John Bertram de Betham Kershaw DSO, RN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 21 Aug 1963 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for John Bertram de Betham Kershaw, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS L 26 (N 26) | Lt. | Submarine | Jul 1940 | late 1940 |
HMS Uproar (P 31) | Lt. | Submarine | 7 Jan 1941 | Oct 1942 |
HMS Porpoise (N 14) | Lt. | Submarine | 7 Mar 1943 | 6 May 1943 |
HMS Oberon (N 21) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 20 Jul 1943 | 24 Mar 1944 |
HMS Sealion (N 72) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 17 Jan 1944 | Jan 44 ? |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine HMS L 26 (N 26)
29 Jul 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. P.L. Field, RN) arrived at Rosyth. (1)
3 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) shifted from Rosyth to Dundee. (1)
7 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is docked at Dundee. (2)
8 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is undocked. (2)
11 Aug 1940
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) departed Dundee for Scapa Flow. She was escorted by HrMs Z 5 (Lt.Cdr. W. van Lier, RNN). (2)
12 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow to participate in A/S training exercises.
[As there are no logs available for this period, no further details can be given.] (2)
8 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Dundee. (1)
9 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Dundee. While entering the lock gates she damaged herself. (3)
14 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is docked at Dundee for repairs to the hydroplanes. (2)
18 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is undocked. (2)
20 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is docked at Dundee. (2)
18 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) is undocked. (2)
26 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) departed Dundee for Scapa Flow. (2)
27 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS L 26 (Lt. J.B. de B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow to participate in A/S training exercises.
[As there are no logs available for this period, no further details can be given.] (2)
Submarine HMS Uproar (P 31)
1 Apr 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed her builder's yard at Barrow for Holy Loch. She was escorted by HMS Cutty Sark (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H. Mack, RN). (4)
2 Apr 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Holy Loch to begin a period of trials and training. (4)
30 Apr 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Holy Loch for Dundee. She was escorted by HMS White Bear (Cdr.(Retd.) C.C. Flemming, RN). (4)
3 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Dundee where she joined the 9th Submarine Flotilla. (4)
10 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Dundee for Scapa Flow. She was escorted by HMS White Bear (Cdr.(Retd.) C.C. Flemming, RN). (4)
11 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow where she was to participate in A/S exercises. (4)
13 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) conducted A/S exercises at Scapa Flow with HMS Hermione (Capt. G.N. Oliver, RN). (5)
21 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed from Scapa Flow for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Stadlandet, Norway. On 23 May the submarine was ordered to position 65°30'N, 02°00'E as the German battleship Bismarck and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen had been observed in the fjords off Bergen.
When it became clear that the two German ships had departed P 31 was ordered to patrol to the North-North-East of the Shetlands.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (6)
30 May 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 1st war patrol at Dundee. (6)
4 Jun 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) shifted from Dundee to Rosyth. (4)
5 Jun 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is docked in the floating dock at the Rosyth Dockyard for a propeller change. (4)
7 Jun 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is undocked. She then departed from Rosyth for Dundee where she arrived later the same day. (4)
11 Jun 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed from Dundee for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Stadlandet, Norway as a German pocket battleship had been sighted passing the Skaw.
On the 13th P 31 was ordered to patrol in the North Sea for an Anti-uboat patrol. A U-boat had been sighted in position 61°10'N, 01°10'E, P 31 altered course to intercept but failed to find anything.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (6)
16 Jun 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 2nd war patrol at Scapa Flow. (6)
6 Jul 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Scapa Flow for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Norwegian Sea for an anti-uboat patrol.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (6)
18 Jul 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 3rd war patrol at Lerwick. (6)
20 Jul 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Lerwick for Dundee. She was escorted by HMS Preston North End (Lt. K.A. Vasey, RNR). (4)
21 Jul 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Dundee. (4)
5 Aug 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Dundee for Scapa Flow. (4)
7 Aug 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow where she was to participate in A/S exercises. (4)
9 Sep 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Dundee. She was escorted by HMS Cutty Sark (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H. Mack, RN). (4)
10 Sep 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Dundee. (4)
20 Sep 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is taken in hand for a short refit at Dundee before she was to proceed to the Mediterranean. (4)
23 Sep 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is docked at Dundee. The date she is undocked is currently not known to us. (4)
30 Sep 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Dundee for Gibraltar. She was escorted by HMS Cutty Sark (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H. Mack, RN) until Bishops Rock.
