Allied Warship Commanders

Last names starting with A

CommanderWarship commands
USNRLt.(jg) Abberley, John Jay, USNRUSS PC-1263 (PC-1263)
RNLt.Cdr. Abbot, Evelyn David John, DSC, RNHMS Gleaner (J 83), HMS Erne (U 03), HMS Enchantress (L 56 / U 56)
RINRT/Lt. Abbot, John, RINRHMIS St. Anthony (4.149)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Abbott, Charles Delphin, DSC, RNRHMS Coquette (J 350), HMS Circe (J 214)
USN+Lt. Abbott, Howard Joseph, USNUSS O-9 (70)
USNRCdr. Abbott, Gordon, USNRUSS Defense (AM 317)
RANLt.Cdr. (emergency) Abbott, John, RANHMAS Townsville (J 205)
RCNRSkr.Lt. Abbott, Ira Elmer, RCNRHMCS Whitethroat (M 03)
RNVRT/Lt. Abbott, Benjamin Charles, RNVRHMS MMS 1 (J 501)
RNCapt. Abbott, Edmund Geoffrey, RNHMS Ceres (D 59)
USNT/Lt. Abbott, Frank DeWitt, USNUSS Fancy (AM 234)
USNREns. Abbott, 3rd, William Wright, USNRUSS SC-504 (SC-504)
RNA/Cdr. Abdy, David Anthony Baily, RNHMS H 44 (N 44), HMS P 32 (P 32), HMS Safari (P 211), HMS LST 324 (LST 324)
USNRLt.Cdr. Abel, Brent Maxwell, USNRUSS PC-490 (PC-490), USS Buckley (DE 51)
RNCapt. Abel Smith, Edward Michael Conolly, RNHMS Biter (D 97)
USN+Lt.Cdr. Abele, Mannert Lincoln, USNUSS S-31 (136), USS Grunion (216)
USNT/Capt. Abercrombie, Laurence Allen, USNUSS Drayton (DD 366), USS Chester (CA 27)
USNT/Capt. Abernethy, Elmer Paul, USNUSS Pecos (i) (AO 6)
RNRSkr.Lt.(Retd.) Abernethy, George Youngs, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Flanders (FY 600), HMS Concertator (FY 637), HMS Flying Wing (FY 880), HMS David Ogilvie (FY 720), HMS Louise et Marie (FY 1917), HMS Ben Dearg (FY 690)
FRCapitaine de Corvette (Lt.Cdr.) Abgrall, Georges Alain Joseph, FRFR Typhon
USNT/Cdr. Abhau, William Conrad, USN
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Abrahams, Melvin, USNUSS R-11 (88)
USNT/Capt. Abrahams, Noble Wayne, USNUSS Goff (DD 247), USS Amphion (AR 13)
USNT/Cdr. Abrahamson, Ernest Percival, USNUSS Thornback (418)
RNLt.Cdr. Abram, Rider Stewart, DSC, RNHMS Falcon (T 74), HMS Sennen (Y 21), HMS Pheasant (U 49), HMS Magpie (U 82), HMS Tees (K 293)
RNRT/Skr. Abram, George, RNRHMS Ben Urie (FY 1569), HMS Rugby (4.162), HMS Powis Castle (FY 874), HMS Computator (FY 635)
USNRLt.Cdr. Abrams, Sumner Joseph, USNRUSS Kane (DD 235)
USNT/Cdr. Acker, Frank Clements, USNUSS S-15 (120), USS Pomfret (391)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Ackerman, Edward, USNUSS Kete (369)
RNCapt. Acland, Hubert Guy Dyke, DSO, RNHMS Vindictive
RNRLt. Acon, Neville, RNRHMS Northern Gift (4.50)
USNT/Commodore Acuff, Jasper Terry, USNUSS Kaskaskia (AO 27)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Acum, Harold, DSC, RNRHMS Wyoming (FY 1862), HMS Firefly (FY 673), HMS Edward Walmsley (FY 624)
RNLt.Cdr. Acworth, Herbert Bernard, OBE, RNHMS Puckeridge (L 108), HMS Fernie (L 11), HMS Rocket (H 92)
USNT/Cdr. Adair, Jr., Noah, USNUSS Fury (PG-69), USS Brennan (DE 13), USS Borie (ii) (DD 704)
RNVRT/Lt. Adair, Ronald, RNVRHMS Filla (T 212)
RNVRT/Lt. Adam, Robert Derek, RNVRHMS BYMS 2203 (J 1003)
RNVRT/Lt. Adam, David William, RNVRHMS BYMS 2214 (J 1014)
FRCapitaine De Fregate Adam, Marcel Jules, FRFR Jaguar
RINRT/Lt. Adam, Dawoodhhai Sulleman, RINRHMIS Berar (T 256), HMIS Poona (T 260)
RNA/Capt. (retired) Adam, Charles Keith, DSO, RNHMS Rion (FY 024), HMS Ulster Queen (F 118)
RNVRAdames, Frederick George, RNVRHMS MMS 267 (J 767)
RNA/Cdr. Adams, Alwyn William Reginald, DSC, RNHMS Milford King (FY 1573), HMS Selkirk (J 18), HMS Orestes (J 277), HMS Rajah (D 10)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Adams, Jr., Benjamin Ernest, USNUSS Rasher (269)
USNT/Cdr. Adams, Jr., Allen Bond, USNUSS PC-585 (PC-585), USS Decker (DE 47), USS Amesbury (DE 66)
USNRCdr. Adams, Jr., Charles Francis, USNRUSS PC-1252 (PC-1252), USS Fogg (DE 57), USS William Seiverling (DE 441)
USNRLt.Cdr. Adams, Jr., Harry Atherton, USNRUSS PC-492 (PC-492), USS Brennan (DE 13)
USNRCdr. Adams, Edward Payson, USNRUSS PC-494 (PC-494), USS Reynolds (DE 42)
USNRCdr. Adams, George F., USNRUSS PC-1191 (PC-1191), USS Elden (DE 264)
USCGRCdr. Adams, Donald T, USCGRUSS Howard D. Crow (DE 252), USS Pueblo (PF-13)
RCNCapt. Adams, Kenneth Frederick, RCNHMCS Prince David (F 89), HMCS Assiniboine (I 18), HMCS Ottawa (ii) (H 31), HMCS Assiniboine (I 18), HMCS Prince Henry (F 70), HMCS Iroquois (G 89)
USNRCdr. Adams, Hugh Robert, USNRUSS Chepachet (AO 78)
RNRT/Lt. Adams, Richard, RNRHMS Alouette (FY 101), HMS Kingston Amber (FY 211)
