr. F.M. Perrin, USNR, on board) and the LCI(L)'s USS LCI(L)-589 (Lt.(jg) J.J. McCarthy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-672 (Lt. H.G. Hilton, USNR), USS LCI(L)-673 (Lt.(jg) R.G. Creadick, USNR), USS LCI(L)-943 (Lt. J.L. Kuhn, USNR), USS LCI(L)-945 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Saylor, USN), USS LCI(L)-946 (Lt. S.F. Hirshberg, USNR), USS LCI(L)-948 (Lt.(jg) D.P. Kennedy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-949 (Lt.(jg) R. Steele, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-950 (Lt.(jg) J.G. Wilson, USNR) all arrived at Bizerta from convoy UGS 42.

1 Jun 1944

Convoy GUF 11.

This convoy departed Naples on 1 June 1944.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Cristobal (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), Frederick Lykes (American, 7773 GRT, built 1940) and Santa Rosa (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932).

They were escorted by the destroyers USS Davison (T/Cdr. E.L.E. Ritson, USN, with COMTASKFOR 68 / COMDESRON 15, T/Capt. S.W. DuBois, USN on board), USS Mervine (T/Cdr. D.R. Frakes, USN), USS Quick (T/Cdr. P.W. Cann, USN), USS Tillman (T/Cdr. C.S. Hutchings, USN) and USS Earle (T/Capt. G.O. Hobbs, USN).

Around 2030B/1, the destroyer USS Livermore (T/Cdr. H.E. Siedel, Jr., USN) joined for jammer duty (against German radio controlled bombs).

The convoy proceeded via the Messina Straits.

Around 1300B/2, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) and naval tanker USS Mattaponi (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Banks, USNR) joined coming from Bizerta.

Around 0445B/4, the convoy was off Oran where the (troop) transports James Parker (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939) and Sea Perch (American, 7870 GRT, built 1944) joined. Also the stores ship USS Merak (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Cawthon, USN) joined.

Around 1745A/4, the destroyer escorts USS Ahrens (Cdr. M.H. Harris, USNR) and USS Robert I. Paine (Lt.Cdr. D. Cochran, USN) joined the convoy near Gibraltar.

Around 1815A/4, HMS Colombo, USS Earle and USS Livermore were detached near Gibraltar.

On 5 June 1944, USS Davison, USS Mervine, USS Quick and USS Tillman fuelled from USS Mattaponi.

Around 1500N/8, the destroyer escorts USS Evarts (Lt.Cdr. T.G. Bremer, Jr., USNR, with COMCORTDIV 5, Cdr. R.A. Fitch, USNR on board), USS Wilhoite (T/Lt.Cdr. E.B. Roth, USN) and USS Eugene E. Elmore (T/Lt.Cdr. G.L. Conkey, USN) joined and commenced fuelling from USS Mattaponi. On completion, around 1800N/8, they parted company.

On 9 June 1944, all escorts fuelled from USS Mattaponi.

The convoy arrived at Hampton Roads on 13 June 1944.

2 Jun 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) and the naval tanker USS Mattaponi (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Banks, USNR) departed Bizerta to join convoy GUF 11.

For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUF 11 ' for 1 June 1944.]

4 Jun 1944
Around 1945B/4, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy escort duty. (97)

8 Jun 1944
Around 1910B/8, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy UGS 43.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGS 43 ' for 23 May 1944.] (97)

8 Jun 1944

Convoy MKS 52.

This convoy departed Port Said on 8 June 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Baron Belhaven (British, 6591 GRT, built 1925), Cerion (British, 2588 GRT, built 1938), Clydefield (British (tanker), 7365 GRT, built 1928), Empire Almond (British, 6860 GRT, built 1941), Empire Wordsworth (British (tanker), 9891 GRT, built 1942), Eurybates (British, 6276 GRT, built 1928), Fort Walsh (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Mactra (British (tanker), 6193 GRT, built 1936), Murena (Dutch (tanker), 8252 GRT, built 1931), Pierre L'Enfant (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samariz (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Samblade (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by sloop HMS Fleetwood (Cdr. W.B. Piggott, DSC and Bar, OBE, RD, RNR) and the corvette HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR).

On 9 June 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Crista (British, 2590 GRT, built 1938), Empire Cobbett (British (tanker), 9811 GRT, built 1942), Empire Nugget (British (tanker), 9807 GRT, built 1942), Empire Spartan (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), Eridan (French, 9928 GRT, built 1928), Fort Clatsop (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943), Hermelin (Norwegian, 1683 GRT, built 1940) and Noesaniwi (Dutch, 6737 GRT, built 1936).

The minesweepers RHS Karteria, RHS Salaminia, RHS Afroussa and RHS Leros also departed Alexandria and joined the convoy for passage westwards.

They were escorted by the minesweeper HMS Hazard (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Smith, RN) and the corvettes HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR) and HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR).

On 13 June 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; A.P. Hill (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Andrew Briscoe (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), Chiswick (British, 6006 GRT, built 1943), Djebel Aures (French, 2835 GRT, built 1929), Empire Gale (British, 7089 GRT, built 1941), Facto (Norwegian, 1522 GRT, 1921), Fort de Douaumont (French, 5266 GRT, built 1918), Fort Gaspereau (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Maisonneuve (British, 7128 GRT, built 1942), Fort Pembina (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), George Davis (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Gylfe (Norwegian (tanker), 6129 GRT, built 1930), Hoegh Hood (Norwegian (tanker), 9351 GRT, built 1936), Iceland (British, 1236 GRT, built 1914), James Moore (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), John Trumbull (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Kepong (British, 1874 GRT, built 1916), King Stephen (British, 5274 GRT, built 1928), Kiungchow (British, 2653 GRT, built 1921), Laurent Meeus (Belgian (tanker), 6429 GRT, built 1930), Lincoln Steffens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Lochee (British, 964 GRT, built 1937), Ocean Gipsy (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Rider (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942)), Robert T. Hill (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Samhope (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Svanholm (Norwegian, 696 GRT, built 1917), Tabitha Brown (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Tore Jarl (Norwegian, 1514 GRT, built 1920) and Woodbridge N. Ferris (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943).

On 14 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Baron Belhaven, Cerion, Crista, Empire Corbett, Empire Nugget, Empire Spartan, Empire Wordsworth, Fort Clatsop, Hermelin, Macrtra, Pierre L'Enfant and Samblade.

On 14 June 1944, the following transports arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy; Empire Almond and Eridan while the tug Empire Titania (British, 258 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy from Malta.

On 14 June 1944, the Djebel Aures arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 15 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy; Facto, Murena, Tore Jarl and the four Greek (YMS-class) minesweepers while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Badjestan (British, 5573 GRT, built 1928) and Empire Summer (British, 6949 GRT, built 1941). The rescue tug HMRT Charon also joined the convoy as did the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN).

On 16 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Bone after having been detached from the convoy; Empire Titania, Fort Gaspereau, Fort Maissoneuve, Kopong, Kiungchow and Ocean Gypsy while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Empire Ballad (British, 6700 GRT, built 1942) and Hardingham (British, 7269 GRT, built 1942).

On 16 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Philippeville after having been detached from the convoy as they were straggling; Fort de Douaumont and Svanholm.

On 17 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy; Badjestan, Chiswick, Empire Summer, Fort Pembina, Gylfe, Hardingham, Hoegh Hood, Iceland, Laurent Meeus, Ocean Rider, Samhope and HMS Colombo while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Alex (British, 3932 GRT, built 1914), Belgian Trader (British, 2890 GRT, built 1942), Cape Howe (British, 6999 GRT, built 1943), Clausina (British (tanker), 8083 GRT, built 1938), Empire Gareth (British, 2847 GRT, built 1942), Fort Anne (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Gouverneur General Lepine (French, 3509 GRT, built 1923) and Ville de Majunga (British (former French), 6174 GRT, built 1931).

On 18 June 1944, the following ships arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy; A.P. Hill , Andrew Briscoe, Cape Howe, Clydefield, Fort Anne, George Davis, James Moore, John Trumbull, Lincoln Steffens, Robert T. Hill and Tabitha Brown while the transport Sinnington Court (British, 6910 GRT, built 1928) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

The convoy arrived at Gibraltar on 20 June 1944.

12 Jun 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), USS McCormick,USS McCormick (T/Cdr. F.A. Brock, USN, with COMTASKFOR 64, Capt. H.S. Berdine, USCG, on board), USS Sellstrom (Cdr. W.L. Maloney, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 23, Cdr. F.P. Vetterick, USNR, on board), USS Ramsden (Lt.Cdr. S.T. Baketel, USCGR), USS Mills (Lt.Cdr. V. Pfeiffer, USCG), USS Rhodes (Cdr. E.A. Coffin, Jr., USCG), USS Richey (Cdr. P.DuP. Mills, USCG), USS Savage (Lt.Cdr. R. Ridgely, 3rd, USCG), USS Fowler (Lt.Cdr. G.S.J. Forde, USNR), USS Tomich (Lt. C.B. Brown, USNR), USS Earl V. Johnson (Lt.Cdr. J.J. Jordy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-590 (Lt.(jg) T.E. Boland, USNR), USS LCI(L)-591 (Lt.(jg) W.A. Putnam, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-592 (Lt.(jg) A.H. Swanke), USS LCI(L)-593 (Lt.(jg) B.V. Wilson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-594 (Lt.(jg) W. Campbell, USNR), USS LCI(L)-595 (Lt.(jg) C. Ringle, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-596 (Lt.(jg) W.H. Crawford, USNR), USS LCI(L)-674 (Lt.(jg) W.P. Eckel, USNR), USS LCI(L)-675 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Tobin, USNR), USS LCI(L)-951 (Lt. N.A. Thompson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-952 (?), USS LCI(L)-953 (Lt.(jg) D.J. Stadfeld, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-954 (Lt.(jg) J.K. Ullrich, USNR) all arrived at Bizerta on this day from convoy UGS 43.

