Sigurd Valvatne, RNON

Born  1 May 1913
Died  17 Dec 2004(91)

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Warship Commands listed for Sigurd Valvatne, RNON

HNoMS Ula (P 66)Lt.SubmarineOct 1943Dec 1943
HNoMS Ula (P 66)Lt.SubmarineMar 1944May 1944
HNoMS Utsira (P 85)Lt.SubmarineAug 1944

Career information

We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.

Events related to this officer

Submarine HNoMS Ula (P 66)

28 Oct 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Dundee for Lerwick. She made part of the passage together with HMS Satyr (Lt. T.S. Weston, RN). They were escorted by HMS Loch Monteith (T/Lt. K.W. Richardson, RNR). (1)

29 Oct 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Lerwick. (1)

30 Oct 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Norwegian Sea for an anti U-boat patrol.

For the daily positions of HNoMS Ula during this patrol see the map below.


6 Nov 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) was informed of the possible presence of a U-boat in her vicinity (the submarine was near 64°00’N, 04°39’E) but nothing was seen.

12 Nov 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 5th war patrol at Lerwick. (1)

20 Nov 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Stadlandet, Norway.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Ula during this patrol see the map below.


22 Nov 1943 (position 62.14, 5.14)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and sank the Norwegian merchant Arcturus (1681 GRT, built 1892, offsite link) north-west of Stadlandet in the Vanylsgapet, about 2.5 nautical miles north of Honningsvaeg, Norway in position 62°14'N, 05°09'E.

The Arcturus was already damaged, on fire and under tow after an attack by British aircraft earlier in the day. The Arcturus was towed by the auxiliary patrol vessel V 5101 and escorted by the auxilirary submarine chaser UJ 1709. Ula fired one torpedo at a whale catcher and one torpedo at the Arcturus. Both torpedoes however hit the Arcturus. The two escort vessels joined by the tug Furu and the minesweeper M 5615 searched for survivors and twenty-one men were rescued. Ula escaped without any counterattack.

(All times are zone -1)
1355 hours - Heard HE bearing 255°.

1358 hours - Sighted funnels and masts of three ships bearing 257°. Enemy course was approximately 180°. Smoke and flames were seen on the after part of the last and largest ship.

1409 hours - The vessels were now seen to be a laden merchant vessel of 3500 tons, one armed whale catcher of 800 tons and one armed trawler or tug. The merchant vessel had a small fire in no.4 hold.

1414 hours - Fired the first torpedo at the whalecatcher from 700 yards. A hit was heard.

1415 hours - Fired a second torpedo but now aimed at the merchant vessel. This torpedo also hit. Ula meanwhile had gone deep.

1428 hours - Ula hit bottom. She quickly broke free but had lost depth control.

1430 hours - Ula broke surface. Only the smaller escort or tug was seen.

1436 hours - Went to 100 feet. No counter attack developed. (1)

24 Nov 1943 (position 62.27, 6.04)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) attacked a convoy made up of three merchant vessels heading south escorted by two escorts. Ula fires two torpedoes but these missed their intended target (a merchant vessel of 8000 tons) and hit land instead. These were tankers Altengamme and Amrum, the steamer Trotsburg escorted by K 2 and V 5304. Shortly after this attack Ula spotted a merchant vessel heading north escorted by a M-class minesweeper, Ula fired two torpedoes at the merchant, one of these hit the German merchant Eisstrom (928 GRT, former Dutch Marietje Bohmer) off Alesund, Norway in position 62°27'N, 06°04'E. She was escorted by minesweeper M 407 and beached near Eltrenes. The attack was unobserved and she was believed to have been mined at that time.

(All times are zone -1)
1336 hours - Sighted smoke bearing 096° Probably a convoy coming south through the lead of Alesund.

1420 hours - Sighted mastheads bearing 118°. Range approximately 9000 yards. HE was also reported from that direction.

1425 hours - Sighted three merchant vessels bearing 115°. The last one was seen to be a large merchant vessel of about 8000 tons. This ship was choses as the target. This would be a very long range attack as we were unable to close the range.

1430 hours - In position 62°25'N, 06°02'E fired two torpedoes from a range of 10000 yards. It was intended to fire four torpedoes but Ula dipped on firing. Two torpedo explosions were heard almost 9 minutes after firing. This were thought to be the torpedoes hitting the land beyond the target. It appeared the range had been overestimated.