RNRT/Ch.Skr. Adams, Walter Stanley, RNRHMS Gulfoss (FY 710), HMS Dorothy Lambert (FY 558), HMS MMS 286 (J 786), HMS MMS 224 (J 724)
RNCapt. Adams, William Leslie Graham, OBE, RNHMS Kanimbla (F 23)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Adams, Jr., Paul Gress, USNUSS Dortch (DD 670)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Adams, Ernest, RNHMS Mackay (D 70), HMS Mackay (D 70)
RNVRAdams, R D, RNVRHMS Sargon (FY 572)
RCNVRT/Lt. Adams, Nelson William, RCNVRHMS Meon (K 269)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Adams, Charles Poynder, DSC, RNHMS Verity (D 63), HMS Verity (D 63)
USNT/Cdr. Adams, Carlton Rolla, USNUSS Henley (i) (DD 391)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Adams, William Duval, USNUSS Cushing (ii) (DD 797)
USNRLt.Cdr. Adams, Jr., Morgan, USNRUSS Trever (DMS 16)
USNT/Capt. Adams, Jr., Joseph Wade, USNUSS Crane (DD 109)
USNRLt.Cdr. Adams, Weston Woolard, USNRUSS SC-499 (SC-499), USS PCE-881 (PCE-881)
USNRLt.(jg) Adams, Jr., Edwin J, USNRUSS PC-598 (PC-598)
USNRLt. Adams, Paul Livermore, USNRUSS PC-1186 (PC-1186)
USNRLt. Adams, Donald C, USNRUSS PC-1204 (PC-1204)
USNT/Capt. Adamson, Frank Marshall, USNUSS Du Pont (DD 152), USS Bache (DD 470)
RNVRT/Lt. Adamson, Ronald, RNVRHMS Earl Kitchener (FY 1633), HMS Magnolia (T 31)
USNRLt. Addington, Glenn David, USNRUSS Adopt (AM 137)
RNCapt. Addis, Charles Thorburn, DSO, RNHMS Scarborough (L 25 / U 25), HMS Sheffield (24), HMS Sheffield (24)
RNVRT/Lt. Addison, James, RNVRHMS MMS 36 (J 536), HMS MMS 260 (J 760)
USNCapt. Addoms, Andrew Hughes, USN
USNT/Capt. Adell, Cecil Clinton, USNUSS Nevada (BB 36)
USNT/Capt. Adell, Bruce Byron, USNUSS Truxtun (DD 229), USS Columbia (CL 56)
USNRLt. Adelmann, Charles B, USNRUSS SC-524 (SC-524)
USNT/Cdr. Adkins, James Alvin, USNUSS S-21 (126), USS Cod (224)
RNRT/Skr. Affleck, Alexander, RNRHMS Resolvo (FY 821)
RNCapt. Agar, Augustus Willington Shelton, VC, DSO, RNHMS Emerald (D 66), HMS Malcolm (D 19), HMS Dorsetshire (40)
RNNluitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.) Agelink van Rentergem, Johannes Abraham, RNNHNMS Eland Dubois, HNMS Abraham Crijnssen
USNCdr. Ageton, Arthur Ainslie, USNUSS Pillsbury (i) (DD 227)
RNCdr. (retired) Agger, Paul, RNHMS Stella Capella (FY 107)
RNA/Cdr. Agnew, John Andrew, RNHMS Cockchafer (T 72), HMS Scarab (T 59), HMS Ripley (G 79), HMS Durban (D 99)
RCNCapt. Agnew, Ronald Ian, OBE, RCNHMCS Prince Henry (F 70), HMS Atheling (D 51)
RNCdr. (retired) Agnew, Peter Garnett, RNHMS Ramsey (G 60)
USNT/Capt. Agnew, Dwight Merle, USNUSS Trever (DMS 16), USS Heermann (DD 532)
RNCapt. Agnew, William Gladstone, DSO, RNHMS Corfu (F 86), HMS Aurora (12), HMS Dido (37)
RNA/Cdr. Agutter, Geoffrey Foster, RNHMS Stoke (J 33), HMS Carlisle (D 67), HMS Abercrombie (F 109)
USNRLt. Ahlers, Harold N, USNRUSS PC-484 (PC-484)
RINRT/Lt. Ahmad, Chandhri Shahabuddin, RINRHMIS Lilavati, HMIS Karachi (T 262), HMIS Orissa (J 200), HMIS Shillong (T 250)
USNRLt. Aierstock, J. Paul, USNRUSS PC-1254 (PC-1254)
RNRLt.Cdr. Aikman, Edmund Fleetwood, RD, RNRHMS Ballinderry (K 255)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Aikman, John, RNVRHMS Cedar (T 01), HMS Boyne (T 29), HMS Lady Enid (FY 547), HMS Lundy (T 272)
USNT/Cdr. Ailes, 3rd, John Williams, USNUSS Cassin Young (DD 793)
USNRLt. Ailor, Jr., William H, USNRUSS PC-616 (PC-616)
RNVRT/Lt. Aimers, Jeffrey Jenner Fust, DSC, RNVRHMS MTB 73 (MTB 73)
RNRT/Boom Skr. Ainscough, Albert, RNRHMS Milford Duke
RNLt.Cdr. Ainslie, Michael Frederic Roberts, DSO, DSC, RNHMS P 511 (P 511), HMS Shakespeare (P 221), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Thrasher (N 37)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Ainsworth, John Christopher, RNRHMS Wyoming (FY 1862), HMS Rudilais (FY 528)
USNR.Adm. Ainsworth, Walden Lee, USNUSS Mississippi (BB 41)
RCNVRT/Lt. Aird, William Garroway, RCNVRHMS Stoke City (FY 232)
RNVRAird, Alfred Michael Summerson, RNVRHMS ML 215 (ML 215), HMS ML 900 (ML 900)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Airey, Stanley Gruchy, RNVRHMS Holly (T 19), HMS Clythness (FY 1596), HMS Proctor (T 185)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Aisthorpe, Horace Charles, RNRHMS Northern Pride (FY 105), HMS Wistaria (T 113), HMS Pentland Firth (FY 108), HMS Northern Gem (FY 194), HMS Leeds United (FY 196), HMS Lady Beryl (FY 100)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Aisthorpe, George Henry, RNRHMS MMS 225 (J 725)
RNVRAitchison, R, RNVRHMS MTB 377 (MTB 377)
RNR+T/Lt. Aitken, John Gordon, RNRHMS Hornpipe (T 120), HMS Polyanthus (K 47)