12 Jun 1944

Convoy UGS 45.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 12 June 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; Anna Howard Shaw (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Betty Zane (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Carrillo (American, 5013 GRT, built 1911), Cartago (American, 4732 GRT, built 1908), Charles Piez (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Chatham C. Lyon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Daniel Carroll (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Denewood (British, 7280 GRT, built 1943), Eclipse (British (tanker), 9767 GRT, built 1931), Empire Rock (British, 7061 GRT, built 1943), Esso Baltimore (American (tanker), 7940 GRT, built 1938), Felipi de Bastrop (American, 7247 GRT, built 1944), Francis Marion (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Franz Klasen (Panamanian (tanker), 12425 GRT, built 1932), Gulfcoast (American, 7140 GRT, built 1937), Henry Baldwin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Henry Jocelyn (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Heywood Broun (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Hoegh Silverstar (Norwegian, 5415 GRT, built 1938), Hugh M. Smith (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Kerney (American, 7210 GRT, built 1944), John A. Donald (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John B. Ashe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Jay (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John M. Parker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Joseph Goldberger (American (tanker), 7218 GRT, built 1943), Joseph H. Martin (American, 7199 GRT, built 1943), Joseph McKenna (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph S. Emery (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph Warren (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Justin S. Morrill (American, 7194 GRT, built 1943), Kobad (French (tanker), 7329 GRT, built 1930), Langdon Cheves (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Longwood (British (tanker), 9463 GRT, built 1930), Louis D. Brandeis (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Lucretia Mott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Mary M. Dodge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Matthew B. Brady (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Meyer Lissner (American, 7207 GRT, built 1943), Moses Austin (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Mount Revelstoke Park (Canadian, 7144 GRT, built 1943), Nassarius (British (tanker), 8246 GRT, built 1944), Nathan Hale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Norheim (Norwegian (tanker), 9816 GRT, built 1941), Norholm (Norwegian (tanker), 9813 GRT, built 1941), Paine Wingate (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Ponce de Leon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Roald Amundsen (Norwegian, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Sambay (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samcono (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samcree (British, 7210 GRT, built 1943), Samcrest (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samdak (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samearn (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samettrick (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samforth (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samfreedom (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samingoy (British, 7255 GRT, built 1944), Samouse (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsmola (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samstrae (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samteviot (British, 7219 GRT, built 1944), Samtruth (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Smith Thompson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Stevenson Taylor (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Theodore Foster (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Thomas F. Cunningham (American, 7218 GRT, built 1943), Valldemosa (British (tanker), 7222 GRT, built 1935), Washington Irving (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William A. Richardson (American, 7258 GRT, built 1942), William D. Hoard (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and William E. Pendleton (American, 7218 GRT, built 1943).

The naval tanker USS Cossatot (Lt.Cdr. C.H. Glenwright, USNR) was also with the convoy.

On departure from Hampton Roads the convoy was escorted by Task Force 66 which was made up of the cutter USCGC Taney (Cdr. H.J. Wuensch, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 66, T/Capt. W.H. Duvall, USN, on board), destroyer escorts USS Pride (Lt.Cdr. W.H. Buxton, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 46, Cdr. R.H. French, USCG, on board), USS Mosley (Lt.Cdr. E.P. MacBryde, Jr., USCGR), USS Newell (Cdr. R.J. Roberts, USCG), USS Falgout (Cdr. H.A. Meyer, USCG), USS Lowe (Cdr. J.A. Alger, Jr., USCG), USS Joseph E. Campbell (Lt. J.M. Robertson, 2nd, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 21, T/Capt. L.M. Markham, Jr., USN, on board), USS Chase (Lt.Cdr. G.O. Knapp, 2nd, USNR), USS Laning (Lt.Cdr. Shuman, Jr., USNR), USS Barber (Lt. E.T.B. Sullivan, USNR), USS Fessenden (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Dobbs, USNR) and the patrol vessel Coutelas.

Around 1900Q/13, the transport Thomas Stone (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy having been unable to departed with the convoy when it departed from Hampton Roads. She was sailed later on the 12th to overtake and join the convoy.

Around 1900Q/14, the escort carrier HMS Queen (A/Capt. K.J. D'Arcy, DSO, RN) (in an aircraft ferry role) joined the convoy coming from New York which she had departed on 13 June. She was escorted by the destroyer escorts USS Burrows (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Graham, USNR) and USS Loy (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Pond, Jr., USNR) which also joined the convoy.

On 16 June 1944, USS Cossatot fuelled USS Joseph E. Campbell, USS Loy, USS Chase, USS Barber and USS Laning.

On 18 June 1944, USS Cossatot fuelled the Coutelas.

Around 0800O/21, in position 33°31'N, 35°35'W, the transport Henry Baldwin was detached to the Azores. She was escorted by USS Falgout and USS Lowe. The destroyer escorts rejoined the convoy around 0945N/23.

During 21 June 1944, USS Cossatot fuelled USS Joseph E. Campbell, USS Loy, USS Laning, USS Barber, USS Chase, USCGC Taney and the Coutelas.

At 1738O/21, the tanker Valldemosa suffered an engine breakdown. USS Joseph E. Campbell was ordered to standby the stricken ship which was able to get underway later to rejoin the convoy which they did on 25 June.

At 1825N/23, the tanker Franz Klasen suffered an engine breakdown. USS Burrows was ordered to standby the stricken ship which was able to get underway later to rejoin the convoy which they did on 25 June.

Around 1400Z/26, the Casablanca section of the convoy broke off. This was made up of the following ships; Samconan, Samshireiu, Smith Thompson and HMS Queen. To escort them there the the minesweeping sloops La Boudeuse, La Gracieuse and the patrol vessels USS PC-482 (Lt. D.W. Hunter, USNR) and L'Indiscret. These escorts had departed Casablanca earlier on the 26th. They returned with the Casablanca section of the convoy on 27 June 1944.

During 26 June 1944, USS Cossatot fuelled USS Joseph E. Campbell, USS Loy, USS Chase, USS Laning and USS Barber.

Around 0745A/27, USS Fessenden and USS Falgout were ordered to proceed to Gibraltar. The firs one was to escort an Italian submarine from Gibraltar to Bermuda and the second was to pick up a liason officer and then rejoin the convoy.

Around 1300A/27, the transport Samcrest was detached to Gibraltar.

Around 1500A/27, the transport Patrick Henry (American, 7191 GRT, built 1941) and the rescue tug HMRT Athlete joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar. Also USS Falgout rejoined.

Around 1700B/28, the following ships were detached to Oran; Betty Zane, Cartago, Gulfcoast, Hugh M. Smith, Joseph Warren, Lucretia Mott and Ponce de Leon.

Around 1800B/28, the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Andrew Briscoe (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), Asa Gray (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Bret Harte (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Cape Howe (British, 6999 GRT, built 1943), Crosby S. Noyes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Dallington Court (British, 6889 GRT, built 1929), Empire Bombardier (British (tanker), 8202 GRT, built 1943), George F. Patten (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jonathan Worth (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Robert F. Stockton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Robert T. Hill (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Tristram Dalton (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), William G. Fargo (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Woodbridge Ferris (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943). Also joining from Oran were the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), destroyers USS Madison (T/Cdr. D.A. Stuart, USN), USS Livermore (T/Cdr. H.E. Siedel, Jr., USN) and the naval tug USS ATR-1 (Lt.(jg) H.L. MacGill, USN).

At 0800B/29, the transport Samfreedom parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead of it to Algiers to embark a British convoy commodore. She was escorted by USS Joseph E. Campbell. They rejoined the convoy around 1400B/29 together with three other ships joining from Algiers, these were the following; Crackshot (British, 2379 GRT, built 1924), Lucia C. (Italian, 6123 GRT, built 1922) and Motia (Italian, 2336 GRT, built 1918).

Around 1700B/29, the following ships were detached to Algiers; Bret Harte, Jonathan Worth, Meyer Lissner, Samstrae and Thomas F. Cunningham.

Around 1340B/30, the Lucia C. was detached to Philippeville.

Around 1900B/30, HMRT Athlete was detached to Bone while the transport Ocean Trader (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy coming from Bone.

Around 0100B/1, USS Madison and USS Livermore were detached to westbound convoy GUS 44.

At 0730B/1, British escorts joined the convoy. These were the frigate HMS Shiel (Lt. H.P. Crail, DSC, RNR, with Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR, (S.O. 49th Escort Group) on board), minesweeper HMS Sharpshooter (Lt.Cdr. W.L. O'Mara, DSC, RN) and the corvettes HMS Gloxinia (Lt. D. Perry, DSC, RNR) and HMS Primula (T/Lt. E.N. Wilding, RNVR). With them the transport Hjalmar Wessel (Norwegian, 1742 GRT, built 1935) also joined;

The entire current escort and the naval tanker USS Cossatot then proceeded to Bizerta as did the following ships of the convoy; Crosby S. Noyes, Empire Bombardier, Longwood, Nassarius and William E. Pendleton.

On 2 July 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Empire Baxter (British, 7024 GRT, built 1941), John Stagg (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thistledale (British, 7241 GRT, built 1942) and Vasco (British, 2878 GRT, built 1939).

On 3 July 1944, following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Andrew Briscoe, Asa Gray, Cape Howe, Carrillo, Charles Piez, Chatham C. Lyon, Crackshot, Dallington Court, Daniel Carroll, Empire Rock, Esso Baltimore, Francis Marion, Franz Klasen, George F. Patten, Henry Jocelyn, Hjalmar Wessel, James Jackson, John Jay, Joseph Goldberger, Joseph H. Martin, Joseph McKenna, Joseph S. Emery, Justin S. Morrill, Kobad, Langdon Cheves, Louis D. Brandeis, Moses Austin, Motia, Norheim, Norholm, Ocean Trader, Paine Wingate, Patrick Henry, Roald Amundsen, Robert F. Stockton, Robert T. Hill, Theodore Foster, Tristram Dalton, Valldemosa, Washington Irving, William G. Fargo Woodbridge N. Ferris and USS ATR-1.

On 6 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy; Samdak, Samouse, Samtruth, Thistldale and Vasco. The corvettes HMS Gloxinia and HMS Primula also arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 7 July 1944 escorted by HMS Shiel and HMS Sharpshooter.

