Charles Napier Stewart DSC, RNR
Born | 14 Feb 1909 | | |
Died | 13 Mar 1958 | (49) | |
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| Ranks6 Jan 1939 | | A/Lt. | 11 Jan 1940 | | Lt. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Charles Napier Stewart, RNR
Career information
Born 14 feb 1909 - Newport Fife Scotland. Died 13 mar 1958 - Japanese Territorial Waters (Cheefoo - South China Navigation Co.)
Events related to this officer
19 Jan 1944 (position 50.25, -18.49)
German U-boat U-641 in the North Atlantic south-west of Ireland, in position 50°25'N, 18°49'W, by depth charges from the British corvette HMS Violet (Lt. C.N. Stewart, RNR).
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