Allied Warship Commanders

Officers with personal information

CommanderWarship commands
RNCapt. Abel Smith, Edward Michael Conolly, RNHMS Biter (D 97)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Ackerman, Edward, USNUSS Kete (369)
RNLt.Cdr. Alexander, Robert Love, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 32 (N 32), HMS Pandora (N 42), HMS Proteus (N 29), HMS Truculent (P 315), HMS Tuna (N 94)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Alexander, W K, RNVRHMS Stefa, HMS MMS 40 (J 540), HMS MMS 215 (J 715)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Allen, Robert Charles, DSC, RNRHMS Asama, HMS General Birdwood (FY 724), HMS Soika (FY 1775), HMS MMS 62 (J 562)
RNRT/Lt. Allen, Harold Reginald, RNRHMS Lilac (T 26), HMS Picton Castle (FY 628), HMS Polar 5 (FY 1688)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Allon, James Joseph, RNRHMS Sword Dance (T 132), HMS Kenilworth Castle (K 420)
RNRT/Skr. Allum, Charles, RNRHMS Fintray (FY 253)
RNRLt. Anderson, Alan Hamilton Barnett, DSC, RNRHMS Rorqual (N 74), HMS L 23 (N 23), HMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Scotsman (P 243), HMS Scotsman (P 243)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, William Lovett, USNUSS Thresher (200)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, Byron Samuel, USNUSS Conyngham (DD 371)
RNLt. Angell, John Peter, DSC, RNHMS H 34 (N 34), HMS Sea Rover (P 218), HMS Taku (N 38)
USNRCdr. Angelo, Jr., Alfred Heath, USNRUSS Patterson (DD 392)
USNT/Cdr. Antrim, Richard Nott, USNUSS Pope (i) (DD 225)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Appleton, Thomas Edward, RNVRHMS George Adgell (FY 1926), HMS Liberator (FY 1650), HMS Vatersay (T 378)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Armstrong, Cyril William, RNRHMS Worthing (J 72), HMS Cockatrice (J 229), HMS Fancy (J 308)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Armstrong, Robert, RNRHMS Derby County (FY 171), HMS Kingston Crystal (FY 216), HMS Lilac (T 26)
USNT/Cdr. Ashley, Jr., James Henry, USNUSS S-17 (122), USS Seadragon (194), USS Aspro (309)
USNT/Capt. Atkins, James George, USNUSS New Orleans (CA 32), USS Tuscaloosa (CA 37)
RNRA/Cdr. Ayre, Albert, DSO, RD, RNRHMS Scottish (FY 245), HMS Kingston Jacinth (4.45), HMS Primrose (K 91), HMS Lagan (K 259)
RNRT/Skr. Ayres, William Charles Mason, RNRHMS Ben Earn (FY 999)
RNCapt. Baker, Edmund Henry Buckingham, DSO, RNHMS Scott (J 79)
RNCapt. Baker-Cresswell, Addison Joe, DSO, RNHMS Arrow (H 42), HMS Bulldog (H 91), HMS Philante (4.12), HMS Caradoc (D 60)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ballard, Alfred Hunter, DSC, RNRHMS Le Tiger (FY 243), HMS Daneman (FY 123), HMS LST 3506 (LST 3506)
USNT/R.Adm. Ballentine, John Jennings, USNUSS Long Island (CVE 1), USS Bunker Hill (CV 17)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Banks, Frederick George William, RNRHMS Luda Lord (FY 776)
USNT/Capt. Barchet, Stephen George, USNUSS Argonaut (i) (166)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Barker, John Frederick, DSC, RNHMS Ardent (H 41)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Barker, George Dean, RNRHMS Alexandrite (FY 560), HMS Lois (FY 781), HMS MMS 1036 (FY 1036)
USNT/Cdr. Barnard, Jr., Harry Allan, USNUSS PC-1119 (PC-1119), USS PC-597 (PC-597), USS Dempsey (DE 26), USS Richard M. Rowell (DE 403), USS Sigsbee (DD 502)
USNT/Cdr. Barnes, Stanley Maitland, USNUSS Ludlow (DD 438)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Barnes, Sidney George, RNRHMS Lady Hogarth (4.89)
RNRCdr. Bartley, John Frederick Castle, DSC, OBE, RD, RNRHMS Kingston Galena (FY 145), HMS Nasturtium (K 107)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Batty, William Conyers, RNRHMS Cotsmuir (FY 550)
RCNRCdr. Baugh, Gerald Ormsby, OBE, RD, RCNRHMCS Alberni (K 103), HMCS St. Clair (I 65)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Baughan, Jr., Robert Louis, USNUSS Champlin (DD 601)
RNVRT/Lt. Baynes, Norman Kingsley, RNVRHMS Ayrshire (FY 225)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Beach, Jr., Edward Latimer, USNUSS Piper (409)
RANR(S)Lt. Beattie, Donald Leslie, RANR(S)HMAS Bowen (J 285)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Bell-Salter, Basil Owen, RNHMS Carthage (F 99), HMS Carthage (F 99)
RCNVRT/Lt. Belt, Richard James, RCNVRHMCS Loch Achanalt (K 424)
USN+Capt. Bennion, Mervyn Sharp, USNUSS West Virginia (BB 48)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Beverley, Herbert James, DSO, DSC, RNRHMS St. Kenan (FY 264), HMS Vetch (K 132), HMS Bideford (L 43 / U 43)
RNVRBevis, W B, RNVRHMS MMS 139 (J 639)
RN+Cdr. Bickford, Edward Oscar, DSO, RNHMS Salmon (N 65)
RNCapt. Biggs, Hilary Worthington, DSO, RNHMS Hero (H 99), HMS Rotherham (H 09)
RNRLt.Cdr. Billot, Godfrey Philip, DSO, RD, RNRHMS Hartland (Y 00)
RN+Cdr. (retired) Binnie, John Alexander, RN
RNVRT/Lt. Bishop, Edwin Maurice, RNVRHMS Cayrian (FY 791), HMS Protest (T 195)
RNRA/Cdr.(Retd.) Bishop, Frank Archibald Cleale, RNRHMS Empire Gauntlet (F 123)
RCNRT/Lt. Black, William, RCNRHMCS Chicoutimi (K 156)
RNLt. Blackmore, Lesley Edney, RNHMS Vivien (L 33), HMS Mendip (L 60)
USNV.Adm (Retd.) Blakely, Charles Adams, USN
USN+T/Cdr. Blue, John Stuart, USNUSS Palmer (DMS 5)
RNVRT/Lt. Boardman, Christopher Alan, RNVRHMS Snowdrop (K 67)
USNT/Cdr. Bock, Brainerd Norton, USNUSS Kanawha (AO 1), USS Kennebago (AO 81)
USN+Capt. Bode, Howard Douglas, USNUSS Oklahoma (BB 37), USS Chicago (i) (CA 29)
FR+Capitaine De Vaisseau Bouan, Jean Adolphe Roger, FRFR Bison
USNRLt.Cdr. Boud, Henry Wallace, USNRUSS Noa (i) (DD 343)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Bourland, Joseph Hunt, USNUSS Runner (i) (275)
RNCdr. (retired) Bower, Robert Tatton, RNHMS Fleur de Lys (K 122)
RNCapt. Bowes-Lyon, Ronald George, RNHMS Dragon (D 46), HMS Adventure (M 23)
RNLt.Cdr. Boyd, Robert, DSO, DSC, RNHMS L 23 (N 23), HMS H 43 (N 43), HMS Untiring (P 59), HMS Otway (N 51)
USNT/Cdr. Boyle, Francis Dennis, USNUSS Charr (328)
RNRT/Lt. Braa, Konrad Andreas, DSC, RNRHMS Skudd 5 (FY 1806)
RNVRT/A/Cdr. Bradford, Donald Gould , DSO, DSC, RNVRHMS MGB 617 (MGB 617)
RNRear-Admiral Bradley, Frederic Cyril, RNHMS Edinburgh (16), HMS Campbell (D 60)
USNT/Capt. Brady, Anthony Rodgers, USNUSS Takanis Bay (CVE 89)
RNRA/Cdr. Brammall, Harry Whittaker, DSO, DSC, RNRHMS Stonefly (FY 596), HMS Cayrian (FY 791), HMS Hydra (J 275)
RNVRT/Lt. Breen, Derric Armstrong, RNVRHMS Pict (FY 132)
RNRA/Cdr. Brett, Robert Ernest, DSO, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Goodwin (4.68), HMS Seaham (J 123)
RNR+Lt.Cdr. (retired) Bridgman, Clement Edward, DSO, RNRHMS Dianthus (K 95), HMS Itchen (K 227)
RNZNVRLt.Cdr. Bridson, Gordon, DSO, DSC, RNZNVRHMS Walnut (T 103), HMNZS Kiwi (T 102)
USNRLt.Cdr. Broaddus, Thomas Nash, USNRUSS Cates (DE 763)
USNT/Cdr. Brock, Fenelon Aveilhe, USNUSS McCormick (DD 223), USS Ingraham (ii) (DD 694)
RNLt. Bromage, John Henry, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Tribune (N 76), HMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Sahib (P 212)
RNLt. Brooks, Samuel Stanley, DSC, RNHMS Seadog (P 216), HMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Universal (P 57)
RNA/Capt. Broome, John Egerton, DSC, RNHMS Veteran (D 72), HMS Keppel (D 84 / I 84), HMS Begum (D 38)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Brown, Kennedy Blair Sylvester, OBE, RNVRHMS Vansittart (D 64)
USNT/Cdr. Brown, Jr., James Harvey, USNUSS Ammen (DD 527)
RNCdr. Brown, Cecil Powis Frobisher, DSC, RNHMS Gallant (H 59), HMS Hotspur (H 01), HMS Lookout (G 32), HMS Pickle (J 293)
USNT/Capt. Brown, William Drane, USNUSS Gregory (i) (APD 3), USS Nicholas (DD 449)
RNRSkr. Brown, Lewis Henry, RNRHMS Sarabande (T 125)
RNLt. Brunner, Robert Henry Hugh, DSC, RNHMS Sturgeon (N 73), HMS Unbending (P 37), HMS Otus (N 92), HMS Stratagem (P 234), HMS Terrapin (P 323)
RNCapt. Bryant, Benjamin, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Sealion (N 72), HMS Sealion (N 72), HMS Safari (P 211), HMS Montclare (F 85), HMS Cyclops (F 31), HMS Forth (F 04), HMS Adamant (F 64)
RANA/Capt. Buchanan, Alfred Edgar, DSO, RANHMAS Arunta (I 30)
USNT/Cdr. Bulkeley, John Duncan, USNUSS Endicott (DD 495), USS Stribling (DD 867)
USNT/Cdr. Bullen, Jr., Jacob Thompson, USNUSS Burns (DD 588), USS John A. Bole (DD 755)
RANVRA/Lt.Cdr. Burgess, John Nestle, RANVRHMS Bonito (T 231), HMS Stafnes (FY 192), HMS Duncton (T 220), HMS Odzani (K 356)
RCNRT/Skr.Lt. Burgess, Gerald Francis, RCNRHMCS Nootka (J 35)
USNT/Capt. Burke, Edward Joseph, USNUSS Simpson (DD 221), USS Plunkett (DD 431)
USNRLt.Cdr. Burns, Jr., John Scott, USNRUSS Thornton (AVD 11)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Burrows, Freeman Elkin, RCNVRHMCS Ingonish (J 69), HMCS Agassiz (K 129), HMCS Wallaceburg (J 336)
USNT/Capt. Burrows, Albert Collins, USNUSS McCormick (DD 223), USS Swordfish (193), USS Whale (239), USS Shenandoah (AD 26)
RNCapt. Bush, Eric Wheeler, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Euryalus (42), HMS Malaya (01)
RNCapt. Byas, Cyril William, RNHMS Arbiter (D 31)
RNVRT/Lt. Caird, Harry Williamson, RNVRHMS Pointz Castle (FY 630)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Calhoun, Jr., Charles Raymond, USNUSS Lamberton (DMS 2), USS Dewey (DD 349)