RNR+Skr. Aitken, James Hutt, RNRHMS Bishopsgate (Z 66)
RNRAitken, James Hutt, RNRHMS Thornborough (K 574)
RNLt. Akeroyd, Richard Hewson, DSC, RNHMS Varne (P 81)
USNT/Capt. Akers, Frank (Peak), USNUSS George E. Badger (AVD 3), USS Saratoga (CV 3)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Akers, Charles O Neal, USNUSS Hobby (DD 610)
USNRLt.Cdr. Albert, 3rd, John Seaman, USNRUSS Naifeh (DE 352)
RANVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Albert, Frank Henry, RANVRHMS BYMS 2152 (J 952)
USNRLt. Albert, Louis P, USNRUSS SC-536 (SC-536)
RNVRAlbertini, William Reynolds, RNVRHMS ML 119 (ML 119)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Albin, Jr., George Waugh, USNRUSS Chewink (ASR 3), USS Penguin (ASR 12)
RNVRAlbone, Harold Norman, RNVRHMS ML 116 (ML 116)
RNVRT/Lt. Alcorn, James, RNVRHMS Birdlip (T 218)
RNVRAlcorn, John Miller, RNVRHMS MMS 181 (J 681)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Aldan, George William, DSC, RNRHMS John Cattling (FY 536), HMS Gwenllian (FY 544)
USNCapt. Alden, Charles Snow, USN
USNT/Capt. Alderman, John Clement, USNUSS Pelican (AVP 6), USS McFarland (AVD 14)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Alderman, Thomas Franklyn, RNRHMS Campion (K 108), HMS LST 3022 (LST 3022)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Alderson-Smith, Guy Fairburn, RNVRHMS Ardrossan (J 131)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Aldred, Reginald Anderson, RNVRHMS Eastbourne (J 127), HMS Bude (J 116)
RNR+Ch.Skr. Aldred, Samuel Melhuish, RNRHMS Benvolio (FY 710)
USNT/Capt. Aldrich, Clarence Edward, USNUSS Pollack (180)
USNT/Cdr. Aldrich, Charles Warren, USNUSS Dale (DD 353), USS Massey (DD 778)
RNLt.Cdr. (retired) Aldworth, Robert Harvey, RNHMS Grasshopper (T 85), HMS Medusa (FY 018), HMS Alice (FY 003)
RNCapt. Alers-Hankey, Conrad Byron, DSC, RNHMS Vanquisher (D 54), HMAS Nestor (G 02), HMS Tyne (F 24), HMS Limbourne (L 57), HMS Campania (D 48), HMS Trumpeter (D 09)
RNLt.Cdr. Alexander, Robert, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Stronghold (H 50), HMS Vivacious (D 36)
RNLt.Cdr. Alexander, Robert Love, DSO, DSC, RNHMS H 32 (N 32), HMS Pandora (N 42), HMS Proteus (N 29), HMS Truculent (P 315), HMS Tuna (N 94)
RNVRT/Lt. Alexander, James McGregor, DSC, RNVRHMS Andre et Louise (FY 1798), HMS MMS 65 (J 565)
USNT/Capt. Alexander, Ralph Clonts, USNUSS Reno (CL 96)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Alexander, Raymond Wellington, USNUSS Brill (330)
RNVRT/Lt. Alexander, Harold, RNVRHMS Trevo Terceiro (FY 1683)
RNVRAlexander, A E, RNVRHMS MMS 85 (J 585), HMS MMS 73 (J 573), HMS MMS 1037 (FY 1037)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Alexander, W K, RNVRHMS Stefa, HMS MMS 40 (J 540), HMS MMS 215 (J 715)
USNCapt. Alexander, James Thomas, USNUSS Wichita (CA 45)
USNRLt.Cdr. Alexander, George Edward, USNRUSS Anderson (DD 411)
USNRAlexander, William Paul, USNRUSS Project (AM 278)
USNRAlford, V van M, USNRUSS SC-516 (SC-516)
USCGCdr. Alger, Jr., James Albert, USCGUSS Mosley (DE 321), USS Lowe (DE 325)
RINVRT/Lt. Ali, Shamser, RINVRHMIS Laxmi (FY 090), HMIS Poona (T 260)
RNA/Cdr. Alison, Arthur Barclay, RNHMS Hastings (L 27 / U 27), HMS LST 361 (LST 361)
RNCdr. (retired) Alkin, Thomas Louis, RNHMS Queen Emma (4.180)
RCNVRT/Lt. Allan, John Alfred Robert, DSC, RCNVRHMCS Brantford (K 218), HMCS Thetford Mines (K 459)
USNT/Capt. Allan, Jr., Halle Charles, USNUSS Haraden (ii) (DD 585)
RNRCapt. Allan, Henry Samuel, RNRHMS Largs (F 43)
RNVRT/Lt. Allan, Douglas Morgan, RNVRHMS Filla (T 212)
RNZNVRLt. Allan, John Neat, RNZNVRHMNZS Manuka (T 401)
RNVRAllan, P G, RNVRHMS MTB 22 (MTB 22), HMS MTB 70 (MTB 70), HMS MTB 358 (MTB 358)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Alldridge, Cecil John, RNRHMS Wear (K 230), HMS Loch Achray (K 426)
RNCapt. Allen, Cecil Charles Acland, RNHMS Dundee (L 84), HMS Colombo (D 89), HMS Ceres (D 59), HMS Newfoundland (59)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Allen, Frank Brown, RNRHMS Goodson (K 480)
RNRT/A/Cdr. Allen, James Campbell, RNRHMS Thane (D 83), HMS Dungeness (F 46)
RNA/Capt. Allen, Roland Charlton, RNHMS Leith (L 36 / U 36), HMS Ceres (D 59)
USNRLt.Cdr. Allen, John Edward, USNRUSS PC-567 (PC-567), USS Pennewill (DE 175), USS John L. Williamson (DE 370)
USNT/Cdr. Allen, Russell Bowes, USNUSS McKee (DD 575)
RNCdr. (retired) Allen, Conway Benning, DSO, RNHMS Rochester (L 50 / U 50)
USNRCapt. Allen, Albert Clarence, USNRUSS Neshanic (AO 71)
