Allied Warships

HMS Protector (T 98)

Netlayer of the Protector class

NavyThe Royal Navy
PennantT 98 
Built byYarrow Shipbuilders Ltd. (Scotstoun, Scotland)  
Ordered21 Mar 1935 
Laid down15 Aug 1935 
Launched20 Aug 1936 
Commissioned31 Dec 1936 
End service 

Became a polar patrol vessel in 1955
Sold for scrap on 10 July 1970
Arrived at T.W. Ward, Inverkeithing for scrapping on 16 March 1970. 

Commands listed for HMS Protector (T 98)

Please note that we're still working on this section
and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Capt. the Hon. Guy Herbrand Edward Russell, RN1 Aug 193922 Feb 1940
2Capt. William York La Roche Beverley, RN22 Feb 194013 Aug 1940
3Cdr. Robert James Gardner, RN13 Aug 1940late 1941
4Lt.Cdr. Edward Arthur Codrington Ball, RNlate 1941late 1943

5A/Capt. Cyril Ivan Horton, RN1 Oct 194426 Feb 1946

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Notable events involving Protector include:

7 Oct 1939
Around 1715B/7, HMS Seal (Lt.Cdr. R.P. Lonsdale, RN) departed Alexandria for Malta. She was 'escorting' the netlayer HMS Protector (Capt. G.H.E. Russell, RN) which was towing the damaged destroyer HMS Garland (Cdr. C.A.N. Chatwin, RN).

HMS Seal remained in company until 0815B/9 when she was detached to proceed to Gibraltar.

HMS Protector and HMS Garland arrived at Malta around 1330A/10. (1)

11 Apr 1940

Convoy NP 1.

This troop convoy departed the Clyde on 11 April 1940 for Harstad, Norway. In the end the convoy was split up and one part arrived at Harstad on 15 April. The other part arrived off Namsos on 16 April.

It was made up of the troopships Empress of Australia (British, 21833 GRT, built 1914), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931) and Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931).

They were escorted by the destroyer HMS Amazon (Lt.Cdr. N.E.G. Roper, RN).

Early in the afternoon of 12 April the troopships Batory (Polish, 14387 GRT, built 1936) and Chrobry (Polish, 11442 GRT, built 1939) departed Scapa Flow to join convoy NP 1 at sea.

They were escorted by the destroyers HMS Highlander (Cdr. W.A. Dallmeyer, RN), HMS Vanoc (Lt.Cdr. J.G.W. Deneys, RN), HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, RN), HMS Whirlwind (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Rodgers, RN) and HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. J.B. Palmer, RN). The netlayer HMS Protector (Capt. W.Y la L. Beverley, RN) also departed Scapa Flow with these ships.

Around 1600/12, the light cruisers HMS Manchester (Capt. H.A. Packer, RN, flying the flag of Vice Admiral G. Layton, CB, DSO, RN) and HMS Birmingham (Capt. A.C.G. Madden, RN) departed Scapa Flow to join the convoy at sea which they did around 1945/12.

Shortly afterwards the convoy was also joined by the AA cruiser HMS Cairo (Capt. P.V. McLaughlin, RN) and the destroyers HMS Brazen (Lt.Cdr. M. Culme-Seymour, RN), HMS Fearless (Cdr. K.L. Harkness, RN) and HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, RN) which had sailed from Sullom Voe around 1130/12.

Late in the evening of 12 April repair ship HMS Vindictive (Capt. A.R. Halfhide, RN) escorted by the destroyers HMS Codrington (Capt. G.E. Creasy, MVO, RN), HMS Acasta (Cdr. C.E. Glasfurd, RN) and HMS Ardent (Lt.Cdr. J.F. Barker, RN) departed Scapa Flow to join the convoy which they did late in the afternoon of the 13th.

Coming south from a patrol off the Vestfjord area were the battleship HMS Valiant (Capt. H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), battlecruiser HMS Repulse (Capt. E.J. Spooner, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN), HMS Javelin (Cdr. A.F. Pugsley, RN) and HMS Juno (Cdr. W.E. Wilson, RN). These ships made rendez-vous with the convoy in the afternoon of the 13th after which HMS Repulse with the three J-class destroyers continued on towards Scapa Flow while HMS Valiant joined the convoy.

On April 14th it was decided that some of the troops were to be sent to Namsos and the convoy split up;

Troopships Chrobry and Empress of Australia escorted by the light cruisers HMS Manchester and HMS Birmingham, AA cruiser HMS Cairo and the destroyers HMS Highlander, HMS Vanoc and HMS Whirlwind split off late in the afternoon. This convoy arrived off Namsos early in the morning of the 16th.

The remainder of the ships; troopships Batory, Monarch of Bermuda, Reina del Pacifico, repair ship HMS Vindictive and netlayer HMS Protector with their escort made up of the battleship HMS Valiant and the destroyers HMS Codrington, HMS Amazon, HMS Acasta, HMS Ardent, HMS Brazen, HMS Fearless, HMS Griffin, HMS Volunteer and HMS Witherington arrived at Vaagsfjord late in the morning of the 15th. They had been escorted in by the light cruisers HMS Southampton (Capt. F.W.H. Jeans, CVO, RN) and HMS Aurora (Capt. L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN).

13 May 1940
French troops were landed at Bjervik, Norway today. This is just to the north of Narvik. The town was captured successfully.

Naval ships involved in landing the troops and to provide cover were; battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN), light cruisers HMS Aurora (Capt. L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN), HMS Effingham (Capt. J.M. Howson, RN) which both landed French troops, repair ship HMS Vindictive (Capt. A.R. Halfhide, RN), netlayer HMS Protector (Capt. W.Y la L. Beverley, RN) and the destroyers HMS Somali (Capt. R.S.G. Nicholson, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Havelock (Capt. E.B.K. Stevens, DSC, RN), HMS Fame (Cdr. P.N. Walter, RN), HMS Basilisk (Cdr. M. Richmond, OBE, RN) and HMS Wren (Cdr. H.T. Armstrong, RN). They had departed Harstad (Tjeldsund) the previous day.

Air cover for this operation was provided, from a distance, by aircraft from HMS Ark Royal (Capt. C.S. Holland, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral L.V. Wells, CB, DSO, RN).

Later this day these ships also bombarded Narvik with the assistance of aircraft from the Ark Royal.

4 Jul 1940
During an enemy air attack on Alexandria, bombs were dropped close to HMAS Stuart (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, RAN) and HMS Protector (Capt. W.Y la L. Beverley, RN). Neither ships was damaged but they were showered by iron fragments from a shed ashore that had been hit. (2)

16 Aug 1940

Evacuation of Berbera.

From 16 to 19 August 1940, Allied troops from Berbera, Italian Somaliland, were evacuated to Aden.

The troops were evacatuated by the transports Akbar (4043 GRT, built 1924), Laomedon (6491 GRT, built 1912), the hospital ship Vita (4691 GRT, built 1914) as well as the armed boarding vessels HMS Chakdina (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Hickey, RNR) and HMS Chantala (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) C.E.I. Gibbs, RN).

Cover for the evacuation was provided by the light cruisers HMAS Hobart (Capt. H.L. Howden, RAN), HMS Caledon (Capt. C.P. Clarke, RN), HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN), AA -cruiser HMS Carlisle (Capt. G.M.B. Langley, OBE, RN), destroyers HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, RN), HMS Kimberley (Lt.Cdr. J.S.M. Richardson, RN), sloops HMS Auckland (Cdr. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN), HMS Shoreham (Cdr. G.P. Claridge, RN), HMAS Parramatta (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Walker, MVO, RAN), HMIS Indus (Cdr. E.G.G. Hunt, RIN), HMIS Hindustan (Cdr. G.V.G. Beamish, RIN), minesweeper HMS Derby (Lt.Cdr. F.C.V. Brightman, RN) and the netlayer HMS Protector (Capt. W.Y la L. Beverley, RN).

On 17 August, HMS Ceres bombarded Italian Army targets which temporarily halted the Italian advance.

On 18 August, HMS Caledon and HMS Kandahar bombarded enemy units on the Bulhar-Berbera road.

The evacuation was completed on the 18th. Over 7000 men had been evacuated.

The last men were taken off by HMAS Hobart at Berbera early on the 19th. She left around 0845C/19 for Aden with the last of the Army personnel and the demolition parties which had demolished the harbour facilities. HMIS Indus proceeded along the coast to pick up stragglers. (3)

15 Sep 1940

Operation MBD 1.

Attack on Benghazi during the night of 17/18 September 1940.

15 September 1940.

Around 1500 hours, HMS Valiant (Capt. H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), HMS Illustrious (Capt. D.W. Boyd, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral A.L.St.G. Lyster, CVO, DSO, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN), HMS Hyperion (Cdr. H.St.L. Nicolson, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, RN), HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN),HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN), HMS Mohawk (Cdr. J.W.M. Eaton, RN), HMS Decoy (Cdr. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN) and HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN) departed Alexandria for operations.

These warships were divided into two forces;
‘Force A’ was made up of HMS Illustrious, HMS Orion, HMS Nubian, HMS Mohawk, HMS Hasty and HMS Hero.

’Force B’ was made up of HMS Valiant escorted by HMS Hyperion, HMS Decoy and HMAS Waterhen.

16 September 1940.

’Force C’, made up of HMS Kent (Capt. D. Young-Jamieson, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E. de F. Renouf, CVO, RN), light cruisers HMS Liverpool (Capt. P.A. Read, RN), HMS Gloucester (Capt. H.A. Rowley, RN), HMS Jervis (Capt. P.J. Mack, DSO, RN) and HMS Hereward (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Greening, RN), and coming from operations in the Aegean, made rendez-vous at 1430 hours to the west of Crete.

After dark ‘Force B’ parted company and proceeded to a cover position to the eastward.

The other two forces proceeded as to proceed through position 33°45’N, 20°00’E at 2100 hours in order to deliver a moonlight aircraft attack on Benghazi and then to return to Alexandria.

Shortly before midnight, HMS Illustrious, commenced launching nine Swordfish from No. 815 Squadron armed with bombs and torpedoes to attack shipping in Benghazi harbour and six Swordfish from No. 819 Squadron armed with mines to be laid off Benghazi harbour.

17 September 1940.

The aircraft attacked the harbour and laid their mines. During the attack on the harbour itself the merchants Gloriastella (5490 GRT, built 1922) and Maria Eugenia (4702 GRT, built 1928) as well as the destroyer Borea were sunk. Several other vessels were damaged.

When the destroyers Turbine and Aquilone later on the day left the harbour to proceed to Tripoli, Aquilone was mined and sunk.

A little over four hours after they had been launched all aircraft had returned safely to HMS Illustrious.

Also on the 17th, around 0215C/17, the destroyers HMS Juno (Cdr. W.E. Wilson, RN) and HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN) departed Alexandria to bombard Sidi Barrani which they did for 25 minutes commencing around 2300C/17.

Towards nightfall, HMS Kent, escorted by HMS Nubian and HMS Mohawk, were detached to carry out a bombardment of Bardia after 0001/18 and keeping outside the 100 fathom line.

Shortly before midnight however, HMS Kent was hit aft by a torpedo from an Italian aircraft and badly damaged. She was taken in tow by HMS Nubian.

18 September 1940.

HMS Orion, HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN), HMS Jervis, HMS Janus, HMS Juno and HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades, RAN) went to the assistance of HMS Kent while HMS Nubian and HMS Mohawk were still with her.

The other ships, HMS Valiant, HMS Illustrious, HMS Liverpool, HMS Gloucester, HMS Hyperion, HMS Hasty, HMS Hero, HMS Decoy and HMAS Waterhen remained in the area to provide cover but were detached to Alexandria at nightfall. They arrived at Alexandria around 0930/19.

19 September 1940.

HMS Kent had by now also been joined by HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) and the tug HMS St. Issey.

The damaged cruiser arrived in Alexandria harbour shortly after noon this day. (4)

19 Sep 1940
Around 0415C/19, the AA cruiser HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN), destroyer HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades, RAN) , netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) and tug HMS St. Issey departed Alexandria to go to the assistance of the damaged heavy cruiser HMS Kent (Capt. D. Young-Jamieson, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E. de F. Renouf, CVO, RN).

[For more info on this see the event ' Operation MBD 1 ' for 15 September 1940.] (5)

24 Sep 1940
Around 1400C/24, HMAS Sydney (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) departed Alexandria to patrol near Cyprus to provide cover for the netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) which had departed Alexandria early in the evening of 22 September to intercept the Vichy French passenger ship Theophile Gautier (8194 GRT, built 1926) which was to departed Beirut for Southern France on the 24th.

When it became known that the Vichy ship was delayed in sailing, HMS Protector was ordered to proceed to Famagusta where she arrived around 1900C/25.

HMAS Sydney returned to Alexandria arriving around 0300C/26. (6)

29 Oct 1940

Operation BN.

Landing of British troop on Crete.

29 October 1940.

By 0130B/29, the Mediterranean Fleet had left Alexandria Harbour. For this operation the fleet made up of the battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. D.B. Fisher, CBE, RN, flying the flag of A/Admiral A.B. Cunningham, KCB, DSO and 2 Bars, RN), HMS Valiant (A/Capt. J.P.L. Reid, RN), HMS Malaya (Capt. A.F.E. Palliser, DSC, RN, flying the flag of A/Rear-Admiral H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), HMS Ramillies (Capt. A.D. Read, RN), aircraft carriers HMS Illustrious (Capt. D.W. Boyd, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral A.L.St.G. Lyster, CVO, DSO, RN), HMS Eagle (Capt. A.R.M. Bridge, RN), heavy cruisers HMS York (Capt. R.H. Portal, DSC, RN), light cruisers HMS Gloucester (Capt. H.A. Rowley, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN), HMAS Sydney (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN). Escort was provided by the destroyers HMS Hyperion (Cdr. H.St.L. Nicolson, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Havock (Cdr. R.E. Courage, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, RN), HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN), HMS Hereward (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Greening, RN), HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. P.L. Saumarez, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Dainty (Cdr. M.S. Thomas, DSO, RN), HMS Decoy (Cdr. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN), HMS Defender (Cdr. St.J.R.J. Tyrwhitt, RN), HMS Diamond (Lt.Cdr. P.A. Cartwright, RN), HMS Jervis (Capt. P.J. Mack, DSO, RN), HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN), HMS Juno (Cdr. W.E. Wilson, RN), HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN), HMS Mohawk (Cdr. J.W.M. Eaton, RN).

On clearing the swept channel the fleet set a course of 315° at 15 knots.

At 0700B/29, A/S patrols were flown off.

At noon, the fleet was in position 32°32’N, 27°30’E.

At 1350B/29, the fleet altered course to 350°.

At 1400B/29, a convoy carrying troops, made up of Royal Fleet Auxiliary tankers Olna (7073 GRT, built 1921), Brambleleaf (5917 GRT, built 1917), the armed boarding vessels HMS Chakla (Cdr. L.C. Bach, RD, RNR) and HMS Fiona (Cdr. A.H.H. Griffiths, RD, RNR), departed Alexandria for Suda Bay. They were escorted by the AA cruisers HMS Coventry (Capt. D. Gilmour, RN), HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN), net tender HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN), the destroyers HMAS Vampire (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN), HMAS Voyager (Cdr. J.C. Morrow, DSO, RAN), HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN), HMS Wryneck (Lt.Cdr. R.H.D. Lane, RN) and the minesweeper HMS Fareham (Lt. W.J.P. Church, RN).

At 1800B/29, the fleet altered course to 290°.

At midnight the fleet was in position 34°10’N, 25°04’E.

30 October 1940.

There were no incidents during the night. A/S patrols and aircraft to search a sector 270° to 000° to maximum depth were flown off.

At 0800B/30, the fleet was in position 35°00’N, 22°50’E, course 310°, speed 16 knots. Visibility was poor and the earlier launched air search sighted nothing.

At 1130B/30, HMS Dainty obtained an A/S contact. Later an Italian report was picked up that the fleet had been sighted by either an aircraft or a submarine at 1120B/30.

At noon, the fleet was in position 35°20’N, 22°00’E.

At 1230B/30, a second air search was launched but again these sighted nothing.

At 2000B/30, the fleet was in position 36°35’N, 20°43’E steering 340°.

31 October 1940.

At 0330B/31, when in position 38°18’N, 19°25’E the fleet altered course to 160°.

At 0430B/31, HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D. McCarthy, RN), departed Alexandria with troops for Suda Bay.

At 0645B/31, an air search was flown off to search between the Greek coast and 270°.

At 0800B/31, the fleet was in position 37°22’N, 20°35’E steering 090°. The air search did not sight the enemy but three Greek destroyers were sighted.

At 1020B/31, HMS Warspite catapulted her Walrus aircraft to take the Fleet Gunnery Officer to Suda Bay.

At 1150B/31, the fleet was sighted and reported by an enemy aircraft.

At noon, the fleet was in position 37°02’N, 21°25’E. During the afternoon the fleet proceeded to the southward.

At 1600B/31, the fleet was in position 36°17’N, 21°37’E. A second air search during the afternoon had sighted nothing.

At 1450B/31, HMS Juno and HMS Defender were detached to Suda Bay to refuel.

At 1530B/31, HMS Nubian and HMS Mohawk rejoined the fleet having been detached late in the morning to investigate Navarinon Bay.

At 1630B/31 the convoy arrived at Suda Bay less Olna escorted by Calcutta and Wryneck, these ships arrived at 0630/1. The Australian destroyers remained out on A/S patrol until HMS Protector completed a net barrier on 2 November.

At 1830B/31, when the fleet was in position 36°15’N, 21°30’E course was changed to 280°.

At 2300B/31, the fleet altered course to 100°.

At midnight the fleet was in position 36°20’N, 20°25’E.

