Thomas Lincoln Wogan, USN
Born | 9 Feb 1909 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | |
Died | 16 Mar 1951 | (42) |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Thomas Lincoln Wogan, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS S-34 (139) | Lt. | Submarine | Apr 1941 | Jul 1942 |
USS Tarpon (175) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | Jul 1942 | 19 Nov 1943 |
USS Besugo (321) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 19 Jun 1944 | 19 Feb 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS S-34 (139)
12 Apr 1942
USS S-34 (Lt. T.L. Wogan) departed from Dutch Harbour, Alaska for her 1st war patrol.
She was ordered to patrol of the Kurils.
14 Apr 1942
USS S-34 (Lt. T.L. Wogan) returns to Dutch Harbour to land a wounded crewmember. She resumes her patrol the same day.
10 May 1942
USS S-34 (Lt. T.L. Wogan) ended her 1st war patrol at Dutch Harbour.
28 May 1942
USS S-34 (Lt. T.L. Wogan) ended departed from Dutch Harbour for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Attu.
26 Jun 1942
USS S-34 (Lt. T.L. Wogan) ended her 2nd war patrol at Dutch Harbour. She is now sent to the Puget Sound Navy Yard for an overhaul.
Submarine USS Tarpon (175)
22 Oct 1942
With her overhaul completed USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) left Pearl Harbor for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol north of Bougainville in the Solomon Islands area.
10 Dec 1942
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) ended her 5th war patrol at Midway.
10 Jan 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) left Pearl Harbor for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in Japanese home waters, south of Honshu.
1 Feb 1943 (position 34.08, 138.11)
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Fushimi Maru (10935 GRT) about 20 nautical miles south of Omai Zaki in position 34°08'N, 138°11'E.
9 Feb 1943 (position 33.45, 140.25)
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) torpedoed and sank the Japanese troop transport Tatsuta Maru (16975 GRT) about 42 nautical miles east of Mikura Jima in position 33°45'N, 140°25'E.
25 Feb 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) ended her 6th war patrol at Midway.
29 Mar 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) left base for her 7th war patrol.
15 May 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) ended her 7th war patrol.
30 Jul 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) left base for her 8th war patrol. She was to patrol in Japanese home waters.
28 Aug 1943 (position 33.39, 138.28)
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese merchant Shinsei Maru (4746 GRT) off Mikura Shima, Japan in position 33°39'N, 138°28'E.
4 Sep 1943 (position 35.56, 157.59)
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) sank the Japanese guard boat Yulin Maru (97 GRT) with gunfire in the northern Pacific in position 35°56'N, 157°59'E.
8 Sep 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) ended her 8th war patrol at Midway.
1 Oct 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) left Midway for her 9th war patrol. Once again she was ordered to patrol in Japanese home waters.
17 Oct 1943 (position 33.42, 140.08)
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) torpedoed and sank the German armed merchant cruiser Michel (4740 GRT) off Chichi Jima, Bonin Islands in position 33°42'N, 140°08'E.
3 Nov 1943
USS Tarpon (Lt.Cdr. T.L. Wogan) ended her 9th war patrol when she returned to base at Pearl Harbor.
Submarine USS Besugo (321)
4 Jul 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Newport, Rhode Island where she was to conduct her torpedo trials.
6 Jul 1944
Having completed her torpedo trials, USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN), arrived at New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
9 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted a deep submergence test in the New London area.
21 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) is put on the slipway at New London, Connecticut.
22 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) is put back in the water.
25 Jul 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Key West, Florida.
1 Aug 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) arrived at Key West, Florida for further training with the Fleet Sound School.
2 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
3 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
4 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
5 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
6 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
7 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
8 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
9 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
11 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
12 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
13 Aug 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed from Key West, Florida bound for the Panama Canal Zone.
17 Aug 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) arrived at Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone.
18 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) conducted exercises off Balboa.
22 Aug 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed Balboa, Panama Canal Zone for Pearl Harbor.
7 Sep 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) arrived at Pearl Harbor for final training.
26 Sep 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Bungo Suido.
Passage to Midway was made together with USS Gabilan (Cdr. K.R. Wheland, USN).
