Gerard Koudijs, RNN

Born  22 Apr 1906Wageningen, Netherlands

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16 Aug 1927 luitenant ter zee 3e klasse (S.Lt.)
16 Aug 1929 luitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.)
15 Aug 1938 luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)
 kapitein-luitenant ter zee (Cdr.)
 kapitein ter zee (Capt.)
1 Jun 1956 Schout-bij-nacht (R.Adm.)

Retired: 1 Sep 1958


Warship Commands listed for Gerard Koudijs, RNN

HNMS O 23 (P 23)luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)Submarine13 May 19401 Jun 1940
HNMS Flores (F 66)luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)Sloop2 May 19447 Nov 1944

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Submarine HNMS O 23 (P 23)

13 May 1940
Around 2100 hours, HrMs O 23 (Lt.Cdr. G. Koudijs, RNN) and her sister ship HrMs O 24 (Lt.Cdr. G.B.M. van Erkel, RNN) departed the Lekhaven in Rotterdam bound for the U.K. Both submarines were were bottomed in the North Sea during daylight hours and both arrived safely at the Downs on the 15th.

Being bottomed gave some problems on board O 24 though. She had never submerged before and there were some leaks present. Also the boat had not been cleaned yet was still filled with trash from construction which clogged her pumps. (1)

15 May 1940
HrMs Willem van der Zaan (Lt. Cdr. H.D. Lindner RNN), HrMs O 9 (Lt. J. Metz, RNN), HrMs O 10 (Lt. G. Quint, RNN(R)), HrMs O 23 (Lt.Cdr. G. Koudijs, RNN) and HrMs O 24 (Lt.Cdr. G.B.M. van Erkel, RNN) all departed the Downs for Porstmouth where they arrived the next day. (1)


  1. File (Dutch Archives, The Hague, Netherlands)

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