1 November 1940.

At 0100B/1, the fleet changed course to 120°.

At 0630B/1, A/S and search aircraft were flown off. The search was to take place between 270° and the Greek coast.

At 0650B/1, HMS Ajax arrived at Suda Bay.

At 0700B/1, HMS Juno returned from fuelling at Suda Bay. With her was HMAS Voyager. She would take the place of HMS Defender who had fouled the nets at Suda Bay.

At 0800B/1, the fleet was in position 35°23’N, 22°38’E steering 280°. The fleet remained west of Crete to cover the Suda Bay operations.

At 1020B/1, the fleet was reported by an enemy aircraft and at 1155B/1 an enemy aircraft was shot down in flames by the fighter patrol.Another Italian aircraft was damaged by them.

At noon, the fleet was in position 35°43’N, 22°00’E steering 130°.

At 1630B/1, the Commander-in-Chief, in HMS Warspite and with HMS Illustrious, HMS York, HMS Gloucester, HMS Jervis, HMS Hero, HMS Hereward, HMS Hasty and HMS Ilex split off and proceeded towards Alexandria.

At midnight, the Commander-in-Chief (HMS Warspite) was in position 33°52’N, 24°25’E.

2 November 1940.

At 1340B/2, the group of ships not with the Commander-in-Chief were attacked by four Italian torpedo bombers in position 32°39’N, 27°11’E. All torpedoes however missed astern.

At 1900B/2, the Commander-in-Chief, in HMS Warspite, arrived at Alexandria.

HMS Orion and HMAS Sydney arrived at Alexandria shortly before midnight.

The remainder of the fleet did not enter the harbour during the dark hours due to the weather conditions. They arrived at Alexandria in groups the next day. (4)

2 Nov 1940
On 2 November 1940, the RFA tanker Brambleleaf, (5917 GRT, built 1917), netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) and the armed boarding vessels HMS Chakla (Cdr. L.C. Bach, RD, RNR) and HMS Fiona (Cdr. A.H.H. Griffiths, RD, RNR) departed Suda Bay for Alexandria. They were escorted by the destroyers HMAS Vampire (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN), HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN) and HMS Defender (Cdr. St.J.R.J. Tyrwhitt, RN).

The convoy arrived at Alexandria on 3 November 1940.

The light cruiser HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D. McCarthy, RN) also departed Suda Bay on 2 November 1940. She also arrived at Alexandria on 3 November 1940. She was not with the actual convoy but most likely provided some distant cover during a part of the voyage. (7)

4 Nov 1940

Several operations in the Mediterranean.

Operation MB 8, convoy operations in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Operation Coat, transfer of reinforcements from the Western Mediterranean to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Operation Crack, air attack on Cagliary, Sardinia.

Operation Judgment, air attack on Taranto.

4 November 1940.

Convoy AN 6 departed Port Said / Alexandria today for Greece. The convoy was made up of the following tankers; Adinda (Dutch, 3359 GRT, built 1939), British Sergeant (5868 GRT, built 1922), Pass of Balhama (758 GRT, built 1933) and the transports Hannah Moller (2931 GRT, built 1911), Odysseus (Greek, 4577 GRT, built 1913). Several more transports (probably Greek) were also part of this convoy.

The Pass of Balhama sailed from Alexandria, the others from Port Said.

The convoy was escorted by the A/S trawlers HMS Kingston Crystal (Lt.Cdr. G.H.P. James, RNR) and HMS Kingston Cyanite (Skr. F.A. Yeomans, RNR).

HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D. McCarthy, RN) and HMAS Sydney (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) both proceeded from Alexandria to Port Said on this day. At Port Said the were to embark troops for Crete.

Owning to breakdowns in Kingston Crystal and Kingston Cyanite, HMS Dainty (Cdr. M.S. Thomas, DSO, RN), HMS Kingston Coral (Skr. W. Kirman, RNR) and HMS Sindonis (Ch.Skr. G. Rawding, RNR) departed Alexandria late on the 4th to rendez-vous with convoy AN 6.

5 November 1940.

Convoy MW 3 departed Alexandria for Malta. This convoy was made up of the transports Devis (6054 GRT, built 1938), Rodi (3220 GRT, built 1928, former Italian), Volo (1587 GRT, built 1938), Waiwera (12435 GRT, built 1934) and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker Plumleaf (5916 GRT, built 1917).

Escort was provided by the AA cruisers HMS Coventry (Capt. D. Gilmour, RN), HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Diamond (Lt.Cdr. P.A. Cartwright, RN), HMAS Vampire (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN), HMAS Voyager (Cdr. J.C. Morrow, DSO, RAN), HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN) and the minesweeper HMS Abingdon (Lt. G.A. Simmers, RNR).

Also sailing with this convoy were the transport Brisbane Star (12791 GRT, built 1937) and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker (5917 GRT, built 1917), the the armed boarding vessels HMS Chakla (Cdr. L.C. Bach, RD, RNR) and HMS Fiona (Cdr. A.H.H. Griffiths, RD, RNR), net tender HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN). They were to sail with this convoy until off Crete when they were to be detached to proceed to Suda Bay.

HMS Ajax and HMAS Sydney departed Port Said for Suda Bay with Headquarters, 14th Infantery Brigade, one light and one heavy AA battery and administrative troops.

6 November 1940.

Vice-Admiral light forces, in HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral H.D. Pridham-Whippell, CB, CVO, RN), left Alexandria for Piraeus to consult with the Greek authorities. Also some RAF personnel was embarked for passage.

At 0600B/6, convoy AN 6 was in position 34°40’N, 22°20’E.

The Commander-in-Chief departed Alexandria with the battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. D.B. Fisher, CBE, RN, flying the flag of Admiral Sir A.B. Cunningham, KCB, DSO, RN), HMS Valiant (A/Capt. J.P.L. Reid, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious (Capt. D.W. Boyd, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral A.L.St.G. Lyster, CVO, DSO, RN). They were escorted by HMS Hyperion (Cdr. H.St.L. Nicolson, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, RN), ), HMS Havock (Cdr. R.E. Courage, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN), HMS Hereward (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Greening, RN), HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. P.L. Saumarez, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Decoy (Cdr. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN) and HMS Defender (Lt.Cdr. G.L. Farnfield, RN).

The Rear-Admiral 1st Battle Squadron sailed with HMS Malaya (Capt. A.F.E. Palliser, DSC, RN, flying the flag of A/Rear-Admiral H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), HMS Ramillies (Capt. A.D. Read, RN). They were escorted by HMS Jervis (Capt. P.J. Mack, DSO, RN), HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN), HMS Juno (Cdr. St.J.R.J. Thyrwhitt, RN), HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN) and HMS Mohawk (Cdr. J.W.M. Eaton, RN). HMS Eagle had defects and was unable to proceed to sea with this group as had been originally intended. Three aircraft from Eagle were embarked on Illustrious.

The heavy cruiser HMS York (Capt. R.H. Portal, DSC, RN) and the light cruiser HMS Gloucester (Capt. H.A. Rowley, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E. de F. Renouf, CVO, RN) also departed Alexandria for these operations.

The fleet was clear of the harbour by 1300B/6, and then proceded on a mean line of advance of 310° until 1800B/6 when it was changed to 270°. At 2000B/6, course was changed to 320°.

7 November 1940.

There were no incidents during the night.

At 0800 hours, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 34°15’N, 24°47’E.

Around 1000B/7, the Vice-Admiral light forces, arrived at Piraeus in HMS Orion.

At noon, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 34°26’N, 23°43’E. At this time the mean line of advance was changed to 320°.

At 1300B/7, aircraft were flown off to search a sector 300° to 360°. Nothing was however sighted by this search.

At 1700B/7, HMAS Sydney joined the Commander-in-Chief from Suda Bay. She reported that ships for Suda Bay had all arrived according to plan and that stores and troops had all ben landed by dark on 6 November.

At 1800B/7, the position of convoy MW 3 was 35°44’N, 22°41’E and shortly afterwards the convoy altered course to 290°.

At 2000B/7, the position of the convoy was 35°48’N. 21°45’E, course was now altered to 320°.


At 1800A/7, ‘Force H’ departed Gibraltar for ‘Operation Coat’ and ‘Operation Crack’. ‘Force H’ was made up of the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (Capt. C.S. Holland, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.F. Somerville, KCB, DSO, RN), light cruiser HMS Sheffield (Capt. C.A.A. Larcom, RN) and the destroyers HMS Faulknor (Capt. A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Firedrake (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Norris, DSC, RN), HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN), HMS Fortune (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, DSO, RN), HMS Foxhound (Cdr. G.H. Peters, DSC, RN), HMS Fury (Lt.Cdr. T.C. Robinson, RN), HMS Duncan (Cdr. A.D.B. James, RN), HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN). Also part of this force were a group of warships that was to reinforce the Mediterranean Fleet. These were the battleship HMS Barham (Capt G.C. Cooke, RN), heavy cruiser HMS Berwick (Capt. G.L. Warren, RN), light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. H. Hickling, RN) and the destroyers HMS Gallant (Lt.Cdr. C.P.F. Brown, RN), HMS Greyhound (Cdr. W.R. Marshall A'Deane, DSC, RN) and HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr J. Lee-Barber, DSO, RN). These ships carried troops for Malta as well as three of the destroyers from ‘Force H’, HMS Faulknor, HMS Fortune, HMS Fury. A total of 2150 troops were embarked as follows; HMS Berwick 750, HMS Barham 700, HMS Glasgow 400, and the six destroyers had each 50 troops on board.

8 November 1940.

At 0001B/8, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 36°36’N, 21°08’E, the mean line of advance was 280°.

At 0400B/8, the mean line of advance was changed to 220°.

At 0645B/8, an air search was flown off to search a sector 310° to the Greek coast. It sighted nothing.

At 0900B/8, when the Commander-in-Chief was in position 36°40’N, 18°50’E course was changed to 180° to close the convoy.

At noon, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°57’N, 18°46’E. The convoy was at that time in position 35°46’N, 18°41’E. Also around noon he convoy was reported by an enemy aircraft and at 1230 hours one Cant. 501 was attacked by Gladiators but apparently managed to escape.

At 1400B/8, aircraft were flown off to search between 200° and 350°. Also one aircraft was flown off with messages for Malta. The air search again sighted nothing.

At 1520B/8, the fleet was reported by enemy aircraft.

At 1610B/8, three Fulmar fighters attacked a formation of seven Italian S. 79’s shooting down two of them. The remainder jettisoned their bombs and made off.

At 1700B/8, HMS Ajax joined the fleet coming from Suda Bay.

The fleet had remained in a covering position to the north of the convoy all day and at 1830B/8, when in position 35°’20’N, 17°25’E course was changed to 000°. At that time the convoy was only five nautical miles to the southward of the fleet.

At 2130B/8, the fleet altered course to 180°.

At 2230B/8, the fleet altered course to 210°.


At dawn A/S air patrols were flown off by HMS Ark Royal. These were maintained throughout the day.

A fighter patrol was maintained throughout the afternoon but no enemy aircraft were encountered.

The weather was fine and visibility good it was considered very likely that the force would be sighted and attacked by enemy aircraft. So it was decided at 1530 hours that HMS Ark Royal, HMS Sheffield, HMS Glasgow and six destroyers would proceed ahead to carry out the planned attack (‘Operation Crack’) on the Cagliari aerodrome. [According to the plan these destroyers should be HMS Faulknor, HMS Foretune, HMS Fury, Gallant, HMS Greyhound and HMS Griffin. It is currently not known to us if it were indeed these destroyers that with this force when they split off from the other ships.]

That evening fighters from the Ark Royal shot down an enemy aircraft.

9 November 1940.

At 0001B/9, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°42’N, 17°09’E, the mean line of advance was 270°.

At 0800B/9, the convoy was closed in position 34°42’N, 15°00’E.

At 0920B/9, HMS Ramillies, HMS Hyperion, HMS Hero and HMS Ilex were detached to join the convoy and escort it to Malta. The weather was overcast and squally so no air search was flown off.

The main fleet remained to the south-west of the Medina-Bank during the day. The 3rd and 7th Cruiser Squadrons being detached to search to the north.

The main fleet was being shadowed by enemy aircraft and was reported four times between 1048B/9 and 1550B/9. One Cant 506B aircraft was shot down by a Fulmar at 1640B/9.

At noon, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 34°47’N, 16°35’E.

At 1219B/9, a Swordfish A/S patrol force landed near HMS Warspite shortly after taking off. The crew was picked up by HMS Jervis. The depth charge and A/S bombs exploded close to Warspite.

At 2100B/9, when the Commander-in-Chief was in position 34°45’N, 16°10’E, course was altered to 310° to make rendez-vous with ‘Force F’, the reinforcements for the Mediterranean Fleet coming from Gibraltar.


At 0430B/9, HMS Ark Royal launched a strike force of nine Swordfish aircraft to bomb Cagliari aerodrome with direct and delay action bombs. On completion of flying off, course was altered to 160° for the flying on position.

At 0745B/9, a fighter section and a section of three Fulmars that were to be transferred to HMS Illustrious (via Malta) were flown off and the nine Swordfish of the strike force landed on. The fighter section for Illustrious landed at Malta at 1020 hours.

The raid on Cagliari appeared to have been quite successful. Five Swordfish attacked the aerodrome and hits were observed on two hangars an other buildings. Two fires were seen to break out and also a large explosion occurred. One Swordfish attacked a group of seaplanes moored off the jetty. Another Swordfish attacked some factories near the power station and obtained a direct hit with a 250-lb bomb and incendiaries. The remaining two aircraft were unable to locate the target and attacked AA batteries instead. Two fires were seen to start but the AA batteries continued firing.

On completion of flying on course was altered to rendez-vous with HMS Barham, HMS Berwick and the remaining five destroyers which were sighted at 0910 hours. The ships then formed up in formation and set off on an easterly course at 18 knots.

At 0930B/9 an enemy aircraft that was shadowing the fleet was picked up by RD/F at a distance of about thirty miles. After working round the fleet clockwise the aircraft was sighted by HMS Barham and then by the Fulmar fighter patrol. The aircraft, which was a large floatplane, was shot down at 1005B/9, twenty miles on the starboard beam of the fleet.

At 1048B/9, a large formation of enemy aircraft was located by RD/F about fifty miles ahead of the fleet and closing. Five minutes later a section of Skua’s was flown off.

A section of Fulmar’s intercepted the enemy as they were working their way round to the sun and forced them to turn away but ten minutes later the enemy again approached. The fleet was then bombed from a height of 13000 feet. No British ships were hit, although HMS Barham, HMS Ark Royal and HMS Duncan had been near missed. It was believed that one of the attackers was shot down.

Throughout the remainder of the day fighter patrols were kept up but no further enemy aircraft attacked the fleet.

At 1915B/9, HMS Ark Royal, HMS Sheffield, HMS Duncan, HMS Isis, HMS Firedrake, HMS Forester and HMS Foxhound turned to the west. HMS Barham, HMS Berwick, HMS Glasgow, HMS Faulknor, HMS Fortune, HMS Fury, HMS Gallant, HMS Greyhound and HMS Griffin continued to the east under the command of Capt. Warren of the Berwick, which was the senior Captain.

10 November 1940.

At 0001B/10, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°13’N, 15°25’E steering 300°. Shortly afterwards, at 0010 hours, two heavy explosions were felt. It appears that the fleet had been under attack at this time.

At 0700B/10, aircraft were flown off to search a sector 315° to 045°. Shortly after takeoff one Swordfish crashed into the sea. The crew was rescued by HMS Nubian.

At 0715B/10, the 3rd and 7th Cruiser Squadrons rejoined. Shortly afterwards, at 0730B/10, HMAS Vampire, HMAS Voyager, HMAS Waterhen, HMS Dainty, HMS Diamond, HMS Hyperion, HMS Havock and HMS Ilex joined the fleet. HMS Jervis, HMS Janus, HMS Juno, HMS Nubian, HMS Mohawk, HMS Decoy, HMS Defender and HMS Hasty were detached to fuel at Malta.

At 1015B/10, rendez-vous was made with ‘Force F’ which was made up of HMS Barham, HMS Berwick, HMS Glasgow, HMS Griffin, HMS Greyhound, HMS Gallant, HMS Fury, HMS Fortune and HMS Faulknor. HMS Fortune and HMS Fury joined the destroyer screen. The other ships were ordered to proceed to Malta to land troops and stores there. The course of he fleet was changed to 110° in position 36°08’N, 13°10’E around this time.

At noon, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°55’N, 13°30’E.

At 1330B/10, convoy ME 3 departed Malta. It consisted of the transports Memnon (7506 GRT, built 1931), Lanarkshire (11275 GRT, built 1940), Clan Macaulay (10492 GRT, built 1936) and Clan Ferguson (7347 GRT, built 1938). Escort was provided by the battleship HMS Ramillies, AA cruiser HMS Coventry and the destroyers HMS Decoy and HMS Defender.

Around 1400B/10 the monitor HMS Terror (Cdr. H.J. Haynes, DSC, RN) and the destroyer HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades RAN) departed Malta for Suda Bay. Before departure HMAS Vendetta had first carried out an A/S patrol off Valetta harbour.

At 1435B/10, HMS Mohawk rejoined the fleet.

At 1450B/10, HMS Hero was detached to Malta with correspondence.

In the afternoon three Fulmars, which had been flown to Malta from HMS Ark Royal, landed on HMS Illustrious.

At 2100B/10, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°15’N, 14°16’E steering 090°. The 3rd and 7th Cruiser Squadrons were detached to search between 020° to 040°.


In the western Mediterranean all was quiet. Fighter patrols were maintained overhead during the day. Also A/S patrols were maintained all day.

