Allied Warships

USS Boise (CL 47)

Light cruiser of the Brooklyn class

NavyThe US Navy
TypeLight cruiser
PennantCL 47 
Built byNewport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. (Newport News, Virginia, U.S.A.) 
Laid down1 Apr 1935 
Launched3 Dec 1936 
Commissioned12 Aug 1938 
End service1 Jul 1946 

In February 1939, following a shakedown cruise to Monrovia, Liberia; and Cape Town, Union of South Africa, Boise joined Division 9, Cruisers, Battle Force, at San Pedro, California. Until November 1941 she operated alternately off the west coast and in Hawaiian waters. She then escorted a convoy to Manila, Philippine Islands, arriving 4 December 1941.

The outbreak of war in the Philippines found Boise off Cebu. She joined TF 5 in the East Indies, but on 21 January 1942 Boise (Captain Stephen Boutwell Robinson) struck an uncharted shoal in Sape Strait and had to retire to Colombo, Ceylon and later Bombay, India and finally Mare Island Navy Yard for repairs. Her repairs completed, she sailed on 22 June 1942 to escort a convoy to Auckland, New Zealand. She then returned to Pearl Harbor and during 31 July-10 August 1942 conducted a raiding cruise in Japanese waters as a feint to draw attention away from the Guadalcanal landings. In August she escorted a convoy to the Fiji and New Hebrides Islands. During 14-18 September she helped cover the landing of Marine reinforcements on Guadalcanal. However during the Battle of Cape Esperance (Captain Edward Joseph Moran, USN) she was badly damaged by Gunfire and incurred casualties of 107 killed and 32 wounded. She made her way to Philadelphia Navy Yard where she underwent extensive repairs from 19 November 1942 till 20 March 1943.

Boise departed 8 June 1943 for the Mediterranean, arriving at Algiers, Algeria on 21 June. Between 10 July and 18 August 1943 she acted as a cover and fire support ship during the landings in Sicily. In September she took part in the Italian mainland landings at Taranto (9-10 September). She returned to New York 15 November 1943 and once again steamed to the South Pacific, arriving at Milne Bay, New Guinea, 31 December.

During January-September 1944 she took part in operations along the northern shore of New Guinea, including: Madang-Alexishafen bombardment (25-26 January); Humboldt Bay landings (22 April); Wakde-Sawar bombardment (29-30 April); Wakde-Toem landings (15-25 May); Biak landings (25 May-10 June); Noemfoor landings (1-2 July); Cape Sansapor landings (27 July-31 August); and the occupation of Morotai (1-30 September). The cruiser moved northward as the battle front advanced into the Philippines taking part in: Leyte invasion (20-24 October); Battle of Surigao Strait (25 October); Mindoro landings (12-17 December); Leyte-Mindoro covering action (26-29 December); Lingayen Gulf landings, with General D. MacArthur embarked (9-13 January 1945); Luzon covering force (14-31 January); Bataan-Corregidor occupation (13-17 February); and Zamboanga landings (8-12 March). She then moved to Borneo for the Tarakan landings (27 April-3 May). During 3-16 June she carried General MacArthur on a 35,000 mile tour of the Central and Southern Philippines and Brunei Bay, Borneo, and then returned to San Pedro, California arriving on 7 July.

The cruiser remained in the San Pedro area undergoing overhaul and training until October. She sailed 3 October for the east coast, arriving at New York 20 October. Boise remained there until she was decommissioned 1 July 1946.

She was sold to Argentina on 11 January 1951 and was renamed Neuve de Julio in 1955, the cruiser was an active unit of the Argentine Navy until 1978 and was sold for scrapping in 1981.


Commands listed for USS Boise (CL 47)

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and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Capt. Benjamin Vaughan McCandlish, USN12 Aug 193828 Aug 1940
2Capt. Stephan Boutwell Robinson, USN28 Aug 194028 Jan 1942
3T/Capt. Edward Joseph Moran, USN28 Jan 194223 Mar 1943
4T/R.Adm. Leo Hewlett Thebaud, USN23 Mar 194325 Sep 1943
5Capt. John Summerfield Roberts, USN25 Sep 194328 Nov 1944
6T/Cdr. Thomas Michael Wolverton, USN28 Nov 19446 Dec 1944
7T/Capt. Willard Merrill Downes, USN6 Dec 194431 Aug 1945
8T/Capt. Charles Clifford Hartman, USN31 Aug 1945

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Notable events involving Boise include:

5 Feb 1942
At 1336FG/5, a lookout on board USS Boise (Capt. S.B. Robinson, USN) reported seeing an object bearing 230° at a range of 26000 yards. It was thought to be a surfaced submarine.

At 1345FG/5, an aircraft was launched to investigate the object and if needed to attack it.

At 1347FG/5, the submarine dived, obviously having sighted the aircraft. USS Boise meanwhile went to battle stations.

At 1407FG/5, USS Boise sent a signal to ComSoWesPac reporting a submarine contact in position 03°00'S, 96°10'E at 1345FG/5.

At 1420FG/5, the submarine surfaced and exchanged recognition signals with the aircraft. The submarine was subsequently identified as being HMS Truant (Lt.Cdr. H.A.V. Haggard, DSC, RN) on passage from Colombo to Batavia.

At 1457FG/5, a signal was sent to ComSoWesPac that the submarine was friendly. (1)

8 Sep 1943

Operation Slapstick.

Landing of troops at Taranto following the Italian armistice.

Around 1545/8, the light cruisers HMS Aurora (Commodore W.G. Agnew, CB, RN), HMS Penelope (Capt. G.D. Belben, DSC, AM, RN), HMS Dido (Capt. J. Terry, RN), HMS Sirius (Capt. P.W.B. Brooking, RN), USS Boise (T/Rear-Admiral T.H. Thebaud, USN) and the fast minelayer HMS Abdiel (Capt. D. Orr-Ewing, DSO, RN) departed Bizerta for Taranto. These cruisers and the minelayer had troops on board as well as stores and vehicles.

Around 0630/9, they joined the battleships HMS Howe (Capt. C.H.L. Woodhouse, CB, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral A.J. Power, CB, CVO, RN) and HMS King George V (Capt. T.E. Halsey, DSO, RN) which had departed Malta around 2200/8 with the destroyers HMS Jervis (Capt. J.S. Crawford, DSO, RN), HMS Paladin (Lt. E.A.S. Bailey DSC, MBE, RN), HMS Panther (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Jocelyn, RN), HMS Pathfinder (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, DSO and 3 Bars, RN), HMS Penn (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, DSO, RN) and HMS Wishart (Lt. J.A. Holdsworth, RN).

Around 1315/9, the escort destroyers HMS Aldenham (Lt.Cdr. H.A. Stuart-Menteth, RN), HMS Croome (Lt. H.D.M. Slater, RN), HMS Hurworth (Cdr. R.H. Wright, DSC, RN) and RHS Kanaris joined coming from Sousse (via Malta) from where they had sailed on the 8th. They had on board a port party for Taranto.

Around 1400B/9, the Italian battleships Caio Duilio (flying the flag of Vice-Admiral Da Zara), Andrea Doria, light cruisers Luigi Cadorna, Pompeo Magno and the destroyer Nicoloso da Recco were sighted proceeding towards Malta to surrender. HMS King George V with HMS Panther, Pathfinder, HMS Penn then parted company to escort these ships to Malta.

Around 1630/9, the minesweepers HMS Hazard (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Smith, RN), HMS Hebe (Lt.Cdr. G. Mowatt, RD, RNR), HMS Sharpshooter (Lt.Cdr. W.L. O'Mara, DSC, RN) and HMS BYMS 2012 (T/A/Skr.Lt. C.J. Watson, RNR) joined. These ships had also departed Malta on the 8th.

In the evening all the other ships entered the harbour of Taranto where the troops, port party, stores and vehicles were disembarked.

Troops were then to be disembarked, however, on 10 September, shortly after midnight, HMS Abdiel was mined and sunk with heavy loss of life inside the harbour before she had been able to disembark her troops.

10 Sep 1943
Around 0700/10, HMS Aurora (Commodore W.G. Agnew, CB, RN), HMS Penelope (Capt. G.D. Belben, DSC, AM, RN), HMS Dido (Capt. J. Terry, RN), HMS Sirius (Capt. P.W.B. Brooking, RN) and USS Boise (T/Rear-Admiral T.H. Thebaud, USN) departed Taranto after disembaring their troops, stores and vehicles.

Course was set to return to Bizerta where they arrived around 1100/11. (2)

12 Jan 1944
Around 0800L/12, the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the light cruisers USS Phoenix (Capt. A.G. Noble, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) departed Buna for Cape Sudest where they arrived around 1010L/12.

Around 1530L/12, they departed for exercises on completion of which they anchored in Porlock Bay around 1800L/12. (3)

14 Jan 1944
Around 0805L/14, the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the light cruisers USS Phoenix (Capt. A.G. Noble, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) departed Porlock Bay for exercises.

They anchored off Buna around 1035L/14.

Around 1530L/14, they weighed anchor and proceed for more exercises.

They anchored in Porlock Bay around 1810L/14. (3)

15 Jan 1944
Around 2225L/15, the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the light cruisers USS Phoenix (Capt. A.G. Noble, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) departed Porlock Bay for Milne Bay. (3)

16 Jan 1944
Around 1100L/16, the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the light cruisers USS Phoenix (Capt. A.G. Noble, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) arrived at Milne Bay from Porlock Bay. (3)

23 Feb 1944
HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN) and USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) conducted exercises at Milne Bay. (4)

25 Feb 1944
Around 0615L/25, the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN), light cruisers USS Nashville (Capt. H.A. Spanagel, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Beale (T/Capt. J.B. Cochran, USN), USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. H. Williams, Jr., USN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN) departed Milne Bay for exercises in an area to the south-west of the Louisiade Archipaligo. The submarine USS Scamp (T/Cdr. J.C. Hollingsworth, USN) participated in the exercises.

At 0638L/26, USS Boise parted company to proceed to Sydney. The remaining ships then returned to Milne Bay arriving around 1000L/26.


22 Apr 1944

Operations Reckless and Persecution.

These operations were amphibious landings at Hollandia and Aitape in New Guinea.

Forces involved.

Task Force 77 (with T/Rear-Admiral D.E. Barbey, USN in command) was the Attack Force and was made up of the following units;

Task Group 77.1 was the Western Attack Group and was made up of the following ships.
The destroyer USS Swanson (T/Cdr. E.L. Robertson, Jr., USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral D.E. Barbey, USN) was the flagship of Task Force 77 (and Task Group 77.1), further ships in the Task Group were the following; amphibious transports USS Henry T. Allen (T/Capt. J. Meyer, USN), HMAS Manoora (Cdr. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S)), HMAS Kanimbla (A/Cdr. N.H. Shaw, RAN), dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (Lt.Cdr. F.J. Harris, USNR), attack cargo ship USS Triangulum (T/Cdr. F.W. Parsons, USNR), LST's USS LST-467 (Lt. M.B. Taylor, USNR, with COMLSTGR 19, T/Cdr. T.C. Green, USN, on board), USS LST-171 (Lt.Cdr. H.A. West, USNR), USS LST-220 (Lt. C.J. Goode, USNR), USS LST-245 (Lt. M.J. McCabe, USNR), USS LST-468 (Lt. I.K. Stevenson, USNR), USS LST-470 (Lt. D.J. Guthridge, USNR) and USS LST-475 (Lt. M.S. Whitsett, USNR), LCI(L)'s USS LCI(L)-71 (?, with Lt.Cdr. J.P. Hurndall, USNR on board), USS LCI(L)-72 (Lt.(jg) S.Z. Kepner, USNR), USS LCI(L)-74 (Lt.(jg) R.J. Liechti, USNR), USS LCI(L)-340 (Lt.(jg) H.F. Eckenrode, USNR), USS LCI(L)-343 (Lt.(jg) C.T. Roberts, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-344 (Lt.(jg) H.W. Griswold, USNR), USS LCI(L)-361 (Lt.(jg) A.J. Hawkes, USNR), USS LCI(L)-362 (Lt. J.R. Sawtell, USNR), USS LCI(L)-363 (Lt. R.E. Sargent, USNR), USS LCI(L)-364 (Lt.(jg) L.D. Sloane, USNR), USS LCI(L)-429 (Lt. R.V. Hughes, USNR), USS LCI(L)-430 (Lt. P.C. Hill, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-431 (Lt.(jg) F.M. Slatinshek, USNR), USS LCI(L)-447 (Lt. J.C. Craig, USNR), USS LCI(L)-448 (Lt.(jg) R.H. Flowers, USNR), destroyers USS Hobby (T/Cdr. G.W. Pressey, USN, with T/Capt. COMDESDIV 38, W.S. Veeder, USN on board), USS Grayson (T/Cdr. W.V. Pratt, 2nd, USN), USS Wilkes (T/Cdr. F. Wolsieffer, USN), USS Nicholson (T/Cdr. W.W. Vanous, USN), USS Gillespie (T/Cdr. J.S. Fahy, USN), USS Kalk (T/Cdr. H.D. Fuller, USN), patrol vessels USS SC-736 (Lt.(jg) F.A. Marsteller, USNR), USS SC-738 (Lt. J.S. Munroe, USNR), landing craft rocket USS LCI(G)-31 (Lt.(jg) T.J. Morrissey, USNR), minesweepers USS YMS-8 (Lt. F.L. Comley, USNR), USS YMS-10 (Lt.(jg) H.H. Goodman, USNR) and the tug HMAS Reserve (T/Lt. D. Morrison, RANR(S)).

Task Group 77.2 was the Central Attack Group and was made up of the following ships.
The destroyer USS Reid (T/Cdr. S.A. McCornock, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral R.A. Fechteler, USN) was the flagship of Task Group 77.2), further ships in the Task Group were the following; amphibious transport HMAS Westralia (Cdr. A.V. Knight, RD, RANR(S)), dock landing ship USS Gunston Hall (Cdr. D.E. Collins, USNR), attack cargo Ganymede (Lt.Cdr. G.H. Melichar, USNR), high speed transports USS Humphreys (T/Cdr. F.D. Schwartz, USN), USS Brooks (Lt.Cdr. C.V. Allen, USNR), USS Gilmer (Cdr. J.S. Horner, USNR), USS Sands (Lt.Cdr. L.C. Brogger, Jr., USNR), USS Herbert (T/Cdr. J.N. Ferguson, Jr., USN), LST's USS LST-466 (Lt. R.E. McCarthy, USNR, with COMLSTFLOT 7, T/Capt. R.M. Scruggs, USN on board), USS LST-118 (Lt. C.W. Lundberg, USNR), USS LST-454 (Lt. E.R. Swanton, USNR), USS LST-457 (Lt. W.P. Sullivan, USNR), USS LST-458 (Lt. F.W. Hinrichs, USNR), USS LST-463 (Lt. A.W. McWorter, USNR), USS LST-465 (Lt.Cdr. R.T. Murphy, USNR), LCI(L)'s USS LCI(L)-28 (Lt.(jg) N. Molyneaux, USNR, with COMLCIFLOT 7, T/Cdr. H.F. McGee, USN, on board), USS LCI(L)-25 (Lt.(jg) W.R. Maliek, USNR), USS LCI(L)-26 (Lt. H.J. Adams, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-27 (Lt.(jg) H.G. Hibbard, USNR), USS LCI(L)-29 (Lt. T.R. Hopkins, USNR), USS LCI(L)-30 (Lt. C.B. Faunce, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-224 (Lt.(jg) P.O. Olafsson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-225 (Lt.(jg) W.S. Ogilvy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-226 (Lt.(jg) O.L. Miles, USNR), USS LCI(L)-227 (Lt.(jg) J.J. McNeilly, USNR), USS LCI(L)-228 (Lt.(jg) W.A. Steiger, USNR), USS LCI(L)-230 (?), USS LCI(L)-337 (Lt.(jg) M.D. Skelton, USNR), USS LCI(L)-338 (Lt.(jg) C.M. Goodman, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-342 (Lt.(jg) R.A. Smith, USNR), USS LCI(L)-432 (Lt. M.D. Coppersmith, USNR), destroyers USS Stevenson (T/Cdr. F.E. Wilson, USN, with COMDESRON 19, T/Capt. R.F. Stout, USN on board), USS Stockton (T/Cdr. W.W. Stark, Jr., USN), USS Thorn (T/Cdr. E. Brumby, USN), USS Welles (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN), USS Radford (T/Capt. G.E. Griggs, USN), USS Taylor T/Cdr. N.J.F. Frank, Jr., USN), USS Roe (T/Cdr. F.S. Stich, USN), high speed minesweepers USS Hogan ( T/Lt.Cdr. W.H. Sublette, USN), USS Long (T/Lt.Cdr. R.V. Wheeler, Jr., USN), patrol vessels, USS SC-703 (Lt.(jg) R.M. Baird, USNR), USS SC-734 (Lt. R.B. MacLean, USNR), USS LCI(G)-34 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Keefe, USNR), USS LCI(G)-73 (Lt.(jg) N.M. Taylor, USNR), minesweepers USS YMS-46 (Lt.(jg) H.J. Topping, USNR), USS YMS-47 (Lt.(jg) A.W. Busbee, USNR) and the tug USS Sonoma (Lt.(jg). G.I. Nelson, USN).

Task Group 77.3 was the Eastern Attack Group and was made up of the following ships.
The destroyer USS La Valette (T/Cdr. W. Thompson, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral A.G. Noble, USN) was the flagship of Task Group 77.3 which was further made up of the high speed transports USS Kilty (Lt. L.G. Benson, USNR, with COMTRANSDIV 22, T/Cdr. D.L. Mattie, USN, on board), USS Talbot (Lt.Cdr. C.C. Morgan, USNR), USS Dent (Lt.Cdr. R.A. Wilhelm, USNR), USS Schley (Lt.Cdr. E.T. Farley, USNR), USS Ward (Lt.Cdr. F.W. Lemly, USNR), USS Crosby (Lt.Cdr. W.E. Sims, USNR), USS Dickerson (Lt.Cdr. J.R. Cain, Jr., USNR), USS Kane (Lt. F.N. Christiansen, USNR), USS Noa (Lt.Cdr. H.W. Boud, USNR), dock landing ship USS Epping Forest (Cdr. L. Martin, USNR), attack cargo ship USS Etamin (Lt.Cdr. G.W. Stedman, Jr., USCGR), LST's USS LST-452 (Lt. G.W. Miller, USNR, with COMLSTGR20, Lt.Cdr. D.M. Baker, USNR on board), USS LST-38 (Lt. W.T. Roberts, Jr., USNR), USS LST-122 (Lt. S.C. Pirie, USNR), USS LST-221 (Lt. J.H. Church, USNR), USS LST-241 (Lt. A.N. Firestone, USNR), USS LST-270 (Lt. O.W. Barber, USN), USS LST-456 (Lt. G.W. Prue, USN), destroyers USS Nicholas (T/Cdr. R.T.S. Keith, USN, with COMDESRON 21, T/Capt. F.X. McInerney, USN on board), USS Jenkins (T/Cdr. M. Hall, Jr., USN), USS O'Bannon (T/Cdr. R.W. Smith, USN), USS Hopewell (T/Cdr. C.C. Shute, USN), high speed minesweepers USS Perry (Lt.Cdr. I.G. Stubbart, USN), USS Hamilton (T/Cdr. R.R. Sampson, USN), patrol vessels USS SC-637 (?), USS SC 648 (?), USS SC-742 (Lt. R.H. Blake, USNR), USS SC-981 (Lt.(jg) R.A. Campbell, USNR), minesweepers YMS-48 (Lt. R.C. Lynch, USNR), YMS-51 (Lt. F.P. Allen, Jr., USNR) and the tug USS Chetco (Lt.(jg) R.E. Gill, USN).

Task Group 77.4 was the First Reinforcement Group and was made up of the following Units.
Task Unit 74.4.1 was the Western Unit under T/Capt. E.M. Thompson, USN, and was made up of the following ships; attack cargo ship USS Virgo (Cdr. C.H. McLaughlin, USNR), LST's, USS LST-18 (Lt. C.W. Radke, USCG), USS LST-22 (?), USS LST-26 (?), USS LST-66 (Lt.(jg) W.H. McGowan, USCG), USS LST-67 (?), USS LST-68 (?), USS LST-227 (Lt. J. Molnar, USNR), destroyers USS Stevens (T/Cdr. W.M. Rakow, USN, with COMDESRON 25, T/Capt. E.M. Thompson, USN on board), USS Harrison (T/Cdr. C.M. Dalton, USN) and the frigate USS Coronado (Cdr. N.W. Sprow, USCG).
Task Unit 74.4.2 was the Central Unit under T/Cdr. J.J. Greytak, USN, and was made up of the following ships; LST's USS LST-459 (Lt. N. Waggener, USNR), USS LST-41 (Lt. W.B. Dundon, Jr., USNR), USS LST-276 (Lt. P.J. Bergeaux, USNR), USS LST-476 (Lt. C.A. Boyer, USNR), USS LST-479 (Lt. D.J. Guthridge, USNR), destroyers USS McKee (T/Cdr. J.J. Greytak, USN), USS John Rodgers (T/Cdr. H.O. Parish, USN) and the frigate USS San Pedro (Lt.Cdr. C.O. Ashley, USCG).
Task Unit 74.4.3 was the Eastern Unit under T/Capt. H.O. Larson, USN, and was made up of the following ships; attack cargo USS Bootes (Lt.Cdr. H.P. Bacon, USNR), LST's USS LST-469 (Lt. L.E. Green, USNR), USS LST-181 (Lt. R.J. Wilson, USNR), USS LST-474 (Lt. R.W. Langworthy, USNR), USS LST-478 (Lt.(jg) J.C. McCormick, Jr., USNR), USS LST-481 (Lt. G. McGuire, USN), USS LST-482 (Lt. G.T. Wharton, USNR), destroyers USS Fletcher (T/Cdr. J.L. Foster, USN, with COMDESDIV 42, T/Capt. H.O. Larson, USN), USS Murray (T/Cdr. P.R. Anderson, USN) and the frigates USS Long Beach (Lt.Cdr. T.R. Midtlyng, USCG) and USS Glendale (Cdr. H.J. Doebler, USCG).