1455 hours - Sighted a laden merchant vessel of 4500 tons escorted by an M-class minesweeper bearing 125°. Range was approximately 8000 yards. Started attack.

1508 hours - In position 62°27'N, 06°04'E fired two torpedoes from 7000 yards. Remained at periscope depth to see the result of the attack.

1513 hours - Two hits were obtained. (1)

27 Nov 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 6th war patrol at Lerwick. (1)

30 Nov 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. She made the passage together with HMS Satyr (Lt. T.S. Weston, RN). They were escorted by HMS Loch Monteith (T/Lt. K.W. Richardson, RNR). (1)

2 Dec 1943
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (1)

15 Mar 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Dundee for Lerwick. She was escorted by HMS Lord Ashfield (T/Lt. J.B. Morpeth, RNR). (1)

16 Mar 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Lerwick. She departed for her 9th war patrol later the same day. She was ordered to conduct a special operation (Operation Foremost, details to follow) and to attack enemy shipping in the Bredsund area afterwards.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Ula during this patrol see the map below.


21 Mar 1944 (position 62.27, 6.03)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) received a signal cancelling her special operation. She was ordered to proceed to the Bredsund area forthwith.

While near Alesund, Ula, fires three torpedoes at a merchant (approx. 2000 GRT) in a convoy of three escorts and two merchants. All torpedoes missed and two torpedoes were heard to hit land. Ula escaped without counterattack. The convoy Ula attacked was made up of the Norwegian Merchants (both in German service) Finse (1614 GRT, built 1916), Standard (1286 GRT, built 1930), Norwegian tanker (also in German service) Irania (2184 GRT, built 1929). The escorts were the German auxiliary patrol vessels V 5304, V 5307, NK 07. Most likely the target had been the Finse.

Later the same day Ula was recalled from patrol.

(All times are zone -1)
1232 hours - Sighted two merchant vessel of 2000 tons and three trawlers. Commenced attack.

1246 hours - In position 62°27'N, 06°03'E fired three torpedoes (four were intended) from 2700 yards. No hits were obtained. There was no counter attack by the escorts. (1)

23 Mar 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 9th war patrol at Lerwick. (1)

25 Mar 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 10th war patrol. She was ordered to conduct a special operation (Operation Apparatus, details to follow) and to attack enemy shipping in the Stadlandet and Bredsund areas afterwards.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Ula during this patrol see the map below.


30 Mar 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
In the evening, HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) carried out operation Apparatus in Mefjord (landing half a ton of stores for the SIS agents of operation Venus, see 5 Sep 1943).

4 Apr 1944 (position 62.15, 4.58)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and damaged the German tanker Ill (read ill) (7603 GRT, former Norwegian Turicum offsite link) off Stadlanded, Norway in position 62°15'N, 04°58'E. Ula fired four torpedoes, one of these hit and damaged the Ill. The tanker Ill was in convoy with seven merchants escorted by seven escorts. Two escorts (V 5303 and V 5304) attacked Ula for several hours with total of 114 depth charges. Ula finally escaped under a minefield.

(All times are zone -1)
Details of this attack can not be provided (the patrol report is unreadable, there is not much ink left on the papers).

6 Apr 1944 (position 62.10, 5.05)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and damaged the German merchant Wesergau (1923 GRT, built 1943) off Stadlandet, Norway in position 62°10'N, 05°05'E. The German ship was run aground but was not salvaged.

Wesergau was in a convoy with two other merchants and two escorts (Pergamon, M 2 and NK 06). Ula fired three torpedoes. Two torpedoed hit Wesergau. The escorts attacked Ula for several hours dropping a total of 68 depth charges, many close but aft of Ula. Ula finally escaped by passing the shallow grounds at Havfluene.

(All times are zone -1)
Details of this attack can not be provided (the patrol report is unreadable, there is not much ink left on the papers).

7 Apr 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 10th war patrol at Lerwick. (1)

16 Apr 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 11th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Skudesnes / Lister area.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Ula during this patrol see the map below.


19 Apr 1944 (position 59.08, 5.23)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and sank the German U-boat U-974 (OL Heinz Wolff) in position 59°08'N, 05°23'E. U-974 was escorted by the German minesweeper M 407 which picked up eight survivors (Wolff, the First Officer and six ratings).

