Clifford Sigmund Booth, RNVR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Clifford Sigmund Booth, RNVR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS HDML 1130 (ML 1130) | T/S.Lt. | Harbour Defence Motor Launch | Apr 1942 | 15 Jan 1944 |
HMS ML 173 (ML 173) | T/Lt. | Motor Launch | 1 Mar 1944 | 25 May 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Harbour Defence Motor Launch HMS HDML 1130 (ML 1130)
27 Sep 1942
The M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. B.J. Hampson, RNR, Senior Officer), HMS Horatio (T/Lt. C.A. Lemkey, RNR), HMS Othello (T/Lt. S.C. Dickinson, RNVR) and HMS Stroma (Skr. J.S. Harper, RNR) departed Milford Haven for Gibraltar. They were escorting the 134th HDML Flotilla made up of HDML 1210 (Senior Officer), HDML 1130, HDML 1131, HDML 1134, HDML 1146, HDML 1162, HDML 1235 and HDML 1237. (1)
6 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
The M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. B.J. Hampson, RNR, Senior Officer), HMS Horatio (T/Lt. C.A. Lemkey, RNR), HMS Othello (T/Lt. S.C. Dickinson, RNVR) and HMS Stroma (Skr. J.S. Harper, RNR) and the 134th HDML Flotilla made up of HDML 1210 (Senior Officer), HDML 1130, HDML 1131, HDML 1134, HDML 1146, HDML 1162, HDML 1235 and HDML 1237 arrived at Gibraltar from the U.K. (2)
- ADM 199/423
- ADM 199/662
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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