RNRT/A/Skr.Lt. Allen, Robert Charles, DSC, RNRHMS Asama, HMS General Birdwood (FY 724), HMS Soika (FY 1775), HMS MMS 62 (J 562)
USNT/Cdr. Allen, Jr., William Young, USNUSS Noa (i) (DD 343), USS Wickes (ii) (DD 578)
RNRT/Lt. Allen, Harold Reginald, RNRHMS Lilac (T 26), HMS Picton Castle (FY 628), HMS Polar 5 (FY 1688)
USNRLt.Cdr. Allen, Charles Vernon, USNRUSS Brooks (DD 232), USS Pavlic (APD 70)
USNR Lt.Cdr. Allen, Jr., Arthur Elliot, USNRUSS Stadtfeld (DE 29)
RNVRAllen, J B, RNVRHMS ML 161 (ML 161), HMS ML 154 (ML 154), HMS ML 892 (ML 892)
USNCapt. Allen, Archer Meredith Ruland, USNUSS Salt Lake City (CA 25)
USNT/Lt. Allen, Orval Frank, USNUSS Rail (AM 26)
USNT/Cdr. Allen, George Washington, USNUSS Auk (AM 57)
USNRLt. Allen, William Donald, USNRUSS Chickadee (AM 59)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Allen, Jr., Francis Post, USNRUSS Ptarmigan (AM 376)
USNCapt. Allen, Jerome Lee, USNUSS Sacramento (PG-19)
USNRAllen, Howard Kay, USNRUSS PC-573 (PC-573)
USNRAllen, J Davis, USNRUSS PC-1079 (PC-1079)
USNRAllen, John F, USNRUSS PC-1549 (PC-1549)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Alleyne, John Meynell, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Salopian (F 94), HMS Ranchi (F 15), HMS Asturias (F 71)
RNCapt. Allison, John Hamilton, DSO, RNHMS Worcester (D 96), HMS Kelvin (F 37), HMS Zephyr (R 19), HMS Zambesi (R 66), HMS Zephyr (R 19), HMS Myngs (R 06)
RANRLt.Cdr. Allison, Frederick Norman, RANRHMAS Katoomba (J 204)
RNVRT/Lt. Allison, Joseph William Sloan, RNVRHMS Holly (T 19), HMS Emilion (FY 853), HMS Libyan (FY 1800), HMS Arctic Hunter (FY 1614)
RNVRT/A/Lt. Allison, Harry, RNVRHMS British (FY 506), HMS Post Boy (FY 1750)
RNLt.Cdr. Alliston, John Melvill, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Decoy (H 75), HMS Janus (F 53), HMS Javelin (F 61), HMAS Warramunga (I 44), HMAS Warramunga (I 44), HMAS Warramunga (I 44), HMS Urania (R 05)
RANVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Alliston, Kenneth Prat, RANVRHMS Berkshire (FY 183), HMS Kelt (FY 112), HMS Wallasea (T 345), HMS Stella Carina (FY 352)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Allon, James Joseph, RNRHMS Sword Dance (T 132), HMS Kenilworth Castle (K 420)
USNRLt.(jg) Alloo, Modeste Bright, USNRUSS PCS-1381 (PCS-1381)
RNBoatswain Allsop, John, RNHMS Cornelian (T 15)
RNCapt. (Retd.) Allsup, Claud Finlinson, DSO, RNHMS Asturias (F 71)
RNVRAllsworth, B.G., RNVRHMS ML 223 (ML 223)
RNRT/Skr. Allum, Charles, RNRHMS Fintray (FY 253)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Almgren, Neal, USNUSS Longshaw (DD 559)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Alston, Jr., Augustus Howard, USNUSS Pickerel (i) (177)
USNRLt. Althouse, Jack Marvin, USNRUSS Koiner (DE 331)
RNVRT/Lt. Alton, Jack Preston, RNVRHMS Cap d Antifer (FY 340), HMS Maple (T 38)
RN+Cdr. Ambrose, Geoffrey William MacNachtane, RNHMS Liverpool (11)
USNT/Capt. Ambruster, Stephen Henry, USNUSS Tambor (198), USS Robalo (273), USS Robalo (273)
RNCapt. Amery-Parkes, Guy Beresford, RNHMS Guardian (T 89), HMS Ceylon (30)
USNT/Capt. Ammon, William Bronley, USNUSS Madison (DD 425)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Amos, Samuel, RNRHMS Madden (FY 784), HMS Sturton (FY 1595)
USNCapt. Amsden, William Faulkner, USN
RNRCapt. Anchor, Herbert John, OBE, RNRHMS Alaunia (F 17)
RNVRT/Lt. Anciaume, Reginald Charles, RNVRHMS Tartan (FY 915)
RNZNVRT/Lt. Andersen, Valdemer Jens, RNZNVRHMS Jonquil (K 68)
USNRCmdr. Andersen, Peder, USNRUSS Cache (AO 67)
RNRT/Lt. Andersen, Erik, RNRHMS Thrifty (FY 1523), HMS BYMS 2055 (J 855), HMS MMS 297 (J 797)
RNRAndersen, H J, RNRHMS MMS 1056 (FY 1056)
USNT/Cdr. Andersen, Harvey Marvin, USNUSS Brant (AM 24)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Alfred John, RNVRHMS Bugloss (K 306)
RNLt.Cdr. Anderson, Barry John, RNHMS Vanessa (D 29), HMS Vivacious (D 36), HMS Scarab (T 59)
RNLt. Anderson, Charles Courtney, RNHMS Wivern (D 66), HMS Cassandra (R 62), HMS Loch Killisport (K 628)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, James Allen, RNVRHMS Clare (I 14)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Anderson, William St. George, DSC, RNRHMS H 28 (N 28), HMS P 555 (P 555), HMS Sturdy (ii) (P 248), HMS Trusty (N 45), HMS Sceptre (P 215)
RNRLt. Anderson, Alan Hamilton Barnett, DSC, RNRHMS Rorqual (N 74), HMS L 23 (N 23), HMS L 23 (N 23), HMS Scotsman (P 243), HMS Scotsman (P 243)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, Samuel Clay, USNUSS McCook (ii) (DD 496)