(All times are zone -2) 0654 hours - Sighted the conning tower of a U-boat behind the M-class minesweeper we had sighted earlier. Started attack.

0701 hours - In position 59°08'N, 05°23'E fired four torpedoes from 600 yards.

0702 hours - One torpedo hit was seen just abaft the conning tower. Another explosion was heard within seconds. The Asdic reported breaking up noises. Went deep to 60 feet.

0711 hours - Two depth charges were dropped by the escort. Two patrol vessels soon joined the hunt.

0725 hours - Two depth charges.

0726 hours - One depth charge.

0728 hours - One depth charge. During the next 20 minutes more depth charges were dropped, most of them were single depth charges. They caused no damage to Ula. (1)

22 Apr 1944 (position 58.07, 6.27)
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and sank the German merchant Bahia (4117 GRT, built 1927) off Lista, Norway in position 58°07'N, 06°27'E. Bahia was in convoy together with the German Merchants Ingrid Traber (1883 GRT, built 1927), Claus Rickmers (5165 GRT, built 1924), Walter L.M. Russ (1538 GRT, built 1927), tanker Amrum (1005 GRT, built 1938), and hospital ship Posen (1104 GRT, built 1925). They were escorted by the German minesweepers M 416, M 427, M 437, M 446, M 489, M 496. Bahia was carrying 7500 tons of coal, fifty-one survivors were picked up, sixteen were missing.

(All times are zone -2)
0247 hours - Sighted a vessel towards Lister in the flashes from the light. This vessel was on a northerly course.

0248 hours - Turned towards. More vessels were now sighted. Asdic reported A/S transmissions coming from the same direction.

0255 hours - Sighted an M-class minesweeper. Range was only 200 yards. Ordered hard starboard. The range to the nearest ship in the convoy was about 1000 yards.

0256 hours - Sighted another escort vessel. Lt. Valvatne was now forced to fire on the closest merchant vessel so fired four torpedoes from 800 yards. One torpedo hit was obtained. Ula meanwhile dived to 60 feet.

0312 hours - Heard breaking up noises.

0336 hours - HE had now faded out so surfaced. (1)

24 Apr 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 11th war patrol at Lerwick. (1)

26 Apr 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. She made this passage together with HMS Unshaken (Lt. J. Whitton, DSC, RN). They were escorted by HNoMS Nordkapp. (1)

27 Apr 1944
HNoMS Ula (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (1)

Submarine HNoMS Utsira (P 85)

23 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed her builders yard at Barrow for Holy Loch. (2)

24 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Holy Loch where she was commissioned following successful acceptance trials. (2)

19 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Holy Loch for Scapa Flow.

Passage north through the Minches was made together with HMS Thrasher (Lt.Cdr. M.F.R. Ainslie, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Truculent (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Alexander, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Trump (Cdr. E.F. Balston, DSO, RN). The submarines were escorted by HMS Shikari (Lt. E.H.U. Cautley, RNVR). (3)

20 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Scapa Flow where she was to participate in A/S training. (2)

6 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Scapa Flow for Holy Loch. (2)

7 Oct 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Holy Loch. (2)

16 Oct 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) shifted from Holy Loch to Larne. (2)

24 Oct 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) shifted from Larne to Holy Loch. (2)

5 Nov 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Holy Loch for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the North Sea on an anti-uboat patrol.

Passage north through the minches was made together with HMS Taciturn (Lt.Cdr. E.T. Stanley, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Scythian (T/Lt. C.P. Thode, RNZNVR). Escort was provided by HMS Hastings (A/Cdr. E.A. Stocker, DSC, RN).

For the daily positions of HNoMS Utsira during this patrol see the map below.


16 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 1st war patrol at Lerwick. (4)

20 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. She was escorted by HMS William Brady (T/A/Ch.Skr. R. Davey, RNR). (4)

22 Nov 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (2)

6 Dec 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Dundee for Lerwick. She was escorted by HMS River Lossie (T/A/Skr.Lt. W. Sutherland, RNR). (4)

8 Dec 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Lerwick.

She departed Lerwick for her 2nd war patrol later the same day. She was ordered to patrol in the Frohavet - Foldenfjord area.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Utsira during this patrol see the map below.


14 Dec 1944 (position 64.07, 9.42)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) attacked but missed a German submarine north-west of Trondheim.

