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Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73
Posted by: Simon S. ()
Date: February 21, 2009 10:49PM


Karl Meusel finished his last patrol as commander of U 73 on June 15th, 1918.
Carl Bünte was the next commander, not in deputyship!
Fritz Saupe isn't mentioned in the KTB. He took over U 73 in mid September 1918.

Best wishes,


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Subject Written By Posted
steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Simon S. 02/21/2009 08:35PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Michael Lowrey 02/21/2009 09:37PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Simon S. 02/21/2009 09:57PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Yves D 02/21/2009 10:13PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Yves D 02/21/2009 10:15PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Simon S. 02/21/2009 10:49PM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 and U80 and Kirkland Josephbremez 02/22/2009 12:22AM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 and U80 and Kirkland Michael Lowrey 02/22/2009 04:16AM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Yves D 02/22/2009 08:33AM
Re: steamer ALMERIAN - U 73 Josephbremez 02/22/2009 03:05PM

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