Allied Warship Commanders

Last names starting with G

CommanderWarship commands
USNT/Cdr. Gabbert, John Sterrett Crittenden, USNUSS Bell (DD 587)
RNVRT/Lt. Gabriel, Herbert George, RNVRHMS Loch Melfort (FY 151)
RNVRT/Lt. Gadbury, Percy Kenneth, RNVRHMS ML 168 (ML 168)
RNRLt.Cdr. Gadd, Kenneth Arthur, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Ross (J 45), HMS Clinton (J 286)
USNGadding, W. E., USN
USNT/Cdr. Gadrow, Robert Emett, USNUSS Kane (DD 235), USS Isherwood (DD 520), USS Henry A. Wiley (DM 29)
USNRLcmdr Gadsby, Jr., Walter, USNRUSS Blair (DE 147)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gaffney, Harry Cecil, RNRHMS Goatfell (4.36), HMS LST 364 (LST 364), HMS LST 199 (LST 199), HMS LST 415 (LST 415)
USNRGagarin, Andrew, USNRUSS PC-1216 (PC-1216)
USNT/Cdr. Gage, Norman Dwight, USNUSS R-1 (78), USS Gurnard (254), USS Caiman (323)
RNVRLt.Cdr. Gage, John Fitzhardinge Berkeley, RNVRHMS Bagshot (J 57)
RINRT/Lt. Gahan, Harold James, RINRHMIS Sohpie Marie, HMIS Lilavati, HMIS Kalavati (4.158)
RNVRT/A/Cdr. Gain, Kenneth Elphinstone, RNVRHMS Caradoc (D 60)
USN+Cdr. Gainard, Joseph Aloysius, USNUSS Big Horn (AO 45)
USNRGainer, Jerome D, USNRUSS SC-531 (SC-531), USS PC-777 (PC-777)
USNT/Capt. Gaines, Richard Kenna, USNUSS Intrepid (CV 11)
RNCdr. Gaisford, Richard Lindsay Stephen, OBE, RNHMS Clyde (N 12), HMS Vansittart (D 64)
USNT/Cdr. Galantin, Ignatius Joseph, USNUSS R-11 (88), USS Halibut (232)
RNVRGalbraith, N J, RNVRHMS MTB 762 (MTB 762)
RANLt.Cdr. Gale, D'Arcy Thomas, DSC, RANHMAS Benalla (J 323), HMAS Moresby
RNR+Ch.Skr. Gale, George Richard, RNRHMS Terje 2 (FY 315), HMS Topaze (T 40)
RNR+Capt. Gale, Newell Herbert, DSO, RD, RNRHMS Breda (4.84), HMS Cavina
USNT/Capt. Gallaher, John Francis, USNUSS Crosby (DD 164), USS Laub (ii) (DD 613)
USNT/Cdr. Gallaher, Antone Renkl, USNUSS R-13 (90), USS Bang (385)
RNN(R)luitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.) Gallandat Huet, Gédéon, RNN(R)HNMS Texel (ii) (FY 73), HNMS Voorne (FY 1043)
USNCmdr Gallaway, Steven Ward, USNUSS Casablanca (CVE 55)
USNT/Capt. Gallery, Jr., Daniel Vincent, USNUSS Guadalcanal (CVE 60), USS Hancock (CV 19)
USNT/Capt. Gallery, Philip Daly, USNUSS Jenkins (DD 447)
USNT/Capt. Gallery, William Onahan, USNUSS Half Moon (AVP 26)
RNVRT/Lt. Gallichan, Richard Raymond Grandin, DSC, RNVRHMS ML 248 (ML 248)
USNRLt. Galligan, Jr., Joseph G, USNRUSS Halibut (232)
RN+Lt. Galloway, Robert Malcolm, RNHMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Union (N 56)
USNRGalloway, R E, USNRUSS PC-1198 (PC-1198)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Galsworthy, H J, RNVRHMS MMS 83 (J 583), HMS MMS 232 (J 732)
RNR+Lt.Cdr. Galvin, Arthur James, DSC, RNRHMS Britomart (J 22)
USNT/Cdr. Gambacorta, Francis Michael, USNUSS S-40 (145), USS Sea Poacher (406)
RNA/Capt. Gambier, Robert Michael Gore, RNFR Rubis, HMS Alecto (J 10), HMS Lucia (F 27), HMS Adamant (F 64), HMS Wuchang (F 30)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Gamble, Louis John Hilary, DSC, RNHMS MGB 621 (MGB 621), HMS Forester (H 74)
USNRLt. Gamble, Lester H., USNRUSS PT 45
RNRGamble, F J, RNRHMS George Robb (FY 685)
RNRGamble, J F, RNRHMS St. Clair (FY 1876), HMS Craigmillar (FY 1669)
USNT/Cdr. Gambling, Norman William, USNUSS Vestal (AR 4)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gammelgard, Peter N., USNRUSS Lloyd (DE 209)
RNCapt. (retired) Gandell, Wilfred Pearse, RNHMS Emerald (D 66)
RNA/Cdr. (retired) Gandy, Gerard Horace, RNHMS Cicala (T 71), HMS MTB 10 (MTB 10), HMS Kingfisher (L 70 / K 70)
USNT/Capt. Gano, Roy Alexander, USNUSS Dyson (DD 572)
USNGantar, Mark Martin, USN
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Ganyard, Bricker Mcdowell, USNUSS S-15 (120), USS Lionfish (298)
USNT/Cdr. Garcia, Edmund Ernest, USNUSS Cormorant (AM 40), USS Sloat (DE 245)
RCNVRT/Lt. Garden, William Grant, RCNVRHMCS Stratford (J 310), HMCS Trois Rivieres (J 269), HMCS Atholl (K 15)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Garden, George, RNRHMS BYMS 2022 (J 822), HMS BYMS 2024 (J 824), HMS MMS 309 (J 809)
USNT/Cdr. Gardes, Jr., Alfred Wiltz, USNUSS Herbert C. Jones (DE 137), USS Richard S. Bull (DE 402)
RNLt.Cdr. Gardiner, Denis Harold Palmer, DSC, RNHMS Mosquito (T 94), HMS Hussar (J 82), HMS Wanderer (D 74), HMS Amazon (D 39), HMS Urania (R 05)
RNCdr. Gardiner, Robert Thory, RNHMS Bramble (ii) (J 273)
RCNVRT/Lt. Gardiner, William Douglas Haig, RCNVRHMCS Atholl (K 15), HMCS Eastview (K 665), HMCS St. Lambert (K 343)
RNRGardiner, W G, RNRHMS Cotsmuir (FY 550), HMS George Cousins (FY 627)
USNRGardiner, Lawrence, USNRUSS PGM-21 (PGM-21)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gardner, Alan Geoffrey, RNVRHMS Aylmer (K 463)
RNA/Capt. Gardner, Robert James, RNHMS Achates (i) (H 12), HMS Protector (T 98), HMS Premier (D 23)
USNT/Capt. Gardner, Edward Randolph, USNUSS Eberle (DD 430)
USNT/R.Adm. Gardner, Matthias Bennett, USNUSS Enterprise (CV 6)
USNT/Capt. Gardner, Francis Hartt, USNUSS Ellet (DD 398)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gardner, James Leslie, RNVRHMS Darnett Ness (FY 542), HMS MMS 178 (J 678)
RNRGardner, A, RNRHMS Returno (FY 839)
RNRGardner, A, RNRHMS Milford Duke
USNT/Cdr. Gardner, Jr., Earle Grace, USNUSS McFarland (AVD 14)
RNVRT/Lt. Gardner, Norman Steel, RNVRHMS MTB 72 (MTB 72), HMS MTB 32 (MTB 32), HMS MTB 357 (MTB 357)
USNRGardner, Robert Neil, USNRUSS Guadalupe (AO 32)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gare, George Verdon, RNVRHMS King Emperor (FY 730), HMS MMS 71 (J 571), HMS MMS 17 (J 517)
USCGCmdr Garfield, Montague F, USCGUSS Annapolis (PF-15)
USNRGarfield, Lewis James, USNRUSS Rathburne (DD 113)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Garforth, Arthur, DSC, RNRHMS Withernsea (FY 1637)
RNRGarling, W R G, RNRHMS LST 403 (LST 403)
USNRGarnant, Jack W, USNRUSS PC-1191 (PC-1191)
USNT/Cdr. Garnett, Philip Weaver, USNUSS R-4 (81), USS Sargo (188)
USNRGarnett, A Y P, USNRUSS PC-1194 (PC-1194)
RNRT/Skr. Garnham, John Edgar, RNRHMS Thornwick Bay (FY 179)
RNRSkr.Lt. (retired) Garnham, Joseph Samuel, RD, RNRHMS Kingston Ceylonite (FY 214)
RNVRT/Lt. Garnier, Peter, RNVRHMS ML 248 (ML 248)
RINA/Cdr. Garniss, St. John Aylmer Duff, RINHMIS Ramdas (4.111)
RNVRT/Lt. Garratt, Rupert Langsford, RNVRHMS Hastings (L 27 / U 27)
RNCdr. (retired) Garrett, Charles Richard, RNHMS Ceres (D 59)
RNVRT/Lt. Garrett, Roderick Paul Agnew, RNVRHMS Olive (T 126), HMS MMS 58 (J 558)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Garrett, Jr., Floyd Bruce, USNUSS Monaghan (DD 354)