Passage towards Scapa Flow was made together with HMS P 35 (Lt. S.L.C. Maydon, RN).
Off Scapa Flow joined HrMs O 10 (Lt. D.T. Mackay, RNN) for passage towards Oban.
At Oban HMS H 32 (Lt. J.W.D. Coombe, RN) joined for the passage South through the Irish Sea as she was to proceed to Portsmouth.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (4)
2 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Oban. (4)
3 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Oban for Gibraltar. (4)
11 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Gibraltar. (4)
13 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Gibraltar for Malta.
For the daily positions of HMS P 31 during this passage see the map below.
16 Oct 1941
At 0805 hours, in position 37°32'N, 05°16'E, a periscope was sighted. HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) dived and Asdic contact was obtained at 1500 yards indicating the U-boat was on course 190°. P 31 surfaced at 0945 hours and proceeded at full speed in the hope of drawing an attack but nothing happened and the submarine dived again. (7)
20 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Malta. (7)
29 Oct 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 4th war patrol (1st in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol near Capo Colonna, Crotone, Italy.
For the daily positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
9 Nov 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 4th war patrol (1st in the Mediterranean) at Malta. (7)
18 Nov 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 5th war patrol (2nd in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol in the Ionian Sea.
For the daily and attack positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
20 Nov 1941
At 0205 hours, in position 36°35'N, 17°37'E, HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) transmitted a dummy message for deception purposes. (7)
29 Nov 1941 (position 39.20, 17.33)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) attacked the Italian light cruiser Muzio Attendolo in the Gulf of Taranto. No hits were obtained.
(All times are zone -2) 1705 hours - In position 39°20'N, 17°33'E, when at 80 feet, HE was heard to the North-North-East. Closed. Went to periscope depth. Saw an Italian cruiser force escorted by destroyers.
1719 hours - Fired four torpedoes at the second cruiser. Three explosions were heard 3 to 4 minutes after firing.
1745 hours - Returned to periscope depth but it was too dark to see anything.
The cruiser force attacked by P 31 was made up of the Italian light cruisers Emanuelle Filiberto Duca d’Aosta, Raimondo Montecuccoli and Muzio Attendolo. They were escorted by Aviere, Geniere and Camicia Nera.
The light cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli (third cruiser in the formation) observed Muzio Attendolo suddenly turning to port and imitated her immediately. Torpedo tracks were seen passing to starboard between the two cruisers. (7)
3 Dec 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 5th war patrol (2nd in the Mediterranean) at Malta. (7)
13 Dec 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 6th war patrol (3rd in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to form a patrol line in the Ionian Sea with HMS Upholder (Lt.Cdr. M.D. Wanklyn, DSO, RN), HMS P 34 (Lt. P.R.H. Harrison, DSC, RN) and ORP Sokol (Lt.Cdr. B. Karnicki, ORP).
For the daily and attack positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
(7)17 Dec 1941 (position 39.22, 17.19)
At 0935 hours, in position 39°22'N, 17°19'E at a distance of 7000 yards, HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) sighted an Italian submarine of the Santorre [Santarosa] class apparently returning to Taranto. P 31 proceeded to intercept but the enemy submarine dived 5 minutes later and the attack was broken off.
