Allied Warship Commanders

Last names starting with K

CommanderWarship commands
USNT/Capt. Kabler, William Leverette, USNUSS Heron (AVP 2)
USNRKahn, Evans, USNRUSS PC-625 (PC-625)
RNRT/Skr. Kaiser, Cyril, RNRHMS Our Bairns (FY 1566)
USNT/Capt. Kaitner, William Eugene, USNUSS Conner (ii) (DD 582)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Kaizer, George Murray, RCNRHMCS Trois Rivieres (J 269), HMCS Trois Rivieres (J 269), HMCS Portage (J 331), HMCS Portage (J 331), HMCS Portage (J 331), HMCS Chaudiere (H 99), HMCS Stone Town (K 531)
RINLt. Kala, Surendra Datt, RINHMIS Lal (T 299), HMIS Baroda (T 249)
USNRLt.Cdr. Kaltenbacher, Roy Joseph, USNRUSS Epping Forrest (LSD 4)
USNT/Capt. Kane, Joseph Lester, USNUSS McFarland (AVD 14), USS Petrof Bay (CVE 80), USS Mindoro (CVE 120)
USNCapt. Kane, Sr, John Dandridge Henley, USNUSS New Orleans (CA 32)
USNLt Kane, Jr., John Dandridge Henley, USNUSS Charles J. Badger (DD 657)
USNRKane, James G., USNRUSS PC-560 (PC-560)
RANVRT/Lt. Kane-White, Charles Patrick, RANVRHMS Scout (H 51)
USNT/Cdr. Kaplan, Albert David, USNUSS Mayo (DD 422), USS Gyatt (DD 712)
RINVRKarbhari, D K, RINVRHMIS Kutubtari (FY 086)
USNRKarchere, A J, USNRUSS PGM-13 (PGM-13)
USNKarl, Robert Duane, USNUSS Sproston (DD 577)
RINRA/Cdr. Karmarkar, Sadishar Ganesh, RINRHMIS Ratnagiri (4.198), HMIS Madras (ii) (J 237), HMIS Kistna (U 46)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Karnicki, Borys, DSO, ORPORP Wilk (N 63), ORP Sokol (N 97), ORP Sokol (N 97)
USNT/Cdr. Karns, Jr., Franklin D., USNUSS Bailey (ii) (DD 492)
USNT/Capt. Karpe, Eugene Simon, USNUSS Whipple (DD 217), USS Boyle (DD 600), USS Charrette (DD 581)
USNKassell, Bernhard Maxwell, USN
USNRLt.Cdr. Katschinski, Bernard Harold, USNRUSS Smartt (DE 257), USS Abercrombie (DE 343)
USNT/Capt. Katz, Benjamin, USNUSS Dallas (DD 199), USS Taylor (DD 468)
USNRKatz, Saul, USNRUSS PC-1231 (PC-1231)
USNRKatzenberg, H M, USNRUSS PC-615 (PC-615)
USNT/Capt. Kauffman, Roland Philip, USNUSS Goldsborough (AVD 5)
USNT/Cdr. Kaufman, William Metcalfe, USNUSS Pennsylvania (BB 38)
RINLt. Kaul, Mukat Mohan, RINHMIS Poona (T 260)
RNLt. Kay, John Trevor, RNHMS Ludlow (G 57), HMS Ulster (R 83)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Kay, Philip, DSC, RNRHMS Stella Orion, HMS Botanic (FY 707), HMS Athenian (FY 757), HMS MMS 1030 (FY 1030)
RNRSkr. Kay, Thomas Henry, RNRHMS Redwood (T 86), HMS Craigmillar (FY 1669)
RNVRKay, L S, RNVRHMS MMS 20 (J 520), HMS MMS 218 (J 718)
RNRT/Skr. Kaye, William John, RNRHMS Lord Grey (FY 1593)
RNVRKaye, D., RNVRHMS ML 225 (ML 225)
RNRCh.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Keable, Lewis Percy, RNRHMS Stella Rigel (FY 657), HMS Ben Bhrackie (FY 997), HMS BYMS 2059 (J 859), HMS BYMS 2029 (J 829)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. Keable, Arthur, RNRHMS Brimness (FY 254), HMS Terje 2 (FY 315), HMS Terje 5 (FY107)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Keable, George James William, RNRHMS Osako (FY 580), HMS Welbeck (FY 1609)
USNT/Cdr. Kear, Jr., Carleton Romig, USNUSS Trippe (DD 403)
USNRLcmdr Keathley, Frank Maher, USNRUSS McConnell (DE 163)
USNT/Capt, Keating, John Stuart, USNUSS Nicholson (DD 442), USS Manchester (CL 83)
USNRCdr. Keating, Gordon R., USNRUSS Hill (DE 141)
USNKeating, Sr., William Joseph, USNUSS Trippe (DD 403)
USNT/Cdr. Keating, Jr., Robert Allen, USNUSS S-34 (139), USS Barbel (316), USS Rock (274)
USNRKeating, Paul Edward, USNRUSS PC-1206 (PC-1206), USS Ramsay (DM 16)
RNCapt. Keble-White, Geoffrey Meredyth Keble, RNHMS Medway (F 25), HMS Ramillies (07)
RN+Lt. Keddie, Richard George Damyon, DSC, RNHMS Cattistock (L 35)
USNRLt Keefe, Donald F, USNRUSS PE-55 (PE-55), USS John J. Powers (DE 528)
RCNVRKeefer, W H, RCNVRHMS MTB 76 (MTB 76), HMS MGB 633 (MGB 633), HMS ML 876 (ML 876)
USNRKeefer, James Robert, USNRUSS Saunter (AM 295)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Keegan, Thomas Daniel, USNUSS Kingfish (234)
USNRKeegan, Jr., Arthur Patrick, USNRUSS Peril (AM 272)
