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Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...??
Posted by: Felix C ()
Date: May 24, 2010 04:37PM

How are they dissimilar?

I found the review for the Sharpe book here but not the Wynn books.

Preference one or the other?

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Subject Written By Posted
Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Felix C 05/24/2010 04:37PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Felix C 05/24/2010 04:46PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Ken Dunn 05/24/2010 07:42PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Felix C 05/24/2010 07:53PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Ken Dunn 05/24/2010 08:29PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Felix C 05/25/2010 12:50AM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Cape Crusader 05/25/2010 07:14PM
Re: Wynn's U-Boat Operations... or Sharpes' U-Boat Fact File...?? Ken Dunn 05/25/2010 07:52PM

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