15 Jun 1944
In the morning, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), conducted gunnery exercises off Bizerta. (97)

15 Jun 1944
Around 1845B/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Bizerta to join convoy MKS 52.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 52 ' for 8 June 1944.] (97)

17 Jun 1944
Around 1545B/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Algiers from convoy escort duty. (97)

28 Jun 1944
Around 0820B/28, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Oran for gunnery exercises on completion of which she joined eastbound convoy UGS 45.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGS 45 ' for 12 June 1944.] (97)

28 Jun 1944

Convoy MKS 54.

This convoy departed Port Said on 28 June 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tankers; Adolph S. Ochs (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Algorab (Dutch, 4938 GRT, built 1921), Baron Maclay (British, 6317 GRT, built 1924), British Chemist (British (tanker), 6997 GRT, built 1925), Destro (British, 3553 GRT, built 1920), Empire Noble (British, 7125 GRT, built 1944), Empire Splendour (British, 7335 GRT, built 1942), Empire Torrent (British, 7076 GRT, built 1942), Empire Tweed (British, 5452 GRT, built 1937), Empire Unicorn (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Fort Cumberland (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fort Kootenay (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Inventor (British, 6210 GRT, built 1935), Kyklades (Greek, 7157 GRT, built 1941), Norelg (Norwegian, 6103 GRT, built 1920), Sambre (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Samsurf (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Stancleeve (British, 5970 GRT, built 1942), Suderholm (Norwegian (tanker), 4908 GRT, built 1917), Tarantia (British, 7268 GRT, built 1942) and Tide Water Associated (American (tanker), 8906 GRT, built 1930).

The aircraft transport HMS Athene (T/A/Cdr. C.H. Moulton, RNR) was also part of the convoy.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR) and the corvettes HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR) and HMS Myosotis (T/Lt. R. Lugg, RNR).

On 29 June 1944, the following transports / tankers departed Alexandria to join the convoy; Empire Rosalind (British, 7290 GRT, built 1943), Fort Aklavik (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Fort Beausejour (British, 7151 GRT, built 1943), Fort Chesterfield (British, 7100 GRT, built 1943), Fort Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Fort Marin (British, 7159 GRT, built 1943), Marit Maersk (Greek (former Danish), 1894 GRT, built 1938) and Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938).

They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Jonquil (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.W. Tretheway, RNR) and HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR).

On 29 Jun 1944, the Kyklades arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy.

On 3 July 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Avon Coast (British, 1036 GRT, built 1923), Boltonhall (British, 4824 GRT, built 1935), Empire Spartan (British, 7009 GRT, built 1942), George Bancroft (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Grenville M. Dodge (American, 7194 GRT, built 1942), Hermelin (Norwegian, 1683 GRT, built 1940), John C. Breckinridge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nicolaos Michalos (Greek, 4342 GRT, built 1913), Ocean Vulcan (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Odysseus (Dutch, 1057 GRT, 1922), Pan-Maryland (American (tanker), 7701 GRT, built 1938), Samnebra (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Spindletop (British, 1155 GRT, built 1943), Thomas R. Marshall (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Ulla (British, 1575 GRT, built 1930), William F. Cody (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William H. Wilmer (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943).

On 4 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; Algorab, Baron Maclay, British Chemist, Destro, Empire Noble, Empire Rosalind, Empire Splendour, Empire Torrent, Empire Unicorn, Fort Aklavik, Fort Beausejour, Fort Chesterfield, Fort Cumberland, Fort Frontnac, Fort Marin, Marit Maersk, Norelg, Palermo, Sambre, StancleeveTide Water Associated.

On 4 July 1944, the transport Yearby (British, 5666 GRT, built 1929) and rescue tug HMRT Behest joined the convoy coming from Malta.

On 5 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy; Fort Kootenay, Spindletop and Suderholm while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Empire Harbour (British (tanker), 797 GRT, built 1943), Hopestar (British, 5267 GRT, built 1936), Meonia (Danish, 5214 GRT, built 1927), Prosper Schiaffino (French, 1634 GRT, built 1931). Also the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy.

On 6 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Bone after having parted company with the convoy; Empire Harbour, Nicolaos Michalos, Odysseus and Samnebra while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bone; Baron Elgin (British, 3942 GRT, built 1933), Fylingdale (British, 3918 GRT, built 1924) and Runswick (British, 3970 GRT, built 1930).

On 6 July 1944, the Ottinge (British, 2818 GRT, built 1940) joined the convoy off Philippeville.

On 7 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Algiers after having parted company with the convoy; Avon Coast, Boltonhall, Empire Spartan, Meonia, Ocean Vulcan, Pan-Maryland and Prosper Schiaffino while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Jan (Norwegain, 1946 GRT, built 1920), Keilehaven (Dutch, 2968 GRT, built 191), Newton D. Baker (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Stad Arnhem (Dutch, 3819 GRT, built 1920), Stephen F. Austin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Vigsnes (Norwegian, 1599 GRT, built 1930).

On 8 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Oran after having parted company with the convoy; George Bancroft, Grenville M. Dodge, John C. Breckinridge, Newton D. Baker, Thomas R. Marshall, William F. Cody and William H. Wilmer while the Benjamin Tay (British, 1814 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from Oran.

Around 0530B/9, HMS Colombo and HMS Athene parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead of the convoy to Gibraltar where they arrived around 2000B/9.

The convoy arrived at Gibraltar on 10 July 1944. Some ships probably did not enter but immediately joined convoy MKS 54G.

1 Jul 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), cutter USCGC Taney (Cdr. H.J. Wuensch, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 66, T/Capt. W.H. Duvall, USN, on board), destroyer escorts USS Pride (Lt.Cdr. W.H. Buxton, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 46, Cdr. R.G. French, USCG, on board), USS Mosley (Lt.Cdr. E.P. MacBryde, Jr., USCGR), USS Newell (Cdr. R.J. Roberts, USCG), USS Falgout (Cdr. H.A. Meyer, USCG), USS Lowe (Cdr. J.A. Alger, Jr., USCG), USS Joseph E. Campbell (Lt. J.M. Robertson, 2nd, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 21, T/Capt. L.M. Markham, Jr., USN, on board), USS Chase (Lt.Cdr. G.O. Knapp, 2nd, USNR), USS Laning (Lt.Cdr. Shuman, Jr., USNR), USS Loy (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Pond, Jr., USNR), USS Barber (Lt. E.T.B. Sullivan, USNR), USS Burrows (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Graham, USNR) and naval tanker USS Cossatot (Lt.Cdr. C.H. Glenwright, USNR) arrived at Bizerta from convoy UGS 45.

1 Jul 1944

Convoy UGF 12.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 1 July 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Cristobal (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), Cross Keys (American (tanker), 10195 GRT, built 1943), Esso Springfield (American (tanker), 10296 GRT, built 1944), Exanthia (American, 6533 GRT, built 1941), Exhibitor (American, 6736 GRT, built 1940), Four Lakes (American (tanker), 10172 GRT, built 1943), Harpers Ferry (American (tanker), 10195 GRT, built 1943), Henry Gibbins (American, 12097 GRT, built 1943), J.W. McAndrew (American, 7997 GRT, built 1940), James Parker (American, 10021 GRT, built 1939), Kernstown (American (tanker), 10317 GRT, built 1944), Marine Robin (American, 11757 GRT, built 1944), Memnon (American, 8258 GRT, built 1944), Monocacy (American (tanker), 10195 GRT, built 1944), Mount Baker (American, 6022 GRT, built 1940), Santa Maria (American, 6507 GRT, built 1942), Santa Rosa (American, 9135 GRT, built 1932), Sirocco (American, 8258 GRT, built 1944), South Mountain (American (tanker), 10296 GRT, built 1944), Sturdy Beggar (American, 8271 GRT, built 1944) and Winchester (American (tanker), 10198 GRT, built 1943).

The troop transport USS General G.O. Squier (T/Capt. R.D. Threshie, USN) stores ship USS Ariel (Lt.Cdr. W.F. Smith, USNR), ammunition ship Mount Baker (Lt.Cdr. L.R. Brooks, USNR) and naval tanker USS Chicopee (Cdr. C.O. Peak, USNR) were also part of the convoy.

The convoy was escorted by Task Force 68 which was mad up of the destroyers USS Davison (T/Cdr. E.L.E. Ritson, USN, with COMTASKFOR 68 / COMDESRON 15, T/Capt. S.W. DuBois, USN on board), USS Mervine (T/Cdr. D.R. Frakes, USN), USS Quick (T/Cdr. P.W. Cann, USN), USS Tillman (T/Cdr. C.S. Hutchings, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Roy O. Hale (Lt.Cdr. W.W. Bowie, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 59, T/Cdr. A.W. Slayden, USN on board), USS Edsall (Lt. M. MacLean, USNR), USS Stewart (Lt. A.C. Wilson, Jr., USNR), USS Daniel (Lt.Cdr. E.D. Boynton, USNR), USS Dale W. Peterson (Lt.Cdr. A.A. Hero, USNR) and USS Martin H. Ray (Lt. H.V. Tucker, Jr., USNR). USS Edsall actually only joined early on 2 July. She came from Cape Henry.

During 5 July 1944, the four destroyers of Task Force 68 fuelled from USS Chicopee.

Around 2100N/9, USS Ariel was detached to Gibraltar. She was escorted by USS Roy O. Hale which was to rejoin the convoy when the convoy passed Gibraltar.

In the early afternoon of 11 July 1944, the four destroyers of Task Force 68 again fuelled from USS Chicopee.

Around 1700A/11, the following tankers parted company with the convoy to proceed to Casablanca; Cross Keys, Four Lakes, Kernstown and South Mountain. To escort them to Casablanca the minesweeping sloops La Gracieuse and patrol vessels L'Indiscret and L'Effronté had come from Casablanca. The Casablanca section of the convoy arrived at its destination on the 18th.

Around 2000A/11, USS Roy O. Hale rejoined the convoy.

Around 1100B/12, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar.

Around 2100B/12, the Mount Baker was detached to Oran while the troop transports Samaria (British, 19597 GRT, built 1921), Sobieski (Polish, 11030 GRT, built 1939) and the naval attack transport USS Bayfield (Capt. L. Spencer, USCG) joined the convoy coming from Oran. Also the destroyer USS Benson (T/Cdr. J.B. Williams, USN) joined.

