U-boat Models
List of available U-boat models
Here below is a fairly complete listing of available U-boat models. We've tried to list as much info on each model as possible, including where to get it. Some European producers (such as Graupner, Krick (Typ 1A) and perhaps the most well-known, Schaffer). do not have models listed here and if you could provide such information I'd love to have it.
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Models by manufacturer:
32nd Parallel - Academy/Minicraft - Accurate Armour - Airmodel - Amati - Andreas Miniatures - Artitec - Blue Water Navy - Combat Models - Commander Series - Doyusha - FCM - Heller - Krick - Mirage-Hobby - Nichimo - Revell - Revell/Monogram - Robbe Modellsport - Seawolf - Seawolf/Torpedo - Shanghai/Dragon - Skywave - Tom's Model - Verlinden - Waterline Series -
Models by Shanghai/Dragon
Type XXI
Type: XXI, scale: 1/350,
manufacturer: Shanghai/Dragon, kit number: 1008,
in production: yes, price: $7.73,
available from: Great Models Webstore, material: Plastic,
notes: 1995 release.
1 model found.
Additional models
HULL NO. TYPE CLASS SCALE LENGTH PRICE SUB-22 II U-56 1:32 54" 249.00 SUB- 23 VII-C-41 U-995 1:48 55" === SUB-24 VII-C-41 U-995 1:32 83" === SUB-25 IX-C U-505 1:48 63" $259.00 SUB-26 IX-C U-505 1:32 94.5" $389.00 SUB-27 XXI U-3008 1:48 62.75" === SUB-28 XXI U-3008 1:32 94.125" === SUB-29 I.J.N. TYPE B I-19 1:48 89" $369.00
All length's are in inches. These kits can all be fitted for Radio Control. The hulls are one piece, but all WWII boats come without decks and decks have to be fabricated by the builder. Coning Towers are Fiberglass and detail is left up to the builder. These are not all the Subs by this Manufacturer. They also manufacture a full line of WWII and modern surface vessels and modern subs. The company name is:
The catalog is $5.00 U.S.
Special thanks to Jean-Cyrille, Scott Borchardt, Werner R. Lightner, Antonio Veiga and Jose Chaica for helping to compile this list.