RCNVRT/Lt. Keelan, Raymond John, RCNVRHMCS Medicine Hat (J 256)
USNT/Capt. Keeler, Frederic Seward, USNUSS J. Fred Talbott (DD 156), USS Benham (ii) (DD 796)
RNVRKeeler, J D, RNVRHMS MTB 354 (MTB 354)
USNCdr. Keeler, Jr., Harry, USNUSS Hatfield (DD 231), USS Platte (AO 24)
USNRKeeley, Conrad Warner, USNRUSS Pavlic (APD 70)
USNRKeeley, S J, USNRUSS PC-776 (PC-776)
USNRKeeling, James Robert, USNRUSS PC-1243 (PC-1243)
RNVRT/Lt. Keenan, Errol William, RNVRHMS MTB 794 (MTB 794)
RCNVRLt. Keene, Charles Edmund, RCNVRHMS Orchis (K 76)
RNVRKeene, P F, RNVRHMS MMS 5 (J 505)
USCGLcmdr Keene, Jr., Henry C, USCGUSS Falgout (DE 324)
USNKeene, George Foster, USNUSS Avocet (AVP 4)
USNT/Cdr. Kefauver, Russell, USNUSS Tambor (198), USS Springer (414)
USNT/Cdr. Kehl, George William, USNUSS R-14 (91), USS Archerfish (311)
RNVRT/Lt. Keightly, Sidney, RNVRHMS Their Merit (FY 522)
RNRLt. Keir, John Charles Mackintosh, DSC, RNRHMS Spey (K 246), HMS Spey (K 246)
RANR(S)T/A/Lt.Cdr. Keith, Gordon Alexander, RANR(S)HMAS Wollongong (J 172), HMAS Reserve (W 149), HMAS Ballarat (J 184)
USNT/Capt. Keith, Robert Taylor Scott, USNUSS Nicholas (DD 449), USS Herbert J. Thomas (DD 833)
USNT/Capt. Keith, Harry H., USNUSS Peary (DD 226)
USNRLt. Keith, Jean Reed, USNRUSS PC-1145 (PC-1145)
RN+Lt. Keith-Roach, Martin, RNHMS H 34 (N 34)
USNT/Cdr. Keithly, Roger Myers, USNUSS Tilefish (307)
USNCommodore Keliher, Thomas Joseph, USNUSS Indiana (BB 58)
RNVRT/Lt. Kell, Robert, RNVRHMS Jaseur (J 428)
USNRLt Kell, David Michael, USNRUSS Larch (AN 21)
USNT/Capt. Keller, Walter Smith, USNUSS Laramie (AO 16)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kelley, Roy Stanley, RCNRHMCS Snowberry (K 166), HMCS Regina (K 234), HMCS Lethbridge (K 160)
USNT/Cdr. Kelley, Jr., John Lawrence, USNUSS Pringle (DD 477)
USNT/Capt. Kelley, Marion Russell, USNUSS Boston (CA 69)
USNT/Cdr. Kelley, Bruce Draper, USNUSS Swasey (DD 273)
USNRKelley, 2nd, Stillman F, USNRUSS PC-1079 (PC-1079)
USNRKellner, W L, USNRUSS PC-1081 (PC-1081)
USNLt. Kellogg, Frederic David, USNUSS PC-451 (PC-451), USS Maloy (DE 791)
USNRLt.Cdr. Kellogg, David M., USNRUSS Thomas (ii) (DE 102)
RCNRT/Lt. Kelly, George, DSC, RCNRHMCS Fort William (J 311)
RNLt. Kelly, James William, RNHMS H 28 (N 28), HMS Sea Scout (P 253)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kelly, Jr., Monroe, USNUSS PC-1192 (PC-1192), USS Atherton (DE 169), USS Bivin (DE 536), USS Gentry (DE 349)
USNT/Cdr. Kelly, William Daniel, USNUSS Fullam (DD 474), USS McKean (ii) (DD 784)
USNT/Capt. Kelly, Thomas Joseph, USNUSS Brazos (AO 4), USS Springfield (CL 66)
RNRLt.Cdr. Kelly, George Dudley, RD, RNRHMS Cape Comorin (FY 143), HMS LST 216 (LST 216), HMS Duke of Wellington (4.400), HMS LST 1021 (LST 1021)
RNRT/Skr. Kelly, John Walter, RNRHMS BYMS 2013 (J 813)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kelly, Brian John Parmenter, DSC, RNVRHMS Lord Irwin (FY 1617), HMS Night Hawk (FY 1858), HMS MMS 11 (J 511)
USNT/Cdr. Kelly, Robert Francis, USNUSS R-18 (95), USS Cuttlefish (171)
RNVRKelly, A D A, RNVRHMS LST 351 (LST 351)
RCNRT/Cdr. Kelly, Thomas Douglas, RCNRHMCS Prince David (F 89), HMCS Prince David (F 89), HMCS Prince Henry (F 70)
RNVRKelly, K, RNVRHMS Skudd 6 (FY 180)
RINRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kelly, Alexander Begg, RINRHMIS Haideri, HMIS Lawrence (L 83 / U 83), HMIS Ratnagiri (4.198)
USNT/Cdr. Kelly, Robert Bolling, USNUSS PT 34, USS Irwin (DD 794)
RNVRKelly, B W, RNVRHMS ML 901 (ML 901)
USNCaptain Kelly, Richmond Kenneth, USNUSS Phoenix (CL 46)
USNT/Capt. Kelly, Samuel Guernsey, USNUSS Kilty (DD 137)
USNRKelly, Stephen E, USNRUSS PC-1216 (PC-1216)
RNCapt. Kelsey, Marcel Harcourt Attwood, DSC, RNHMS Naiad (93), HMS Warspite (03), HMS Warspite (03)
USNT/Capt. Kelsey, John Donald, USNUSS Wilkes (DD 441)
USNRKelsey, J T, USNRUSS PC-1079 (PC-1079)
RINRT/Lt. Kelso, William Reid, RINRHMIS Amritsar (T 261)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kemble, Harry Richard, RNVRHMS MMS 183 (J 683), HMS BYMS 2171 (J 971)
RNVRKemp, C R L, RNVRHMS MGB 629 (MGB 629), HMS MGB 604 (MGB 604)