Around 1100B/13, the troop transport Arundel Castle (British, 19118 GRT, built 1921) joined the convoy off Algiers. Also the destroyer escort Hova joined the convoy.

Around 0630B/14, HMS Colombo was detached to Bizerta followed half an hour later by USS Chicopee and the Hova.

Around 1800B/14, the Harpers Ferry and Monacacy parted company to proceed to Taranto escorted by USS Roy O. Hale and USS Edsall.

Around 0700B/15, the convoy arrived in Naples Bay.

3 Jul 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Bizerta on completion of which she proceeded to La Goulette / Tunis. (98)

5 Jul 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) proceeded from La Goulette / Tunis to Bizerta, en-route AA gunnery exercises were carried out. (98)

5 Jul 1944
Around 1700B/5, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Bizerta to join westbound convoy MKS 54.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy MKS 54 ' for 28 June 1944.] (98)

9 Jul 1944
Around 2000B/9, the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) and the aircraft transport HMS Athene (T/A/Cdr. C.H. Moulton, RNR) arrived at Gibraltar from convoy MKS 54. (98)

12 Jul 1944
Around 0715B/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Gibraltar to join eastbound convoy UGF 12.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy UGF 12 ' for 1 July 1944.] (98)

13 Jul 1944

Combined convoy OS 83 / KMS 57.

This combined convoy assembled off Oversay on 13 July 1944.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Adrastus (British, 7905 GRT, built 1923), Ashbury (British, 3901 GRT, built 1924), Astrid (Norwegian, 2861 GRT, built 1942), Bactria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), Baron Tweedmouth (British, 3357 GRT, built 1927), Benedick (British, 6978 GRT, built 1928), Bestik (Norwegian, 2684 GRT, built 1920), Bornholm (British, 3177 GRT, built 1930), Capitaine Paul Lemerle (French, 4945 GRT, built 1925), Clan Chattan (British, 7262 GRT, built 1937), Empire Addison (British, 7010 GRT, built 1942), Empire Clive (British, 7069 GRT, built 1941), Empire Derwent (British, 4026 GRT, built 1930), Empire Fal (British, 4880 GRT, built 1914), Empire Melody (British, 2283 GRT, built 1942), Empire Pakeha (British, 8115 GRT, built 1910), Empire Peacock (British, 6098 GRT, built 1919), English Monarch (British, 4557 GRT, built 1924), Fort Lawrence (British, 7134 GRT, built 1943), Fresno Star (British, 7998 GRT, built 1919), Geologist (British, 6202 GRT, built 1944), Glaucus (British, 7596 GRT, built 1921), Harberton (British, 4585 GRT, built 1930), Harpalycus (British, 5629 GRT, built 1935), Maihar (British, 7563 GRT, built 1917), Novasli (Norwegian, 3204 GRT, built 1920), Pacheco (British, 1405 GRT, built 1927), Samcebu (British, 7253 GRT, built 1944), Samfinn (British, 7253 GRT, built 1944), Silverlarch (British, 5064 GRT, built 1924) and Tweedbank (British, 5627 GRT, built 1930).

The rescue ship Gothland (British, 1286 GRT, built 1932) was also part of the convoy.

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Fencer (A/Capt. W.W.R. Bentinck, OBE, RN), destroyer HMS Hesperus (Cdr. G.V. Legassick, RD, RNR), frigates HMS Cotton (Lt.Cdr. I.W.T. Beloe, RN), HMS Gardiner (A/Lt.Cdr. W.G.H. Bolton, DSC, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Flint Castle (T/Lt. S.G. Wright, RNVR), HMS Oxford Castle (T/Lt. H.E. Holden, DSC, RNR), HMS Rushen Castle (T/A/Lt.Cdr. R.C. Warwick, DSC and Bar, RNR) and HNoMS Tunsberg Castle (?).

On assembly the Empire Fal and Tweedbank collided and the returned to port.

On 21 July 1944, the merchant vessel Empire Chamois (British, 5684 GRT, built 1918) joined the convoy coming from the Azores.

Around 0615B/22, HMS Fencer parted company with the convoy to join the combined convoy SL 164 / MKS 55 which she did around 1945B/22. She was escorted by HMS Cotton which did not join this convoy but returned to convoy OS 83/ KMS 57.

On 23 July 1944 the convoy split into convoy OS 83 bound for Freetown and convoy KMS 53 bound for the Mediterranean.


Convoy OS 83 was made up of the merchant vessels; Adrastus, Bactria, Bornholm, Clan Chattan, Empire Chamois, Empire Clive, Empire Pakeha, Fresno Star, Harberton and Silverlarch.

These were joined by the merchant vessels Beckenham (British, 4636 GRT, built 1937), Empire Flame (British, 7069 GRT, built 1941), Empire Moonrise (British, 6854 GRT, built 1941), Nailsea Moor (British, 4926 GRT, built 1937) and Radmanso (Swedish, 4280 GRT, built 1914) coming from Gibraltar which they had departed earlier that day.

These ships had been escorted by the frigates HMS Aire (A/Lt.Cdr. N.K. Boyd, DSC and Bar, RNR), HMS Odzani (Lt.Cdr. L.A. Sayers, RD, RNR), corvette HMS Bellwort (T/A/Lt.Cdr. L.V. Banks, RNVR) and the patrol vessel HMS Kilmington (T/Lt. D.D. Humphreys, RNVR) which now formed the escort of this convoy towards Freetown.

on 24 July 1944, the merchant vessel Samstrudy (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944) departed Casablanca to join the convoy. She was escorted by the patrol vessel / sloop Amiral Mouchez. On this ship joining the convoy, the Hamberton parted company to proceed to Casablanca escorted by the Amiral Mouchez. They arrived at Casablanca on 25 July.

On 31 July 1944, the Bactria and Empire Clive arrived at Dakar having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessel Slesvig (British, 3098 GRT, built 1938) had joined the convoy coming from Dakar.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on 2 August 1944. Some ships of the convoy did not enter Freetown but proceed directly to other destinations.


Convoy KMS 57 proceeded towards the Straits of Gibraltar. This convoy was made up the merchant vessels Ashbury, Astrid, Baton Tweedmouth, Benedick, Bestik, Capitaine Paul Lemerle, Empire Addison, Empire Derwent, Empire Derwent, Empire Melody, Empire Peacock, English Monarch, Fort Lawrence, Geologist, Glaucus, Harpalycus, Maihar, Novasli, Pacheco, Samcebu and Samfinn.

The rescue ship Gothland was also with them.

Escort was provided by the escort from combined convoy OS 83 / KMS 57.

On 25 July 1944, the Baron Tweedmouth, Benedick, Pacheco and Gothland arrived at Gibraltar together with the original escort of the convoy.

Off Gibraltar the merchant vessels Alexandre Andre (Belgian (tanker), 5261 GRT, built 1928), Antonio (British, 5225 GRT, built 1918), Empire Highway (British, 7166 GRT, built 1942), Fort Colville (British, 7153 GRT, built 1943), Parame (French, 2337 GRT, built 1918) joined the convoy as did a new escort which was made up of the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), frigates HMS Evenlode (Cdr. V.F. Smith, DSO, RD, RNR), HMS Usk (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Pattinson, DSC, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR), HMS Delphinium (T/Lt. S. Rule, RNVR) and the A/S whalers HMSAS Protea (Lt. A. Thomas, DSC, SANF) and HMSAS Southern Sea (Lt.Cdr. M.R.J. Terry-Lloyd, SANF).

On 26 July 1944, the Empire Derwent and Parame arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessels Aztec (Hunduran, 5511 GRT, built 1929), Chateau Latour (French, 1912 GRT, built 1914), Dromus (British (tanker), 8036 GRT, built 1938), Elias Boldinot (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), James E. Howard (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Joel Chandler Harris (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Silverster Gardiner (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Smith Thompson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William H. Wilmer (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943) and the net tender USS Pepperwood (Lt. E.F. McLaughlin, USNR) and the self propelled fuel barge USS Gauger (Lt. G.V. Davis, USNR) joined the convoy.

On 27 July 1944, the Alexandre Andre, Astrid, Capitaine Paul Lemerle, Chateau Latour, Empire Highway, Empire Melody, Fort Lawrence, Silverster Gardiner, Smith Thompson and William H. Wilmer arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessels Avon Coast (British, 1036 GRT, built 1923), Empire Tern (British, 2479 GRT, built 1919), Fort Grahame (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Hall (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943) and James J. Maguire (British (tanker), 10525 GRT, built 1939) joined the convoy.

On 28 July 1944, the Empire Tern arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessel Kola (British, 1538 GRT, built 1924) joined the convoy.

Around 0555B/29, HMS Colombo parted company wth the convoy and set course for Malta where she arrived around 1850B/29.

On 30 July 1944, the Antonio, Aztec, Dromus, Joel Chandler Harris and Novasli arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy while the merchant vessel George F. Patten (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy.

On 30 July 1944, the Bestik arrived at Tunis after having been detached from the convoy.

On 30 July 1944, Avon Coast and Fort Colville arrived at Malta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 30 July 1944, the merchant vessels Albert G. Brown (American (tanker), 7218 GRT, built 1943), Destro (British, 3553 GRT, built 1920), Evviva (Norwegian, 1597 GRT, built 1921), Fort Clatsop (British, 7157 GRT, built 1943), James J. Hill (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vulcan (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samconon (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), and Zaanstroom (Dutch, 1646 GRT, built 1920) departed Augusta to join the convoy. With them was also the frigate HMS Awe (Lt.Cdr. H.P. Carse, DSC, RNVR) which also joined the convoy.

On 31 July 1944, the Ashbury, Elias Boldinot, Empire Peacock, English Monarch, Fort Grahame, Fort Hall, George F. Patten, Harpalycus, James E. Howard, James J. Maguire, Kola and Samcebu, Samfinn, Silvester Gardiner and Smith Thompson as well as USS Pepperwood and USS Gauger all arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy.

On 3 August 1944, the Fort Clatsop, James J. Hill, Ocean Vulcan and Zaanstroom arrived at Alexandria after having been detached from the convoy. With them the HMS Awe, HMS Evenlode and HMS Usk also arrived at Alexandria.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 4 August 1944.