Besugo and Gabilan were escorted out of Pearl Harbour by USS PC 485 (Lt. W.C. Sands, USNR).
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) for USS Besugo during this patrol see the map below.
30 Sep 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) topped up with fuel at Midway before departing for her patrol area later the same day.
5 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
On 5 October 1944, USS Ronquil (Cdr. H.S. Monroe, USN) joined USS Busugo and USS Gabilan.
6 Oct 1944 (position 30.03, 151.11)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) damaged a Japanese patrol vessel with gunfire in the North Pacific. The action had to be broken off when both 20mm guns jammed. Besugo was lightly damaged by return fire from the Japanese. Also two of her crew were injured by the enemy machine gun fire.
Before engaging the enemy with gunfire three torpedoes were fired but these either missed or ran under.
(All times are zone K, -10)
1931 hours - In position 30°03'N, 151°11'E obtained radar contact bearing 282°(T), range 5000 yards. Commenced tracking and approach.
2102 hours - Fired three torpedoes from 1250 yards at the target, an enemy picket boat. No hits were obtained and it is thought the torpedoes might have run under.
2228 hours - In position 30°02'N, 151°04'E engaged the target with the 5" gun and with 20mm from a range of 1400 yards. 5" gunfire was ineffective on account of swell and visibility. Closed to 900 yards at which range the 20mm fire became effective and several hits were obtained on the after part of the target. The enemy returned fire with a light machine gun.
2233 hours - Both 20mm guns jammed. This was the signal for the target to spring to life and he closed the range to 500 yards and opened up, besides the light machine gun fire, with a .50cal machine gun. We opened the range and withdrew to look the situation over. Eventually decided to break off the action.
15 Oct 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) sighted a Japanese task force. This task force was made up of the heavy cruisers Ashigara and Nachi, light cruiser Abukuma and destroyers Akebono, Kasumi, Ushio, Shiranui, Wakaba, Hatsushimo and Hatsuharu.
(All times are zone I, -9)
0746 hours - Sighted masts bearing 032°(T).
0755 hours - Identified the contact as a men of war. Went to battle stations and commenced approach.
0758 hours - Identified the target as a light cruiser. Position was 32°30'N, 132°36'E.
0820 hours - By now the contact had developed into a task force made up of three heavy cruisers and one light cruiser. The range to the closest ship was 7500 yards.
0830 hours - The task force went out of sight on a base course of 140°(T), speed 18 knots.
Following this contact a report was sent to CumSubPac.
16 Oct 1944 (position 32.30, 132.36)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) attacked a convoy en route Oite-Formosa, torpedoed and damaged the Japanese destroyer Suzutsuki (2700 tons, offsite link) off Toizaki, Japan in position 32°30'N, 132°36'E.
(All times are zone I, -9)
2120 hours - In position 32°14'N, 131°59'E radar contact bearing 345°(T), range 12500 yards. Commenced tracking. Two large targets making high speed on a southwesterly course. Sighted the target at a range of 8000 yards. The targets were zigzagging at a speed of 20-22 knots.
2150 hours - Identified the targets as two heavy cruisers.
2200 hours - Started in for a surface attack.
2210 hours - In position 32°30'N, 132°36'E fired six bow torpedoes at the nearest cruiser.
2212 hours - Obtained one hit just abaft the bridge. Both ships were then seen returning to port while Besugo retired to reload.
24 Oct 1944 (position 30.19, 132.49)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) torpedoed and heavily damaged the Japanese frigate Kaibokan 132 (740 tons, built 1944) (offsite link) about 130 nautical miles south of Ashizuri Zaki, Japan in position 30°19'N, 132°49'E.
Kaibokan 132 was part of the escort of the Second Supply Force for Vice Admiral Ozawa's Northern Mobile Force. The Second Supply Force was made up of tankers Takane Maru (10021 GRT, built 1944) and Jinei Maru (10241 GRT, built 1944). These tankers were escorted besides Kaibokan 132 by Kaibokan 22, Kaibokan 29, Kaibokan 31, Kaibokan 33 and Kaibokan 43.