USN+R.Adm. Callaghan, Daniel Judson, USNUSS San Francisco (CA 38)
USNLt.Cdr. Callahan, Jr., Cornelius Patrick, USNUSS Bass (164), USS Barb (220)
RANVR+Lt.Cdr. Callaway, Arhur Henry, DSO, RANVRHMS Lady Shirley
RANVRLt. Callow, Christopher Mervyn, RANVRHMAS Kapunda (J 218), HMAS Cairns (J 183)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Campbell, Hugh, DSC, RCNRHMCS Fort William (J 311)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Campbell, James Ritchie Ballentyne, RNRHMS LST 319 (LST 319), HMS Nigella (K 19)
RCNVR+Lt.Cdr. Campbell, William Franklin, RCNVRHMCS Louisburg (i) (K 143)
RCNRT/Lt. Campsie, Henry Drummond, RCNRHMCS Trillium (K 172), HMCS Moosejaw (K 164)
RNVRT/Lt. Capper, Ingram Ord, RNVRHMS Kilchrenan (Z 04)
RCNRT/Lt. Carmichael, John Foggo, RCNRHMCS Kamsack (K 171)
USCGRLcmdr Carpenter, Albert John, USCGRUSS Sheboygan (PF-57)
RNLt.Cdr. Cartwright, Francis Jack, RNHMS Verdun (L 93), HMS Express (H 61)
RNCdr. Casement, Julius John, DSC, RNHMS Racehorse (H 11)
USNT/Cdr. Cassedy, Hiram, USNUSS Searaven (196), USS Tigrone (419)
RANVRT/Lt. Cassidy, Hugh Somerville, RANVRHMS MTB 295 (MTB 295)
RCNRT/Lt. Cassivi, Antoine Herbert, RCNRHMCS Raccoon
USN+Capt. Cecil, Charles Purcell, USNUSS Helena (i) (CL 50)
USNT/Capt. Chappell, Lucius Henry, USNUSS Sculpin (191)
USNRLt. Charles, Robert Gene, USNRUSS Oliver Mitchell (DE 417), USS Holt (DE 706)
RNLt.Cdr. Cheyne, Archibald Rider, RNHMS H 50 (N 50)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Childers, Charles Rowland Eardley, RNVRHMS Stella Pegasi (FY 155), HMS Amber (T 88), HMS Burra (T 158), HMS Bern (T 294)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Chisholm, Kenneth Taylor, RCNVRHMCS Port Arthur (K 233)
RNRT/Lt. Christie, George Brown, RNRHMS Hayling (T 271)
RNCdr. Christie, Arthur Edward Tolfrey, DSC, OBE, RNHMS Sheldrake (L 06 / K 06), HMS Malcolm (D 19), HMS Enchantress (L 56 / U 56)
RNLt.Cdr. Church, William John Patrick, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Fareham (J 89), HMS Hursley (L 84)
RNLt. Clark, Kenneth James, DSC, RNHMS Unswerving (P 63)
USN+T/Cdr. Clark, James Seerley, USNUSS Golet (361)
RNCdr. (retired) Clark, Edwin Bidder, RNHMS Bulolo (F 82)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Clark, Albert Hobbs, USNUSS Trout (202)
RNCapt. Clarke, Arthur Wellesley, DSO, RNHMS Sheffield (24), HMS Sheffield (24)
RNVRT/Lt. Clow, Ronald William, RNVRHMS Bergamot (K 189)
USNT/Cdr. Cole, Jr., Otis Robert, USNUSS O-8 (69), USS Dace (247)
RN+Lt. Cole-Hamilton, David Edmund, DSC, RNHMS Sikh (F 82)
RCNRT/Cdr. Coleman, Albert Robert Ernmest, RCNRHMCS The Pas (K 168), HMCS Moncton (K 139), HMCS Ville de Quebec (K 242)
RNRLt. Collier, Harold Malcolm, RNRHMS Anglia (4.62), HMS Valse (T 151), HMS Burdock (K 126)
RNVRT/Lt. Colling, Ralph, RNVRHMS MMS 53 (J 553), HMS BYMS 2011 (J 811)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Cook, Alfred Thomas, DSC, RNRHMS Royal Ulsterman (F 63)
RNVRT/Lt. Coombs, James Neville, RNVRHMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Otus (N 92)
USNRLt.Cdr. Copeland, Robert Witcher, USNRUSS Wyman (DE 38), USS Samuel B. Roberts (i) (DE 413)
RNCdr. Corbet-Singleton, Colin Henry, DSC, RNHMS Albury (J 41), HMS Felixstowe (J 126), HMS Halcyon (J 42), HMS Fort York (J 119), HMS Rinaldo (J 225)
USNCapt. Corn, William Anderson, USNUSS Whitney (AD 4), USS Pennsylvania (BB 38)
RNRT/Lt. Cornish, Albert Richard, RNRHMS Leicester City (FY 223), HMS Northern Pride (FY 105)
USNT/Capt. Cornwell, Delbert Strother, USNUSS Suwannee (CVE 27), USS Phillipine Sea (CV 47)
USNT/Cdr. Corwin, John Thomas, USNUSS Nashville (CL 43)
RNRCdr. Couch, George Witheridge, RD, RNRHMS Windermere (FY 207)
RNN(R)luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Coumou, Henry Christophe John, DSC, RNN(R)HNMS K XII (N 61), HNMS K IX (N 39), HNMS IJsselmonde (FY 1026), HNMS Wieringen (FY 1025)
USNT/Cdr. Coye, Jr., John Starr, USNUSS R-18 (95), USS Silversides (236)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Craig, John Richard, USNUSS R-17 (94), USS Grampus (i) (207)
USNCapt. Craven, Francis Sanderson, USNUSS Nashville (CL 43)
RNCapt. Crawford, John Stuart, DSO, RNHMS Zulu (F 18), HMS Menestheus (M 93), HMS Jervis (F 00)
RNA/Cdr. Crease, Thomas Crosbie, DSO, RNHMS Gossamer (J 63), HMS Catherine (J 12)
RNA/Rear-Admiral Creswell, George Hector, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Afridi (F 07), HMS Arethusa (26)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. Crighton, Hugh, RNRHMS Leyland (FY 103), HMS L' Atlantique (FY 362), HMS Guava (T 118)
USNT/Commodore Cronin, Joseph Campbell, USNUSS Tulagi (CVE 72)
RCNRT/Lt. Cross, Fergus, RCNRHMCS Chicoutimi (K 156), HMCS Pictou (K 146)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Crossley, Nigel John, RNHMS Gipsy (H 63)
RNLt. Cumming, Thomas, RNHMS Sabre (H 18)
RNRear-Admiral Cunninghame-Graham, Angus Edward Malise Bontine, RNHMS Kent (54)
USNT/Capt. Curley, Jr., John Joseph, USNUSS Neches (ii) (AO 47)
RNCdr. Currey, Edmund Neville Vincent, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Wrestler (D 35), HMS Bulldog (H 91), HMS Escapade (H 17), HMS Somali (F 33), HMS Musketeer (G 86)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Currie, Frederick Basil, RNHMS Regulus (i) (N 88)
RNCapt. Currie, Robert Alexander, DSC, RNHMS Fame (H 78), HMS Havelock (H 88), HMS Hesperus (H 57)
RNVRT/Lt. Curtis, John George Armitage, RNVRHMS Tewara (FY 526), HMS Pol IV (FY 702)
RNCdr. (retired) D'Arcy-Evans, Hardress Waller, RNHMS Erebus (I 02), HMS Empire Anvil (F 184)
RNCapt. (retired) Dane, Clement Richard, RNHMS Maloja (F 26)
RANVRCdr. Darling, Stanley, DSC, RANVRHMS Loch Oskaig (FY 175), HMS Inchmarnock (T 166), HMS Clarkia (K 88), HMS Loch Killin (K 391), HMS Loch Lomond (K 437)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Darrah, Frank Arnold, RNVRHMS Southern Pride (K 249), HMS Berkeley Castle (K 387)
USNT/Capt. Daspit, Lawrence Randall, USNUSS Shark (i) (174), USS Tinosa (283)
RNVRT/Lt. Davidson, R E, RNVRHMS Kintyre (T 165), HMS BYMS 2005 (J 805)
RNVice-Admiral (Retd.) Davies, Richard Bell, VC, DSO, RNHMS Dasher (D 37), HMS Pretoria Castle (F 61)
USN+T/Cdr. Davis, George Fleming, USNUSS Walke (ii) (DD 723)
USNCapt. Davis, Ward Percival, USNUSS Raleigh (CL 7)
USNT/Capt. Davis, Burton, USNUSS Patuxent (AO 44)
RNA/Cdr. (retired) Davis, Somerville Wentworth, RNHMCS Columbia (I 49)
RNCdr. Dawnay, Peter, DSC, RNHMS Liverpool (11)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Day, Arthur George, RNRHMS Turcoman (FY 130), HMS Kingston Jacinth (4.45), HMS Wistaria (T 113), HMS Grenadier (T 334), HMS Minalto (T 362)
RNCdr. Day, Edward Campbell Lacy, DSO, RNHMS Watchman (D 26), HMS Highlander (H 44)
USNT/Capt. de Baun, George Harbord, USNUSS Tangier (AV 8), USS Cowpens (CVL 25)
RNNluitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.) de Blocq van Kuffeler, Frans, RNNHNMS Gruno (F 81), HNMS Ameland (FY 231)
RNCdr. de Chair, Henry Graham Dudley, DSC, RNHMS Thracian (D 86), HMS Vimy (D 33), HMS Venus (R 50)
RNCdr. (emergency) de Mauny, Victor Alexander Christian Henry George, RNHMS Saltburn (J 58), HMS Saltburn (J 58), HMS Mallard (L 42 / K 42), HMS Impulsive (D 11)
RNCdr. de St. Croix, Bernard Jasper, DSC, RNHMS Aberdeen (L 97 / U 97), HMS Salisbury (I 52), HMS Tanatside (L 69)
RNCapt. de Winton, Francis Stephen Walter, RNHMS Keppel (D 84 / I 84), HMS Rotherham (H 09), HMS Rotherham (H 09)
USNT/Commodore Dees, Randall Euesta, USNUSS Winslow (DD 359), USS Pensacola (CA 24)
RNCapt. Dendy, Ronald John Robert, RNHMS Coventry (D 43)
RNCdr. (retired) Dennis, Stratford Hercules, DSC, RNHMS Princess Astrid (4.226), HMS Prince Charles (4.120)
RNRear-Admiral Denny, Michael Maynard, RNHMS Kenya (14), HMS Victorious (38)
RNRT/Skr. Denton, George John William, RNRHMS BYMS 2012 (J 812)
RNCdr. Dewhurst, Ronald Hugh, DSO, RNHMS Rorqual (N 74), HMS Amphion (P 439)
RNLt. Dickson, John Egbert Falls, RNHMS Unsparing (P 55)
USNT/Commodore Dillon, Wallace Myron, USNUSS Langley (CVL 27)
USNT/Capt. Doan, Henry Carpenter, USNUSS Rockaway (AVP 29), USS Curtiss (AV 4)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Doggett, Burton Lee, USNUSS Gilmer (DD 233)
USNT/Capt. Donaho, Glynn Robert, USNUSS R-14 (91), USS Flying Fish (229), USS Flying Fish (229), USS Picuda (382)
USNCapt. Douglas, Archibald Hugh, USNUSS Saratoga (CV 3)
USNT/Capt. Douglas, Alexander Dean, USNUSS Fulton (AS 11)
USNT/Capt. Doyle, Austin Kelvin, USNUSS Nassau (CVE 16), USS Hornet (ii) (CV 12)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Drijfhout Van Hooff, Jacob Frans, RNNHNMS O 9 (P 09), HNMS K XIV (N 22), HNMS O 19 (N 54)
RN+Lt. Drummond, James Ralph, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 32 (N 32), HMS Sickle (P 224)
RNRLt. du Boisson, Harold William, RNRHMS Beryl (T 34), HMS Beryl (T 34), HMS Beryl (T 34), HMS Beryl (T 34)
RNA/Capt. (retired) Dunbar, Ronald Ernest Cotton, RNHMS Alresford (J 06), HMS Roberts (F 40)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Duncan, Jr., Greer Assheton, USNUSS S-23 (128)
RNRear-Admiral Dundas, John George Lawrence, RNHMS Nigeria (60)
USNT/Capt. Dunn, Joseph Brantley, USNUSS Bogue (CVE 9), USS Antietam (CV 36)
USNT/Capt. Durgin, Edward Robison, USNUSS Niblack (DD 424)