USN+Lt. Kemper, James Lawson, USNUSS PE-56 (PE-56)
RNVRKempner, W J, RNVRHMS MTB 761 (MTB 761), HMS MTB 5020 (MTB 5020)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Kempton, John Neville, RNHMS Jasper (ii) (J 407)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kemsley, H T, RNVRHMS ML 181 (ML 181), HMS Coila (FY 005)
RNRA/Capt. Kendall, Roy, RD, RNRHMS Kingston Olivine (FY 193)
USNT/Capt. Kendall, Charles Hansford, USNUSS Wedderburn (DD 684)
USNCapt. Kendall, Henry Samuel, USNUSS Curtiss (AV 4)
USNRKenedy, Jr., Robert Louis, USNRUSS Scout (AM 296)
USNT/Capt. Kennaday, John Martin, USNUSS Ellis (DD 154)
RNVRT/Lt. Kennedy, John, RNVRHMS Libyan (FY 1800), HMS Elsie Cam (FY 1646), HMS Gos 7, HMS Qualicum (J 138)
RN+Capt. (retired) Kennedy, Edward Coverley, RNHMS Rawalpindi
USNT/Capt. Kennedy, Marvin Granville, USNUSS Wahoo (238), USS Guest (DD 472)
RNRT/Lt. Kennedy, Robert John, RNRHMS Aquamarine (4.00), HMS Kingston Amber (FY 211)
RCNRT/Lt. Kennedy, Henry McKee, RCNRHMCS Outarde (J 161)
RNCdr. Kennedy, Alexander Robert, RNHMS Anson (79)
RNVRT/Lt. Kennedy, Ninian Glen, RNVRHMS MTB 93 (MTB 93), HMS MTB 760 (MTB 760)
USNRLt. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, USNRUSS PT 109, USS PT 59
RNVRKennedy, Albert Austin, RNVRHMS HDML 1474 (ML 1474)
RNVRLt. Kennedy, Alexander, RNVRHMS MTB 9 (MTB 9)
USNRKennedy, William DeWitt, USNRUSS PC-557 (PC-557), USS Liddle (DE 206)
USNRKennett, Jr., Luther Martin, USNRUSS Swallow (AM 65)
USNLt. Kenney, Robert Mannion, USNUSS Kidd (DD 661)
RCNRT/Lt. Kenney, Reginald Ray, RCNRHMCS Comox (J 64), HMCS Goderich (J 260)
USNLt.Cdr. Kenney, Samuel Emmer, USNUSS Partridge (AM 16)
RNRKennison, A F F, RNRHMS Yashima (FY 1894)
USNT/Capt. Kenny, William Talty, USNUSS McCord (DD 534)
RNRLt. Kent, Arthur Horace, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Starwort (K 20), HMS Moyola (K 260), HMS Perim (K 593), HMS Barbados (K 504)
RNLt. Kent, Derrick George, RNHMS Sea Nymph (P 223), HMS H 33 (N 33), HMS Spark (P 236)
RINRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kent, Edward William, RINRHMIS Kumaon (J 164)
RNRT/Skr. Kent, George, RNRHMS Van Dyck (FY 106)
RNVRT/Lt. Kent, Victor Alfred Douglas, RNVRHMS Milford King (FY 1573)
RNVRT/A/Lt. Kenyon, Horace Stuart, RNVRHMS BYMS 2035 (J 835)
RNLt. Kerans, John Simon, RNHMS Blackmore (L 43)
RNVRKern, R.R., RNVRHMS ML 235 (ML 235)
RNVRKern, P.H., RNVRHMS ML 237 (ML 237)
USNRLt.Cdr. Kernan, Jr., Francis, USNRUSS Charles Lawrence (DE 53), USS Metivier (DE 582)
RNRKernan, J W, RNRHMS St. Olive (FY 1599)
USNKerning, Francis, USN
USNT/Capt. Kernodle, Michael Holt, USNUSS San Jacinto (CVL 30)
RN+Capt. Kerr, Ralph, RNHMS Broke (D 83), HMS Hood (51)
USNRLt.Cdr. Kerr, Donald M, USNRUSS PC-577 (PC-577), USS Decker (DE 47), USS Otter (DE 210)
USNCdr. Kerr, Robert Earle, USN
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kerr, Arthur Lancaster, RNVRHMS Angle (FY 201), HMS Aquamarine (4.00), HMS Coldstreamer (T 337)
RNVRT/Lt. Kerr, Desmond D'Arcy Hay, RNVRHMS Haarlem (FY 306)
RNVRT/Lt. Kerr, James Lennox, RNVRHMS Sir Lamorak (T 242), HMS Bay (T 77)
RNRKerr, I, RNRHMS Oracle (FY 020), HMS LST 336 (LST 336)
USNRKerr, R H, USNRUSS PC-625 (PC-625)
RNRT/Skr. Kerrison, Harold, RNRHMS Abronia (FY 734), HMS Sea Mist (FY 1640)
RNRT/Skr. Kerry, George Sidney, RNRHMS St. Clair (FY 1876)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Kersey, George Henry, RNRHMS Alexandrite (FY 560)
USNRKershall, Matt Thomas, USNRUSS Woodcock (AM 14)
RNLt.Cdr. Kershaw, John Bertram de Betham, DSO, RNHMS L 26 (N 26), HMS Uproar (P 31), HMS Porpoise (N 14), HMS Oberon (N 21), HMS Sealion (N 72)
RNCapt.(Retd.) Kershaw, Cecil Ashworth, RNHMS Queen Emma (4.180), HMS Alaunia (F 17), HMS Bulolo (F 82)
RNLt. Kersley, Reginald, DSC, RNHMS Lark (U 11)
RNVRT/Lt. Kerswell, Neil George Spencer, RNVRHMS BYMS 2036 (J 836)
USNT/Capt. Ketcham, Dixwell, USNUSS Chenango (CVE 28)
USNT/Cdr. Ketchum, Gerald Lyle, USNUSS Perkins (DD 377)
RNRT/Skr. Ketley, Moses Daniel George, RNRHMS Ben Meidie (FY 1818)