RNRGarrill, G, RNRHMS Dunraven Castle (FY 570)
USNT/Cdr. Garrison, Malcolm Everett, USNUSS Sand Lance (381)
USNRLt. Garrison, Kearny R., USNRUSS Waxsaw (AN 91)
RN+Capt. Garside, Frederick Rodney, RNHMS Gloucester (62)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Garside, Eric Tolson, DSC, RNVRHMS MMS 41 (J 541), HMS BYMS 2061 (J 861), HMS Hascosay (T 390)
RNLt. Garson, Robin William, RNHMS Universal (P 57), HMS Uther (P 62)
RINGarstin, F H, RINHMS Sea Belle II (F 60)
USNT/Capt. Garton, Norman Farquhar, USNUSS Gillis (AVD 12)
RNVRGartrell, J H, RNVRHMS ML 104 (ML 104)
RNCdr. (retired) Gartside-Tippinge, Hugh, RNHMS Volunteer (D 71)
USNRGarvey, R. S., USNRUSS S-45 (156)
RNCdr. Garwood, Robert Cecil Somers, RNHMS Tarpon (N 17), HMS Bentinck (K 314)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Garwood, Trevor Henry, RNHMS Shearwater (L 39 / K 39), HMS Veteran (D 72)
USNRLt. Gasson, Edward Dimmick , USNRUSS PC-603 (PC-603), USS PC-603 (PC-603)
RANCdr. Gatacre, Galfrey George Ormond, DSC, RANHMAS Arunta (I 30)
USNT/R.Adm. Gatch, Thomas Leigh, USNUSS South Dakota (BB 57)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Gatehouse, Richard, DSC, RNHMS Tribune (N 76), HMS H 34 (N 34), HMS Unshaken (P 54), HMS Sportsman (P 229), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS Astute (P 447)
USNRGateley, J J, USNRUSS PC-586 (PC-586)
USNT/Capt. Gates, Herbert Kenneth, USNUSS Cascade (AD 16)
RNVRT/Lt. Gates, George Clifford, RNVRHMS Grampian (FY 546), HMS Sea Mist (FY 1640), HMS MMS 99 (J 599)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gattmann, James Reed, USNRUSS Richard S. Bull (DE 402)
RCNRSkr.Lt. Gaudreau, Georges Edouard, RCNRHMCS Trillium (K 172)
RNRGault, F, RNRHMS Damito (FY 521)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gaussen, Charles Casamaijor Loftus, RNVRHMS Parrsboro (J 117), HMS Onyx (J 221)
RNNkapitein ter zee (Capt.) Gauw, Jan August, RNNHNMS Nautilus (M 12), HNMS Van Kinsbergen (U 93)
USNT/Capt. Gavin, Arthur, USNUSS Ranger (CV 4)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Gavin, Robert William, USNUSS Durik (DE 666)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Gay, Jr., Jesse Bishop, USN
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gaylard, Gerald Stewart, RNVRHMS Bedfordshire (FY 141)
RNVRGaywood Lewis, J, RNVRHMS MA/SB 6 (MA/SB 6)
USNT/Capt. Gazze, Sylvius, USNUSS Belknap (AVD 8)
RANVRT/Lt. Geaney, John Patrick, RANVRHMS Northern Duke (4.11)
USNT/Capt. Gearing, Hilyer Fulford, USNUSS Tucker (DD 374)
USNEns. Gearing, Jr., Henry Chalfant, USN
USNT/Cdr. Gebelin, Albert Louis, USNUSS Thompson (DD 627)
RNRLt.Cdr. Geddes, George Carlow, RD, RNRHMS Azalea (K 25)
RNRGeddes, W, RNRHMS Soika (FY 1775), HMS BYMS 2001 (J 801)
RNRGeddes, G, RNRHMS Craigcoilleach (FY 1770), HMS Star of Orkney (FY 683)
RNVRT/Lt. Gee, Norman Stanley, RNVRHMS BYMS 2261 (J 1061)
RNLt. Geen, Alfred William, RNHMS Amethyst (T 12), HMS Circe (J 214), HMS Espiegle (J 216), HMS Circe (J 214)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Geeve, George Edmund, RNRHMS Retriever (FY 261)
USNRGehman, H Nevin, USNRUSS PC-1225 (PC-1225)
USNT/Capt. Gehres, Leslie Edward, USNUSS Franklin (CV 13)
USNRGeibel, Laurence Francis, USNRUSS Thornton (AVD 11)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Geijs, Johan Hendrik, RNNHNMS O 10 (P 10), HNMS K XIV (N 22)
USNCapt. Geiselman, Ellis Hugh, USNUSS Arizona (BB 39)
USNRLcmdr Geiss, John Jacob, USNRUSS Brennan (DE 13)
RNVRT/Lt. Gellet, Harry Alfred, RNVRHMS St. Achilleus (FY 152)
RINRT/Lt. Gellett, Sydney Joseph, RINRHMIS Kutubtari (FY 086)
RANVRA/Lt.Cdr. Gellie, Geoffrey James, RANVRHMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Varangian (P 61)
RNRA/Cdr. Gelling, William Emerson, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Teroma (FY 527), HMS Tasajera (F 125), HMS Prince Badouin (4.88), HMS Persimmon (4.422)
RNVRT/A/Cdr. Gemmell, Kenneth, DSO, DSC, RNVRHMS MGB 624 (MGB 624), HMS MTB 687 (MTB 687)
USNRGemmill, Gordon, USNRUSS Upshur (DD 144)
USNRLcmdr Gendreau, Jr., Elphege Alfred Maillot, USNRUSS Fieberling (DE 640)
USNRCdr. Genthner, Elmore G, USNRUSS Caliente (AO 53), USS Chipola (AO 63)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gentle, Thomas, RNRHMS William Scoresby (J 122), HMS Welcome (J 386)
USNLt.Cdr. Gentner, Jr., William Ellis, USNUSS Mission Bay (CVE 59)
USNT/Cdr. Gentry, Kenneth Mcloud, USNUSS King (DD 242), USS The Sullivans (DD 537)
USNLCdr Gentry, William Wade, USNUSS Gherardi (DD 637)
USNRGentry, Edmond Hamilton, USNRUSS Signet (AM 302)
T/Lt. Geofroy, Cecil Barton, TRNVRHMS Globe II
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. George, Walter Aaron, RNRHMS Exyahne (FY 878), HMS Grayling (T 243)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. George, Main, RNRHMS Grilse (T 368)
USNRLt.Cdr. George, Jr., Flave J, USNRUSS Catalpa (AN 10), USS Chain (ARS 20)
RNRT/Boom.Skr. George, Donald, RNRHMS Bownet (Z 90)
RNRGeorge, J H, RNRHMS Marano (FY 777), HMS Gaston Riviere (FY 1679), HMS Craigmillar (FY 1669)
RNRGeorge, S E, RNRHMS Lucienne Jeanne (FY 1769), HMS Holly (T 19)
RNRGeorge, E.C., RNRHMS HDML 1269 (ML 1269)
USNRGeorge, Eugene H, USNRUSS PGM-11 (PGM-11)
USNRGeorge, W D, USNRUSS PC-1181 (PC-1181)
USNLt.Cdr. Gerard, V, John, USN
RNZNVRGerard, K.D., RNZNVRHMS ML 146 (ML 146)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Gerity, Francis O'Brien, RCNRHMCS Summerside (K 141), HMCS Columbia (I 49), HMCS Outremont (K 322)
USNT/Cdr. Germershausen, Jr., William Joseph, USNUSS O-6 (67), USS Tambor (198), USS Spadefish (411)
USNRGernaus, Russell, USNRUSS Currier (DE 700)
RNVRGerrans, B.D., RNVRHMS ML 159 (ML 159)
RNVRT/Lt. Gershuny, Charles Myer, RNVRHMS BYMS 2149 (J 949)
RNRT/Lt. Gervaise, Walter Aloysius, DSC, RNRHMS Prodigal (T 187)
RNCdr. (emergency) Gervers, Ronald Charles, RNHMS Sandwich (L 12 / U 12), HMS Royal Scotsman (F 115)
USNT/Cdr. Gerwick, John Day, USNUSS Greenling (213)
RAN+Capt. Getting, Frank Edmund, RANHMS Kanimbla (F 23), HMAS Canberra (D 33)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gex, Virgil Edward, USNRUSS Neunzer (DE 150)
USNGeyer, John Henry, USNUSS Semmes (AG 24)
RNRGheur, A C C, RNRHMS BYMS 2036 (J 836)
USNT/Cdr. Giambattista, Frank Daniel, USNUSS PE-19 (PE-19), USS Reuben James (ii) (DE 153), USS Hopping (DE 155)
RNRLt.Cdr. Gibb, David Mirylees, RNRHMS Lydiard (FY 177), HMS Anchusa (K 186)
RNRSkr. Gibbins, George, RNRHMS Tartan (FY 915)
RNVRGibbon, W B, RNVRHMS MMS 67 (J 567)