RNRear-Admiral Durnford, John Walter, RNHMS Suffolk (55), HMS Resolution (09)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. (retired) Durrant, Edwin Tom, RD, RNRHMS Friendship (J 398), HMS Moon (ii) (J 329)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Dutton, Wilfred Louis Gerard, RNRHMS Cape Nyemetzki (FY 670), HMS Poole (J 147), HMS Speedy (J 17)
USNT/Capt. Duvall, William Howard, USNUSS Macomb (DD 458)
USNT/Capt. Dye, Sr., Williston Lamar, USNUSS Carmick (DD 493)
ORPKmdr. (Capt.) Dzienisiewicz, Stanislaw Tytus, ORPORP Gryf, ORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Dragon (D 46), ORP Conrad (D 44)
RNCdr. Eaden, John Henry, DSC, RNHMS Spearfish (N 69), HMS Venetia (D 53), HMS Utmost (N 19), HMS Upright (N 89), HMS Walpole (D 41), HMS Inconstant (H 49), HMS Inconstant (H 49), HMS Chelmer (K 221), HMS Caradoc (D 60), HMS Gorleston (Y 92)
RNCdr. Eames, William Edward James, DSC, RNHMS Veteran (D 72), HMS Pheasant (U 49)
RNLt.Cdr. Ecclestone, Alec, RNHMS Bootle (J 143), HMS Persian (J 347)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Eden, Rodney James Murray, RNVRHMS Tokyo II (FY 778), HMS Swansea Castle (FY 1817), HMS Swansea Castle (FY 1817), HMS Ensay (T 216)
RNLt. Edge-Partington, Thomas Keppel, RNHMS Lowestoft (L 59 / U 59)
RNVRLt. Edlin, Anthony Michael, RNVRHMS Loring (K 565)
USNT/Capt. Edsall, Warner Ryerson, USNUSS S-34 (139), USS Melvin (DD 680)
USNT/Capt. Eller, Donald Temple, USNUSS Burns (DD 588)
RNVRT/Lt. Ellerby, Christopher Wingfield, RNVRHMS Libyan (FY 1800), HMS MMS 28 (J 528)
RNR+Skr.Lt. Ellis, Alfred Daniel, RD, RNRHMS Michael Griffiths (FY 567), HMS Marsona (FY 714)
RNRT/A/Cdr. Ellis, Robert Wilson, DSC, RNRHMS Seagull (J 85), HMS Lyme Regis (ii) (J 193)
RCNR+T/A/Lt.Cdr. English, Dermot Thomas, RCNRHMCS Mulgrave (J 313), HMCS Valleyfield (K 329)
RNCapt. Enright, Philip King, RNHMS Cardiff (D 58), HMS Cumberland (57)
USNRCaptain Eppelman, George Hackett, USNRUSS White Marsh (LSD 8)
RNREvans, Cyril, RNRHMS Flanders (FY 600), HMS Dalmatia (FY 844), HMS De La Pole (FY 558)
USN+T/Cdr. Evans, Ernest Edwin, USNUSS Alden (DD 211), USS Johnston (i) (DD 557)
RNA/Capt. Everard, Michael, RNHMS Hawkins (D 86), HMS Hawkins (D 86), HMS Caradoc (D 60), HMS Sussex (96)
RNCdr. (retired) Everitt, William Gordon, RNHMS MA/SB 6 (MA/SB 6)
RNCdr. Evershed, Walter, DSO, RNHMS Wivern (D 66), HMS Vansittart (D 64), HMS Jersey (F 72)
RNVREvitt, C J V, RNVRHMS ML 879 (ML 879)
USNT/R.Adm. Fahrion, Frank George, USNUSS Warrington (i) (DD 383), USS North Carolina (BB 55)
USNFahy, Richard T., USNUSS Seal (183)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Fairbairn, Joseph Trone Hindmarsh, RNRHMS Olvina (FY 154), HMS Windermere (FY 207), HMS Southern Wave (FY 325), HMS Southern Wave (FY 325), HMS Sarabande (T 125)
RNCdr. Farnfield, Gilbert Lescombe, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Defender (H 07), HMS Quality (G 62)
USNRLt Feak, Clifford Donald, USNRUSS Stadtfeld (DE 29)
USNT/Capt. Ferrall, William Edward, USNUSS Seadragon (194)
USNT/Capt. Ferriter, Charles Arthur, USNUSS Whippoorwill (AM 35)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Firth, Maurice Murrowood, RNVRHMS Vizalma (FY 286), HMS Gardenia (K 99), HMS Nasturtium (K 107)
RNCapt. Fisher, Ralph Lindsay, DSC, DSC, OBE, RNHMS Wakeful (i) (H 88), HMS Musketeer (G 86)
RNRFiske, Ernest Lubbock, RNRHMS Desiree
RNRLt. Fitzmaurice, Wilfred Vere, DSC, RNRHMS Ouse (T 80)
USNT/Cdr. Fleck, Jr., Francis Edward, USNUSS Champlin (DD 601), USS Stickell (DD 888)
USN+Capt. Fleming, Robert Walton, USNUSS Hatfield (DD 231), USS New Mexico (BB 40)
RNRT/Skr. Fletcher, Arthur Addison, RNRHMS War Duke (FY 582)
USNT/Cdr. Fluckey, Eugene Bennett, USNUSS Barb (220)
USNT/Cdr. Foley, Joseph Ferrall, USNUSS Rodman (DD 456)
USNT/Capt. Foley, Robert Joseph, USNUSS Gato (212)
USNLt.Cdr. Forbes, Jr., George Woodruff, USNUSS S-23 (128), USS Bluefish (222), USS Torsk (423)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Forbes, John Hay, DSO, RNHMS Spearfish (N 69)
RNLt. Foster, Roy Bowmaker, DSC, RNHMS H 50 (N 50), HMS P 512 (P 512)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Fowler, Gerald Ducat, RNRHMS Aubretia (K 96), HMS LST 3534 (LST 3534)
RNLt.Cdr. Fraser, David Alexander, RNHMS Oswald (N 58)
USNLt Cmdr Frazee, Murray Bennett, USNUSS Gar (206)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Freeman, James Robert, RNRHMS Verbena (K 85), HMS Knaresborough Castle (K 389), HMS Caledon (D 53)
RNR+Lt. Frost, Ronald Sycamore, RNR
USNT/Cdr. Fulghum, Benjamin Cornelius, USN
USNT/Cdr. Fulp, Jr., James Douglas, USNUSS Segundo (398)
USNT/Cdr. Fulton, Raymond Lester, USNUSS Craven (DD 382), USS Dyess (DD 880)
USNT/Cdr. Fyfe, John Kerr, USNUSS Batfish (310)
RNRLt.Cdr. Gadd, Kenneth Arthur, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Ross (J 45), HMS Clinton (J 286)
RNVRLt.Cdr. Gage, John Fitzhardinge Berkeley, RNVRHMS Bagshot (J 57)
USNT/Capt. Gaines, Richard Kenna, USNUSS Intrepid (CV 11)
USNT/Cdr. Gallaher, Antone Renkl, USNUSS R-13 (90), USS Bang (385)
USNT/Capt. Gallery, Jr., Daniel Vincent, USNUSS Guadalcanal (CVE 60), USS Hancock (CV 19)
USNT/Capt. Gallery, Philip Daly, USNUSS Jenkins (DD 447)
RNA/Cdr. (retired) Gandy, Gerard Horace, RNHMS Cicala (T 71), HMS MTB 10 (MTB 10), HMS Kingfisher (L 70 / K 70)
USNT/Cdr. Gardner, Jr., Earle Grace, USNUSS McFarland (AVD 14)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Garrett, Jr., Floyd Bruce, USNUSS Monaghan (DD 354)
USNT/R.Adm. Gatch, Thomas Leigh, USNUSS South Dakota (BB 57)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Gavin, Robert William, USNUSS Durik (DE 666)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibbons, James, RNRHMS Bootle (J 143)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Gill, Norman Frederick René, DSC, RNRHMS Bellwort (K 114), HMS Calpe (L 71)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gilmore, William James, RCNVRHMCS Kentville (J 312), HMCS Parry Sound (K 341)
USN+Cdr. Gilmore, Howard Walter, USNUSS S-48 (159), USS Growler (215)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gladstone, Gerald Cecil, RNVRHMS Newark (G 08)
RN+Cdr. Glasfurd, Charles Eric, RNHMS Kempenfelt (i) (I 18), HMS Acasta (H 09)
RCNR+T/A/Lt.Cdr. Golby, Thomas Maitland Wake, RCNRHMCS Weyburn (K 173)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Goodfellow, Francis Truman, DSC, RNVRHMS MTB 71 (MTB 71), HMS MTB 685 (MTB 685), HMS MTB 702 (MTB 702)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Goossens, Hendrikus Abraham Waldemar, RNNHNMS O 11, HNMS O 9 (P 09), HNMS O 14 (N 14 / P 14), HNMS Zwaardvisch (P 322)
RANLt. Gordon, Gilbert Sutherland, RANHMAS Castlemaine (J 244), HMAS Vendetta (D 69)
RN+Lt. Gould, Philip Francis Stewart, DSC, RNHMS MGB 622 (MGB 622), HMS MGB 640 (MGB 640), HMS MGB 639 (MGB 639)
USNT/Cdr. Gragg, John Blair, USNUSS Roper (DD 147), USS O'Brien (ii) (DD 725)
RCNCapt. Grant, Harold Taylor Wood, DSO, RCNHMCS Skeena (D 59), HMS Diomede (D 92), HMS Enterprise (D 52), HMCS Ontario (53)
RNRA/Commodore ( Grant, Brian Borthwick, RD, RNRHMS Glengyle (4.196)
USNT/Cdr. Grant, James Donald Livingston, USNUSS Greenling (213), USS Toro (422)
RNCapt. Grantham, Guy, DSO, RNHMS Phoebe (43), HMS Naiad (93), HMS Cleopatra (33), HMS Indomitable (92)
RNRGray, Ronald Carlile, RNRHMS Cordela (FY 713)
RNVRT/Lt. Greaves, Robert Charles Ley, RNVRHMS Moonstone (T 90)
RNR+Skr. Green, William, RNRHMS Kingston Cornelian (FY 121)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Greenway, George Henry, RNHMS Rover (N 62), HMS Tetrarch (N 77)
USNT/Capt. Grenfell, Elton Watters, USNUSS Gudgeon (211), USS Tunny (282)
RNCdr. Gretton, Peter William, DSO, DSC, OBE, RNHMS Sabre (H 18), HMS Wolverine (D 78), HMS Duncan (D 99), HMS Vidette (D 48)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Grider, George William, USNUSS Flasher (249)
RNVRLt.Cdr. Grieve, R J D C, RNVRHMS LST 331 (LST 331)
USNT/Cdr. Griffith, Walter Thomas, USNUSS O-2 (63), USS Bowfin (287), USS Bullhead (332)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Griffiths, William Joseph, RNRHMS Whitethorn (T 127), HMS Columbine (K 94)
RNN+luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Groeneveld, Carel Adrianus Johannes van Well, DSO, RNNHNMS K XVIII, HNMS K XIV (N 22), HNMS K XVIII
RCNLt.Cdr. Groos, Harold Victor William, RCNHMCS Orillia (K 119), HMCS St. Francis (I 93), HMCS Gatineau (H 61), HMCS Huron (G 24)
RCNLt.Cdr. Grubb, Frederick Ernest, RCNHMCS Moosejaw (K 164)
ORP+Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Grudzinski, Jan, DSO, ORPORP Orzel (85 A)
USNCapt. Gulbranson, Clarence, USN
RNZNVRT/Lt. Gunson, William Wallace, RNZNVRHMNZS Maimai (T 338)
USNT/Cdr. Gurnette, Byron Lawrence, USNUSS Hilary P. Jones (DD 427), USS Gleaves (DD 423), USS Hugh Purvis (DD 709)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Hackett, Douglas Herbert, RNVRHMS Bouvet 2 (FY 1695), HMS Bouvet 1 (FY 1693), HMS MMS 113 (J 613)
USNT/Cdr. Hagberg, Oscar Emil, USNUSS S-16 (121), USS Albacore (218)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Halbert, William Eric, DSC, RNRHMS Romney (J 77), HMS Whitehaven (J 121), HMS Postillion (J 296)
USNT/Capt. Hall, Grover Budd Hartley, USNUSS Charger (CVE 30), USS Enterprise (CV 6)
RNRLt. Hamilton, Timothy Walter Beamish Pollock, RNRHMS Clarkia (K 88)
