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World War One discussions. 
Re: WW1 deck guns
Posted by: Clio ()
Date: March 06, 2005 06:29PM

Bruce, do you live in the UK ?

A UB gun forms the war memorial in Chepstow.

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
WW1 deck guns Bruce Dennis 02/15/2005 12:11AM
Re: WW1 deck guns Michael Lowrey 02/18/2005 05:08AM
Re: WW1 deck guns Bruce 02/19/2005 01:27AM
Re: WW1 deck guns Clio 03/06/2005 06:29PM
Re: WW1 deck guns bruce dennis 03/06/2005 11:13PM
Re: WW1 deck guns Michael Lowrey 03/07/2005 07:57PM
Re: WW1 deck guns Clio 03/12/2005 11:26AM

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