There is no evidence of Italian submarines in this area at that time. Ammiraglio Cagni was returning to Taranto on this morning but she was about 45 miles to the north-east of P 31 and remained on the surface until she reached Taranto. (7)
18 Dec 1941
At 0320 hours (zone -2) HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived in a new position (39.05'N, 17.32'E). She formed a new patrol line together with HMS Unbeaten (Lt.Cdr. E.A. Woodward, RN) and ORP Sokol (Lt.Cdr. B. Karnicki, ORP). (7)
19 Dec 1941 (position 39.05, 17.31)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is detected and depth charged by an Italian destroyer or torpedo boat in position 39°05'N, 17°28'E. No damage was done to P 31.
Following this P 31 attacked an Italian cruiser with four torpedoes in position 39°05'N, 17°31'E. No hits were obtained. P 31 was again depth charged but again she evaded these and was not damaged.
The enemy force consisted of the light cruisers Raimondo Montececcoli, Muzio Attendolo and Emanuele Filiberto Duca D’Aosta screened by the destroyers Aviere, Ascari and Camicia Nera returning to Taranto after escorting a convoy to Libya.
(All times are zone -2) 1316 hours - In position 39°05'N, 17°28'E sighted a small destroyer closing and using some sort of A/S transmissions. P 31 remained at periscope depth and took avoiding action. The destroyers tactics were to stop and presumably listen and then to go ahead using her asdics.
1330 hours - The destroyer attacked and forced P 31 deep. 12 Depth charges were dropped at intervals up to 1400 hours.
1406 hours - Returned to periscope depth, proceeding at slow speed and keeping stern on to the destroyer. Up to 1500 hours 8 depth charges were dropped but she did not appear to be in contact.
1540 hours - The destroyer increased speed and turned towards. P 31 was forced deep. 16 Depth charges were dropped.
1610 hours - P 31 appeared to be clear and came to periscope depth. The destroyer was seen sweeping the area.
1613 hours - The destroyer dropped one last depth charge and then proceeded Southward.
1615 hours - Sighted an aircraft.
1632 hours - Sighted a destroyer bearing 135° with a haze of smoke behind her. Range was about 9000 yards. Closed.
1640 hours - Sighted two large ships with the smoke of a third bearing 151°, range 9000 yards. Closed at high speed for 6 minutes. 4 Destroyers were in sight.
1648 hours - Observed that the enemy had altered course. P 31 was now 25° on the enemy's port bow. The destroyers appeared to be zigging independently and were rushing about at high speed. The large ships were thought to be battleships (after consultation upon returning to Malta they were thought to be cruisers).
1652 hours - A destroyer was now right ahead at a range of 900 yards. Went to 50 feet. The destroyer then passed overhead.
1654 hours - Returned to periscope depth. The enemy had altered course again. Altered course to complete the attack.
1658 hours - In position 39°05'N, 17°31'E fired four torpedoes from 1000 yards against one of the big ships. Took avoiding action on firing and went deep.
1703 hours - Destroyers were reported to be coming in.
1704 hours - Depth charging started. 27 Depth charged in all were dropped. The second pattern was fairly close.
1738 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Saw two destroyers bearing 010°. They were making a lot of smoke.
[The light cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli reported being missed by five torpedoes (only four were actually fired). The light cruiser Muzio Attendolo immediately dropped depth charges, imitated by the destroyers but these were only for intimidation purposes.] (7)
22 Dec 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 6th war patrol (3rd in the Mediterranean) at Malta. (7)
27 Dec 1941
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is docked at Malta. (8)
6 Jan 1942
While in dock at Malta, HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is damaged by bomb splinters during an air raid. The result was 28 holes in the pressure hull, 23 holes in the superstructure and 4 holes in underwater fittings. Electrical equipment was damaged in the vicinity of the splinter holes. Three of the crew were injured. (9)
24 Jan 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) is undocked. (9)
2 Feb 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 7th war patrol (4th in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol off Tripoli.
For the daily and attack positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
6 Feb 1942 (position 33.07, 12.03)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) attacked but missed a vessel which was most probably the Italian merchant Bolsena (2384 GRT, built 1918) off Zuwara, Libya.
