John Montagu Granville Waldegrave DSC, RN

Born  29 Aug 1905
Died  18 Feb 1944(38)HMS Penelope

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15 Jan 1916 A/S.Lt.
15 Aug 1916 S.Lt.
15 May 1928 Lt.
15 May 1936 Lt.Cdr.
8 May 1942 Cdr.


23 Dec 1939 DSC

Warship Commands listed for John Montagu Granville Waldegrave, RN

HMS Puffin (L 52 / K 52)Lt.Cdr.Patrol vessel3 Oct 193921 Apr 1940
HMS Windsor (D 42)Lt.Cdr.Destroyer1 Apr 194113 Jan 1942
HMS Punjabi (F 21)Lt.Cdr.Destroyer14 Jan 19421 May 1942

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Patrol vessel HMS Puffin (L 52 / K 52)

25 Oct 1939 (position 51.09, 1.28)
German U-boat U-16 was scuttled in the English Channel near Dover, in position 51°09'N, 01°28'E, after hitting a mine. Its loss was earlier credited to depth charge attacks carried out by the British ASW trawler HMS Cayton Wyke (Ch/Skr. D.F. Noble, RNR) and the patrol vessel HMS Puffin (Lt.Cdr. Hon. J.M.G. Waldegrave, RN) in the afternoon on 24 October, but the U-boat was probably not damaged during these attacks.

Destroyer HMS Windsor (D 42)

4 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Windsor (Lt.Cdr. J.M.G. Waldegrave, DSC, RN) is docked in the floating dock at the Rosyth Dockyard. (1)

9 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Windsor (Lt.Cdr. J.M.G. Waldegrave, DSC, RN) is undocked. (1)

Destroyer HMS Punjabi (F 21)

1 May 1942
I was a Telegraphist on Punjabi from its retrofit in January, 1942, until she was sunk by KGV in a thick fog on May 1, 1942, while part of a distant escort to convoy PQ15. Fortunately, I was in the forepart of the ship, waiting to go on watch at 1600 hours, in the aft part of Punjabi. Miraculously, due to HMS Martin and HMS Marne coming to our rescue, 206 crew members survived.Ironically, we made the trip back to Scapa Flow from Iceland aboard the ship that sank us, KGV. She had a bad gash in her bow. (2)


  1. Rosyth Dockyard docking register
  2. Personal communication

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