Frederick Burdett Warder, USN
Born | 19 Mar 1904 | Grafton, West Virginia, USA | |
Died | 1 Feb 2000 | (95) | Ocala, Florida, USA |
![]() | Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Frederick Burdett Warder, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Seawolf (197) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 1 Dec 1939 | 18 Jan 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Seawolf (197)
8 Dec 1941
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Manila for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the San Bernardino Strait.
14 Dec 1941
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) hits the Japanese seaplane carrier Sanyo Maru (8360 GRT, offsite link) with one torpedo off Aparri, Philippines. Unfortunately the torpedo fails to explode.
26 Dec 1941
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 1st war patrol at Manila.
31 Dec 1941
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Manila for her 2nd war patrol.
9 Jan 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 2nd war patrol at Darwin, Australia.
16 Jan 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) leaves Darwin for her 3th war patrol loaded with some 40 tons of .50 calibre anti-aircraft ammunition for use by American forces on Corregidor.
28 Jan 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) unloads the ammunition at Corregidor. She takes on board spare torpedo's and 25 officers and men. She then departed from for Surabaya, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
15 Feb 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Surabaya for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Java Sea.
1 Apr 1942 (position -10.00, 105.00)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese light cruiser Naka (offsite link) off Christmas Island in position 10°00'S, 105°00'E.
7 Apr 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 4th war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
12 May 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Fremantle for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Philippines.
15 Jun 1942 (position 14.20, 120.20)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese auxiliary gunboat Nampo Maru (1206 GRT, built 1940) off Corregidor, Philippines in position 14°20'N, 120°20'E.
2 Jul 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 5th war patrol at Fremantle.
25 Jul 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Fremantle for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Sulu and Celebes Seas.
14 Aug 1942 (position 5.07, 119.37)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant passenger-cargo ship Hachigen Maru (3113 GRT) in the Sibitu Passage in position 05°07'N, 119°37'E.
25 Aug 1942 (position 3.55, 118.59)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Showa Maru (1349 GRT) off the north-east coast of Borneo in position 03°55'N, 118°59'E.
15 Sep 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 6th war patrol at Fremantle.
1 Oct 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) departed from Fremantle for her 7th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Davao Gulf, southern Philippines.
2 Nov 1942 (position 6.14, 126.07)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and sank the Japanese water tender Gifu Maru (2933 GRT) west-south-west of Cape San Augustin, Mindoro, Philippines in position 06°14'N, 126°07'E.
3 Nov 1942 (position 7.02, 125.33)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and sank the Japanese troop transport Sagami Maru (7189 GRT) off Davao, Philippines in position 07°02'N, 125°33'E.
8 Nov 1942 (position 6.22, 126.03)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) torpedoed and sank Japanese auxiliary gunboat Keiko Maru (2929 GRT) off Cape San Augustin, Mindanao, Philippines in position 06°22'N, 126°03'E.
1 Dec 1942
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. F.B. Warder) ended her 7th war patrol at Pearl Harbor. She was ordered to the Mare Island Navy Yard for an overhaul.
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