(All times are zone -2) 1431 hours - In position 33°07'N, 12°03'E sighted a laden merchant vessel of about 1500 tons. Range was about 5 nautical miles. No surface escort was present but there was an air escort. Enemy (mean) course was 090° but she was zig-zagging. Closed at high speed.
1459 hours - Fired 3 torpedoes from 5000 yards. No explosions were heard.
1508 hours - Observed that the ship had altered course and was now heading towards the coast. The aircraft prevented further observations or gun action. As the sea was oily calm the torpedo tracks were most likely sighted. (10)
12 Feb 1942 (position 33.18, 12.01)
At 0615 hours (zone -2), on board HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN), the Officer Of the Watch, Lt. M.H. Gardner, RN and S/Lt. R.C. Bucknall, RN were washed overboard when P 31 accidentally dived in position 33°18'N, 12°01'E. Ballast was immediately blow but P 31 meanwhile had been at a depth of 70 feet. P 31 then returned to the position of the accident and was able to pick up S/Lt. Bucknall. Lt. Gardner however was not found despite a thorough search of the area. (10)
14 Feb 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 7th war patrol (4th in the Mediterranean) at Malta. (10)
26 Feb 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 8th war patrol (5th in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol East of Tunisia.
For the daily and attack positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
5 Mar 1942 (position 35.27, 12.12)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) torpedoed and sank the Italian merchant Marin Sanudo (5958 GRT, built 1926) about 10 nautical miles West-South-West of the island of Lampedusa in position 35°27'N, 12°12'E. P 31 was hunted by her two escorts the Italian torpedo boats Cigno and Procione following this attack and they dropped respectively 22 and 12 depth charges.
(All times are zone -2) 1245 hours - In position 35°27'N, 12°12'E sighted an aircraft carrying out an A/S sweep. Went deep.
1305 hours - Heard H.E., bearing 340° and came to periscope depth.
1306 hours - Sighted a motor vessel escorted by two Folgore-class destroyers, one on either bow. Range was 7200 yards. The nearest destroyer had FL on her bow. [Here Lt. Kershaw must have made a mistake, destroyer Fulmine (FL) had been sunk on 9 November 1941.]
1310 hours - Commenced a retiring turn. The target was on a steady course with the destroyers zigging independently. The target was a vessel of about 7000 tons and fully laden.
1320 hours - Decided to attack with a salvo of four torpedoes. It was a large vessel, fully laden with a heavy escort. It must be a very valuable ship for the enemy.
1321 hours - Went to 40 feet as the sea was flat calm and the periscope would otherwise be sighted. Decided to attack using Asdic.
1323 hours - Fired four torpedoes from 780 yards. All hit. H.E. of the target ceased. P 31 increased to full speed and retired to the North.
1327 hours - Went to slow speed.
1329 hours - 5 Depth charges were dropped, fairly close.
1331 hours - 4 Depth charges exploded, very close.
1333 hours - Settled on the bottom at 240 feet. By 1345 hours a total of 30 depth charges had been dropped and minor damage was received. The destroyers were overhead, stopping and starting their engines. Decided to remain on the bottom. It was some comfort that the chart 'from the latest Italian Government Surveys' gave the greatest depth as 180 feet.
1600 hours - The final depth charges were dropped and the destroyers were heard proceeding to the North.
1700 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Nothing in sight. Went deep again to reload. (10)
12 Mar 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 8th war patrol (5th in the Mediterranean) at Malta. (10)
23 Mar 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 9th war patrol (6th in the Mediterranean). She is ordered to patrol in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
For the daily and attack positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
1 Apr 1942 (position 42.02, 11.31)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) attacked but missed a tanker with three torpedoes near Civitavecchia, Italy.
(All times are zone -2) 0925 hours - Sighted a merchant vessel and 4 schooners leaving the harbour of Civitavecchia.
0955 hours - When minesweeping trawlers that had been sighted earlier were clear P 31 was able to start closing the merchant vessel. Three of the schooners were ahead of her and one was close astern.