RNVRT/Lt. Gibbons, Anthony John, RNVRHMS Estrella do Mar (FY 1916)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibbons, James, RNRHMS Bootle (J 143)
USNRGibbons, John R, USNRUSS PC-1172 (PC-1172)
RNCdr. Gibbs, Edward Albert, DSO, RNHMS Fortune (H 70), HMS Pathfinder (G 10)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gibbs, Frederick, USNRUSS Ebert (DE 768)
USNT/Capt. Gibbs, Robert Henry, USNUSS Wainwright (DD 419), USS Yosemite (AD 19)
RN+Lt. Gibbs, Frank Bridger, RNHMS H 31 (N 31)
RINA/Lt.Cdr. Gibbs, John Edward, RINHMIS Rohilkhand (J 180)
RNRGibbs, J W, RNRHMS Firefly (FY 673)
RNRGibbs, J H, RNRHMS Sandringham (FY 598), HMS Osako (FY 580), HMS Loch Leven (FY 642), HMS Meror (FY 1836), HMS Lois (FY 781)
RNRGibbs, E G, RNRHMS Moonrise (FY 1863), HMS Peter Carey (FY 537)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibbs, Walter Haliburton, DSC, RNVRHMS Grampian (FY 546)
RNCapt. (retired) Gibbs, George Louis Downall, DSO, RNHMS Queen Emma (4.180)
USNRGibbs, Robert I., USNRUSS S-11 (116)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Gibbs, Christopher Ernest Inman, RNHMS Chantala
RNCdr. (retired) Gibson, James Geoffrey Clemons, OBE, RNHMS Huddersfield Town (FY 197), HMS Heather (K 69), HMS Folkestone (L 22 / U 22)
RNVRT/Lt. Gibson, Kenneth, RNVRHMS Gos 7, HMS Bay (T 77)
RNVRGibson, J, RNVRHMS Foula (T 203)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibson, J C G, RNRHMS Yezo (FY 829)
RNVRGibson, C E, RNVRHMS St. Adrian (4.63)
RNVRGibson, W B, RNVRHMS MMS 1041 (FY 1041)
USNLt.Cdr. Gibson, Edward Isham, USNUSS La Vallette (DD 448)
USNRGibson, William K., USNRUSS PCE-843 (PCE-843)
RNVRGibson, P G L, RNVRHMS MTB 35 (MTB 35), HMS MTB 221 (MTB 221)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibson, W., RNVRHMS ML 238 (ML 238)
USNRCdr. Gibson, Francis Stephenson, USNRUSS Platte (AO 24), USS Prairie (AD 15)
USNRGibson, F B, USNRUSS PC-576 (PC-576)
USNRGibson, Harold G, USNRUSS PC-792 (PC-792)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gibson-Flemming, Robert, DSC, RNVRHMS BYMS 2041 (J 841), HMS BYMS 2252 (J 1052)
USNRGiddings, Douglas Robert, USNRUSS Shelter (AM 301)
USNRGielow, Robert Andrew, USNRUSS Bond (AM 152)
USNCapt. Gieselman, Ellis Hugh, USNUSS Detroit (CL 8)
RNA/Capt. Giffard, John Agnew, DSC, RNHMS Sikh (F 82)
RCNVRT/Lt. Giffin, Avard Earle, RCNVRHMCS Chicoutimi (K 156), HMCS Chicoutimi (K 156)
USNRGignilliat, Wm. R., USNRUSS PCS-1377 (PCS-1377)
USNT/Capt. Gilbert, Ward Carr, USNUSS Ballard (AVD 10), USS Glacier (CVE 33), USS Bataan (CVL 29)
RNVRT/Lt. Gilbert, Geoffrey Thomas, RNVRHMS Northern Spray (FY 129)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gilbert, L C, RNRHMS Revello (FY 778), HMS St. Melante (FY 753)
USNRGilbert, J E, USNRUSS PC-789 (PC-789), USS PC-1128 (PC-1128)
USNRGilbert, Jr., O P, USNRUSS PC-1086 (PC-1086)
USNRLcmdr Gilbertson, George Barton, USNRUSS PC-622 (PC-622), USS Bebas (DE 10)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gilbey, Arthur Vivian King, RNRHMS LST 415 (LST 415)
RCNVRT/Lt. Gilbride, Gordon Edward, RCNVRHMCS Noranda (J 265)
RCNRT/Lt. Gilding, Charles Walter, RCNRHMCS Levis (i) (K 115)
RNVRT/Lt. Giles, Robert Frederick, RNVRHMS Tango (T 146)
USNT/Cdr. Giles, Jr., William Jefferson, USNUSS John D. Edwards (DD 216)
RNZNVRLt.Cdr. Gilfillan, Alister Barclay, RNZNVRHMNZS Rimu (T 402)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Gill, Norman Frederick René, DSC, RNRHMS Bellwort (K 114), HMS Calpe (L 71)
USNLcmdr Gill, Calvert Burke, USNUSS Fechteler (i) (DE 157), USS Rombach (DE 364)
USNCapt Gill, Charles Clifford, USN
RINRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gill, Santasing, RINRHMIS Haideri, HMIS Kalavati (4.158), HMIS Kumaon (J 164)
RNVRT/Lt. Gill, Charles William Wesley, RNVRHMS Oku (FY 660)
RNRCapt. Gill, Roy, RD, RNRHMS White Bear (4.02)
RNCdr. Gill, Harold Brittain Clifford, RNHMS Leander (75)
RNVRGill, D G, RNVRHMS MTB 31 (MTB 31), HMS MTB 390 (MTB 390)
USNRGill, D G, USNRUSS PC-567 (PC-567)
USNT/Capt. Gillan, Jr., Martin Joseph, USNUSS Mattaponi (AO 41)
RNRT/Skr. Gillard, Edward, RNRHMS Avanturine (FY 249)
USNLt.Cdr. Gillette, Robert Charles, USNUSS Blackfish (221)
USNT/Commodore Gillette, Norman Campbell, USNUSS Tuscaloosa (CA 37)
SANF(V)T/Lt. Gillham, Leonard Griffin, SANF(V)HMS Northern Chief (4.34), HMS Norwich City (FY 229)
RNVRGillham, E R S, RNVRHMS MTB 749 (MTB 749)
RANR(S)T/A/Lt.Cdr. Gillies, William John, RANR(S)HMAS Cowra (J 351)
RNRLt. Gillies, Alan Leonard Gustav, RNRHMS Tranio, HMS Kings Grey (FY 502), HMS Tahay (T 452)
USNRGilliland, John Alonzo, USNRUSS PCS-1442 (PCS-1442)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gilling, Richard Thomas, RNRHMS Marjorie M. Hastie (FY 1777), HMS Ceylonite (FY 1853), HMS Ratapiko (FY 1878)
RANVRLt. Gilling, Douglas Laurence, RANVRHMS ML 167 (ML 167)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gillis, Joseph Albert, USNRUSS PC-610 (PC-610), USS Blessman (DE 69)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Gillison, James Mitchell, RCNRHMCS Kamloops (K 176), HMCS Fennel (K 194), HMCS Timmins (K 223)
USNRGilman, Jr., John E., USNRUSS S-41 (146)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gilmore, William James, RCNVRHMCS Kentville (J 312), HMCS Parry Sound (K 341)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Gilmore, Patrick Crosby, RN
USN+Cdr. Gilmore, Howard Walter, USNUSS S-48 (159), USS Growler (215)
USNRGilmore, J, USNRUSS SC-524 (SC-524)
RNCapt. Gilmour, David, RNHMS Coventry (D 43), HMS Suffolk (55)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Gilmour, Thomas, RCNRHMCS Comox (J 64), HMCS Gaspe (J 94), HMCS Elk (S 05), HMCS Hepatica (K 159), HMCS Loch Morlich (K 517), HMCS Thetford Mines (K 459)
RNVRGilpin, F A, RNVRHMS MTB 84 (MTB 84)
USNT/Cdr. Gimber, Stephen Henry, USNUSS Pompon (267)
USNT/Capt. Ginder, John Kenneth Burkholder, USNUSS Anderson (DD 411)
USNT/R.Adm. Ginder, Sr., Samuel Paul, USNUSS Curtiss (AV 4), USS Enterprise (CV 6)
USNT/Capt. Gingrich, John Edward, USNUSS Pittsburgh (CA 72)
USNRGirard, James E, USNRUSS PC-1212 (PC-1212), USS PC-578 (PC-578)
RNRSkr.Lt. (retired) Girling, Arthur, RD, RNRHMS Arkwright (FY 653), HMS The Roman (FY 1530), HMS Alexander Scott (FY 515)
USNRGivins, Edward Lewis, USNRUSS Bobolink (AM 20)
USNRGjedsted, Charles Byron, USNRUSS Pamanset (AO 85)
USNRGladson, Frank F., USNRUSS PC-592 (PC-592), USS PCE-867 (PCE-867)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gladstone, Gerald Cecil, RNVRHMS Newark (G 08)