11 November 1940.

At 0001B/11, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°18’N, 15°14’E. At 0100 hours the fleet altered course to 060°.

At 0135B/11, HMS Ramillies, which was with convoy ME 3, reported three explosions in position 34°35’N, 16°08’E. This might have been a submarine attack. [This was indeed the case as the Italian submarine Pier Capponi attacked a battleship around this time.]

At 0700B/11, an air search was launched to search between 315° and 045°. One aircraft was flown to Malta to collect photographs of Taranto harbour.

At 0800B/11, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 36°55’N, 17°36’E.

At noon, the Vice-Admiral light forces in HMS Orion coming from Piraeus, joined the fleet in position 36°10’N, 18°30’E. Correspondence was transferred to HMS Warspite via HMS Griffin.

At 1310B/11, the Vice-Admiral light forces, in HMS Orion and with HMS Ajax and HMAS Sydney, HMS Nubian and HMS Mohawk in company, parted company to carry out an anti-shipping raid into the Straits of Otranto.

At 1800B/11, HMS Illustrious, HMS York, HMS Gloucester, escorted by HMS Hyperion, HMS Hasty, HMS Havock and HMS Ilex were detached for ‘Operation Judgement’ the torpedo and dive-bombing attack on the Italian fleet in Taranto harbour.

For this operation this force proceeded to position 38°11’N, 19°30’E. Here aircraft were flown off in two waves, at 2000 and at 2100 hours.

At 2000B/11, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 37°54’N, 19°09’E. One hour later the fleet altered course to 000°.

At 2030B/11, the Vice-Admiral light forces with the cruisers passed through position 39°10’N, 19°30’E, course 340° doing 25 knots.

At 2140B/11, HMS Juno obtained an A/S contact and attacked it with depth charges.


In the western Mediterranean the fleet arrived back at Gibraltar around 0800A/11.

12 November 1940.

At 0700B/12, both detached groups rejoined the fleet. The attack on Taranto harbour was reported as a success. Eleven torpedoes had been dropped and hits were claimed on a Littorio-class and two Cavour-class battleships in the outer harbour. Sticks of bombs had been dropped amongst the warships in the inner harbour. Two aircraft failed to return to HMS Illustrious. [Damage was done to the battleships Littorio (three torpedo hits), Caio Duilio and Conte di Cavour (one torpedo hit each), in fact the Conti di Cavour never returned to service. Also damaged (by bombs) were the heavy cruiser Trento and the destroyer Libeccio.]

The raid into the Straits of Otranto had also been successful as an Italian convoy had been intercepted off Valona around 0115 and largely destroyed. The convoy had been made up of four merchant vessels which had all been sunk. There had been two escorts, thought to be destroyers or torpedo boats. These managed to escape. [The merchant vessels Antonio Locatelli (5691 GRT, built 1920), Capo Vado (4391 GRT, built 1906), Catalani (2429 GRT, built 1929) and Premuda (4427 GRT, built 1907) had been sunk. Their escorts had been the armed merchant cruiser Ramb III (3667 GRT, built 1938) and the torpedo boat Nicola Fabrizi. The convoy had been en-route from Vlore, Albania to Brindisi.]

At 0800B/12, the fleet was in position 37°20’N, 20°18’E.

At 0930B/12, HMS Warspite catapulted her Walrus aircraft to take massages to Suda Bay for forwarding to the Admiralty by transmission.

At noon, the fleet was in position 37°20’N, 20°08’E. Course at that time was 140°.

As it was intended to repeat ‘Operation Judgement’ tonight the fleet remained in the area. Course being altered to 340° at 1600 hours.

Fortunately the fleet was not reported at this time. Three enemy aircraft were shot down during the day but these were shot down before they had reported the fleet.

At 1800B/12, the decision was taken not to proceed with the repeat of ‘Operation Jugement’ due to the bad weather in the Gulf of Taranto. At that time the fleet was in position 37°06’N, 19°44’E. Course was set to 140° to return to Alexandria.

At 1830B/12, HMS Malaya, HMS Ajax, HMS Dainty, HMS Diamond, HMS Greyhound, HMS Griffin and HMS Gallant were detached to fuel at Suda Bay. HMS Berwick and HMS York were detached to proceed to Alexandria where they arrived in the evening of the 13th.

13 November 1940.

At 0001B/13, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 35°44’N, 20°53’E.

At 0630B/13, HMS Terror and HMAS Vendetta arrived at Suda Bay. Terror was to remain at Suda Bay as guardship.

At 1000B/13, the force with HMS Malaya arrived at Suda Bay. After fuelling the departed later the same day for Alexandria taking HMAS Vendetta with them.

Also around 1000B/13, convoy ME 3 arrived at Alexandria.

At noon, the Commander-in-Chief was in position 34°23’N, 23°43’E.

At about 1530B/13, Fulmar’s attacked an Italian shadowing aircraft which however managed to escape although damaged.

At 1600B/13, the fleet altered course to 050° when in position 33°23’N, 26°18’E. Course was altered back to 090° at 1800B/13. RD/F later detacted an enemy formation to the southward but the fleet was not sighted.

At 2000B/13, the fleet was in position 33°38’N, 27°34’E.

14 November 1940.

Around 0700B/14, the bulk of the fleet with the Commander-in-Chief arrived at Alexandria. (8)

19 Dec 1940
HMAS Vampire (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN) and HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades RAN) conducted A/S patrols of the Gulf of Sollum.

In the evening HMAS Vampire proceeded to Sollum and then left again for Alexandria escorting HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN). (9)

20 Dec 1940
HMAS Vampire (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN) and HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) arrived at Alexandria.

HMAS Vampire then proceeded alongside HMS Woolwich (Capt.(Retd.) J. Fawcett, RN) for repairs to her starboard turbine. These lasted until 8 January 1941. In the meantime other repairs were also undertaken. (9)

25 Jan 1941
HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) departed Alexandria for Suda Bay. She was escorted by the destroyers HMS Dainty (Cdr. M.S. Thomas, DSO, RN) and HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. J.F.W. Hine, RN). (10)

27 Jan 1941
HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN), HMS Dainty (Cdr. M.S. Thomas, DSO, RN) and HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. J.F.W. Hine, RN) arrived at Suda Bay from Alexandria. (10)

9 Mar 1941

Convoy GA 2

This convoy departed Piraeus on 9 March 1941.

The convoy was made up of the merchant vessels Brattdal (Norwegian, 4968 GRT, built 1935), City of Windsor (British, 7218 GRT, built 1923), Eastern Prince (British, 10926 GRT, built 1929) and Port Halifax (British, 5820 GRT, built 1929).

The naval transport HMS Breconshire (9776 GRT, built 1939) (Capt.(Retd.) C.A.G. Hutchenson, RN) was also with the convoy as was the netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN).

Escort was provided by the destroyers HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. J.F.W. Hine, RN), HMAS Vampire (Cdr. J.A. Walsh, RAN) and HMS Wryneck (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H.D. Lane, RN).

Around 1030C/10, HMAS Vampire parted company with the convoy to escort HMS Breconshire to Alexandria where they arrived around 0730C/11.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Alexandria later on the 11th.

19 Apr 1941

Convoy AS 26.

This convoy departed Piraeus on 19 April 1941.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Bantria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), British Lord (British (tanker), 6098 GRT, built 1922), Cleanthis (Greek, 4153 GRT, built 1911), Daisy Moller (British, 4078 GRT, built 1911), Ekaterini Coumantarou (Greek, 7777 GRT, built 1917), Ena (Dutch (tanker), 6229 GRT, built 1936), Evanthia (Greek, 3551 GRT, built 1915), Georgios Potamianos (Greek, 4044 GRT, built 1913), Helka (British (tanker), 3471 GRT, built 1912), Katie Moller (British, 3100 GRT, built 1919), Kyriaki (British, 5528 GRT, built 1912), Langleecrag (British, 4909 GRT, built 1929), Meroe (British, 3832 GRT, built 1928), Nitsa (Greek, 4732 GRT, built 1915), Point Clear (Greek, 4839 GRT, built 1920), Port Halifax (British, 5820 GRT, built 1937), Rawnsley (British, 4998 GRT, built 1940), Saronikos (Greek, 3548 GRT, built 1912), Volo (British, 1587 GRT, built 1938), Volsella (British, 2103 GRT, built 1096), Warszawa (Polish, 2487 GRT, built 1915) and Zannis L. Cambanis (Greek, 5317 GRT, built 1920).

[Apparently some of these ships were unable to sail with the convoy and sailed later to overtake.]

They were escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Carlisle (Capt. T.C. Hampton, RN) and the destroyers HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN) and HMAS Vampire (Cdr. J.A. Walsh, RAN).

In the morning of the 20th, HMAS Vampire was detached to search for straggles. She rejoined shortly before noon with two merchant vessels.

Around 0600C/21, more ships joined coming from Suda Bay, these included several Greek warships among them the armoured cruiser RHS Georgios Averoff. One of the ships joined coming from Suda Bay appeared to be the Desmoulea (British (tanker), 8120 GRT, built 1939).

Also the merchant ship Kyriaki was apparently detached to Suda Bay as she was sunk there on 24 April 1941.

Around 1100C/21, the convoy was attacks and four bombs exploded underneath the British Lord. She was disabled and the engine room slowly flooded. The crew was taken off by HMAS Vampire as were two of them which had been blown overboard but one of these later died. The ship was not sunk as it was hoped she could be towed to Suda Bay later. Apparently she was later taken in tow towards Alexandria by the sloop HMS Auckland (Cdr. E.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN) which was relieved on the 24th by the netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN). The tow arrived at Alexandria on the 25th.

Meanwhile the convoy had continued and was divided into a section of Alexandria and Port Said around 1830C/22.

The Alexandria section arrived there on 23 April escorted by HMS Calcutta and HMS Isis. The Alexandria section was made up of the Bantria, Ena, Georgios Potamianos, Helka, Point Clear, Port Haifax, Rawnslay, Volsella and Warszawa.

The Port Said section arrived there on 24 April. It had been escorted until dark on 22 April by HMAS Vampire but she then parted company and joined the Alexandria section.

The Port Said section was made up of the Cleanthis, Daisy Moller, Desmoulea, Ekaterini Coumantarou, Evanthia, Katie Moller, Langleecrag, Meroe, Nitsa, Saronikos, Volo and Zannis L. Cambanis.

26 Apr 1941
Operation Demon continued, more troops were to be evacuated from mainland Greece during the night of 26/27 April 1941.

From the Raphina and Raphtis area;

Landing ship HMS Glengyle (A/Capt.(Retd.) C.H. Petrie, RN) and the transport Salween (7063 GRT, built 1938). They were escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Carlisle (Capt. T.C. Hampton, RN) and the destroyers HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN), HMS Decoy (Cdr. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN) and HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, DSC, RN).

HMS Glenearn was bombed en-route to the pick up zone. She was towed to Kissamo Bay by HMS Griffin. From there she was taken in tow to Alexandria, first by the sloop HMS Grimsby (Cdr. K.J. D'Arcy, RN) and later by the netlayer HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN).

To replace the troop carrying capacity of the landing ship HMS Glenearn, the light cruisers HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN), HMAS Perth (Capt. P.W. Bowyer-Smith, RN) and destroyer HMAS Stuart (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN) were disposed.

From the Nauplia and Tolon area;

landing ship HMS Glenearn (Capt.(Retd.) L.B. Hill, OBE, RN), troopships Slamat (Dutch, 11636 GRT, built 1924) and Khedive Ismael (7290 GRT, built 1922), AA cruiser HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN), and destroyers HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN), HMS Hotspur (Lt.Cdr. C.P.F. Brown, DSC, RN), HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, DSO, RN), HMS Diamond (Lt.Cdr. P.A. Cartwright, RN) and HMS Havock (Lt. G.R.G. Watkins, RN).

Slamat was late in leaving Nauplia in the early morning and delayed the convoy's sailing. Slamat was then bombed and wrecked south of the Argolic Gulf in position 37°01'N, 23°10'E shortly after 0700 hours. Destroyer HMS Diamond was then left behind to rescue the survivors which she did. At 0925 hours HMS Diamond signalled that she had picked up most of the survivors and that she had set course for Suda Bay. She had also fired a torpedo into the blazing wreck and Slamat sank shortly afterwards.

The destroyers HMS Wryneck (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H.D. Lane, RN), HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades, RAN) and HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN) were then sent out to assist the Nauplia group. Of these HMS Wryneck was ordered to assist HMS Diamond. Wryneck arrived just as Slamat capsized. Both destroyers were then attacked and sunk in the early afternoon by German aircraft (9 German aircraft Ju.88, probably of I./KG.51 (Hpt. Heinrich Hahn)) with heavy loss of life. Only 27 survivors (another source gives 24 survivors) were picked up the next day by HMS Griffin. HMS Diamond was lost with 7 officers and 141 ratings while HMS Wryneck was lost with 7 officers and 98 ratings.

From the Kalamata area;

Transports City of London (British, 8956 GRT, built 1907), Costa Rica (Dutch, 8055 GRT, built 1910), Dilwara (British, 11080 GRT, built 1936). These were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Phoebe (Capt. G. Grantham, RN), destroyers HMS Defender (Lt.Cdr. G.L. Farnfield, RN), HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN) and HMS Hereward (Lt. W.J. Munn, RN) and the sloop HMS Flamingo (Cdr. R.J.O. Otway-Ruthven, RN).

HMS Defender had also embarked the Yugoslav crown jewels for transport to Alexandria.

The destroyers HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, DSO, RN) and HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, DSO, DSC, RN) were also operating in the Aegean area but their exact whereabouts are for the moment unknown to us.] (10)

20 May 1941

Battle for Crete.

Timespan: 20 May to 1 June 1941.

Opening of the German airborn attack on Crete, 20 May 1941.

At 0915 hours, 20 May 1941, just three weeks after the British withdrawal from Greece, the German attack on Crete commenced. This took the form of intense bombing of Maleme airfield and Suda Bay areas, closely followed by the landing of troops by parachute, gliders and troop carrying aircraft. The enemy’s main objective appeared to be Maleme airfield but in the afternoon similar attacks developed at Heraklion and Retimo.

Fierce hand to hand fighting took place throughout the day on the Maleme airfield. At nightfall the situation appeared to be in hand, though about 1200 of the 3000 enemy who had landed by air appeared to be unaccounted for.

The naval situation at dawn, 20 May 1941.

The position of British (Allied) naval forces at sea at daylight on the 20th of May was as follows;

Force A 1 was about 100 nautical miles to the west of Crete. It was made up of the following warships; battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. D.B. Fisher, CBE, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), HMS Valiant (Capt. C.E. Morgan, DSO, RN), light cruiser HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D.B. McCarthy, RN), destroyers HMAS Napier (Capt. S.H.T. Arliss, RN), HMS Kimberley (Lt.Cdr. J.S.M. Richardson, DSO, RN), HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN), HMS Imperial (Lt.Cdr. W. Kitcat, RN), HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN), HMS Hereward (Lt. W.J. Munn, RN), HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN), HMS Hotspur (Lt.Cdr. C.P.F. Brown, DSC, RN), HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, DSO, RN) and HMS Decoy (Cdr. E.G. McGregor, DSO, RN).

Force B was enroute from Alexandria to join force A 1 and consisted of the light cruisers HMS Gloucester (Capt. H.A. Rowley, RN also in command of this force as senior Captain) and HMS Fiji (Capt. P.B.R.W. William-Powlett, RN).

Force C was to the south of the Kaso Strait and was made up of the light cruisers HMS Naiad (Capt. M.H.A. Kelsey, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E.L.S. King, CB, MVO, RN), HMAS Perth (Capt. P.W. Bowyer-Smith, RN), destroyers HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, DSO, RN), HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Juno (St.J.R.J. Tyrwhitt, RN) and HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN).

Force D had reached the Antikithera Channel during the night and was now steering to join Force A 1. Force D was made up of the light cruisers HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN, flying the flag of the Rear-Admiral (D) [D = Destroyers] I.G. Glennie, RN) and HMS Dido (Capt. H.W.U. McCall, RN).

The Commander-in-Chief’s intentions, 20-21 May 1941.

On learning that the attack on Crete had started, the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean at once ordered the forces at sea to move up towards the island but to keep out of sight of land. In the course of the forenoon he signalled his intentions for the night.

Force B was ordered to pass close to Cape Matapan at 0400/21 and then rendezvous with Force A 1 about 50 miles west of Crete at 0700/21.

Force D, augmented by HMS Ajax and the destroyers HMS Isis HMS Imperial, HMS ar and HMS Kimberley was to pass through the Antikithera Channel to sweep the area Cape Malea (36°26’N, 23°12’E), Hydra (37°21’N, 23°35’E), Phalconera (36°50’N, 23°54’E) and to be off Canea at 0700/21.

Force C was to pass through the Kaso Strait and sweep round Stampalia (75 miles north of Kaso) arriving off Heraklion at 0700/21.

Later in the day air reconnaissance reported caiques in the Aegean, and these two sweeps were cancelled as it was feared that they might miss south-bound convoys in the darkness. Instead forces C and D were ordered to establish patrols to the east and west of Longtitude 25°E respectively. A new force of destroyers (Force E) made up of HMS Jervis (Capt. P.J. Mack, DSO, RN), HMS Ilex (Capt. H.St.L. Nicolson, DSO and Bar, RN) and HMAS Nizam (Lt.Cdr. M.J. Clark, RAN) was to bombard the Italian airfield at Scarpanto (50 miles to the east of Crete), withdrawing to the southward before daylight.

Night operations, 20-21 May 1941.

Scarpanto airfield was bombarded at 0245/21. The result could not be observed, but intelligence reports later indicated that two Do.17 aircraft were damaged. After examining Pegadia Bay (six miles to the northward of the airfield on the east coast of Scarpanto), and finding it empty, Force E retired to the southward.