USCGCdr. Anderson, Eric A., USCGUSS Vance (DE 387)
USNRLt.Cdr. Anderson, Burrough(s) Bertram, USNRUSS Zane (DMS 14), USS Holt (DE 706)
RNRT/Lt.Cdr. Anderson, Arthur James, RNRHMS Jeanie Deans (4.29), HMS Northway (F 142)
RNRT/Lt. Anderson, Arthur John Spence, RNRHMS St. Apollo
USCGRLcmdr Anderson, Langford, USCGRUSS Emporia (PF-28)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, William Donald, USNUSS Savo Island (CVE 78)
RNRSkr.Lt. Anderson, James, RNRHMS Asie (FY 370), HMS Neil Mackay (FY 259)
RNRT/Skr. Anderson, William, RNRHMS Brimness (FY 254)
RNRCh.Skr. Anderson, John Culbertson, DSC, RNRHMS Loch Oskaig (FY 175)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Alfred Lyall, RNVRHMS Star of the Wave (FY 1590), HMS Sir Galahad (T 226), HMS MMS 1034 (FY 1034), HMS MMS 1024 (FY 1024)
RNVRT/S.Lt. Anderson, James, RNVRHMS BYMS 2175 (J 975)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Andrew Miller, RNVRHMS Wastwater (FY 239)
RNRSkr. Anderson, Robert, RNRHMS Brecon Castle (FY 507), HMS Green Howard (FY 632)
RNRA/Ch.Skr. (A/Skr.Lt.) Anderson, Monypenny Macpherson, RNRHMS Elena (FY 573), HMS MMS 1063 (FY 1063)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, James Malcolm, RNVRHMS Hercules (FY 1731), HMS Runswick Bay (FY 750), HMS BYMS 2040 (J 840)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Geddie Angus, DSC, RNVRHMS Gulland (T 365)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Anderson, James Clifford, RNRHMS LST 405 (LST 405)
RCNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Frederick Woodley, RCNVRHMCS Llewellyn (J 278)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, Paul Ramseur, USNUSS Murray (DD 576)
RNLt. Anderson, Anthony Edgar, RN
RNVRAnderson, A P, RNVRHMS MA/SB 47 (MA/SB 47)
RNVRT/Lt. Anderson, Andrew Alfred, RNVRHMS Anglia (4.62)
RNVRAnderson, W S, RNVRHMS ML 263 (ML 263), HMS ML 101 (ML 101)
RNRAnderson, J E, RNRHMS MMS 198 (J 698)
RNRAnderson, E, RNRHMS MMS 202 (J 702)
RNVRAnderson, W N, RNVRHMS ML 125 (ML 125)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, William Lovett, USNUSS Thresher (200)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, Byron Samuel, USNUSS Conyngham (DD 371)
USNRLt. Anderson, John G., USNRUSS PCE(R)-848 (PCE(R)-848)
RNLt.Cdr. Anderson, Gerald Donald, RNHMS Mistral
USNT/Cdr. Anderson, Howard Thomas Ewing, USNUSS Sandpiper (AVP 9)
USNRLt. Anderson, Jr., Edmun(d) George, USNRUSS Scout (AM 296)
USNT/Capt. Anderson, Herbert Augustus, USNUSS Guadalupe (AO 32)
USNRAnderson, R W, USNRUSS PC-483 (PC-483)
USNRAnderson, R B, USNRUSS PC-542 (PC-542)
USNRLt. Anderson, Jr., Anthony L, USNRUSS PC-580 (PC-580)
USNRAnderson, Norman, USNRUSS PC-791 (PC-791)
USN+T/Lt.Cdr. Andrea, James Paul, USNUSS Spence (DD 512)
USNRLt. Andresen, John E, USNRUSS PC-609 (PC-609)
RNLt. Andrew, Bruce John Bevis, DSC, RNHMS H 43 (N 43), HMS Unbroken (P 42), HMS Subtle (P 251)
RNLt. Andrew, Frank Alexander John, RNHMS Bude (J 116), HMS Mounsey (K 569)
USNT/Cdr. Andrew, John Douglas, USNUSS Aulick (ii) (DD 569), USS Orleck (DD 886)
RNR+A/S.Lt Andrew, Peter le Mesurier, RNRHMS Amber (T 88)
RNVRT/Lt. Andrew, Charles Herbert, RNVRHMS BYMS 2001 (J 801), HMS MMS 106 (J 606)
RNVRT/Lt. Andrew, Srewart Robert, RNVRHMS Thirlmere (FY 206)
RNRLt. Andrew, James, RD, RNRHMS Northern Sun (4.18)
RANRLt.Cdr. Andrewartha, Edwin Max, RANRHMAS Burnie (J 198)
RNCapt. Andrewes, William Gerrard, DSO, RNHMS Albatross (I 22), HMS Uganda (66)
USNT/Cdr. Andrews, Richard Stottko, USNUSS Skipjack (184), USS Plaice (390)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Andrews, James Gold, USNUSS Sabalo (302)
USNT/Cdr. Andrews, Charles Herbert, USNUSS S-24 (129), USS Gurnard (254)
RNVRT/Lt. Andrews, Eric Henry, RNVRHMS Annet (T 341), HMS Eriskay (T 217)
RNRSkr. Andrews, Charles John, RNRHMS Edwardian (FY 691)
RNVRT/Lt. Andrews, Reginald George, RNVRHMS ML 105 (ML 105), HMS ML 285 (ML 285)
RNVRAndrews, T D, RNVRHMS RML 547 (RML 547)
USNRLt. Andrews, Jr., Lewis Michael, USNRUSS SC-532 (SC-532), USS Sims (ii) (DE 154)
USNRLt. Andrews, Zenas Ball, USNRUSS Pike (173)
USNT/Capt. Andrews, Jr., John, USNUSS Montgomery (DM 17)
USNRCdr. Andrews, Edward Fiske, USNRUSS PC-484 (PC-484), USS James E. Craig (DE 201)
USNRLt. Andruss, Frank D., USNRUSS SC-528 (SC-528), USS PCE-846 (PCE-846)
RNLt. Angell, John Peter, DSC, RNHMS H 34 (N 34), HMS Sea Rover (P 218), HMS Taku (N 38)
USNRCdr. Angelo, Jr., Alfred Heath, USNRUSS Patterson (DD 392)
USNRLt. Angelsen, Henry, USNRUSS Thrush (AVP 3)