RNCapt. Gladstone, Gerald Vaughan, RNHMS Fiji (58), HMS Pelican (L 86 / U 86), HMS Black Prince (81)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Gladwell, Harold Laking, RNRHMS Kingston Onyx (4.54), HMS York City (FY 110)
RCNVRGladwell, J W, RCNVRHMS MGB 642 (MGB 642)
USNLt Cmdr Glaes, James Gordon, USNUSS Sand Lance (381)
RN+Cdr. Glasfurd, Charles Eric, RNHMS Kempenfelt (i) (I 18), HMS Acasta (H 09)
USNT/Capt. Glass, Richard Pollard, USNUSS Brazos (AO 4)
RCNVRT/Lt. Glassco, Colin Stinson, RCNVRHMCS Ville de Quebec (K 242), HMCS Trentonian (K 368)
USNRGlassford, J, USNRUSS PGM-31 (PGM-31)
USNRGlave, G B, USNRUSS PC-1077 (PC-1077)
USNRGlazener, C W, USNRUSS PC-1131 (PC-1131)
RNRCdr. Gleave, Ernest, RNRHMS Chesterfield (I 28), HMS Valena (FY 028), HMS Weston (L 72 / U 72)
RNRT/Skr. Gleeson, Frank Stephen, RNRHMS James Lay (FY 667), HMS Varanga (FY 1625)
USNT/Capt. Gleim, Fritz, USNUSS Eaton (DD 510)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gleis, Stanley Nicholas, USNRUSS Wyffels (DE 6), USS Dennis (DE 405)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Glenn, Paul Edward, USNUSS S-42 (153), USS Pintado (387)
USNRLt Glenn, Jr., William Howard, USNRUSS Knave (AM 256)
USNRGlenn, Jr., R C, USNRUSS PC-617 (PC-617)
RNVice-Admiral Glennie, Irvine Gordon, RNHMS Hood (51)
USNGlennon, William Reedus, USNUSS Stockton (ii) (DD 646)
USNRLt.Cdr. Glenwright, Charles Henry, USNRUSS Cossatot (AO 77)
USNT/Capt. Glick, John Albert, USNUSS Biddle (DD 151), USS Bristol (i) (DD 453)
USNRGlidden, Arthur Boyden, USNRUSS Mayo (DD 422)
USNRGlines, Earl W., USNRUSS Cuyama (AO 3)
USNRGlockzin, Albert R, USNRUSS PCS-1448 (PCS-1448)
USNRGloss, Robert Charles, USNRUSS Constant (AM 86), USS Devastator (AM 318)
FRCapitaine De Fregate Glotin, Henry Marie Edouard Antoine, FRFR Maille Breze
RNCapt. Glover, Philip Foster, RNHMS Dragon (D 46)
USNT/Capt. Glover, Jr., Cato Douglass, USNUSS Barnes (ii) (CVE 20), USS Enterprise (CV 6)
RNVRT/Lt. Glover, Frank Adkins, RNVRHMS Bute (T 168)
USNT/R.Adm. Glover, Robert Ogden, USNUSS Massachusetts (BB 59)
RNVRGlover, J.E.S., RNVRHMS ML 261 (ML 261)
RNVRT/Lt. Glover, Joseph Kenneth, RNVRHMS HDML 1234 (ML 1234)
RNRT/Lt. Gluning, Royden James, RNRHMS Foxtrot (T 109)
RNLt.Cdr. Goatley, John Lane, RNHMS Cricket (T 75), HMS Abercrombie (F 109), HMS Aphis (T 57)
RNLt. Godden, Michael John, RNHMS MA/SB 6 (MA/SB 6)
USNLt. Godfrey, Vincent Hubbard, USN
RNRGodfrey, B, RNRHMS Harry Melling (FY 538), HMS Cedar (T 01)
RCNCapt. Godfrey, Valentine Stuart, RCNHMCS Prince David (F 89), HMCS Prince David (F 89), HMCS Prince Henry (F 70)
USNRLt. Godfrey, Charles E., USNRUSS PC-1167 (PC-1167)
USNRGoding, W E, USNRUSS PC-820 (PC-820), USS PC-585 (PC-585)
USNRLt.Cdr. Godsey, Hugh Mcleod, USNRUSS PC-546 (PC-546), USS Alacrity (PG-87), USS Swasey (DE 248), USS Johnnie Hutchins (DE 360)
RNLt. Godson, Leslie, RNHMS Ready (J 223)
RNLt.Cdr. Godwin, Lionel Charles Digby, RNHMS Octavia (J 290)
USN+Capt. Godwin, Donald Clark, USNUSS Whitney (AD 4), USS Maryland (BB 46)
RNCapt. (retired) Godwin, Claud Herbert, DSO, RNHMS Springbank (F 50)
RNN(R)+luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Goedhart, Johannes Frans, RNN(R)HNMS Friso (i), HNMS Z 3
USNRLt.Cdr. Goepner, Oscar William, USNRUSS Frederick C. Davis (DE 136), USS Major (DE 796)
RNRT/S.Lt. Goff, Roy Cyril, RNRHMS Selkirk (J 18), HMS Chameleon (J 387)
USCGLcmdr Goff, Wayne L, USCGUSS Albuquerque (PF-7)
RNRGoffin, J G, RNRHMS Alma (FY 1747)
RNRGoffin, J, RNRHMS Valesca (FY 814), HMS Rugby (4.162)
RNRT/Lt. Goggin, William Edward, RNRHMS Hazel (T 108), HMS Cape Warwick (FY 167)
USNT/Capt. Goggins, William Bernard, USNUSS Ramapo (AO 12), USS Alabama (BB 60)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Golby, James Wake, DSC, RCNVRHMCS Burlington (J 250), HMCS Sudbury (K 162), HMCS Coaticook (K 410), HMCS Humberstone (K 497)
RCNR+T/A/Lt.Cdr. Golby, Thomas Maitland Wake, RCNRHMCS Weyburn (K 173)
USNRGoldberger, H S, USNRUSS PC-1205 (PC-1205)
RNVRGoldie, A, RNVRHMS Sir Lamorak (T 242)
RNVRGolding, K D, RNVRHMS MTB 289 (MTB 289), HMS MGB 633 (MGB 633)
RNRGoldspink, E W, RNRHMS Milford Prince (FY 614)
USNRGoldstein, A L, USNRUSS PC-1172 (PC-1172), USS PCS-1389 (PCS-1389)
USNT/Capt. Goldthwaite, Robert, USNUSS Saginaw Bay (CVE 82)
USNRCdr. Golinkin, Joseph Webster, USNRUSS Strive (AM 117), USS Hilbert (DE 742)
USNRGolson, N R, USNRUSS PC-1149 (PC-1149)
RINVRGolton, S P, RINVRHMIS Netravati (4.123), HMIS Netravati (4.123)
USNT/R.Adm. Good, Roscoe Fletcher, USNUSS Washington (BB 56)
RNRT/Lt. Good, John Joseph, RNRHMS Hazel (T 108)
USNT/R.Adm. Good, Howard Harrison, USNUSS New Orleans (CA 32)
RNRGood, G A, RNRHMS Simpson (FY 545)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Good, Romer Fletcher, USNRUSS Pursuit (AM 108), USS Endicott (DD 495)
USNRLt. Good, Jr., Carl M., USNRUSS PCS-1420 (PCS-1420)
USNRGood, John W, USNRUSS PC-1211 (PC-1211)
RINRT/Lt. Goodbody, Henry Desmond Twamley, RINRHMIS Madura (T 268)
USNRLt. Goodbody, Carl S., USNRUSS Gillis (AVD 12)
RANLt.Cdr.(Retd.) Goodchild, Herbert William, RANHMAS Adelaide (D 47)
RNVRGoodchild, J H, RNVRHMS MTB 69 (MTB 69)
RNLt.Cdr. Goodden, Giles Richard Penn, RNHMS Ilex (D 61), HMS Garth (L 20), HMS Oakley (ii) (L 98)
USNT/Capt. Goode, Jesse Benjamin, USNUSS Talullah (AO 50), USS Vestal (AR 4)
USNGooden, Harold Harman, USNUSS Oriole (AM 7), USS Oriole (AM 7)
RNCapt. Goodenough, Michael Grant, DSO, RNHMS Cumberland (57)
RNVRA/Lt.Cdr. Goodfellow, William Pattisson, DSC, RNVRHMS Wensleydale (L 86)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Goodfellow, Francis Truman, DSC, RNVRHMS MTB 71 (MTB 71), HMS MTB 685 (MTB 685), HMS MTB 702 (MTB 702)
USNRLcmdr Goodhue, Nathaniel Mansfield, USNRUSS PC-1192 (PC-1192), USS Marts (DE 174)
RNRT/Skr. Goodier, Harold, DSC, RNRHMS T.R. Ferrens (FY 532)
RNR+Skr. Goodings, Abraham, RNRHMS St. Kenan (FY 264), HMS Rugby (4.162)
RNRGoodinson, G H, RNRHMS Buckingham (T 121)
RNVRT/Lt. Goodliffe, Horace, RNVRHMS LST 406 (LST 406)
RNRT/Skr. Goodman, Thomas, RNRHMS Loch Tulla (FY 199)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Goodman, John, RNRHMS Akita (FY 610), HMS MMS 303 (J 803)
RNVRGoodman, P, RNVRHMS MTB 297 (MTB 297)
USNRLt. Goodman, Edward S., USNRUSS PCS-1449 (PCS-1449)
USNT/Cdr. Goodman, Daniel Crosby, USNUSS Lapwing (AVP 1)
USNRLt (jg.) Goodman, Howard H., USNRUSS YMS-10 (YMS-10)
USNT/Capt. Goodney, Willard Kinsman, USNUSS Chandeleur (AV 10)
USNRGoodrich, Julian R, USNRUSS PC-1120 (PC-1120)
USNT/Capt. Goodwin, Hugh Hilton, USNUSS Gambier Bay (CVE 73), USS San Jacinto (CVL 30)
