Ronald Westlake, RNVR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 29 Jun 1949 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Ronald Westlake, RNVR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Sibyl (P 217) | Lt. | Submarine | 27 Jun 1944 | 5 Jul 1944 |
HMS H 50 (N 50) | Lt. | Submarine | 14 Feb 1945 | 22 Mar 1945 |
HMS Upstart (P 65) | Lt. | Submarine | 21 Mar 1945 | 9 Aug 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine HMS H 50 (N 50)
14 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. W.T.J. Fox, RN) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. After these exercises Lt. Westlake took over command of HMS H 50 from Lt. Fox. (1)
16 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
17 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
20 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
21 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
23 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
24 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (1)
27 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) shifted from Rothesay to Campbeltown. (1)
28 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Campbeltown and then returned to Rothesay. (1)
1 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
2 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
6 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
13 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
14 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
15 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
16 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
22 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 50 (T/Lt. G.P. Christie, DSC, RNR) conducted special trials in the Clyde area. (2)
Submarine HMS Upstart (P 65)
30 Apr 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) ended her refit at Blyth. A period of trials and exercises was then commenced. (3)
12 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) was docked in No.5 dock at Blyth to add some additional ballast to her keel. (4)
13 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) was undocked. (4)
15 May 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
16 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
17 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
18 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
22 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
24 May 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
25 May 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)
5 Jun 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) departed Blyth for Portsmouth. (5)
7 Jun 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) arrived at Portsmouth. (5)
20 Jun 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) departed Portsmouth for Gibraltar. (5)
26 Jun 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) arrived at Gibraltar. (5)
3 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) departed Gibraltar for Malta. (6)
7 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) arrived at Malta. (6)
12 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
14 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
16 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
18 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
19 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
20 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) conducted exercises off Malta. (6)
28 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) departed Malta for Piraeus. (6)
30 Jul 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) arrived at Piraeus. (6)
9 Aug 1945
HMS Upstart (Lt. R. Westlake, RNVR) was decommissioned at Piraeus and commissioned in the Greek Navy as Amphitriti. (7)
- ADM 173/19497
- ADM 173/19498
- ADM 173/20202
- ADM 173/20203
- ADM 173/20204
- ADM 173/20205
- ADM 173/20206
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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