USNT/Capt. Angerer, Warner Welby, USNUSS Trinity (AO 13)
RNVRT/Lt. Anglebeck, John Reginald, RNVRHMS Vizalma (FY 286)
RCNRT/Lt.Cdr. Angus, Colin James, RCNRHMCS Cobalt (K 124), HMCS Port Colborne (K 326)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Angus, Ian, RCNVRHMCS Prestonian (K 662), HMCS Qu'appelle (H 69)
RCNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Angus, Richard Heany, RCNVRHMCS Hallowell (K 666)
RNVRT/Lt. Angus, Geoffrey Barrett, DSC, RNVRHMS Southern Pride (K 249)
RNCapt. Annesley, John Campbell, DSO, RNHMS Egret (L 75 / U 75), HMS Enterprise (D 52), HMS Victorious (38)
RCNA/Lt.Cdr. Annesley, John Cryspo Leckie, RCNHMCS Cape Breton (K 350)
RCNVRT/Lt. Annet, Sydney Reginald Phillips, RCNVRHMCS Rosthern (K 169)
USNT/Capt. Ansel, Walter Charles, USNUSS Winooski (AO 38), USS Philadelphia (CL 41)
RNRT/Skr. Ansell, William Henry, RNRHMS Tokyo II (FY 778)
RNVRAnstee, E C, RNVRHMS MMS 10 (J 510)
RNCapt. Anstice, Edmund Walter, RNHMS Fencer (D 64)
USNRLt. Antonini, Angelo, USNRUSS PC-589 (PC-589)
RNRT/Lt. Antonsen, John Anton, RNRHMS Grassholm (T 344)
USNT/Cdr. Antrim, Richard Nott, USNUSS Pope (i) (DD 225)
RNRT/Lt. Aplin, William Gilbert Nigel, RNRHMS Northern Sun (4.18), HMS Arran (T 06), HMS Ayrshire (FY 225)
RNVRAplin, C C, RNVRHMS MMS 82 (J 582)
USCGRLcmdr Applegate, Gerald T, USCGRUSS Evansville (PF-70)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Appleton, Thomas Edward, RNVRHMS George Adgell (FY 1926), HMS Liberator (FY 1650), HMS Vatersay (T 378)
RNCdr. (retired) Appleton, Cyril, RNHMS Despatch (D 30), HMS Despatch (D 30)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Appleyard, Philip Norman Frederick, RNVRHMS Stonecrop (K 142)
RNCdr. (retired) Apps, John Pollington, DSC, RNHMS Ross (J 45), HMS Fort York (J 119), HMS Tadoussac (J 220)
RNLt.Cdr. (Retd.) Arathoon, Edward Benedict, RNHMS Frobisher (D 81)
RNCapt. Arbuthnot, Clive Denison, RNHMS Malaya (01), HMS Patroller (D 07)
RNVRT/Lt. Arbuthnot, Michael Geoffrey Henderson, RNVRHMS Dakins (K 550)
RNA/Capt. (retired) Archdale, Patrick Mervyn, RNHMS Glenroy (4.256)
RNCdr. (retired) Archdale, Humphreys, DSC, RNHMS Maid Marion (FY 017)
RNRear-Admiral Archer, Ernest Russell, RNHMS Revenge (06)
USNT/Capt. Archer, Robert John, USNUSS Evans (ii) (DD 552)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Archer, Stanley Frederick, RNRHMS Visenda (FY 138)
RNVRT/Lt. Archer, Eric Arthur, RNVRHMS Lombard (4.169)
T/Lt. Archer, Arthur Vincent, TRNVRHMS Globe I
RNVRA/Lt.Cdr. Archer, John David, RNVRHMS MTB 649 (MTB 649)
RNVRArcher, W J, RNVRHMS MTB 89 (MTB 89), HMS MTB 400 (MTB 400)
RNVRA/Lt.Cdr. Archer-Shee, Philip, RNVRHMS Chesterfield (I 28), HMS Scimitar (H 21), HMS Wheatland (L 122)
USNRLt. Archie, Addison S., USNRUSS J.R.Y. Blakely (DE 140)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Ardagh, James Francis, USNRUSS Saugatuck (AO 75)
RNVRArden, F W D, RNVRHMS MMS 193 (J 693)
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ardern, Frank, DSC, RNRHMS Paynter (FY 242), HMS Abelia (K 184), HMS Tavy (K 272)
RNCapt. (Retd) Ardill, Hubert, RNHMS Dunvegan Castle, HMS Asturias (F 71)
RNVRT/Lt. Arendt, Basil Harry Sydney, RNVRHMS Valse (T 151)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Arens, Carl Edward, USNRUSS Macdonough (DD 351)
RNLt.Cdr. Argles, Lionel William Lendon, DSC, RNHMS Chiddingfold (L 31), HMS Vigilant (R 93)
RNVR+T/Lt. Arimitage, Neville Rhodes, RNVRHMS Wistaria (T 113)
USNT/Capt. Arison, Rae Emmett, USNUSS Noa (i) (DD 343)
SANF(V)Arkwright, M G, SANF(V)HMS ML 896 (ML 896)
RNCapt. Arliss, Stephen Harry Tolson, DSO, RNHMAS Napier (G 97), HMS Berwick (65)
RCNRT/Cdr. Armit, William Barclay, RCNRHMCS Prince David (F 89)
RNRT/Lt. Armitage, Robert Clinton, RNRHMS Drangey (FY 195)
RNRSkr.Lt. (retired) Armitage, Frank, RNRHMS Brecon Castle (FY 507)
RNRT/Skr. Armitage, John Andrew, RNRHMS Brabant (FY 586)
RNA/Capt. Armour, Robert Syme Denholm, RNHMS Cumberland (57), HMS Rajah (D 10)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Armstrong, Cyril William, RNRHMS Worthing (J 72), HMS Cockatrice (J 229), HMS Fancy (J 308)
RN+Capt. Armstrong, Harold Thomas, DSO, DSC, RNHMS Cricket (T 75), HMS Dragonfly (T 11), HMS Wren (i) (D 88), HMS Maori (F 24), HMS Onslow (G 17), HMS Laforey (G 99)
RANCapt. Armstrong, John Malet, DSO, RANHMAS Manoora (F 48), HMAS Westralia (F 95), HMAS Australia (D 84)
USNT/Capt. Armstrong, Jr., Henry Jacques, USNUSS Waters (DD 115), USS Spence (DD 512), USS Adams (DM 27)