The target was most likely either U-312 or U-737 that had departed Trondheim together at 0030 hours. They were released by their escort at 0634 hours. THe escort was most likely the auxiliary patrol vessel V 5723, which had sailed late on the 13th to escort U-boats. The attack was not noticed by the Germans.

(All times are zone -1)
0556 hours - Radar obtained conctact, true bearing 185°, range 3000 yards. It was also spotted and was thought to be a small patrol vessel or escort. She was seen to have one mast ahead of the funnel. Kept clear of her to avoid being sighted.

0605 hours - Observed that the vessel was buring a dim stern light. Radar range now 2000 yards. The stern light made Lt. Valvatne believe that she was escorting.

0607 hours - The conning tower of a U-boat was sighted behind the escort. Started attack on the U-boat.

0608 hours - In position 64°07'4"N, 09°41'7"E fired four torpedoes from 2000 yards. All missed. The enemy continued on their way and the attack was apparently not noticed.

0613 hours - Dived to reload the torpedo tubes.

0617 hours - Heard four end of run explosions within 3 seconds. The explosion sounded more like one explosion and suspected that the enemy would take it as a drifting mine that exploded. Decided to remain in this area to see how things would develop. (4)

16 Dec 1944 (position 64.07, 9.43)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) attacked but missed a German submarine north-west of Trondheim. At the time it was thought possible that the U-boat had been hit and sunk.

The target must have been U-739 that had departed Trondheim earlier that day [no time given] although the attack was not noticed by the Germans. The escort was the auxiliary patrol vessel V 5704.

(All times are zone -1)
0415 hours - The starboard lookout sighted a ship and radar reported simultaneously a contact in true bearing 210°. Radar gave a range of 3800 yards. Altered course to 040° and increased speed. Thought to be this an escort and like two days ago expected a U-boat to be in the area.

0416 hours - Altered course to 070° crossing the enemy's track to get the darker horizon.

0425 hours - Plot indicated zig-zag. Contact with one ship only was obtained.

0436 hours - Plot gave the speed of the escort as 13 to 14 knots. Mean course of approximately 020°. Radar range now 2000 yards. Altered course to 310°.

0439 hours - Stopped not to close the track too much.

0440 hours - Sighted the conning tower of a U-boat. Enemy course 020°, speed 13 knots. Started attack.

0442 hours - In position 64°06'7"N, 09°43'1"E fired four torpedoes.

0443 hours - The escort signalled a challenge while we were retiring.

0444 hours - Heard three explosions in rapid succession. A large column of water was also observed. The U-boat could no longer be seen. The escort could still be seen though.

0445 hours - Dived. No HE could be heard. Altered course to retire to the north.

0523 hours - Still no HE could be heard. Surfaced. Continued to retire to the north. Sighted the escort 3000 yards away on true bearing 340°. Watched her for a while.

0530 hours - Dived and altered course to 270°. Went deep to 100 feet.

0540 hours - Asdic reported HE from the escort, revs. 330, true bearing 330°.

0547 hours - The same HE was now reported bearing 120°, 120 revs. Altered course to 310°.

0555 hours - HE fainter, true bearing 160°.

0610 hours - HE faded away, true bearing 150°. Remained deep as there might have been a second U-boat in company and that might have dived waiting for us to surface. (4)

19 Dec 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 2nd war patrol at Lerwick. (4)

20 Dec 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. (2)

21 Dec 1944
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (2)

6 Jan 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Frohavet - Foldenfjord area.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Utsira during this patrol see the map below.


11 Jan 1945 (position 64.04, 9.45)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) claims to have sunk a German U-boat to the north-west of Trondheim in position 64°04'N, 09°45'E.

The target was the German submarine U-739 that had left Trondheim that day at 1600 hours for patrol. The U-boat was escorted by the auxiliary patrol vessel V 6409 which reported hearing two explosions at 2303 and two explosions at 2340 hours. The U-boat was in fact not hit nor damaged.

(All times are zone -1)
2308 hours - Radar reported a contact true bearing 150°, range 4000 yards. Asdic reported HE and transmissions on the same bearing.

2310 hours - Altered course to 340°. Asdic reported 140 revs.

2313 hours - Started radar plotting. The enemy was approaching on a northerly course west of Vaagsoen.

2320 hours - The plot had now given an enemy course of 360°, speed 11.5 knots. Turned towards to attack. While doing so the target was seen to be an A/S trawler and also a U-boat was seen behind her.

