Brent Maxwell Abel, USNR
Born | 6 May 1916 | Washington DC, USA | |
Died | 26 Dec 2005 | (89) | San Rafael, California, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Brent Maxwell Abel, USNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS PC-490 (PC-490) | Lt. | Patrol craft | Mid 1942 | Early 1943 |
USS Buckley (DE 51) | Lt. | Destroyer Escort | 12 Aug 1943 | 9 Jan 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Patrol craft USS PC-490 (PC-490)
2 Oct 1942
USS PC-490 picks up 31 survivors of the American merchant Alcoa Transport that was torpedoed and sunk earlier that day by German U-boat U-201 southeast of Trinidad in position 09°03'N, 60°10'W.
Destroyer Escort USS Buckley (DE 51)
6 May 1944 (position 17.17, -32.29)
German U-boat U-66 was sunk west of the Cape Verde Islands, in position 17°17'N, 32°29'W, by depth charges, ramming and gunfire from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft of the US escort carrier USS Block Island and by the destroyer escort USS Buckley.
- Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Naval Reserve, 31 July 1944
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