RCNCdr. (retired) Armstrong, Edgar Lorne, RCNHMCS Niagara (I 57), HMCS St. Laurent (H 83), HMCS Qu'appelle (H 69), HMCS Assiniboine (I 18)
USNT/Capt. Armstrong, Robert Gordon, USNUSS St George (AV 16)
RNRA/Skr.Lt. Armstrong, Robert, RNRHMS Derby County (FY 171), HMS Kingston Crystal (FY 216), HMS Lilac (T 26)
RNRLt.Cdr. Armstrong, James Davison, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Royal Scotsman (F 115)
USNT/Cdr. Armstrong, Warren Wilson, USNUSS Gamble (DM 15), USS Bradford (DD 545)
RNVRArmstrong, H T, RNVRHMS MMS 60 (J 560), HMS MMS 1023 (FY 1023)
RNRA/Cdr. Armstrong, Douglas Henry Fyfe, DSC, RD, RNRHMS Marsdale
RNVRArmstrong, J W, RNVRHMS MTB 74 (MTB 74)
RNVRArnaud, D.W.S., RNVRHMS ML 238 (ML 238), HMS ML 147 (ML 147)
RNVRT/Lt. Arnold, Geoffrey George, RNVRHMS Solon (FY 601)
RNRT/Skr. Arnold, Joseph Thomas, RNRHMS John Cattling (FY 536), HMS Milford Princess (FY 616)
USNT/Lt.(jg.) Arnold, Jr., Harry Edwin, USN
RNVRT/Lt. Arnold, Philip Weston, RNVRHMS Man o' War (FY 104)
USNT/Capt. Arnold, Murr Edward, USNUSS Fanshaw Bay (CVE 70)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Arnold, Frank Robert, USNUSS Breckinridge (DD 148)
USNCdr. Arnold, Marshall Britt, USNUSS Black Hawk (AD 9)
USNRLt. Arnold, Dexter Otis, USNRUSS YMS-5 (YMS-5)
RNVRArnold-Foster, M, RNVRHMS MTB 38 (MTB 38)
RNVRT/Lt. Arnott, Thomas Grenfell, RNVRHMS Strephon (FY 1829)
USNRCmdr. Arntz, George Donald, USNRUSS Tippecanoe (AO 21), USS Cacapon (AO 52)
USCGRLcmdr Arrington, Charles Breckenridge, USCGRUSS Van Buren (PF-42)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Arthur, Jr., Charles Snowden, USNUSS Broome (DD 210), USS Boyle (DD 600)
USNRLt. Cmdr. Arthur, Thelbert Donald, USNRUSS Kaskaskia (AO 27)
RCNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ascah, Albert Rudolph, RCNRHMCS Courtenay (J 262)
USNT/Capt. Ascherfeld, Theodore Frederick, USNUSS Honolulu (CL 48)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ascoli, Hugh Edwin, RNVRHMS ML 205 (ML 205), HMS MTB 704 (MTB 704)
RNVRT/Lt. Ash, George Wallace, RNVRHMS Kirkella (FY 174)
RNCapt. Ashbourne, , DSO, RNHMS Ariadne (M 65), HMS Forth (F 04)
USNCapt. Ashbrook, Allan Withers, USNUSS Erie (PG-50)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ashby, Herbert Frederick Bothwell, RNVRHMS Cambridgeshire (FY 142), HMS Victrix (FY 224)
T/A/Cdr. Ashby, Ronald Robert Willson, DSC, HKRNVRHMS MTB 7 (MTB 7), HMS SGB 4 / Grey Fox (S 304), HMS MTB 670 (MTB 670)
RNLt.Cdr. Ashcroft, John Frederick Anthony, RNHMS La Melpoméne
RNRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ashdown, Thomas Aubrey, DSO, RNRHMS ML 104 (ML 104), HMS LST 157 (LST 157)
RNVRAshdown, A W, RNVRHMS HDML 1489 (ML 1489)
USNCapt. Ashe, George Bamford, USN
RANR(S)T/Lt. Asher, Hudson Croft, RANR(S)HMAS Bowen (J 285), HMAS Bowen (J 285)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Asher, Nathan Frederick, USN
USNT/Capt. Ashford, Jr., William Henry, USNUSS Copahee (CVE 12)
USNT/Capt. Ashford, George Woodson, USN
USCGLt.Cdr. Ashley, Charles Otis, USCGUSS San Pedro (PF-37)
RNVRAshley, N L N, RNVRHMS MMS 65 (J 565)
RNA/Cdr. Ashley, John Martin, RNHMS Cheshire (F 18)
USNT/Cdr. Ashley, Jr., James Henry, USNUSS S-17 (122), USS Seadragon (194), USS Aspro (309)
RANLt. Ashley-Brown, Guy James Alexander, RANHMAS Quiberon (G 81), HMAS Quiberon (G 81), HMAS Rockhampton (J 203)
RNLt. Ashmead-Bartlett, Francis Ellis, RNHMS Una (N 87), HMS Virulent (P 95)
RNRear-Admiral Ashmore, Leslie Haliburton, DSO, RNHMS Kent (54), HMS Valiant (02), HMS Malaya (01)
RNA/Lt.Cdr. Ashton, William, DSC, RNHMS Fareham (J 89)
RNVRT/A/Lt.Cdr. Ashton, George, DSC, RNVRHMS Courtier (FY 592), HMS Courtier (FY 592)
RNVRT/Lt. Ashworth, Hugh Grenville, RNVRHMS Estrella do Norte (FY 1807), HMS BYMS 2020 (J 820)
+Lt.Cdr. Ashworth, George Christian, SSRNVRHMS Scorpion (i) (T 67)
Capt. Askim, Per, HNoMS Norge
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Astbury, Henry, DSC, RNRHMS LST 3041 (LST 3041)
RNVRAston, J M, RNVRHMS MTB 411 (MTB 411)
RNCdr. (retired) Astwood, William Maurice Lloyd, RNHMS Wallace (L 64), HMS Auckland (L 61 / U 61), HMS Wallace (L 64), HMS Leeds (G 27), HMS Broadwater (H 81)
USNT/Capt. Atkeson, Clarence Lee Connor, USNUSS Pope (i) (DD 225), USS Patoka (AO 9), USS Ashland (LSD 1)
USNT/Capt. Atkeson, John Connor, USNUSS Leary (i) (DD 158), USS Bailey (ii) (DD 492), USS Healy (DD 672)
RNLt. Atkins, Humphrey Edward Gregory, RNHMS Highlander (H 44), HMS Highlander (H 44)
RNLt.Cdr. Atkins, Richard Hugh White, RNHMS Newark (G 08)
USNT/Cdr. Atkins, Barry Kennedy, USNUSS Melvin (DD 680)