Repairs on Kaibokan 132 were completed by mid December 1944 and she returned to service.
(All times are zone I, -9)
0310 hours - In position 32°19'N, 132°49'E obtained radar contact bearing 017°(T), range 17000 yards. Commenced tracking. One large target, one small target zigzagging on southwesterly courses at about 12 knots.
0345 hours - Target in sight from the bridge at a range of 13000 yards. He is big. Contact developed into one large ship, one smaller one ahead and three or four small escorts on bows and quarters of the large ship.
0349 hours - Started in for attack from the flank.
0408 hours - The target zigged away.
0410 hours - The target zigged away again. Besugo was now in an unfavourable attack position.
0413 hours - Fired three torpedoes at one of the escorts thought to be a destroyer escort. Range was 1200 yards. One hit was obtained. Besugo now dived to 450 feet.
29 Oct 1944
Patrolling south of Honshu, USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) tried to intercept the surviving Japanese ships from the Battle of Capo Engano, which included the hybrid battleship/carriers Hyuga and Ise, but was unable to gain contact.
5 Nov 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) ended her 1st war patrol at Saipan. She was escorted in by USS PGM-9 (Lt. C. Morgan, USNR).
At Saipan some minor repairs were made by USS Fulton.
10 Nov 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed from Saipan for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China and Sulu Seas before proceeding to Fremantle, Australia.
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) for USS Besugo during this patrol see the map below.
22 Nov 1944 (position 11.22, 119.07)
Between 0500 hrs and midnight, USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) makes three separate attacks against a convoy, in the last of which she torpedoed and sank the Japanese landing ship T 151 (870 tons) off the northern tip of Palawan Island in position 11°22'N, 119°07'E.
Cdr. Wogan also claims the sinking of a 5000-ton oiler with one hit out of four torpedoes fired and of a 3000-ton lighter or barge also with one hit out of four torpedoes earlier the same day. Both these attacks were on the surfac. The claimed sinkings are so far unconfirmed.
(All times are zone H, -8)
0455 hours - In position 11°40'N, 119°36'E obtained radar contact bearing 350°(T), range 11500 yards. Commenced tracking.
0504 hours - Went to battle stations. Commenced a surface approach. Dawn will break in 30 minutes.
0519 hours - Range was now 2500 yards. The target was identified as a medium tanker making slow speed on a steady course, apparently all alone. Frequent careful all around searches with radar revealed nothing.
0521 hours - In position 11°40'N, 119°36'E commenced firing four torpedoes from a range of 2100 yards. Obtained one hit about amidships and the target was enveloped in flames that rose to a height of 700-800 feet.
0525 hours - As Besugo turned away, radar picked up another target pip at about 1500 yards, astern of where the first target sank. Tracked this pip and then closed. In the growing light of dawn the target was seen to be a big barge which must have been towed by the tanker. The target was stopped.
0530 hours - In position 11°44'N, 119°32'E fired two torpedoes from 1800 yards. One hit was obtained in the stern of the barge. The barge then started to sink by the stern.
0534 hours - Fired another two torpedoes. No hits were obtained. No further torpedoes were fired as the target was sinking.
2037 hours - Made radar contact bearing 327°(T), range 18000 yards. Commenced tracking. Contact was lost five minutes later.
2052 hours - In position 11°37'N, 119°25'E radar contact bearing 025°(T), range 12060 yards. There were two targets, not too big.
2054 hours - Another radar contact bearing 300°(T), range 12000 yards. Commenced tracking this latest contact. The target was zigzagging on a base course of 210°(T), making about 14 knots. As Besugo was on his beam commenced working ahead.
2133 hours - Turned in to attack.
2138 hours - In position 11°38'N, 119°25'E fired four torpedoes but all missed. The target was now seen for the first time and was thought to be a tanker.
2143 hours - Commenced an end around to make a good setup for another attack.
2240 hours - Turned in for another attack.
2245 hours - In position 11°22'N, 119°07'E fired four torpedoes from 1800 yards. One hit was obtained amidships.