RNLt. Hamilton-Meikle, Evelyn Francis, RNHMS Leeds (G 27), HMS Melbreak (L 73)
RNLt. Hammer, Charles Henry, RNHMS Ultimatum (P 34), HMS Visigoth (P 76)
RN+Capt. Hampton, Thomas Claud, RNHMS Carlisle (D 67)
USNRHannum, 3rd, John Berne, USNRUSS PC-1243 (PC-1243), USS PCE(R)-857 (PCE(R)-857)
USNT/Cdr. Hansen, James Richard, USNUSS Morrison (DD 560)
RN+Lt. Harbottle, John Wychard, RNHMS Wivern (D 66)
RNRLt.Cdr. Harkness, Archibald Ferguson, DSC, OBE, RD, RNRHMS Skudd 3, HMS Wolborough (FY 223), HMS Gloxinia (K 22), HMS Tetcott (L 99), HMS Urchin (ii) (R 99)
USNT/Cdr. Harral, Brooks Jared, USNUSS S-17 (122), USS Ray (271)
USNLcmdr Harris, David Lombard, USNUSS Maury (DD 401), USS Charles J. Badger (DD 657), USS Putnam (DD 757)
RNLt.Cdr. Hart, Raymond, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Vidette (D 48), HMS Vidette (D 48), HMS Havelock (H 88), HMS Conn (K 509)
RINRA/Lt.Cdr. Hart, George Meredith, RINRHMIS Kalavati (4.158), HMIS Ramdas (4.111), HMIS Bengal (J 243)
USNT/Capt. Hartung, Richard Renwick, USNUSS Wyoming (AG 17), USS Chicago (ii) (CA 136)
RNRSkr.Lt. Harwood, John Edward, RD, RNRHMS Lord Wakefield (FY 170), HMS Inchcolm (T 18), HMS Kingston Topaz (4.31)
USNT/Cdr. Haskins, Enrique D`Hamel, USNUSS S-23 (128), USS R-10 (87), USS Guitarro (363)
USNRCdr. Hasse, Lawrence John, USNRUSS Chikaskia (AO 54)
USNT/Cdr. Hauck, Philip Frederick, USNUSS Bennett (DD 473)
USNT/Capt. Hawes, Richard Ellington, USNUSS Pigeon (ASR 6), USS Chanticleer (ASR 7), USS Anthedon (AS 24)
RNVRLt. Hawkins, Alan Alfred, RNVRHMS Burnet (K 348)
RNLt. Hay, Tempest, RNHMS Waldegrave (K 579)
RNVRT/Lt. Haynes, John Gregory, RNVRHMS Morris Dance (T 117)
RNCapt. Heathcote, Ralph, DSO, RNHMS Reading (G 71), HMS Ajax (22), HMS Fame (H 78), HMS Orion (85)
USNCapt. Heffernan, John Baptist, USNUSS Ellis (DD 154), USS Tennessee (BB 43)
RNA/Capt. (retired) Hemming, Arthur Vernon, RNHMS Bath (I 17), HMS Pretoria Castle (F 61)
RNCapt. Henderson, Harold Pitcairn, RNHMS Black Swan (L 57 / U 57), HMS Venomous (D 75), HMS Boadicea (H 65), HMS Harvester (H 19), HMS Philoctetes (F 134), HMS Jervis (F 00), HMS Grenville (ii) (R 97), HMS Grenville (ii) (R 97)
RNLt. Hennessy, Brian John, RNHMS P 555 (P 555)
USNT/Capt. Herron, Edwin Warren, USNUSS Pruitt (DM 22), USS Hutchins (DD 476)
RNVRT/Lt. Hewett, William Geoffrey, DSC, RNVRHMS Liberia (FY 1826), HMS Basset (T 68)
USNT/Capt. Hibbs, William, USNUSS Trinity (AO 13), USS Wichita (CA 45)
RCNRA/Lt.Cdr. Hickey, Lester Alton, RCNRHMCS Arrowhead (K 145), HMCS Arrowhead (K 145), HMCS Victoriaville (K 684)
USNT/Capt Hicks, Rex Legrande, USNUSS Louisville (CA 28)
RNA/Cdr. (retired) Hill, Rupert Christopher Oswald , RNHMS Empire Arquebus (F 170)
RCNRT/Skr.Lt. Hines, Walter Kenneth Stanley, RCNRHMCS Elk (S 05)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Hingson, James Monroe, USNUSS Sargo (188), USS Diodon (349)
RNRHjelle, Mathias, RNRHMS Thorvard
USNT/Cdr. Hobbs, George Orrin, USNUSS Earle (DD 635)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. (T/A/Skr.Lt.) Hodge, Jonathan Carne, RNRHMS Earl Essex (FY 852), HMS Remexo (FY 875), HMS St. Minver (FY 725), HMS Sir Geraint (T 240), HMS MMS 253 (J 753), HMS BYMS 2045 (J 845)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Hodgson, Ronald, RNVRHMS Professor (T 189)
USNRLt.Cdr. Hoffmann, Thomas Howard, USNRUSS Anacostia (AO 94)
USNT/Cdr. Hogan, Jr., Thomas Wesley, USNUSS Bonefish (223)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Hogendoorn, Jacobus Johannes, RNNHNMS Jan van Brakel (M 80), HNMS Gruno (F 81), HNMS Soemba (T 199)
RNR+Lt.Cdr. Holland, Raymond Spurr, RD, RNRHMS Polyanthus (K 47), HMS Mourne (K 261)
RNR+T/A/Lt.Cdr. Hopkins, Frank Clifford, DSC, RNRHMS Fandango (T 107), HMS Hyacinth (K 84), HMS La Flore
RNA/Cdr. Hopkins, Jack Gethin, RNHMS Porpoise (N 14), HMS Taku (N 38), HMS Truant (N 68), HMS Thorough (P 324), HMS Rover (N 62), HMS Slinger (D 26)
RANR(S)Lt. Hopper, Kenneth James, RANR(S)HMAS Colac (J 242)
RNLt.Cdr. Horncastle, Richard, RNHMS Witherington (D 76), HMS Verity (D 63), HMS Inglefield (D 02), HMS Hardy (ii) (R 08), HMS Wessex (ii) (R 78)
USNT/Capt. Hoskins, John Madison, USNUSS Princeton(ii) (CV 37)
USNCdr. Howard, George Turner, USN
RNRT/Lt. Howard, Henry Vincent, RNRHMS Wigan (FY 1583)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Howard, Francis, DSC, RNHMS Hector (F 45)
USNT/Capt. Howe, Hamilton Wilcox, USNUSS Roper (DD 147), USS Earle (DD 635)
ORP+Kmdr.por. (Cdr.) Hryniewiecki, Stanislaw, ORPORP Gryf, ORP Blyskawica (H 34), ORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Orkan (G 90)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Hunt, George Edward, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 33 (N 33), HMS H 50 (N 50), HMS Ultor (P 53), HMS Taku (N 38)
RNRT/Skr. Husband, John Francis Reynolds, RNRHMS Inchgower (FY 735)
USNRLt Hutchins, Charles Harris, USNRUSS Borie (i) (DD 215), USS J. Fred Talbott (DD 156), USS Doran (DD 634)
USNT/Cdr. Hutchins, 3rd, Thomas Boyd, USNUSS Lawrence (DD 250), USS Abner Read (DD 526)
RNCapt. Hutton, Reginald Maurice James, DSO, RNHMS Laforey (G 99), HMS Tyne (F 24)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Impey, Michael Elijah, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Spey (K 246), HMS Taff (K 637)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ingram, Ralph Thomas, RCNRHMCS Gaspe (J 94), HMCS Gaspe (J 94), HMCS Melville (J 263)
USNT/Cdr. Innis, Walter Deane, USNUSS Bering Strait (AVP 34)
USN+T/Capt. Isbell, Arnold Jay, USNUSS Card (CVE 11)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Israel, Neil Frederick, DSC, RNRHMS Dianthus (K 95), HMS Keats (K 482)
USNT/Cdr. Iverson, Clifton, USNUSS Dunlap (DD 384), USS Hawkins (DD 873)
USNT/Capt. Jackson, Charles, USNUSS Morris (DD 417), USS Morris (DD 417)
RANA/Cdr. James, Frederick Ross, RANHMS Kanimbla (F 23)
RNRLt. Jeffery, William Richard Hugh, RNRHMS Shearwater (L 39 / K 39)
RNCdr. Jenkins, Humphrey Leoline, DSC, RNHMS Larne (ii) (J 274), HMS Welfare (J 356)
RNVRT/Lt. Jequier, Philip Winton, RNVRHMS Busen 4 (FY 1572), HMS Norse (FY 1628), HMS Lingay (T 423)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Jermain, Denis, DSC, RNHMS MTB 309 (MTB 309), HMS MTB 315 (MTB 315), HMS MTB 31 (MTB 31), HMS Manners (K 568), HMS Duckworth (K 351)
RNCdr. Jessel, Richard Frederick, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Legion (G 74), HMS Mackay (D 70), HMS Zealous (R 39)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Jinks, Sidney George, RNRHMS Pentland Firth (FY 108), HMS Terje 2 (FY 315), HMS Lindisfarne (T 361), HMS Lord Stanhope (FY 163)
RNCdr. Jocelyn, Robert William, RNHMS Achates (i) (H 12), HMS Panther (G 41), HMS Quality (G 62)
RNVRT/Lt. Johns, John Francis, DSC, RNVRHMS George D. Irvin, HMS Cayrian (FY 791), HMS Clevella (FY 678)
USNT/Capt. Johnson, Rudolf Lincoln, USNUSS Independence (CVL 22)
RNVRT/Lt. Joiner, Leonard William, RNVRHMS Hektor 7, HMS MMS 85 (J 585)
RNRCdr. Jones, John Treasure, RD, RNRHMS Sunflower (K 41), HMS Wellington (L 65 / U 65), HMS Bayntun (K 310), HMS Dart (K 21)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Jones, G B, RNVRHMS MMS 66 (J 566)
RNCapt. Jones, Basil, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Ivanhoe (D 16), HMS Isis (D 87), HMS Pakenham (G 06), HMS Isis (D 87), HMS Tartar (F 43)
USNCapt. Jones, Edward Harral, USNUSS Bailey (i) (DD 269), USS Augusta (CA 31)
RNZNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Julian, Geoffrey Court, RNZNVRHMS Dacres (K 472), HMS Mounsey (K 569), HMS Starling (U 66)
USNT/Capt. Kabler, William Leverette, USNUSS Heron (AVP 2)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Karnicki, Borys, DSO, ORPORP Wilk (N 63), ORP Sokol (N 97), ORP Sokol (N 97)
USNT/Capt. Karpe, Eugene Simon, USNUSS Whipple (DD 217), USS Boyle (DD 600), USS Charrette (DD 581)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. Keable, Arthur, RNRHMS Brimness (FY 254), HMS Terje 2 (FY 315), HMS Terje 5 (FY107)
USNT/Cdr. Kefauver, Russell, USNUSS Tambor (198), USS Springer (414)
RCNRT/Lt. Kelly, George, DSC, RCNRHMCS Fort William (J 311)
RNRLt.Cdr. Kelly, George Dudley, RD, RNRHMS Cape Comorin (FY 143), HMS LST 216 (LST 216), HMS Duke of Wellington (4.400), HMS LST 1021 (LST 1021)
USNRLt. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, USNRUSS PT 109, USS PT 59
RNRLt. Kent, Arthur Horace, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Starwort (K 20), HMS Moyola (K 260), HMS Perim (K 593), HMS Barbados (K 504)
RN+Capt. Kerr, Ralph, RNHMS Broke (D 83), HMS Hood (51)
RNCapt.(Retd.) Kershaw, Cecil Ashworth, RNHMS Queen Emma (4.180), HMS Alaunia (F 17), HMS Bulolo (F 82)
RNRLt. Kett, William Hedley, DSC, RNRHMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Ultimatum (P 34), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS Taku (N 38), HMS Tactician (P 314)
RCNRT/Cdr. King, Clarence Aubrey, DSO, DSC, RCNRHMCS Saskatoon (K 158), HMCS Nipigon (J 154), HMCS Oakville (K 178), HMCS Swansea (K 328), HMCS Runnymede (K 678)
RNCdr. King, William Donald Aelian, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Snapper (N 39), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Telemachus (P 321)