RNRLt. Kett, William Hedley, DSC, RNRHMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Ultimatum (P 34), HMS Otway (N 51), HMS Taku (N 38), HMS Tactician (P 314)
USNRKettenring, John Charles, USNRUSS Staunch (AM 307)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Kettle, George Frederick, RNVRHMS Bute (T 168)
RNVRT/Lt. Kettle, Leo David, RNVRHMS Rosette (FY 1577), HMS MMS 239 (J 739), HMS Hellisay (T 391)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Kettless, Alfred Ernest, RNRHMS Contender (FY 543), HMS Contender (FY 543), HMS MMS 276 (J 776), HMS MMS 80 (J 580)
USNR+Lcmdr Kevern, Edward Julius, USNRUSS Skill (AM 115)
RNVRT/Lt. Key, John Ramsey, RNVRHMS Grosmont Castle (FY 671)
USNT/Cdr. Keyes, Charles Melville, USNUSS William D. Porter (DD 579)
RNLt. Keyes, Roger George Bowlby, RNHMS MTB 75 (ii) (MTB 75), HMS MTB 374 (MTB 374)
USNRKeyes, R B, USNRUSS SC-514 (SC-514)
RNCdr. (retired) Keymer, Ronald William, RNHMS La Malouine (K 46), HMS Gorleston (Y 92), HMS Hind (U 39)
USNRLt Keyser, Caldwell Ross, USNRUSS Ray K. Edwards (APD 96)
RNKeyworth, M J A, RNHMS MTB 70 (MTB 70)
RINVRKhajotia, R B, RINVRHMIS Moti (T 300)
USNRKibbey, H P, USNRUSS PC-807 (PC-807)
RNVRT/Lt. Kidd, Trevor Cleworth, RNVRHMS Kingston Beryl (4.03), HMS Kilmington (Z 14)
USN+R.Adm. Kidd, Isaac Campbell, USNUSS Arizona (BB 39)
USNRKidder, H M, USNRUSS PC-796 (PC-796)
RNLt.Cdr. Kidston, Home Ronald Archibald, RNHMS MA/SB 6 (MA/SB 6), HMS MA/SB 6 (MA/SB 6), HMS Escapade (H 17)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Kidston, John Richard, RCNVRHMCS Cowichan (J 146), HMCS Wetaskiwin (K 175), HMCS Jonquiere (K 318)
USNT/Cdr. Kiefer, Eugene Willard, USNUSS Patoka (AO 9)
USNT/Capt. Kiefer, Dixie, USNUSS Ticonderoga (CV 14)
USNRKiefer, Edwin Herman, USNRUSS PC-1177 (PC-1177)
RCNRT/Lt. Kieran, James Patrick, RCNRHMCS Brantford (K 218)
USNRCdr. Kiewert, Charles L., USNRUSS Escalante (AO 70)
USNCdr. Kiland, Ingolf Norman, USNUSS Savannah (CL 42)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kilbee, John Percival, RNRHMS Duncton (T 220), HMS Northern Wave (FY 153), HMS Locust (T 28), HMS Cranstoun (K 511)
Lt. Kilbee, Laurence Dudley, HKRNVRHMS MTB 8 (MTB 8)
USNRLt.Cdr. Kilbreth, Jr., James Truesdale, USNRUSS Straub (DE 181), USS Traw (DE 350)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Kilburn, Frederick Andrew, RNRHMS Wuchang (F 30), HMIS Poona (T 260), HMIS Baluchistan (J 182)
USNRKiley, Jr., John C., USNRUSS Stanton (DE 247)
USNT/Cdr. Kilmartin, Alfred Dunn, USNUSS Gendreau (DE 639)
USNRKiloullen, Edward J., USNRUSS PCS-1376 (PCS-1376)
USNT/R.Adm. Kilpatrick, Walter Kenneth, USNUSS Chester (CA 27)
USNLt.Cdr. Kimball, Corydon Halstead, USNUSS Jarvis (i) (DD 393)
USNRKimball, Whitefield F., USNRUSS Swallow (AM 65)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Kimmel, Manning Marius, USNUSS Robalo (273)
USNRKimmel, A A, USNRUSS PC-1203 (PC-1203)
RNLt.Cdr. Kimpton, John Townshend, DSC, RNHMS Mermaid (U 30)
RNRear-Admiral Kinahan, Harold Richard George, RNHMS Orion (85), HMS Anson (79)
RCNRT/Lt. Kincaid, John, RCNRHMCS Canso (J 21), HMCS Timmins (K 223)
USNT/Capt. Kindell, Nolan Martin, USNUSS Pocomoke (AV 9), USS Independence (CVL 22)
RNVRKindell, A.I.F., RNVRHMS ML 155 (ML 155)
USNRLt. Kindt, Judson M, USNRUSS PC-599 (PC-599), USS PC-599 (PC-599)
RCNVRLt. King, Charles William, RCNVRHMCS Sorel (K 153)
RCNRT/Cdr. King, Clarence Aubrey, DSO, DSC, RCNRHMCS Saskatoon (K 158), HMCS Nipigon (J 154), HMCS Oakville (K 178), HMCS Swansea (K 328), HMCS Runnymede (K 678)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. King, Dudley Gawen, RCNVRHMCS Arvida (K 113), HMCS Stettler (K 681)
RNVRT/Lt. King, Edward Alexander, RNVRHMS Egilsay (T 215), HMS Rosalind (T 135), HMS Rockrose (K 51)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. King, Harold Graham, DSC, RNVRHMS Salamander (J 86), HMS Gleaner (J 83)
RNRLt.Cdr. King, Harold Robert Austin, RNRHMS Huntley (J 56), HMS LST 424 (LST 424)
