Edward Arthur Eckersley McGlashan, RN

Born  21 Mar 1896

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15 Feb 1923 Lt. (Retd.)
3 Aug 1926 Lt.Cdr. (Retd.)
 A/Cdr. (Retd.)
8 May 1946 Cdr. (Retd.)

Retired: 15 Feb 1923


11 Mar 1941 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)
6 Jun 1941 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)

Warship Commands listed for Edward Arthur Eckersley McGlashan, RN

HMS Carnarvon Castle (F 25)A/Cdr. (Retd.)Armed Merchant Cruiser12 Dec 194313 Dec 1943

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Carnarvon Castle (F 25)

13 Dec 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Carnarvon Castle (A/Cdr.(Retd) E.A.E. McGlashan, RN) is decommissioned at Swansea. (1)


  1. ADM 53/117167

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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