RNCapt. King, Henry Alexander, DSO, RNHMS Kashmir (F 12), HMS Nigeria (60)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kingsmill, Walter Juchereau, RCNVRHMCS Blairmore (J 314), HMCS Long Branch (K 487), HMCS Kokanee (K 419)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Kirkby, Geoffrey John, DSC, RNHMS Melbreak (L 73)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Kirkpatrick, Henry Leonard Ivers, OBE, RNHMS Carthage (F 99)
USNT/Cdr. Kirkpatrick, Charles Cochran, USNUSS Triton (201), USS Shea (DM 30)
USNRKlatt, Albert Arthur, USNRUSS PC-1173 (PC-1173), USS PCE-884 (PCE-884)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Knight, Richard James, RNRHMS Norland (FY 1561), HMS Norland (FY 1561)
USNT/Cdr. Koenig, Joseph William, USNUSS Maury (DD 401)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Kruys, Willem Jan, RNNHNMS Tjerk Hiddes (ii) (G 16)
RNLt. Lachlan, Peter Graham, RNHMS Keppel (D 84 / I 84)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Lade, Henry Ernest, RCNRHMCS Clayoquot (J 174), HMCS Hepatica (K 159)
RNCdr. Lambert, Geoffrey Thornton, RNHMS Foresight (H 68)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Lambert, George Solon, USNUSS Buck (DD 420)
RNLt. Lancaster, Thomas William, DSC, RNHMS Una (N 87), HMS Walker (D 27)
RANVRT/Lt. Langley, Robert John, RANVRHMS Kingston Agate (FY 212)
USNT/Capt. Laning, Caleb Barrett, USNUSS Hutchins (DD 476)
RCNVRLt.Cdr. LaRue, Georges Albert, RCNVRHMS Epine (FY 682), HMCS Swansea (K 328)
RNLt. Lascelles, Oliver, DSC, RNHMS Unruffled (P 46), HMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Unbending (P 37)
USNT/Cdr. Latham, Richard Clark, USNUSS S-15 (120), USS O-7 (68), USS Tinosa (283)
USN+T/Cdr. Latta, Frank Devere, USNUSS Ortolan (ASR 5), USS Narwhal (167), USS Lagarto (371)
USNT/Cdr. Lee, John Elwood, USNUSS S-12 (117), USS Grayling (209), USS Croaker (246)
RNCdr. Lewis, Roger Curzon, DSO, OBE, RNHMS Lioness (J 377)
USNT/Capt. Lewis, Jack Hayden, USNUSS S-34 (139), USS Thomas (i) (DD 182), USS Trigger (237), USS Swordfish (193), USS Dragonet (293)
RNVRLightroller, F R, RNVRHMS MGB 603 (MGB 603)
USNRCdr. Lind, Alfred L, USNRUSS Currier (DE 700)
RN+Cdr. Linton, John Wallace, VC, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Pandora (N 42), HMS Turbulent (N 98)
RNRT/Lt.Cdr. Litster, Alexander Cumming, DSC, RNRHMS Angle (FY 201)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Lloyd, John Sydney Hamilton, RNVRHMS Arab (FY 202), HMS Gentian (K 90), HMS LST 3515 (LST 3515)
RANVRA/Lt.Cdr. Lobb, John Vernon, RANVRHMS Cape Portland (FY 246), HMS Stella Carina (FY 352)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Longbottom, Brian Cochrane, RNHMS Whitesand Bay (K 633)
RNCapt. Longley-Cook, Eric William Longley, DSO, RNHMS Caradoc (D 60), HMS Argonaut (61), HMS Argonaut (61)
USNT/Cdr. Lord, 3rd, Edwin Elmer, USNUSS Sturtevant (i) (DD 240), USS Benson (DD 421)
RNVRT/Lt. Lovelock, Pearce Trewhella, DSC, RNVRHMS Pladda (T 144)
USNT/R.Adm. Low, Francis Stuart, USNUSS Wichita (CA 45)
USNT/Cdr. Lucas, Jr., Frederick Colby, USNUSS R-2 (79), USS Billfish (286), USS Caiman (323)
RNVRT/Lt. Lummis, Dennis Herbert, DSC, RNVRHMS MGB 638 (MGB 638)
RNVRLynn, Roy Frank, RNVRHMS ML 113 (ML 113)
RNRLt.Cdr. MacFie, Archibald Frederick, OBE, RD, RNRHMS Derby (J 90), HMS Lossie (K 303)
USNT/Cdr. MacGregor, 3rd, Edgar John, USNUSS R-18 (95), USS Shad (235)
RNCdr. MacIntyre, Donald George Frederick Wyville, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Venomous (D 75), HMS Hesperus (H 57), HMS Walker (D 27), HMS Hesperus (H 57), HMS Bickerton (K 466)
RN+Rear-Admiral Mack, Philip John, DSO, RNHMS Jervis (F 00), HMS Janus (F 53), HMS Jervis (F 00), HMS King George V (41)
RNLt.Cdr. Mackenzie, Hugh Stirling, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 28 (N 28), HMS H 43 (N 43), HMS Thrasher (N 37), HMS Tantalus (P 318)
RNRA/Cdr. Mackenzie, Angus Alexander, RD, RNRHMS Goodwin (4.68), HMS Vimiera (L 29), HMS Liddesdale (L 100), HMS Undaunted (ii) (R 53)
RCNRT/Lt. MacKinnon, John Allister, RCNRHMCS Llewellyn (J 278)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Mackintosh, James Crosskill, RCNVRHMS Ben Heilem (FY 765), HMS Postillion (J 296), HMS Scaraway (T 425)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Macleod, Morice Grant, RNHMS Valorous (L 00)
RNRSkr. Macleod, Murdo, RNRHMS Beaumaris Castle (FY 993), HMS Daniel Clowden (FY 531)
USNRLt.Cdr. MacNish, Charles F, USNRUSS Bangust (DE 739)
RN+Lt. (retired) Macpherson, Martin Hugh, RNHMS Northern Gift (4.50), HMS Northern Rover (4.58)
RNLt. MacVie, Francis Elliott, DSC, RN
RNCdr. Maitland-Makgill-Crichton, David Hugh, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Express (H 61), HMS Boreas (H 77), HMS Ithuriel (H 05), HMS Venomous (D 75), HMS Jervis (F 00)
RNLt.Cdr. Malins, Charles Wickham, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Bridlington (J 65), HMS Easton (L 09), HMS Pathfinder (G 10), HMS Myngs (R 06), HMS Savage (G 20)
USNT/Capt. Malstrom, Alvin Ingersoll, USNUSS Sangamon (CVE 26), USS Tarawa (CV 40)
RNLt.Cdr. Manners, John Errol, DSC, RNHMS Eskimo (F 75), HMS Viceroy (L 21), HMS Watchman (D 26)
USNT/R.Adm. Maples, Houston Ledbetter, USNUSS Sabine (AO 25)
RNLt.Cdr. Mars, Alastair Campbell Gillespie, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 28 (N 28), HMS H 44 (N 44), HMS Unbroken (P 42), HMS Thule (P 325)
USN+T/Cdr. Marshall, Elliott Eugene, USNUSS O-4 (65), USS Cuttlefish (171), USS Capelin (289)
USNRLcmdr Martin, Frederick H., USNRUSS Fogg (DE 57)
RNCdr. (retired) Martino, Edward Blunden, RNHMS Philoctetes (F 134)
USNT/Capt. Marts, Jr., John William, USNUSS Chemung (AO 30), USS Niobrara (AO 72)
USNT/Cdr. Massey, Forsyth, USNUSS Midway (ii) (CVB 41)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Matson, Frederick Arthur, OBE, RNRHMS Bracon Dene (FY 1812), HMS Silicia
RNVRT/Lt. Matthews, John Leslie Wilson, RNVRHMS Cape Melville (FY 651), HMS Tartarin (FY 1799)
RNLt. Matthews, David Grant, RNHMS Loch Tarbert (K 431), HMS Loch Tarbert (K 431)
USNMauldin, Victor Stallworth, USNUSS O'Toole (DE 527), USS Osberg (DE 538)
USNT/Cdr. Maurer, John Howard, USNUSS Atule (403)
RNLt. May, Hugh Seaburne, RNHMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Sea Rover (P 218)
RNLt.Cdr. Maydon, Stephen Lynch Conway, DSO, DSC, RNHMS L 26 (N 26), HMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Tradewind (P 329)
RNCdr. McBeath, John Edwin Home, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Venomous (D 75), HMS Oribi (G 66)
USNT/Cdr. McCallum, James Lowell Page, USNUSS Bream (243)
USNT/Cdr. McCandless, Bruce, USNUSS Gregory (ii) (DD 802)
USNT/R.Adm. McCann, Allan Rockwell, USNUSS Iowa (BB 61)
USNT/Cdr. McClain, Warren Howard, USNUSS Russell (DD 414), USS Taussig (DD 746)
USNT/Capt. McCollum, Arthur Howard, USNUSS Helena (ii) (CA 75)
RNCapt. McCoy, James Abernethy, DSO, RNHMS Duncan (D 99), HMS Bedouin (F 67), HMS Offa (G 29), HMS Onslow (G 17)
RNLt.Cdr. McCoy, John Wentworth, DSC, RNHMS Triumph (i) (N 18), HMS Wolfhound (I 56), HMS Oberon (N 21), HMS Thrasher (N 37)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. McCrory, Woodrow Wilson, USNUSS Parche (384)
USNT/Cdr. McDonald, Edwin Anderson, USNUSS Hovey (DMS 11), USS Wren (DD 568)
RCNVRT/Lt. McGill, David Ireland, RCNVRHMCS Sarnia (J 309)
USNT/Cdr. McGillis, John Frink, USNUSS Walke (ii) (DD 723)
USNT/Cdr. McGrath, Thomas Dana, USNUSS Noa (i) (DD 343), USS Nelson (DD 623), USS Ernest G. Small (DD 838)
RNLt. McIntosh, Ian Stewart, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS Sceptre (P 215)
RCNVRMcLean, T M or I M, RCNVRHMS MMS 248 (J 748), HMS MMS 256 (J 756)
RNR+Skr. McRuvie, William Wood, RNRHMS Phineas Beard
USNT/Capt. McVay, 3rd, Charles Butler, USNUSS Kaweah (AO 15), USS Indianapolis (CA 35)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. (T/A/Skr.Lt.) Meen, Henry George, RNRHMS Sarah Hide (FY 968), HMS MMS 1061 (FY 1061)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Melbourn, Max Evens, RNRHMS Worthing (J 72)
RNON+Kaptain Melsom, Christian Fredrik Thestrup, RNONHNoMS B-1, HNoMS Bath (I 17)
USNT/Capt. Melson, Charles Leroy, USNUSS Champlin (DD 601)
USNT/Capt. Mendenhall, Jr., William Kavanaugh, USNUSS Meredith (i) (DD 434)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Merrick, Leslie Bertram, RNRHMS Haarlem (FY 306), HMS Celia (T 134), HMS LST 8 (LST 8)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Merrill, Wayne Rucker, USNUSS Batfish (310)
RNRCapt. Metcalf, John Savile, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Lady Blanche (FY 014), HMS Ranee (D 03), HMS Guardian (T 89)
RNCdr. Miers, Anthony Cecil Capel, VC, DSO, RNHMS Torbay (N 79), HMS Torbay (N 79)
RCNCapt. Miles, George Ralph, DSO, OBE, RCNHMCS Saguenay (D 79), HMCS Athabaskan (i) (G 07)
RNZNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Miller, Alfred Stapledon, DSC, RNZNVRHMS Puffin (L 52 / K 52), HMS Cranstoun (K 511)
USNLt.Cdr. Miller, Lermond Horton, USNUSS Perry (i) (DMS 17), USS Flusser (DD 368)
RNVRMiller, J A, RNVRHMS ML 182 (ML 182), HMS ML 136 (ML 136)
USCGCdr. Mills, Petros DuPre, USCGUSS Richey (DE 385)
RN+Lt. Milner, Geoffrey Deryck Nicholson, DSC, RNHMS L 26 (N 26), HMS Tribune (N 76), HMS L 27 (N 27), HMS Sea Nymph (P 223), HMS Simoom (P 225)
USNRLt.Cdr. Mingay, John Inman, USNRUSS Manning (DE 199)
