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Re: U96 and U450 Insignia
Posted by: paul tjader ()
Date: January 09, 2011 09:22AM

I have posted superb original photo, of U96 on patrol under Hellriegel, on Uboatwaffe, take a look.

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
U96 and U450 Insignia bultacotrial290 09/15/2007 03:36AM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia Jean-Noël Muller 09/20/2007 04:57PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia sam corrigan 09/20/2007 07:03PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia john 09/20/2007 08:06PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia PatW 09/22/2007 01:41AM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia MPC 09/23/2007 07:36PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia Jean-Noël Muller 09/24/2007 07:35PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia PatW 09/25/2007 05:53PM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia Qualle1 12/28/2010 10:52AM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia paul tjader 01/09/2011 09:14AM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia paul tjader 01/09/2011 09:22AM
Re: U96 and U450 Insignia Ã…kerberg 01/10/2011 07:22AM

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