The other operations ordered by the Commander-in-Chief were duly carried out but no convoys were sighted. Force C was attacked by torpedo-carrying aircraft with approaching the Kaso Strait at 2040/20. All torpedoes could be avoided. An hour later six MAS boats were encountered. Juno, Kandahar and Naiad engaged them and they retired after four of them had been damaged.

Naval situation at dawn, 21 May 1941.

At daylight, 21 May, Force A 1 (Warspite, Valiant, HMAS Napier, HMS Hereward, HMS Hero, HMS Hotspur, HMS Griffin and HMS Decoy) was 60 miles west of the Antikithera Channel, steering to the south-east to meet Force D (HMS Orion, HMS Ajax, HMS Dido, HMS Isis, HMS Imperial, HMS Janus and HMS Kimberley), which sighted nothing during the night and was now to the northward of Canea Bay and withdrawing towards the Antikithera Channel.

Force B (HMS Gloucester and HMS Fiji) was closing Force A 1 after an uneventful sweep between Cape Matapan and Cape Elophonesi (the south-west point of Crete).

The minelayer HMS Abdiel (Capt. E. Peydell-Bouverie, MVO, RN) was returning to Alexandria after laying mines off Cephalonia.

At the eastern end of Crete Force C (HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Kandahar, HMS Kingston, HMS Juno and HMS Nubian) was joined at 0600 hours by the AA cruiser HMS Calcutta (Capt. D.M. Lees, DSO, RN). This force was now retiring from the Aegean through the Kaso Strait.

Force E (HMS Jervis, HMS Ilex and HMAS Nizam) was to the southward of Scarpanto and operating under the orders of Rear-Admiral King (Force C) as was the AA cruiser HMS Carlisle (Capt. T.C. Hampton, RN) which was on passage from Alexandria.

Operations during 21 May 1941. Loss of HMS Juno.

During 21 May, Force A 1, B and D remained to the south-west of Kithera. Every opportunity, between air attacks, being taken to refuel destroyers from the battleships. Force C cruiser to the southward of the Kaso Strait where HMS Carlisle joined him in the afternoon. Force E was recalled to Alexandria.

Throughout the day various forces were subjected to heavy air attacks. Force C in particular suffered attacks from daylight onwards, and after withdrawing through the Kaso Strait, was bombed continuously from 0950 to 1350 hours.

At 1249 hours, HMS Juno was hit and sank in two minutes. Six officers and ninety-one ratings were rescued by Kandahar, Kingston and Nubian. During the attacks one enemy aircraft was shot down and two, maybe more, were damaged.

To the west of Crete Force D was located at daylight and heavily bombed while withdrawing towards Force A 1. HMS Orion and HMS Ajax both suffered damage from near misses.

Force A 1 was attacked once during the forenoon and for two and a half hours during the afternoon. This later bombing was shared by Forces B and D which were then in company. Two enemy aircraft were probably shot down.

No seaborne landing has as yet taken place but during the afternoon air reconnaissance reported groups of small craft, escorted by destroyers, moving towards Crete from Milos (80 miles north of Retimo). Forces B, C and D were therefore ordered into the Aegean to prevent landings during the night. If there were no developments Forces C and D, in the eastern and western areas respectively, were to commence working northwards on a wide zigzag at 0530/22, to locate convoys.

Force A followed Force D well into the Antikithera Channel as AA support, turning to the westward at sunset to patrol for the night in the supporting area. As the two forces parted company a sharp attack by four Ju.88’s was made on Force D which shot down three of them.

Force D breaks up a troop convoy, night of 21/22 May 1941.

At 2330/21 when some 18 miles north of Canea, Rear-Admiral Glennie with Force D which now consisted of HMS Dido, HMS Orion, HMS Ajax, HMS Janus, HMS Kimberley, HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, DSC, RN) and HMS Hereward, encountered an enemy convoy composed mainly of caiques escorted by a torpedo boat. The caiques which were crowded with German troops were engaged for two and a half hours. In all, at least a dozen caiques, two or three steamers and a steam yacht were sunk or left burning. It was estimated that about 4000 German troops were accounted for [an over-estimate, the real number was about 800 of which some were rescued later]. In addition the Italian torpedo-boat Lupo, after firing torpedoes at the cruisers, was damaged by a broadside from HMS Ajax.

After taking a further sweep to the east and north, Rear-Admiral Glennie decided that, in view of serious shortage of AA ammunition (AA ammunition remaining; Orion 38%, Ajax 42%, Dido 30%) and the scale of air attack to be anticipated the next day, he was not justified in keeping his force in the Aegean to carry out the intended sweep to the northward at daylight. He accordingly turned to the westward at 0330/22. His ships which had become considerably scattered during the action were given a rendezvous some 30 miles west of Crete. This decision, together with the result of his attack on the convoy, he reported to the Commander-in-Chief who ordered Force D to return to Alexandria with all dispatch.

Meanwhile Force B (Gloucester, Fiji, HMS Greyhound (Cdr. W.A. Marshall-A’Deane, DSO, DSC, RN) and Griffin) had been ordered by the Commander-in-Chief to leave their patrol off Cape Matapan and to proceed with dispatch to Heraklion where part of the town and harbour were reported to be in enemy hands. These orders reached Capt. Rowley in the Gloucester too late to be carried out, but the force entered the Aegean and at daylight was about 25 miles north of Canea. Nothing was sighted, and they retired to the westward towards Force A 1. Force B was attacked almost continuously by dive bombers for an hour and a half from 0630/22 onwards but escaped with slight damage only to each cruiser. They joined Force A 1 at 0830/22.

Naval situation at dawn, 22 May 1941.

At daylight on 22 May 1941, the position of the naval forces at sea was as follows. Rear-Admiral Rawlings with Force A 1 (HMS Warspite, HMS Valiant. HMAS Napier, HMS Imperial, HMS Isis, HMS Hero, HMS Hotspur and HMS Decoy) was about 45 miles south-west of Kithera, steering to the north-westward and shortly to be joined by the forces D and B from the Aegean.

The 5th Destroyer Flottilla had meanwhile (21 May) sailed from Malta the previous evening and was on passage to join Rear-Admiral Rawlings around 1000/22. This Flotilla was made up of five destroyers; HMS Kelly (Capt. L.F.A.V.N. Mountbatten, DSO, RN), HMS Kashmir (Cdr. H.A. King, RN), HMS Kelvin (Cdr. J.H. Alliston, RN), HMS Kipling (Cdr. A. St.Clair-Ford, RN) and HMS Jackal (Lt.Cdr. R.McC.P. Jonas, DSC, RN).

HMAS Stuart (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN), HMAS Vendetta (Lt.Cdr. R. Rhoades, RAN) and HMAS Voyager (Cdr. J.C. Morrow, DSO, RAN) from the 10th Destroyer Flotilla as well as HMS Jervis, HMS Ilex and HMAS Nizam from the 14th Destroyer Flotilla were on passage from Alexandria to join Rear-Admiral Rawlings (Force A 1) and Rear-Admiral King (Force C) respectively.

Force C (HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Calcutta, HMS Carlisle, HMS Kandahar, HMS Kingston and HMS Nubian) was off Heraklion about to sweep to the north-westward in search of enemy troop convoys.

The 22nd of May was to prove an expensive day for the British naval forces costing them two cruisers and a destroyer sunk, and leading directly to the situation which occasioned the loss of a further two destroyers the next morning. Also two battleships and two cruisers were damaged.

On the other hand the enemy was prevented from making a seaborne landing, and that so effectively as to deter him from any further attempts to do so, until the fall of Crete had been decided by his airborne troops.

Force C’s encounter with an enemy troop convoy, AM 22nd May.

Rear-Admiral King’s Force C had spent the night of 21/22 May patrolling of Heraklion. Nothing was sighted and at dawn the force formed up to carry out the sweep to the northward as ordered by the Commander-in-Chief. Air attacks on Force C commenced at 0700/22 and were continued without intermission. At 0830 hours a single caique carrying German troops was sighted. This caique was sunk by HMAS Perth, and as she was being heavily attacks by enemy aircraft, HMS Naiad turned back to support her. A small merchant vessel, reported by HMS Calcutta at 0909 hours was dealt with by the destroyers.

At 1000/22 Force C was 25 miles south of Milo (90 miles north of Retimo), HMAS Perth had rejoined the rest of the force but HMS Naiad was being heavily attacked and was still some way astern. Ten minutes later an enemy torpedo-boat (the Italian Saggitario) with four or five small sailing vessels was sighted to the northward. The destroyers gave chase, while the Perth and Naiad engaged the torpedo boat, causing her to retire behind smoke. HMS Kingston then engaged another destroyer, who was laying a smoke screen, at 7000 yards range, claiming two hits. She also reported a large number of caiques behind the smoke.

Force C was running short of AA ammunition. Air attacks were incessant and the force had to be kept together for mutual support. Its speed was limited as HMS Carlisle was unable to do more than 21 knots due to a bomb hit by enemy aircraft. During the same attack HMAS Perth had been near-missed but her speed was not effected.

For these reasons, Rear-Admiral King considered that he would jeopadise his whole force if he proceeded any further to the northward. He therefore decided to withdraw to the westward and ordered his destroyers to abandon the chase. A signal from the Commander-in-Chief (timed 0941 hour), which showed that this convoy was of considerable size, was not seen by him until 1100 hours. The brief action did, however, cause the enemy to turn back, and the troops, if they ever reached Crete at all, were not in time to influence the battle.

During its withdrawal to the westward, Force C, was continuously bombed for three and a half hours. HMS Naiad due to avoiding action had been unable to overtake the remainder of the force had two 5.25” turrets out of action. Several compartments were flooded by near misses, and at 1125 hours, her speed being reduced to 16-19 knots, the remainder of the force was ordered back to her support. Over a period of two hours, 181 bombs had been counted as being aimed at HMS Naiad.

HMS Carlisle was hit, and although not seriously damaged her Commanding Officer was killed. Torpedo bombers attacked the force at 1258 and 1315 hours but all torpedoes were avoided. At 1321 hours Force C sighted Force A 1 coming up the Kithera Channel from the westward.

The junction of Force A 1 with Force C, 22 May 1941.

On learning that Rear-Admiral King would be withdrawing through the Kithera Channel, Rear-Admiral Rawlings had decided that he would meet him in that neighbourhood. Accordingly, after being joined by Forces B and D he spent the forenoon patrolling between 20 and 30 miles west of the channel. The ammunition situation was causing anxiety, and rigid economy was ordered.

At 1225 hours, Rear-Admiral Rawlings heard from Rear-Admiral King that HMS Naiad was badly damaged and in need of support. He immediately decided to enter the Aegean and steered for the Kithera Channel at 23 knots. AA shell bursts from Force C were sighted at 1312 hours and a few minutes afterwards a large caique was seen between Pori and Antikithera Islands, to the south of the channel. HMS Greyhound was ordered to sink it.

At 1332 hours, just as forces A 1/B/D and C were meeting HMS Warspite was attacked by three Me 109’s equipped with bombs. A bomb hit and wrecked the starboard 4” and 6” batteries and damaged number three boiler room fan intakes, thereby reducing the ship’s speed. Both forces then withdrew to the south-westward, air attacks continuing intermittently for most of the afternoon.

The loss of HMS Greyhound, HMS Gloucester, HMS Fiji, 22 May 1941.

HMS Greyhound meanwhile, after sinking the caique, was returning to her place in Force A 1’s screen when at 1351 hours she was struck by two bombs and sank stern first 15 minutes later. HMS Kandahar and HMS Kingston were detached from Force C to pick up survivors and shortly after 1400 hours, Rear-Admiral King (who was the senior officer of all the forces present) ordered HMS Gloucester and HMS Fiji to give them AA support and to stand by the sinking Greyhound. These rescuing ships, and the men swimming in the water were subjected to almost continuous bombing and machine gun attacks. HMS Kingston was damaged by three near misses.

At 1413 hours, Rear-Admiral King asked Rear-Admiral Rawlings for close support as Force C by that time had practically no AA ammunition left. Force A 1 closed at the Warspite’s best speed (18 knots), and Rear-Admiral Rawlings, who was feeling uneasy about the orders given to Gloucester and Fiji informed Rear-Admiral King about the depleted state of their AA ammunition stocks of which the latter was not aware. At 1457 hours, Rear-Admiral King therefore ordered the rescuing ships to withdraw at their discretion, leaving boats and rafts if air attack prevented the rescue of survivors from Greyhound.

At 1530 hours, HMS Gloucester and HMS Fiji were coming up astern of HMS Warspite at high speed, engaging enemy aircraft. At 1550 hours, HMS Gloucester was hit by several bombs and came to a full stop. She was badly on fire and her upper deck was a shambles. In view of the intensity of the air attacks the Captain of HMS Fiji reluctantly decided that he could offer no assistance to her. All available boats and floats were dropped and the Fiji proceeded to the southward with Kandahar and Kingston still being hotly attacked by enemy aircraft.

At 1710 hours, HMS Fiji reported that she was in position 24 miles, 305°, Cape Elophonesi (the south-west point of Crete), steering 175° at 27 knots, a position 30 miles due east of Forces A 1 and C which were steering 215°.

At 1845 hours, after having survived about 20 bombing attacks by aircraft formations during the last four hours she fell victim to a single Me. 109. The machine flew out of the clouds in a shallow dive and dropped its bomb very close to the port side amidships. The ship took up a heavy list, but was able to steam at 17 knots until half an hour later when another single machine dropped three bombs which hit above ‘A’ boiler room. The list increased and at 2015 hours she rolled right over and sank in position 34°45’N, 23°12’E. She had expended all her 4” ammunition except for six star shell.

HMS Kandahar and HMS Kingston dropped boats and floats and then withdrew to the southward to avoid almost certain damage from air attacks if they had stayed in the area. They returned after dark and were able to rescue 523 officers and men. It was during this rescue work that Cdr. W.R. Marshall-A’Deane the Commanding Officer of HMS Greyhound, who had been picked up by HMS Kandahar earlier in the day when his own ship was sunk, jumped overboard to help a men in distress. He was lost out of sight in the darkness and was never seen again.

HMS Kandahar and HMS Kingston had been subjected to 22 air attacks between 1445 and 1920 hours and were now running short of fuel. At 2245 hours they left the scene of the loss of HMS Fiji and shaped course to rendezvous with Rear-Admiral King’s forces to the southward of Crete.

Night operations, 22-23 May 1941

Meanwhile, Rear-Admiral King, with Forces C and A 1 had been steering to the south-westward. Spasmodic air attacks continued till dusk. At 1645 hours HMS Valiant was hit by two medium bombs but no serious damage was done to her. Course was altered to the southward at 1800 hours and to the eastward at 2100 hours

Captain Lord Louis Mountbatten with his five destroyers; HMS Kelly, HMS Kashmir, HMS Kelvin, HMS Kipling and HMS Jackal had been delayed on his passage from Malta by a promising A/S hunt and only effected his junction with Force A 1 at 1600/22. At 2030 hours Kelly, Kashmir and Kipling were detached to search for survivors from Fiji and half an hour later Kelvin and Jackal were also detached to try to search for survivors from Gloucester. Subsequently these searches for survivors were cancelled and the destroyers were ordered to patrol inside Kisamo and Canea Bays.

On arrival at the Antikithera Channel HMS Kipling developed a steering defect and was detached to join Force A 1. Later on as the defect was remedied, her Commanding Officer decided to remain to the south-west of Crete where he anticipated he was able to make rendezvous with the other destroyer on their return. To this fortunate decision Capt. D.5 and over 250 of his officers and men in all probability were to owe their lives.

Continuing into Canea Bay Kelly and Kashmir fell in with a troop carrying caique, which they damaged badly with gunfire. They then carried out a short bombardment at Maleme and, whilst withdrawing, they engaged and set on fire another caique.

The Naval Officer in Command Suda had meanwhile reported some lights in Canea Bay. These lights the Kelvin and Jackal, who were operating in Kissamo Bay, were ordered to investigate, and finding them to be shore lights, proceeded independently for Alexandria informing the Commander-in-Chief of this intention at 0300/23.

Towards the eastern end of Crete, Force E, consisting of HMS Jervis, HMAS Nizam, HMS Ilex and HMS Havock (Lt. G.R.G. Watkins, RN) maintained a patrol off Heraklion without incident. They set course to return to Alexandria in the morning. On the way there were bombed for five hours, Ilex and Havock being damaged by near misses.

During the night HMS Decoy and HMS Hero embarked the Greek King, members of the government and other prominent Greeks at Agriarumeli on the south coast of Crete after which the two destroyers sailed to join Rear-Admiral King forces to the southward.

In the meantime Forces C and A 1 were some 75 miles to the southward of Crete steering 110°. At 0100/23 ‘Force C’ parted company and proceeded for Alexandria. Some hours previously Rear-Admiral Rawlings had signalled to the Commander-in-Chief that a rallying point further to the east would be better than one to the southwest of Kithera. If this was approved it was suggested that the 5th Destroyer Flotilla should make it’s withdrawal from Canea Bay to the eastward and that the Commander-in-Chief should issue orders accordingly, to all forces. Force A 1 therefore continued steering 110° until 0400/23, when, no reply having been received from the Commander-in-Chief, course was altered to the south-westward. Rear-Admiral Rawlings was about to signal a rendezvous to the southwest of Cape Elophonesi when a message was received ordering the withdrawal of all force to Alexandria. He accordingly set course for Alexandria at 15 knots, informing scattered units of his position, course and speed at 0530/23.

The Commander-in-Chief orders withdrawal to Alexandria, 23 May 1941.