USNCapt. Mitchell, Edward Alexander, USNUSS Alcor (AR 10), USS Salt Lake City (CA 25)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Monsarrat, Nicholas John Turney, RNVRHMS Shearwater (L 39 / K 39), HMS Ettrick (K 254), HMS Perim (K 593)
RCNVRT/Lt. Montague, Robert Michael, RCNVRHMCS Port Hope (J 280)
USN+T/Cdr. Montross, Keats Edmund, USNUSS O-4 (65), USS Swordfish (193)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Moon, John Harry, RNVRHMS New Comet (FY 760), HMS Marjorie M. Hastie (FY 1777), HMS MMS 215 (J 715)
RNRCdr. Moore, William Josselyn, DSC, RNRHMS Bideford (L 43 / U 43), HMS Whimbrel (U 29), HMS Ascension (K 502)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Moore, Lewis Peter, RNHMS Rainbow (N 16)
RINA/Lt.Cdr. More, Lawrence Brockman, RINHMIS Konkan (J 228), HMIS Badora (FY 079)
RNVRMorris, G E, RNVRHMS MMS 58 (J 558), HMS MMS 88 (J 588)
USNT/Capt. Morris, Robert Lee, USNUSS Bradford (DD 545)
RNR+Lt. Morrison, Robert Houston, RNRHMS Skudd 5 (FY 1806)
USN+Lt. Morrison, Jr., Julian Knox, USNUSS Sealion (i) (195)
RNCapt. Morse, Harold Edward, DSO, RNHMS Indomitable (92)
USNRLt.Cdr. Morthland, Andrew, USNRUSS YMS-89 (YMS-89), USS Swerve (AM 121), USS Stansbury (DMS 8)
USN+T/Cdr. Morton, Dudley Walker, USNUSS R-5 (82), USS Dolphin (169), USS Wahoo (238)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Mosher, Roy Milton, RCNRHMCS Barrie (K 138), HMCS Barrie (K 138), HMCS Saint John (K 456)
RNLt.Cdr. Mosse, John Pemberton, DSC, RNHMS Mermaid (U 30)
RN+Lt. Mott, David Roger Oakeley, DSC, RNHMS Taku (N 38), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS H 44 (N 44), HMS Usurper (P 56)
RNCapt. Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, DSO, RNHMS Kelly (F 01), HMS Illustrious (87)
RNVRMuir, T C, RNVRHMS MMS 6 (J 506)
RNLt.Cdr. Munn, William James, DSO, RNHMS Hereward (H 93)
RNVRT/Lt. Munro, Alastair Cameron, DSC, RNVRHMS Wastwater (FY 239), HMS Ellesmere (FY 204)
USNT/Cdr Munson, Henry Glass, USNUSS S-38 (143), USS Crevalle (291), USS Rasher (269), USS Myles C. Fox (DD 829), USS Mispillion (AO 105)
RNVR+Murray, Frank Cecil Villiers, RNVRHMS MMS 105 (J 605), HMS MMS 103 (J 603), HMS MMS 68 (J 568)
USNCmdr Muse, George Read, USNUSS Stephen Potter (DD 538)
USNT/Cdr. Nauman, Harley Kent, USNUSS S-42 (153), USS Salmon (182), USS Stickleback (415)
RNCapt. Neame, Douglas Mortimer Lewis, DSO, RNHMS Carlisle (D 67), HMS Vengeance (71)
USNNelson, John Blount, USN
RNLt.Cdr. Newby, Cecil Hugo de Boisville, RNHMS Echo (H 23), HMS Tuscan (R 56)
USNT/Cdr. Newton, Roy Arthur, USNUSS Crosby (DD 164), USS Stack (DD 406), USS Hugh W. Hadley (DD 774)
RNCapt. Nicholl, Angus Dacres, DSO, RNHMS Penelope (97), HMS Duke of York (17)
USNNichols, Robert Greene, USNUSS Sheldrake (AM 62), USS Earl K. Olsen (DE 765)
RNCapt. Nichols, Charles Alfred Godfrey, DSO, RNHMS Canton (F 97), HMAS Shropshire (83)
RNCapt. Nichols, Reginald Frederick, RNHMS Caledon (D 53), HMS Ready (J 223)
USNRCdr. Nienau, Albert Henry, USNRUSS Finch (DE 328), USS Dufilho (DE 423)
USNT/Cdr. Nimitz, Jr., Chester William, USNUSS Haddo (255)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Noble, George, RNRHMS Retako (FY 838), HMS Marconi, HMS De La Pole (FY 558), HMS Santa (FY 1986), HMS Santa (FY 1986)
USNT/Capt. Noble, Kenneth Hill, USNUSS Downes (DD 375), USS Alaska (CB 1)
RNR+Ch.Skr. Noble, David Forbes, DSC, RNRHMS Cayton Wyke (FY 191)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Norfolk, Robert Galliano, DSO, RNHMS Tribune (N 76), HMS Thorn (N 11)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. O'Brien, William Donough, DSC, RNHMS Cottesmore (L 78)
USNT/Cdr. O'Kane, Richard Hetherington, USNUSS Tang (306)
RNVRT/A/Cdr. Ogden, William Graeme, DSC, RNVRHMS Lady Madeleine (FY 283), HMS Allington Castle (K 689)
USNT/V.Adm. Oldendorf, Jesse Barrett, USNUSS Houston (i) (CA 30)
USNT/Capt. Olney, Jr., Alfred Clarence, USNUSS Altamaha (ii) (CVE 18)
USNT/Cdr. Olsen, Robert Irving, USNUSS Angler (240)
USCGLcmdr Opp, Clayton Magnus, USCGUSS Gallup (PF-47)
RNCapt. Oram, Harry Percy Kendall, RNHMS Cairo (D 87), HMS Hawkins (D 86)
USNT/Cdr. Owens, Hinton Allen, USNUSS Luce (DD 522)
RNVRT/Lt. Palmer, Derek John, RNVRHMS Unshaken (P 54), HMS Umbra (P 35), HMS Unruly (P 49), HMS Universal (P 57)
RNLt.Cdr. Pankhurst, Richard Dickon Herbert Stephen, DSC, RNHMS Chelsea (I 35), HMS Fortune (H 70), HMS Meteor (G 73)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Pardoe-Matthews, William Godfrey, RNRHMS Northern Wave (FY 153), HMS Amaranthus (K 17), HMS St. Helena (K 590)
USNRCdr. Parkinson, George Ambrose, USNRUSS Edward C. Daly (DE 17), USS Duffy (DE 27)
RNCdr. Paterson, Charles Edward Eustace, RNHMS Hurricane (H 06), HMS Exe (K 92)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Patterson, William Eric, DSC, RNRHMS Elbury (FY 656), HMS Typhoon (FY 1703), HMS Varanga (FY 1625)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Pavillard, Louis Raymond, DSC, RCNRHMCS Camrose (K 154), HMCS Sussexvale (K 683)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Pawley, Christopher, DSC, RNVRHMS Arctic Explorer (FY 162), HMS La Malouine (K 46), HMS LST 214 (LST 214)
USNRLt. Payne, Douglas Pitt, USNRUSS Hopkins (DMS 13)
RNLt.Cdr. Peake, Edward Copson, RNHMS Ambuscade (D 38), HMS Escapade (H 17), HMS Zebra (R 81)
RANA/Cdr. Pearson, Robert Stephen, RANHMAS Westralia (F 95)
USNT/Capt. Pearson, Mead Saltonstall, USNUSS Craven (DD 382)
RNRCdr. Peate, Henry Benjamin, DSC, RNRHMS Prins Albert (4.35), HMS Empire Cutlass (F 162), HMS Empire Halberd (F 160)
USNT/Cdr. Peckham, George Edward, USNUSS Selfridge (DD 357), USS Waldron (DD 699)
RN+Vice-Admiral Pegram, Frank Henderson, DSO, RNHMS Glasgow (21)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Pepperell, Lester Allan, RNHMS Cosby (K 559)
RNVRT/A/Cdr. Perren, Sydney Richard, RNVRHMS Tiree (T 180)
RN+A/Capt. (retired) Peters, Frederic Thornton, VC, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Lord Stanhope (FY 163), HMS Thirlmere (FY 206), HMS Tynwald (D 69)
USNT/Capt. Peterson, John Valdemar, USNUSS Santee (CVE 29), USS Antietam (CV 36)
USNRLt.Cdr. Petrie, Clarence Walker, USNRUSS SC-517 (SC-517), USS PC-591 (PC-591), USS Varian (DE 798)
RNLt. Peyton-Jones, Loftus Edward, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Easton (L 09)
RN+Lt. Phillimore, Walter Augustus, RNHMS H 34 (N 34), HMS P 514 (P 514), HMS P 514 (P 514)
RNCapt. Phillips, George Chesterman, DSO, RNHMS Ursula (N 59), HMS Talbot (F 06)
RNZNVRLt.Cdr. Phipps, Peter, DSC, RNZNVRHMS Bay (T 77), HMNZS Scarba (T 175), HMNZS Moa (T 233), HMNZS Arabis (K 385)
RNRT/Skr. Pidgen, Jasper Alfred Stanberry, DSC, RNRHMS Unitia (FY 1852), HMS Raglan Castle (FY 631), HMS Ben Breac
USNT/Capt. Pierce, Edward Harris, USNUSS Gleaves (DD 423), USS Alabama (BB 60)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Pilcher, Leonard George, RNRHMS Lavender (K 60), HMS LST 326 (LST 326)
RNLt.Cdr. Pitt, Arthur John Wright, DSO, RNHMS H 33 (N 33), HMS P 612 (P 612), HMS Taku (N 38), HMS Taku (N 38), HMS Trident (N 52), HMS Auriga (P 419)
USNRLcmdr Plage, Henry Lee, USNRUSS PC-464 (PC-464), USS Donaldson (DE 44), USS Tabberer (DE 418)
ORPKmdr. (Capt.) Plawski, Eugeniusz Jozef Stanislaw, ORPORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Dragon (D 46)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Plimmer, Victor, RNVRHMS BYMS 2137 (J 937)
RCNVRLt.Cdr. (RCN) Plomer, James, DSC, RCNVRHMS Mull (T 110), HMS Sunflower (K 41)
RNCdr. Podger, Theodore Edward, RNHMS Kenya (14)
RNRear-Admiral Portal, Reginald Henry, DSC, RNHMS York (90), HMS Royal Sovereign (05)
RNLt. Porter, Stewart Armstrong, DSC, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS P 556 (P 556), HMS Tribune (N 76), HMS Tudor (P 326)
USNCapt. Porter, Jr., Robert Lee, USNUSS Ramsay (DM 16), USS Wilkes-Barre (CL 103)
RNR+T/Lt. Postlethwaite, William, RNRHMS Rinovia, HMS Tranquil (FY 920)
RNRT/Lt. Potter, Stanley Wilfred, RNRHMS Adherent (W 108)
USNLcmdr Powell, Morgan Allen, USNUSS Gunston Hall (LSD 5)
RCNT/Cdr. Prentice, James Douglas, DSO, DSC, RCNHMCS Chambly (K 116), HMCS Ottawa (ii) (H 31), HMCS Qu'appelle (H 69)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Pröpper, Henri Herman Laurens, RNNHNMS Soemba (T 199)
RNCdr. Pumphrey, Edward Nigel, DSO, DSC, RNHMS MTB 38 (MTB 38), HMS Brocklesby (L 42), HMS Goathland (L 27)
RNLt.Cdr. Raikes, Richard Prendergast, DSO, RNHMS L 26 (N 26), HMS Tribune (N 76), HMS Seawolf (N 47), HMS Tuna (N 94)
USNT/Cdr. Ramey, Ralph Lester, USNUSS McCook (ii) (DD 496)
RNCapt. Raw, Sidney Moffat, RNHMS Lucia (F 27), HMS Medway (F 25), HMS Phoebe (43)
RNVRT/Lt. Ray, Norman Arthur, DSC, RNVRHMS Courtier (FY 592), HMS Ben Earn (FY 999), HMS Clotilde (FY 534), HMS MMS 1083 (FY 1083)
RNVRCdr. Rayner, Denys Arthur, DSC, RNVRHMS Verbena (K 85), HMS Shikari (D 85), HMS Warwick (D 25), HMS Highlander (H 44), HMS Pevensey Castle (K 449)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Reader, John Richard Corlett, RNRHMS Alberic, HMS Patti (4.10280), HMS Brecon Castle (FY 507)
USNCapt. Reed, Allen Bevins, USN
USNCdr. Reed, John Ward, USNUSS S-41 (146), USS Sunfish (281)
RNLt.Cdr. Rich, Lawrence St George, DSO, RNHMS H 43 (N 43), HMS Proteus (N 29), HMS Exmoor (ii) (L 08), HMS Paladin (G 69), HMS Carysfort (R 25)
USNT/Capt. Richardson, Myron Turner, USNUSS Clark (DD 361)