RANRLt. Goodwin, Howard Frank, RANRHMAS Toowoomba (J 157)
RNVRGoodwin, A M, RNVRHMS MMS 293 (J 793)
SANF(V)Goodwin, G R, SANF(V)HMS ML 863 (ML 863)
USNT/Cdr. Goodwin, Ernest Sidney Lewis, USNUSS Noa (i) (DD 343)
RINA/Cdr. Goord, Anthony Brian, DSC, RINHMIS Dipavati (4.109), HMIS Godavari (U 52)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Goorgian, Richard, USNRUSS Escambia (AO 80)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Goossens, Hendrikus Abraham Waldemar, RNNHNMS O 11, HNMS O 9 (P 09), HNMS O 14 (N 14 / P 14), HNMS Zwaardvisch (P 322)
RNRGoouch, W J, RNRHMS Arthur Cavenagh (FY 566)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Gorazdowski, Tadeusz, ORPORP Blyskawica (H 34), ORP Blyskawica (H 34), ORP Krakowiak (L 115), ORP Blyskawica (H 34), ORP Piorun (G 65), ORP Piorun (G 65)
USNGordiner, Virgil Francis, USN
USNT/Capt. Gordinier, Virgil Francis, USNUSS Crane (DD 109), USS Woodworth (DD 460)
RNLt. Gordon, Cecil, DSO, RNHMS H 32 (N 32), HMS Universal (P 57), HMS Teredo (P 338)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gordon, Henry Vincent, DSC, RNVRHMS Anchusa (K 186), HMS Hadleigh Castle (K 355)
RNCapt. Gordon, Oliver Loudon, RNHMS Maidstone (F 44), HMS Exeter (68)
RNCdr. Gordon, Roderick Cosmo, DSO, RNHMS Wolverine (D 78), HMS Intrepid (D 10), HMS Savage (G 20), HMS Boxer (F 121)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gordon, Stirling, RNVRHMS Domett (K 473), HMS Hargood (K 582)
USNT/Capt. Gordon, Jr., Howard Wright, USNUSS Doran (DD 634), USS Ingraham (ii) (DD 694)
RANLt. Gordon, Gilbert Sutherland, RANHMAS Castlemaine (J 244), HMAS Vendetta (D 69)
RNVRT/Lt. Gordon, Bernard John, DSC, RNVRHMS Mull (T 110), HMS MMS 1013 (FY 1013)
RNVRGordon, K J, RNVRHMS Valena (FY 028)
USNLt Gordon, William Howard, USNUSS Barr (DE 576)
RINRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gordon, Samuel Douglas, RINRHMIS Hashemi
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Gordon-Christian, John Samuel, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Albury (J 41), HMS Cato (J 16), HMS Postillion (J 296)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Gordon-Duff, Randall Thomas, RNHMS Proteus (N 29), HMS Culver (Y 87)
USNRCmdr. Gorham, John A, USNRUSS Hodges (DE 231)
USNRLt. Gorham, Lewis A., USNRUSS Clamour (AM 160)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Gornall, Charles Edwin, RNRHMS William Cale (FY 535), HMS Lacerta (4.07), HMS Lacerta (4.07)
RNCapt. Gornall, James Parrington, DSO, RNHMS Shropshire (83), HMS Orion (85)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gorrell, Sydney, DSC, RNRHMS Cornelian (T 15)
RNRGorringe, T W, RNRHMS Clifton (FY 898)
USNT/Capt. Gorry, William Andrew, USNUSS Montpelier (CL 57)
RNCdr. (retired) Gorton, Horace George, RNHMS Glen Strathallan (FY 010), HMS Sayonara (4.72)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Goslings, Lambert Johan, RNNHNMS Evertsen (EV), HNMS Kortenaer (KN), HNMS Banckert (BK), HNMS Friso (ii) (K 00)
RCNRT/Lt. Gosse, Arthur Hamilton, RCNRHMCS Quatsino (J 152)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gotelee, Allan Arthur, DSC, RNVRHMS MGB 601 (MGB 601), HMS Scimitar (H 21), HMS Retalick (K 555)
RNVRT/Lt. Gott, Harold, RNVRHMS Wellard (FY 137)
RNCapt. Gotto, Renfrew, DSO, RNHMS Queen Elizabeth (00), HMS Queen Elizabeth (00)
RNVRT/Lt. Gotto, Christopher Corry, RNVRHMS MMS 190 (J 690), HMS Orsay (T 450)
RNVRGoudie, A, RNVRHMS MMS 91 (J 591)
RANR(S)T/A/Lt.Cdr. Gough, George Edward, RANR(S)HMAS Burnie (J 198)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gough, Albert Elliott, RCNRHMCS Quesnel (K 133), HMCS Quatsino (J 152), HMCS Transcona (J 271)
USNT/Capt. Gouin, Marcel Emile Alcan, USNUSS Admiralty Islands (CVE 99)
RNCdr. Gould, James Gordon, RNHMS Trident (N 52), HMS Pelican (L 86 / U 86), HMS Antelope (H 36)
USNT/Cdr. Gould, Frank Gardner, USNUSS Sterett (DD 407)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Gould, Ralph Graham, RNVRHMS Scottish (FY 245), HMCS Ironbound (T 284)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Gould, Gerald Frank Julius, RNHMS Cypress (T 09)
RN+Lt. Gould, Philip Francis Stewart, DSC, RNHMS MGB 622 (MGB 622), HMS MGB 640 (MGB 640), HMS MGB 639 (MGB 639)
USNRLt.Cdr. Gould, Charles Lessington, USNRUSS Hammann (ii) (DE 131)
RANRLt. Gourlay, Kenneth Ralph, RANRHMAS Deloraine (J 232), HMAS Cootamundra (J 316)
RNRSkr.Lt. Gove, Andrew, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Westella (FY 161), HMS Van Dyck (FY 106)
RCNRT/Lt. Gow, John Alexander, RCNRHMCS Quesnel (K 133), HMCS Quesnel (K 133)
RNLt. Gowan, Henry Carty, RNHMS Rover (N 62), HMS H 44 (N 44), HMS Sidon (P 259)
RNRGowen, J J, RNRHMS Lord Darling (FY 1774)
RNLt.Cdr. Gower, John Ronald, DSC, RNHMS Winchester (L 55), HMS Swift (G 46), HMS Orwell (G 98)
RANA/Cdr. Gower, Sydney Thomas Milton, RANHMAS Manoora (F 48), HMAS Manoora (F 48)
RNLt. Gower, Goodwin Felton, RNHMS Rover (N 62)
RNA/Capt. Gowlland, Geoffrey, RNHMS Suffolk (55)
RNCdr. Gowlland, Langton, RNHMS Birmingham (19)
USNT/Cdr. Goyette, Emmanuel Thomas, USN
USNRCmdr Goza, John Perry, USNRUSS Chiwawa (AO 68)
USNRLt. Goza, Harry Ellis, USNRUSS Ramapo (AO 12)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Grabenhorst, Coburn Lewis, USNRUSS Bond (AM 152), USS Signet (AM 302)
USNLt. Grabowsky, Leon, USNUSS Leutze (DD 481)
RNCapt. Grace, Norman Vere, RNHMS Adventure (M 23), HMS Berwick (65)
USNLt.Cdr. Grace, Edward Thomas, USNUSS Halligan (DD 584)
RNRSkr.Lt. Grace, Lewis, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Berberis (T 46), HMS Berberis (T 46)
RNRGrace, J W, RNRHMS Misoa (F 117)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Grace, John Noel Gilbert, RNHMS Tiercel (4.83)
RCNVRT/Lt. Gracey, James Marshall, RCNVRHMCS Canso (J 21)
RNLt.Cdr. Gracie, Alexander, RNHMS Hastings (L 27 / U 27)
RNVRT/Lt. Gradwell, Leo Joseph Anthony, DSC, RNVRHMS Ayrshire (FY 225), HMS Thirlmere (FY 206)
USNT/Cdr. Grady, James Bizzell, USNUSS R-6 (83), USS Whale (239), USS Cobbler (344)
USNT/Commodore Graf, Homer William, USNUSS Cincinnati (CL 6)
USNLt.Cdr. Graff, Victor Bernard, USNUSS Shaw (DD 373), USS Shaw (DD 373), USS McKee (DD 575)
USNT/Cdr. Gragg, John Blair, USNUSS Roper (DD 147), USS O'Brien (ii) (DD 725)
RNA/Capt. Graham, Harry Robert, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Escapade (H 17), HMS Zulu (F 18), HMS Pursuer (D 73)
RNCapt. Graham, Quintin Dick, DSO, RNHMS Arethusa (26), HMS Unicorn (D 72), HMS Indefatigable (10)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Graham, Jr., William Walter, USNUSS Jarvis (i) (DD 393)