14 Jul 1944
Around 0900B/14, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Bizerta from convoy escort duty.

She proceeded from Bizerta to La Goulette / Tunis later the same day. (98)

14 Jul 1944

Convoy GUS 46.

This convoy departed Port Said on 14 July 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the following ships; Algonquin Park (Canadian, 7130 GRT, 1942), Ben F. Nixon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Charles Scribner (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Clan Macaulay (British, 10492 GRT, built 1936), Clement Clay (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Elise (Norwegian (tanker), 7910 GRT, built 1931), Francis N. Blanchet (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George Chaffey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Gulfpoint (American (tanker), 6972 GRT, built 1920), Henry Bacon (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Hoegh Silverlight (Norwegian, 5197 GRT, built 1936), Jacob Perkins (American, 7244 GRT, built 1944), James D. Trask (American, 7210 GRT, built 1944), James Monroe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Francis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nonsuco (American, 5212 GRT, built 1938), Ole Bull (Norwegian, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Robert Luckenbach (American, 8152 GRT, built 1919), Samhorn (British, 7253 GRT, built 1943), Thomas L. Clingman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Nuttall (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Coddington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and William Patterson (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the sloop HMS Fleetwood (Cdr. W.B. Piggott, DSC and Bar, OBE, RD, RNR) and the corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt. J.B. Sparkes, RNR) and HMS Coltsfoot (T/A/Lt.Cdr. G.W. Rayner, RNVR).

On 15 July 1944, the following ships departed Alexandria and joined the convoy; Changte (British, 4324 GRT, built 1925), Charles Bullfinch (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Empire Airman (British (tanker), 9813 GRT, built 1942) and Tobruk (Polish, 7048 GRT, built 1942).

They were escorted by the minesweeper HMS Hazard (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Smith, RN).

On 18 July 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Cape Howe (British, 6999 GRT, built 1943), Clausina (British (tanker), 8083 GRT, built 1938), Empire Grange (British, 6981 GRT, built 1943), Esso Baltimore (American (tanker), 7940 GRT, built 1938), Fort Columbia (British, 7155 GRT, built 1942), Francis Marion (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Franz Klasen (Panamanian (tanker), 12425 GRT, built 1932), George K. Fitch (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Manning (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), King S. Woolsey (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Longwood (British (tanker), 9463 GRT, built 1930), Moses Austin (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Norheim (Norwegian (tanker), 9816 GRT, built 1941), Norholm (Norwegian (tanker), 9813 GRT, built 1941), Ocean Faith (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Paine Wingate (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Roald Amundsen (Norwegian, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Tide Water Associated (American (tanker), 8906 GRT, built 1930), Tristram Dalton (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Valldemosa (British, 7222 GRT, built 1935) and William M. Stewart (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 19 July 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy; Clan Macaulay, Elise, Empire Airman, Joseph Francis and Tobruk.

On 19 July 1944, the Changte arrived at Malta after having parted company with the convoy while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Malta; British Power (British (tanker), 8451 GRT, built 1936) and Cochrane (British, 7203 GRT, built 1923).

On 20 July 1944, the Gulfpoint arrived at Bizerta after having parted company with the convoy while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Bizerta; Crosby S. Noyes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943, Empire Bombardier (British (tanker), 8202 GRT, built 1943) and the netlayer HMS Guardian (Capt.(Retd.) H.A.C. Lane, OBE, RN). Also the current escort was relieved by Task Force 60 which was made up of the cutter USCGC Bibb (Cdr. H.T. Diehl, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 60, T/Capt. R.B. Nickerson, USN, on board) and the destroyer escorts USS Vance (Lt.Cdr. F.V. Helmer, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 45, Cdr. E.J. Roland, USCG, on board), USS Lansing (Cdr. R.F. Rea, USCG), USS Durant (Cdr. C.C. Knapp, USCG), USS Calcaterra (Lt.Cdr. E.D. Howard, USCGR), USS Chambers (Cdr. H.A. Loughlin, USCG), USS Merrill (Cdr. I.J.Stephens, USCG), USS Riley (Lt.Cdr. D.H. Johnson, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 67, T/Cdr. F.G. Gould, USN, on board), USS Leslie L.B. Knox (Lt. J.A. Moffett, USNR), USS McNulty (Lt.Cdr. W.C. Jennings, USNR), USS Metivier (Lt.Cdr. E.H. Maher, USNR), USS George A. Johnson (Lt.Cdr. A. Robinson, USNR) and USS Eugene E. Elmore (T/Lt.Cdr. G.L. Conkey, USN). Also part of Task Force 60 was the naval tanker (escort oiler) USS Mattaponi (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Banks, USNR). Additional escorts were the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) and the destroyer escort USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Robbins, Jr., USNR). This last ship was for jamming duties against German guided bombs.

Around 0345B/21, the transport Steel Inventor (American, 5686 GRT, built 1920) and the rescue tug HMRT Hengist joined the convoy coming from Bone.

Around 0700B/22, the following ships were detached to Algiers; British Power, Cape Howe, Empire Grange, Fort Columbia, Ocean Faith and HMS Guardian while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; British Chemist (British (tanker), 6997 GRT, built 1925), British Governor (British (tanker), 6840 GRT, built 1926), Gallia (Norwegian (tanker), 9974 GRT, built 1939), Henry Dundas (British (tanker), 10448 GRT, built 1937), Oscar Underwood (American, 7207 GRT, built 1944) and Samshire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943).

Around 0610B/23, HMS Colombo was detached to Oran.

Around 0630B/23, USS Frederick C. Davis was also detached from the convoy.

Around 0700B/23, the following ships were detached to Oran; Crosby S. Noyes, Francis Marion, James Jackson, James Manning, King S. Woolsey, Moses Austin, Paine Wingate, Roald Amundsen and Tristram Dalton while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Fort Frederick (British, 7135 GRT, built 1942), George P. McKay (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Hugh M. Smith (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Armstrong (American, 7196 GRT, built 1943), Meyer Lissner (American, 7207 GRT, built 1943), Peter Trimble Rowe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Sherwood Anderson (American, 7207 GRT, built 1943).

Around 1000B/24, the following ships were detached to Gibraltar; Algonquin Park and Samhorm.

Around 1915B/24, the following ships were detached to Casablanca; Cochrane, Franz Klasen and Samshire while the following ships joined the convoy from Casablanca; Athelchief (British (tanker), 10000 GRT, built 1939), Booker T. Washington (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Fort George (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), George Shiraz (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), John T. Holt (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jonathan Edwards (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and Pan-Maine (American (tanker), 7237 GRT, built 1936). These ships had been escorted from Casablanca to the rendezvous with the convoy by the minesweeping sloop La Boudeuse and the patrol vessels Le Ruse, L'Ardent and Le Resolu which then escorted the ships that were detached arriving at Casablanca on the 25th.

During 27 July 1944, USS Mattaponi fuelled USCG Bibb, USS Riley, USS Leslie L.B. Knox, USS McNulty, USS Metivier, USS George A. Johnson and USS Eugene E. Elmore.

Around 0900N/29, the tanker Henry L. Ellsworth (American (tanker), 7218 GRT, built 1943) joined the convoy coming from the Azores. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by the A/S trawler HMS Kingston Amber (T/Lt. R. Adams, RNR).

During 1 August 1944, USS Mattaponi fuelled USS Riley, USS Leslie L.B. Knox, USS McNulty, USS Metivier, USS George A. Johnson and USS Eugene E. Elmore.

Around 0830P/7, the convoy commenced to split up into two sections. The ' New York / Delaware ' section of 13 ships was escorted by USCG Bibb, USS Vance, USS Lancing, USS Durant, USS Calcaterra, USS Chambers and USS Merrill. The bulk of the convoy made up the ' Chesapeake Bay ' section which was escorted by USS Riley, USS Leslie L.B. Knox, USS McNulty, USS Metivier, USS George A. Johnson and USS Eugene E. Elmore.

The ' New York ' section arrived at it destination in the afternoon of 8 August 1944. The ' Delaware ' section (made up of one ship, the John T. Holt) had parted company with it around 1730P/7 and arrived it its destination later on the 7th, escorted by USS Chambers.

The ' Chesapeake Bay ' section, which included USS Mattaponi arrived at its destination on 8 August 1944.

20 Jul 1944
In the morning, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) proceeded from La Goulette / Tunis to Bizerta. (98)

20 Jul 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), cutter USCGC Bibb (Cdr. H.T. Diehl, USCG, with COMTASKFOR 60, T/Capt. R.B. Nickerson, USN, on board), destroyer escorts USS Vance (Lt.Cdr. F.V. Helmer, USCG, with COMCORTDIV 45, Cdr. E.J. Roland, USCG, on board), USS Lansing (Cdr. R.F. Rea, USCG), USS Durant (Cdr. C.C. Knapp, USCG), USS Calcaterra (Lt.Cdr. E.D. Howard, USCGR), USS Chambers (Cdr. H.A. Loughlin, USCG), USS Merrill (Cdr. I.J.Stephens, USCG), USS Riley (Lt.Cdr. D.H. Johnson, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 67, T/Cdr. F.G. Gould, USN, on board), USS Leslie L.B. Knox (Lt. J.A. Moffett, USNR), USS McNulty (Lt.Cdr. W.C. Jennings, USNR), USS Metivier (Lt.Cdr. E.H. Maher, USNR), USS George A. Johnson (Lt.Cdr. A. Robinson, USNR) and USS Eugene E. Elmore (T/Lt.Cdr. G.L. Conkey, USN), USS Frederick C. Davis (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Robbins, Jr., USNR) and the naval tanker (escort oiler) USS Mattaponi (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Banks, USNR) departed Bizerta to join convoy GUS 46.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Convoy GUS 46 ' for 14 July 1944.

23 Jul 1944
Around 0820B/23, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Mers-el-Kebir from convoy escort duty. (98)

24 Jul 1944
Around 0730B/24, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Mers-el-Kebir for Gibraltar where she arrived around 1815B/24. (98)

25 Jul 1944
The AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), frigates HMS Evenlode (Cdr. V.F. Smith, DSO, RD, RNR), HMS Usk (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Pattinson, DSC, RD, RNR), corvettes HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR), HMS Delphinium (T/Lt. S. Rule, RNVR) and the A/S whalers HMSAS Protea (Lt. A. Thomas, DSC, SANF) and HMSAS Southern Sea (Lt.Cdr. M.R.J. Terry-Lloyd, SANF) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS 57.