USNCapt. Riefkohl, Frederick Louis, USNUSS Vincennes (i) (CA 44)
USNT/Cdr. Robbins, Orme Campbell, USNUSS Sterlet (392)
RNRLt. Roberts, Roland Maurice, DSC, RNRHMS Mistral, HMS St. Elstan (FY 240), HMS Petunia (K 79), HMS Launceston Castle (K 397)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Roberts, Roland Joel, RCNRHMCS Battleford (K 165), HMCS Bellechasse (J 170), HMCS Moncton (K 139)
USNT/Capt. Roberts, David Gillies, USNUSS Boggs (DMS 3), USS Porter (i) (DD 356)
RNCapt. Robertshaw, Ballin Illingworth, RNHMS Wallace (L 64), HMS Cleopatra (33)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Robinson, John Dudley, DSC, RNVRHMS Clotilde (FY 534)
RNLt. Rodney, Nigel Robert Harley, RNHMS Brecon (L 76)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Romanowski, Boleslaw Szymon, DSC, ORPORP Jastrzab (P 551), ORP Dzik (P 52), ORP Sokol (N 97), ORP Sokol (N 97)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Romyn, Leopold Dickson, DSC, RNRHMS Rowan (T 119), HMS Rolls Royce (FY 1831)
USN+Capt. Rooks, Albert Harold, USNUSS Houston (i) (CA 30)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Roope, Gerard Broadmead, VC, RNHMS Glowworm (H 92)
RCNVRT/Lt. Ross, John Wardrop, RCNVRHMCS Vegreville (J 257)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Rotgans, Johannes Pieter, RNNHNMS A
RNA/Capt. Rotherham, Geoffrey Alexander, DSO, OBE, RNHMS Trouncer (D 85)
RNVRLcmdr Rothon, Stephen Francis, RNVRHMS Tamora (FY 643)
RNCdr. Rowland, James Marjoribanks, DSO, RNHMS Wolverine (D 78), HMS Walker (D 27), HMCS Orkney (K 448), HMS Haydon (L 75)
RNLt. Roxburgh, John Charles Young, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 43 (N 43), HMS United (P 44), HMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Tapir (P 335)
USNT/Capt. Ruble, Richard Waynick, USNUSS Rendova (CVE 114)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ruck, Eric Vincent, RNVRHMS Truelove (J 303)
RNCapt. Ruck-Keene, Philip, RNHMS Maidstone (F 44), HMS Cyclops (F 31), HMS Maidstone (F 44), HMS Titania (F 32), HMS Medway (F 25), HMS Formidable (67)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Rushmore, William Warford, RNRHMS Madden (FY 784), HMS Strath Devon (FY 1813)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Russell, Henry Noel, DSC, RNRHMS Zinnia (K 98), HMS Armeria (K 187), HMS Caicos (K 505)
RNLt. Russell-Walling, Trevor, RNHMS P 554 (P 554), HMS Seraph (P 219)
RNLt.Cdr. Rycroft, Henry Richard, DSC, RNHMS Tetcott (L 99), HMS Zodiac (R 54)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. Salter, Henry Charles, RNRHMS Hawthorn (T 32), HMS Lilac (T 26)
USNT/Cdr. Sampson, Robert Roy, USNUSS Hamilton (DMS 18), USS J. William Ditter (DM 31)
USNT/Cdr. Sands, Eugene Thomas, USNUSS S-29 (134), USS Sawfish (276)
RNCdr. Saumarez, Philip Lionel, DSC, RNHMS Ilex (D 61), HMS Queenborough (G 70)
RNRLt.Cdr. Sayers, Louis Alan, RD, RNRHMS Kingston Sapphire (4.81), HMS Columbine (K 94), HMS Rhododendron (K 78), HMS Odzani (K 356)
RNRA/Cdr. (retired) Sayle, Arthur Reginald Willis, RD, RNRHMS Kihna (4.242), HMS Brilliant (H 84)
USNT/Cdr. Schade, Arnold Frederick, USNUSS R-12 (89), USS Growler (215), USS Bugara (331)
USN+T/Cdr. Schmidt, Maximilian Gmelich, USNUSS S-32 (137), USS Scorpion (278)
USNT/Capt. Schonland, Herbert Emery, USNUSS San Francisco (CA 38)
USNRSchwerzmann, Richard Franz, USNRUSS Pruitt (DM 22)
RNLt.Cdr. Sclater, Claude Edward Lutley, DSO, RNHMS Wild Swan (D 62), HMS Obdurate (G 39)
RCNRT/Lt. Scott, Joseph Stewart, RCNRHMCS Saskatoon (K 158), HMCS Saskatoon (K 158), HMCS Saskatoon (K 158)
USN+Capt. Scott, Norman, USNUSS Pensacola (CA 24)
RNVRT/Lt. Seddon, Ronald Franklin, RNVRHMS ML 145 (ML 145), HMS MTB 718 (MTB 718)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Seward, Francis Albert, RNRHMS Lincoln City, HMS Thorbryn, HMS Lydiard (FY 177)
USN+Lt. Shaffer, 3rd, John Jackson, USNUSS Champlin (DD 601)
USNT/Capt. Sharp, Jr., Ulysses Simpson Grant, USNUSS Hogan (DMS 6), USS Boyd (DD 544)
RNVRT/Lt. Sharp, Cyril Banford, RNVRHMS Milford King (FY 1573), HMS Maple (T 38), HMS Sukha (FY 1767)
USNT/Capt. Sharp, George Arthur, USNUSS Marlin (205), USS Spearfish (190), USS Nautilus (168)
USNLcmdr Sharpe, Jr., John Adrian, USNUSS Anderson (DD 411)
RNCapt. Shaw, Robert John, RNHMS Milford (L 51 / U 51), HMS Dragon (D 46)
RCNVRT/Lt. Shaw, Hugh Victor, RCNVRHMCS Ingonish (J 69)
USNT/Cdr. Shea, Jr., William Henry, USNUSS Trever (DMS 16), USS Bagley (ii) (DD 386)
RNVRT/Lt. Sheen, Barry Cross, RNVRHMS Kilkenzie (Z 08)
USNT/Cdr. Shelby, Edward Ellis, USNUSS R-12 (89), USS Sunfish (281), USS Corporal (346)
RNRLt.Cdr. Shepherd, Charles Timothy, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Cordela (FY 713), HMS Earl Kitchener (FY 1633), HMS Tourmaline (J 339)
RCNVRLt.Cdr. Sherwood, Frederick Henry, DSC, RCNVRHMS P 556 (P 556), HMS Spiteful (P 227)
USNT/Capt. Short, Giles Ezra, USNUSS Bogue (CVE 9), USS Ticonderoga (CV 14), USS Intrepid (CV 11)
RNVRT/Lt. Sidmouth-Willing, Harry, DSC, RNVRHMS Stafnes (FY 192), HMS Veleta (T 130), HMS Yestor (T 222)
USNT/Cdr. Sieglaff, William Bernard, USNUSS Tautog (199), USS Tench (417)
RNRCh.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Silom, Case James Albert, RNRHMS Windermere (FY 207), HMS Peter Hendricks (FY 260), HMS Kingston Chrysoberyl (FY 236), HMS Thornwick Bay (FY 179), HMS Lady Philomena (FY 148)
RNVice-Admiral (retired) Simeon, Charles Edward Barrington, RNHMS Renown (72)
USNT/Commodore Simpson, Rodger Whitten, USNUSS Mahan (DD 364)
RNCapt. Simpson, George Walter Gillow, RNHMS Porpoise (N 14), HMS Sealion (N 72), HMS Talbot (F 06)
RNCdr. Skipwith, Lionel Peyton, RNHMS Tartar (F 43), HMS Somali (F 33), HMS Tartar (F 43)
USNT/Cdr. Slayden, Alvin Weems, USNUSS PC-580 (PC-580), USS Buckley (DE 51), USS Greenwood (DE 679), USS George K. Mackenzie (DD 836)
RNCapt. Slayter, William Rudolph, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Liverpool (11), HMS Newfoundland (59)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Small, Walter Lowry, USNUSS Flying Fish (229), USS Sterlet (392), USS Batfish (310)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Smillie, Raymond Nelson, RCNVRHMCS Riviere du Loup (K 357), HMCS Niagara (I 57), HMCS St. Boniface (J 332)
RNRLt.Cdr. Smith, Charles Donovan, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Godetia (ii) (K 226), HMS Nasturtium (K 107), HMS Fishguard (Y 59), HMS Trent (K 243), HMS Snowflake (K 211)
RANR(S)Lt. Smith, Thomas Hartley, RANR(S)HMAS Wollongong (J 172), HMAS Bathurst (J 158)
RINRT/Lt. Smith, John, RINRHMIS Oudh (J 245)
RNRCdr. Smith, Vivian Funge, DSO, RD, RNRHMS St. Apollo, HMS Aubretia (K 96), HMS Delphinium (K 77), HMS Evenlode (K 300)
USNT/Capt. Smith, Chester Carl, USNUSS Swordfish (193), USS Swordfish (193)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Smith, Louis Conran, DSC, RNHMS Hazard (J 02)
USNSmith, Jr., Harvey Jacob, USNUSS Bugara (331)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Smith, Valentine Charles, RNHMS Alice (FY 003)
RANVRT/Lt. Smith, Colin Douglas, RANVRHMS P 511 (P 511)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Soanes, Harold Bertie, RNRHMS Cranefly (FY 539), HMS Newslade (FY 816), HMS Mount Keen (FY 684)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Southcombe, Clifford Samuel, RNRHMS Tartarin (FY 1799)
RNLt. Spender, John Anthony, DSC, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Sirdar (P 226)
RN+Cdr. (retired) Sprott, Alfred William, RNHMS Aberdare (J 49), HMS Dragonfly (T 11)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Sproul-Bolton, Ralph Alexander St.Clair, RNHMS Ramsey (G 60), HMS St. Brides Bay (K 600)
RNVRT/Lt. Staniland, John Charles, RNVRHMS Norse (FY 1628), HMS Hannaray (T 389)
RNRLt.Cdr. Stannard, Richard Been, VC, DSO, RD, RNRHMS Arab (FY 202), HMS Stanley (I 73), HMS Ramsey (G 60), HMS Vimy (D 33), HMS Peacock (U 96)
RANLt.Cdr. Stephenson, Charles John, RANHMAS Vendetta (D 69), HMAS Vendetta (D 69), HMAS Napier (G 97), HMAS Nepal (G 25)
RN+Cdr. Stephenson, Robert Hearfield, DSO, RNHMS Cromer (J 128)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Stevens, John Samuel, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Triumph (i) (N 18), HMS H 44 (N 44), HMS H 32 (N 32), HMS Unruffled (P 46), HMS Turpin (P 354)
RANCdr. Stewart, George Scott, RANHMAS Nestor (G 02), HMS Porcupine (G 93), HMAS Quiberon (G 81), HMAS Quiberon (G 81), HMAS Napier (G 97)
RCNVRT/Lt. Stokvis, Wilfred David, RCNVRHMCS Barrie (K 138)
RCNVRT/Lt. Storey, Donald William Green, RCNVRHMCS Stratford (J 310), HMCS Arvida (K 113), HMCS Arvida (K 113), HMCS Arvida (K 113)
Kapt.ltn Storheill, Skule Valentin, HNoMS St Albans (I 15), HNoMS Stord (G 26)
RNVRT/Lt. Strang, Walter Symington, RNVRHMS MTB 668 (MTB 668), HMS MTB 773 (MTB 773)
USNT/Cdr. Street, 3rd, George Levick, USNUSS Tirante (420)
USNLt.Cdr. Strow, Albert Rowe, USNUSS Haddock (231)
RCN+Lt.Cdr. Stubbs, John Hamilton, DSC, RCNHMCS Assiniboine (I 18), HMCS Athabaskan (i) (G 07)
USNT/Cdr. Sturr, Henry Dixon, USNUSS S-43 (154), USS S-43 (154), USS Becuna (319)
USNT/Capt. Sutton, Jr., Frank Carlin, USNUSS Wright (AV 1), USS Saginaw Bay (CVE 82)
RNCapt. Symonds-Tayler, Richard Victor, DSC, RNHMS Sussex (96), HMS London (69), HMS Berwick (65), HMS London (69)