2324 hours - The enemy seemed to keep a steady course. Kept on closing. Radar range to the escort now 1400 yards. Stopped and listened for HE. HE of the escort was reported at 140 revs. and diesel HE was picked up in the direction of the U-boat but no revs. could be given.

2325 hours - Altered to a firing course of 080°.

2326 hours - In position 64°04'N, 09°45'E fired four torpedoes from 800 yards at the U-boat. Turned away on firing.

2327 hours - Two torpedo hits were observed. Dived.

2331 hours - Asdic reported the HE of the escort slowing down to 100 revs., true bearing 010°. No HE from the U-boat could be obtained.

2334 hours - Two explosions were heard in quick succession. These were the two remaining torpedoes hitting the shore.

2340 hours - Heard breaking up noises throughout the boat. These sounded like a series of small explosions. HE of the escort was reported 330°. She was transmitting on A/S and proceeding at slow speed.

2352 hours - HE from the escort now reported 150°.

2356 hours - Went to periscope depth to see if searchlights were being used.

2359 hours - The escort was reported to have stopped.

0009/12 hours - Transmissions reported 005°.

0014/12 hours - A series of small sharp explosions were heard on the Asdic and throughout the boat. These were thought to be the U-boats tanks being crushed at great depth.

0016/12 hours - HE from the escort and transmitting now reported bearing 360° true.

0022/12 hours - HE from the escort became stronger, now bearing 010° true.

0027/12 hours - HE now 360°, escort was still transmitting.

0042/12 hours - HE increased again, bearing now 155° true. Escort was still transmitting.

0043/12 hours - HE true bearing now 120°.

0044/12 hours - HE true bearing now 110°. Escort was still transmitting.

0046/12 hours - The escort stopped but was still transmitting on A/S.

0054/12 hours - HE picked up again, true bearing 115°. It eventually faded.

0123/12 hours - Surfaced. Nothing in sight. Altered course to the northward to clear the area. (4)

11 Jan 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) (4)

16 Jan 1945 (position 64.36, 10.40)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and sank the German patrol vessel V 6408 /Skagerak (536 GRT, built 1942) north of Halmøya island, Norway in position 64°36'N, 10°40'E. She was on her way back to Trondheim having escorted U-311 outwards until midnight.

(All times are zone -1)
0128 hours - Sighted signalling in true bearing 220°. Radar contact obtained on the same bearing, range 6000 yards.

0131 hours - Started radar plotting. True bearing now 172°, range 3800 yards. The contact could not be sighted from the bridge.

0143 hours - The vessel could now be seen from the bridge. A second vessel was now detected by radar to be near the Original contact. Plot gave an enemy course of 040°, speed 12 knots.

0155 hours - Plot gave still the same course and speed. Lt. Valvatne had watched the contact closely for a period. It was thought to be a 2000 tons merchant vessel, heavily laden. No other vessel could be seen in company though.

0158 hours - Altered course to 100° to attack.

0200 hours - In position 64°36'N, 10°40'E commenced firing four torpedoes from 1200 yards. Turned away to starboard on completion of firing the torpedo salvo.

0201 hours - 57 seconds after firing the first torpedo a torpedo hit was seen under the bridge of the enemy and the ship blew up with a series of prolonged explosions. Smoke covered the view. Above the smoke approximately 200 feet into the air pieces of the bridge and burning wreckage and sparks were seen flung up. 30 seconds later the smoke cleared and the vessels bow was seen vertical in the water and was sinking. This was the only thing seen. It was considered that part of the cargo must have been ammunition. (4)

19 Jan 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) ended her 3rd war patrol at Lerwick. (4)

22 Jan 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. She was escorted by HMS Loch Blair (T/Skr. B.J. Henery, RNR) (4)

24 Jan 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (2)

13 Mar 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) is docked at Dundee. (2)

24 Mar 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) departed Dundee for Lerwick. She was escorted by HMS Loch Monteith (T/Lt. W.E. Turner, RNVR). (3)

25 Mar 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) arrived at Lerwick. (2)

29 Mar 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Frohavet - Foldenfjord area.

For the daily and attack positions of HNoMS Utsira during this patrol see the map below.


5 Apr 1945 (position 64.34, 10.38)
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) torpedoed and sank the Norwegian merchant Torridal (1381 GRT, built 1930, offsite link) off the Follafjord, Norway in position 64°34'N, 10°38'E.