USNT/Capt. Atkins, James George, USNUSS New Orleans (CA 32), USS Tuscaloosa (CA 37)
RNVRAtkins, H J, RNVRHMS MTB 761 (MTB 761)
RNRT/Lt. Atkinson, Maurice Herbert, RNRHMS Osiris (N 67)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Atkinson, Robert, DSC, RNRHMS Lorna (4.65), HMS Anemone (K 48), HMS Pink (K 137), HMS Tintagel Castle (K 399), HMS Tay (K 232)
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Atkinson, William, RNRHMS Manitoulin (T 280), HMS Loosestrife (K 105), HMS LST 3503 (LST 3503)
RNLt. (retired) Atkinson, John Henry, RNHMS Pintail (L 21 / K 21)
RNRT/Skr. Atkinson, Fred Lawrence, RNRHMS Ronso (FY 841), HMS St. Donats, HMS Milford Prince (FY 614)
RNRT/A/Ch.Skr. Atkinson, James Alfred, RNRHMS Onetos (FY 761)
RINRLt. Atkinson, John Nigel, RINRHMIS Berar (T 256)
RNZNVRAtkinson, T L, RNZNVRHMS MGB 616 (MGB 616)
RNVRAtkinson, R L, RNVRHMS MTB 757 (MTB 757)
RNVRAtkinson, W E D, RNVRHMS RML 516 (RML 516)
RNVRT/Lt. Atkinson, Hugh Cranfield, RNVRHMS ML 168 (ML 168)
RNCdr. Atkinson, Edwin Peter Fitzmaurice, RNHMS Dauntless (D 45)
USNRLt. Atkinson, David F, USNRUSS PC-1139 (PC-1139)
USNRCdr. Atterbury, George Rosengarten, USNRUSS PC-554 (PC-554), USS Willis (DE 395), USS Sloat (DE 245)
RNRSkr. Attridge, Ernest John, RNRHMS Stella Canopus (FY 248)
USCGRAtwater, Jr., J. J., USCGRUSS Kirkpatrick (DE 318)
USNRAtwood, John C, USNRUSS PC-1082 (PC-1082)
RNCdr. Aubrey, Robert Marriott, DSC, RNHMS Blanche (H 47), HMS Campbell (D 60), HMS Fowey (L 15 / U 15), HMS Wren (ii) (U 28), HMS Exe (K 92), HMCS Beacon Hill (K 407), HMS Musketeer (G 86)
RCNVRT/Lt.Cdr. Audette, Louis de la Chesnaye, RCNVRHMCS Pictou (K 146), HMCS Amherst (K 148), HMCS Coaticook (K 410)
RNNluitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.) Auer, Dirk, RNNHNMS Marken (i) (FY 227), HNMS Vlieland (FY 226), HNMS Marken (i) (FY 227)
USCGLt. Auge, Roger James, USCGUSS Richey (DE 385)
RNRT/Skr. Aughton, Robert, RNRHMS Libra (i) (FY), HMS Orizaba (FY 1897), HMS Onetos (FY 761)
USNRCdr. Auld, Frank William, USNRUSS Edgar G. Chase (DE 16), USS Edward H. Allen (DE 531)
USCGAune, Oskar F., USCGUSS Hurst (DE 250)
RNCdr. Austen, Nigel Hubert George, DSO, RNHMS Hasty (H 24), HMS Orwell (G 98)
RNLt.Cdr. Austin, Derek William, RNHMS Kittiwake (L 30 / K 30), HMS Eggesford (L 15), HMS Wrangler (R 48), HMS Chaplet (R 52)
USNT/Cdr. Austin, Marshall Harlan, USNUSS Redfin (272)
USNT/Commodore Austin, Bernard Lige, USNUSS Woolsey (DD 437), USS Foote (ii) (DD 511)
RNVRLt. Austin, Richard Henry, RNVRHMS Goatfell (4.36), HMS Lord Grey (FY 1593)
USN+Capt. Austin, Charles Morrison, USN
RNAustin, William Havelock, RNHMS Zaza (FY 033)
USNT/Lt. Austin, Jr., William Ollie, USNUSS Otterstetter (DE 244)
USNRLt. Austin, Robert Orlo, USNRUSS Conner (ii) (DD 582)
USNT/Capt. Austin, Leonard Bynner, USNUSS Balch (DD 363)
RNVRAustin, D J R, RNVRHMS MTB 290 (MTB 290)
RNRSkr. Austrin, William George, RNRHMS Kingston Chrysolite (FY 184)
USNRLt. Autrey, Ernest L, USNRUSS PC-470 (PC-470)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Ayer, Wilmon Huntington, USNUSS Williamson (AVD 2)
USNRLt.Cdr. Ayer, Robert McCormick, USNRUSS Gary (DE 326), USS Lamson (DD 367)
USNRAyer, Robert, USNR
RNRA/Lt.Cdr. Ayles, Sydney, RNRHMS Tamarisk (K 216), HMS Lawford (K 514), HMS Hotham (K 583)
RNCapt. Aylmer, Edward Arthur, DSC, RNHMS Curacoa (D 41), HMS Curacoa (D 41), HMS Newcastle (76)
USNT/Capt. Aylward, Theodore Charles, USNUSS Searaven (196)
USNRLt. Aylward, William John, USNRUSS PC-479 (PC-479)
RCNVRT/Lt. Aylwin, William Rodney, RCNVRHMCS Medicine Hat (J 256)
USNT/Lt.Cdr. Aymond, John Paul, USNUSS Gansevoort (DD 608)
RNRAynton, P S, RNRHMS Sanson (FY 901)
USNT/Capt. Ayrault, Arthur Delancey, USN
USNT/Capt. Ayrault, Arthur Delancey, USNUSS Paul Jones (DD 230), USS Tucson (CL 98)
RNRA/Cdr. Ayre, Albert, DSO, RD, RNRHMS Scottish (FY 245), HMS Kingston Jacinth (4.45), HMS Primrose (K 91), HMS Lagan (K 259)
RNRT/Skr. Ayres, William Charles Mason, RNRHMS Ben Earn (FY 999)
USNRAyres, Robert B, USNRUSS PC-1222 (PC-1222)
RNVRT/Lt. Ayris, Peter Ronald, RNVRHMS Ben Earn (FY 999)
RNLt. Ayton, James, RNHMS Tadoussac (J 220)
USNT/Cdr. Azer, John Behling, USNUSS R-19 (96), USS Whale (239), USS Caiman (323)

A (453), B (1545), C (1253), D (754), E (315), F (543), G (687), H (1291), I (61), J (403), K (425), L (651), M (1401), N (265), O (177), P (764), Q (21), R (741), S (1410), T (563), U (25), V (145), W (1045), Y (60), Z (20), Ø (1)

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