USNT/Capt. Tackney, Stephen Noel, USNUSS Gamble (DM 15), USS Haynsworth (DD 700)
RN+Cdr. Tait, Arthur Andre, DSO, RNHMS Walker (D 27), HMS Hesperus (H 57), HMS Achates (i) (H 12), HMS Harvester (H 19)
RNRear-Admiral Talbot, Arthur George, DSO, RNHMS Inglefield (D 02), HMS Furious (47), HMS Illustrious (87), HMS Formidable (67)
USNT/Cdr. Talman, Benjamin Long Edes, USNUSS Bernadou (DD 153)
RNCapt. (retired) Taylor, Frederick Henry, DSC, RNHMS Rajputana (F 35)
RNLt. Taylor, Walter James, RNHMS Witch (D 89), HMS Nepal (G 25), HMS Bramble (ii) (J 273)
RINRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Taylor, Alexander, RINRHMIS Travancore (T 312), HMIS Kalavati (4.158)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Taylor, Harold Norman, RNRHMS Evadne (FY 009)
RNLt.Cdr. Thew, Norman Vivian Joseph Thompson, RNHMS Anthony (H 40), HMS Anthony (H 40), HMS Jupiter (F 85)
RNRT/Lt. Thirsk, Paul Stamford, DSC, RNRHMS Una (N 87), HMS Vulpine (P 79), HMS Vulpine (P 79), HMS Saga (P 257)
RNZNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Thode, Connell Percy, RNZNVRHMS H 50 (N 50), HMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Scythian (P 237)
RNRLt.Cdr. Thomas, Charles Shea, RNRHMS Lotus (ii) (K 130)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Thomson, George Alexander Victor, RCNVRHMCS Clayoquot (J 174), HMCS Sorel (K 153), HMCS Lindsay (K 338)
RNLt.Cdr. Thorpe, Ernest Michael, DSO, RNHMS MGB 644 (MGB 644), HMS Bickerton (K 466), HMS Offa (G 29)
RNCdr. Thring, George Arthur, DSO, RNHMS Deptford (L 53 / U 53), HMS Wellington (L 65 / U 65), HMS Wellington (L 65 / U 65), HMS Tavy (K 272)
RCNCdr. Tisdall, Ernest Patrick, RCNHMCS Skeena (D 59), HMCS Assiniboine (I 18)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Tomkinson, Edward Philip, DSO, RNHMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Urge (N 17), HMS Urge (N 17), HMS Urge (N 17)
RNCapt. Tuck, Gerald Seymour, DSO, RNHMS Illustrious (87), HMS California (F 55), HMS Bellona (63)
RNLt.Cdr. Turner, Ernest John Donaldson, DSO, DSC, RNHMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Sibyl (P 217), HMS Sibyl (P 217), HMS Affray (P 421)
RN+A/Lt.Cdr. Turner, Hugh Bentley, DSC, RNHMS Taku (N 38), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS H 50 (N 50), HMS Unrivalled (P 45), HMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Unrivalled (P 45), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS Porpoise (N 14)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Turquand-Young, David, RNVRHMS Kingsmill (K 484), HMS Grindall (K 477)
RNVRT/Lt. Turville, Owen Ralph, RNVRHMS Foxtrot (T 109)
USNCapt. Umsted, Scott, USNUSS New York (BB34)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) van Dulm, Johannes Frans, DSO, RNNHNMS O 13 (N 13), HNMS O 21 (P 21)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Vernon, Henry, RNRHMS Orchis (K 76), HMS Inkpen (T 225), HMS Rhododendron (K 78), HMS Bamborough Castle (K 412), HMS Loch Gorm (K 620)
RN+Lt. Verschoyle-Campbell, David Stuart McNeile, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Sealion (N 72), HMS Sealion (N 72), HMS Stonehenge (P 232)
USNCmdr Vinock, Eli, USNUSS McCalla (ii) (DD 488)
RN+Capt. Walker, Frederick John, DSO, RNHMS Stork (L 81 / U 81), HMS Starling (U 66)
RNVRT/Lt. Walker, Harold Russell, DSC, RNVRHMS ML 253 (ML 253), HMS BYMS 2079 (J 879), HMS BYMS 2141 (J 941)
RNVR+Lt. Walker, Geoffrey Herbert, DSC, RNVRHMS Gaul, HMS Bluebell (K 80)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Walker, William John, DSC, RNVRHMS MMS 212 (J 712)
RNLt.Cdr. Walker, Charles Gordon, RNHMS L 27 (N 27), HMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Bulldog (H 91), HMS Torrington (K 577)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Wallace, George, RNRHMS Pict (FY 132), HMS Geranium (K 16)
RAN+Capt. Waller, Hector Macdonald Laws, DSO, RANHMAS Stuart (D 00), HMAS Vampire (D 68), HMAS Voyager (D 31), HMAS Vampire (D 68), HMAS Stuart (D 00), HMAS Perth (D 29)
RNCdr. Walters, Hugh Greaves, DSC, RNHMS Berkeley (L 17), HMS Lightning (G 55)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Wanklyn, Malcolm David, VC, DSO, RNHMS H 31 (N 31), HMS H 32 (N 32), HMS H 31 (N 31), HMS Upholder (N 99), HMS Upholder (N 99), HMS Upholder (N 99), HMS Upholder (N 99)
RN+Capt. Warburton-Lee, Bernard Armitage, VC, RNHMS Hardy (i) (H 87)
USNT/Cdr. Ward, Robert Elwin Mccraner, USNUSS Sailfish (192), USS Sea Leopard (483)
USNT/Capt. Warder, Frederick Burdett, USNUSS Seawolf (197)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Warwick, Richard Colin, DSC, RNRHMS St. Loman (FY 276), HMS Rushen Castle (K 372)
USNT/Capt. Waterhouse, Jacob Wilson, USNUSS Luce (DD 522)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Watson, William Reginald, RNRHMS Equerry (FY 668), HMS Dane (FY 554)
RNCdr. (retired) Watts-Russell, Neville David, RNHMS Montserrat (K 586)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Wavell, Henry Montague, RNRHMS LST 180 (LST 180)
RN+Cdr. Wavish, Allan John, RNHMS Penzance (L 28)
RN+Lt. Webb, Reginald Peter, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS H 44 (N 44), HMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Trooper (N 91)
RNRSkr. Webster, Edward John, RNRHMS Ben Breac
USNLt Cmdr Westbrook, Jr., Edwin Monroe, USNUSS S-46 (157), USS Cod (224)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Westerden, Harry, RNRHMS Reighton Wyke (FY 134)
USNT/Cdr. Westholm, Rollin Everton, USNUSS Bush (DD 529)
USNT/Capt. Whaley, Jr., William Baynard, USNUSS Makin Island (CVE 93)
RNR+T/A/Skr.Lt. Whichello, George Alfred, DSC, RNRHMS Orfasy (T 204)
RNCdr. White, Richard Taylor, DSO, RNHMS Antelope (H 36), HMS Beagle (H 30), HMS Tartar (F 43), HMS Zulu (F 18), HMS Hyacinth (K 84), HMS Despatch (D 30), HMS Terpsichore (R 33)
USNWhite, Jr., Newton Harris, USNUSS Enterprise (CV 6)
USNT/Cdr. White, Albert Francis, USNUSS Patterson (DD 392)
USNRCdr. Wilcox, William Menefee, USNRUSS O-2 (63), USS Pollack (180)
RNRCdr. Wilford, James Edward Rickards, RNRHMS Monkshood (K 207), HMS Chelsea (I 35), HMS Volunteer (D 71), HMS Modeste (U 42)
USNT/Capt. Wilkins, Charles Warren, USNUSS Narwhal (167), USS Seahorse (304)
RNRLt.Cdr. Williams, Trevor Montagu, RD, RNRHMS Lightfoot (J 288), HMS Regulus (ii) (J 327), HMS Cheerful (J 388)
USNT/Cdr. Williams, Jr., Robert Russell, USNUSS R-9 (86), USS Finback (230)
USNT/Capt. Willingham, Solomon David, USNUSS Tarbell (DD 142), USS Mervine (DD 489)
USNT/Capt. Willingham, Jr., Joseph Harris, USNUSS Tautog (199), USS Bowfin (287)
RNCapt. Willoughby, Guy, RNHMS Activity (D 94)
RNRSkr.Lt. Wilson, John, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Regal (FY 180), HMS Rutlandshire
RNCdr. Wilson, William Eames, RNHMS Juno (F 46)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Windram, John, RNRHMS Cape Chelyuskin (FY 119), HMS Bretwalda (FY 266), HMS Lady Philomena (FY 148), HMS Thornwick Bay (FY 179), HMS Windermere (FY 207)
RNLt.Cdr. Wingfield, Mervyn Robert George, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 28 (N 28), HMS Umpire (N 82), HMS Sturgeon (N 73), HMS Taurus (P 339)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Winston, Philip Wallace, USNUSS Cotten (DD 669), USS Brinkley Bass (DD 887)
USNT/Capt. Wolverton, Thomas Michael, USNUSS Boise (CL 47)
RNRSkr.Lt. Wood, Albert Charles, RD, RNRHMS Drangey (FY 195), HMS Drangey (FY 195)
RNZNRA/Lt.Cdr. Woods, Charles Alexander, RNZNRHMS Flamingo (L 18 / U 18), HMS Trent (K 243)
RNRCdr. Woods, Sidney Richard James, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Aquamarine (4.00), HMS Comet, HMS Burwell (H 94), HMS Witch (D 89), HMS Wren (ii) (U 28), HMS Wren (ii) (U 28)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Woods, Kenneth Maciver, RNHMS Odin (N 84)
RNCapt. Woods, Wilfrid John Wentworth, DSO, RNHMS Triumph (i) (N 18), HMS Forth (F 04)
USNT/Cdr. Woodward, Edwin Charles, USNUSS Ready (PG 67), USS Edsall (ii) (DE 129), USS Laning (DE 159)
RNVRT/Lt. Worsley, Robert Thomas Cristopher, DSC, RNVRHMS ML 861 (ML 861)
USNT/Commodore Wotherspoon, Alexander Somerville, USNUSS Louisville (CA 28)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Wright, James Alfred, OBE, RNRHMS Northern Duke (4.11), HMS Honeysuckle (K 27), HMS LST 3027 (LST 3027)
USNT/Cdr. Wulzen, Donald Wesley, USNUSS Porterfield (DD 682), USS Warrington (ii) (DD 843)
USN+T/Cdr. Wygant, Jr., Henry Sollett, USNUSS Turner (ii) (DD 648)
RNCapt. Yendell, William John, RNHMS Shah (D 21)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Young, Henry Esson, RCNRHMCS Buctouche (K 179), HMCS Buctouche (K 179)
USN+Cdr. Young, Cassin, USNUSS Vestal (AR 4), USS San Francisco (CA 38)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Young, Edward Preston, DSO, DSC, RNVRHMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Storm (P 233)
RNCapt. Young-Jamieson, Douglas, RNHMS Bideford (L 43 / U 43), HMS Kent (54), HMS Devonshire (39)
USNCapt. Zacharias, Ellis Mark, USNUSS Salt Lake City (CA 25), USS New Mexico (BB 40)

A (453), B (1545), C (1253), D (756), E (315), F (543), G (687), H (1291), I (61), J (403), K (425), L (651), M (1402), N (265), O (177), P (764), Q (21), R (741), S (1410), T (563), U (25), V (145), W (1045), Y (60), Z (20), Ø (1)

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