Also in this convoy were the damaged German transport Adolf Binder (3515 GRT, built 1942) that was being towed by the tug Danzig (67 GRT, built 1915). Escort was provided by the auxiliary patrol vessels V 6301, V 6303, V 6312, V 6403 and V 6409. It seems likely that the were more merchant vessels and escorts present in this convoy or at least in the area. So far we were unable to indentify these.

(All times are zone -2)
1554 hours - Asdic reported HE from several vessels and A/S transmissions on true bearing 070°. The masts heads and funnels of several A/S vessels were sighted. Heavy smoke was seen behind these at times.

1607 hours - Mastheads of several merchant vessels and their escorts were now sighted. True bearing still 070°. Altered course to 230° to get into a favourable attack position. The leading merchant vessel was seen to be the largest one and was therefore elected as the target.

1625 hours - Altered course to 260°. Fou merchant vessels could be seen and at least ten escorts were counted. The convoy was coming out of the Foldenfjord and heading towards our position on a course of 250°. This made it difficult to examine the vessels. Anticipated that the enemy would change course to the south later.

1645 hours - The convoy changed course to 230°. Altered to a parallel course. Estimated to be just outside the screen. Intended to turn in to attack when the starboard wing escort had passed. Many of the escorts were heard transmitting.

1701 hours - The plot suggested the enemy course to be 225° at a speed of 7 knots. The nearest escort was now passing 500 yards away. The target was now approximately 6000 yards away.

1705 hours - Altered course to 170° to close the target which was estimated of being about 5000 tons. Astern of her followed a merchant vessel of about 3000 tons and then two of about 2000 tons. All vessels were laden. The target did not appear to be fully laden.

1715 hours - Altered to a firing course of 140°. Plot still gave the enemy course as 225°, speed 7 knots.

1719 hours - The 3000 tons merchant vessel seemed to be overtaking the target slowly. One escort vessel close to the target covered her stern. Commenced firing four torpedoes from 1300 yards in position 64°34'N, 10°38'E. During firing Utsira had come up to 7 feet and must have been visible for a while. Went deep and turned away.

1720 hours - Three explosions were heard. It was thought two hits had been obtained on the target and that the last torpedo might have hit the overlapping vessel.

1723 hours - Passed 60 feet and on our way to 250 feet.

1724 hours - Two depth charges exploded very close.

1726 hours - One depth charge exploded.

1727 hours - Two depth charges exploded.

1728 hours - Two depth charges exploded.

1729 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 350°. Very close. Transmissions were clearly heard.

1734 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 050°. Very close. Very strong transmissions were heard.

1739 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 130°. Close, drawing aft. Transmissions were heard.

1744 hours - Two depth charges exploded but not too close.

1749 hours - One depth charge exploded but even futher away.

1759 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 140°. Transmissions heard.

1804 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 005°. Transmissions heard.

1819 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 095°, drawing aft. This HE was heard to stop now and then.

1824 hours - Heard two distant explosions.

1827 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 104°. Transmissions heard. Reported to increase speed and drawing ahead.

1829 hours - Asdic reported very strong HE very close, true bearing 340°. Transmissions were heard.

1834 hours - Seven depth charges exploded very close. HE was reported to have stopped. One depth charge was believed to have been set very shallow. Fragments were heard to drop on the pressure hull.

1835 hours - Eight depth charges were dropped a little further away.

1844 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 140°. Drawing aft.

1915 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 133°.

2005 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 030°. Transmissions heard.

2012 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Sighted four A/S vessels searching 4000 to 5000 yards away. Nothing was seen in the direction of the attack.

2020 hours - Asdic reported HE of an escort vessel bearing 040°.

2035 hours - Went to 250 feet.

2040 hours Asdic reported HE of two escort vessels true bearing 100°. They were heard searching southwards.

2205 hours - All HE and transmissions had faded away.

2325 hours - Surfaced to charge. Set course to 270°. (4)

16 Apr 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) ended her 4th war patrol at Lerwick. (4)

27 Apr 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) departed Lerwick for Dundee. (2)

28 Apr 1945
HNoMS Utsira (Lt.Cdr. S. Valvatne) arrived at Dundee. (2)


  1. ADM 199/1851
  2. ADM 199/2573
  3. ADM 199/1385
  4. ADM 199/1852

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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