Claud Finlinson Allsup DSO, RN

Born  21 Aug 1881

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15 Nov 1899 Mid.
15 May 1901 S.Lt.
30 Jun 1903 Lt.
30 Jun 1911 Lt.Cdr.
31 Dec 1914 Cdr.
31 Dec 1920 Capt.
4 Jul 1922 Capt. (Retd.)

Retired: 4 Jul 1922


30 Jun 1915 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)
15 Sep 1916 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)
17 Mar 1919 DSO

Warship Commands listed for Claud Finlinson Allsup, RN

HMS Asturias (F 71)Capt. (Retd.)Armed Merchant Cruiser4 Sep 193925 Nov 1939

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Events related to this officer

Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Asturias (F 71)

4 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) is commissioned at Belfast where she is under conversion to armed merchant cruiser. (1)

24 Sep 1939
With her conversion almost completed, HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) departed Belfast for the Clyde where she arrived later the same day. She was escorted by HMS Kingfisher (Lt.Cdr. G.A.M.V. Harrison, RN) and HMS Widgeon (Lt.Cdr. R. Frederick, RN).

Some gunnery control instruments had to be fitted but were not yet available. (2)

25 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) departed the Clyde for Scapa Flow. (3)

26 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from the Clyde. At Scapa Flow she is to undergo a short work-up programme. (3)

14 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) departed Scapa Flow for the Northern Patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Denmark Strait. (3)

27 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) arrived at Halifax from patrol in the Denmark Strait. She now joined the America and West Indies station for escort duties. (4)

31 Oct 1939

Convoy HXF 7.

This convoy departed Halifax on 31 October 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Bradford City (British, 4953 GRT, built 1936), Craftsman (British, 7896 GRT, built 1922), Fort Richepanse (French, 3485 GRT, built 1935), Gregalia (British, 5802 GRT, built 1929), Inverilen (British (tanker), 9456 GRT, built 1938), J.H. Senior (Panamanian (tanker), 12185 GRT, built 1931), Matra (British, 7911 GRT, built 1926), Pacific Pioneer (British, 6734 GRT, built 1928), Rangitane (British, 16733 GRT, built 1929) (ship of the convoy Commodore), Remuera (British, 11445 GRT, built 1911), San Ambrosio (British (tanker), 7410 GRT, built 1935), San Antonio (French, 6013 GRT, built 1930) and San Pedro (French, 5947 GRT, built 1931).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Fraser (Cdr. W.B. Creery, RCN) and HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN).

The convoy departed Halifax in thick fog which continued until daylight the next morning. It was then found that only three merchant vessels and HMCS St. Laurent were in sight of the Commodore's ship.

At 1100Z/1, HMS St. Laurent parted company with the convoy in position 44°42'N, 59°40'W to return to Halifax. HMCS Fraser was no longer in company with the convoy having probably lost contact in the thick for earlier.

By 1300Z/1, for had lifted and a total of 9 merchant vessels were now in company (out of the total of 13 merchant vessels). HMS Asturias was not in sight though.

By 1100Z/2, the whole convoy had now formed up.

During the night of 4/5 November 1939 the convoy Commodore's ship, the Rangitane lost touch with the convoy in the heavy weather. During her absence more ships had lost tough with the convoy.

Around 1800Z/10, the destroyers HMS Antelope (Lt.Cdr. R.T. White, RN) and HMS Viscount (Lt. M.S. Townsend, RN) joined the convoy in approximate position 50°18'N, 17°05'W.

During the night of 10/11 November 1939, the destroyers HMS Winchelsea (Cdr. C.T. Jellicoe, RN) and HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. G.C. Fryer, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 0030Z/11, the destroyer HMS Winchelsea (Cdr. C.T. Jellicoe, RN) joined the convoy Commodore's ship Rangitane. Around 0630Z/11, the destroyer HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. G.C. Fryer, RN) also joined these ships.

Around 0730Z/11, the convoy Commodore's ship, the Rangitane and her two escorting destroyers rejoined the convoy in position 49°51'N, 13°23'W. It was found that at that moment the following ships were not in company with the convoy; Bradford City, Craftsman and Gregalia.

Around 1000Z/11, HMS Winchelsea were detached to proceed to Liverpool taking the San Ambrosio with her.

Around 1200Z/11, HMS Witherington left the convoy to proceed to Liverpool.

Around 1740Z/12, HMS Asturias left the convoy to proceed to Greenock.

Around 1600Z/12, HMS Antelope and HMS Viscount were relieved to the south of the Lizard by the destroyers HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, RN) and HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. E.V.St.J. Morgan, RN).

These destroyers remained with the convoy until 1520Z/13 when they parted company upon its arrival in the Downs. (5)

12 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2359A/12, HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) arrived at Greenock from convoy escort duty. (6)

15 Nov 1939
HMS Asturias (Capt. Retd. C.F. Allsup, DSO, RN) proceeded up river to Glasgow where she was taken in hand for repairs to some weather damage she had sustained and some adjustments to her guns for which these had to be lifted. (6)


  1. ADM 199/2195
  2. ADM 53/109480 + ADM 53/111183 + ADM 199/2546
  3. ADM 199/2546
  4. ADM 199/367
  5. ADM 199/52
  6. ADM 173/107552

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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