RNA/Capt. King, Hugh Valentine, DSO, OBE, RNHMS Olympus (N 35), HMS Rochester (L 50 / U 50), HMS Towy (K 294), HMS Beachy Head (F 02)
RNRCdr. King, Patrick George Alexander, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Anemone (K 48), HMS Avon (K 97)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. King, Philip Geoffrey Colet, RNVRHMS Thirlmere (FY 206), HMS Thirlmere (FY 206), HMS Saladin (H 54), HMS Seymour (K 563)
RNCdr. King, William Donald Aelian, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Snapper (N 39), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Telemachus (P 321)
USNT/Cdr. King, Robert Donovan, USNUSS O-7 (68), USS Redfin (272)
USNT/Capt. King, John Warburton, USNUSS Kula Gulf (CVE 108)
USNRLcmdr King, Jr., Lyman Malcolm, USNRUSS Sederstrom (DE 31), USS Vammen (DE 644)
USNRLcmdr King, Francis R, USNRUSS Grady (DE 445)
USNLt.Cdr. King, Sidney, USNUSS Albert T. Harris (DE 447)
USNKing, Gerald J., USNUSS West Virginia (BB 48)
RNVRT/Lt. King, Frederick John, RNVRHMS Andradite (FY 559)
RNRLt.Cdr. King, Edgar, RNRHMS Fort Royal (FY 771)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. King, Walter Charles, RNRHMS Stella Canopus (FY 248), HMS Neil Mackay (FY 259), HMS Paul Rykens (FY 257), HMS Northern Gem (FY 194)
RNVRT/Lt. King, Philip Brookes, RNVRHMS Aquamarine (4.00), HMS Angle (FY 201)
RNVRT/Lt. King, Donald Arthur, RNVRHMS Haarlem (FY 306)
RNRSkr. King, Samuel James, RNRHMS Brimness (FY 254)
USNCapt. King, 2nd, Thomas Starr, USNUSS Pennsylvania (BB 38)
SANF(V)King, M G, SANF(V)HMS Fiaray (T 238), HMS Fiaray (T 238)
RNRT/Skr. King, Henry Arthur, RNRHMS Lacerta (4.07)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. King, Joseph Downes, RNRHMS Princess Beatrix (4.44), HMS Prince Badouin (4.88)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) King, Edward Charles, DSC, RNRHMS Loch Alsh, HMS Nogi, HMS Milford Princess (FY 616), HMS MMS 286 (J 786), HMS MMS 1055 (FY 1055)
RNVR+T/Lt. King, Norman, RNVRHMS Ratapiko (FY 1878)
RCNRLt.Cdr. King, Albert George, RCNRHMCS Swift Current (J 254)
RINCdr. King, Frederick William, RINHMIS Lawrence (L 83 / U 83)
USNT/Cdr. King, Jr., Ed(ward) Reuben, USNUSS Black (DD 666)
RNKing, R, RNHMS SGB 6 / Grey Shark (S 306)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. King, J O, RNVRHMS MTB 730 (MTB 730)
RNCapt. King, Henry Alexander, DSO, RNHMS Kashmir (F 12), HMS Nigeria (60)
USNT/Cdr. King, Victor Albert, USNUSS Drayton (DD 366)
USNT/Cdr. King, George Joseph, USNUSS Pigeon (ASR 6)
USNRKing, C L, USNRUSS PC-789 (PC-789)
USNRKing, Charles W, USNRUSS PC-1078 (PC-1078)
USNRKing, Joseph S, USNRUSS SC-531 (SC-531)
RNKing-Church, J B, RNHMS MTB 70 (MTB 70)
RNA/Capt. (retired) King-Harman, Robert Douglas, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Teviotbank (M 04), HMS Cheshire (F 18)
RNVRKingdon, J R, RNVRHMS Lord Irwin (FY 1617), HMS MMS 48 (J 548)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Kingdon, George Bodley, RNHMS Boadicea (H 65)
RNRT/Lt. Kinghorn, John Fletcher MacIntosh, RNRHMS Bownet (Z 90)
USNT/R.Adm. Kingman, Howard Fithian, USNUSS Nevada (BB 36)
RNRCdr. Kingscote, Nigel Adrian Fitzhardinge, RNRHMS Ulster Monarch (F 69), HMS Oceanway (F 143)
RCNCdr. Kingsley, Harry, RCNHMCS Annapolis (I 04), HMCS St. Croix (I 81), HMCS Skeena (D 59)
USNT/Capt. Kingsley, Marvin Peirce, USNUSS Swanson (DD 443)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kingsmill, Walter Juchereau, RCNVRHMCS Blairmore (J 314), HMCS Long Branch (K 487), HMCS Kokanee (K 419)
RCNVRT/Lt. Kingsmill, John Gault, RCNVRHMCS Minas (J 165)
RCNVRKingston, H C, RCNVRHMS MMS 1050 (FY 1050), HMS MMS 1059 (FY 1059)
USNT/Admiral Kinkaid, Thomas Cassin, USN
RNCdr. Kinloch, David Charles, DSO, OBE, RNHMS Sennen (Y 21), HMS Middleton (L 74), HMS Obedient (G 48), HMS Dauntless (D 45)
RNRLt. Kinloch, David Kenneth Hamilton, RNRHMS Estrella do Mar (FY 1916), HMS Saxifrage (K 04)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kinney, Sheldon Hoard, USNUSS Edsall (ii) (DE 129), USS Bronstein (DE 189)
RCNRT/Skr.Lt. Kinney, Ernest Edward, RCNRHMCS Rossland (J 358)