Task Group 77.5 was the Second Reinforcement Group and was made up of the following Units.
Task Unit 77.5.1 was the Western Unit and was made up of the following ships; amphibious transports USS Zeilin (T/Cdr. T.B. Fitzpatrick, USN), USS Windsor (Capt. D.C. Goodward, USNR), LST's USS LST-168 (Lt. H. Twiford, USCG), USS LST-170 (Lt. T.N. Kelly, USCGR), USS LST-202 (?), USS LST-204 (?), USS LST-206 (Lt. C.O. Opperman, USCG), USS LST-269 (Lt. V.T. Finch, USNR), USS LST-447 (Lt. T. Peckelder, USNR), destroyers USS Sigsbee (T/Capt. B. van Meter Russell, USN), USS Dashiell (T/Cdr. E.A. Barham, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Lovelace (Cdr. R.D. de Kay, Jr., USNR) and USS Manning (Lt.Cdr. J.I. Mingay, USNR).
Task Unit 77.5.2 was the Central Unit and was made up of the following ships; LST's USS LST-395 (Lt. A.C. Forbes, USNR), USS LST-339 (Lt. J.J. Croft, USNR), USS LST-397 (Lt. W.R. Hitch, USNR), USS LST-460 (Lt.(jg) H.E. Robinson, USNR), USS LST-472 (Lt. W.O. Tally, USN) and the destroyers USS Ringgold (T/Lt.Cdr. W.B. Christie, USN) and USS Schroeder (T/Cdr. J.T. Bowers, Jr., USN).
Task Unit 77.5.3 was the Reserve Unit and was made up of the following ships; amphibious transports USS Harry Lee (T/Cdr. J.G. Pomeroy, USN), USS Ormsby (Capt. L. Frisco, USNR) and amphibious cargo ship USS Centaurus (Capt. G.E. McCabe, USCG).

Cover for the landings was provided by ships from Task Forces 74, 75 and 78.

Task Force 74, under Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN, was made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the destroyers HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN), HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. H. Williams, Jr., USN) and USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN).

Task Force 75, under Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN, was made up of the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (Capt. H.A. Spanagel, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USNN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Lt.Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Capt. J.B. Cochran, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN) and USS Bush (T/Cdr. T.A. Smith, USN).

Task Force 78, under Rear-Admiral R.E. Davison, USN, was the air cover force and was made up of the following Task Units;
Task Unit 78.1.1 was made up of the escort carriers USS Sangamon (T/Capt. M.E. Browder, USN, with COMCARDIV 22, Rear-Admiral V.H Ragsdale, USN, on board), USS Suwanee (T/Capt. W.D. Johnson, USN), USS Chenango (T/Capt. D. Ketcham, USN) and USS Santee (T/Capt. H.F. Fick, USN).
Task Unit 78.1.2 was their escort made up of the destroyers USS Morris (T/Cdr. G.L. Caswell, USNR, with COMDESRON 2, T/Capt. E.A. Solomons, USN, on board), USS Hughes (T/Cdr. E.B. Rittenhouse, USN), USS Mustin (T/Cdr. M.M. Riker, USN), USS Ellet (T/Cdr. E.C. Rider, USN), USS Lansdowne (T/Cdr. W.S. Maddox, USN, with COMDESDIV 24, T/Capt. J.L. Melgaard, USN, on board), USS Lardner (T/Cdr. J.D. Parker, USN) and USS Black (T/Cdr. E.R. King, Jr., USN).
Task Unit 78.2.1 was made up of the escort carriers USS Manila Bay (T/Capt. B.L. Braun, USN, with COMCARDIV 24, Rear-Admiral R.E. Davison, USN, on board), USS Coral Sea (T/Capt. H.W. Taylor, Jr., USN), USS Corregidor (T/Capt. R.L. Bowman, USN) and USS Natoma Bay (T/Capt. H.L. Meadow, USN).
Task Unit 78.2.2 was their escort made up of the destroyers USS Erben (T/Cdr. M. Slayton, USN, with COMDESRON 48, T/Capt. J.T. Bottom, Jr., USN), USS Walker (T/Cdr. H.E. Townsend, USN), USS Hale (T/Cdr. D.W. Wilson, USN), USS Abbot (T/Cdr. M.E. Dornin, USN), USS Bullard (T/Cdr. B.W. Freund, USN, with COMDESDIV 96, T/Capt. C.E. Carroll, USN), USS Kidd (T/Cdr. A.B. Roby, USN) and USS Chauncey (T/Cdr. L.C. Conwell, USN).

Chronology of the passage towards the operations area.

1000K/16, Echelon R-1, Group B, made up of USS LCI(L)-71, USS LCI(L)-72, USS LCI(L)-74, USS LCI(L)-340, USS LCI(L)-343, USS LCI(L)-344, USS LCI(L)-361, USS LCI(L)-362, USS LCI(L)-363, USS LCI(L)-364, USS LCI(L)-429, USS LCI(L)-430, USS LCI(L)-431, USS LCI(L)-447, USS LCI(L)-448, USS LCI(G)-31, USS SC-736, USS SC-738 departed Goodenough Island for the operations area via Seeadler Harbour. USS Gillespie and USS Kalk were to join off Cape Sudest.

0400K/17, Echelon R-1, Group C, made up of USS LST-479, USS LST-171, USS LST-220, USS LST-245, USS LST-468, USS LST-470 and USS LST-475 departed Goodenough Island for Cape Sudest where USS Ganymede and USS YMS 8 and USS YMS 10 were to join and subsequently proceed to the operations area.

1000K/17, Echelon R-1, Group E, made up of USS LCI(L)-28, USS LCI(L)-25, USS LCI(L)-26, USS LCI(L)-27, USS LCI(L)-29, USS LCI(L)-30, USS LCI(L)-224, USS LCI(L)-225, USS LCI(L)-226, USS LCI(L)-227, USS LCI(L)-228, USS LCI(L)-230, USS LCI(L)-337, USS LCI(L)-338, USS LCI(L)-342, USS LCI(L)-432, USS LCI(G)-34, USS LCI(G)-73 departed Cape Cretin for the operations area via Seeadler Harbour. They were escorted by USS Stockton, USS SC-637, USS SC-648, USS SC-703, USS SC-742, USS SC-743 and USS SC-981.

1000K/17, Echelon R-1, Group A, made up of USS Henry T. Allen, HMAS Manoona, HMAS Kanimbla, USS Carter Hall departed Goodenough Island for the operations area. They were escorted by USS Swanston and USS Hobby. USS Grayson was to join off Cape Sudest.

2100K/17, USS Ganymede and HMAS Reserve departed Cape Sudest to join Echelon R-1, Group C. They were escorted by USS Wilkes and USS Nicholson.

0001K/18, USS Grayson departed Cape Sudest to join Echelon R-1, Group A.

0700K/18, Echelon R-2, Western Attack Group, made up of USS Virgo, USS LST-18, USS LST-22, USS LST-26, USS LST-66, USS LST-67, USS LST-68, USS LST-227 departed Goodenough Island for the operations area. Their escort, USS Stevens, USS Harrison and USS Coronado were to join off Cape Sudest.

1200K/18, Echelon R-1, Group F, made up of USS Triangulum, USS LST-466, USS LST-118, USS LST-454, USS LST-457, USS LST-458, USS LST-463, USS LST-465, USS Sonoma, USS Hogan, USS Long, USS YMS-46, USS YMS-47, USS Stevenson, USS Taylor and USS Roe departed Cape Cretin for the operations area.

1300K/18, Echelon R-1, Group H, made up of USS Etamin, USS LST-452, USS LST-38, USS LST-122, USS LST-221, USS LST-241, USS LST-270, USS LST-456, USS Chetco, USS SC-637, USS SC-648, USS SC-742, USS SC-981, USS YMS-48, USS YMS-51, USS Perry, USS Hamilton, USS Nicholas and USS O'Bannon departed Cape Cretin for the operations area.

1400K/18, Echelon R-1, Group E, arrived at Seeadler Harbour from Cape Cretin.

1430K/18, Part of Task Force 75, USS Phoenix, USS Boise, USS Hutchins, USS Beale and USS Daly departed Cape Sudest for the operations area.

1500K/18, Echelon R-1, Group B, arrived at Seeadler Harbour from Goodenough Island.

1800K/18, Echelon R-1, Group D, made up of HMAS Australia, USS Gunston Hall, USS Humphreys, USS Brooks, USS Gilmer, USS Sands and USS Herbert departed Cape Cretin for the operations area. They were escorted by USS Reid, USS Welles and USS Radford.

1900K/18, Echelon R-1, Group G, made up of USS Epping Forest, USS Kilty, USS Talbot, USS Dent, USS Schley, USS Ward, USS Crosby, USS Dickerson, USS Kane, USS Noa departed Cape Cretin for the operations area. They were escorted by USS La Vallete and USS Hopewell.

2200K/18, USS Stevens, USS Harrison and USS Coronado departed Cape Sudest to join Echelon R-2, Western Attack Group at sea.

0700K/19, USS Jenkins departed Seeadler Harbour to escort the submarine USS Dace (T/Cdr. B.D. Claggett, USN) northwards and then join Echelon R-1, Group H on completion of this duty.

0700K/19, Echelon R-3, Western Attack Group, made up of USS Zeilin, USS Windsor, USS LST-168, USS LST-170, USS LST-202, USS LST-204, USS LST-206, USS LST-269, USS LST-447 departed Goodenough Island for the operations area. They are to be joined off Cape Sudest by USS Sigsbee, USS Dashiell, USS Lovelace and USS Manning.

1100K/19, USS Nashville, USS Abner Read and USS Bache departed Cape Cretin for Borgen Bay, New Britain where they arrived around 1715K/19. They departed from there for the operations area around 1950K/19. On board USS Nashville was General MacArthur and his staff.

1300K/19, Echelon R-2, Hollandia and Aitape Groups, made up of USS LST-459, USS LST-41, USS LST-276, USS LST-476, USS LST-479, USS LST-469, USS LST-181, USS LST-474, USS LST-478, USS LST-481, USS LST-482, USS Harry Lee, USS Ormsby, USS Centaurus and USS Bootes departed Cape Cretin for the operations area. They were escorted by USS McKee, USS John Rodgers, USS Fletcher, USS Murray, USS San Pedro, USS Long Beach and USS Glendale.

1730K/19, Task Force 74, made up of HMAS Australia, HMAS Shropshire, HMAS Arunta, HMAS Warramunga, USS Ammen and USS Mullany departed Seeadler Harbour to provide cover for the landing forces and bombardment duties in the operations area.

1800K/19, Echelons R-1 Group B and Group E (see above) departed Seeadler Harbour for the operations area.

2345K/19, USS Sigsbee, USS Dashiell, USS Lovelace and USS Manning departed Cape Sudest to join Echelon R-3, Western Attack Group at sea.

0700K/20, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H (of Echelon R-1) all made rendezvous to the north of the Admiralty Islands and then continued on towards the operations area.

1300K/20, Echelon R-3, Central Attack Unit, made up of USS LST-395, USS LST-339, USS LST-397, USS LST-460, USS LST-472, USS Schroeder and USS Ringgold departed Cape Cretin for the operations area.

1730K/21, The Eastern Attack Group parted company with the other two Attack Groups and proceeded towards Aitape without incident.

1800K/21, The Western Attack Group and Central Attack Group parted company with each other and proceeded without incident towards Tanahmerah Bay and Humboldt Bay respectively.

Chronology of the actual landing operations on 22 April 1944.

Western Area, Tanahmerah Bay.

0500K/22, The Western Attack Group arrived in the transport area according to schedule and commenced lowering of boats and disembarking troops.

0600K/22, The naval bombardment of the two 8" cruisers (HMAS Australia and HMAS Shropshire and six destroyers () commenced until 0645K/22. All ships stood well in to insure good observation. 600 rounds of 8" and 1500 rounds of 5" and 4.7" were fired without response. The air bombardment was cancelled owing to the absence of any indication of the presence of the enemy.

0700K/22, Landings at Red Beach 1 and 2 were made according to schedule. No opposition was encountered although small parties of Japanese were found in the hills behind Red Beach 2. Landings of troops and supplies continued on this day as scheduled and without enemy air or naval reaction.

Central Area, Humboldt Bay.

0500K/22, The Central Attack Group arrived in the transport area according to schedule and troops were disemraked rapidly and the landing craft stood toward the beach as scheduled.

0600K/22, The naval bombardment was conducted according to plan, three light cruisers (USS Phoenix, USS Nashville and USS Boise) and six destroyers ( USS Hutchins, USS Bache, USS Beale, USS Daly, USS Abner Read and USS Bush) delivered intense fire against the assigned targets until 0645K/22.

0645K/22, Naval aircraft delivered effective bombardment and conducted strafing missions on Beaches White 1 and 2.

0700K/22, Assault waves hit the beaches and quickly secured both sides of the entrance to Jautifa Bay. The landing came as a complete surprise and the Japanese abandoned their beach defences, rifle pits and weapons at the commencement of the naval bombardment. Sporadic resistance was encountered later in the day but the assault force secured the heights overlooking Challenger Cove, the tracks between Hollandia and Pim, Leimok Hill and Pim itself by nightfall. Unloading of LST's and transports progressed favourably despite the congested beach area. No enemy reaction was made to the Allied operations.

Eastern Area, Aitape.

0100K/22, The high speed minesweepers proceeded ahead of the Eastern Attack Group to sweep the transport area. The YMS minesweepers were slow in leaving formation and due to rain squalls, did not arrive in the transport area in sufficient time to complete sweeping operations before the arrival of the transport group. The DMS's were able to make one sweep before the transports arrived in the area.

0500K/22, The Attack Group arrived in the transport area as scheduled and the transports commenced lowering their boats and disembarking troops. As soon as loaded, the landing craft from the high speed transports formed on the SC's which were used as control vessels, and proceeded towards the beach.

0600K/22, The naval bombardment commenced and continued until 0630K/22, at which time the naval air delivered a bombardment on previously assigned targets, followed by a strafing attack on the beach until 0640K/22.

0645K/22, Two SC's, fitted with rockets and stationed on either flank on the landing craft approaching the beach, delivered their fire as the landing craft approached the beach and landed. Due to the difficulty in identifying the proper beach, the landing was made about 800 yards to the eastward of Blue Beach 1 at a small village called Wapil. The landing was made without oppostiion and only slight opposition developed later. It is believed that the landing was a complete surprise as breakfast was found on the stoves cooking and in several huts clothes were left by the bunks were Japanese left hurriedly. No enemy air or naval reaction was encountered in the initial landings.

Further movements on 22 April 1944.

0900K/22, USS Schley, USS Ward, USS Kane and USS Noa departed Aitape to effect rendezvous with Echelon R-2 and join as escorts.

0900K/22, Return Group I, USS Carter Hall, USS Gunston Hall, USS Humphreys, USS Brooks, USS Gilmer, USS Sands and USS Herbert departed the operations area for Cape Cretin.

0900K/22, Return Group M, USS Epping Forest, USS Kilty, USS Talbot, USS Dent, USS Crosby and USS Dickerson departed Aitape for Cape Sudest. (USS Epping Forest was to part company at Cape Cretin).

0930K/22, Return Group J, made up of 15 LCI's from Red Beaches and 16 LCI's from White Beaches made rendezvous and set course to proceed to Cape Cretin.

1600K/22, Return Group K, USS Henry T. Allen, HMAS Kanimbla, HMAS Manoora, HMAS Westralia having completed unloading at Tanahmerah Bay and Humboldt Bay departed for Cape Sudest escorted by USS Nicholson, USS Gillespie, USS Welles, USS Hogan and USS Long.

1800K/22, Task Forces 74 and 75 were released from their close support mission and reported to the Commander 7th Fleet. Task Force 74 joined Task Unit 78.2 the following morning while Task Force 75 left the operations area.

1900K/22, Return Group N, made up of 7 LST's and 2 SC's departed Aitape for Cape Cretin escorted by USS O'Bannon, USS Hopewell, USS Stembel, USS Hamilton and USS Perry.

2000K/22, Return Group L, made up of 6 LST's from Red Beach and 6 LST's from White Beach, and USS Sonoma departed the operations area for Cape Cretin. The LST's from Red Beach were to continue to Cape Sudest. They were escorted by USS Kalk, USS Hobby, USS Radford, USS Stevenson and USS Stockton.

23 April 1944.

All land forces continued consolidation of their respective areas encountering only slight enemy opposition. Allied casualties were slight.

0430K/23, The Commander Eastern Attack Group rendezvoused with the Reserve Group transporting elements of the Aitape Landing Force scheduled to land on Tumleo and Seleo Island and also Korako. The landings on these two islands were made according to schedule. The landing craft from 4 APD's were sent to USS Ormsby for the troops that were to land in the assault waves, eight LCP's going to each island. No opposition was encountered on landing and only slight opposition develiped at Seleo. Several Japanese were killed and a few natives were captured. No Allied casualties were suffered.

0700K/23, Echelon R-2 arrived in the Aitape-Humboldt Bay-Tanahmerah Bay area as scheduled and commenced unloading.

1500K/23, USS Phoenix, USS Boise, USS Hutchins, USS Beale and USS Daly arrived at Seeadler Harbour from the operations area.

1900K/23, Return Group O, made up of 7 LST's from Tanahmerah Bay and 6 LST's from Humboldt Bay had completed unloading and departed for Cape Cretin escorted by USS Stevens, USS Harrison, USS Taylor, USS San Pedro and USS Coronado.

1930K/23, Return Group P, made up of USS Harry Lee, USS Ormsby and USS Centaurus departed Aitape for Cape Cretin. They were escorted by USS Fletcher, USS Jenkins, USS Long Beach and USS Glendale. USS Jenkins later sank an enemy barge to the east of Hollandia, killing nine Japanese.

1940K/23, a single enemy aircraft attacked White Beach 1 at Humboldt Bay. A fire was started in the dump area. The result was that LST's were unable to beach at this point due to the lage fire which lasted for several day amongst our supplies.

24 April 1944.

Hollandia village was captured and patrols were now working towards the enemy airfields. Aitape village was also captured as was Tumleo Island.

0700K/24, Echelon R-3, Western and Central Units arrived at Humboldt Bay and commenced unloading which was completed around 1930K/24 and the Echelon, joined by USS Virgo, USS Ganymede, USS YMS-8 and USS YMS-10, then left for Cape Cretin escorted by USS Grayson, USS John Rodgers, USS Taylor and USS McKee.

2045K/24, USS Schroeder, on patrol 20 nautical miles north of Humboldt Bay was attacked by twelve enemy torpedo aircraft but she sustained no damage.

[Operations continued in the Hollandia area but will be dealth with on individual ships pages from the 25th.]

Operations in the area continued but will not be further listed here.

17 May 1944

Operation Straightline.

This operation was an amphibious landing Arara, northern New Guinea and also on Wadke Island.

