Vernon Aaron Isaacs, USNR

Born  1 Nov 1912

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26 Oct 1935 Ensign (1)
26 Oct 1940 Lt.(jg) (2)
1 Jul 1943 Lt. Cmdr. (3)
20 Jul 1945 Cmdr. (4)


Warship Commands listed for Vernon Aaron Isaacs, USNR

USS Edsall (ii) (DE 129)Lt. Cmdr.Destroyer Escort30 Oct 194314 Jan 1944
USS Reuben James (ii) (DE 153)Lt. Cmdr.Destroyer Escort31 Jan 194417 Sep 1944

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Destroyer Escort USS Reuben James (ii) (DE 153)

1 Aug 1944
As part of Escort Div. 66, Task Force 62 Reuben James shot down a German Ju 88 bomber in the Mediterranean Sea while defending the hundred ship eastbound convoy USG 48. At least two bombs fell close by the ship and two torpedoes were dodged during the action lasting 1 hour and 40 minutes. Reuben James was strafed by one Ju 88. (5)


  1. Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the US Naval Reserve, July 1, 1939
  2. Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the US Naval Reserve, July 1, 1941
  3. Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the US Naval Reserve, July 31, 1944
  4. Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the US Naval Reserve, April 1, 1949
  5. Personal communication

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