USNT/Capt. Graham, Roy William Montrose, USNUSS Ralph Talbot (DD 390)
USNLt.Cdr. Graham, William Arthur, USNUSS Plunkett (DD 431)
USNRCdr. Graham, Robert Wallace, USNRUSS Requisite (AM 109), USS Burrows (DE 105), USS Richard W. Suesens (DE 342)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Graham, John Boyd, RCNVRHMCS Wentworth (K 331), HMCS Lauzon (K 671)
RNCdr. (retired) Graham, Charles Gordon Norrie, RNHMS Mallard (L 42 / K 42)
RNVRT/Lt. Graham, Denis Angus, RNVR
RNZNVRT/Lt. Graham, David Hamilton, RNZNVRHMS Stella Polaris (4.258)
RNCdr. (retired) Graham, James, RN
RNVRT/Lt. Graham, John Henry, RNVRHMS Helvetia (4.86)
RANVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Graham, Donald Hubert, RANVRHMS Busen 11 (FY 1842)
RNVRGraham, K G, RNVRHMS Misoa (F 117)
RNRear-Admiral Graham, Cosmo Moray, RNHMS Shoreham (L 32 / U 32)
USNRLt.Cdr. Graham, Thomas Albert, USNRUSS PC-602 (PC-602), USS Doneff (DE 49)
RINRGraham, H J, RINRHMIS Irrawadi (4.186)
USNRLt. Graham, Lennox P., USNRUSS YMS-11 (YMS-11)
USNRGraham, K L, USNRUSS PC-1192 (PC-1192)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Graham-Brown, Frederick, RNRHMS Loch Melfort (FY 151)
RNVRGrahams-Law, R J, RNVRHMS ML 103 (ML 103)
USNRGrahan, T A, USNRUSS PC-602 (PC-602)
RNVRT/Lt. Grain, Arthur John Henry, RNVRHMS Their Merit (FY 522), HMS Epine (FY 682)
USNCapt. Granat, William, USNUSS Sampson (DD 394), USS Colorado (BB 45)
RCNVRT/Lt. Grand, William Martin, RCNVRHMCS New Liskeard (J 397)
RNRLt.Cdr. Grandage, George Raymond, RNRHMS LST 424 (LST 424), HMS LST 366 (LST 366)
RNRLt.Cdr. Granger, Frederick, RD, RNRHMS Arctic Pioneer (FY 164), HMS Cowslip (K 196), HMS Armeria (K 187)
RNVRGranland, H P, RNVR
RNVRT/Lt. Granlund, Henry Paddison, DSC, RNVRHMS MTB 218 (MTB 218), HMS MTB 36 (MTB 36), HMS MTB 649 (MTB 649)
USNT/Capt. Grannis, Lawrence Charles, USNUSS Vicksburg (CL 86)
USNLt.Cdr. Granstrom, Donald Martin, USNUSS Stansbury (DMS 8)
RNRLt.Cdr. Grant, Gilbert Shaw, RD, RNRHMS Clare (I 14), HMS Spragge (K 572)
RNCdr. Grant, John, DSO, RNHMS Beverley (H 64), HMS Fame (H 78)
RNCapt. Grant, John William, DSO, RNHMS Penelope (97), HMS Searcher (D 40)
USNT/Cdr. Grant, James Dorr, USNUSS R-1 (78)
RANR(S)T/Lt. Grant, John Alexander, RANR(S)HMAS Katoomba (J 204)
USNT/Capt. Grant, Etheridge, USNUSS William B. Preston (AVD 7), USS William B. Preston (AVD 7), USS Cumberland Sound (AV 17)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Grant, Kenneth Alexander, RNVRHMS Concertator (FY 637), HMS Campobello (T 278), HMS Elm (T 105)
RNRGrant, J L, RNRHMS River Clyde, HMS Stella Leonis (FY 706)
RNVRT/Lt. Grant, Alexander Brown, RNVRHMS Juliet (T 136)
RCNCapt. Grant, Harold Taylor Wood, DSO, RCNHMCS Skeena (D 59), HMS Diomede (D 92), HMS Enterprise (D 52), HMCS Ontario (53)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Grant, Percy Charles, RNVRHMS Snakefly (FY 575)
RNRA/Commodore ( Grant, Brian Borthwick, RD, RNRHMS Glengyle (4.196)
RCNVRT/Lt. Grant, Alexander, RCNVRHMCS Georgian (J 144)
RANVRT/Lt. Grant, Robert Haxton, RANVRHMS Globe II, HMS Globe II, HMS BYMS 2258 (J 1058)
USNT/Cdr. Grant, James Donald Livingston, USNUSS Greenling (213), USS Toro (422)
USNRCmdr. Grant, Alan George, USNRUSS Crosby (DD 164), USS Chew (DD 106)
USNRGrant, G W, USNRUSS PC-1128 (PC-1128)
RNCapt. Grantham, Guy, DSO, RNHMS Phoebe (43), HMS Naiad (93), HMS Cleopatra (33), HMS Indomitable (92)
USNT/Cdr. Grantham, Jr., Elonzo Bowden, USNUSS Hatfield (DD 231), USS Robinson (ii) (DD 562)
USNCapt. Grassie, Herbert John, USNUSS Idaho (BB 42)
USNGravely, Jr., Herbert Carlyle, USN
RNLt.Cdr. Graves, Frank Maclear, RNHMS Kingfisher (L 70 / K 70), HMS Leeds (G 27), HMS Holcombe (L 56), HMS Eglinton (L 87), HMS Quality (G 62)
RNRGraves, John Douglas, RNRHMS Inverforth (FY 729), HMS Vestfold I (J 104), HMS Flint (T 287)
RNVRT/Lt. Graves, James Edward William, RNVRHMS Willow (T 66)
USNT/Capt. Graves, Jr., Edwin Darius, USNUSS Detroit (CL 8)
USNRLt Graves, John Pittman, USNRUSS Preble (DM 20)
RNRCdr. (retired) Gray, Alfred Francis Colenso, RD, RNRHMS Valena (FY 028), HMS Sardonyx (H 26), HMS Charlestown (I 21)
RNRLt.Cdr. Gray, Francis Harden, RD, RNRHMS Woodruff (K 53), HMS Inver (K 302), HMS Sarawak (K 591)
RNLt.Cdr. Gray, Gordon Thomas Seccombe, DSC, RNHMS Stork (L 81 / U 81), HMS Westminster (L 40), HMS Badsworth (L 03), HMS Lamerton (L 88), HMS Cossack (ii) (R 57)
RNVRT/Lt. Gray, Aubrey Frank, RNVRHMS Sir Agravaine (T 230)
RNRGray, J M, RNRHMS Sanson (FY 901)
RNZNVRLt. Gray, George David, RNZNVRHMNZS Pahau (T 351)
RNRGray, Ronald Carlile, RNRHMS Cordela (FY 713)
RNVRGray, D, RNVRHMS MTB 523 (MTB 523)
USNCapt. Gray, Augustine Heard, USNUSS New Orleans (CA 32)
USNRGray, R. P., USNRUSS PCS-1401 (PCS-1401)
USNRGray, A T, USNRUSS PC-555 (PC-555)
USNRGray, H D, USNRUSS PC-614 (PC-614)
USNRGray, Taylor W, USNRUSS SC-530 (SC-530)
RNRT/Lt. Graybrook, Francis Henry Wilson, RNRHMS MMS 107 (J 607), HMS MMS 103 (J 603), HMS LST 323 (LST 323)
RNVRT/Lt. Grayston, Arthur, RNVRHMS Nebb (FY 1722)
RNRT/Lt. Greasley, Frederick Robert Max, RNRHMS Burdock (K 126), HMS Gentian (K 90)
RNRLt. Greaves, George Richard, RNRHMS Wallflower (K 44)
RNVRT/Lt. Greaves, Robert Charles Ley, RNVRHMS Moonstone (T 90)
USNT/Capt. Greber, Charles Frederick, USNUSS Marcus Island (CVE 77)
USNRGreeff, Edward R, USNRUSS SC-501 (SC-501)
USCGRCmdr Greeley, Quentin Mckay, USCGRUSS Poughkeepsie (PF-26)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Green, Robert Lucas, RNVRHMS Kingston Chrysolite (FY 184), HMS Whaddon (L 45)
USNCapt. Green, Burton Hepburn, USN
USNT/Cdr. Green, Thomas Chandler, USNUSS Stevenson (DD 645)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Green, Robert Robinson, USNUSS Fletcher (DD 445)
RNRCh.Skr. Green, Peter, RD, RNRHMS William Wesney
RNLt.Cdr. Green, James Robert Frederick William, DSC, RNHMS SGB 6 / Grey Shark (S 306)
RANA/Cdr. Green, Arnold Holbrook, DSC, RANHMAS Warrego (L 73 / U 73), HMAS Napier (G 97), HMAS Norman (G 49)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Green, Robert Charles, DSC, RNRHMS Kingston Chrysoberyl (FY 236), HMS Kingston Chrysoberyl (FY 236), HMS Ambrose Pare (FY 346), HMS Kingston Turquoise (4.91), HMS Macbeth (T 138)
SANF(V)T/Lt. Green, Elkan Maurice, SANF(V)HMS Hertfordshire (FY 176)
RNRT/Lt. Green, Leonard Henry, RNRHMS Hoy (T 114), HMS Switha (T 179), HMS Bardsey (T 273)
RNVRT/Lt. Green, Clifford John, RNVRHMS MMS 100 (J 600), HMS BYMS 2233 (J 1033)