[For more info on this convoy see the event ' Combined convoy OS 83/ KMS 57 ' for 13 July 1944.]

29 Jul 1944
Around 1850B/29, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Malta from convoy escort duty. (98)

2 Aug 1944
During 2/3 August 1944, the light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN) destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and RHS Navarinon, USS Jeffers (T/Cdr. H.Q. Murray, USN with COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdaugh, USN on board), Murphy (T/Cdr. R.A. Wolverton, USN), USS Niblack (T/Cdr. R.R. Conner, USN), USS Hilary P. Jones (T/Cdr. F.M. Stiesberg, USN) and the destroyer escort USS Marsh (Lt.Cdr. R.A. Jordan, USNR) conducted exercises off Malta.

6 Aug 1944

Operations of Task Force 88 during operation Preface.

Operation Preface was a rehearsal for the upcoming landings in Southern France.

Task Force 88, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was the Carrier Force for the upcoming landings in Southern France and was made up of the following Task Groups;
Task Group 88.1, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was made up the following ships;
Light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tenacious (Lt.Cdr. D.F. Townsend, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and RHS Navarinon.
Task Group 88.2, under T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN, was made up the following ships;
AA cruisers HMS Caledon (Capt. R.F. Nichols, RN), HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers USS Tulagi (T/Capt. J.C. Cronin, USN, flying the flag of T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN), USS Kasaan Bay (T/Capt. B.E. Grow, USN), HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Stalker (Capt. H.S. Murray-Smith, RN) and the destroyers USS Jeffers (T/Cdr. H.Q. Murray, USN, with COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, on board), Murphy (T/Cdr. R.A. Wolverton, USN), USS Butler (T/Cdr. M.D. Matthews, USN, with COMDESDIV 34, T/Capt. W.L. Benson, on board), USS Gherardi (T/Cdr. N.R. Curtin, USN), Herndon (T/Cdr. G.A. Moore, USN) and USS Shubrick (T/Cdr. W. Blenman, USN).

Task Force 88 departed Malta on 6 August 1944 for exercises in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Excercises commenced around 0600B/7 and were completed around 1200B/7.

Around 1438B/7, USS Jeffers, USS Murphy and USS Shubrick parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to Naples where they arrived around 1607B/7. The remainder of Task Force 88.2, minus HMS Caledon arrived at Naples around 1710B/7.

Around 1100B/8, TG 88.1 plus HMS Caledon arrived at Malta.

10 Aug 1944
Around 0030B/10, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Naples for Malta where she arrived around 1820B/10. (99)

12 Aug 1944

Operation Dragoon, the landings in Southern France, operations by Task Force 88, the Carrier Force.

Task Force 88, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was the Carrier Force for the upcoming landings in Southern France and was made up of the following Task Groups;
Task Group 88.1, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was made up the following ships;
Light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tenacious (Lt.Cdr. D.F. Townsend, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and RHS Navarinon.
Task Group 88.2, under T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN, was made up the following ships;
AA cruisers HMS Caledon (Capt. R.F. Nichols, RN), HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers USS Tulagi (T/Capt. J.C. Cronin, USN, flying the flag of T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN), USS Kasaan Bay (T/Capt. B.E. Grow, USN), HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Stalker (Capt. H.S. Murray-Smith, RN) and the destroyers USS Jeffers (T/Cdr. H.Q. Murray, USN, with COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, on board), Murphy (T/Cdr. R.A. Wolverton, USN), USS Butler (T/Cdr. M.D. Matthews, USN, with COMDESDIV 34, T/Capt. W.L. Benson, on board), USS Gherardi (T/Cdr. N.R. Curtin, USN), Herndon (T/Cdr. G.A. Moore, USN) and USS Shubrick (T/Cdr. W. Blenman, USN).

Task Force 88 departed Malta for the operations area on 12 August 1944.

Early on the 14th, Task Force 88 arrived in the operations area and around 0700B/14, flying operations commenced.

Around 1130B/14, the escort destroyer HMS Wheatland (Lt. H.A. Corbett, DSC, RN), coming from Naples, joined TG 88.1 and relieved HMS Tumult which then proceeded to Ajaccio.

Around 0650B/16, RHS Navarinon and HMS Wheatland were detached by TG 88.1 to fuel. They rejoined around 1330B/16.

Around 1445B/16, HMS Caledon and HMS Colombo were detached to fuel at Ajaccio. After fuelling HMS Caledon rejoined TG 88.2 around 1700B/17. HMS Colombo, which had already rejoined TG 88.2 around 0745B/17, was then ordered to join Task Force 87 operating close inshore. She left TG 88.2 around 1925B/17.

Around 0700B/17, HMS Troubridge and HMS Tenacious were detached by TG 88.1 to fuel. They rejoined around 1335B/17.

Around 0700B/17, USS Butler and USS Murphy were detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. They returned around 1800B/17.

Around 1700B/17, USS Shubrick was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 0600B/18.

Around 1800B/17, HMS Delhi parted company with TG 88.1 and proceeded to the Gulf of St. Tropez. Around the same time HMS Tumult rejoined TG 88.1.

Around 0630B/19, USS Gherardi was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 2115B/19.

Around 1900B/19, HMS Searcher and HMS Teazer were detached by TG 88.1 to proceed ahead of the main force to La Maddalena.

Around 2115B/19, USS Herndon was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 1900B/20.

Around 1930B/19, HMS Khedive, HMS Tuscan and HMS Tyrian were detached by TG 88.1 to join TG 88.2 which they did around 0625B/20. HMS Tuscan then parted company to proceed to La Maddalena.

On 20 August, the bulk of TG 88.1 fuelled at La Maddalena and then departed again to return to the operations area.

Around 0700B/20, USS Jeffers was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, temporary transferred to USS Murphy. She returned around 0130B/21. After dawn COMDESRON 17 transferred back to her.

Around 2200B/20, HMS Khedive and HMS Tyrian parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to La Maddalena to fuel. They arrived at La Maddalena around 1130B/21. On completion of fuelling they departed around 1800B/21 and joined TG 88.1 around 0730B/22.

Around 1130B/21, USS Jeffers parted company with TG 88.2.

On 22 August, the TG 88.2 arrived at La Maddalena from the operations area to re-fuel and re-arm. They departed to return to the operations area the next day.

Around 1445B/23, HMS Delhi joined TG 88.1.

Around 2300B/23, HMS Delhi was detached from TG 88.1 to join TG 88.2 which she did around 0745B/24.

Around noon on 24 August 1944, TG 88.1 arrived at La Maddalena.

Around 1930B/24, HMS Colombo joined TG 88.2 from having operated in the Gulf of St. Tropez. At 2000B/24, she was ordered to join TG 88.1 at La Maddalena and proceeded accordingly. She arrived at La Maddalena around 0910B/25.

Around 0730B/26, HMS Delhi parted company with TG 88.2 and proceeded to the Gulf of St. Tropez.

Around 2050B/27, HMS Hunter, HMS Stalker, HMS Caledon, USS Murphy and USS Shubrick parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to La Maddalena where they arrived the following morning. USS Murphy and USS Shubrick did not enter the harbour though but proceeded to Ajaccio where they arrived early in the afternoon.

On 29 August 1944, the remainder of TG 88.2 arrived at Ajaccio from the operations area.

18 Aug 1944
After having patrolled off the coast, providing AA protection for the landing forces, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) dropped anchor off Saint-Raphaël around 1900B/18. (99)

27 Aug 1944
Around 1215B/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed La Maddalena for Malta where she arrived around 1330B/28. (99)

9 Sep 1944
Between 0730C/9 and 0830C/9, ' Force A ' of the ' British Aegean Force' departed Alexandria to operate of Crete and the Dodecanese Islands to attack the (retiring) German forces in the area.

The Force was made up of the light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), escort carriers HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tenacious (Lt.Cdr. D.F. Townsend, RN), HMS Termagant (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Scatchard, DSC, RN) and HMS Terpsichore (Cdr. A.C. Behague, DSC, OBE, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN), ORP Garland (Kmdr.ppor.(Cdr.) B.J. Biskupski) and RHS Navarinon.

On 10 September 1944, ' Force A ' operated south of Crete during the entire day.

On 11 September 1944, ' Force A ' remained to the south of Crete.

On 12 September 1944, ' Force A ' remained to the south of Crete and starting around 0700C/12, some ships were fuelled,HMS Royalist and RHS Navarinon were fuelled by HMS Hunter and HMS Tuscan by HMS Searcher.

At 1445C/12, HMS Tenacious and HMS Tumult were detached to Malta.

During the night of 12/13 September 1944, (Group 1) HMS Royalist with RHS Navarinon, (Group 2) HMS Troubridge and HMS Tuscan and (Group 3) HMS Tyrian and HMS Teaser conducted anti-shipping sweeps in the Aegean.

Group 1, drew blank.

Group 2, encountered a convoy of one cargo ship, two escorts and three caiques between Santorin and Candia. The entire convoy was destroyed. Among these ships were the transport Toni (638 BRT, built 1911) and the caiques Specht / PI 17 and Agios Demitrios / PI 687. HMS Tuscan sustained some minor damage in the action.

Group 3, conducted a sweep from Pigadia Bay on Karpathos and then along the east side of Rhodes. They sighted nothing.

At 0630C/13, Groups 1 and 2 made rendezvous in position 35°30'N, 25°36'E and then set course to rejoin the remainer of ' Force A '. Fighter cover was provided by aircraft from HMS Pursuer.

Around 0930C/13, HMS Tuscan parted company with ' Force A ' to return to Alexandria where she arrived around 0700C/14.

Around 1330C/13, HMS Termagant, HMS Terpsichore and ORP Garland commenced fuelling from HMS Searcher, HMS Pursuer and HMS Khedive respectively.