Forces involved.
Task Group 77.2 was the Attack Group under T/Rear-Admiral A.G. Noble, USN.
Task Unit 77.2.1 was made up of the flagship was the destroyer USS Reid (T/Cdr. S.A. McCornock, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral A.G. Noble, USN). A second destroyer was also part of this Task Unit as relief flagship, this was the USS Wilkes (T/Cdr. F. Wolsieffer, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.2 was made up of the amphibious transports USS Henry T. Allen (T/Capt. H.B. Brumbaugh, USN) and HMAS Manoora (Cdr. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S)).
Task Unit 77.2.3 was the LCI Group under T/Cdr. H.F. McGee, USN, and was made up of USS LCI(L)-28 (Lt.(jg) N. Molyneaux, USNR, with T/Cdr. H.F. McGee, USN on board), USS LCI(L)-25 (Lt.(jg) W.R. Maliek, USNR), USS LCI(L)-26 (Lt. H.J. Adams, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-27 (Lt.(jg) H.G. Hibbard, USNR), USS LCI(L)-29 (Lt. T.R. Hopkins, USNR), USS LCI(L)-30 (Lt. C.B. Faunce, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-71 (?, with Lt.Cdr. J.P. Hurndall, USNR on board), USS LCI(L)-72 (Lt.(jg) S.Z. Kepner, USNR), USS LCI(L)-74 (Lt.(jg) R.J. Liechti, USNR), USS LCI(L)-224 (Lt.(jg) P.O. Olafsson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-338 (Lt.(jg) C.M. Goodman, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-340 (Lt.(jg) H.F. Eckenrode, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-342 (Lt.(jg) R.A. Smith, USNR).
Task Unit 77.2.4 was the LST Group under T/Capt. R.M. Scruggs, USN, and was made up of USS LST-466 (Lt. R.E. McCarthy, USNR, with COMLSTFLOT 7, T/Capt. R.M. Scruggs, USN on board), USS LST-170 (Lt. T.N. Kelly, USCGR), USS LST-181 (Lt. R.J. Wilson, USNR, with Lt.Cdr. A. Schlott, USNR on board), USS LST-202 (?), USS LST-245 (Lt. M.J. McCabe, USNR), USS LST-456 (Lt. G.W. Prue, USN), USS LST-457 (Lt. W.P. Sullivan, USNR) and USS LST-458 (Lt. F.W. Hinrichs, USNR).
Task Unit 77.2.5 was Fire Support Group A under Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN, and was made up from ships of Task Force 74, the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN) and the destroyers HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN), HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN) and USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.6 was Fire Support Group B under Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN, and was made up from ships of Task Force 75, the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Capt. J.B. Cochran, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN) and USS Trathen (T/Cdr. J.R. Millett, USN).
This force was further divided into three Fire Support Units.
77.2.61 was made up of USS Phoenix, USS Boise, USS Daly and USS Bache.
77.2.62 was made up of USS Hutchins and USS Beale.
77.2.62 was made up of USS Nashville, USS Abner Read and USS Trathen.
Task Unit 77.2.7 was Fire Support Group C under T/Capt. R.F. Stout, USN, and was made up of the destroyers USS Stevenson (T/Cdr. F.E. Wilson, USN, with COMDESRON 19, T/Capt. R.F. Stout, USN on board), USS Gillespie (T/Cdr. J.S. Fahy, USN), USS Hobby (T/Cdr. G.W. Pressey, USN, with T/Capt. COMDESDIV 38, W.S. Veeder, USN on board), USS Kalk (T/Cdr. H.D. Fuller, USN), USS Stockton (T/Cdr. W.W. Stark, Jr., USN), USS Grayson (T/Cdr. W.V. Pratt, 2nd, USN), USS Wilkes, USS Nicholson (T/Cdr. W.W. Vanous, USN), USS Russell (T/Cdr. L.R. Miller, USN), USS Roe (T/Cdr. F.S. Stich, USN).
This force was further divided into four Fire Support Units.
77.2.71 was made up of USS Hobby and USS Kalk.
77.2.72 was made up of USS Gillespie and USS Stockton.
77.2.73 was made up of USS Stevenson and USS Russell.
77.2.74 was made up of USS Wilkes, USS Nicholson, USS Roe and USS Grayson.
Task Unit 77.2.8 was the Beachmaster Unit.
Task Unit 77.2.9 was the Special Service Group. This force was further divided into three Units.
77.2.91 was the Control Unit and was made up of the patrol vessels USS SC-703 (Lt.(jg) R.M. Baird, USNR), USS SC-699 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Foristel, USNR), USS SC-734 (Lt. R.B. MacLean, USNR) and USS SC-736 (Lt.(jg) F.A. Marsteller, USNR).
77.2.92 was the Rocket Unit and was made up of LCI(R)'s, USS LCI(R)-31 (Lt.(jg) T.J. Morrissey, USNR), USS LCI(R)-34 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Keefe, USNR) and USS LCI(R)-73 (Lt.(jg) N.M. Taylor, USNR).
77.2.93 was the Minesweeping and Salvage Unit and was made up of the munesweepers USS YMS-8 (Lt. F.L. Comley, USNR), USS YMS-46 (Lt.(jg) H.J. Topping, USNR), USS YMS-47 (Lt.(jg) A.W. Busbee, USNR), USS YMS-51 (Lt. F.P. Allen, Jr., USNR) and the tug USS Sonoma (Lt.(jg). G.I. Nelson, USN).

Chronology of the passage towards the operations area.

1500K/15, Task Force 74 (Task Unit 77.2.5) and Task Force 75 (Task Unit 77.2.6) departed Seeadler Harbour for the operations area.

1900K/16, Echelon S-1, Section 1, which was made up of USS LCI(L)-28, USS LCI(L)-25, USS LCI(L)-26, USS LCI(L)-26, USS LCI(L)-29, USS LCI(L)-30, USS LCI(L)-71, USS LCI(L)-72, USS LCI(L)-74, USS LCI(L)-224, USS LCI(L)-338, USS LCI(L)-340 and USS LCI(L)-342, Echelon S-1, Section 2, which was made up of USS Henry T. Allen and HMAS Manoora and Echelon S-3, which was made up of USS LCI(R)-31, USS LCI(R)-34, USS LCI(R)-73, USS SC-699, USS SC-703, USS SC-734 and USS SC-736 departed Hollandia for the operations area. They were escorted by the destroyers USS Reid, USS Russell, USS Gillespie, USS Hobby, USS Kalk, USS Stockton and the destroyer escorts USS James E. Craig (Lt.Cdr. E.F. Andrews, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 37, T/Cdr. M.W. Firth, USN, on board), USS Manning (Lt.Cdr. J.I. Mingay, USNR) and USS Eichenberger (T/Lt.Cdr. N. Harrell, USN).

1900K/16, Echelon S-2, which was made up of USS LST-466, USS LST-170, USS LST-181, USS LST-202, USS LST-245, USS LST-456, USS LST-457, USS LST-458 and USS Sonoma departed Tanahmerah Bay for the operations area. They were escorted by the destroyers USS Stevenson, USS Grayson, USS Wilkes, USS Nicholson and USS Roe.

All echelons arrived in the operations area around 0515K/17.

Chronology of the actual landing operations near Arara on 17 April 1944.

0600K/17, The naval bombardment was commenced by the ships of Task Forces 74 and 75. These also bombarded Wadke Island. Several fires were started ashore by the bombardment and off Wadke several Japanese barges were sunk. No enemy reaction followed on the bombardment.

On completion of the bombardments, around 0700K/17, the troops from the two amphibious transports went in and landed according to plan. They were followed by waves of troops from the LCI(L)'s.

Already at 0630K/17, having launched their boats, USS Henry T. Allen and HMAS Manoora departed the area escorted by USS James E. Craig, USS Manning and USS Eichenberger.

0835K/17, The first LST was beached. By now all LCI(L)'s had completed unloading and commenced to return to Hollandia where they arrived around 2200K/17.

1143K/17, troops were landed on Insoemanai Island (off Wadke) without enemy opposition.

1200K/17, Task Force 75 was released from the operation. They arrived at Humboldt Bay around 1745K/17.

2200K/17, Three of the LST's of Echelon S-2 had completed unloading and departed for Hollandia escorted by USS Stevenson, USS Stockton and USS Russell.

0130K/18, The remaining five LST's of Echelon S-2 had completed unloading and departed for Hollandia escorted by USS Kalk, USS Hobby and USS Gillespie.

Chronology of the landing operations on Wadke Island on 18 May 1944.

1700K/17, Echelon S-4, made up of the LST's USS LST-18 (Lt. C.W. Radke, USCG), USS LST-67 (?), USS LST-206 (Lt. C.O. Opperman, USCG) and USS LST-465 (Lt.Cdr. R.T. Murphy, USNR) departed Humboldt Bay for Wadke. They were escorted by the destroyers USS Morris (T/Cdr. G.L. Caswell, USNR, with COMDESRON 2, T/Capt. E.A. Solomons, USN, on board), USS Hughes (T/Cdr. E.B. Rittenhouse, USN), USS Mustin (T/Cdr. M.M. Riker, USN) and the destroyer escorts USS Lovelace (Cdr. R.D. de Kay, Jr., USNR), USS Neuendorf (T/Cdr. J.N. McDonald, Jr., USN) and USS Whitehurst (T/Lt.Cdr. J.R. Gray, USN).

0900K/18, Echelon S-4 arrived off Wadke, and troops were then landed on Wadke covered by gunfire from the LCI(R)'s and USS Wilkes and USS Roe. USS LCI(R)-31 and USS LCI(R)-34 were both damaged by enemy fire and sustained 1 dead and 5 wounded and 1 dead and 3 wounded respectively. On the island the troops encountered stiff Japanese resistance. Early in the afternoon Allied troops had captured the air strip but enemy resistance remained strong.

[Later, follow up echelons proceeded to the Arara / Wadke area but these will be dealt with seperately.]

30 Jul 1944

Operation Globetrotter.

This operation was amphibious landings on Middelburg and Amsterdam Islands (east of Cape Sansapor) and to the west of Cape Sansapor and later also to the east of Cape Sansapor.

Forces involved.

Task Force 77 was the Attack Force under T/Rear-Admiral R.A. Fechteler, USN.
Task Group 77.1 was the Force Flagship, the destroyer USS Swanson (T/Cdr. W.K. Ratliff, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral R.A. Fechteler, USN).
Task Group 77.2 was the Main body and was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Unit 77.2.1 was Fire Support Group A and was made up of the destroyers USS Morris (T/Cdr. G.L. Caswell, USNR, with COMDESRON 2, T/Capt. E.A. Solomons, USN, on board), USS Hughes (T/Cdr. E.B. Rittenhouse, USN), USS Mustin (T/Cdr. M.M. Riker, USN) and USS Russell (T/Cdr. L.R. Miller, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.2 was Fire Support Group B and was made up of the destroyers USS Fletcher (T/Cdr. J.L. Foster, USN, with COMDESDIV 42, T/Capt. A.E. Jarrell, USN on board), USS Radford (T/Capt. G.E. Griggs, USN), USS Jenkins (T/Cdr. M. Hall, Jr., USN) and USS La Valette (T/Cdr. W. Thompson, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.3 was Fire Support Group C and was made up of the destroyers USS Stevenson (T/Cdr. F.E. Wilson, USN, with COMDESRON 19, T/Capt. J.R. Pahl, USN on board) and USS Welles (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.4 was the High Speed Transport Unit and was made up of the high speed transports USS Kilty (Lt. L.G. Benson, USNR, with COMDESDIV 22, T/Cdr. D.L. Mattie, USN) on board), USS Schley (Lt.Cdr. E.T. Farley, USNR), USS Ward (Lt.Cdr. F.W. Lemly, USNR), USS Crosby (Lt.Cdr. W.E. Sims, USNR) and USS Herbert (T/Cdr. J.N. Ferguson, Jr., USN).
Task Unit 77.2.5 was the LCI Unit and was made up of the LCI's, USS LCI(L)-546 (Lt.(jg) W.B. Campbell, USNR with, COMLCIFLOT 8, T/Cdr. F.B.C. Martin, USN, on board), USS LCI(L)-544 (Lt.(jg) L.V. Sternberg, USNR), USS LCI(L)-545 (Lt.(jg) T.B. King, USNR), USS LCI(L)-547 (Lt.(jg) J.S. Peacock, USNR), USS LCI(L)-548 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Reeves, USNR), USS LCI(L)-577 (Lt.(jg) E.J. Morgan, USNR), USS LCI(L)-578 (Lt.(jg) W.D. Rounds, USNR), USS LCI(L)-579 (Lt.(jg) J. Wood, USN), USS LCI(L)-661 (Lt.(jg) P.B. Pylant, USN), USS LCI(L)-957 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Hartmann, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-958 (Lt.(jg) W.R. McCracken, USNR), USS LCI(L)-961 (Lt.(jg) R.P. Games, USNR), USS LCI(L)-962 (Lt.(jg) R.L. Steele, USNR) from LCI Flotilla 8 and USS LCI(L)-430 (Lt. P.C. Hill, Jr., USNR, with COMLCIFLOT 7, T/Cdr. H.F. McGee, USN on board), USS LCI(L)-62 (Lt.(jg) J.M. Roye, USN), USS LCI(L)-334 (Lt.(jg) M.E. Staed, USNR), USS LCI(L)-335 (Lt.(jg) J.A. Latimer, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-519 (?).
Task Unit 77.2.6 was the LST Unit and was made up of the LST's, USS LST-18 (Lt. C.W. Radke, USCG, with COMLSTGR 21, Cdr. F.D. Higbee, USCG, on board), USS LST-26 (?), USS LST-28 (Lt. B.D. Quirk, USNR), USS LST-66 (Lt. W.H. McGowan, USCG), USS LST-170 (Lt.(jg) J.C. Baquie, USCGR), USS LST-202 (Lt.Cdr. T.N. Kelley, USCGR), USS LST-206 (Lt.(jg) J.D. Robertshaw, USCGR) and USS LST-466 (Lt. R.E. McCarthy, USNR).
Task Unit 77.2.7 was the Special Service Unit which was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Unit 77.2.71 was the Control Section which was made up of the patrol vessels, USS PC-1120 (Lt.Cdr. C.S. Molitor, USNR), USS PC-1132 (Lt. W.E. Quint, USNR), USS PC-1133 (Lt. J.C. Chandler, USNR) and USS PC-1134 (Lt. D.J. Callaghan. Jr. USNR).
Task Unit 77.2.72 was the Rocket Section which was made up of the LCI(R)'s, USS LCI(R)-31 (Lt.(jg) L.J. Haidet, USNR), USS LCI(R)-34 (Lt.(jg) R.J. Sponsler, USNR) and USS LCI(R)-73 (Lt.(jg) N.M. Taylor, USNR).
Task Unit 77.2.73 was the Salvage Section which was made up of the tug USS Vireo (Lt.(jg) S. Delamater, USNR).
Task Group 77.3 was the First Reinforcement Group and was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Group 77.3.1 was the LST Unit which was made up of the LST's USS LST-452 (Lt. G.W. Miller, USNR, with COMLSTGR20, Cdr. D.M. Baker, USNR on board), USS LST-171 (Lt. L.H. Smiley, USNR), USS LST-395 (Lt. A.C. Forbes, USNR), USS LST-397 (Lt. W.R. Hitch, USNR), USS LST-456 (Lt. G.W. Prue, USN), USS LST-458 (Lt. F.W. Hinrichs, USNR), USS LST-462 (Lt. W.D. Gregory, USNR) and USS LST-463 (Lt.(jg) A.E. Grounds, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.2 was the Escort Unit which was made up of the destroyers USS Hobby (T/Cdr. G.W. Pressey, USN, with T/Capt. COMDESDIV 38, W.S. Veeder, USN on board), USS Gillespie (T/Cdr. J.S. Fahy, USN), USS Anderson (T/Lt.Cdr. J.F. Murdock, USN) and USS Stockton (T/Cdr. W.W. Stark, Jr., USN).
Task Group 77.4 was the Second Reinforcement Group and was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Group 77.4.1 was the LST Unit which was made up of the LST's USS LST-469 (Lt. L.E. Green, USNR), USS LST-181 (Lt. R.J. Wilson, USNR), USS LST-204 (Lt. C.W. Radke, USCG), USS LST-245 (Lt. M.J. McCabe, USNR), USS LST-457 (Lt. W.P. Sullivan, USNR), USS LST-468 (Lt. I.K. Stevenson, USNR), USS LST-470 (Lt. D.J. Guthridge, USNR) and USS LST-475 (Lt. M.S. Whitsett, USNR).
Task Group 77.4.2 was the Escort Unit which was made up of the destroyers USS Wilkes (T/Cdr. F. Wolsieffer, USN, with COMDESDIV 24, T/Capt. A.J. Greenacre, USN on board), USS Nicholson (T/Cdr. W.W. Vanous, USN), USS Grayson (T/Cdr. W.V. Pratt, 2nd, USN) and USS Stack (T/Cdr. R.E. Wheeler, USN).

Cover Forces.

To provide cover for the operation, Task Forces 74 and 75 were deployed.

Task Force 74 was made up of the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Capt. J.B. Cochran, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN) and HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN).

Task Force 75 was made up of the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN) and USS Trathen (T/Cdr. J.R. Millett, USN).

Chronology of the passage towards the operations area.

0800K/27, Task Force 75 (see above) departed Seeadler Harbour, Manus for the operations area.

2300K/27, Task Force 77 (TF 77.1 and TF 77.2, see above) departed Maffin Bay for the operations area. This was known as Echelon G-1.

1000K/28, Task Force 74 (see above) departed Humboldt Bay to make rendezvous with Task Force 75. Rendezvous was affected around 1500K/28. Both Task Forces now operated in company as Task Force 78, Covering Force.. A naval bombardment for the landings was not planned, Task Force 78's orders were to just provide cover for the landings.

0800K/29, USS LCI(L)-958 parted company to proceed to Mios Woendi as reserve. One of the other LCI(L)'s also parted company as there were 16 LCI(L)'s present during the landing operations.

2330K/29, Echelon G-2, made up of Task Group 77.3 (see above) departed Maffin Bay for the operations area. The four escorting destroyers from Destroyer Division 38 had actually departed Humboldt Bay around 2245K/28 and joined the convoy of LST's on leaving Maffin Bay having first conducted an A/S patrol in the area. 2315K/29, Echelon G-3, made up of Task Group 77.4 (see above) departed Maffin Bay for the operations area. The four escorting destroyers from Destroyer Division 24 had arrived at Maffin Bay from Humboldt Bay earlier in the day.

Chronology of the landing operations in the operations area.

0700K/30, Task Force 77, (TF 77.1 and TF 77.2) commenced landing operations east of Cape Sansapor and on Middelburg and Amsterdam Islands. No enemy opposition was encountered.

0830K/30, Task Force 78, was released and set course to proceed to Mios Woendi. Around the same time the LCI(L)'s departed the operations area to return to Maffin Bay escorted by USS PC-1122 and USS PC-1133.

1800K/30, The LST's, having completed unloading, departed the area to return to Maffin Bay. Tug USS Vireo was with them. They were escorted by USS Swanson, USS Fletcher, USS Radford, USS Jenkins, USS La Vallette, USS Stevenson and USS Welles.

0800K/1, Echelon G-2 arrived commenced beaching the LST's to unload which was completed later the same day following which they set course to proceed to Mios Woendi having been joined by the three 3 LCI(R)'s and the tugs USS Whippoorwill (T/Lt. C.L. Knopp, USN) and HMAS Sprightly (Lt. G.S. Duck, RANR(S)). They were escorted by USS Morris, USS Hughes, USS Mustin, USS Russell, USS Hobby, USS Gillespie, USS Anderson and USS Stockton.

0800K/3, Echelon G-3 arrived commenced beaching the LST's to unload which was completed later the same day following which they set course to proceed to Mios Woendi.

31 Jul 1944
Around 0730K/31, Task Force 78, made up of the heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Capt. J.B. Cochran, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN) and USS Trathen (T/Cdr. J.R. Millett, USN) and HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) arrived at Mios Woendi from the Cape Sansapor area. (6)

10 Sep 1944
Around 0630I/10, Task Force 74, made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN) and the destroyers HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN) as well as Task Force 75 made up of the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN) and USS Bush (T/Cdr. R.E. Westholm, USN) departed Seeadler Harbour, Manus for Humboldt Bay where they arrived around 0700I/11. (7)

15 Sep 1944

Operation Tradewind.

This operation was an amphibious landing on Morotai.

Forces involved.

Task Force 77.
The force flagship was the Amphibious Force Command Ship USS Wasatch (T/Capt. A.M. Granum, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral D.E. Barbey, USN. Reserve flagship was the destroyer USS Russell (T/Lt.Cdr. J.E. Wicks, Jr., USN).

Task Group 77.1 was the Escort Carrier Group under T/R.Adm. T.L. Sprague, USN. It was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Unit 77.1.1 was made up of the escort carriers USS Sangamon (T/Capt. M.E. Browder, USN, flying the flag of COMCARDIV 22, T/R.Adm. T.L. Sprague, USN), USS Suwanee (T/Capt. W.D. Johnson, USN), USS Chenango (T/Capt. G. van Deurs, USN) and USS Santee (T/Capt. R.E. Blick, USN).
Task Unit 77.1.2 was made up of the escort carriers USS Fanshaw Bay (T/Capt. D.P. Johnson, USNflying the flag of, COMCARDIV 25, T/R.Adm. C.A.F. Sprague, USN) and USS Midway / St. Lo (T/Capt. F.J. McKenna, USN).
Task Unit 77.1.3 was made up of the destroyer escorts USS Edmonds (T/Cdr. C.S. Barker, Jr., USN, with COMCORTDIV 63, T/Cdr. J.V. Bewick, USN, on board), USS Richard S. Bull (T/Lt.Cdr. A.W. Gardes, Jr., USN), USS Richard M. Rowell (T/Cdr. H.A. Barnard, Jr., USN), USS Eversole (T/Lt.Cdr. G.E. Marix, USN), USS Dennis (Lt.Cdr. S. Hansen, USNR), USS Shelton (Lt.Cdr. L.G. Salomon, USNR), USS John C. Butler (T/Lt.Cdr. J.E. Pace, USN) and USS Raymond (Lt.Cdr. A.F. Beyer, Jr., USNR).

Task Force 77.2 was the Cover and Bombardment Force under T/Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN. It was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Unit 77.2.1 was made up of the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN) and USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.2 was made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN) and the destroyers HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN) and USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN).
Task Unit 77.2.3 was made up of the light cruiser USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN) and the destroyers USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN) and USS Bush (T/Cdr. R.E. Westholm, USN).

