Frequently Asked Questions

How were the U-boat commanders trained?

There were some different ways to become an U-boat commander. Here should be shown the most usual way in the first years of war. Pay attention, the following shows the normal way, there were a lot of deviations depending from some different facts, like the up-to-now-career of the officers and the phase of war.

Course Contents Time Where
Ua-Lehrgang U-Boat basic course 8 - 12 weeks 1. ULD
Neustadt/ later Pillau
UTO-Lehrgang U-Boat torpedo course 4 - 8 weeks Torpedoschule
UWO-Lehrgang U-Boat radio course 4 weeks Marine-Nachrichtenschule
UWO-Lehrgang U-Boat artillery course
later anti aircraft course
4 weeks Schiffsartillerieschule
Kiel-Wik/ later Sassnitz
II WO or I WO U-Boat watch officer 3 - 18 months frontboat
Commander course 4 - 8 weeks 24. U-Flottille
Danzig/ later Memel
Commander trainee normally
one patrol

This question was last modified: Thu 4 Oct 2001.

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