Around 1830C/13, HMS Khedive was detached to proceed to the vicinity of position 37°30'N, 19°30'E. She was escorted by ORP Garland. They were then to make rendezvous on the 15th with the landing ship HMCS Prince David (T/Cdr. T.D. Kelly, RCNR) and the destroyers HMS Tenacious and HMS Tumult and provide air cover for these ships. HMCS Prince David was to land a force which were to establish a coastal forces base on Kythira Island.

During the night of 13/14 September 1944, (Group 1) HMS Tyrian with HMS Teazer and (Group 2) HMS Termagant and HMS Terpsichore conducted anti-shipping sweeps in the Aegean. Both groups sighted nothing.

Around 0730C/14, Groups 1 and 2 rejoined ' Force A '.

Around 0930C/14, a small caique was sighted in the vicinity of position 35°25'N, 26°15'E. HMS Termagant boarded and remover 1 German officer and 23 German naval ratings as well as 2 Greeks. The caique was then sunk. The prisoners stated that they were evacuating from Scarpanto to Crete.

Around 1445C/14, the escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), light cruiser HMS Black Prince (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN) and the destroyer HMS Tuscan departed Alexandria to join ' Force A '.

Around 1730C/14, HMS Searcher, escorted by HMS Tyrian and RHS Navarinon were detached to proceed to the vicinity of position 35°40'N, 22°20'E.

Around 2000C/14, HMS Hunter and HMS Troubridge were detached to Alexandria where they arrived around 1400C/15.

During the night of 14/15 September 1944, HMS Royalist and HMS Teazer conducted an anti-shipping sweep in the Aegean. HMS Royalist also directed night fighters. These two ships sank two German transports around 20 miles north-east of Suda Bay around 0400C/15. These were the transport Erpel (834 GRT, built 1944, former KT 26) and the auxiliary submarine chaser UJ 2171 / Heidelberg (former transport KT 4).

On 15 September 1944, HMS Searcher and HMS Khedive provided air cover over the Kythira area.

Around 0900C/15, a number of dinghies were sighted near position 35°37'N, 25°52'E. HMS Teazer then was sent to this location and picked up 10 Germans. These were survivors from the action during the night of 12/13 September.

Around 1200C/15, HMS Attacker, HMS Emperor, HMS Black Prince and HMS Tuscan joined ' Force A ' in position 35°02'N, 26°28'E. But 15 minutes later, HMS Black Prince, which had refridgerator trouble was ordered to return to Alexandria where she arrived around 0700C/16.

Around 1300C/15, HMS Termagant and HMS Terpsichore commenced fuelling from HMS Emperor and HMS Attacker.

Around 1800C/15, HMS Teazer and HMS Tuscan commenced fuelling from HMS Emperor and HMS Attacker.

At the same time HMS Termagant and HMS Terpsichore were detached for an anti-shipping sweep in the Aegean.

Around 1900C/16, the light cruiser HMS Aurora (Capt. G. Bernard, CBE, DSO, RN) and the destroyer HMS Troubridge departed Alexandria to join ' Force A '.

Around 0630C/16, HMS Termagant and HMS Terpsichore rejoined ' Force A '. They had sighted nothing.

Around 1215C/16, HMS Aurora and HMS Terpsichore joined from Alexandria.

Around 1230C/16, HMS Aurora and HMS Terpsichore parted company to bombard Milos around 1600C/16. Fighter protection and air spotting would be provided by aircraft from HMS Pursuer.

Around 1700C/16, HMS Teazer was detached to Alexandria where she arrived around 0730C/17.

Around 1820C/16, HMS Aurora and HMS Terpsichore were ordered to remain in the Aegean to patrol off Milos.

Around 2000C/16, HMS Royalist, HMS Troubridge and HMS Termagant were detached to the Aegean. HMS Royalist was to direct night fighters, HMS Troubridge was to patrol off Candia and HMS Termagent was to patrol off Suda Bay.

Around 0700C/17, HMS Troubridge and HMS Termagant rejoined. They had sighted nothing.

Around 0950C/17, HMS Royalist, which had now also rejoined ' Force A ' commenced fuelling from HMS Attacker.

Aircraft reported the the German minelayer Drache had arrived at Milos. HMS Aurora then opened fire on the harbour with HMS Terpsichore blockading the harbour entrance. The target however proved to be elusive but shore istallations, including the radar station, were hit.

HMS Troubridge bombarded caiques seen in Santorin harbour.

Around 1500C/17, the escort destroyers HMS Zetland (Lt. C.R. Bax, RN) and HMS Brecon (Lt. N.R.H. Rodney, RN) departed Alexandria to join ' Force A '.

Around 2030C/17, HMS Khedive and ORP Garland rejoined.

During the night of 17/18 September 1944, HMS Troubridge and HMS Tuscan blockaded Suda Bay and Standia respectively.

On 18 September, HMS Aurora and HMS Terpsichore carried out a harassing bombardment of W/T and radar stations on Milos with the assistance of air spotting.

HMS Troubridge, HMS Termagant, HMS Terpsichore, HMS Tuscan and ORP Garland fuelled from HMS Attacker and HMS Khedive.

15 Enemy flying boats were seen in Suda Bay and an air strike of 16 dive bombers attacked them but the results are unknown due to the weather conditions did not made it possible to conduct a photographic reconnaissance after the attack.

At 1730A/18, ORP Garland sighted a schnorkel from a submerged U-boat. She was joined by HMS Troubridge, HMS Terpsichore and the escort destroyers HMS Zetland and HMS Brecon. These last two ships had just joined ' Force A '. This U-Boat was subsequently destroyed after a long hunt and 48 prisoners were taken.

During the night of 18/19 September 1944, HMS Aurora bombarded Candia harbour and Heraklion airfield.

On 19 September, HMS Terpsichore, HMS Teazer and HMS Zetland fuelled from HMS Attacker, HMS Emperor and HMS Khedive respectively.

Around 0815C/19, the escort destroyers HMS Farndale (Cdr. E.G. Roper, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Haydon (Lt. R.G.R. Clay, RN) departed Alexandria to join ' Force A '. At sea they joined the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) which had already departed around 0630C/19 and had first conducted exercises.

Around 1020C/19, an air strike force of 45 fighter bombers was sent to Rhodes. They destroyed several enemy ships and caused damage to the harbour facilities.

Around 0500C/20, HMS Colombo, HMS Farndale and HMS Haydon joined.

HMS Terpsichore, HMS Termagant, HMS Zetland and HMS Brecon then fuelled from HMS Attacker and HMS Emperor.

Around 1340C/20, HMS Colombo and HMS Termagant were detached to blockade Candia, HMS Teazer and HMS Farndale to blockade Suda Bay and HMS Zetland to blockade Santorin.

Around 1910C/20, the remainder of ' Force A ' set course for Alexandria.

Around 1400C/21, HMS Attacker, HMS Pursuer, HMS Emperor, HMS Khedive, HMS Royalist, HMS Troubridge, HMS Terpsichore, HMS Tuscan, HMS Brecon arrived at Alexandria.

Around 1815C/21, HMS Searcher, HMS Tyrian and RHS Navarinon arrived at Alexandria.

Around 1930C/21, HMS Colombo, HMS Teazer, HMS Termagant, HMS Farndale, HMS Haydon and HMS Zetland arrived at Alexandria.

During the entire time ' Force A ' had been off Crete aircraft from the escort carriers had attacked numerous enemy targets. (100)

13 Sep 1944
Around 0830B/13, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Malta for Alexandria where she arrived around 0945B/15. (101)

19 Sep 1944
Around 0630B/19, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Alexandria for gunnery exercises on completion of which sh set course to join ' Force A ' at sea which was conducting operations in the Aegean.

[For more info see the event for 9 September 1944.] (101)

21 Sep 1944
Around 1930C/21, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Termagant (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Scatchard, DSC, RN), HMS Farndale (Cdr. E.G. Roper, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Haydon (Lt. R.G.R. Clay, RN) and HMS Zetland (Lt. C.R. Bax, RN) arrived at Alexandria from operations.

25 Sep 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) is docked in the Gabbari Graving Dock at Alexandria. (101)

28 Sep 1944
HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) is undocked. (101)

30 Sep 1944
Around 1500C/30, ' Force A ', made up of the light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN) and RHS Navarinon departed Alexandria for operations in the Aegean.

A.M. on 1 October 1944, three reconnaissance missions, of two aircraft each, were flown off to reconnoitre Rhodes, Scarpanto and Leros. Nothing of interest was seen at the first two but at Leros a number of caiques were seen.

P.M. on 1 October 1944, a reconnaissance mission, of two aircraft, was flown off to reconnoitre Santorini but nothing of interest was seen. Two aircraft carried out an A/S patrol over the Kaso Strait to search for the submarine which was reported to have left Piraeus. [actually there were no operational U-boats left in the Mediterranean. The last two boats had been scuttled near Piraeus on 30 September, one of these was probably reported as having left for patrol]

Around 1600C/1, the light cruiser HMS Aurora (Capt. G.B. Bernard, CBE, DSO, RN) and HMS Colombo were ordered to the vicinity of Rhodes. HMS Colombo was to proceed to the north-west of the island to detect possible enemy aircraft approaching so that HMS Aurora could bombard Calato airfield.

On 2 October 1944, extensive reconnaissance was flown in the forenoon. Eight fighter bombers were sent to Milos to attack caiques. No other enemy shipping was seen.

During the night of 2/3 October 1944, HMS Aurora bombarded Maleme airfield. RHS Navarinon patrolled between Milos and Santorini. The destroyer HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR) and escort destroyer HMS Catterick (Lt. D.P. Willan, DSC, RN), which had come from Alexandria, blockaded Candia. HMS Royalist, HMS Emperor and HMS Troubridge remained to the west of Rhodes to operate Hellcat aircraft against enemy air transport. The remainder of the force had been ordered to retire though the Scarpanto Strait. During 3 October 1944, some ships of the force were fuelled by the escort carriers; HMS Emperor fuelled RHS Navarinon and HMS Tuscan. HMS Hunter fuelled HMS Aurora.

On 3 October 1944, a photographic reconnaissance of Rhodes was carried out in the forenoon while the force was retiring to the western area.