At 2230/22, the Commander-in-Chief had received a ‘Most Immediate’ message from Rear-Admiral Rawlings reporting the loss of HMS Gloucester and HMS Fiji, and giving details of the ammunition situation. Owning to an error at Alexandria this signal made it appear that the battleships of Force A 1 had no pompon ammunition left. Therefore at 0408/23 orders were given to all forces to retire to the eastward.

In actual fact, the battleships had plenty of ammunition. Had the Commander-in-Chief been aware of this, they would not have been ordered to Alexandria, and would have been available as a support and rallying point for the 5th Destroyer Flotilla in the morning of the 23rd.

Naval situation at dawn, 23 May 1941.

Dawn on 23 May 1941 found the naval forces in the waters around Crete considerably scattered. To the eastward Capt. Mack with Force E was north of Crete, returning to Alexandria through the Kaso Strait.

Rear-Admiral Glennie in HMS Dido was just arriving at Alexandria with HMS Orion and HMS Ajax some distance astern of him.

The transport HMS Glenroy (Capt.(Retd.) J.F. Paget, RN), with reinforcements on board and escorted by HMS Coventry (A/Capt. W.P. Carne, RN), HMS Auckland (A/Capt. E.G. Hewitt, RN) and HMS Flamingo (Cdr. R.J.O. Otway-Ruthven, RN) had left Alexandria the previous afternoon and was 130 miles out making for Tymbaki.on the south coast of Crete.

Forces A 1 and C were about 25 miles apart to the south of Crete and were returning to Alexandria. The destroyers HMS Kandahar and HMS Kingston, with survivors from HMS Fiji on board were about to join Force C. The destroyers HMS Decoy and HMS Hero, with the King of Greece on board, were to the northward of Force A 1 which they joined at 0745/23.

Further to the west, a bit to the south of Gavdos Island, was Capt. Waller in HMAS Stuart, HMAS Vendetta and HMAS Voyager, who had been ordered around 2330C/22, by Rear-Admiral Rawlings to search for survivors from HMS Fiji. The Australian destroyers searched until around 0600C/23 and joined Force A 1 around 1000C/23. Also in that area were the destroyers HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. J.F.W. Hine, RN) and HMS Defender (Lt.Cdr. G.L. Farnfield, RN) which had left Alexandria the day before with munitions for the army.

HMS Kelvin and HMS Jackal were to the south-west of Crete and returning to Alexandria where they arrived on May, 24th. HMS Kipling was also in that vicinity and was hoping to join HMS Kelly and HMS Kashmir, who had cleared Canea Bay and were retiring close to the west coast of Crete.

Loss off HMS Kelly and HMS Kashmir, 23 May 1941.

Captain Lord Louis Mountbatten had been withdrawing at full speed since dawn. At 0755 hours, after surviving two air attacks without suffering damage, he was about 13 nautical miles to the southward of Gavdos Island when his ships were attacked by a force of 24 Ju.87 dive bombers. The Kashmir was hit and sunk in 2 minutes. A large bomb struck the Kelly while she was doing 30 knots under full starboard rudder. She turned turtle to port with considerable way on, and after floating upside down for about half an hour, finally sank. In accordance with earlier practice the dive bombers then machine-gunned the survivors in the water, killing and wounding several.

The attack was witnessed by HMS Kipling, who was some 7 to 8 miles to the southward. She immediately closed and succeeded in picking up 281 officers and men from the water including the Commanding Officers of both destroyers. She left the scene of the sinking for Alexandria at 1100/23. She was considerably hampered in this rescue work by six high level bombing attacks and it was subsequently estimated that between 0820 and 1300 hours no less then 40 aircraft attacked her, dropping 83 bombs, though she emerged from the ordeal unscathed.

Return of the British naval forces to Alexandria, 23 May 1941.

In the meantime Force C had been joined by HMS Kandahar and HMS Kingston with survivors from HMS Fiji on board at 0630/23. Both destroyers were very low on fuel. Force A 1 was only 25 miles to the north-west. Force C then closed Force A 1 and both destroyers were able to fuel from the battleships. Shortly after 0800 hours, a signal was received from HMS Kipling reporting the loss of HMS Kelly and HMS Kashmir. Rear-Admiral King reluctantly decided that he could sent no help from Forces A 1 and C.

HMS Decoy and HMS Hero, with the Greek Royal party on board, had joined Force A 1 about the same time, and in course of the forenoon all the scattered destroyer joined up except for HMS Kipling. Later in the day HMS Jaguar and HMS Defender were detached to land ammunition at Suda Bay. The remained of the force proceeded to Alexandria where they arrived in the early hours of the 24th.

The fighting in Crete, 21 -24 May 1941.

On shore, meanwhile, the situation deteriorated. During the 21st although Maleme airfield remained no-man’s land under fire from Italian guns manned by New Zealand gunners, enemy troop carriers landed there regardless of losses. Parachute reinforcements also arrived, and the Germans concentrated between Aliakanou and Canea, and immediately west of Meleme. The savage air bombardment of the British positions continued.

Early on the 22nd, a British counter attack reached Maleme airfield, but heavy dive bombing, and machine gun fire from air and ground rendered further progress impossible. Fighting continued throughout the day, but enemy troop carriers with reinforcements were arriving at a rate of more than 20 each hour, and the withdrawal of British troops to a new line further east was commenced.

The steady flow of German reinforcements, and very heavy air attacks on the British troops continued throughout the 23rd. On this day, the five Motor Torpedo Boats of the 10th M.T.B. Flotilla in Suda Bay (MTB 67, MTB 213, MTB 214, MTB 216 and MTB 217) were all sunk by air attacks. During their operations off the Cretan coast and in harbour they accounted for two aircraft shot down for sure and another two probably shot down.

By the 24th the AA defences of Suda had been seriously reduced and losses to small craft in port were heavy. Severe bombing of Canea compelled the withdrawal of the Army Headquarters to the Naval Headquarters at Suda.

At Heraklion, in the meantime, the Germans had been unable to make much headway. Successful counter attacks were carried out by British troops, in conjunction with Greek and Cretan forces on the 21st, and the situation remained will in hand the next day. 20 to 30 German troop carrying aircraft were destroyed by AA fire. On the 23rd an ultimatum from the Germans calling for the surrender of Heraklion was rejected by the British and Greek commanders, though by this time the Greeks were running short of ammunition.

Reinforcements and supplies to the Army in Crete.

Throughout the Battle of Crete, frequent attempts were made to throw reinforcements and supplies into the island, with varying success.

All disembarkation had to planned to take place at night, owning to the German command of the air. Attempts were made to use HMS Glenroy and merchant vessels for this purpose, but it was found in practice that only warships were able to get through.

On the night of the 23rd – 24th of May, HMS Jaguar and HMS Defender landed stores and ammunition at Suda between midnight and 0200 hours. They returned to Alexandria with officers and men not required in Crete as well as some wounded.

HMS Glenroy embarked 900 men from the Queens Royal Regiment, H.Q. staff of the 16th Infantry Brigade and 18 vehicles at Alexandria. She then sailed for Tymbaki on the afternoon of the 22nd escorted by HMS Coventry, HMS Auckland and HMS Flamingo. These ships were recalled at 1127/23 due to the heavy air attacks sustained by the Fleet.

The following day, HMS Isis, HMS Hero and HMAS Nizam sailed from Alexandria with the Headquarters and two battalions of special service troops, known as ‘Layforce’. These were to be landed on the south-west coast of Crete at Selinos Kastelli. The weather conditions however did not permitted a landing and it had to be cancelled.

During the night of 24 – 25 May, the fast minelayer HMS Abdiel landed about 200 personnel of ‘Layforce’ and about 80 tons of stores at Suda. She returned with about 50 wounded and 4 Greek Cabinet Ministers. A dive bombing attack by 4 Ju.88’s at 1300/25 was successfully avoided.

On arrival at Alexandria in the evening of the 25th, HMS Abdiel embarked Brigadier Laycock with 400 men and 100 tons of stores. She left again early on the 26th accompanied by HMS Hero and HMAS Nizam. These ships landed about 750 troops and stores at Suda during the night of 26 – 27 May. These were the last reinforcements landed in Crete.

About 930 men no longer required there were then embarked and taken back to Alexandria in HMS Abdiel. Air attacks commenced at daylight, just north-west of the Kaso Strait, and continued intermittently till 1130/27. No damage was sustained except by HMS Hero whose speed was reduced to 28 knots by a near miss at 0700 hours.

Meanwhile the Glenroy with a battalion of the Queen’s Regiment on board, had sailed from Alexandria for Tymbaki during the evening of the 25th. She was being escorted by HMS Coventry, HMAS Stuart and HMS Jaguar. The force was subjected to bombing attacks by enemy reconnaissance aircraft during the forenoon. At 1820/26 there were heavy dive bombing attacks. Glenroy was slightly damaged sustained some casualties owing to near misses and machine gun attacks. Three of her landing craft were holed and a large dump of cased petrol on the upper deck caught fire, which necessitated steering down wind until the fire was put out. With 800 troops on board and with a large cargo of petrol it was a nasty situation. By 1950 hours the fire was under control and course was resumed to the northward. A final attack by torpedo bombers at 2050 hours caused no further damage. The torpedoes were being successfully evaded. The Glenroy was now about three hours behind schedule and wither landing craft capacity down by about a third and the weather forecast in mind it was decided to cancel the operation and the force was ordered to return to Alexandria.

One other attempt was made to transport some supplies to Crete. Convoy AN 31 of three Greek merchant ships escorted by HMS Auckland left Alexandria at 0500/26. One of the merchant vessels soon had to turn back due to engine trouble. The convoy escort was later reinforced by HMS Calcutta and HMS Defender. Early the next forenoon it was realised that under the existing conditions they would not have a chance of reaching the island and they too were recalled. Shortly after turning back the convoy was attacked by about 9 Ju.88’s but no damage was sustained. One of the attacking aircraft was seen to be hit by AA fire.

Naval situation at dawn, 24 May 1941.

At daylight on the 24th, the only naval forces at sea were HMS Jaguar and HMS Defender, which were about to pass through the Kaso Strait on passage from Suda Bay to Alexandria and HMS Abdiel which had left Alexandria during the night and was on passage to Suda Bay with more stores for the Army.

HMS Kipling with the survivors from HMS Kelly and HMS Kashmir on board was about 70 miles from Alexandria, practically out of fuel. HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) had been sent out to meet her.

It was on this day that the Commander-in-Chief, well aware under which strain his ships were working, signalled to his Fleet. ‘The Army is just holding its own against constant reinforcement of airborne enemy troops. We must NOT let them down. At whatever cost to ourselves, we must land reinforcements for them and keep the enemy from using the sea. There are indications that the enemy resources are stretched to the limit. We can and must outlast them. STICK IT OUT.’

The Commander-in-Chief’s appreciation, 24 May 1941.

Four days had now elapsed since the opening of the attack on Crete and in reply to a request from the Chiefs-of-Staff for an appreciation, the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, informed them that the scale of air attack now made it no longer possible for the Navy to operate in the Aegean or vicinity of Crete by day. The Navy could not guarantee to prevent seaborne landings without suffering losses which, added to those already sustained, would very seriously prejudice our command of the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Chiefs-of-Staff replied that the Fleet and Royal Air Force were to accept whatever risk was entailed in preventing any considerable enemy reinforcement from reaching Crete. If enemy convoys were reported north of Crete, the Fleet would have to operate in that area by day, although considerable losses might be expected. Experience would show for how long this situation could be maintained.

To this the Commander-in-Chief replied on the 26th that the determining factor in operating in the Aegean was not the fear of sustaining losses but the need to avoid crippling the Fleet. He added that the enemy, so far, had apparently not succeeded in landing any appreciable reinforcements by sea.

As how long the situation could be maintained, he pointed out that in three days two cruisers and four destroyers had been sunk, one battleship had been put out of action for several months, and two cruisers and four destroyers had been considerably damaged. He also referred to the strain both to personnel and machinery in the light craft, who had been operating to the limits of their endurance since February.

Captain McCarthy’s Force , 24-26 May 1941.

There had been indications that a landing might take place in the east of Crete at Sitia on the night of 24-25 May. To deal with this threat a Force consisting of the cruisers HMS Ajax (Senior Officer), HMS Dido, destroyers HMS Hotspur, HMS Imperial and HMS Kimberley left Alexandria at 0800/24 and passing through the Kaso Strait swept the north coast of Crete during the night. Nothing was sighted and the Force withdrew to the southward of Kaso before daylight. Here they remained during the 25th, repeating the sweep north of Crete the next night. Again nothing was sighted.

F.A.A. attack on Scarpanto airfield, 26 May 1941 (Operation MAQ 3).

It was known that Scarpanto airfield was being extensively used by the enemy in his operations against Crete, and it was therefore decided to attack it with Fleet Air Arm aircraft from HMS Formidable (Capt. T. Bisset, RN, flying the flag of A/Rear-Admiral D.W. Boyd, CBE, DSC, RN), who had now built up her fighter strength to 12 Fulmars.

Vice-Admiral Pridham-Whippel left Alexandria on the 25th with Force A which was made up of the battleships HMS Queen Elizabeth (Capt. C.B. Barry, DSO, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral H.D. Pridham-Whippell, CB, CVO, RN), HMS Barham (Capt. G.C. Cooke, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Formidable and the destroyers HMS Jervis, HMS Janus, HMS Kandahar, HMS Nubian, HMS Hasty, HMS Hereward, HMAS Voyager and HMAS Vendetta.

At 0330/26 this Force was about 100 miles to the south-south-west of Scarpanto. Four Albacores and later five Fulmars were flown off from HMS Formidable to attack the airfield. The Albacores achieved complete surprise. They destroyed two enemy aircraft and damaged several others while the Fulmars damaged a number of Cr.42’s and Ju.87’s. All aircraft had returned to Formidable by 0700 hours. By now the Force headed by HMS Ajax had also joined coming from the Kaso Strait. ‘Force A’ now set course to the southward.

Operations of ‘Force A’, HMS Formidable and HMS Nubian damaged, 26 May 1941.

During the forenoon of the 26th May, enemy aircraft were continually being detected. The eight remaining serviceable aircraft, four of which were fighters, made 24 flights, during which there were 20 combats. Two enemy aircraft were shot down and two more were probably destroyed. One Fulmar was lost.

At 1320 hours, when about 150 miles south of the Kaso Strait ‘Force A’ was attacked by about 20 dive bombers which approached from the African coast. HMS Formidable was hit twice, her starboard side was blown out between numbers 17 and 24 bulkheads and ‘X’ turret and cable and accelerator gear were put out of action.

During the same attack, HMS Nubian, was hit right aft and had her stern blown off. She was still able to steam 20 knots. She was then detached to Alexandria with HMS Jackal where she arrived under her own steam that night.

Force A than shaped course to the eastward and after dark HMS Formidable escorted by HMS Hereward, HMAS Vendetta and HMAS Voyager parted company and set course for Alexandria where they arrived around 0715C/27. The remainder of the Force operated to the north-eastward of Alexandria during the night.

Naval situation at dawn, 27 May 1941.

At daylight, 27 May 1941, ‘Force A’, now consisted of the battleships HMS Queen Elizabeth, HMS Barham and escorted by the destroyers HMS Jervis, HMS Janus, HMS Kandahar, HMS Kelvin, HMAS Napier and HMS Hasty were about 250 nautical miles south-east of Kaso, steering to the north-westward. In the Kaso Strait HMS Abdiel, HMS Hero and HMAS Nizam were returning from Suda Bay.

Some 90 nautical miles to the north-west of Force A, HMS Glenroy and her escorting destroyers; HMAS Stuart and HMS Jaguar were steering for Alexandria after their abortive attempt to land troops and supplies at Tymbaki. About half way between these two forces was convoy AN 31 heading for Crete. This convoy was recalled soon afterwards.

Operations of ‘Force A’, HMS Barham damaged, 27 May 1941.

Vice-Admiral Pridham-Whippel with Force A had been steering since daylight for the Kaso Strait to cover the withdrawal of HMS Abdiel, HMS Hero and HMAS Nizam. At 0859 hours, 15 Ju.88’s and He.111’s attacked from the direction of the sun. HMS Barham was hit on ‘Y’ turret and two of her bulges were flooded by near misses. A fire was started, which necessitated steering down wind to the south until it was extinguished two hours later. Two enemy aircraft were shot down and one was seen to be damaged.

At 1230 hours, on receipt of instructions from the Commander-in-Chief, Force A shaped course for Alexandria, arriving there at 1900 hours that evening.

The collapse in the Suda-Maleme area, 26 May 1941.

While these operation had been in progress at sea, the battle on shore had continued with unabated bitterness. Sunday, May 25th, the sixth day of the enemy attack was critical for the Australian and New Zealand troops in the Maleme area. After continuous bombing of their positions all day, a strong enemy attack took Galatos. British light tanks and New Zealand troops retook it at the point of the bayonet. This was described by General Fryberg as ‘one of the great efforts in the defence of Crete’. The position could not be held, however, and with Maleme no longer under fire, enemy troop carriers poured in reinforcements. Late that night the new line formed in the Maleme-Canea sector was broken by the Germans, after several attacks had been repulsed.

The next day (May 26th) further attacks compelled the tired New Zealand and Australian troops to withdraw still further towards Suda. They had fought for six days without respite; more then 20 fiece bayonet counter attacks had been carried out, and throughout the whole period they had been subjected to air attacks on unprecedented scale. That night the line collapsed and the retreat commenced.

So suddenly did the collapse come at the last, that there had been no time to organise the retirement and though the infantry which withdrew from the front line did so in good order, the movements of the rest of the force were uncontrolled, and much congestion on the route resulted.

The withdrawal, which was directed towards Sphakia continued during the 27th. By this time a rearguard had been organised which was able to cover the retirement of the bulk of the remainder to Sphakia.