Task Force 77.3 was the Attack Force.
Task Group 77.3.1 was the Attack Force for White Beach under T/Rear-Admiral D.E. Barbey, USN, with USS Wasatch as flagship and was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Group 77.3.11 was made up of the destroyers USS Morris (T/Cdr. G.L. Caswell, USNR, with COMDESRON 2, T/Capt. E.A. Solomons, USN, on board), USS Mustin ( T/Lt.Cdr. J.G. Hughes, USN), USS Russell, USS John Rodgers (T/Cdr. J.G. Franklin, USN) and USS McKee (T/Cdr. R.B. Allen, USN).
Task Group 77.3.12 was made up of the amphibious transport HMAS Kanimbla (Cdr. A.V. Bunyan, RANR(S)).
Task Group 77.3.13 was made up of the high speed transports USS Ward (Lt.Cdr. F.W. Lemly, USNR), USS Schley (Lt.Cdr. E.T. Farley, USNR), USS Kilty (Lt. L.G. Benson, USNR), USS Crosby (Lt.Cdr. W.E. Sims, USNR) and USS Herbert (T/Cdr. J.N. Ferguson, Jr., USN).
Task Group 77.3.14 was made up of the LCI(L)'s, USS LCI(L)-28 (Lt.(jg) W.T. Witt, USNR, with COMLCIFLOT 7, T/Cdr. H.F. McGee, USN, on board), USS LCI(L)-25 (Lt.(jg) G.W. Connelly, USNR), USS LCI(L)-29 (Lt. J.F. McNamara, USNR), USS LCI(L)-30 (Lt.(jg) L.E. Larson, USNR), USS LCI(L)-224 (Lt.(jg) W.K. Bohn, USNR), USS LCI(L)-225 (Lt.(jg) W.S. Ogilvy, USNR), USS LCI(L)-226 (Lt.(jg) W.L. Harned, USNR), USS LCI(L)-361 (Lt.(jg) A.J. Hawkes, USNR), USS LCI(L)-430 (Lt. P.C. Hill, Jr., USNR) and USS LCI(L)-432 (Lt. M.D. Coppersmith, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.15 was made up of the LST's, USS LST-470 (Lt. D.J. Guthridge, USNR, with COMLSTGR20, Cdr. D.M. Baker, USNR on board), USS LST-245 (Lt. M.J. McCabe, USNR), USS LST-459 (Lt. N. Waggener, USNR) and USS LST-474 (Lt.(jg) H.T. Ross, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.16 was made up of the LCT's, USS LCT-947, USS LCT-939, USS LCT-940 and USS LCT-941.
Task Group 77.3.17 was made up of the patrol vessels USS PC-1119 (Lt. J.E. Martin, Jr., USNR) and USS PC-1134 (Lt.(jg). W.B. Marshall, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.18 was made up of the LCI(G)'s, USS LCI(G)-68 (Lt.(jg) J.D. Devaney, USNR), USS LCI(G)-70 (Lt. R.M. Jordan, USNR) and LCI(R)'s USS LCI(R)-72 (Lt.(jg) J.F. Dray, USNR) and USS LCI(R)-73 (Lt.(jg) N.M. Taylor, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.19 was made up of the tug USS Sonoma (Lt. W.R. Wurzler, USNR) and USS LCI(D)-227 (Lt.(jg) A.S. Eskind, USNR) [D = Demolition] ().
Task Group 77.3.2 was the Attack Force for Red Beach under T/Rear-Admiral R.A. Fechteler, USN, with USS Hughes (T/Cdr. E.B. Rittenhouse, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral R.A. Fechteler, USN) as flagship and was made up of the following Task Units.
Task Group 77.3.21 was made up of the destroyers USS Fletcher (T/Cdr. J.L. Foster, USN, with COMDESDIV 42, T/Capt. A.E. Jarrell, USN on board), USS Radford (T/Cdr. G.L. Caswell, USN), USS Jenkins (T/Cdr. M. Hall, Jr., USN), USS La Valette (T/Cdr. W. Thompson, USN) and USS Stack (T/Cdr. R.E. Wheeler, USN).
Task Group 77.3.22 was made up of the amphibious transport HMAS Manoora (Cdr. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S)).
Task Group 77.3.23 was made up of the LCI(L)'s, USS LCI(L)-546 (Lt.(jg) W.B. Campbell, USNR, with, COMLCIFLOT 8, T/Cdr. F.B.C. Martin, USN, on board), i>USS LCI(L)-543 (Lt.(jg) L.S. Mosley, USNR), USS LCI(L)-544 (Lt.(jg) L.V. Sternberg, USNR), USS LCI(L)-545 (Lt.(jg) T.B. King, USNR), USS LCI(L)-547 (Lt.(jg) J.S. Peacock, USNR), USS LCI(L)-577 (Lt.(jg) E.J. Morgan, USNR), USS LCI(L)-578 (Lt.(jg) W.D. Rounds, USNR), USS LCI(L)-579 (Lt.(jg) J. Wood, USN), USS LCI(L)-663 (Lt.(jg) F.B. Stimson, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-744 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Vallely, USNR), LCI(L)-746 (Lt.(jg) E.H. Chittenden, USNR), USS LCI(L)-747 (Lt. R.M. Burnes, USNR), USS LCI(L)-748 (Lt.(jg) D.R. Hassell, USNR), USS LCI(L)-750 (Lt.(jg) S.A.R. White, USNR), USS LCI(L)-958 (Lt.(jg) W.R. McCracken, USNR), USS LCI(L)-962 (Lt.(jg) R.L. Steele, USNR), USS LCI(L)-964 (Lt.(jg) H.R. dePue, USNR), USS LCI(L)-965 (Lt.(jg) A.T. Wellman, USNR), USS 967 (Lt.(jg) H.M. Piper, Jr., USNR), USS 968 (Lt.(jg) B. Shaw, USNR), USS 969 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Clement, USNR), USS 971 (Lt.(jg) V. Muse, Jr., USNR), USS 976 (Lt.(jg) W.C. Lawtom, USNR), USS 977 (Lt.(jg) J.T. Morgan, Jr., USNR), USS 978 (Lt.(jg) P. Tackett, USNR), USS 979 (Lt.(jg) M.J. Fleischman, USNR), USS 981 (Lt.(jg) T.J. Bailey, USNR), USS 1014 (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Moncure, USNR) and USS 1015 (Lt. G.Y. Harry, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.24 was made up of the LST's, USS LST-466 (Lt. R.E. McCarthy, USNR), with COMLSTFLOT 7, T/Capt. R.M. Scruggs, USN on board), USS LST-181 (Lt. R.J. Wilson, USNR), USS LST-452 (Lt. G.W. Morris, USNR), USS LST-456 (Lt. G.B. Libby, USNR), USS LST-462 (Lt. W.D. Gregory, USNR), USS LST-467 (Lt. M.B. Taylor, USNR), USS LST-468 (Lt.(jg) L.H. Bellis, USNR) and USS LST-472 (Lt. W.O. Tally, USN).
Task Group 77.3.25 was made up of the LCT's, USS LCT-948, USS LCT-942, USS LCT-943, USS LCT-949, USS LCT-950, USS LCT-951, USS LCT-952 and USS LCT-953.
Task Group 77.3.26 was made up of the Landing Ship Dock USS Carter Hall (Lt.Cdr. F.J. Harris, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.27 was made up of the patrol vessels USS PC-1120 (Lt. H.T. Smith, Jr., USNR), USS PC-1122 (Lt. L.C. Hall, USNR), USS PC-1133 (Lt. J.C. Chandler, USNR) and USS PC-476 (Lt. D. Knapp, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.28 was made up of the LCI(G)'s, USS LCI(G)-69 (Lt.(jg) H.R. Roesti, USNR, with Lt.Cdr. A.M. Holmes, USNR, on board), USS LCI(G)-23 (Lt.(jg) M.L. Russell, USNR), USS LCI(G)-64 (Lt.(jg) F.G. Love, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(G)-65 (Lt.(jg) C.J. Macaluso, USNR) and LCI(R)'s USS LCI(R)-31 (Lt.(jg) L.J. Haidet, USNR) and USS LCI(R)-34 (Lt.(jg) R.J. Sponsler, USNR).
Task Group 77.3.29 was made up of the minesweepers USS YMS-8 (Lt.(jg) E.S. Conway, USNR), USS YMS-9 (Lt.(jg) B.F. Hildes, USNR), USS YMS-46 (Lt. H.J. Topping, USNR) and USS YMS-51 (Lt.(jg) W.F. Montgomery., USNR).

Chronology of the passage towards the operations area.

1000I/10, Task Group 77.1, the Carrier Cover Group, (see above), departed Seeadler Harbour for the operations area.

1300I/11, Echelon M-1, made up of all Task Units of Task Groups 77.3.1 and 77.3.2 (see above) departed Maffin Bay for the operations area.

2300I/11, Task Units 77.2.1 and 77.2.2 (see above) departed Humboldt Bay for the operations area.

1000I/12, Task Unit 77.2.3 departed Humboldt Bay for the operations area. On board USS Nashville General MacArthur and staff is embarked.

Chronology of the initial landing operations in the operations area.

0630I/15, The order ' Deploy ' was given for the landings which were to commence at 0830I/15 (H-hour). The LCT's which had been towed to the operations area by LST's had just been cut loose and were now proceeding on their own. YMS minesweepers commenced sweeping the landing area.

0700I/15, between around 0700 and 0830 hours the ships from Task Force 77.2 bombarded their selected targets near the landing area. Carrier aircraft from Task Force 77.1 conducted fighter and A/S patrols and were also available to attack land targets. Following the bombardment the ships of Task Force 77.2 remained in the area to provide cover for the operation. They were released from the operation at 1800I/16.

0830I/15, H-hour, Landing operations commenced.

0900I/15, USS Carter Hall departed the operations area for Mios Woendi. She was escorted by USS Herbert and USS Crosby. All three ships had completed unloading.

1030I/15, Almost all LCI(L)'s, having completed unloading, departed the operations area for Hollandia. They were escorted by USS Ward, USS Schley and USS Kilty.

2000I/15, Five LST's and four LCI(L)'s, having completed unloading, departed the operations area for Cape Sansapor. They were escorted by the destroyers USS Morris and USS Jenkins.

1800I/15, HMAS Kanimbla and USS Manoora departed the operations area for Hollandia. They were escorted by the destroyer USS Stevens and the patrol vessel USS PC-476.

1700I/16, The remaining seven LST's, having completed unloading departed Morotai for Cape Sansopor. They were escorted by USS Anderson and USS Stack.

More echelons transporting troops and supplies arrived at Morotai during the next days. [These will not be dealth with here.]

18 Sep 1944
Around 0715I/18, Task Force 77.2 (Task Force 75), made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. H.A. Showers, RAN), light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN), USS Bush (T/Cdr. R.E. Westholm, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. B.J. Mullaney, USN), HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN) arrived at Mios Woendi from operations in the Morotai area. (7)

27 Sep 1944
0700I/27, Task Force 75, made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. C.A.G. Nichols, MVO, RN), light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Beale (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN), USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN), USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. T.B. Hutchins, 3rd, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN), USS Bush (T/Cdr. R.E. Westholm, USN), USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. A.O. Momm, USN), HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. N.A. Mackinnon, RAN) arrived at Mios Woendi from operations in the Morotai area. (7)

11 Oct 1944
1700I/11, Task Forces 74 and 75, made up of the heavy cruisers HMAS Australia (Capt. E.F.V. Dechaineux, DSC, RAN, flying the flag of Commodore J.A. Collins, CB, RAN), HMAS Shropshire (Capt. C.A.G. Nichols, MVO, RN), the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of COMCRUDIV 15, Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Nashville (T/Capt. C.E. Coney, USN), USS Boise (Capt. J.S. Roberts, USN) and the destroyers USS Hutchins (T/Cdr. C.B. Laning, USN, with COMDESRON 24, T/Capt. K.M. McManes, USN, on board), HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, RAN) and HMAS Warramunga (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Alliston, DSC, RN) departed Seeadler Harbour, Manus for Humboldt Bay.

Most of the destroyers of Task Forces 74 and 75 had been delayed in sailing. They departed later to overtake and join at sea which they did in the following order; USS Bache (T/Cdr. R.C. Morton, USN), USS Mullany (T/Cdr. A.O. Momm, USN) and USS Bush (T/Cdr. R.E. Westholm, USN) joined around 1830I/11. USS Ammen (T/Cdr. J.H. Brown, USN) joined around 2115I/11. USS Daly (T/Cdr. R.G. Visser, USN) joined around 2200I/11. USS Beale (T/Cdr. D.M. Coffee, USN) joined around 0045I/12. USS Killen (T/Cdr. H.G. Corey, USN) and finally USS Abner Read (T/Cdr. A.M. Purdy, USN, with COMDESDIV 48, T/Capt. J.B. McLean, USN) joined around 0800I/12.

Task Forces 74 and 75 arrived at Humboldt Bay around 1220I/12. (8)

24 Mar 1945

Landings off Cebu, as part of operation Victor II.

Around 0700I/24, Task Group 74.3 departed Subic Bay for operations. It was made up of the following units;
Task Unit 74.3.1 was made up of the light cruiser USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and the destroyers USS Nicholas (T/Cdr. D.C. Lyndon, USN, with COMDESRON 21, T/Capt. J.K.B. Ginder, USN on board) and USS O'Bannon (T/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Pridmore, USN).
Task Unit 74.3.2 was made up of the light cruiser HMAS Hobart (Capt. R.S. Dowling, RAN) and the destroyers USS Abbot (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Ingling, USN) and USS Taylor (T/Lt.Cdr. H.H. de Laureal, USN).
Task Unit 74.3.3 was made up of the light cruiser USS Boise (T/Capt. W.M. Downes, USN) and the destroyer USS Fletcher (T/Lt.Cdr. R.R. Green, USN) and USS Jenkins (T/Cdr. P.D. Gallery, USN).

Around 1645I/24, Task Unit 74.3.3 parted company to proceed to Mangarin Bay, Mindoro where they were to remain in reserve.

At 1530I/25, the Attack Force (see below) was joined by the patrol vessel PCE(R)-850 (Lt. J.C. Mallien, USNR) which had on board members of the 8th Army staff. She came from Panay Gulf.

Around 1600I/25, off the southern point of Negros Island, the destroyer HMAS Warramunga (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Alliston, DSC and Bar, RN) joined Task Units 74.3.1 and 74.3.2. She had on board maps for the naval bombardments which were then distributed.

Around 2100I/25, they made rendezvous with the Attack Force to the north-west of Siquijor Island. They then proceeded up Bohol Strait to make for the landing beaches to the south of Cebu City. Task Force 74 was stationed 10 miles ahead of the Attack Force.

The Attack Force (Task Group 78.2) had departed Leyte around 1800I/24 and comprise the following units;
Task Unit 78.2.1 was the headquarters (Communications Command) ship USCGC Spencer (Cdr. J.R. Hinnant, USCG, with the overall commander T/Capt. A.T. Sprague, USN on board).
Task Unit 78.2.2 were the fast transports USS Lloyd (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Taylor, USNR, with T/Cdr, Wm.S. Parsons, USN, Commanding Officer COMTRANSDIV 103, on board), USS Newman (Lt.Cdr. R.I. Thieme, USNR), USS Kephart (Cdr. I.H. Cammarn, USNR) and USS Cofer (Lt. H.C. McClees, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.3 was the LCI unit which was made up of the following LCI(L)'s; USS LCI(L)-972 (Lt. L.B. Brown, USNR, with COMLCI(L)FLOT 15, T/Cdr. W.V. Deutermann, USN on board), USS LCI(L)-607 (Lt. C.V. Fox, USNR), USS LCI(L)-609 (Lt. K.N. Krecke, USNR), USS LCI(L)-613 (Lt. E.E. Kern, USNR), USS LCI(L)-683 (Lt.(jg) B.H. Keppel, USNR), USS LCI(L)-685 (Lt. P.T. O'Hare, USNR), USS LCI(L)-686 (Lt.(jg) B.H. Keppel, USNR), USS LCI(L)-963 (Lt. W.A. Tomb, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-965 (Lt. A.T. Wellman, USNR), USS LCI(L)-966 (Lt.(jg) R.E. Dein, USNR), USS LCI(L)-970 (Lt. W.A. Moore, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-976 (Lt. W.C. Lawton, USNR), USS LCI(L)-977 (Lt. J.T. Morgan, Jr., USNR), USS LCI(L)-978 (Lt.(jg.) L.B. Huckabee, USNR), USS LCI(L)-980 (Lt.(jg.) K.R. Hopkins, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-984 (Lt.(jg) F.J. Keller, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.4 was the LSM unit which was made up of the following LSM's; USS LSM-168 (Lt. R. Whelan, USNR, with COMLSMGR 24, T/Lt.Cdr. G.F. Baker, USN on board), USS LSM-35 (Lt. J.M. Burke, USNR), USS LSM-50 (Lt. J.C. Rogers, USNR), USS LSM-150 (Lt. G.B. McCauley, USNR), USS LSM-151 (Lt. W.H. Fitzgerald, USNR), USS LSM-219 (Lt. H. Burns, USNR), USS LSM-225 (Ens. F.C. Sheppard, USNR), USS LSM-237 (Lt. J.L. Poole, USNR), USS LSM-268 (Lt. N. Steinberg, USNR), USS LSM-316 (Lt. W.F. Ney, USNR) and USS LSM-317 (Lt. W.J. Ayres, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.5 was the LST unit which was made up of the following LST's; USS LST-640 (Lt. F.P. McKenney, Jr., USNR, with COMLSTFLOT 24, T/Capt. H.B. Hudson, USN on board), USS LST-18 (Lt. F.C. Merriam, USCGR), USS LST-171 (Lt. R.L. McGirl, USNR), USS LST-181 (Lt.(jg) C.V. Lynch, USNR), USS LST-454 (Lt. D.J. Morrison, USNR), USS LST-457 (Lt. W.W. Hacker, USNR), USS LST-560 (Lt. H.T. Holsapple, USNR), USS LST-595 (Lt. A.C. Jackson, USNR), USS LST-619 (Lt. J.M. Brennan, USNR), USS LST-638 (Lt. F. Data, USN), USS LST-709 (Lt. G.P. Cruikshank, USNR), USS LST-777 (Lt. W.F. Lagotic, USN), USS LST-922 (Lt. R.A. Stallings, USN). It also included three LCT's, USS LCT-747 (?), USS LCT-830 (?) and USS LCT-1296 (?).
Task Unit 78.2.51 was the LST tractor unit which was made up of the following LST's; USS LST-597 (Lt. W.H. Loving, USNR, with COMLSTGR 70, T/Cdr. D.P. Stickley, USN on board), USS LST-467 (Lt. M.B. Taylor, USN), USS LST-941 (Lt. L.M. Edwards, USN) and USS LST-1035 (Lt. M. Perry, USN).
Task Unit 78.2.6 was the support unit; it was made up of the following LCI(R)'s; USS LCI(R)-230 (Lt.(jg) R.M. Prestidge, USNR, with T/Cdr. D.H. Day, USN on board), USS LCI(R)-225 (Lt.(jg) A.F. McCormick, USN), USS LCI(R)-340 (Lt.(jg) J.O. Luby, USN), USS LCI(R)-341 (Lt. E.W. Slavik, USNR), USS LCI(R)-342 (Lt.(jg) J.A. Hynes, USNR) and the following LCS(L)'s; USS LCS(L)-30 (Lt. C.H. Sanders, USNR, with COMLCS(L)GR 1, Lt.Cdr. W.F. Hunt, USNR on board), USS LCS(L)-28 (Lt. R.H. Bost, USNR), USS LCS(L)-29 (Lt. J.F. McNamara, USNR) and USS LCS(L)-50 (Lt. B.T. Clark, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.7 was the control unit and was made up of the following patrol vessels; USS PC-1134 (Lt. O.A. Barge, Jr., USNR with Cdr. A.J. Petersen, USNR on board) and USS PC-1133 (Lt. H.G. Wheelock, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.8 was the screen and was made up of the following destroyers; USS Flusser (T/Lt.Cdr. K.G. Robinson, USN with COMDESRON 5, T/Capt. F.D. McCorkle, USN on board), USS Shaw (T/Lt.Cdr. V.B. Graff, USN), USS Conyngham (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Bampton, USN), USS Drayton (T/Lt.Cdr. V.A. Dybdal, USN) and USS Smith (T/Lt.Cdr. E.H. Huff, USN).
Task Unit 78.2.9 was the minesweeping unit and was made up of the following YMS's; USS YMS-68 (Lt. G.L. O'Neil, USNR, he was also commanding the minesweeping group), USS YMS-9 (Lt. B.F. Hildes, USNR), USS YMS-46 (Lt.(jg) C.W. Lorer, USNR), USS YMS-52 (Lt.(jg) R.J. Ball, USNR), USS YMS-313 (Lt.(jg) W.H. Reibold, USNR), USS YMS-339 (Lt.(jg) M.E. Fitzgerald, USNR), USS YMS-340 (Lt. P. Schminke, USNR) and USS YMS-481 (Lt.(jg) T.D. Anglin, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.10 was the beach party made up of Beach Party No. 5.
Task Unit 78.2.11 was the demolition party and was made up of the USS LCI(D)-228 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Kearns, USNR).
Task Unit 78.2.12 was the salvage and service unit and was made up of the tug USS ATA-179 (Lt.(jg) T.C. McClaren, USNR).

At 0538I/26, Task Units 74.3.1 and 73.3.2 were ordered to act independently and take assigned stations to cover minesweeping units. HMAS Warramunga was ordered to patrol in the Hilutungan Channel.

At 0700I/26, USS Phoenix and HMAS Hobart opened the bombardment. For spotting duties two aircraft had been launched by USS Phoenix, one to spot her own gunfire and the other to spot for HMAS Hobart.

Between 0740I/26 and 0750I/26, USS O'Bannon, USS Nicholas, USS Taylor and USS Abbot all join in on bombardment duties.

The bombardment was ceased around at 0825I/26.

At the same time the bombardment started the Attack Force was in it's sheduled position and the command ' Deploy ' was executed. The approach began.

At 0716I/26, the Commander Minesweeping Unit reported that his operations were on schedule with negative results to that time.