RNRGreen, J W, RNRHMS Radnor Castle (FY 511), HMS Bruinvisch, HMS Milford King (FY 1573)
RNRT/Skr. Green, Albert, RNRHMS Luda Lord (FY 776), HMS Hildina (FY 541)
RNRGreen, L, RNRHMS Stella Orion
RNRGreen, T T, RNRHMS Sir John Lister (FY 622)
RCNVRGreen, J J H, RCNVRHMCS Wasaga (J 162)
USNT/Capt. Green, Clark Lawrence, USNUSS Wisconsin (BB 64)
RNRT/Lt. Green, Reginald Leslie, RNRHMS Rion (FY 024)
RNVRGreen, D R, RNVRHMS MMS 116 (J 616), HMS MMS 239 (J 739)
RNRGreen, G H, RNRHMS MMS 189 (J 689)
RNR+Skr. Green, William, RNRHMS Kingston Cornelian (FY 121)
USNT/Capt. Greenacre, Alvord John, USNUSS Stack (DD 406), USS Trathen (DD 530)
RNVRT/Lt. Greenaway, Frank Stanley Horace, RNVRHMS Bentley (K 465)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Greenbacker, John Everett, USNUSS Neunzer (DE 150), USS Lloyd E. Acree (DE 356)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Greene, Joseph William, RNRHMS Kennymore (FY 857), HMS Peter Carey (FY 537), HMS Pierre Gustave (FY 1805), HMS MMS 276 (J 776)
USNT/Capt. Greene, Thomas Lawrence, USNUSS S-37 (142)
USNT/Cdr. Greene, Terence Warner, USNUSS Woodcock (AM 14)
RNVR+T/A/Lt.Cdr. Greene Kelly, Edward Trenchard, RNVRHMS MTB 655 (MTB 655), HMS MGB 636 (MGB 636)
USNRGreenfield, A M, USNRUSS PC-548 (PC-548)
RNRGreengrass, J W, RNRHMS Tumby (FY 850), HMS Raymond (FY 785)
USNRGreenhaler, R. L., USNRUSS PC-479 (PC-479)
RNCdr. Greening, Charles Woollven, DSC, RNHMS Hereward (H 93), HMS Tyrian (R 67), HMS Tyrian (R 67)
RNRGreening, C, RNRHMS MMS 103 (J 603), HMS MMS 107 (J 607), HMS MMS 107 (J 607), HMS MMS 92 (J 592)
RNVRGreenland, F A P, RNVRHMS RML 536 (RML 536)
USNLt.Cdr. Greenlee, Jr., David Glass, USNUSS Robin (AM 3)
USNCapt. Greenman, William Garrett, USNUSS Astoria (i) (CA 34)
USNRCmdr. Greenough, Malcolm Whelen, USNRUSS SC-503 (SC-503), USS PC-566 (PC-566), USS Rudderow (DE 224)
USNT/Capt. Greenslade, John Francis, USNUSS Swan (AVP 7), USS Kitkun Bay (CVE 71)
RNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Greenstreet, Eric Reginald Offley Carey, RNVRHMS Foula (T 203), HMS Foula (T 203), HMS Broadway (H 90)
USNT/Cdr. Greenup, Francis Albert, USNUSS Seal (183), USS Hardhead (365)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Greenway, George Henry, RNHMS Rover (N 62), HMS Tetrarch (N 77)
RCNVRT/Lt. Greenwood, Gerald Maurice, RCNVRHMS Roxborough ( I 07)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Greenwood, Leslie Rawson, RNVRHMS George Adgell (FY 1926), HMS Franc Tireur (FY 1560)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Greenwood, Eric Higson, RNVRHMS Unitia (FY 1852), HMS MMS 1018 (FY 1018)
RNRGreenwood, F C, RNRHMS Sayonara (4.72)
RNVRGreenwood, C H, RNVRHMS MMS 244 (J 744)
USNRGreenwood, Wilbur M., USNRUSS PC-476 (PC-476)
USNT/Cdr. Greer, Jr., Harry Holt, USNUSS Seahorse (304)
USNT/R.Adm. Greer, Marshall Raymond, USNUSS Wright (AV 1), USS Core (CVE 13), USS Bunker Hill (CV 17)
RANVRT/Lt. Greer, John Lawrence, RANVRHMS Estrella do Norte (FY 1807), HMS Earl Kitchener (FY 1633)
USNT/Capt. Greer, Julian David, USNUSS Kalinin Bay (CVE 68)
USNRGregg, N A, USNRUSS PC-593 (PC-593)
USNT/Capt. Gregor, Orville Francis, USNUSS Aaron Ward (ii) (DD 483), USS Walker (ii) (DD 517)
USNT/Cdr. Gregor, George Donald, USNUSS Cachalot (170)
RNRCdr. Gregorie, George Windsor, RD, RNRHMS Kingston Olivine (FY 193), HMS Honeysuckle (K 27), HMS Winchelsea (D 46), HMS Forester (H 74)
RNCdr. Gregory, George David Archibald, DSO, RNHMS Sturgeon (N 73), HMS Oberon (N 21), HMS Traveller (N 48), HMS Constance (R 71)
USNT/Cdr. Gregory, Richard Victor, USNUSS Sargo (188)
RNLt.Cdr. Gregory, George Denys, RNHMS Cubitt (K 512)
USNCapt. Gregory, Joseph Wesley, USNUSS Kaskaskia (AO 27), USS Holland (AS 3), USS Trenton (CL 11)
RNCdr. Gregory-Smith, William Frank Niemann, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Eridge (L 68), HMS Javelin (F 61), HMS Janus (F 53)
RNVRT/Lt. Greig, Cyril Austin, RNVRHMS Wedgeport (J 139)
RNCdr. (retired) Greig, Kenneth Morland, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Alecto (J 10)
RN+Lt.Cdr. (Emergency) Grenfell, Geoffrey Seymour, RNHMS Juniper (T 123)
USNT/Capt. Grenfell, Elton Watters, USNUSS Gudgeon (211), USS Tunny (282)
RNCdr. Grenfell, Cecil John, RNHMS Capetown (D 88)
USNRLt. Grentzer, Donald W., USNRUSS Fidelity (AM 96)
RNVRA/Lt.Cdr. Gresham, Ronald, DSC, RNVRHMS Boston (J 14), HMS Liberty (J 391), HMS Mameluke (J 437)
RNCdr. Gretton, Peter William, DSO, DSC, OBE, RNHMS Sabre (H 18), HMS Wolverine (D 78), HMS Duncan (D 99), HMS Vidette (D 48)
RNA/Capt. Grey, Andrew Nichol, DSO, RNHMS Fleetwood (L 47 / U 47)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Grey, James Robert, USNUSS Whitehurst (DE 634), USS Lawrence C. Taylor (DE 415)
USNGrey, J. R., USN
USNT/Cdr. Greytak, John Joseph, USNUSS Kane (DD 235), USS McKee (DD 575)
RNVRGribben, J, RNVRHMS MMS 48 (J 548)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Grider, George William, USNUSS Flasher (249)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Grief, Harry Reginald, RNRHMS Arcturus (J 283)
RNVRT/Lt. Grierson, Colin Douglas Menzies, RNVRHMS Stella Pegasi (FY 155)
USNLt. Griese, Arthur Adolph, USNUSS Pinola (AT 33)
RNVRT/Lt. Grieve, Ralph Stevenson, RNVRHMS BYMS 2026 (J 826), HMS Maple (T 38)
RNVRGrieve, J, RNVRHMS MMS 181 (J 681)
RNVRLt.Cdr. Grieve, R J D C, RNVRHMS LST 331 (LST 331)
RNRLt. Grieves, Philip Henry, RNRHMS La Flore, HMS Clover (K 134), HMS Empire Battleaxe (F 161)
USNRLt. Griffeth, Paul L., USNRUSS PCE(R)-855 (PCE(R)-855)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Griffin, Anthony George Scott, RCNVRHMCS Pictou (K 146), HMCS Pictou (K 146), HMCS Toronto (K 538)
USNGriffin, Robert Carlisle, USNUSS Savannah (CL 42)
RNRGriffin, J H K, RNRHMS LST 385 (LST 385)
USNR.Adm. Griffin, Robert Melville, USNUSS New York (BB34)
USNT/Capt. Griffin, John Hook, USNUSS Salamaua (CVE 96)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Griffin, Lawrence M., USNRUSS Alexander J. Luke (DE 577)
RANR(S)T/A/Lt.Cdr. Griffith, Sidney John, RANR(S)HMAS Bendigo (J 187), HMAS Stawell (J 348)
USNT/Cdr. Griffith, Walter Thomas, USNUSS O-2 (63), USS Bowfin (287), USS Bullhead (332)
RNVRGriffith, M F, RNVRHMS RML 513 (RML 513)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Griffiths, Ian Raymond, DSC, RNHMS SGB 8 / Grey Wolf (S 308), HMS Riou (K 557)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Griffiths, William Joseph, RNRHMS Whitethorn (T 127), HMS Columbine (K 94)
RCNVRT/Lt. Griffiths, Morgan Alan, RCNVRHMCS Oakville (K 178)