Meanwhile in the Heraklion sector the British troops were holding out. On the 26th, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and two of the ‘I’ tanks landed at Tymbaki on the 19th, succeeded in breaking through from the south and joining them. With the Suda-Maleme area in the hands of the enemy, however, the position of the troops at Heraklion was clearly untenable and it appeared to be only a matter of time before the enemy would launch a major attack on them.

The work of the Royal Air Force.

Throughout the battle, the Royal Air Force, working from Egypt, did all that was possible to afford relief to our troop in Crete; but the distance was too great to maintain a scale of attack on the Germans that could affect the issue.

Enemy positions and aircraft were attacked at Maleme by Blenheims and Marylands (of the S.A.A.F.) at intervals on the 23rd, 25th, 26th and 27th of May. In these raids at least 40 enemy aircraft of various types were destroyed and many others damaged. Nine Ju.52’s carrying troops were destroyed by Hurricanes on the 23rd and 26th. Wellingtons bombed Maleme on the nights of the 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th and 29th. They also attacked Scarpanto on the nights of the 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th and Heraklion on the 30th at 31st of May and 1st of June.

All these attacks caused fires and explosions but the extent of the damage is not known. During the battle the R.A.F. lost 38 aircraft, 33 of them in the air.

The decision to evacuate Crete, 27 May 1941.

Messages received from the G.O.C. Troops in Crete and the N.O.I.C. Suda Bay made it clear that our line defending Suda had collapsed with great suddenness.

In a message times 0824/27, General Wavell informed the Prime Minister that he feared we must recognise that Crete was no longer tenable, and that, so far as possible, the troops must be withdrawn. In reply to this message, the Chiefs-of-Staff ordered Crete to be evacuated forthwith.

Evacuation from Sphakia, 1st night, 28-29 May 1941.

At 0600/28, less then 24 hours after the decision to evacuate Crete had been taken, Force B, consisting of the light cruisers HMS Orion, HMS Ajax, HMS Dido and the destroyers HMS Decoy, HMS Hereward, HMS Hotspur, HMS Imperial, HMS Jackal and HMS Kimberley departed Alexandria to evacuate the Heraklion garrison. Rear-Admiral Rawlings, flying his flag in Orion was given charge of this operation.

Two hours later, Force C, under Capt. Arliss, left Alexandria for Sphakia. It was made up of HMAS Napier, HMAS Nizam, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kelvin. Force C had an uneventful passage and commenced embarkation at 0030/29. The operation was completed by 0300/29 by which time the four destroyers had taken on board nearly 700 troops and had landed badly needed rations for 15000.

On the return passage, the force was attacked by four Ju.88’s at about 0900 hours, HMAS Nizam suffered minor damage from a near miss. Fighter protection had been arranged from 0545 hours and at 0940 hours a crashed enemy aircraft was sighted, probably shot down by our fighters. Force C arrived at Alexandria at 1700/29 without much enemy interference.

Evacuation of the Heraklion garrison, 1st night, 28-29 May 1941.

Rear-Admiral Rawlings, meanwhile, had been having a much more different experience. At 1700/28 Force B was about 90 miles from Scarpanto and from then until dark was subjected to a series of air attacks. High level, dive bombing and torpedo.

At 1920 hours, HMS Imperial was near missed but appeared to be undamaged and 50 minutes later a near miss caused slight damage and some casualties in HMS Ajax which was then detached to Alexandria.

On arrival of the force at Heraklion at 2330/28 the destroyers immediately entered harbour, embarked troops from the jetties and ferried them to the cruisers outside. By 0245/29 the ferrying was complete and a quarter of an hour later HMS Kimberley and HMS Imperial had embarked the rearguard.

At 032 hours the force proceeded to sea at 29 knots with the whole of the Heraklion garrison on board, some 4000 troops. All went well until 0345 hours when HMS Imperial’s steering gear failed and she nearly collided with HMS Orion and HMS Dido. Her rudder was jammed and repairs could not be made. Delaying the force would mean more air attacks and it was vital to be as far away as possible from the enemy airfields before daylight. It was therefore decided to take off the troops from HMS Imperial and then sink her. At 0445 hours this was successfully done by HMS Hotspur which had now 900 troops on board. By now Force B was about 1,5 hours late and it was only at sunrise that they arrived off the Kaso Strait. The German air force was already waiting.

Air attacks commenced at 0600 hours and continued at intervals to 1500 hours when the force was within 100 miles from Alexandria.

At 0625 hours, HMS Hereward was hit by a bomb which forced her to reduce speed and fall away from her position in the screen. The force was then in the middle of the Kaso Strait and once more Rear-Admiral Rawlings had to decide whether to endanger his whole force and the troops on board for the sake of a single ship, or to leave her for a certain destruction. HMS Hereward was last seen making slowly towards Crete which was only five miles distant with her guns engaging enemy aircraft.

Twenty minutes later HMS Decoy suffered damage to her machinery as the result of a near miss and the speed of the force had to be reduced to 25 knots. A further reduction to 21 knots was needed after HMS Orion had been near-missed at 0730 hours.

With 4000 troops on board, the speed reduced to 21 knots, and no fighter support, things were beginning to look ugly. The Commander-in-Chief realised from Rear-Admiral Rawlings signals that our fighters had not appeared and every endeavour was made to rectify this but the fighters only appeared at noon.

By this time Force B had suffered badly. Shortly after 0730 hours Capt. Back, the Flag captain of HMS Orion was wounded and died two hours later. His place was taken by Cdr. Wynne.

At 0815 hours, HMS Dido was hit on ‘B’ turret and the Orion on ‘A’ turret at 0900 hours, both by bombs from Ju.87 dive bombers. In each case the turrets were put out of action.

At 1045 hours, HMS Orion was again attacked by Ju.87’s and a bomb passed through her bridge, putting the lower conning tower out of action. Force B was then 100 miles south of Kaso and this was the last attack made by dive bombers.

The Orion had nearly 1100 troops on board and the casualties on the crowded mess decks were very heavy. It is believed that a total of 260 were killed and 280 were wounded. In addition three of the engineer officers were killed. All normal communication between the bridge and the engine room was destroyed, the steering gear was put out of action, and three boiler rooms were damaged. Also there were fires in the foremost 6” and 4” magazines.

Fortunately there was a lull in the air attacks until 1300/29 when a high level bombing attack developed, followed by another one at 1330 hours and a final one at 1500 hours.

Force B arrived at Alexandria at 2000/29. HMS Orion only having 10 tons of fuel and two rounds of 6” HE remaining.

Feasibility of further evacuation considered, 29-30 May 1941.

This disastrous commencement of the evacuation placed the Commander-in-Chief in a most unpleasant predicament. Of the 4000 troops embarked in Force B, no less then 800 had been killed or captured (those on the Hereward) after leaving Crete. If this was to be the scale of the casualties, it appeared that quite apart from prospective naval losses of ships and men, who could be ill spared, our efforts to rescue the army from capture might only lead to destruction of a large portion of the troops.

Particular anxiety was feld for the transport HMS Glengyle (A/Capt.(Retd.) C.H. Petrie, RN) which was already at sea and was due to embark 3000 troops the next night (29-30 May).

It was only after long and anxious consideration, and consultation with the Admiralty, as well as with the military authorities, that the decision to continue the evacuation could be taken.

Once taken this decision was amply justified. The remainder of the evacuation proceeded almost without casualties to personnel. Fighter protection became steadily more effective, and the enemy less enterprising. His failure to interfere with the nightly embarkations at Sphakia was most surprising.

The original intention to send ships to Plaka Bay to take off the Retimo garrison was abandoned, as it was not known whether the troops had received the message ordering them to retire there. Moreover it was doubtful that they would be able to reach the coast, since they had no supplies. 1200 rations were dropped by air at Plaka, in case any should get there, but it was decided to send ships to Sphakia only.

From messages received from Crete during the night of 28-29 May, it was thought that the next night was going to be the last night of the evacuation but in the course of the day it became clear that the situation was not so desperate as it had appeared and the Commander-in-Chief decided to send four destroyers to embark men on the night of 30-31 May.

Evacuation from Sphakia, 2nd night, 29-30 May 1941.

Meanwhile Rear-Admiral King, wearing his flag in HMS Phoebe (Capt. G. Grantham, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E.L.S. King, CB, MVO, RN) had left Alexandria in the evening of the 28th with the light cruiser HMAS Perth, AA cruisers HMS Calcutta, HMS Coventry, transport HMS Glengyle, destroyers HMS Jervis, HMS Janus and HMS Hasty (Force D). Detination was Sphakia and their passage was uneventful except for one attack by one Ju.88 which dropped a stick of bombs near HMAS Perth but no damage was caused.

The cruisers and the Glengyle anchored off Sphakia at 2330/29 and the destroyers closed in one at a time to embark their quota. The troops were ferried from the beach in the landing craft from Glengyle assisted by two assault craft carried in HMAS Perth. The beach was too small for ships boats to be used in addition.

By 0320/30 a total of 6000 men had been embarked and Force D sailed for Alexandria, leaving three motor landing craft behind for use on subsequent nights. During the passage there were three air attacks on the force which had been joined by the destroyers HMAS Stuart, HMS Defender and HMS Jaguar at 0645 hours.

In the fist of these attacks, at 0930 hours, HMAS Perth was hit and her foremost boiler room was put out of action. The second and third attacks achieved no result although bombs fell close to HMAS Perth and HMS Jaguar. Fighter cover was able to drive off quite a number of enemy aircraft. The force returned to Alexandria during the night of 30 / 31 May.

Evacuation from Sphakia, 3rd night, 30-31 May 1941.

At 0915/30, Force C, consisting of the destroyers HMAS Napier, HMAS Nizam, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kelvin again left Alexandria for Sphakia. After a few hours Kandahar developed a mechanical defect and had to return to Alexandria.

At 1530 hours, three Ju.88’s carried out an unseen dive from astern. Bombs were dropped and HMS Kelvin was near missed. The result was that her speed had to be reduced to 20 knots and she too was detached to Alexandria.

Captain Arliss now continued on with only the two Australian destroyers and arrived at Sphakia at 0030/31. By 0300 hours, each destroyer had embarked over 700 troops, using the three motor landing craft that had been left behind the previous night, supplemented by the ships boats.

On the return passage to Alexandria the two Australian destroyers were attacked by 12 Ju.88’s between 0815 and 0915 hours. Both destroyers were damaged by near misses and HMAS Napier had her speed reduced to 23 knots. One Ju.88 was shot down while three others were seen to be hit.

Fighter cover was able to shoot down three Ju.88’s and one Cant 1007 during the day. The remainder of the passage was without incident and HMAS Napier and HMAS Nizam arrived at Alexandria in the evening with a total of 1510 troop on board.

The final evacuation, Sphakia, 31 May – 1 June 1941.

A final evacuation of about 3000 men was required, which was more then previously was estimated. It was therefore decided to sent over one more Force to evacuate these men during the night of 31 May – 1 June.

So at 0600/31, Vice Admiral King departed Alexandria with the light cruiser HMS Phoebe (Flag), fast minelayer HMS Abdiel, destroyers HMS Hotspur, HMS Jackal and HMS Kimberley to carry out this final evacuation (Force D).

That forenoon the Commander-in-Chief received a signal from Capt. Arliss, who was then on his way back from Sphakia, which indicated that there was then some 6500 men to come off Crete. Vice-Admiral King was then authorized to increase the total number he was allowed to embark to 3500 men. This was later changed to ‘fill up to maximum capacity’.

In the evening of the 31st the force was attacked three times by enemy aircraft. None of the bombs fell very close and one Ju.88 was believed to be damaged by AA fire. Many bombs were seen to be jettisoned on the horizon indicating several successful combats by our fighters.

Force D arrived at 2320/31. Three fully loaded landing craft, the ones left behind, immediately went alongside. The embarkation went so quickly that for a time the beach was empty of troops. This was unfortunate as it led to a last minute rush, which could not be dealt with in the time available and some troops had to be left behind. Some medical stores were landed and finally the three motor landing craft were destroyed or sunk.

The force departed at 0300/1 having embarked nearly 4000 troops and arrived at Alexandria at 1700 hours that day. The return passage was uneventful.

The loss off HMS Calcutta.

Yet one more loss was suffered by the Fleet. In order to provide additional protection for Force D the AA cruisers HMS Calcutta and HMS Coventry were sailed from Alexandria early on the 1st of June. When only about 100 nautical miles out, they were attacked by two Ju.88’s, who dived from the direction of the sun. HMS Coventry was narrowly missed by the first but two bombs from the second hit HMS Calcutta and she sank within a few minutes at 0920/1. HMS Coventry then picked up 23 officers and 232 ratings. She then immediately returned to Alexandria. (11)

6 Jun 1941

The Syrian campaign.

6 June 1941.

At 1415C/6, the destroyer HMS Hero (Cdr. H.W. Biggs, DSO, RN) had departed Port Said for Haifa. On board were 2 officers and a small beach party. HMS Hero arrived at Haifa around 2130C/6. Cdr. Biggs and the two officers then met the Naval Officer in Charge Haifa to arrange a reconnaisance of the landing beaches. The NOIC Haifa then put the patrol vessel Cadwell (a 50 foot fast motor boat) at their disposal.

At 2355C/6, the Cadwell departed Haifa with the two officers and the small beach party. Twenty minutes later HMS Hero followed to give support for the reconnaisance.

7 June 1941.

During the night, the Cadwell conducted reconnaisance to the north of mouth of the Litani river. HMS Hero patrolled 7 miles from the shore in case Cadwell needed assistance. The reconnaisance party encountered a heavy surf. Cadwell and HMS Hero retired from the area at first light and returned to Haifa around 0600C/7 after which the results of the reconnaisance were discussed. Conclusion was that it would be impracticable to land under the current weather conditions. It was expected that this would be the case for at least two days.

Around 1145C/7, 'Force B', the cover force, made up of the light cruisers HMS Phoebe (Capt. G. Grantham, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral E.L.S. King, CB, MVO, RN), HMS Ajax (Capt. E.D.B. McCarthy, RN) and the destroyers HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, DSO, RN), HMS Kimberley (Lt.Cdr. J.S.M. Richardson, DSO, RN), HMS Jackal (Lt.Cdr. R.McC.P. Jonas, DSC, RN) and HMS Janus (Cdr. J.A.W. Tothill, RN) departed Alexandria so to be off the Syrian coast at dawn the following day for their role supporting the Army during Operation Exporter, the Allied attack on the Vichy-French colony of Syria.

Around 1200C/7, ' Force C ', the landing force, departed Port Said for Syria. Force C was made up of the transport HMS Glengyle (A/Capt.(Retd.) C.H. Petrie, RN), AA cruiser HMS Coventry (A/Capt. W.P. Carne, RN) and the destroyers HMS Ilex (Capt. H.St.L. Nicholson, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN) and HMS Hotspur (Lt.Cdr. C.P.F. Brown, DSC, RN). On board HMS Glengyle were troops (27 officers and 456 men).

Around 1500C/7, HMS Hero departed Haifa to join Force C which she did around 1850C/7 in position 32°21'N, 34°01'E.

8 June 1941.

At 0038C/8, HMS Glengyle arrived in position 270° - mouth of the Litani river - 4 miles. She had lowered her boats by 0100C/8. It was then that the Cadwell approached and it was stated that landing the troops would be impossible due to the surf. The attempt was then abandoned at 0115C/8. ' Force C ' then set course to return to Port Said.

At 0600C/8, HMS Coventry, HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur from Force C joined Force B.

At 0645C/8, Force B closed the coast to the southward of Tyrus and HMS Hotspur was detached to try to make contact with the Naval Liaison Officer with the Army ashore. It proved very difficult to determine the progress of the army. A land mine was seen to explode three miles north of the border at 0700C/8. It apparently had destroyed a considerable stretch of the road and as a result the Allied motor transport was being held up.

At 1230C/8, HMS Kimberley was also sent inshore but no definite news could be obtained until 1530C/8 when it seemed fairly certain that the Allied troops had taken Tyrus. Owing to the uncertainty of the situation, no supporting fire was given or asker for until 2200C/8 when HMS Kimberley was able to bombard some French positions near Khan bridge for half an hour, after which Force B retired to seaward for the night. HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur were detached with orders to join HMS Glengyle, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero for another attempt at landing the troops.

At 1430C/8, HMS Glengyle, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero arrived back at Port Said.

At 1615C/8, HMS Glengyle, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero departed Port Said for a further attempt of landing the troops.

9 June 1941.

At 0100C/9, when near Haifa, HMS Glengyle, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero were joined by HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur. HMS Glengyle was now able to land the special service troops around 0430C/9 after which she returned immediately to Haifa arriving there around 0615C/9 escorted by HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur. Her landing craft later proceeded to Haida under their own power where they had all arrived around 1145C/9 escorted by HMS Ilex and HMS Hero. During the landings around 0530C/9, French shore batteries had opened fire after which HMS Ilex and HMS Hero closed their position and carried out a bombardment which was ceased after five minutes as the positions of the special service troops were not known.

Around 0310C/7, HMS Phoebe was attacked but missed ahead by the Vichy-French submarine Caiman. HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley were detached to hunt the attacker but they failed to obtain contact. Shortly afterwards, around 0400C/7, Force B commenced to close the coast again to give support for the landings by Force C. As the presence of Vichy Submarines was now proven no destroyers could be spared for inshore support as they were required to screen the cruisers. At 0845C/9, Force B retired to the westward.

At 1005C/9, a report was received from the Naval Liaison Officer with the Army that two Vichy-French destroyers were shelling the Allied positions near Khan Bridge. These were the Guepard and Valmy. HMS Coventry was detached to Haifa while the remainder of Force B closed the coast at full speed but noting was seen of the French ships which had meanwhile retired to the north. Their raid had lasted half an hour and was well timed from their point of view.