Around 0745I/26, USS Spencer anchored in position. The Commander Minesweeping Unit reported completion of sweeping of area ' Orchestra ' with negative results. At 0750I/26, the LST unit carrying LVT's [LVT = Landing Vehicle, Tracked] anchored in position. The control officer reports the Control Vessels anchored in position at the line of departure. The Close Support Unit had gained station. LST's commenced launching LVT's and LCVP's [a type of landing craft]. All units were conforming to the shedule.

At 0815I/26, the first wave (LVT's) left the line of departure. Destroyer bombardment of the beach area ceased at 0822I/26, Close support fire by LCS's and LCI(R)'s began at 0820I/26. The first wave landed at 0828I/26 followed by the second wave (LVT's) at 0831I/26. At 0835I/26, the third wave (LCVP's) landed. At 0837I/26, the Commander Close Support Unit reported mortar fire on the left flank of the beach. The landing force reported the presence of large quantities of land mines on the beach from the hight water mark to the edge of the coconut grove back of the beach. The fourth and fifth waves (LCVP's) landed on shedule, followed by the sixg and seventh waves (LCM's). The artillery embarked in the latter unloaded without difficulty. Reports from the beach indicated that LVT's on the right flank had been able to cross the beach. Troops were working inland. No enemy opposition had developed. Land mines were being cleared. Wave eight (DUKW's) beached at 0910I/26 in time.

Beginning about 0900I/26, a continuous series of explosions took place in Cebu City and it was apparent that the Japanese were destroying the city. Strangely no explosions were noted in the dock area. Sporadic mortar fore landed on the beach, but all in one rather small section which was kept clear and no damage resulted. At 0912I/26, HMAS Hobart took a suspected mortar site under fire. At 0917I/26, the Air Observer reported seeing two enemy planes take off from Lahug air strip. The Combat Air Patrol could not find them. They were not picked up by radar and were not seen again and it is believed that the aircraft flew across the island at low altitude.

Wave 9 (LCI) was slightly delayed. The LCI's could not beach due to the submerged log boom obstacle that had not hampered earlier small craft. They were unloaded just off the beach by LCVP, LCM and LCT. Unloading was completed at 1030I/26. The UDT [Underwater Demolition Team] began the task of clearing the obstruction. The LCT's beached satisfactorily at 0930I/26 and unloaded.

LSM's were held up from beaching until the obstruction could be cleared. Pontoon sections were launched from LST's and towed to a position just off the beach. The high priority LST's were brought in and ramp to ramp unloading into LCT's got underway. At 1045I/26, the Beachmaster called in the first LSM. At 1100I/26, USS LSM 168 reported that he was unloading tanks without difficulty. However, it was apparent that the beach gradient would in general prevent the satisfactory beaching of LSM's and LST's for unloading. Not only was the gradient too low, but a small sand bar off the beach caused both types to ground aft with ramps in varying depths from 5 to 7 feet of water. For a limited with, LSM's could beach fairly well. They beached three at a time and unloaded throughout the day but slowly and with the assistance of bulldozers to haul out drowned vehicles.

At 1130I/26, one roadway had been cleared thru the beach mines ashore and two others were nearing completion. Vehicles were beginning to move across the beach. Ramp to ramp inloading was getting underway. At 1148I/26 mortar of 75mm fire bracketed the control lone and nearby LST's and the PC's and LST's were directed to move to seaward.

The first LST was called in and beached about 1300I/26 and work began immediately to rig a pontoon causeway ramp. Unloading commenced at 1435I/26. Inloading continued with no further enemy gunfire on the beach or unloading area.

At 1535I/26, USS Conyngham reported sighting a possibly periscope in the channel from Cebu Harbour. USS PC 1133 was ordered to investigate. At 1610I/26, USS Flusser and USS Conyngham opened fire on an object sighted in Cebu Harbour Channel. It was reported as the conning tower of a small submarine that broached apparently from running on a bar while submerged. Although straddled, actual hits could not be varified. The Task Group got underway immediately and cleared the harbour, formed cruising disposition and steamed in Bohol Strait for the night, returning to the anchorage at daylight on 27 March. USS PC 1134, USS PC 1133, USS Kephart, USS Newman and USS Cofer were directed to conduct a sonar searxh of the anchorage and vicinity. USS Flusser remained in the area available for fire support if needed. The Close Support Unit remained to screen beached ships against small craft attacks. At 1800I/26, sound search results had so far been negative and the two remaining loaded LSM's and two LST's returned and beached to be unloaded during the night. No positive results were obtained from the A/S search of the anchorage and lower harbour area, but at 0035I/27, USS Newman sighted a midget submarne on the surface in position 10°09'N, 123°51'E. USS Newman opened fire with automatic weapons at 100 yards scoring many hits, attempted to ram but the submarine submerged. Two patterns of depth charges were dropped, one with a shallow setting as ramming missed and second with deep settings. Sonar contact was not regained. There were no other enemy contacts during the night.

At 1700I/26, the Cruiser Covering Force was released and left the area. USS Phoenix, USS Nicholas, USS O'Bannon and USS Taylor set course for Mangarin Bay, Mindoro where they arrived around 1115I/27 where the fuelled and ammunitioned. They departed Mangarin Bay around 1900I/27 for Subic where they arrived around 1000I/28.

HMAS Hobart and HMAS Warramunga set course for Leyte where they were to fuel and ammunition and then proceed to Subic Bay afterwards. They arrived at Leyte (San Pedro Bay) around 0815L/27. They departed Leyte on the 28th and arrived at Subic Bay around 0800I/30.

At 1900I/26, USS Kephart was recalled from the A/S search. The first returning echolon was formed and was known as Task Unit 78.2.15. It was made up of USS Abbot, USS Kephart, USS LSM-168, USS LSM-35, USS LSM-219, USS LSM-150, USS LSM-316, USS LCI(L)-965, USS LCI(L)-980 and USS LCI(L)-984 was ordered to return to Leyte. USS LCI(L)-965, apparently disabled, was being towed by USS LSM-316. They arrived at Leyte on the 28th.

Ongoing minesweeping operations meanwhile all had negative results. Sweeping of the area south of Mactan Island and Cebu Harbour inside the 100 fathom curve to San Fernando was completed.

Upon arrival at the anchorage around 0730I/27, LST beached or commenced unloadinf in stream as directed by the Beachmaster. At 0945I/27, 4 LCI(L)'s were detached to Sibonga, Cebu with 600 guerilla troops. They were covered by an LCS and and LCI(R). This group returned around 1545I/27, mission accomplished. At 1500I/27, an Army detachment using LVT's landed on Cauit Island, covered by LCS's and LCI(R)'s. The minesweeping detachment swept Olango Channel with negative results. During the afternoon troops occupied Cebu City. The docks were reported as essentially undamaged.

At 1900I/27, the second return echolon, known as Task Unit 78.2.16, made up of USS Newman, USS Cofer, PC-1134, PC-1133, USS LST-560, USS LST-595, USS LST-597, USS LSM-50, USS LSM-151, USS LSM-225, USS LSM-237, USS LSM-268 and USS LSM-317 departed for Leyte where they arrived on the 29th.

At 1930I/27, a single unidentified enemy plane flew over the beach and anchorage area. Three or four bombs were dropped harmlessly. No radar warning was received due to the low altitude of the plane over the island, and the plane was not sighted until overhead. A smoke haze lay over the anchorage from fires in Cebu City that made visibility poor during the twilight period. There were no other enemy incidents during the night and the unloading of LST's continued.

On 28 March, unloading continued. Progress was such that it was estimated that it would be completed around 1500I/28. The minesweeping unit swept the southern approaches to Cebu Harbour, area ' Stagedoor ', to 15 feet with negative results. The Close Support Unit covered the northern advance of Army elements from Cebu towards Mandaue and also of one company landing on Mactan Island to secure it.

By 1500I/27, indeed all LST's were unloaded and by 1600I/27 the last returning echolon, Task Unit 78.2.17, was formed up to proceed to Leyte. It was made up of USS Flusser, USS Shaw, USS Drayton, USS Smith, USS PCE(R)-850, the remaining 13 LST's and 2 LCI(R)'s [identities unknown to us]. They arrived at Leyte on 29 March.

At 2320I/27, USS PCE(R)-850 parted company with Task Unit 78.2.17 to land the staff officers she had on board at Tolosa.

At 1800I/27, CTG 78.2 (in USS Spencer turned over command of the objective area to CTU 78.2.14 (COMLCIFLOT 15) and departed for Leyte escorted by USS Conyngham. At Cebu remained 11 LCI's, 4 LCS's, 3 LCI(R)'s, 3 LCT's and the 8 YMS minesweepers. (9)

1 May 1945

Operation Oboe I, Allied landings at Tarakan.

The Cruiser Covering Group and Fire Support Group (Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), known as Task Group 74.3, was made up of the light cruisers USS Phoenix (T/Capt. J.H. Duncan, USN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN), USS Boise (T/Capt. W.M. Downes, USN), HMAS Hobart (Capt. R.S. Dowling, RAN) and the destroyers USS Nicholas (T/Cdr. D.C. Lyndon, USN, with COMDESRON 21, T/Capt. J.K.B. Ginder, USN on board), USS Fletcher (T/Lt.Cdr. R.R. Green, USN), USS Jenkins (T/Cdr. P.D. Gallery, USN), USS O'Bannon (T/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Pridmore, USN), USS Taylor (T/Lt.Cdr. H.H. de Laureal, USN) and HMAS Warramunga (Cdr. M.J. Clark, DSC, RAN).

The Tarakan Attack Group (Rear-Admiral F.B. Royal, USN) was made up of the following units;
Task Group 78.1 was made up of the Amphibious Force Command Ship USS Rocky Mount (T/Capt. F.A. Hardesty, USN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral F.B. Royal, USN).
Task Group 70.1.9 was the MTB support unit, which was made up the Motor Torpedo Boat Tender USS Wachapreague (Lt.Cdr. H.A. Stewart, USNR, with COMMTBRON 36, Lt.Cdr. F.D. Tappaan, USNR on board) and the following Motor Torpedo Boats, MTBRON 9 made up of USS PT-156, USS PT-157, USS PT-159, USS PT-160, USS PT-161, USS PT-162, USS PT-187, USS PT-318 and USS PT-319 as well as MTBRON 36 made up of USS PT-522, USS PT-523, USS PT-524, USS PT-525, USS PT-526, USS PT-527, USS PT-528, USS PT-529, USS PT-530, USS PT-531 and USS PT-532. MTB RON 9 was to operate from Malamaui and MTB RON 36 was to operate from Tawi Tawi.
Task Group 78.1.11 was the transport unit made up of Landing Ships HMAS Manoora (A/Capt. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S)), HMAS Westralia (A/Cdr. E.W. Livingston, RANR(S)), Landing Ship Dock USS Rushmore (Lt.Cdr. E.A. Jansen, USNR) and the Attack Cargo Ship Titania (T/Cdr.(Retd.) M.W. Callahan, USN).
Task Group 78.1.12 was the LST unit, which was made up the following LST's; USS LST-466 (Lt. B.M. Bryant, Jr. USCG, with COMLSTFLOT 7, T/Capt. G.A. Sinclair, USN, on board), USS LST-67 (Lt. R.L. McGirl, USNR), USS LST-171 (Lt. M.B. Taylor, USNR), USS LST-467 (Lt. M.B. Taylor, USNR), USS LST-562 (Lt. F.P. Lawrence, USNR), USS LST-584 (Lt. D.B. Russell, USNR), USS LST-585 (Lt. A.P. Morse, USNR), USS LST-590 (Lt. B.J. Arnett, USN), USS LST-613 (Lt. H.P. Rollinck, USNR), USS LST-626 (Lt. M.J. Codoner, Jr., USNR), USS LST-637 (Lt. R.A. Vielhaber, USNR), USS LST-667 (Lt. W.S. Biernat, USN), USS LST-697 (Lt. J.E. Tanner, USNR), USS LST-711 (Lt. F.C. Huntley, USNR), USS LST-742 (Lt. W.W. Holmes, USNR), USS LST-743 (Lt. F.H. Emerick, USNR), USS LST-924 (Lt. L. Tinsley, USN), USS LST-993 (Lt. A.W. Bates, USNR), USS LST-1025 (Lt. C.L. Curfman, USNR), USS LST-1027 (Lt. P.J. Shropshire, Jr., USNR) and USS LST-1035 (Lt. M. Perry, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.13 was the LSI unit, which was made up the following LSI(L)'s; USS LCI(L)-624 (Lt. E.F. Harris, USNR, with COMLCIFLOT 24, Cdr. A.V. Jannotta, USNR, on board), USS LCI(L)-625 (Lt.(jg) C.E. Bole, USNR), USS LCI(L)-626 (Lt.(jg) L.H. Keckler, USNR), USS LCI(L)-634 (Lt.(jg) A. Gain, USNR), USS LCI(L)-655 (Lt.(jg) E. Kingdon Hurlock, USNR), USS LCI(L)-699 (Lt.(jg) P.B. Gates, USNR), USS LCI(L)-700 (Lt.(jg) J.E. Howe, USNR), USS LCI(L)-712 (), USS LCI(L)-1008 (Lt.(jg) R.I. Basch, USNR), USS LCI(L)-1025 (Lt.(jg) W.C. Kingsley, USNR), USS LCI(L)-1072 (Lt.(jg) M.B. Kirby, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-1076 (Lt.(jg) H.S. Fish, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.14 was the LSM unit, which was made up the following LSM's; USS LSM-269 (Lt. H.T. Turner, Jr., USNR, with COMLSMGR 19, T/Lt.Cdr. W.A. Burgett, USN, on board), USS LSM-151 (Lt. W.H. Fitzgerald, USNR), USS LSM-224 (Lt. D.B. Wrensch, USNR) and USS LSM-267 (Lt. R.F. Ruben, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.15 was the LCT unit, which was made up the following LCT's; USS LCT-1317 (With COMLCTgR 74, Lt. DeMoss, USNR on board), USS LCT-1310, USS LCT-1312, USS LCT-1314, USS LCT-1316, USS LCT-1319, USS LCT-1321, USS LCT-1323, USS LCT-1325, USS LCT-1327, USS LCT-1329 and USS LCT-1331. [LCT's were being towed to the landing area.]
Task Group 78.1.21 was the Screen, which was made up of the destroyers USS Waller (T/Cdr. H.leR. Thompson, Jr., USN), USS Philip (T/Cdr. J.B. Rutter, Jr., USN), USS Bailey (T/Lt.Cdr. A.F. Johnson, USN), USS Bancroft (T/Lt.Cdr. C.E. Pond, USN), USS Caldwell (Lt.Cdr. D.R. Robinson, USNR), USS Drayton (T/Lt.Cdr. V.A. Dybdal, USN), USS Smith (T/Lt.Cdr. E.H. Huff, USN). and the frigates HMAS Barcoo (A/Lt.Cdr. C.G. Hill, RANR(S)), HMAS Burdekin (Lt.Cdr. T.S. Marchington, RD, RANR(S)) and HMAS Hawkesbury (Lt.Cdr. H.J. Weston, RANR(S)).
Task Group 78.1.22 was the Destroyer Escort Unit, made up of the escort destroyers USS Formoe (T/Lt.Cdr. J.C. Spencer, USN) and USS Charles E. Brannon (Lt.Cdr. O.M. Shirey, Jr., USNR).
Task Group 78.1.3 was the Support Unit which was made up of the following units.
Task Group 78.1.31 was the LCS Unit and was made up of the following LCS's; USS LCS(L)-50 (Lt. B.T. Clark, USNR, with T/Cdr. D.H. Day, USN on board), USS LCS(L)-8 (?), USS LCS(L)-28 (Lt. R.H. Bost, USNR), USS LCS(L)-43 (Lt.(jg) E.A. Blakley, USNR), USS LCS(L)-44 (J.M. Leggat, USNR) and USS LCS(L)-48 (Lt. D.E. Widel, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.32 was the LCI(R) Unit and was made up of the following LCI(R)'s; USS LCI(R)-71, USS LCI(R)72, USS LCI(R)74 and USS LCI(R)338.
Task Group 78.1.33 was the LCI(M) Unit and was made up of the following LCI(M)'s; USS LCI(M)-359 (Ens. T.S. Adair, USNR) and USS LCI(M)-362 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Kearns, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.34 was the Demolition Unit and was made up of the following USS LCI(D)-29 (Lt. J.F. McNamara, USNR) and USS LCI(D)-228 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Kearns, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.41 was Control Unit Red and was made up of; USS PC-1120 (Lt. J.R. Goodrich, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-624 (this last was assigned to this unit for the assault only).
Task Group 78.1.42 was Control Unit Green and was made up of; USS SC-698 (?) and USS SC- 746 (?).
Task Group 78.1.5 was the minesweeping unit and was made up of the high speed transport USS Cofer (Lt. H.C. McClees, USNR) and the minesweepers (YMS's) USS YMS-51 (Lt.(jg) A.L. Giesenschlag, USNR), USS YMS-68 (Lt. G.L. O'Neil, USNR), USS YMS-73 (Lt. J.H. Frederick, USNR), USS YMS-313 (Lt.(jg) W.H. Reibold, USNR), USS YMS-314 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Easton, USNR), USS YMS-329 (Lt. W.L. Ballew, USNR), USS YMS-334 (Lt.(jg) P.G. Rafferty, USNR), USS YMS-340 (Lt. P. Schminke, USNR), USS YMS-363 (Lt. F.A. Struve, Jr., USNR), USS YMS-364 (Lt. C.K. Soper, USNR) and USS YMS-481 (Lt.(jg) t.D. Anglin, USNR). These were split up into four Task Groups; Task Unit 78.1.51 was made up of four of the YMS's, Task Unit 78.1.52 was also made up of four of the YMS's, Task Unit 78.1.53 was made up of three of the YMS's and Task Unit 78.1.54 was made up of the USS Cofer and four LCVP's.
Task Group 78.1.6 was the Service Unit, made up of Task Unit 78.1.61 (the Survey Unit) made up of the survey vessel (frigate) HMAS Lachlan (Lt.Cdr. G.D. Tancred, RAN, with Cdr. K.E. Oom, RAN on board) and the net tender USS Satinleaf (Lt. Lt. P.F. Taylor, USN). Task Unit 78.1.62 (the Salvage Unit) made up of the tugs USS ATR-61 (Lt. W.M. Heywood, USNR) and USS Vireo (Lt.(jg) M.E. Seymour, USNR). Task Unit 78.1.63 (the Fire Fighting Unit) made up of the LCI(L)'s, LCI(L)-185 [this can't be correct as this LCI had been transferred to the Royal Navy on completion and was sunk of Normandy on 6 June 1944.], USS LCS(L)-961 (?), USS LCS(L)-1000 (?) and USS LCS(L)-1071 (?).
Task Group 78.1.7 was the Press Unit, which was made up of the patrol vessel USS PCE(R)-849 (Lt. C. Sanders, USNR), USS LCI(L)-635 (Lt. H. Hopkins, USNR) and the small army cargo ship FP 47.

The Cruiser Covering Force and Fire Support Group departed Subic Bay on 24 April 1945. The minesweeping and hydrographic groups left Leyte on 22 April, joined at Zamboanga with other units coming from Malabang, Mindanao, and arrived at the objective on 27 April, and commenced minesweeping and hydrographic survey.

Minesweeping was difficult, because the many types of mines encountered and water conditions. The approach of the main force through preferred ' Track Baker ', south of Menoeloen Island, had to be abandoned because of the possibility that mines there had not yet been swept. This necessitated approaching though ' Track Able ' which afforded deeper water, but was much less in width. A red conical top buoy and a black top buoy of Japanese origin were found by the Hydrographic Group and left remaining, the latter buoy being the mid-channel. A buoy was planted at Point Whirlaway, buoy 2 south of Point Equinox, and buoy 3 was planted marking the break-off point for Tracks Able and Baker. Buoys 1 and 4 were also planted, as ordered, in positions as previously charted. The Hydrographic Group on the afternoon of ' Peter minus One day ' [Peter Day was 1 May 1945] installed fixed whire lights on the mid-channel buoy (Point Whirlaway) and numbers 2 and 4 buoys to aid the approach of the Attack Group. The harbour entrance range was lighted. Beach reconnaissance and marking of gaps through obstacles for assault waves and slots for LST's were completed on 30 April, without casualties, despite enemy mortar and machine gun fire from the beach. These groups retired each night prior to ' Peter Day ' at the objective.

On 27 April, ten motor torpedo boats arrived at Tawi Tawi and commenced operations on the east coast of northern Borneo the following day.

On 26 April 1945, the ' Pulau Sadau ' attack echolon daparted Morotai Straits. The Sadau attack echolon was known as Task Group 78.1.16 and was made up from ships from other units which were to rejoin their repective units on ' Peter Day '. The following ships were part of Task Group 78.1.16; USS Philip, USS PC-1120, USS LST-667 with USS LCT-1331 in tow, USS LSM-151, USS LSM-359, USS LSM-362, USS LCI(L)-172, USS LCI(L)-185 [???], USS LCI(L)-961, USS LCI(L)-1000, USS LCI(L)-1071, USS LCS-8 and USS LCS-48.

The main assault force departed on the 27th. Both echolons involved in the two separate assaults arrived in their respective areas off the designated beaches on time, the main assault force arriving one hour ahead of time to allow for the transit to the anchorage area of the last ships of the strung out approach formation through the narrow track ' Able '. The landings proceeded exactly as had been planned.

