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RE: X1B Cruiser
Posted by: Craig McLean ()
Date: December 03, 2000 09:53PM

<HTML>My understanding was Trident wanted to recover one of the two armored gun mounts that an XIB would have had as standard. But this cannot be a Type XIB in my opinion. I got a letter from expert and author Jak Showell that it couldn\'t be an XIB---that the 4 that were begun were scrapped after the outbreak of war. I also made a copy of some material from the U-Boot-Archiv stating no such boats were ever built, not even a prototype.


Also check Gummi\'s section on these boats...under Types, then Special Projects, or something along these lines....</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
X1B Cruiser pappy 12/03/2000 01:37AM
RE: X1B Cruiser Craig McLean 12/03/2000 09:53PM
RE: X1B Cruiser William Engel 12/04/2000 08:11AM
RE: X1B Cruiser Craig McLean 12/04/2000 10:51AM

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