At 1045C/9, HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur which had just returned after having oiled at Haifa, which they had left at 0930C/9, were sent inshore to give fire support to the Army. However the situation on land was too confused to permit immediate supporting fire.

At 1225C/9, HMS Phoebe, HMS Ajax, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley left the area to proceed to Haifa so that more destroyers would be available for close (inshore) support. HMS Janus and HMS Jackal therefore joined HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur. This was considered a strong enough force to deal with the two French destroyers in case they would come out again.

At 1240C/9, HMS Janus was ordered by the Commanding Officer of HMS Isis (Senior Officer) to take HMS Jackal and HMS Hotspur under his command and conduct an A/S sweep until 1600C/9. HMS Isis would meanwhile patrol inshore.

At 1240C/9, HMS Glengyle, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero departed Haifa for Alexandria where they arrived around 2350C/9.

At 1335C/9, while in position 33°30'N, 35°12'E, HMS Janus sighted two destroyers on the horizon, bearing 040°. They were steering to the south-west. Immediately an enemy report was made, speed was increased and course was altered towards. HMS Janus ordered HMS Jackal and HMS Hotspur to form single line ahead on the most advance ship and proceed at 30 knots. It was consided important to advance as fast as possible and not to wait until the line was properly formed up.

At 1339C/9, the two French destroyers (Guepard and Valmy) opened fire from a range of about 17000 yards.

At 1340C/9, HMS Phoebe received the contact report from HMS Janus which reported she was in contact with the two French destroyers, HMS Phoebe, HMS Ajax, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley immediately turned back at full speed.

At 1342C/9, HMS Janus opened fire on the leading French destroyer from 15000 yards. At that time HMS Jackal was about 8 cables on the starboard quarter. HMS Hotspur had been unable to keep up and was at least a mile astern.

At 1347C/9, when the range was about 10000 yards HMS Janus was hit on the bridge, in the foremost boiler room and aft. The hit on the bridge killed or wounded all the bridge personnel except the Commanding Officer, and cut all fire-control leads. The hit in No.1 boiler room stopped the ship and cut off all electric high power. The hit aft did not affect the fighting efficiency of the ship. While stopped the ship was hit twice, again in No.1 boiler room, and an unexploded shell ended up in the seamen's bathroom.

Fire was continued in local conttrol and quarters firing by all gins, until A and B guns would no longer bear. X gun continued in action as long as the enemy were in range, and whenever they were in sight.

HMS Janus finally stopped, with the enemy fine on the port quarter, and the wind on the starboard beam. Smoke floats were lit and launched over the stern and, as the ship drifter to leeward proved effective. HMS Jackal passed between HMS Janus and the enemy making smoke.

HMS Jackal and HMS Hotspur continued to engage the enemy and as a result the French did not close the range to finish off the damaged HMS Janus. At 1406C/7, HMS Jackal fired three torpedoes towards the French destroyers.

Meanwhile HMS Isis also come north at full speed ans as soon as she opened fire the French made smoke and withdrew around 1412C/7, chased by the three British destroyer, HMS Jackal in the lead. Afterwards the French destroyers briefly turned and engaged the British several times. Last action between HMS Jackal and the two French destroyers was at 1445C/9 after which the three British destroyers turned to the south while the French retired to Beirut. HMS Jackal sustained some minor damage from a shell hit during the action.

At 1450C/9, HMS Phoebe, HMS Ajax, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley passed the disabled HMS Janus. HMS Ajax, HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley were ordered to stand by the stricken destroyer while HMS Phoebe proceeded on to join and give support to HMS Isis, HMS Hotspur and HMS Jackal. 10 Minutes later HMS Phoebe saw the three destroyers returning southwards after their action with the French destroyers which now had retired back into the port of Beirut.

Shortly afterwards, while HMS Kimberley was taking HMS Janus in tow the force was bombed by Vichy aircraft but no damage was sustained.

By 1545C/9, HMS Kimberley had HMS Janus in tow at a speed of 10 knots towards Haifa escorted by the remainder of the force minus HMS Ajax which had been ordered to proceed ahead to Haifa independently. She arrived at Haifa around 1730C/9.

At 1600C/9, a British and French fighter aircraft collided with each other. Both pilots survived and were picked up by HMS Kandahar.

At 1820C/9, when the tow was off Ras Nakura (Naqoura), HMS Phoebe, HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur parted company and returned to the coast. They were later joined by HMS Jackal.

Between 2036C/9 and 2051C/9, HMS Phoebe, on requist of the Naval Liaison Officer with the Army, bombarded enemy positions on the northern side of Khan Bridge, after which HMS Phoebe, HMS Isis, HMS Hotspur and HMS Jackal retired to seaward for the night.

PM on this day,

HMAS Stuart (Capt. H.M.L. Waller, DSO, RAN), HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. J.F.W. Hine RN), HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, DSO, RN) and Defender (Lt.Cdr. G.L. Farnfield, RN) departed Alexandria for the operations area of the Syrian Coast.

10 June 1941.

At 0400C/10, HMS Ilex and HMS Hero departed Port Said to return to the operations area of the Syrian Coast. They were to join HMAS Stuart, HMS Jaguar, HMS Griffin and Defender coming from Alexandria also for the operations area of the Syrian Coast.

At dawn on the 10th, HMS Phoebe, HMS Isis, HMS Hotspur and HMS Jackal were to the west of Beirut to cut off the French destroyers in case they had come out for another sweep but when a French reconnaissance aircraft was seen at 0702C/10 it became apparent that this would not materialise.

Around dawn HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley had left Haifa to give close inshore support to the Army. They did good work and destroyed French tucks, tanks and ammunition depots north of Khan Bridge.

Around 1130C/10, HMS Ajax departed Haifa. She was joined shortly afterwards by HMAS Stuart, HMS Hero, HMS Griffin and HMS Defender.

Around 1315C/10, HMS Phoebe then left the area for Haifa escorted by HMS Ilex, HMS Hotspur and HMS Jackal. HMS Isis and HMS Jaguar were ordered inshore to reinforce HMS Kandahar and HMS Kimberley.

Around 1620C/10, HMS Phoebe, HMS Ilex, HMS Hotspur and HMS Jackal arrived at Haifa.

At 1640C/10, the four 'inshore' destroyers were attacked by 5 Potez bombers but no damage was done.

11 June 1941.

At 0625C/11, HMS Coventry, HMS Ilex and HMS Jackal left Haifa to relieve HMAS Stuart, HMS Kandahar and HMS Isis which subsequently arrived at Haifa around 1000C/11. HMS Ilex took over from HMS Isis as leading destroyer of the inshore squadron. During the day the 'Inshore Squadron' bombarded visible targets north of a line indicated by the Army.

At 1800C/11, HMS Janus left Haifa in tow of HMS Protector (Cdr. R.J. Gardner, RN) and escorted by HMS Flamingo (Cdr. R.J.O. Otway-Ruthven, RN).

12 June 1941.

An air raid on Haifa, during which minedropping was suspected, delayed HMS Phoebe, HMAS Stuart, HMS Kandahar, HMS Isis and HMS Hotspur from sailing until 0830C/12. Around 1215C/12, they relieved HMS Ajax, HMS Griffin, HMS Defender, HMS Jaguar and HMS Kimberley which then set course to Haifa where they arrived around 1500C/12.

During the day HMS Ilex, HMS Kandahar, HMS Isis and HMS Jackal formed the 'Inshore Squadron' which carried out further shore bombardments which assisted the Army advance to a position on the Zahrani River. Close support to the 'Inshore Squadron' was provided by HMS Phoebe, HMS Coventry screened by HMAS Stuart, HMS Hero and HMS Hotspur.

By 1630C/12, the Army had advanced to within two miles of Sidon where stiff resistance was met and the advance halted. At 1950C/12, a request was received to bombard Sidon but this was declined as Rear-Admiral King had no authority to open fire on non-military targets.

At dusk, HMS Jackal picked up an agent with his boat at Tyre and landed him close to Beirut. HMS Ilex, HMS Kandahar and HMS Isis gave close support for this operation. The remainder of the force gave cover to the northward.

13 June 1941.

The coast was closed at dawn and the 'Inshore Squadron' began their bombardment around 0800C/13. Main target was the wooden areas south of Sidon where the Vichy-French had strong defensive positions.

HMS Griffin, HMS Kimberley and HMS Defender joined from Haifa at 1040C/13 and relieved HMS Ilex, HMS Hero and HMS Jackal which then returned to Haifa with HMS Coventry. They arrived at Haifa around 1500C/13.

Around 1200C/13, the light cruiser HMS Leander (New Zealand Division, Capt. R.H. Bevan, RN) and the destroyers HMS Jervis (Capt. P.J. Mack, DSO, RN) and HMS Hasty (Lt.Cdr. L.R.K. Tyrwhitt, DSC, RN) joined coming from Alexandria which they had departed around 1800C/12.

On these ships joining, HMS Isis and HMS Kimberley were sent inshore with HMS Phoebe, HMS Leander, HMS Jervis, HMS Griffin, HMS Hasty and HMS Defender providing cover.

Around 1245C/13, HMS Ajax and HMS Jaguar departed Haifa for Alexandria. They were joined at sea by HMAS Stuart, HMS Kandahar and HMS Hotspur. They arrived at Alexandria around 0700C/14.

Warnings were received that German air attack might be expected and French bombers were noticeably more in evidence in attacking onshore. On receipt therefore of information from the NOIC Haifa that for the future it would not be possible to do more than maintain fighters at call for the protection of ships off the coast, Rear-Admiral King reported that it was most desirable that extra fighters should be made available, since fighters at call could not arrive in time to prevent attack.

At 1530C/13, eight JU 88's attacked the force without causing damage. Allied fighters were on their way out for a routine patrol, shot down three and damaged two after the attack.

After dark, as the Army was still held up and did not want fire support during the night, the force withdrew and patrolled north of Beirut.

14 June 1941.

Bombardment was continued at dawn by HMS Isis and HMS Kimberley which were relieved inshore at 0640C/14 by HMS Jervis and HMS Griffin.

At 0719C/14, a message was sent for fighters to deal with a formation of aircraft closing from the westward. No attack took place and it is possible that the aircraft were French reinforcements flying to Syria. The fighters took 36 minutes to arrive. The NOIC Haifa reported that they had left the ground 16 minutes after receipt of the message at the W/T station but he hoped to speed up communications. Later it was noticed that the time needed had been halved.

At 1020C/14, HMS Coventry and HMS Hero joined coming from Haifa and half an hour later HMS Phoebe and HMS Isis left for Haifa where they arrived around 1345C/14. HMS Ilex and HMS Jackal were delayed in their departure from Haida due to the later arrival of ammunition. They eventually relieved HMS Jervis and HMS Hasty around 1600C/14 which then proceeded to Haifa.

At 1620C/14, HMS Griffin sighted the French destroyers Guepard and Valmy which had again come out of Beirut harbour.

The possibility that the French intended to mine the coast north of Saida threatened to hamper the work of the destroyers inshore.

15 June 1941.

Around 0800C/15, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jervis, HMS Isis and HMS Hasty departed Haifa and joined HMS Leander and her escorting destroyers around 1100C/15. It was decided to keep the whole force together, except for the 'Inshore Squadron' as a Cassard-class destroyers was reported to be to the north of Cyprus proceeding towards Syria. [This was the Vichy French destroyer Chevalier Paul.]

The 'Inshore Squadron' for this day was made up of HMS Jervis, HMS Hasty and HMS Defender.

During the day Sidon surrendered as reported by the Naval Liaison Officer with the Army in his report received at 1730C/15. He also reported that gunfire from the destroyers had destroyed 12 75mm guns as well as several tanks.

At 1703C/15, eight JU 88's attacked and a near miss caused severe damage HMS Isis to the machinery spaces and boiler rooms off the ship. Three fighters were in the area and drove off half the bombers before they completed their attack, bringing down one. HMS Coventry and HMS Defender were ordered to escort HMS Isis to Haifa.

At 1908C/15, another air attack was made by a number of Vichy French aircraft. Their number was estimated between 14 and 18. At 1915C/15, HMS Ilex was badly damaged by a near miss and had to be towed back to Haifa by HMS Hasty. No fighters were present during this attack. [The report by HMS Ilex on this attack however stated that the bombs that caused the damage were dropped by a JU 88 aircraft so if that is correct the attacker must have been German.] The boiler rooms were damaged but the ship managed to get underway again by 1935C/15 but she came to a stop at 1950C/15 due to the fuel oil being contaminated with water.

After having escorted HMS Isis to Haifa, HMS Coventry was ordered to Port Said to make good engine defects and HMS Defender was ordered to escort the transport Rodi (British (former Italian), 3220 GRT, built 1928) on the first part of her voyage from Famagusta to Port Said.

The remainder of Force B patrolled to the north of Beirut during the night with the object of intercepting the Cassard-class destroyer and engaging the two other French destroyers if they came out of Beirut.

16 June 1941.

At 0415C/16, HMS Kimberley sighted the Guepard and Valmy close inshore off Beirut. In the brief engagement which followed, before the enemy made smoke and retired under the protection of the shore batteries, HMS Kimberley and HMS Jervis both claimed to have seen hits on the second destroyer.

Around 0500C/16, the damaged HMS Ilex arrived at Haifa still in tow of HMS Hasty.

At 0800C/16, after a report from 815 Squadron (FAA) that they had hit the Cassard-class destroyer, north of Rouad Island Rear-Admiral King turned his force to the northward to close the position but on further consideration decided that he was not justified in risking the ships against air attack north of Beirut for a destroyer which there was a small chance of intercepting before she reached Tripoli (Syria) even if still afloat which was doubtful. He therefore turned back to the southward and in the middle of the turn torpedo tracks were sighted by HMS Kimberley. While following up, HMS Kimberley was attacked by two bombers and fired on by shore batteries. She was therefore ordered to rejoin the other ships.

At 1025C/16, a signal was received from the C-in-C Mediterranean ordering Force B to return to Haifa. The C-in-C had decided not to operate off Syria in daylight unless full fighter protection was available. Force B arrived at Haifa around 1500C/16.

17 June 1941.

During the forenoon, the light cruiser HMS Naiad (Capt. M.H.A. Kelsey, DSC, RN) and the destroyers HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Jaguar (Lt.Cdr. M.J. Clark, RAN) arrived from Alexandria which they had departed around 1800C/16.

HMAS Nizam arrived later in the day as she had departed Alexandria after the other ships which had arrived earlier.

Around 1800C/17, HMS Griffin and HMS Defender departed Haifa for Alexandria.

During the day, Rear-Admiral King visited the General Officer Commanding of the Army and the Air Officer Commanding of the RAF, in Jerusalem to discuss the situation, and the question of fighter protection in particular. It became clear that unless required from bombardment purposes no or little fighter protection could be provided for Force B. The little fighter protection that could be provided would be able to give three hours of fighter protection if need for a bombardment arose.

At 1815C/17, the Naval Liaison Officer reported a French destroyer, later reported to be a 'gun boat' which fired a few rounds before retiring back to Beirut having done no damage.

At 1830C/17, Rear-Admiral King transferred his flag from HMS Phoebe to HMS Naiad.

At 1900C/17, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Jaguar, HMS Nizam and HMS Kingston departed Haifa with the object of destroying the Cassard-class destroyer if it had managed to reach Tripoli (Syria). While at sea it was learned that this ship had in fact been sunk and so a sweep between Beirut and Tripoli was carried out instead.

18 June 1941.

At 0715C/18, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Jaguar, HMS Nizam and HMS Kingston returned to Haifa after a blank patrol.

At 1945C/18, HMS Phoebe departed Haifa for Alexandria where she arrived around 1315C/19.

At 1900C/18, HMS Naiad, HMS Jervis, HMS Kimberley, HMS Jaguar and HMS Kingston departed Haifa for a patrol off Syria. With them the minesweeper HMS Harrow (Lt.(Retd.) G.C. Hocart, RNR) also sailed to carry out a searching sweep of area QB 44 for enemy mines but no mines were found. Force B also provided cover for her.

19 June 1941.

At dawn Force B closed the coast and HMS Jervis and HMS Kingston were detached and carried out a 40 minute bombardment of enemy positions at El Atiqua just south of Damur. On completion they rejoined Force B with subsequently returned to Haifa arriving there around 0835C/19.

HMS Coventry arrived from Port Said.

Around 1900C/19, HMS Leander, HMS Hero, HMS Hasty, HMS Jackal and HMAS Nizam sailed and carried out a search north of Beirut during which nothing was sighed.

20 June 1941.

Around 0920C/20, HMS Leander, HMS Hero, HMS Hasty, HMS Jackal and HMAS Nizam returned to Haifa. At dawn, HMS Hero and HMS Jackal had carried out a short bombardment during which they came under some light return fire from the shore but they sustained no damage.

Around 1945C/20, HMS Naiad, HMS Leander, HMS Jervis, HMS Kimberley, HMS Kingston, HMS Jaguar, HMS Jackal, HMAS Nizam, HMS Hero and HMS Hasty departed Haifa with the object of intercepting another Cassard-class destroyer reported to be arriving at Beirut at daylight the following morning. This was the Vauquelin.

At 2130C/20, HMS Jervis, HMS Hasty, HMS Jaguar, HMS Kingston and HMAS Nizam were detached as a searching force while the cruisers and the other three destroyers formed a striking force.

At 2353C/20, HMS Jervis sighted a submarine but she failed to gain contact after it had dived. The operation continued as planned.

21 June 1941.

The search was carried out to a point 60 miles north of Beirut at 0320C/21 but nothing was seen of the enemy. At 0530C/21, the two French destroyers already based at Beirut, Guepard and Valmy, were sighted close to the harbour entrance at a range of 26000 yards.

