John Edwin Ernest Denny Haward DSC, RN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 11 Oct 1964 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for John Edwin Ernest Denny Haward, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Unison (P 43) | Lt. | Submarine | 3 Aug 1943 | 20 Aug 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine HMS Unison (P 43)
3 Aug 1943
After having returned to Bizerta, HMS Unison now commanded by her 1st Lieutenant Lt. J.E.E.D. Haward, RN, underwent repairs while laying alongside HMS Abercrombie (A/Capt. G.V.B. Faulkner, RN). When this ship had to proceed to sea she shifted to HMS Vindictive (Rear Admiral (retd.) G.R.S. Watkins, RN) to continue repairs alongside this ship.
During the morning Lt. Haward visited the American hospital where the casualties were still being operated on or were still under the effects of the anaesthetics. Also T/Lt. King was buried at sea with Naval Honours from HDML 1241 (T/Lt. A.D. Kingsford, RNVR)
In the evening the hospital was again visited. Lt. Daniel and petty officer Day were in good spirits but leading seaman Hallidag was still asleep. (1)
4 Aug 1943
After emergency repairs, HMS Unison (Lt. J.E.E.D. Haward, RN) departed Bizerta for diving trials. After these had been completed she and HMS Unrivalled (Lt. H.B. Turner, DSC, RN) departed Bizerta for passage to Malta escorted by HMS Clacton (A/Lt.Cdr. (retired) L.S. Shaw, RNR). (1)
5 Aug 1943
HMS Unison (Lt. J.E.E.D. Haward, RN) arrived at Malta. Full repairs were made there and these were completed by 18 August 1943. It had been intended to sent Unison on patrol in the Adriatic for a last patrol in the Mediterranean before she was due to return to the U.K. to refit in early September. There was now not enough time left to do a full patrol and it was decided that Unison would run A/S exercises for destroyers based on Malta. She did so for three days while awaiting her passage to the U.K. This included an exercise with HMS Wheatland (Lt.Cdr. R. de L. Brooke, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN) using Pillenwerfer seized on the Italian submarine Bronzo. (2)
- ADM 199/1822
- ADM 199/1917
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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