USNCdr. Kinney, Philip Raymond, USNUSS Canopus (AS 9)
USNT/Cdr. Kinsella, William Thomas, USNUSS O-8 (69), USS Ray (271)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kinsley, Frederic William, USNUSS Bebas (DE 10), USS Melvin R. Nawman (DE 416)
USNT/Cdr. Kintberger, Leon Samuel, USNUSS Bernadou (DD 153), USS Charles Lawrence (DE 53), USS Coolbaugh (DE 217), USS Hoel (DD 533), USS Zellars (DD 777)
RNVRKirby, J N, RNVRHMS Lune (FY 588), HMS Sandray (T 424)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Kirby, Thomas William, RNRHMS Arthur Cavenagh (FY 566), HMS Rose of England (FY 562), HMS MMS 149 (J 649), HMS BYMS 2042 (J 842), HMS MMS 289 (J 789)
RNRKirby, C E, RNRHMS LST 401 (LST 401)
RNCapt. (retired) Kirby, Richard Evan Williams, DSO, RN
USNRKirby, Clarke V, USNRUSS PC-1201 (PC-1201)
USNT/Cdr. Kircher, John Joseph, USN
USNT/Capt. Kirk, Oliver Grafton, USNUSS S-42 (153), USS Lapon (260)
RNR+Kirk, Anthony, RNRHMS ML 109 (ML 109)
RNVRKirk, A, RNVRHMS MTB 315 (MTB 315)
USNKirk, Francis Smith, USNUSS Raven (AM 55), USS Saugatuck (AO 75)
USNRKirk Gunby, David, USNRUSS PC-490 (PC-490), USS PCE(R)-848 (PCE(R)-848)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Kirkby, Geoffrey John, DSC, RNHMS Melbreak (L 73)
RNVRT/Lt. Kirkby, Wilfred, RNVRHMS Wolborough (FY 223)
RCNRLt. Kirkland, William Reid, RCNRHMCS Sackville (K 181)
USNRLt. Kirkland, Benjamin Burns, USNRUSS Decatur (DD 341)
USNRKirkland, Jr., R J, USNRUSS PC-1219 (PC-1219)
USNCapt. Kirkman, Van Leer, USNUSS Wyoming (AG 17)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Kirkpatrick, Archibald Miller, RCNVRHMCS Galt (K 163), HMCS Eastview (K 665)
USNRLcmdr Kirkpatrick, Claude Siceluff, USNRUSS Scott (DE 214), USS Goss (DE 444)
USNCapt. Kirkpatrick, Robert Dudley, USN
RNCdr. (retired) Kirkpatrick, Frederick Arthur Ivone, RNHMS Dundalk (J 60), HMS Bude (J 116), HMS Thisbe (J 302)
RCNVRLt.Cdr. Kirkpatrick, James Ralph Hilborn, DSC, RCNVRHMS MGB 630 (MGB 630)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Kirkpatrick, Henry Leonard Ivers, OBE, RNHMS Carthage (F 99)
USNT/Cdr. Kirkpatrick, Charles Cochran, USNUSS Triton (201), USS Shea (DM 30)
USNLt.Cdr. Kirkpatrick, Merrall Kemble, USNUSS Dent (DD 116)
RNRLt. Kirkup, Kenneth Pownell, RNRHMS Lord Snowden (FY 115)
RNLt.Cdr. Kirkwood, Henry, DSC, RNHMS Northern Chief (4.34), HMS Puffin (L 52 / K 52), HMS Penylan (L 89), HMS Calpe (L 71), HMS Obedient (G 48)
RNLt. Kirkwood, Michael Robert Russell, RNHMS Ultor (P 53), HMS Vulpine (P 79)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Kirman, Walter, RNRHMS Kingston Coral (FY 215), HMS Amber (T 88), HMS Kingston Crystal (FY 216), HMS Leeds United (FY 196), HMS St. Agnes (T 352)
USNCapt. Kirtland, Fred Durrel, USNUSS Breckinridge (DD 148), USS Alabama (BB 60)
USNT/Cdr. Kirvan, William Henderson, USNUSS Temptress (PG-62), USS Rodman (DD 456)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kiser, Loren Hall, USNUSS PC-1193 (PC-1193), USS Greiner (DE 37), USS Doyle C. Barnes (DE 353)
USNLt.Cdr. Kissam, Gordon D., USNUSS Douglas L. Howard (DE 138), USS Hollis (DE 794)
RNCdr. Kitcat, Charles Arthur de Winton, RNHMS Imperial (D 09), HMS Eglinton (L 87), HMS Intrepid (D 10)
RNCdr. Kitcat, John Percy de Winton, DSO, RNHMS Orion (85), HMS Havelock (H 88), HMS Loch Shin (K 421)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kitch, William Lawrence, USNUSS Blackfin (322)
USNRKitchell, Jr., Francis Robert, USNRUSS Nimble (AM 266)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Kitchen, William, RNVRHMS St. Elstan (FY 240)
RN+Capt. (Retd.) Kitson, Edward Wollaston, RNHMS California (F 55), HMS Carnarvon Castle (F 25)
RNVRKitson, J C B, RNVRHMS ML 105 (ML 105)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Kitto, Philip Edward, RNRHMS Imperialist (FY 126), HMS Primrose (K 91), HMS Nadder (K 392)
USNT/R.Adm. Kitts, 3rd, Willard Augustus, USNUSS Northampton (CA 26), USS Nevada (BB 36)
USNT/Capt. Kivette, Frederick Norman, USNUSS Williamson (AVD 2)
Kjeholt, Dagfinn Ellif, HNoMS Glaisdale (L 44)