The Army did not desire a dawn bombardment and on return to Haifa around 0930C/21, reconnaissance reports were received which showed that the Vauquelin had waited till daylight before making the coast and was being escorted to Beirut by 20 aircraft.

That morning the destroyers HMS Decoy (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Alliston, RN), HMS Havock (Lt. G.R.G. Watkins, RN) and HMS Hotspur arrived from Alexandria. HMS Hero, HMS Kimberley and HMS Jackal then departed for Alexandria [It seems likely these destroyers did not enter Haifa on their return with Force B and set course direct for Alexandria on Force B entering harbour around 0930C/21.]

Around 1915C/21, HMS Naiad, HMS Decoy, HMS Hotspur and HMS Havock departed Haifa to intercept the Vichy-French hospital ship Canada (9684 GRT, built 1912). HMS Hero had detached HMS Jackal at 1600C/21 to search and at 2245C/21, a report was received that she was escorting the Canada towards Haifa.

22 June 1941.

The Canada was sighed by Force B at 0030C/22 and escorted to Haifa while HMS Jackal was detached to continue her passage to Alexandria. Force B arrived at Haifa around 0630C/22. HMS Decoy had been detached to escort the Canada arrived a little later that morning with the French hospital ship. The Canada was examined and, nothing irregular being found, was allowed to proceed to Beirut latter in the forenoon.

Information was received from the Naval Liaison Officer of the three days programme of naval supporting fire that would be required when the coastal advance was resumed, the date for which could not then be given.

Around 1915C/22, Force B departed Haifa for a sweep to the northward of Beirut while HMS Jervis, HMS Havock, HMS Hotspur and HMS Decoy were ordered to carry out an A/S patrol to seaward while HMS Naiad, HMS Leander, HMS Jaguar, HMS Kingston and HMAS Nizam swept close inshore to look for the French destroyers.

23 June 1941.

At 0148C/23, when about 10 miles north of Beirut on a southerly course HMS Naiad sighted first one and then a second French destroyer on the port bow, on a northerly course close inshore and at a range of 5000 yards.

The French destroyers turned away making smoke and retired under the coast defence battery of Nahr el Kelb which opened fire. They were engaged by the cruisers and their escorting destroyers for about eleven minutes and several hits were observed on both.

It is probable that two torpedoes fired by HMS Jaguar and four by HMS Leander ran ashore in approximate position 34°05'N, 35°38'E. Owing to the nature of the coast it was considered almost certain they will have exploded on grounding and HMS Kingston (rear ship) reported hearing underwater explosions at the time.

The Army had no specific bombardment requirements and Force B returned to Haifa around 0615C/23.

The submarine HMS Parthian (Cdr. M.G. Rimington, DSO, RN) arrived on patrol off Beirut during the afternoon.

Around 1930C/23, HMS Harrow sailed to carry out another searching sweep of QB 44. She was covered during the night by HMS Leander, HMS Hasty, HMS Jaguar and HMAS Nizam. No mines were found.

24 June 1941.

The Leander's force closed the coast at dawn and HMS Leander, HMS Hasty and HMS Jaguar bombarded enemy positions until 0600C/24 when all ships set course for Haifa where they arrived around 0845C/24. During the bombardment they came under some light fire from batteries on shore.

The Air Officer Commanding, visited Rear-Admiral King during the day and the fighter situation was discussed. It was reported that improvements had been made but the escort for any extended period could only be undertaken at the expense of other tasks such as attacking French aerodromes. It was decided not to take the fighters of these other tasks.

Around 2030C/24, HMS Naiad, HMS Jervis, HMS Kingston and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa to carry out a sweep to the northwestward during the nigh. Nothing was seen. Dawn bombardment was not required.

In an air raid on Haifa during the nigh a bomb was dropped fairly close to HMS Leander but did no damage.

25 June 1941.

Around 0500C/25, HMS Hasty and HMS Jaguar departed Haifa for Alexandria.

Around 0630C/25, HMS Naiad, HMS Jervis, HMS Kingston and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa from their night patrol.

At 1248C/25, HMS Parthian sank a French Requin-class submarine between Damur and Beirut.

Around 2030C/25, HMS Leander, HMS Decoy, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock departed Haifa to carry out a sweep to the northwestward. Nothing was seen.

26 June 1941.

The Leander's force closed the coast at dawn and bombarded enemy positions between 0518 and 0555C/26. Course was then set for Haifa where they arrived around 0850C/26. HMS Leander did not enter harbour but was joined by HMS Coventry which had departed Haifa around 0645C/26. The cruisers then set course for Alexandria.

Around 1000C/26, the light cruisers HMAS Perth (Capt. P.W. Bowyer-Smith, RN) and HMS Carlisle (A/Cdr. W. Pope, RN) arrived from Alexandria.

Around 2030C/26, HMS Naiad, HMS Jervis, HMS Kingston and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa for a sweep to the northwestward during the night.

27 June 1941.

The Naiad's force closed the coast at dawn and HMS Jervis and HMS Hotspur bombarded shore targets between 0500 and 0600C/27. Shore batteries replied.

At 0545C/27, four bombers and at 0615C/27, one bomber attacked Force B but no damage was done. Allied fighters were in the vicinity but failed to intercept owing to cloud conditions and the brief warning received of the attack. The incident however showed that the dawn bombardments were becoming too much a matter of routine.

On recovering paravanes, HMS Naiad port wire was found to be cut and it was decided to carry out another searching sweep of QB 44.

Around 0600C/27, HMS Kandahar and HMS Griffin arrived at Haifa from Alexandria.

Around 0830C/27, HMS Naiad, HMS Jervis, HMS Kingston and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa.

Around 1915C/27, HMS Kandahar, HMS Griffin and HMS Havock departed Haifa for a T.S.D.S. (this is minesweeping gear fitted on destroyers) search of QB 44. HMAS Perth also sailed to support the destroyers if required. No mines were found.

28 June 1941.

Around 0550C/28, HMAS Perth, HMS Kandahar, HMS Griffin and HMS Havock returned to Haifa.

At the Army's requist six hours of fighter protection was arranged and at 1215C/28, HMAS Perth, HMS Carlisle, HMS Jervis, HMS Kingston, HMAS Nizam, HMS Decoy and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa. They arrived off Damur around 1530C/28. HMS Jervis and HMS Kingston bombarded various targets while HMAS Perth opened fire on and silenced the Khalde battery. They returned to Haifa around 1930C/28.

Around 2000C/28, the damaged HMS Ilex left for Port Said in tow of HMS Decoy and escorted by HMS Carlisle, HMAS Nizam and HMS Hotspur.

29 June 1941.

Around 1800C/29, HMS Jervis departed Haifa for Alexandria.

Around 2045C/29, HMS Carlisle, HMS Decoy and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa from escorting / towing HMS Ilex. HMAS Nizam did not return to Haifa but proceeded to Alexandria instead.

Around 2030C/29, HMS Naiad, HMS Kandahar and HMS Griffin sailed to carry out a night bombardment of targets in the Damur area.

30 June 1941.

The Naiad's force closed the coast around 0030C/30. HMS Naiad illuminated the targets with starshell while HMS Kandahar carried out a short bombardment. This was done mainly for its nuisance value. The 5.25" star shell proved to have considerable incendiary effect. The force returned to Haifa around 0620C/30.

Around 2030C/30, HMAS Perth, HMS Kingston, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa to carry out a sweep during the night.

1 July 1941.

Around 0615C/1, HMAS Perth, HMS Kingston, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa from patrol.

Around 0900C/1, HMS Parthian arrived at Haifa from patrol.

Around 2030C/1, HMS Naiad, HMS Kandahar, HMS Decoy and HMS Havock departed Haifa for patrol.

2 July 1941.

Around 0600C/2, HM MTB 68 and HM MTB 215 arrived at Haifa from Famagusta. Their tender HMS Vulcan followed around 1330C/2.

Around 0615C/2, HMS Naiad, HMS Kandahar, HMS Decoy and HMS Havock returned to Haifa from patrol.

Around 1015C/2, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Kandahar, HMS Kingston, HMS Havock and HMS Griffin departed Haifa and subsequently carried out a bombardment of the Damur area. HMAS Perth managed the destroy four guns from a battery at Abey also an ammunition dump was blown up.

Around 1500C/2, Force B was bombed by Allied aircraft by mistake but no damage was sustained. Rear-Admiral King decided to remain at sea during the night to intercept possible Vichy French freighters with reinforcements which have been reported to be on their way to Syria.

Around 1600C/2, HMS Parthian departed Haifa to patrol off Tripoli.

3 July 1941.

Around 0650C/3, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Kandahar, HMS Kingston, HMS Havock and HMS Griffin returned to Haifa from patrol. The destroyers HMS Jaguar (with Capt. S.H.T. Arliss, RN, on board) and HMS Hasty had arrived from Alexandria. The Yugoslav motor torpedo boats Kajmak?alan and Durmitor also arrived from Alexandria.

Around 1500C/3, HMS Ajax (flying the flag of Rear-Admiral H.B. Rawlings, OBE, RN), HMS Phoebe, HMAS Nizam and HMS Kimberley arrived at Haifa from Alexandria.

Around 2030C/3, HMAS Perth, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kingston, HMS Hotspur and HMS Griffin departed Haifa for a night sweep.

Also on this day HMS Decoy and HMS Kandahar departed Haifa for Alexandria.

4 July 1941.

Around 0630C/4, HMAS Perth, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kingston, HMS Hotspur and HMS Griffin returned to Haifa.

Around 0930C/4, HMS Naiad, HMS Ajax, HMS Jackal, HMAS Nizam, HMS Kimberley, HMS Havock and HMS Hasty departed Haifa to carry out a bombardment in the Damur area. The destroyers found and plastered their targets but the shoot by HMS Ajax was less successful. The force returned to Haifa around 1730C/4.

Around 2030C/4, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kimberley and HMS Hasty departed Haifa for a night search keeping clear of the area HMS Parthian was patrolling. Nothing was seen though.

5 July 1941.

Around 0630C/5, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kimberley and HMS Hasty returned to Haifa from their patrol.

Around 1100C/5, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Carlisle, HMS Jackal, HMS Kingston, HMAS Nizam, HMS Griffin, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa to carry out another bombardment in the Damur area. HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Kingston and HMAS Nizam were the ships which carried out bombardments. The force returned to Haifa around 1800C/5.

Around 2030C/5, HMAS Perth, HMS Carlisle, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock departed Haifa for a nigth sweep again keeping clear of HMS Parthian who had been ordered to leave patrol P.M. and was returning the Haifa.

6 July 1941.

At 0045C/6, HMS Ajax, HMS Jackal, HMS Griffin, HMS Kingston and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa to join Perth's force at 0500C/6 off Damur. The Army advance over the Damur river began at dawn and throughout the day Force B gave support to the coastal column. Force B returned to Haifa around 2015C/6.

Around 0930C/6, HMS Parthian arrived at Haifa from patrol.

Around 1945C/6, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kimberley and HMS Hasty departed Haifa for a night sweep during which nothing was sighed.

7 July 1941.

Around 0620C/7, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Kimberley and HMS Hasty returned to Haifa from their sweep. They did not enter harbour but anchored off the breakwater entering only around 1000C/7.

Between 0930C/7 and 1000C/7, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Carlisle, HMS Jackal, HMS Hotspur, HMAS Nizam, HMS Kimberley, HMS Havock and HMS Hasty departed Haifa to support Army operations. They returned to Haifa around 1830C/7. They had carried out no bombardments due to the confusing situation on land and the poor visibility.

A strong force of Vichy-French bombers approached the bombarding force during the afternoon but were driven off by the fighter escort. The fighters reported having shot down a JU 88 which was most likely a German reconnaissance aircraft.

From air reconnaissance reports during the day of the three Vichy-French destroyers (Guepard, Valmy and Vauquelin) on the Turkish coast it appeared possible that they might attempt to reach Beirut during the night. At 1815C/7, HMS Naiad and HMS Phoebe departed Haifa to look for them. HMS Jackal, HMS Hotspur, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock joined them on leaving harbour having been detached from the Ajax's force.

At the same time the four MTB's (MTB 68, MTB 215, Kajmak?alan and Durmitor) departed Haifa to operate of Beirut during the night. MTB 68 actually entered the harbour but on finding it very difficult to attack merchant vessels with torpedoes due to the limited space and therefore firing only one torpedo which missed. She dropped depth charges instead alongside two of the merchant vessels.

around 2330C/7, it became apparent that the French destroyers were not proceeding towards Beirut this night and HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Hotspur, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock turned southwards and set course to return to Haifa.

8 July 1941.

On their arrival off Haifa HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Hotspur, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock found the port closed due to enemy air laid mines having been dropped in the harbour. They therefore patrolled to seaward throughout the day and then proceeded on a normal night sweep at sunset. In the port mines had been dropped close to HMS Carlisle which was towed out of the danger area.

9 July 1941.

Around 0600C/9, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Hotspur, HMAS Nizam and HMS Havock returned to Haifa from patrol.

A report was received that the French had asked for an armistice and this was later confirmed.

Around 1800C/9, HMS Parthian departed Haifa for Alexandria.

Around 2030C/9, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Griffin, HMS Hasty, HMS Kimberley and HMS Kingston departed Haifa for a regular night sweep.

10 July 1941.

Around 0620C/10, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Griffin, HMS Hasty, HMS Kimberley and HMS Kingston returned to Haifa.

Reconnaissance during the day reported two large merchant vessels at Banias, two between Rouad Island and the coast and one north of Tripoli harbour. The reports were not trusted but at 1618C/10, a signal was received from the Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean that these ships were to be captured so at 2015C/10, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Jackal, HMS Griffin, HMS Hasty, HMS Kimberley and HMS Kingston departed Haifa to do so. Boarding parties had been sent by the cruisers which remained in harbour to the destroyers.

No merchant ships were found in the reported places and off the coast.

11 July 1941.

Around 0635C/11, HMAS Nizam, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa to join HMS Ajax's force (possibly for exercises ?).

Around 0805C/11, HMS Jackal arrived at Haifa after having been detached.

Around 0930C/11, HMS Ajax, HMAS Perth, HMS Griffin, HMS Hasty, HMS Kimberley, HMS Kingston, HMAS Nizam, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa.

Around 2030C/11, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Griffin, HMAS Nizam and HMS Kingston departed Haifa for a night sweep.

12 July 1941.

Information was received during the night that hostilities would cease at 0001C/12 and that armistice delegates would meet at 1100C/12 at Acre.

Around 0620C/12, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Griffin, HMAS Nizam and HMS Kingston returned to Haifa from patrol.

Around 2030C/12, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Kimberley, HMS Hasty and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa for a night sweep and also to avoid congestion in the harbour.

13 July 1941.

Around 0625C/13, HMS Naiad, HMAS Perth, HMS Kimberley, HMS Hasty and HMS Hotspur returned to Haifa from patrol.

Around 2030C/12, HMS Ajax, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Kingston and HMS Havock departed Haifa for a night sweep and also to avoid congestion in the harbour.

14 July 1941.

Around 0630C/14, HMS Ajax, HMS Phoebe, HMS Jackal, HMS Kingston and HMS Havock returned to Haifa from patrol.

Around 1800C/14, HMS Naiad, HMS Phoebe, HMAS Perth, HMS Kimberley, HMS Griffin, HMS Havock and HMS Hotspur departed Haifa for Alexandria.

15 July 1941.

Around 1400C/15, HMS Moy departed Haifa for Beirut.

Around 1900C/15, HMS Harrow and HMS Lydiard (Lt. D.M. Gibb, RNR) departed Haifa for Beirut.

Around 2000C/15, HMS Carlisle departed Haifa for Beirut.

All the above ships were due to arrive at Beirut around 0530C/16.

Around 2000C/15, HMS Hasty and HMAS Nizam departed Haifa to carry out an A/S sweep from 5 to 15 miles from Beirut. The search was negative.

16 July 1941.

Around 0800C/16, HMS Hasty and HMAS Nizam returned to Haifa.

Around 1145C/16, HMS Leander arrived at Haifa from Alexandria. She had been delayed by a reduction of speed at 21 knots due to excessive vibration.

17 July 1941.

Around 0800C/17, HMS Jervis arrived at Haifa from Alexandria.

Around 2000C/17, HMS Jackal, HMAS Nizam and HMS Hasty departed Haifa for Alexandria. Off Alexandria they were to join the Fleet for exercises.

Around 2030C/17, HMS Ajax, HMS Jervis and HMS Kingston departed Haifa to provide cover for convoy LE 25 which they did until 0500C/18.

18 July 1941.

Around 0800C/18, HMS Ajax and HMS Kingston returned to Haifa.

Around 0930C/18, HMS Leander departed Haifa for full power trials after divers had removed wire fouling her inner port propeller. The full power trial was satisfactory though there was still some vibration aft but this may also be due to a foul bottom as her last undocking had been on 26 December 1940. She returned to Haifa around 1120C/18.

Around 1130C/18, HMS Jervis returned to Haifa having conducted D/F trials before entering harbour. (12)


  1. ADM 53/110107 + ADM 173/16044
  2. Report of proceedings of the 10th Destroyer Flotilla for July 1940
  3. ADM 199/383
  4. ADM 199/387
  5. ADM 53/113423
  6. ADM 53/112998 + ADM 53/113298 + ADM 199/387
  7. Report of proceedings of HMAS Vampire for November 1940 + Report of proceedings of the 10th Destroyer Flotilla
  8. ADM 199/387 + ADM 199/392
  9. Report of proceedings of the 10th Destroyer Flotilla
  10. ADM 199/414
  11. ADM 199/414 + 234/320
  12. ADM 199/679

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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