Norman Leslie Knight, RNR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Norman Leslie Knight, RNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Northern Chief (4.34) | Lt. | ASW Trawler | 29 Aug 1940 | 14 Feb 1942 |
HMS Saxifrage (K 04) | Lt. | Corvette | 31 May 1942 | 17 May 1943 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Corvette HMS Saxifrage (K 04)
4 Jul 1942
HMS Saxifrage (Lt. N.L. Knight, RNR) picks up 35 survivors from the British merchant Putney Hill that was torpedoed and finally sunk with gunfire on 26 June 1942 by German U-boat U-203 about 450 nautical miles east-north-east of Puerto Rico in position 24°20'N, 63°16'W.
4 Jan 1943
HMS Saxifrage (Lt. N.L. Knight, RNR) picks up 27 men from the British tanker British Vigilance that was torpedoed and damaged by German U-boat U-514 about 900 nautical miles north-east of Barbados in position 20°58'N, 44°40'W.
9 Jan 1943
HMS Saxifrage (Lt. N.L. Knight, RNR) picks up 34 survivors from the British tanker Empire Lytton that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-442 west of the Canary Islands in position 28°08'N, 28°20'W.
17 Mar 1943
HMS Saxifrage (Lt. N.L. Knight, RNR) picks up 37 survivors from the Dutch merchant Alderamin that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-338 southeast of Cape Farewell in position 52°14'N, 32°15'W.
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