USNT/Capt. Klakring, Thomas Burton, USNUSS S-17 (122), USS Guardfish (217)
USNRKlatt, Albert Arthur, USNRUSS PC-1173 (PC-1173), USS PCE-884 (PCE-884)
USNLcmdr Klee, William Manson, USNUSS Gleaves (DD 423)
USN+T/Cdr. Klein, Millard Jefferson, USNUSS Buck (DD 420)
USNRKlein, E H, USNRUSS PC-479 (PC-479)
RNN(R)luitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.) Klercq, Arnoldus Petrus, RNN(R)HNMS Overflakke (FY 1046)
USNT/Cdr. Kline, Wendell Fischer, USNUSS Thornton (AVD 11)
USNRKline, Donald J., USNRUSS PCE-892 (PCE-892)
USNT/Cdr. Klinker, Roy Craig, USNUSS Sea Fox (402)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Kloczkowski, Henryk Wincenty, ORPORP Zbik, ORP Orzel (85 A)
RNN+luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Klooster Ten, Johan Emile, RNNHNMS Willem van Ewijck (i)
ORPKpt.mar. (Lt.Cdr.) Klopotowski, Andrzej, ORPORP Dzik (P 52)
USCGCdr. Knapp, Christopher Copeland, USCGUSS Durant (DE 389)
RNCapt. Knapp, Arthur Macdonnell, RNHMS Lowestoft (L 59 / U 59), HMS Diadem (84)
USNRLt.Cdr. Knapp, 2nd, George Osmon, USNRUSS Chase (DE 158)
USNRKnapp, David, USNRUSS PC-476 (PC-476), USS PC-1245 (PC-1245)
USNRKnapp, J M, USNRUSS PC-787 (PC-787)
RNLt.Cdr. Knapton, Edric Guy Philip Bromfield, DSC, RNHMS Buttermere (FY 205), HMS ML 130 (ML 130), HMS Loch Glendhu (K 619)
USNT/Capt. Kneeland, Omer Archibald, USNUSS Hopkins (DMS 13), USS Prairie (AD 15), USS Memphis (CL 13)
RNVRKneeshaw, C R, RNVRHMS MMS 255 (J 755)
RANR(S)Cdr. Knight, Alfred Victor, OBE, RD, RANR(S)HMAS Lithgow (J 206), HMAS Westralia (F 95)
RCNRT/Lt. Knight, Hugh Russell, RCNRHMCS Collingwood (K 180), HMCS Saskatoon (K 158)
RNRLt. Knight, Norman Leslie, RNRHMS Northern Chief (4.34), HMS Saxifrage (K 04)
RNCdr. (retired) Knight, John Neil Kelly, RNHMS Lewes (G 68), HMS Bradford (H 72), HMS Vimy (D 33), HMS Douglas (D 90), HMS Scarborough (L 25 / U 25)
USNLt.Cdr. Knight, Jr., Levi James, USNUSS West Virginia (BB 48)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Knight, Francis Cecil Corbet, RNVRHMS Bryher (T 350)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Knight, Richard James, RNRHMS Norland (FY 1561), HMS Norland (FY 1561)
RNVRKnight, J V, RNVRHMS Sayonara (4.72)
RNVRKnight, H W, RNVRHMS MTB 762 (MTB 762)
USNRKnight, Jr., A, USNRUSS Major (DE 796)
USNRKnight, W T, USNRUSS PC-593 (PC-593)
RNVRKnight-Lacklan, B L, RNVRHMS MGB 646 (MGB 646)
USCGLt.Cdr. Kniskern, Henry P., USCGUSS Greensboro (PF-101)
USNT/Cdr. Knoertzer, Halford A., USNUSS McCalla (ii) (DD 488), USS Hunt (ii) (DD 674), USS Henderson (DD 785)
USCGRLcmdr Knoll, Theodore Francis, USCGRUSS Grand Rapids (PF-31)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Knoops, Frederik Johan Adolf, RNNHNMS K XIV (N 22), HNMS K XVI, HNMS O 20, HNMS O 19 (N 54)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Knopp, Charles Lowell, USNUSS Whippoorwill (AM 35), USS Opportune (ARS 41)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Knott, Harold Wensley, RNVRHMS BYMS 2011 (J 811)
RNVRKnott, D I C, RNVRHMS Gos 2 (FY 789)
USNRKnotts, Thomas, USNRUSS Pledge (AM 277)
RCNVRT/Lt. Knowles, Murray William, RCNVRHMCS Mimico (K 485), HMCS Louisburg (ii) (K 401)
RNCdr. Knowling, Peter John, RNHMS Cotswold (L 54)
RN+Lt.Cdr. Knowling, Richard George Kirby, RNHMS Vansittart (D 64), HMS Kimberley (F 50), HMS Vimy (D 33)
USNRKnowlton, Elliott Burris, USNRUSS Strive (AM 117)
RN+Lt. Knox, Walter Neville Ronald, DSC, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS Regent (N 41)
RANLt.Cdr. Knox, George Frederick Edmund, RANHMAS Quiberon (G 81)
USNRLt.Cdr. Knox, Dudley S., USNRUSS PC-566 (PC-566), USS Chatelain (DE 149)
USNRKnox, R D, USNRUSS PC-1218 (PC-1218)
RNRear-Admiral (Retd.) Knox-Little, Charles Hugo, RNHMS Resolution (09)
RINVRKnox-Little, A, RINVRHMIS Badora (FY 079)
USCGCdr. Knudsen, George Andrew, USCGUSS Gulfport (PF-20)
USNLt.Cdr. Knuepfer, George, USNUSS Baldwin (DD 624), USS Meredith (ii) (DD 726)
USNT/Capt. Kobey, Theodore Hertzel, USNUSS Miller (DD 535)
USNRKocel, Benjamin Franklin, USNRUSS Captivate (AM 156)