At 1100C/3, a reconnaissance flight was flown off to locate the German hospital ship Gradisca (13868 GRT, built 1913) who had been reported to have embarked military stores and 'spurious' wounded troops at Suda Bay. The ship was located while en-route from Suda Bay to Leros. HMS Colombo was then detached to intercept her. HMS Colombo later reported that nothing suspicious had been found and that the hospital ship had been allowed to proceed.

Around 1605C/3, a strike of 16 fighters was flown off from the escort carriers HMS Attacker and HMS Hunter to attack the enemy W/T station on Levitha Island. The attack was delivered at 1645C/3, but it appeared that the W/T station had already been abandoned.

Around 1630C/3, a strike of 16 fighter-bombers was flown off by HMS Emperor to attack enemy shipping at Portolago, Leros at 1710C/3. One large barge was set on fire and two small coasters were strafed. At least 12 caiques were attacked an hit. One Hellcat (pilot, T/A/S.Lt.(A), K.F. Wilson, RNVR) failed to return. This aircraft was believed to have been hit by flak and crashed into the sea to the east of Leros. The pilot is listed as missing, presumed killed.

During the night of 3/4 October 1944, HMS Colombo and HMS Teazer blockaded Candia while HMS Tyrian blockaded Suda Bay.

Around 0700C/4, HMS Aurora, HMS Hunter, RHS Navarinon, HMS Tuscan and HMS Catterick were detached to cover minesweeping operations in the Kinaros Channel.

Around 0810C/4, two reconnaissance flights were flown off to reconnoitre Santorini, Milos and the north coast of Crete. The latter mission attacked and probably destroyer a JU-52 aircraft landing at Maleme. This could not be confirmed at the time as the leading aircraft of the flight had been damaged by flak fire in her undercarriage and had been ordered to land in Turkey. A 2000 ton ship was reported at Milos. HMS Royalist and HMS Troubridge then proceeded to bombard which began at 1315C/4 aided by spotting aircraft from HMS Attacker. Shore batteries replied with considerable accuracy and fire was then shifted to these batteries and they were silenced with a direct hit on the gun emplacement. HMS Royalist and HMS Troubridge rejoined the group around 1615C/4.

Around 2005C/4, HMS Royalist and HMS Troubridge parted company to proceed ahead to Alexandria where they arrived around 0900C/5.

HMS Colombo, HMS Attacker, HMS Emperor, HMS Tyrian and HMS Teazer returned to Alexandria around 1530C/4. (102)

8 Oct 1944
Around 0800C/8, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Alexandria for operations in the Aegean.

On 9 October 1944, she patrolled to the north of Crete to observe Crete - Athens air traffic. Only one aircraft was seen to on passage on this day.

During the night of 9/10 October 1944, she operated north of Crete to direct Beaufighter night fighters but no enemy aircraft were intercepted. HMS Colombo continued to operate to the north of Crete during the day.

During the night of 10/11 October 1944, HMS Colombo still operated north of Crete to direct Beaufighter night fighters but due to the weather conditions the operation had to be cancelled.

Around 0330C/11, HMS Colombo picked up three Germans from a dinghy. These were crewmembers of a crashed Ju-52. The enemy aircraft had been bound from Athens to Suda Bay and had force landed on the water due to engine trouble. HMS Colombo then set course for Poros where she arrived around 0920C/11. (103)

12 Oct 1944
Around 0300C/12, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Poros to bombard the enemy shore battery at Perdika. She returned to Poros around 0520C/12. From reports received later it became apparent that the enemy had already abandoned the battery. (103)

15 Oct 1944
Around 1600A/15, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Poros to join other British forces at sea.

Around 1350A/16, she joined HMS Argonaut (Capt. E.W.L. Longley-Cook, CBE, RN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN) and HMS Termagant (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Scatchard, DSC, RN).

HMS Colombo was then ordered to proceed to patrol south of Skyros for which she parted company with the other ships around 1500A/16.

She left patrol around 0400A/17 and joined HMS Emperor, HMS Attacker (Capt. G.F. Renwick, RN), HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24) and HMS Termagant.

Around 1725A/17, HMS Colombo proceeded to patrol once again rejoining early on the 18th.

Around 0815C/19, HMS Colombo arrived at Khios where she embarked 150 German POW's. (103)

19 Oct 1944
Around 1245C/19, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Khios with 150 German POW's on board.

Around 1600C/19, she joined HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN) and HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24). Course was then set for Alexandria where they arrived around 1700C/20.

27 Oct 1944
Around 1445C/27, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Alexandria for Taranto where she arrived around 1100A/29. (104)

17 Nov 1944
Around 0600A/17, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) departed Taranto for Zara. (105)

18 Nov 1944
Around 1030A/18, HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) arrived at Zara from Taranto. At Zara Capt. Jellicoe assumed the duties of Senior British Naval Officer Zara and HMS Colombo was to serve as a base ship. (105)

28 Apr 1945
Around 0900B/28, HMS Colombo (A/Capt. K.M.L. Robinson, RN) departed Zara for Malta where she arrived around 1645B/29. She is to return to the U.K. to be paid off into reserve. (106)

6 May 1945
Around 0915B/6, HMS Colombo (A/Capt. K.M.L. Robinson, RN) departed Malta for Gibraltar. (107)

8 May 1945
Around 1000B/8, HMS Colombo (A/Capt. K.M.L. Robinson, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from Malta. After fuelling she departed for Plymouth around 2000B/8. (107)

11 May 1945
Around 0630B/11, HMS Colombo (A/Capt. K.M.L. Robinson, RN) arrived at Plymouth from Gibraltar. (107)


  1. ADM 53/108070 + ADM 53/108214 + ADM 53/108578
  2. ADM 53/107946 + ADM 53/108071
  3. ADM 53/108071
  4. ADM 199/61
  5. ADM 53/108072
  6. ADM 53/108073
  7. ADM 53/108074
  8. ADM 199/367 + ADM 199/393
  9. ADM 53/111828
  10. ADM 53/111829
  11. ADM 53/111830
  12. ADM 53/111768 + ADM 53/111830
  13. ADM 53/111831
  14. ADM 53/111769 + ADM 53/111831
  15. ADM 53/111770 + ADM 53/111832
  16. ADM 53/111832
  17. ADM 53/111770 + ADM 53/111832 + ADM 199/374
  18. ADM 53/111770 + ADM 53/111832 + ADM 53/111924 + ADM 53/112105 + ADM 199/374
  19. ADM 53/111770 + ADM 53/111832 + ADM 53/111924
  20. ADM 53/111833
  21. ADM 53/111834
  22. ADM 53/111834 + ADM 53/112626 + ADM 199/383 + Report of proceedings of HMAS Hobart for July 1940
  23. ADM 53/111834 + ADM 199/383
  24. ADM 53/111835 + ADM 199/383
  25. ADM 53/111835 + ADM 199/2550
  26. ADM 53/111835
  27. ADM 199/383
  28. ADM 53/111836
  29. ADM 53/111837 + ADM 199/383
  30. ADM 53/111837
  31. ADM 53/111838
  32. ADM 53/111838 + ADM 199/383
  33. ADM 53/111838 + ADM 199/383 + Private conversation with Mr. Platon Alexiades for info from the Italian point of view
  34. ADM 53/111839
  35. ADM 53/111756 + ADM 53/111839 + ADM 199/383
  36. ADM 53/111839 + ADM 199/383
  37. ADM 53/113954 + ADM 199/408
  38. ADM 53/113953 + ADM 199/408
  39. ADM 53/113954
  40. ADM 53/113955
  41. ADM 199/1138
  42. ADM 199/408
  43. ADM 53/113956 + ADM 199/408
  44. ADM 53/113956 + ADM 53/114312 + ADM 199/408
  45. ADM 53/113957 + ADM 199/408
  46. ADM 53/113958 + ADM 199/408
  47. ADM 53/113958
  48. ADM 53/113959
  49. ADM 53/113959 + ADM 53/114641
  50. ADM 53/113959 + ADM 199/408
  51. ADM 199/2547
  52. ADM 53/113960
  53. ADM 53/113961
  54. ADM 53/113962
  55. ADM 53/113857 + ADM 53/113962
  56. ADM 53/113845 + ADM 53/113858 + ADM 53/113963 + ADM 53/114104 + ADM 199/395 + ADM 199/2233
  57. ADM 53/113963
  58. ADM 53/113963 + ADM 199/408
  59. ADM 53/113964
  60. ADM 53/114140
  61. ADM 53/115644 + ADM 199/426
  62. ADM 199/1211
  63. ADM 53/115644
  64. ADM 53/115645 + ADM 199/426
  65. ADM 199/653 + ADM 199/1211
  66. ADM 53/115645
  67. ADM 53/115646
  68. ADM 53/115270 + ADM 53/115646
  69. ADM 199/426
  70. ADM 53/115647
  71. ADM 53/115647 + ADM 199/426
  72. ADM 53/115648
  73. ADM 53/115648 + ADM 53/116155 + ADM 199/2241 + ADM 199/2242
  74. ADM 199/2550
  75. ADM 53/117258
  76. ADM 53/117136 + ADM 53/117258
  77. ADM 53/117259
  78. ADM 53/117137 + ADM 53/117259
  79. ADM 173/18159
  80. ADM 53/117260
  81. ADM 53/117260 + ADM 53/118526
  82. ADM 53/117261
  83. ADM 53/117261 + ADM 199/640
  84. ADM 53/117261 + War diary of USS Gherardi for July 1943
  85. ADM 53/117262
  86. ADM 53/117263
  87. ADM 53/117264
  88. ADM 53/117265
  89. ADM 199/767
  90. ADM 53/117266
  91. ADM 53/119153
  92. ADM 53/119154
  93. ADM 53/119155
  94. ADM 199/2494
  95. ADM 53/119156
  96. ADM 53/119157
  97. ADM 53/119158
  98. ADM 53/119159
  99. ADM 53/119160
  100. ADM 199/297 + ADM 199/1429 + ADM 199/1434
  101. ADM 53/119161
  102. ADM 199/1429
  103. ADM 53/119162 + ADM 199/1429
  104. ADM 53/119162
  105. ADM 53/119163
  106. ADM 53/121126
  107. ADM 53/121127

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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