The preliminary naval bombardment was conducted by the Cruiser Covering Group on ' Peter Day ' [1 May 1945] with only the destroyers participating. This Group had also covered the Minesweeping Group in their activities from 27 April to 1 May. The Minesweeping Group on 27 April first made exploratory sweeps from the hundred fathom curve to ' Point Whirlaway ' with negative results. They then next obtained negative results in sweeps of Areas ' Fork ', ' Spoon ' and ' Knife ' to Point ' Baker '. One thousand yards north and south of the sides of Area ' Knife ', west of Point ' Baker ', four magnetic mines were swept. LCVP sweeps, the same day, explored Spatula and swept two chemical horned type mines south-west of Menoeloen Island, apparently newly laid. The Covering Force could not safely proceed west of ' Point Baker ', so did not. On 28 April, three magnetic mines in area ' Knife ', and seven enemy horned mines were swept in area ' Spatula ', south-west of Menoeloen Island. Two magnetic mines were still known to be in area ' Spatula ' and not yet swept. One of these magnetic mines self detonated near a YMS in area ' Knife ', west of ' Point Baker ', approach ' Track Baker ', after two days of sweeping, was still not considered safe for the passage of the Cruiser Covering Force.

On 29 April, magnetic sweeps were negative in areas ' Knife ' and ' Spatula '. A floating mine was sunk by gunfire four miles east of No.2 buoy. Nine additional enemy contact mines were swept south-west of Menoeloen Island. A one-thousand yard check sweep was made on both sides of ' Approach Track Baker '. Area ' Plate ' was swept within 1200 yards of the beaches and the LCVP's made two sweeps within 400 yards of the pier, all negative. By this time, five magnetic mines in area ' Knife ' were still unaccounted for, as well as two west of the southern tip of Tarakan. Sweepers on 30 April were to continue their magnetic and acoustic sweeps in areas ' Knife ', ' Spatula ' and ' Plate ' and leave by the north channel (' Track Able ') alone. The cruisers could not yet safely venture into area ' Knife '.

On 30 April, two influence mines were swept west of the south tip of Tarakan, and two additional enemy mines south-west of Menoeloen Island were swept after the landing and fire support parties had passed through route ' Baker '. Later, one of the fire support destroyers, USS Jenkins, on retiring, struck a mine 1000 yards off the center of ' Track Baker '. The sweepers swept two more mines in ' Approach Track Baker ' immediately after this incident. Five ' influence ' mines were reported removed at an unknown location. Because ' Track Baker ' was now not considered safe, the sweepers concentrated on ' Track Able ' which was still found negative. That night the Attack Group safely transited ' Track Able ', as had been recommended, and began the assault on ' Peter Day ', 1 May 1945.

The Sadau Attack Force meanwhile had landed around 0800I/30 which was on shedule. They landed without opposition. The landings were completed two hours later.

At 1527I/30, the Commander Task Group 74.3, reported the USS Jenkins having been mined. Casualties were light despite the destroyer being extensively damaged.

Around 1730I/30, two mines were reported swept in the area where USS Jenkins had been mined. This was on ' Approach Track Baker '.

Around 1900I/30, USS Wachapreague and MTBRON 36 (minus six of the MTB's) departed Tawi Tawi for the objective area.

Around 2000I/30, USS Jenkins was reported to be dead in the water and leaking.

At 2010I/30, USS Waller reported hearing a torpedo noise and went on to investigate. Four minutes later she attacked a good sound contact with depth charges. Half an hour later she reported oil on the water and then delivered another depth charge attack on that spot. At 2045I/30, she lost contact. USS Formoe was then ordered to remain in the area and conduct an A/S search.

At 0520I/1, the order ' Deploy ' was given to go ahead with the landings. Ten minutes later USS Rocky Mount anchored in berth 4 in Area ' Mike '.

At 0630I/1, USS LST-562 reported a torpedo passing underneath her bow. The torpedo came from the direction off Cape Pasir. Nine minutes later destroyers opened fire at the mouth of the river near Cape Pasir as it was considered likely the torpedo had been fired from here. At the same time USS LST-562 reported a small submarine surfacing astern of her which immediately submerged again. HMAS Barcoo was ordered to investigate.

At 0646I/1, USS LST-637 launched the first LVT [Landing Vehicle Tracked] as the landing operations commenced. By 0705I/1, all LVT's from various ships had been launched.

At 0651I/1, USS Rushmore launched LCM's and USS Titania had launched all her boats.

At 0654I/1, HMAS Manoora reported her boats in the water. At the same time USS Rushmore reported a torpedo glanced off her port beam without damage. It came from the direction of Cape Pasir.

At 0655I/1, the dawn Combat Air Patrol arrived on station. At the same time USS LST-467 launched LVT's. All LVT's was launched by 0659I/1.

At 0700I/1, All assault causeway LST's and USS Rushmore on station in ' LST Area Two '. HMAS Manoora, HMAS Westralia and USS Titania were all on station in ' Transport Area Mike '.

At 0702I/1, USS LST-1027 launched the first causeway.

At 0705I/1, CTU 78.1.12 (LST Unit) reported all LVT's to have been launched.

At 0707I/1, the Support Line formed up.

At 0712I/1, USS Rushmore reported all her boats to have been launched while boat waves from HMAS Manoora were observed proceeding to the Line of Depature.

At 0714I/1, LCM's from USS Rushmore were observed forming up well behind ' LST Area ' so as to remain out of the way.

At 0722I/1, USS SC-746 reported to be on station on the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0724I/1, All waver for landing area ' Green ' were formed up.

At 0725I/1, USS LST-637 stood out beyond ' LST Area Two ' to clear the area.

At 0726I/1, USS LST-584 and USS LST-585 launched causeways. The causeways from USS LST-590, USS LST-711, USS LST-743, USS LST-993 and USS LST-1027 had meanwhile also been launched.

At 0731I/1, the ' Line of Departure ' was formed.

At 0733I/1, waves 1, 2 and 3 for ' Red Beach ' were formed up and were moving to the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0736I/1, the LCS Support Group was ordered into position ahead of the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0738I/1, CTG 78.1 ordered CTU 78.1.5 to resweep area ' Spatula ' in ordered that ' Track Baker ' may be made safe. Area ' Platter ' also was to be swept for mines.

At 0739I/1, B-24's were observed coming in for air strikes on the beach area. At the same time the Engineer Demolition Party was dispatched from USS LST-667.

At 0742I/1, all waves for ' Red Beach ' were formed up.

At 0747I/1, CTU 78.1.3 reported all ships of the Support Unit ready and on station.

At 0750I/1, air strikes on the beach area commenced, though this was a little late.

at 0756I/1, the first wave was dispatched to ' Red ' and ' Green ' beaches. LCI(M)'s opened mortar fire. At the same time four B-24's came over for an air strike on the beach area.

At 0800I/1, LCS(L)'s opened fire with 3" and 40mm guns.

At 0801I/1, the second wave was dispatched to ' Red ' and ' Green ' beaches.

At 0802I/1, six B-24's came over for an air strike on the beach area. Their bombs landed right on the target.

At 0806I/1, the third wave was dispatched to ' Red ' and ' Green ' beaches.

At 0809I/1, Red flares were sent up by support craft, to direct naval gunfire to shift inland.

At 0811I/1, wave four was dispatched to ' Green ' beach.

At 0815I/1, the first wave landed on ' Green ' beach followed one minute later by the first wave on ' Red ' beach.

At 0818I/1, the second wave landed on ' Green ' beach.

At 0819I/1, the Reserve Battalion from HMAS Westralia was observed moving up to the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0820I/1, the second wave landed on ' Red ' beach.

At 0822I/1, CTG 78.1 directed the reserves to be held at the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0824I/1, USS LST-590 moved up to the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0825I/1, the third wave landed on ' Green ' beach followed one minute later by the third wave on ' Red ' beach.

At 0826I/1, the fifth wave was despatched to ' Red ', ' Yellow ' and ' Green ' beaches. Also the fourth wave landed on ' Green ' beach.

At 0829I/1, USS LST-697 and USS LST-711 moved up to the ' Line of Departure ' with causeways.

At 0831I/1, the sixth waves were dispatched to ' Red ' and ' Green ' beaches. Also USS LST-993 moved up to the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0833I/1, Task Unit 78.1.3 ceased immediate gunfire support scheduled firings.

At 0836I/1, troops reported covering positions were taken without opposition. Bridge was intact and landings were made practically dry.

At 0839I/1, the fifth wave landed on ' Red ', ' Yellow ', and ' Green ' beaches.

At 0844I/1, the sixth wave landed on ' Green one ' beach followed one minute later by the sixth wave on ' Red two ' beach.

At 0845I/1, Red Beachmaster Unit reported ' Red two ' beach to be obstructed, with large logs and a defensive wall on the beach.

At 0847I/1, haze, smoke and dust obscured the beach area.

At 0848I/1, the Air Force requisted permission to make another air strike.

At 0850I/1, the Australian Principal Beachmaster Advanced Command Post indicated the condition of LST slots on ' Yellow ' beach. Extensive bull-dozing was required on some slots. He also indicated that ' Red ' beach was not ready for LST's. Also at this time all causeway LST's were observed on the ' Line of Departure '.

At 0906I/1, CTG 78.1 ordered CTU 78.1.4 to ' land the reserves '.

At 0907I/1, USS LST-584 was ordered to beach.

At 0915I/1, the seventh wave, containing the reserves was sent into ' Green ' beaches. Also USS Rushmore reported that her LCM's were completely unloaded.

At 0918I/1, USS LST-584 beached on ' Red ' beach slot 1 with causeway beached dry.

At 0920I/1, the eight wave was dispatched to ' Green ' beach.

At 0921I/1, USS LST-585, with causeways, beached on ' Red ' beach slot 2.

At 0923I/1, USS LST-590 was ordered to beach.

At 0925I/1, the ninth and last wave was dispatched to ' Green ' beach.

At 0927I/1, a B-25 strike on enemy barracks commenced. Also the seventh wave landed.

At 0930I/1, USS LST-171 was ordered to beach.

At 0931I/1, USS LST-743, with causeways, beached on ' Yellow ' beach slot 5.

At 0932I/1, the eight wave landed.

At 0936I/1, USS LST-590, with causeways, beached on ' Red ' beach slot 3.

At 0937I/1, CTG 78.1 ordered general unloading.

At 0939I/1, the ninth wave landed.

At 0941I/1, USS LST-711, with causeways, beached on ' Yellow ' beach slot 4.

At 0955I/1, USS LST-993, with causeways, beached on ' Yellow ' beach slot 6.

At 1001I/1, USS LST-1027, with causeways, beached on ' Yellow ' beach slot 7.
The line up of LST's was now as follows;
Slot 1, Red Beach, USS LST-584,
Slot 2, Red Beach, USS LST-585,
Slot 3, Red Beach, USS LST-590,
Slot 4, Yellow Beach, USS LST-711,
Slot 5, Yellow Beach, USS LST-743,
Slot 6, Yellow Beach, USS LST-993,
Slot 7, Yellow Beach, USS LST-1027.

At 1020I/1, CTU 78.1.4 directed LCI's to proceed to north pier and unload two at a time.

At 1022I/1, enemy mortar fire landed in the water off ' Green Two ' beach.

At 1024I/1, USS LCI(L)-625 and USS LCI(L)-1025 were observed alongside USS LST-590 on the beach.

At 1025I/1, artillery fire was observed near ' Green Two ' beach.

At 1030I/1, USS LST-584 and USS LST-590 started unloading.

At 1034I/1, LCI Fire Support Craft observed heading back from the beach to form a picket line. Also Brigadier Whitehead and his staff went ashore.

At 1035I/1, USS SC-698 directed USS Titania and HMAS Westralia to head towards ' Green Two ' beach.

At 1042I/1, HMAS Manoora ordered to direct small craft with cargo to ' Green Two ' beach for unloading.

At 1104I/1, USS LCI(L)-634 and USS LCI(L)-1076 were observed alongside USS LST-584 on ' Red ' beach.

At 1106I/1, Captain Dugan, Chief of Staff, and party left USS Rocky Mount for an inspection of the beaches.

At 1125I/1, a huge explosion was observed to the right of ' Green ' beach.

At 1142I/1, mortar fire was observed falling on the beachhead area.

At 1143I/1, USS LCI(L)-1076 was unloaded and retracted from the beach.

At 1145I/1, USS LST-742 ordered to beach on the starboard side of USS LST-584.

At 1150I/1, nine LCI(L)'s have unloaded. USS LCI(L)-699 was awaiting instructions.

At 1154I/1, USS LST-171 beached 650 feet off the beach aft of USS LST-584 and USS LST-585 on ' Red ' beach.

At 1157I/1, USS LCS-44 was fired upon by enemy mortar one mile south of ' Green Two ' beach.

At 1204I/1, the Commander 26th Brigade, 9th Australian Division, assumed command ashore of his troops.

At 1216I/1, USS LST-171 retracted from ' Red ' beach still unable to beach in a cleared area.

At 1230I/1, the ' Line of Departure ' was dissolved.

At 1308I/1, USS O'Bannon was relieved of fire support duties and was ordered to stand by USS Jenkins.

At 1315I/1, USS Wachapreague and MTB RON 36 (minus 6 PT boats) stood in and reported to CTG 78.1 for duty.

At 1325I/1, the Principal Beachmaster indicated that it was now impossible to unload more LCM's and LCT's.

At 1339I/1, it was reported that the docks ware usable by hand labor only. The crane on the long pier was reported to be unserviceable.

At 1349I/1, the unloading of LCVP's and LCM's stopped due to the rapid falling of the tide and consequent stranding of the boats.

At 1356I/1, the unloading of LCT's bogged down by mud.

At 1401I/1, it was reported that unloading at the piers was limited to the landing of bulk stores. Damage hindered unloading at the southern pier.

At 1437I/1, it was reported that the northern pier was found to be intact but that the tide was hindering unloading.

at 1454I/1, CTG 78.1 directed no night retirement from the objective area because of the slowness in unloading and so that good advantage might be taken of the high tide. No real enemy opposition had been encountered so far.

At 1500I/1, USS Cofer and the YMS minesweepers reported to CTU 78.1.2 in USS Waller for duty as A/S screen for the night.

At 1524I/1, CTG 78.1 ordered all ships to maintain sufficient armed sentries for protection against hostile small craft and swimmers.

At 1538I/1, Captain Dugan and party returned to USS Rocky Mount after inspecting beachhead and conferring with Landing Craft Control Officer, Beach Group Commander and the Commander, 26th Infantery Bridgade.

At 1539I/1, USS SC-746 reported that there was a possible ' Q ' boat unmannned in bushes north of Cape Karis.

At 1557I/1, Rear-Admiral Berkey came aboard USS Rocky Mount.

At 1600I/1, HMAS Hobart and HMAS Warramunga were released by CTG 78.1 and departed the Tarakan area for Hollandia via Morotai.

At 1610I/1, USS ATR-61 ordered to tow USS Jenkins alongside USS Phoenix and remain to assist.

At 1715I/1, Rear-Admiral Berkey left USS Rocky Mount.

At 1736I/1, two LCS's were stationed off Sadau to prevent movement of enemy craft into the anchorage during the night.

At 1942I/1, CTG 78.1 advised all ships that general unloading would continue during the night and that recognition of our own small craft was mandatory.

At 2008I/1, all beached LST's turned on lights and illuminated the beach and docks.

At 2044I/1, USS LST-697 was ordered to proceed to Causeway 1.

At 2045I/1, USS LST-924 was ordered to proceed to Causeway 6.

At 2047I/1, all ships and craft were ordered to use full running lights in the Transport Area.

At 2052/1, USS LST-613 was ordered to proceed to Causeway 4.

At 2100I/1, USS LST-171 was ordered to proceed to Causeway 2.

At 2120I/1, USS LST-626 was ordered to proceed to Causeway 4.

At 2130I/1, USS LST-171 beached.

At 2137I/1, USS LST-613 beached. By 2200I/1, USS LST-626, USS LST-697 USS LST-924 were also beached.

At 0048I/2, the beach was reported to be under mortar fire.

At 0155I/2, HMAS Manoora reported that she was completely unloaded.

At 0653I/2, CTG 78.1 ordered USS VireoUSS LST-584 to assist in retracting any of the LST's from the beach.

At 0710I/2, CTG 78.1 ordered USS LST-1025 and USS LST-1035 to assist other LST's in retracting from the beach.

at 0746I/2, CTG 78.1 ordered USS ATR-61, unless required by USS Jenkins, to report to CTU 78.1.4 to aid in retraction of LST's.

At 0800I/2, B-25 bombers commenced a call air strike 1000 yards in front of own front lines.

At 0906I/2, CTG 78.1 ordered USS LCS-8 to destroy two small boats east of Cape Pasir.

At 0916I/2, PT'boats with B-25 cover commenced operating to the north of Tarakan island.

At 1028I/2, Major General Wootten, General Officer Commanding 9th Australian Division, came aboard USS Rocky Mount having been flown in from Morotai.

At 1045I/2, the destroyer USS Robinson (T/Cdr. R.E. Malpass, USN) arrived.

At 1050I/2, USS Vireo was ordered to relieve USS ATR-61 and reported to CTG 74.3 to tow USS Jenkins to Leyte. USS ATR-61 was to return to the Transport Area to assist LST's.

At 1100I/2, Major General Wootten went ashore to the Brigade Headquarters.

At 1125I/2, an air strike by three B-25's was observed north-west of the beach area.

At 1127I/2, the tanker USS Winooski (Lt.Cdr. T.B. Christenson, USNR) arrived.

At 1130I/2, Rear-Admiral Berkey came aboard USS Rocky Mount.

At 1200I/2, HMAS Manoora, HMAS Westralia and USS Rushmore escorted by USS Bancroft and USS Charles E. Brannon departed the Tarakan area for Morotai to reload and then return.

Also around 1200I/2, enemy shells landed near USS Wachapreague. PT boats alongside shifted berth to avoid being hit by gunfire of splinters.

At 1220I/2, CTU 78.1.13 reported that all LCI(L)'s were unloaded.

At 1258I/2, only one LCT was reported unloaded, four LCT's were waiting for LST's on the beach to retract.

At 1310I/2, Rear-Admiral Berkey left the flagship with Rear-Admiral Royal. They went ashore to confer with Brigadier Whitehead and inspect the beachhead.

At 1322I/2, CTG 78.1 directed six LCI(L)'s for screening duty to report to CTU 78.1.3 prior to 1700I/2.

At 1530I/2, camouflaged batteries at Cape Djoeata (in the north-west of Tarakan Island) sank USS YMS-481 and damaged USS YMS-334 and YMS-364. USS Cofer and USS LCS-8 and USS LCS-28 silenced the battery. USS LCS-44, USS LCI(L)-1008 and LCVP's rescued survivors close inshore under direct enemy fire. USS YMS-51 and USS YMS-340 which were also sweeping in the area were not hit.

At 1530I/2, Rear-Admiral Royal and Major General Wootten returned to USS Rocky Mount.

At 1543I/2, four B-25's strafed and bombed the Cape Djoeata area. after they were finished, USS Fletcher bombarded the same area.

At 1555I/2, COMLSTGR 44 shifted his flag to USS LST-924.

At 1600I/2, Major General Wootten departed for Morotai by aircraft with Captain Hains, Assistant Chief of Staff to Rear-Admiral Royal.

At 1630I/2, four P-38's also made low bombing and strafing runs on gun emplacements on Cape Djoeata.

At 1635I/2, USS YMS-340 and USS YMS-364 put wounded men from the YMS engagement on board USS Rocky Mount.

At 1740I/2, USS LCS-44 sighted a mine in position 03°23'8"N, 117°30'E. CTU 78.1.3 was later ordered to search for and destroy this mine.

At 1811I/2, USS Fletcher took on board wounded from the YMS engagement from USS LCS-44. She later transferred them to USS Rocky Mount.

At 2015I/2, CTG 78.1 directed all LST's to illuminate all causeways and beaches but at ' Flash Red ' to darken ship until alert is over.

At 0751I/3, USS ATR-61 stood in to assist LST's retracting from the beach.

At 0830I/3, USS Phoenix proceeded to the vicinity of Sadau Island to fire on enemy coastal batteries and installations in the Cape Djoeata area. She opened fire at 0850I/3.

At 0920I/3, USS LST-697 retracted from the beach.

At 0925I/3, USS LST-711 retracted from the beach.

At 0928I/3, USS LST-626 retracted from the beach.

At 0929I/3, PT-boats made runs parallel to the beach to create waves to assist in retracting the LST's.

At 0931I/3, USS LST-171 retracted from the beach.

At 0940I/3, USS LST-613 retracted from the beach.

At 1000I/3, CTU 78.1.2 assumed control of naval gunfire support.

At 1010I/3, USS LST-924 retracted from the beach. USS LST-584, USS LST-585, USS LST-590, USS LST-711, USS LST-743, USS LST-993 and USS LST-1027 remained on the beach.

At 1025I/3, Rear-Admiral Berkey came aboard USS Rocky Mount. He departed again at 1103I/3.

At 1033I/3, USS Phoenix returned from the Sadau Island area on completion of her bombarding duties.

At 1300I/3, USS Phoenix, USS Boise, USS Nicholas, USS Taylor and USS O'Bannon departed the Tarakan area to return to Subic Bay where they arrived around 1100I/5.

At 1700I/3, CTG 78.1, in USS Rocky Mount, escorted by USS Caldwell, departed Tarakan for Morotai where they arrived around 1400I/5. Command had been turned over to Captain Gray (CTG 78.1.16) on board USS Formoe.

At 1830I/3, CTG 78.1.92 with COMLSTGR 44 in USS LST-924 with USS LST-171, USS LST-613, USS LST-626 and USS LST-697 departed the Tarakan area escorted by USS Philip, USS SC-746, USS YMS-51 and USS YMS-363. Seven LST's were still fast in the mud on the beach. The remaining eight other LST's had commenced to unload from the stream. Unloading continued slowly but steadily as did the fighting on the island against increasing opposition. CTG 78.1.92 arrived at Morotai around 1730I/5.