1014 hours - In position 42°02'N, 11°31'E fired three torpedoes from 3000 yards. The merchant vessel (a 2000 tons tanker) turned away to comb the tracks and then returned to the harbour at high speed.
The target has not yet been identified. (10)
2 Apr 1942 (position 40.49, 13.07)
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) attacked an Italian auxiliary A/S schooner with one torpedo about 10 nautical miles East-South-East of the island of Ponza. The torpedo missed.
(All times are zone -2) 1750 hours - Sighted a large 3-masted schooner in position 40°49'N, 13°07'E. She was laying stopped. Started attack in which one torpedo was fired from 1400 yards. The torpedo missed just ahead.
The target has not yet been identified. (10)
8 Apr 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 9th war patrol (6th in the Mediterranean) at Malta.
The crew of HMS P 36 temporarily took charge of the submarine until 13 April to give her crew a rest.
While submerged in Malta on 8 April, the submarine was shaken by a bomb and developed as small leak. (10)
13 Apr 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for her 10th war patrol (7th in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol to the South of the Strait of Messina.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (10)
18 Apr 1942
It was hoped to fire a Mark IV torpedo at the base of the viaduct north of Taormina but the bad weather prevented the attempt. (10)
21 Apr 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 10th war patrol (7th in the Mediterranean) at Malta. Only one merchant ship had been observed and it passed out of range. (10)
26 Apr 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Malta for Alexandria. Due to heavy enemy air attacks it had been decided to retire the small number of submarines currently based at Malta to Alexandria.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (11)
5 May 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Alexandria. (11)
18 May 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Alexandria for Port Said. (12)
20 May 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Port Said. Most likely she was docked here but as there is no log available we are not sure of this. (12)
3 Jun 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Port Said for Alexandria. (12)
4 Jun 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Alexandria. (12)
6 Jun 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Alexandria for her 11th war patrol (8th in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol in the Ionian Sea to provide cover during 'Operation Vigorous'.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (11)
15 Jun 1942
At 0604 hours, in position 35°46'N, 18°50'E, HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) sighted two battleships and three cruisers but they passed far out of range. A few minutes later an air attack was observed and a cruiser (Trento) appeared to have been damaged. (11)
28 Jun 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) ended her 11th war patrol (8th in the Mediterranean) at Alexandria. (11)
29 Jun 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) departed Alexandria for Haifa. (12)
3 Jul 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, RN) arrived at Haifa. (13)
17 Jul 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Haifa for her 12th war patrol (9th in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to proceed to Malta but carry out a short patrol to the South-South-West of Crete.
P 31 had 1 officer and 10 ratings on board for passage to Malta as well as about 5 tons of cargo.
For the daily positions of HMS P 31 during this patrol see the map below.
1 Aug 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) ended her 12th war patrol (9th in the Mediterranean) at Malta.
11 Aug 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Malta for her 13th war patrol (10th in the Mediterranean). She was to provide cover during 'Operation Pedestal'. Upon completion of this duty she was to proceed to Gibraltar as P 31 was to return to the U.K. as she was due to refit.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (6)
12 Aug 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) reached her patrol position in 35°51.5'N, 12°17'E. She was part of patrol line with HMS P 44 (Lt. T.E. Barlow, RN), HMS P 222 (Lt.Cdr. A.J. MacKenzie, RN), P 31, HMS P 34 (Lt. P.R.H. Harrison, DSC, RN), HMS P 46 (Lt. J.S. Stevens, DSC, RN) and HMS Utmost (Lt. A.W. Langridge, RN). After midnight, the patrol line was moved and she took up position in 36°18'N, 12°19.5'E.
With the exception of aircraft, nothing was seen and in the evening of 13 August, she left her patrol for her onward passage to Gibraltar. (6)
24 Aug 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) ended her 13th war patrol (10th in the Mediterranean) at Gibraltar. (6)
27 Aug 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Gibraltar for passage to Portsmouth. En-route she was ordered to patrol to the West of Cape Finisterre to intercept an inbound German blockade breaker making this her 14th war patrol. She was carrying only two Mark IV and two Mark II torpedoes. Nothing was sighted.