RCNCdr. Griffiths, George Humphrey, OBE, RCNHMCS Drumheller (K 167), HMCS Woodstock (K 238)
RNVRT/Lt. Griffiths, Harold Percy, RNVRHMS Gos 6
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Griffiths, Idwal, RNHMS Laurel (T 29)
RNR+Cdr. Griffiths, Arthur Harold Hildreth, RNRHMS Fiona
USNT/Capt. Griggs, Jr., John Bradford, USNUSS St. Louis (CL 49)
USNT/Capt. Griggs, Gale Emerson, USNUSS Radford (DD 446), USS Manchester (CL 83)
USNT/Capt. Grimes, Clifton Garvin, USNUSS Welles (i) (DD 257)
RNRGrimmer, C H, RNRHMS Suma (FY 618), HMS Lord Ashfield (FY 694), HMS Powis Castle (FY 874), HMS Ann Melville (FY 1945)
RNRA/Skr.Lt Grimmer, Charles Alfred, RNRHMS St. Elstan (FY 240), HMS Davy (FY 147), HMS Scalby Wyke (FY 258)
USNRGrimmer, Jr., H B, USNRUSS PC-817 (PC-817)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Grimsdick, John Derek, RNVRHMS Martinetta
USNCaptain Grimsley, Eric Miller, USNUSS Ajax (AR 6)
RNCapt. Grindle, John Annesley, RNHMS Apollo (M 01)
USNRGriner, F E, USNRUSS PCS-1378 (PCS-1378)
RNVRLt.Cdr. Grinham, William Alick, RNVRHMS Newport (G 54), HMS Rochester (L 50 / U 50), HMS Nith (K 215)
USNT/Capt. Grisham, Charles Frederick, USNUSS Memphis (CL 13)
USNCdr. Griswold, William Arthur, USNUSS Sims (i) (DD 409)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Griswold, Thomas F., USNRUSS PCS-1377 (PCS-1377)
USNRGriswold, R H, USNRUSS PC-595 (PC-595)
ORPKmdr ppor. Grochowski, Aleksander, ORPORP Rys
RNN+luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Groeneveld, Carel Adrianus Johannes van Well, DSO, RNNHNMS K XVIII, HNMS K XIV (N 22), HNMS K XVIII
USNT/Capt. Groff, Rowland Haverstick, USNUSS PC-620 (PC-620), USS Osterhaus (DE 164)
USNRLt. Groh, Fred Charles, USNRUSS Lapwing (AVP 1)
RNVRLt. Groom, Robert Arthur, RNVRHMS Norwich City (FY 229), HMS Armeria (K 187)
RNRLt. Groom, Eric Nelson, RNRHMS Birdlip (T 218)
RCNA/Lt.Cdr. Groos, David Walter, DSC, RCNHMCS Collingwood (K 180), HMCS Restigouche (H 00)
RCNLt.Cdr. Groos, Harold Victor William, RCNHMCS Orillia (K 119), HMCS St. Francis (I 93), HMCS Gatineau (H 61), HMCS Huron (G 24)
RNRT/Lt. Grose, John Coade, RNRHMS Comet, HMS Ambrose Pare (FY 346), HMS Coventry City (FY 267), HMS Columbine (K 94)
USNT/Cdr. Gross, Royce Lawrence, USNUSS R-9 (86), USS Seawolf (197), USS Boarfish (327)
RNRGross, C J, RNRHMS LST 76 (LST 76)
USNRLt. Gross, George B., USNRUSS PC-485 (PC-485), USS PCE-847 (PCE-847)
USNCapt. Grosskopf, Homer Louis, USNUSS Nevada (BB 36)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Grote, William G., USNRUSS Tinsman (DE 589)
USNT/Cdr. Grouleff, Paul Henry, USNUSS Marlin (205)
RNRT/Skr. Grounds, Alfred Arthur, RNRHMS Manx Prince
USNT/Cdr. Groverman, Jr., William Heald, USNUSS Philip (ii) (DD 498), USS De Haven (ii) (DD 727)
USNT/Capt. Grow, Bradford Ellsworth, USNUSS Kasaan Bay (CVE 69), USS Lexington (ii) (CV 16)
RCNLt.Cdr. Grubb, Frederick Ernest, RCNHMCS Moosejaw (K 164)
USNLcmdr Grubbs, Wendell Francis, USNUSS Solar (DE 221)
ORP+Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Grudzinski, Jan, DSO, ORPORP Orzel (85 A)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Grundy, John Richard, RNRHMS Cape Spartel, HMS MMS 49 (J 549), HMS BYMS 2186 (J 986), HMS BYMS 2157 (J 957)
USNT/Cdr. Gruner, Jr., William Philip, USNUSS Skate (305)
SANF(V)T/A/Lt.Cdr. Grylls, Malcolm Henry, SANF(V)HMS Lewes (G 68)
USNRGuddy, F X, USNRUSS PC-1169 (PC-1169)
RNRSkr.Lt. Gue, H C, RNRHMS Cape Spartel, HMS Keryado, HMS Pistruan (FY 1791), HMS Athenian (FY 757)
USNGuerry, Jr., John Benjamin, USNUSS Izard (DD 589)
USNGuggliotta, Guy F., USNUSS Tusk (426)
USNLt.Cdr. Gugliotta, Guy Frank, USNUSS S-28 (133), USS Halibut (232), USS Raton (270)
USNRGuidoboni, Carlo T, USNRUSS PC-1211 (PC-1211), USS PC-788 (PC-788)
USNRLt. Guidrey, Joseph James, USNRUSS YMS-5 (YMS-5)
USCGRLcmdr Guill, Samuel Gardiner., USCGRUSS Pocatello (PF-9)
RANR(S)A/Lt.Cdr. Guille, Claude James Poingsdestre, OBE, RANR(S)HMAS Mildura (J 207), HMAS Wagga (J 315)
USNLt. Guinn, Ollie Lee, USNUSS Chilula (ATF 153)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Guiot, Louis, RNNHNMS Pro Patria
USNCapt. Gulbranson, Clarence, USN
RNLt. Gulvin, Arthur Lewis, RNHMS Hebe (J 24), HMS Mary Rose (ii) (J 360)
USNT/Cdr. Gunn, Frederick Arthur, USNUSS Scabbardfish (397)
RNA/Cdr. Gunn, Sidney James, RNHMS Turquoise (T 45), HMS Amethyst (T 12)
RNA/Capt. Gunn, Phillip Leonard, RNHMNZS Achilles (70)
RNRGunn, A A, RNRHMS BYMS 2278 (J 1078)
RNVRT/Lt. Gunn, Joseph Pinder, RNVRHMS Simbra (FY 321), HMS Simbra (FY 321)
USNRLt. Gunn, Joe Maxwell, USNRUSS PC-461 (PC-461), USS Christopher (DE 100), USS Willis (DE 395)
USNT/Capt. Gunnell, Palmer Mackenzie, USNUSS Pecos (ii) (OA 65), USS Nantahala (AO 60)
RNZNVRT/Lt. Gunson, William Wallace, RNZNVRHMNZS Maimai (T 338)
USNT/Rear-Admiral Gunther, Ernest Ludolph, USNUSS Yorktown (i) (CV 5)
RNVRT/Lt. Guppy, Geoffrey Denis, RNVRHMS LST 215 (LST 215)
USNT/Cdr. Gurley, Ralph Randolph, USNUSS Euryale (AS 22)
USNLt Cmdr Gurnee, Robert Lakin, USNUSS Redfish (395)
USNT/Cdr. Gurnette, Byron Lawrence, USNUSS Hilary P. Jones (DD 427), USS Gleaves (DD 423), USS Hugh Purvis (DD 709)
RNRGurney, E G, RNRHMS Fleming, HMS Sahra (FY 1903), HMS MMS 186 (J 686)
USNT/Capt. Gurney, Marshall Barton, USNUSS Owl (AM 2)
USNRLt. Gustavson, Donald R., USNRUSS PCE(R)-852 (PCE(R)-852)
USNT/Capt. Guthrie, Richard Allen, USNUSS Montgomery (DM 17), USS Anderson (DD 411)
USNT/Capt. Guthrie, Harry Aloysius, USNUSS Euryale (AS 22)
RNVRGutteridge, G.F., RNVRHMS ML 232 (ML 232)
USNGuy, Robert Stephen, USNUSS Meade (ii) (DD 602)
RNVRT/Lt. Gwenlan, Thomas Bevan, DSC, RNVRHMS ML 157 (ML 157)
USNRGwin, H S B, USNRUSS SC-512 (SC-512)
RNCdr. (retired) Gwinner, Clive, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Alresford (J 06), HMS Duncan (D 99), HMS Clare (I 14), HMS Lulworth (Y 60), HMS Duncan (D 99), HMS Woodcock (U 90), HMS Affleck (K 362), HMS Balfour (K 464)
RNVRT/Lt. Gwynn, David Kingsmill, RNVRHMS Bervie Braes (FY 847), HMS BYMS 2046 (J 846), HMS BYMS 2007 (J 807)
RNVRGwynn, D G, RNVRHMS MMS 294 (J 794)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Gwynne, Frederick Conway, RNVRHMS Post Boy (FY 1750)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Gyles, Donald Allan, DSC, RNHMS Sarpedon (4.05)

A (453), B (1545), C (1253), D (754), E (315), F (543), G (687), H (1291), I (61), J (403), K (425), L (651), M (1401), N (265), O (177), P (764), Q (21), R (741), S (1410), T (563), U (25), V (145), W (1045), Y (60), Z (20), Ø (1)

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