[The report of CTG 78.1 ends here.]

At 0700I/5, HMAS Manoora and HMAS Westralia departed Morotai to return to Tarakan with reinforcements and supplies. They were still escorted by USS Bancroft and USS Charles E. Brannon. They arrived at Tarakan around 0830I/7.

At 1800I/5, CTG 78.1.93 made up of USS LCI(L)-624, USS LCI(L)-625, USS LCI(L)-626, USS LCI(L)-634, USS LCI(L)-655, USS LCI(L)-699, USS LCI(L)-700, USS LCI(L)-712, USS LCI(L)-1008, USS LCI(L)-1025, USS LCI(L)-1072, USS LCI(L)-1076, USS LCI(R)-71, USS LCI(R)-72, USS LCI(R)-74, USS LCI(R)-338, USS LCI(M)-359, USS LCI(M)-362, USS LCI(D)-29, USS LCI(D)-228 departed the Tarakan area for Morotai where they arrived around 1700I/8. They were escorted by USS Waller, USS Cofer, USS PC-1120, USS YMS-6, USS YMS-68, USS YMS-73, USS YMS-313, USS YMS-314, USS YMS-329, USS YMS-334 and USS YMS-364.

At 1200I/7, CTG 78.1.94, made up of the tanker USS Winooski and the frigate HMAS Hawkesbury departed Tarakan for Polloc Harbour where they arrived around 1430I/8.

At 1730I/7, USS LST-924, USS LST-171, USS LST-613, USS LST-626, USS LST-697, escorted by USS Philip and USS Caldwell, departed Morotai for Tarakan with supplies.

At 1730I/7, having unloaded, HMAS Manoora and HMAS Westralia departed Tarakan to return to Morotai. They were still escorted by USS Bancroft and USS Charles E. Brannon. They arrived at Morotai around 1600I/9.

At 0800I/8, CTG 78.1.96 made up of USS LST-466, USS LST-467, USS LST-562, USS LST-637, USS LST-742, USS LST-1035, USS LCI(L)-635, USS LCI(L)-961, USS LCI(L)-985, USS LCI(L)-1000, USS LCI(L)-1071, USS ATR-61 towing USS YMS-51 departed Tarakan for Morotai where they arrived around . They were escorted by USS Robinson, USS Rudderow, USS PCE(R)-849, USS PC-1120 and USS SC-698.

Fighting on Tarakan continued until 19 June. The island was declared secure on 21 June 1945. [Up to this time supplies kept coming in but it goes to far to list these shipping movements here.]

10 Jun 1945

Operation Oboe VI, Allied landings at Brunei.

Composition of the forces taking part was as follows;
Task Group 78.1 was the Brunei Attack Group under Rear-Admiral Royal and was made up of the Amphibious Force Command Ship USS Rocky Mount (T/Capt. F.A. Hardesty, USN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral F.B. Royal, USN).
Task Group 74.3 was the Cruiser Covering Group under Rear-Admiral Berkey and was made up of the following units.
Task Unit 74.3.1, was Fire Support Unit One (Brown Beach), and was made up of the light cruisers USS Boise (T/Capt. W.M. Downes, USN), USS Phoenix (T/Capt. H.L. Challenger, USN), HMAS Hobart (Capt. R.S. Dowling, RAN, flying the broad pendant of Commodore H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN) and the destroyers USS Killen (T/Cdr. J.L. Semmes, USN) and USS Albert W. Grant (T/Cdr. G.S. Higginbotham, USN).
Task Unit 74.3.2, was Fire Support Unit Two (Green Beach), and was made up of the light cruiser USS Nashville (T/Capt. A. MacOndray, Jr., USN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral R.S. Berkey, USN) and the destroyers HMAS Arunta (Cdr. A.E. Buchanan, DSO, RAN) and USS Conner (T/Lt.Cdr. W.A. Sissons, USN).
Task Unit 74.3.3, was Fire Support Unit Three (White Beach), and was made up of the destroyers USS Charette (T/Lt.Cdr. G.P. Joyce, USN), USS Bell (T/Lt.Cdr. B.H. Shupper, USN) and USS Burns (T/Cdr. J.T. Bullen, Jr., USN).
Task Group 74.2 provived distant cover from a position to the west of Brunei Bay. This force was made up of the light cruisers USS Montpelier (T/Capt. W.A. Gorry, USN, flying the flag of T/Rear-Admiral R.S. Riggs, USN (COMCRUDIV 12)), USS Cleveland (T/Capt. H.G. Hopwood, USN), USS Columbia (T/Capt. M.E. Curts, USN), USS Denver (T/Capt. T.F. Darden, Jr., USN) and the destroyers USS Conway (T/Cdr. J.H. Besson, Jr., USN, with T/Capt. S.G. Hooper, USN (COMDESDIV 44) on board), USS Stevens (T/Cdr. G.W. Pressey, USN), USS Cony (T/Lt.Cdr. T.C. Siegmund, USN), USS Eaton (T/Cdr. C. Brown, USN), USS Hart (T/Cdr. W.D. Coleman, USN) and USS Metcalf (T/Cdr. D.L. Martineau, USN).
Task Group 70.1 was the Motor Torpedo Boat Group under T/Capt. S.S. Bowling, USN and was made up of the following units.
Task Unit 70.1.7 which was made up the Motor Torpedo Boat Tender USS Willoughby (T/Lt. J.P.E. Brouilliette, USN, with COMMTBRON 13, Lt.Cdr. A.W. Fargo, Jr., USNR on board). The following Motor Torpedo Boats were part of this Task Unit, from MTBRON 13; USS PT-74, USS PT-75, USS PT-76, USS PT-78, USS PT-80, USS PT-81, USS PT-82, USS PT-83, USS PT-84 and from MTBRON 16; USS PT-223, USS PT-241 and USS PT-298.
Task Group 78.1.1 was the Transport and Landing Craft Unit under T/Capt. H.B. Hudson, USN and was made up of the following units.
Task Unit 78.1.11 was the Transport Unit under A/Capt. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S) which was made up the Landing Ships HMAS Manoora (A/Capt. A.P. Cousin, RANR(S)), HMAS Westralia (A/Cdr. E.W. Livingston, RANR(S)), HMAS Kanimbla (Cdr. A.V. Bunyan, RANR(S)), Landing Ship Dock USS Carter Hall (Lt.Cdr. H.L. Host, Jr., USNR) and the Attack Cargo Ship Titania (T/Cdr.(Retd.) M.W. Callahan, USN) and the high speed transports (Transport Division 103), USS Lloyd (Lt.Cdr. W.R. Taylor, USNR, with T/Cdr, Wm.S. Parsons, USN, Commanding Officer COMTRANSDIV 103, on board), USS Newman (Lt.Cdr. R.I. Thieme, USNR), USS Liddle (Lt.Cdr. W.D. Kennedy, USNR), USS Kephart (Cdr. I.H. Cammarn, USNR) and USS Diachenko (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Johnson, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.12 was the LST Unit under T/Capt. H.B. Hudson, USN, which was made up the following LST's from LST Flotilla 24; USS LST-640 (Lt. F.B. McKenney, Jr., USNR, with COMLSTFLOT 24, T/Capt. H.B. Hudson, USN on board), USS LST-560 (Lt. H.T. Holsapple, USNR), LST-591 (Lt. R.C. Allen, USN), USS LST-595 (Lt. A.C. Jackson, USNR), USS LST-619 (Lt. J.M. Brennan, USNR), USS LST-638 (Lt. F. Data, USN), LST-696 (Lt. G.A. Hayward, USN), LST-806 (Lt. J.E. Montgomery, USNR), LST-912 (Lt. L.R. White, USN), LST-936 (Lt. M.E. Bolen, USN), LST-937 (Lt. G.W. Mitchell, USN), USS LST-941 (Lt. L.M. Edwards, USN) and LST-942 (Lt. H.F. Austin, USNR). From LST Flotilla 15 under T/Capt. L.J. Manees USN, USS LST-574 (Lt. W.F. Kruaeger, Jr., USNR, with COMLSTFLOT 15, T/Capt. L.J. Manees USN on board), USS LST-573 (Lt. G.W. Hessemer, USNR), USS LST-626 (Lt. M.J. Codoner, Jr., USNR), USS LST-709 (Lt. V.N. Jamieson, USNR), USS LST-751 (Lt. R.E. Garris, USNR), USS LST-922 (Lt. R.A. Stallings, USN), USS LST-1025 (Lt. C.L. Curfman, USNR) and USS LST-1027 (Lt. P.J. Shropshire, Jr., USNR). From LST Flotilla 22, USS LST-584 (Lt. D.B. Russell, USNR), USS LST-585 (Lt. A.P. Morse, USNR), USS LST-590 (Lt. B.J. Arnett, USN), USS LST-637 (Lt. R.A. Vielhaber, USNR) and USS LST-1035 (Lt. M. Perry, USNR). From LST Flottila 8 under T/Capt. E. Watts, USN, USS LST-614 (Lt. J.F. Stanfill, USN, with COMLSTFLOT 8, T/Capt. E. Watts, USN on board), USS LST-562 (Lt. F.P. Lawrence, USNR), USS LST-613 (Lt.(jg) D.B. Emmons, USNR), USS LST-667 (Lt. W.S. Biernat, USN), USS LST-697 (Lt. J.E. Tanner, USNR), USS LST-742 (Lt. W.W. Holmes, USNR), USS LST-743 (Lt. F.H. Emerick, USNR) and USS LST-993 (Lt. A.W. Bates, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.13 was the LCI Unit under T/Capt. F.B.C. Martin, USN (COMLCI(L)FLOT 8), which was made up the following LCI(L)'s; USS LCI(L)-546 (Lt.(jg) H.K. Wells, USNR with T/Capt. F.B.C. Martin, USN, on board), USS LCI(L)-544 (Lt.(jg) W.L. Hall, USNR), USS LCI(L)-577 (Lt. E.J. Morgan, USNR), USS LCI(L)-636 (Lt. J.A. Moore, USNR), USS LCI(L)-661 (Lt.(jg) P.B. Pylant, USNR), USS LCI(L)-662 (Lt. G.L. Gates, USNR), USS LCI(L)-701 (Lt. H.O. Cheney, USNR), USS LCI(L)-702 (Lt. H.A. Hamilton, USNR), USS LCI(L)-703 (Lt.(jg) V.E. Harris, USNR), USS LCI(L)-713 (Lt.(jg) W.W. Parris, USNR), USS LCI(L)-744 (Lt.(jg) J.B. Vallely, USNR), USS LCI(L)-745 (Lt.(jg) J.R. Garland, USNR), LCI(L)-746 (Lt.(jg) W.F. Foley, USNR), USS LCI(L)-749 (Lt.(jg) W.F. Foley, USNR), USS LCI(L)-753 (Lt. G.B. Strother, USNR), USS LCI(L)-955 (Lt.(jg) D.C. Alexander, USNR), USS LCI(L)-958 (Lt. W.R. McCracken, USNR), USS LCI(L)-960 (Lt.(jg) E.H. Chittenden, USNR), USS LCI(L)-1019 (Lt. H.D. Curtman, USNR), USS LCI(L)-1060 (Lt. C.J. Wolfe, USNR), USS LCI(L)-1074 (Lt. R.G. Harvey, USNR) and USS LCI(L)-1075 (Lt. R.B. Smiley, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.14 was the LSM Unit under T/Cdr. W.E. Verge, USN (COMLSMFLOT 7), which was made up the following LSM's; USS LSM-54 (Lt. D.L. Newborg, USNR, with T/Cdr. W.E. Verge, USN on board), USS LSM-50 (Lt. J.C. Rogers, Jr., USNR), USS LSM-51 (Lt. J.O. Potts, Jr., USNR), USS LSM-52 (Lt. J.H. Colquitt, USNR), USS LSM-53 (Lt. A.H. Nelson, USNR), USS LSM-63 (Lt. R.B. Hinze, USNR), USS LSM-64 (Lt. S.B. Whitehead, USNR), USS LSM-65 (Lt. L.D. Stephens, USNR), USS LSM-67 (Lt. K.D. Higgins, USNR), USS LSM-68 (Lt. W.R. Walker, USNR), USS LSM-128 (Lt. M.M. de Picabia, USNR), USS LSM-133 (Lt. C.D. Davis, USNR), USS LSM-138 (Lt. W.G. Arnold, USNR), USS LSM-139 (Lt. L.R. Mapes, USNR), USS LSM-168 (Lt. R. Whelan, USNR), USS LSM-203 (Lt. F.L. Townsley, USNR), USS LSM-219 (Lt. H. Burns, USNR), USS LSM-225 (Lt.(jg) F.C. Sheppard, USNR), USS LSM-237 (Lt. J.L. Poole, USNR) and USS LSM-269 (Lt. H.T. Turner, Jr. USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.15 was the LCT Unit under Lt. DeMoss, USNR (COMLCTGR 74), which was made up the following LCT's; USS LCT-1310, USS LCT-1312, USS LCT-1314, USS LCT-1317, USS LCT-1319 and USS LCT-1331.
Task Unit 78.1.16 was the 'Brown' Assault Unit under T/Capt. H.B. Hudson, USN. It was made up of ships listed above; HMAS Manoora, HMAS Westralia, USS Carter Hall, USS Titania, USS LST-640, USS LST-560, USS LST-585, USS LST-591, USS LST-595, USS LST-619, USS LST-637, USS LST-638, USS LST-696, USS LST-709, USS LST-806, USS LST-912, USS LST-936, USS LST-937, USS LST-941, USS LST-942, USS LST-1025, USS LCI(L)-744, USS LCI(L)-745, USS LCI(L)-746, USS LCI(L)-749, USS LCI(L)-955, USS LSM-168, USS LSM-50, USS LSM-51, USS LSM-52, USS LSM-53, USS LSM-63, USS LSM-64 and USS LSM-65.
Task Unit 78.1.17 was the 'Green' Assault Unit under T/Capt. L.J. Manees, USN. It was made up of ships listed above [except for USCGC Spencer]; fighter direction ship USCGC Spencer (Cdr. J.R. Hinnant, USCG), HMAS Kanimbla, USS LST-574 and USS LSM-237.
Task Unit 78.1.18 was the 'White' Assault Unit, also under T/Capt. L.J. Manees, USN. It was made up of ships listed above; USCGC Spencer, USS Lloyd, USS Newman, USS Liddle, USS Kephart, USS Diachenko, USS LST-574, USS LST-584, USS LST-667, USS LST-751, USS LST-922, USS LCI(L)-636, USS LCI(L)-701, USS LCI(L)-702, USS LCI(L)-703, USS LSM-168, USS LSM-67, USS LSM-68, USS LSM-138, USS LSM-203, USS LSM-219 and USS LSM-225.
Task Unit 78.1.19 was the Reinforcement Unit under T/Capt. E. Watts, USN. It was made up of ships listed above; USS LST-614, USS LST-590, USS LST-613, USS LST-626, USS LST-697, USS LST-742, USS LST-743, USS LST-993, USS LST-1027, USS LST-1035, USS LCI(L)-960, USS LCI(L)-544, USS LCI(L)-577, USS LCI(L)-661, USS LCI(L)-662, USS LCI(L)-753, USS LCI(L)-1019 and USS LCI(L)-1060.
Task Unit 78.1.20 was the Reserve Unit under T/Cdr. W.E. Verge, USN. It was made up of ships listed above; USS LST-562, USS LST-573, USS LCI(L)-713, USS LCI(L)-958, USS LCI(L)-1074, USS LCI(L)-1075, USS LSM-54, USS LSM-133, USS LSM-139 and USS LSM-269.
Task Group 78.1.2 was the screen under T/Capt. R.H. Smith, USN (COMDESRON 22) and was made up of the following units.
Task Unit 78.1.21 was the Destroyer Unit which was made up of the following destroyers; from DesRon 22, DesDiv 43, USS Robinson (T/Cdr. R.E. Malpass, USN, with T/Capt. R.H. Smith, USN (COMDESRON 22) on board), USS Saufley (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Silk, USN), USS Waller (T/Cdr. H.leR. Thompson, Jr., USN), USS Philip (T/Cdr. J.B. Rutter, Jr., USN), from DesDiv 28, USS Bancroft (T/Lt.Cdr. C.E. Pond, USN, with T/Capt. L.W. Pancoast, USN (COMDESDIV 28) on board), USS McCalla (T/Lt.Cdr. E. Vinock, USN), USS Caldwell (Lt.Cdr. D.R. Robinson, USNR), USS Edwards (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Weiss, USNR), USS Frazier (T/Lt.Cdr. J.N. Renfro, USN, with T/Capt. G.L. Sims, USN (COMDESRON 14) on board) and USS Bailey (T/Lt.Cdr. A.F. Johnson, USN).
Task Unit 78.1.22 was the Destroyer Escort Unit which was made up of the following destroyers escorts; from ComCortDiv 77, USS Douglas A. Munro (Lt.Cdr. E.S. Stevens, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 77, Cdr. H.G. White, USNR on board), USS Dufilho (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Nienau, USNR), USS Charles E. Brannon (Lt.Cdr. O.M. Shirey, Jr., USNR), USS Albert T. Harris (T/Lt.Cdr. S. King, USN), USS Jobb (Lt.Cdr. N.L. Field, USNR) and USS Day (Lt.Cdr. K.E. Read, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.23 was the Frigate Unit under Lt.Cdr. H.J. Weston, RANR(S), which was made up of the following frigates; HMAS Hawkesbury (Lt.Cdr. H.J. Weston, RANR(S)) and HMAS Barcoo (A/Lt.Cdr. C.G. Hill, RANR(S)).
Task Group 78.1.3 was the Support Unit under T/Capt. R.E. Arison, USN, which was on board the USS LCI(L)-778 (Lt. W.B. Chinn, USNR) and was made up of the following units.
Task Unit 78.1.31 was the LCS Unit, under T/Capt. R.E. Arison, USN, which was made up of the following LCS's; USS LCS(L)-42 (Lt. R.S. Sondree, USN), USS LCS(L)-45 (Lt. E.M. Lang, USNR), USS LCS(L)-46 (Lt. W.P. McCarthy, USNR), USS LCS(L)-47 (Lt. F.E. Butler, USN), USS LCS(L)-58 (Lt. D. Gregory, USNR), USS LCS(L)-59 (Lt. N.L. Claxton, USNR) and USS LCS(L)-60 (Lt. W.H. White, Jr., USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.32 was the LCI(G) Unit, under Lt.Cdr. A.M. Holmes, USNR, which was made up of the following LCI(G)'s; USS LCI(G)-69 (Lt.(jg) H.R. Roesti, USNR, with Lt.Cdr. A.M. Holmes, USNR, on board), USS LCI(G)-23 (Lt. E.P. Wurtzebach, USNR), USS LCI(G)-64 (Lt.(jg) R.K. Call, USNR), USS LCI(G)-65 (Lt.(jg) W.J. McKeon, USNR), USS LCI(G)-68 (Lt.(jg) J.D. Devaney, USNR) and USS LCI(G)-70 (Lt.(jg) V.B. Millsap, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.33 was the LCI(R) Unit, under Lt.Cdr. R.E. Sargent, USNR, which was made up of the following LCI(R)'s; USS LCI(R)-71 (Lt.(jg) C.C. Benson, USNR, with Lt.Cdr. R.E. Sargent, USNR, on board), USS LCI(R)-31 (Ens. D.B. Hummel, USNR), USS LCI(R)-34 (Lt.(jg) F.W. Schwarz, USNR), USS LCI(R)-72 (Ens. C.R. Weiner, USNR), USS LCI(R)-74 (Ens. V.J. Goerke, USNR) and USS LCI(R)-338 (Ens. J.S. Hageman, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.34 was the LCI(M) Unit which was made up of the following LCI(M)'s; USS LCI(M)-362 (Lt.(jg) H.A. Petersen, USNR), USS LCI(M)-359 (Ens. T.S. Adair, USNR) and USS LCI(M)-431 (Lt.(jg) J.C. Elkins, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.35 was the Demolition Unit which was made up of the high speed transport USS Kline (Lt. B.F. Uran, USNR) and the LCI(D)'s USS LCI(D)-29 (Lt. R.M. Burnes, USNR) and USS LCI(D)-228 (Lt.(jg) R.W. Kearns, USNR). Also part of this Task Unit were four Naval Combat Demolition Units (frogmen).
Task Unit 78.1.36 was the 'Brown' Support Unit under Lt.Cdr. Holmes and was made up from ships from the above units; USS LCS(L)-58, USS LCS(L)-59, USS LCS(L)-60, USS LCI(S)-1000 (?) and USS LCI(S)-1071 (?), USS LCI(R)-31, USS LCI(R)-34, USS LCI(G)-69, USS LCI(G)-70, USS LCI(M)-359, LCI(M)-362, LCI(D)-29 and two of the Naval Combat Demolition Units (NCDU 20 and 24).
Task Unit 78.1.37 was the 'Green' Support Unit under Capt. Arison and was made up from ships from the above units; USS LCI(L)-778, USS LCS(L)-42, USS LCS(L)-47, USS LCI(G)-65, USS LCI(G)-68, USS LCI(R)-74, USS LCI(R)-338 and USS LCI(S)-961.
Task Unit 78.1.37 was the 'White' Support Unit under Lt.Cdr. Sargent and was made up from ships from the above units; USS LCS(L)-45, USS LCS(L)-46, USS LCI(S)-985, USS LCI(G)-23, USS LCI(G)-64, USS LCI(R)-71, USS LCI(R)-72, USS LCI(M)-431, USS LCI(D)-228 and two of the Naval Combat Demolition Units (NCDU 2 and 3).
Task Group 78.1.4 was the Landing Craft Control Unit under Lt. Goodrich, USNR. It was made up of the patrol vessels USS PC-1120 (Lt. J.R. Goodrich, USNR), USS PC 1122 (Lt. J.S. Fullerton, USNR), USS SC-698 (Lt. J.C. Hedges, USNR), USS SC-732 (Lt.(jg) I.L. Mann, Jr., USNR), USS SC-741 (Lt.(jg) P.L. Schilling, USNR) and USS SC-750 (Lt.(jg) F.C. Cuthbertson, USNR).
This Task Group was split up into the following Task Units;
Task Unit 78.1.41 was Control Unit 'Brown' and was made up of USS PC-1120, USS SC-698 and USS SC-732.
Task Unit 78.1.42 was Control Unit 'Green' and was made up of USS SC-741 and USS SC-750.
Task Unit 78.1.43 was Control Unit 'white' and was made up of USS PC-1122 and USS LCI(L)-546. This last was attached for the duration of the assault only.
Task Group 78.1.5 was the Minesweeping Group under Lt.Cdr. T.R. Fonick, USNR. It was made up of the following units;
Task Unit 78.1.51 was Sweep Unit One which made up of the minesweepers USS Sentry (Lt.Cdr. T.R. Fonick, USNR, (COMMINDIV 34)), USS Salute (Lt. J.R. Hodges, USNR), USS Scout (Lt. E.G. Anderson, USNR), USS Scrimmage (Lt. R. van Winkle, USNR) and USS Scuffle (Lt.Cdr. E.A. Johnson, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.52 was Sweep Unit Two which made up of the YMS's; USS YMS-51 (Lt.(jg) A.L. Giesenschlag, USNR), USS YMS-68 (Lt. G.L. O'Neil, USNR), USS YMS-73 (Lt. J.H. Frederick, USNR) and USS YMS-363 (Lt. F.A. Struve, Jr., USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.53 was Sweep Unit Three which made up of the YMS's; USS YMS-4 (Lt.(jg) F.D. Bender, USNR), USS YMS-39 (Lt. R.M. Sullivan, USNR), USS YMS-340 (Lt. P. Schminke, USNR) and USS YMS-365 (Lt.(jg) F.C. Huff, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.54 was Sweep Unit Four which made up of the YMS's; USS YMS-6 (Lt. M. McVickar, USNR), USS YMS-259 (Lt. M. Goedjen, USNR), USS YMS-313 (Lt.(jg) W.H. Reibold, USNR) and USS YMS-314 (Lt.(jg) J.W. Easton, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.55 was Sweep Unit Five (Support Unit) which made up of the high speed transport USS Cofer (Lt. H.C. McClees, USNR), LSM USS LSM-1 (Lt. E.J. Flowers, USNR), 4 LCVP's and 2 ML's.
Task Group 78.1.6 was the Hydrographic Survey Group under Lt.Cdr. G.D. Tancred, RAN. It was made up of the following ships; frigate HMAS Lachlan (Lt.Cdr. G.D. Tancred, RAN), net tender USS Satinleaf (Lt. Lt. P.F. Taylor, USN) and the YMS USS YMS-160 (Lt. E.C. Bolton, USNR).
Task Group 78.1.7 was the Salvage and Service Group. It was made up of the following units;
Task Unit 78.1.71 was the Salvage Unit and was made up of the tugs USS Pinto (Lt. R. Brown, USNR) and USS ATR-61 (Lt. W.M. Heywood, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.72 was the Fire Fighting Unit and was made up of the LCI(S)'s; USS LCS(L)-961 (?), USS LCS(L)-985 (?), USS LCS(L)-1000 (?) and USS LCS(L)-1071 (?).
Task Unit 78.1.73 was the Service Unit and was made up of the tanker USS Winooski (Lt.Cdr. T.B. Christenson, USNR), landing craft repair ship USS Achilles [former LST-455] (Lt.Cdr. F.A. Gherini, USNR) and the LST (as logistics ship) USS LST-473 (Lt. E.H. Davis, USNR).
Task Unit 78.1.74 was the Press Unit and was made up of the patrol vessel USS PCE(R)-849 (Lt. C. Sanders, USNR), USS LCI(L)-635 (Lt. H. Hopkins, USNR) and the small army cargo ship FP 47.