No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (6)
10 Sep 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) ended her 14th war patrol at Portsmouth. (6)
13 Sep 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Portsmouth for Sheerness. She made the passage in convoy CE 119.
14 Sep 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) arrived at Sheerness.
15 Sep 1942
HMS P 31 (Lt. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) shifted from Sheerness to the Chatham Dockyard where she was to be refitted.
Submarine HMS Oberon (N 21)
20 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. J.W. McCoy, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. Upon completion of these exercises Lt.Cdr. Kershaw took over command from Lt.Cdr. McCoy. (14)
21 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
22 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
23 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
24 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
27 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
28 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
29 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
30 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
2 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
3 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
4 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (14)
5 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
6 Aug 1943
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Glasgow for a short refit. (15)
6 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Oberon proceeded to Glasgow. (15)
14 Aug 1943
With her short refit completed, HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) returned to Rothesay. (15)
14 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) shifted from Glasgow to Rothesay. (15)
15 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted trials in the Clyde area. (15)
17 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
18 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
19 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
20 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
21 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
24 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
25 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
26 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
27 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (15)
13 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
14 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
15 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
16 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
17 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
18 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
20 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
21 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
22 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
23 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
24 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
28 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
29 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
30 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (16)
1 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
2 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
3 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
4 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
6 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
7 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
8 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
11 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
12 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
14 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
15 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
18 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
19 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
20 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
21 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
22 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
26 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt. M.L.C. Crawford, DSC, RN) served as target in the Clyde area for members of the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course) with were embarked in HMS Sirdar (Lt. J.A. Spender, RN). (17)
27 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (17)
28 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
29 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (17)
1 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
2 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
3 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
4 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
5 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
8 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
9 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
10 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
11 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
12 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
16 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
17 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
22 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
24 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
25 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
26 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
29 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
30 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (18)
1 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
1 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
2 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
3 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
4 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
5 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (19)
8 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Kames Bay where she was immediately docked. (19)
14 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) is undocked at Kames Bay and then immediately proceeded to Rothesay. (19)
27 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (19)
28 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (19)
29 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (19)
30 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (19)
31 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) conducted independent exercises in the Clyde area. (19)
7 Jan 1944
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Rothesay for Barrow. (20)
7 Jan 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) departed Rothesay for Barrow where she was to undergo repairs to her main motors. She was escorted by HMS Breda (Lt.Cdr. G.G. Slade, RN). (20)
8 Jan 1944
HMS Oberon (Lt.Cdr. B. Kershaw, DSO, RN) arrived at Barrow for engine repairs. (20)
Submarine HMS Sealion (N 72)
19 Jan 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (21)
20 Jan 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) conducted D/G trials off Helensborough. (21)
21 Jan 1944
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (21)
24 Jan 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) conducted A/S exercises off Campbeltown with HMS La Flore (Lt. J. Mayling, RN). (21)
26 Jan 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) conducted A/S exercises off Campbeltown with HMS Bretwalda (Skr. J.B. Henderson, RNR). (21)
28 Jan 1944
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (21)
29 Jan 1944
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (21)
30 Jan 1944
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (21)
31 Jan 1944
HMS Sealion (Lt. N.J. Coe, DSC, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (21)
- ADM 199/2560
- ADM 199/373
- ADM 199/364
- ADM 199/400
- ADM 53/114416
- ADM 199/1825
- ADM 199/1120
- ADM 173/16867
- ADM 173/17364
- ADM 199/1224
- ADM 199/1225
- ADM 199/2565
- ADM 173/17367
- ADM 173/17870
- ADM 173/17871
- ADM 173/17872
- ADM 173/17873
- ADM 173/17874
- ADM 173/17875
- ADM 173/18545
- ADM 173/18469
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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