Allied Warships

Escort carriers

The Ameer class escort carrier HMS Slinger (D 26) of the Royal Navy.

All Escort carrier classes

The list is divided by navy, then ordered by commissioned date of each class (oldest first).


Royal Navy

 Audacity (1)1941 - 1941
 Avenger / Charger (3)1942 - 1942
 Activity (1)1942 - 1942
 Merchantile Conversion (12)1943 - 1944
 Attacker (3)1943 - 1943
 Nairana (2)1943 - 1943
 Campania (1)1944 - 1944

US Navy

 Long Island / Archer (2)1941 - 1941
 Bogue (10)1942 - 1943
 Sangamon (4)1942 - 1942
 Casablanca (50)1943 - 1944
 Repeat Bogue (1)1943 - 1943
 Commencement Bay (17)1944 - 1946

13 ship classes.

Please note that we list the classes by navies that initiated/owned the class. Often vessels of certain classes were then built for other nations (or lent), those ships are not visible here but only through the navies pages or by looking into each class.

War losses: Escort carriers



Royal Navy21 Dec 1941HMS Audacity (D 10)Audacity 


Royal Navy15 Nov 1942HMS Avenger (D 14)Avenger / Charger 


Royal Navy27 Mar 1943HMS Dasher (D 37)Avenger / Charger 
US Navy24 Nov 1943USS Liscome Bay (CVE 56)Casablanca 


US Navy29 May 1944USS Block Island (ii) (CVE 21)Bogue 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Gambier Bay (CVE 73)Casablanca 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Midway (i) / St. Lo (CVE 63)Casablanca 


US Navy4 Jan 1945USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79)Casablanca 
US Navy21 Feb 1945USS Bismark Sea (CVE 95)Casablanca 

9 Escort carriers lost. See all Allied Warship losses.

See all Allied Warship types

The last stand of the tin can sailors

Hornfischer, James D.

Books dealing with this subject include:

A Blue Water Navy, WAB Douglas, R. Sarty, M. Whitby et al., 2007
Escort Carriers of World War Two, Poolman, Kenneth, 1989
Hunter-Killer, Y'Blood, William T., 1983
The Little Giants, Y\'Blood, William T., 1999
The last stand of the tin can sailors, Hornfischer, James D., 2005
The Men of the Gambier Bay, Edwin Palmer Hoyt, 2002

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