USNT/Cdr. Koch, George Price, USNUSS Humboldt (AVP 21)
ORPKmdr.por. (Cdr.) Kodrebski-Poraj, Wlodzimierz Andrzej, ORPORP Blyskawica (H 34)
USNRKoehn, Walter H, USNRUSS PC-780 (PC-780)
USNT/Cdr. Koenig, Joseph William, USNUSS Maury (DD 401)
USNRCdr. Koerner, Ben, USNRUSS Saugatuck (AO 75)
USNRKohankie, R W, USNRUSS PC-819 (PC-819)
RANR(S)T/Lt.Cdr. Komoll, Spence Bernard, RANR(S)HMAS Colac (J 242), HMAS Toowoomba (J 157), HMAS Toowoomba (J 157)
RNVRKonow, C, RNVRHMS LST 198 (LST 198)
USNT/Cdr. Konrad, Edmond George, USNUSS Antietam (CV 36)
USNRKooistra, Abbo H., USNRUSS Cimarron (AO 22)
USNT/Capt. Koonce, Paul Brogden, USNUSS Montpelier (CL 57), USS Sierra (AD 18)
RCNRT/Lt. Korning, Joern Eilert, RCNRHMCS Belleville (K 332)
USNRLcmdr Korsmeyer, Frederick Bates, USNRUSS PC-1130 (PC-1130), USS Hubbard (DE 211)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Korthals Altes, Jacobus Johannes Cornelis, RNNHNMS IJsselmonde (FY 1026)
USNT/Cdr. Kossler, Herman Joseph, USNUSS Cavalla (244)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Koudijs, Gerard, RNNHNMS O 23 (P 23), HNMS Flores (F 66)
USNLt. Kovar, Isadore Michael, USNUSS PT 137
USNT/Capt. Kowalzyk, Jr., Alexander Martin, USNUSS Winslow (DD 359)
ORPKmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Koziolkowski, Jerzy Karol Stanislaw, DSC, ORPORP Sokol (N 97), ORP Sokol (N 97)
USNT/Capt. Kraker, George Patton, USNUSS Marblehead (CL 12)
USNT/Cdr. Krapf, Arthur Elmer, USNUSS Jack (259)
ORP+Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) Krawczyk, Boguslaw Dionizy, DSO, ORPORP Wilk (N 63), ORP Wilk (N 63)
USNRKreiger, Alfred Peter, USNRUSS Fixity (AM 235)
USNRKrenz, John M., USNRUSS Hatfield (DD 231)
USNRKreutz, Palmer L, USNRUSS PC-1260 (PC-1260)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kriloff, Herbert, USNUSS Scroggins (DE 799)
USNRKringel, J R, USNRUSS PC-1238 (PC-1238)
USNLt. Krisel, Lionel, USNUSS Yazoo (AN 92)
USNRKrobatsch, Howard E, USNRUSS PC-792 (PC-792)
USNRKroepke, Edward F, USNRUSS SC-536 (SC-536)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Kroese, Antonie, RNNHNMS Evertsen (EV), HNMS Kortenaer (KN)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Kroesen, Frans Jan, RNNHNMS O 21 (P 21)
RNNkapitein-luitenant ter zee (Cdr.) Kronenberg, Pieter, RNNHNMS Johan Maurits van Nassau (i)
USNRKroulik, F C, USNRUSS PC-823 (PC-823), USS PC-823 (PC-823)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Kruk, Antonie Willem, RNNHNMS Queen Wilhelmina (PC-468)
USNRKruse, W A, USNRUSS PC-571 (PC-571)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Kruys, Willem Jan, RNNHNMS Tjerk Hiddes (ii) (G 16)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Kuhl, Joseph Howard, USNUSS Thrush (AVP 3)
USNT/Cdr. Kuhn, Frederick William, USNUSS Carroll (DE 171), USS Horace A. Bass (APD 124)
USNRKuhn, L C, USNRUSS PC-493 (PC-493), USS PC-604 (PC-604)
USNRKulakowski, E F, USNRUSS PCS-1425 (PCS-1425)
RINRT/Lt. Kumarhia, Shri Krishan, RINRHMIS Satyavati (FY 073), HMIS Padmavati
USNT/Capt. Kunz, Chester Arthur, USNUSS Skylark (AM 63), USS Loeser (DE 680)
USNRKunz, Wilbert Clarence, USNRUSS Capable (AM 155)
RNVRT/Lt. Kuper, Charles Clifford, RNVRHMS Hadleigh Castle (K 355)
USNRKupris, Anthony C., USNRUSS PCS-1387 (PCS-1387)
USNRKurth, Jr., K, USNRUSS PC-784 (PC-784), USS PC-1170 (PC-1170)
USNCdr. Kuter, Paul Edward, USNUSS Medusa (AR 1)
ORP+Kmdr ppor. Kwiatkowski, Stefan, ORPORP Gryf
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Kyes, James Ellsworth, USNUSS Leary (i) (DD 158)
RNVRKyle, W, RNVRHMS MMS 75 (J 575), HMS MMS 84 (J 584)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Küller, Gijsbertus Petrus, RNNHNMS Willem van der Zaan (M 08)
RNVRT/Lt. Kynman, John Henry, RNVRHMS M 2 (M 34)

A (453), B (1545), C (1253), D (754), E (315), F (543), G (687), H (1291), I (61), J (403), K (425), L (651), M (1401), N (265), O (177), P (764), Q (21), R (741), S (1410), T (563), U (25), V (145), W (1045), Y (60), Z (20), Ø (1)

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