At 1400I/4, the Brunei Attack Group under the command of Rear-Admiral Royal, USN in his flagship USS Rocky Mount departed Morotai for the objective area (Brunei Bay). The mission of this Attack Group was to transport, protect, land, firmly establish on shore the 9th Australian Division in the Brunei Bay area and support it in subsequent operations in order to secure Brunei Bay for use as and advanced fleet base and to protect resources in the area. The assault troops were the veteran 9th Australian Division and such supporting elements, equipment and supplies as would be needed immediately on Zebra Day (wich was set for June 10th). The main assault echelon contained 85 ships with an additional screening force of 6 destroyers, 3 destroyer escorts, 2 PC's and 4 SC's (patrol vessels). A second echelon consisting mainly of LST's and LCI's plus escorts departed Morotai on 5 June and arrived at Brunei Bay on 11 June. Other units, including LCM's and LCT's sailed from Tarakan via Tawi Tawi and also arrived on 11 June. One MTBRON with its tender from Mindoro joined the main assault echelon at sea on 9 June.

The Brunei Attack Group, enjoining fair weather, sailed without incident through the Celebes and Sulu Seas, and overcame the navigational difficulties presernted by Basilan and Balabac Straits without mishap. Although air protection was provided, and dawn and dusk alerts maintained, no enemy planes appeared enroute and no submarine contacts were reported by the screening vessels.

On 9 June (Zebra minus one), off the northwest coast of Borneo, the convoy was joined by USS Boise, USS Killen and USS Albert W. Grant. USS Boise had on board General MacArthur (CinCSWPA) to observe the landings at Brunei Bay.

The Cruiser Covering Group (TG 74.3) departed Subic Bay on 5 June. The Cover Group (TG 74.2) got underway from Subic Bay on 7 June.

The Minesweeping and Hydrographic Groups, which had departed Morotai on 2 June arrived off Brunei Bay in the early morning of 7 June. These units then began operations under the protection of the Cruiser Covering Group and the Fire Support Group commanded by Rear-Admiral Berkey, USN. On 7 June the minesweepers swept 34 contact mines on a north-south line at the main (southwestern) entrance to Brunei Bay in area 'Piccolo'. Areas 'Cornet', 'Trumpet', 'Bassoon' and 'Flute' were swept with negative results. Preliminary hydrographic survey work by HMAS Lachlan indicated that British Admiralty charts were accurate for the area. All sheduled operations were completed without enemy interference. Several large smoke columns in the vicinity of Brunei town indicated that enemy had begun destruction of installations in that area.

On 8 June minesweeping operations continued on shedule and 34 contact mines were swept in area 'Picollo' making a total of 68 mines swept through the second day of operations. At 1516I/8, USS Salute struck a mine which resulted in serious damage. Casualties were reported as 6 enlisted men killed, 3 enlisted men missing in action and 37 wounded. She subsequently sank at 2300I/8 in position 05°08'5"N, 115°05'E, the spot being marked by an obstruction buoy. Reconnaissance of 'Brown' Beeach, Labuan Island was carried out by an underwater demolition team. Swimmers closed to the high water mark along the entire beach, and found a firm sandy bottom. A thorough search revealed no underwater obstacles or mines, and there was little sign of recent activity along the beach. Light enemy opposition on shore inflicted no casualties. Planes of a scheduled bombing strike which failed to check in with the Advance Commander Support Air in USS Nashville dropped their bombs in the water of 'Brown' Beach while the swimmers were approaching the beach and inflicted casualties to the extent of 1 missing and 3 wounded. Buoys number 6 to 16, inclusive, were placed in position, and the original beach on the outer shoal was found still in position.

Reconnaissance of 'Green' Beach revealed a sandy bottom with gradual gradient. No obstructions or mines were found and the beach was marked with small white flags on either flank.

On the same day, the Fire Support Group gave the various landing beach areas a thorough bombardment. USS Phoenix and USS Conner plus gunboats gave 'Brown' Beach good coverage and exploded a large ammunition dump. HMAS Hobart, USS Charette and USS Burns covered 'White' Beach destroying serveal suspected gun emplacements and other targets.

On 9 June, Areas 'Trombone', 'Xylophone', 'Drum', 'Harp', 'Horn' and 'Piccolo' in Brunei Bay were swept with negative results. One mine was swept at the southern boundary of Area 'Piccolo' during a check-sweep making a total of 69 mines swept through the 3rd day of operations. USS Scuffle reported that the explosion of mines in gear streamed to 60-foot depth might indicate that an anti-sweep feature was used by the enemy to blow the mines when they were caught by the sweeping gear. A reconnaissance of 'White' Beach, Maura Island, revealed a hard sandy bottom with no obstructions or mines. Buoys 17, 18 and 19 were laid as hydrographic boats made a complete circuit of Maura Island unmolested. Soundings agreed with the charts.

'Brown', 'Green' and 'White' Beach Areas were again well covered by naval gunfire and a suspected gun emplacement on Pappan Island was thoroughly saturated. Heavy air strikes on Labuan Island and Brunei Bluff drew light inaccurate AA fire. USS LCI(G)-23 ran hard aground south of Maura Island. Commander of 'White' Support Unit assisted by PT boats stood by until she could get off at high tide.

Four PT boats arrived in Brunei Bay at 1500I/9 and commenced patrolling the objective area. Two boats strafed Sipitang town the night of the 9th with no return fire. The other two boats patrolled with no enemy contact to Mangalong River.

On Zebra Day (10 June), the Brunei Attack Group sailed into Brunei Bay in the early morning hours under the protecting guns of the Fire Support Group. At Point 'Lamb', inside the Bay, the assault units broke off and proceeded to the respective Transport Areas to deploy in accodance with directives of the Assault Unit Commanders.

After the 'Brown' Assault Unit had taken up its position of Labuan Island, it was attacked by an enemy plane at 0650I/10. This plane, identified as a twin-engined 'Nick', dropped one bomb near the Transport Area without damage to shipping. The plane was at about 500 feet altitude. It was fired upon but managed to get away.

The bombardment of 'Brown' Beach began at 0805I/10 by the large fleet units of Fire Support Unit One, being joined 5 minutes later by the small support craft with rockets and guns of smaller calibre. Fire Support Unit Two began the bombardment of 'White' and 'Green' Beaches at 0813I/10 and 0815I/10 respectively. Fire at all three points was so heavy and accurate that enemy troops retreated from the landing areas, enabling landings at all three beaches to be made unopposed. The hulk of a merchant vessel in Victoria Harbour was hit repeatedly by close support craft to insure that there were no operational guns aboard to fire on our landing craft.

At 0915I/10, the first waves in LCVPs and LVT's landed simultaneously at 'Brown', 'Green' and 'White' beaches, on shedule. These three separate landings, at different points as far apart as 18 miles, were carried out with precision and dispatch. The beaches were quickly secured and all assault waves were landed by 1003I/10, with the remaining waves on call. Fire support from naval craft was reported to be most effective as was that of the close support craft near shore. B-24's, although somewhat delayed in arriving, carried out attacks on areas in rear of the beaches with good results.

After the 'Brown' Beach Area was secured at 1100I/10, General MacArthur went ashore from USS Boise, accompanied by Lt.Gen. Morshead, COC I Australian Corps, Rear-Admiral Royal, Air Vice Marshal Bostock, General Kenney and others, for an inspection tour of Labuan Island.

The LSM's began unloading on 'Brown' Beach before 1200I/10 and the LST's at approximately 1500I/10.

Vitoria Town on Labuan Island was found deserted and almost completely destroyed. Australian Infantry and Tanks moved inland from 'Brown' Beach against little opposition and by 1129I/10 the 24th Brigade was within sight of Labuan airfield. From this point on the opposition increased. Maura Island was completely reconnoitred without locating any enemy. At 'Green' Beach by nightfall the Australians had captured Brooketon and had avanced 3000 yards towards Brunei Town. At 1724I/10 troops were landed on Hamilton Peninsula, Labuan Island, and at 1830I/10, Major General Wootten, GOC 9th Australian Division assumed command ashore.

During minesweeping on Zebra day, 3 mines were swept in Area 'Banjo', making a total of 72 mines swept up to date.

Before nightfall of Zebra day the transports and cruisers moved out to the middle of Brunei Bay to anchor in Transport Area 'Tare' as a precaution against enemy planes and suicide craft. Support craft and ships of the screen (TU 78.1.2) formed two concentric screening circles around the anchorage area as anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, and anti-boat protection.

On 11 June (Zebra +1), a YMS unit in area 'Banjo' off Labuan Island, swept 25 contact mines making a total of 97 mines swept since the beginning of the operation. There were 9 gear casualties from uncharted pinnacles. Areas 'Tenor', 'Ceillo', 'Chimes' and 'Violin' were swept with negative results.

During the morning, General MacArthur, Lt. Gen. Morshead, Rear-Admiral Royal, and Maj. Gen. Wootten inspected Brooketon area including 'Green' and 'White' beaches.

During the day, troops of the 24th Brigade advanced 3500 yards north of Labuan airstrip encountering opposition to the west and northwest. In the 'Green' Beach area troops advanced 7400 yards southwest on the Brunei Road and those on the Hamilton Peninsula went forward 800 yards. Maura Island was reported secured. A total of 30 Australian casualties were reported to date in all sections.

B-24's and Beaufighters continued to bomb and straft in the various areas as directed by Commander Support Air in USS Rocky Mount.

Durnig the night of 10/11 June, PT boats strafed Tutong, seria, Kuala Belait, Lutong and Miri. Damage was inflicted without drawing any enemy fire. The Japanese were observed to be setting fire to oil well and tanks in the Seria area. PT boat patrols within Brunei Bay were negative, and were discontinued after this day's work.

During the day the LCI's and one attack cargo ship were unloaded and departed. LST unloading progressed rather slowly owing to slow handling ashore.

It was reported that 50 Japanese troops with machine guns and rifles had landed at Menumbok.

Around 0800I/11, USS Cleveland, USS Hart and USS Metcalf parted company with TG 74.2 to report for duty with TG 74.3. The remainder of TG 74.2 then left the Brunei Bay area to proceed towards the Balikpapan Area via Tawi Tawi.

After a final inspection ashore General MacArthur departed the Brunei Bay area around 1315I/11 in USS Boise escorted by USS Killin and USS Albert W. Grant. They proceeded to Jolo.

On 12 June, 5 additional mines were swept in Area 'Banjo', bringing the total to 102. Other areas in Brunei Bay were swept with negative results.

HMAS Hobart and USS Metcalf effectively bombarded towns on the southern tip of the Klias Penisula.

Air strikes were staged on target areas in the objective area as well as Beaufort, Weston and Keningau. Good support was furnished to ground troops.

The Australian lines on Labuan remained virtually unchanged. However, good advantages were made toward Brunei Town resulting in the capture of Brunei airstrip. Hamilton Peninsula was completely secured. Australian casualties to date totaled 15 killed and 49 wounded.

General unloading of shipping was proceeding at a satisfactory rate.

There were indications that the enemy might be staging an evacuation of Jesselton where some small ship activity was reported.

On the night of 11/12 June, PT boats had again strafed Miri and Tutong starting fires. Boats received return machine gun and rifle fire from Miri without sustaining damage.

On 13 June, in minesweeping operations of Miri-Lutong-baram Point Area, minesweepers swept 31 contact mines on their first sweep, losing 5 sets of gear due to exploding mines. An additional 61 mines were swept later the same day making a total of 92 for the day. Additional sweeping gear was requisted by Commander Minesweeping Unit because of the heavy loss of gear to mine explosions since the beginning of the operations on 7 June. While sweeping, the minesweepers were fired upon by 3" guns ashore. About 25 rounds were fired all falling short. The battery ceased fired when destroyers heading in towards the shore. They were unable to close within range due to floating mines.

USS Metcalf bombarded caves and gun positions in hills on the northern end of Labuan Island. The caves appeared unused and the gun positions unoccupied.

The 20th Brigade captured Brunei Town, and made further advances on Labuan Island occupying the road west of Timbalai airfield and also advancing two-thirds of the way up the east coast.

Mitchell and Lightning aircraft rendered support to ground troups. One enemy aircraft (Dinah) approached our aircraft which were strafing Miri airstrip, but retired when fired upon. One other enemy aircraft (a Nick) was shot down over Brunei Bay at 1934I/13 by night fighters capably vectored by the fighter director team in USCGC Spencer.

During the night of 13/14 June 1945, PT boats strafed Cape Lobang and Miri. They reported receiving either 75mm or 90mm return fire from the vicinity of Pujut.

On 14 June, minesweepers of Miri cut 29 contact mines on their first sweep. A total of 72 mines were swept this day, giving 164 mines to date in this area. USS Scrimmage lost all gear and USS Scout and USS Sentry were able to sweep with starboard gear only. YMS vessels had such difficulty in cutting mine moorings that they planned to use explosive cutters. Mines caught in YMS gear slowed ships almost to a stop. Mines appeared deeply set and thickly planted. The minesweepers drew fire from the beach on their first pass, but the remainder of the day was quiet.

The 24th Brigade advanced to the northern tip of Labuan Island and advanced down Brunei-Tutong road with little opposition.

All assault shipping was unloaded as of this date. However the Reserve Unit was not yet committed.

At 2055 all ships went to General Quarters as enemy aircraft were reported. Two bombs were dropped on Labuan Island at 2103I/14 and one bomb fell in the anchorage area without damage to shipping. At 2230I/14, three enemy planes approached from the east. AA fire from ships shot down one of them.

On the night of 14/15 June 1945, PT boats worked south to Niah River (south of Miri) and north to Usukan Bay. Both patrols were negative.

On 15 June minesweeping continued in the Miri-Lutong area. Mines swept in that area to date total 246 mines. Minefield appears to be a continuous line extending from shoal water west of Baram Point in a southeasterly direction, following curve of shore line approximately 9 miles off shore. Heavy loss of minesweeping gear necessitated recalling the minesweepers to Brunei Bay. 9 YMS's continued to sweep. The channel east of Labuan was swept for five days with negative results and it is now considered safe for navigation.

Troops reached Kilanis settlement on Brunei-Tutong Road without enemy contact. On Labuan, the enemy pocked 1000 yards west of Labuan airstrip continued to resist.

USS McCalla and USS Philip bombarded targets in the Miri-Lutong area. Hits were scored on suspected gun emplacements and targets of opportunity. No return fire was observed.

On 16 June, 92 additional mines were swept in the Miri-Lutong area making a total of 338 swept to date. Many sets of YMS gear fouled with mines are in the area, but it was considered inadvisable to attempt recovery at this time since such efforts would interfere with sweeping. Progress in sweeping continued slow due to numerous losses of gear and the heavy chain mooring by which the mines are anchored.

Mopping-up activity continued on Labuan Island and troops advanced to a point halfway to Tutong along the Brunei-Tutong road.

At 0840I/16, the Liberty ship Helena Modjeska (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944) ran aground in Victoria Harbour but was pulled off by USS Pinto at 0947I/16.

Weston was reported to have been evacuated by the enemy. Troops are scheduled to land there on the 17th.

Captain H.B. Hudson, USN, is to assumme status of senior commander on 17 June for operational and administrative control of naval units except for Task Force 74 when CTG 78.1 will leave the area.

As of 1800I/16, Australian casualties in all sectors were 40 killed and 100 to 120 wounded. Enemy casualties on Labuan Island as of 1800I/16 were as follows; 205 counted dead, 29 estimated dead. 20 Wounded. 5 POW's. Enemy casualties in the Brunei Area as of 1800I/15 were as follows; 70 counted dead, 20 estimated dead. 6 POW's.

At 0930I/17, Weston was captured. Minesweeping in the Miri-Lutong Area was continued this date. CTG 78.1, Rear-Admiral Royal in USS Rocky Mount, departed the area at 1800I/17. The Cover Force, Task Group 74.3, also departed the area on this day arriving at Tawi Tawi on the 19th. Earlier that day the Australian heavy cruiser HMAS Shropshire (Capt. C.A.G. Nichols, MVO, DSO, RN) had arrived. Commodore Farncomb now took over the fire support duties for which HMAS Hobart, HMAS Arunta, USS Hart and USS Metcalf remained with him. he hoisted his broad pendant in HMAS Shropshire. (10)

Media links

With All Our Might

Langelo, Vincent A.


  1. ADM 173/17659 + War diary USS Boise from 7 December 1941 to 31 March 1942
  2. ADM 53/116993 + ADM 53/117379 + ADM 53/118343 + ADM 53/118558 + logbook of USS Boise
  3. Report of proceedings of HMAS Shropshire for January 1944
  4. Report of proceedings of Task Force 74 for February 1944 + War diary of USS Boise for February 1944
  5. Report of proceedings of Task Force 74 for February 1944
  6. War diary of COMCRUDIV 15 for July 1944
  7. War diary of COMCRUDIV 15 for September 1944
  8. War diary of COMCRUDIV 15 for October 1944
  9. Action report of COMTASKGR 74.3 on Cebu City operations 24 - 28 March 1945 + Action report of COMTASKGR 78.2 on Cebu City operations
  10. Report on operation Oboe VI by CTG 78.1

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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