2249 hours - Fired four stern torpedoes from 1900 yards. All missed. The target was now seen to be stopped.
2256 hours - Fired the remaining two bow torpedoes from 2000 yards. One hit was obtained, possibly the other torpedo also hit but this was doubted.
2300 hours - The target was seen to settle in the water but was still afloat. Besugo had two more torpedoes remaining now, both aft. Commenced maneuvering for a stern tube shot.
2331 hours - Fired no.9 tube from 1240 yards. It missed.
2344 hours - Fired no.10 tube from 1000 yards. Again no hit. Now out of torpedoes cleared the area. Due to the bad visibility gun action was out of the question.
28 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) passed Lombok Strait southbound.
4 Dec 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) ended her 2nd war patrol at Fremantle, Australia. She was escorted in by HMAS Mildura (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Little, RANR(S)).
At Fremantle she was refitted by a relief crew from Submarine Division 262 and USS Anthedon. She was also docked twice for repairs.
24 Dec 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) departed from Fremantle for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea and the Gulf of Siam.
Before proceeding on patrol night exercises were carried out with USS Isabel (Lt. E.G. Zacher, USNR), USS Coucal (Lt. W.P. Baron, USN) and USS Hardhead (Cdr. F.A. Greenup, USN).
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) for USS Besugo during this patrol see the map below.
27 Dec 1944
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) topped up with fuel at Exmouth Gulf before proceeding towards her patrol area later the same day.
30 Dec 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During the night of 30/31 December 1944, USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN), made the northbound transfer of Lombok Strait on the surface.
31 Dec 1944 (position -7.17, 115.08)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) attacked but missed a small merchant vessel with three torpedoes south of Kangean Island in position 07°17'S, 115°08'E.
(All times are zone H, -8)
0710 hours - In position 07°18'S, 115°10'E sighted a ship bearing 039°(T), range 8000 yards. She was coming out of a rain squall.
0715 hours - Dived and went to battle stations. Commenced approach.
0755 hours - In position 07°17'S, 115°08'E Fired three torpedoes. All missed. The target was a small inter Island steamer of about 1000 tons.
0831 hours - Surfaced and proceeded.
6 Jan 1945 (position 6.57, 102.57)
In a night attack on the surface USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan) torpedoed and sank the Japanese fleet tanker Nichei Maru (10020 GRT, offsite link) in the Gulf of Siam in position 06°57'N, 102°57'E with three hits out of six torpedoes fired. Nichei Maru was en-route from Singapore to Moji and was escorted by the frigates Chiburi, Kaibokan 17 and Kaibokan 19.
(All times are zone H, -8)
1840 hours - In position 06°31'N, 102°51'E sighted a tanker bearing 182°(T), range 27000 yards. Enemy course was north-westerly. The top of another ship was in sight, possibly a destroyer. Commenced trailing from ahead and sent a contact report to USS Hardhead. The target was a very large tanker with one escort visible.
1940 hours - USS Hardhead reported she was now also in contact.
2020 hours - The target tracked on a base course of 035°(T) at a speed of 13 knots. Commenced closing in for an attack and notified USS Hardhead we were attacking on the surface from the port bow of the target.
2115 hours - USS Hardhead informed us she was also attacking from the port bow. The target and escort were now clearly visible. A destroyer was ahead and two smaller escorts were on each beam.
2118 hours - In position 06°57'N, 102°57'E commenced firing six torpedoes.
2120 hours - Obtained three torpedo hits, one aft, one amidships and one forward. The whole ship was now ablaze. Besugo now started to clear the area and the tanker was soon seen to sink.
24 Jan 1945 (position 6.08, 103.33)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese merchant tanker Sarawak Maru (5135 GRT, built 1943) off the east coast of Malaya in position 06°08'N, 103°33'E.
Sarawak Maru was in convoy HI-87A (Hong Kong - Singapore). She was the only ship in the convoy. She was escorted by the frigates Kanju, Miyake and Kaibokan 13. Another escort, the destroyer Shigure, had been sunk earlier that day by the USS Blackfin.
(All times are zone H, -8)
0530 hours - Received a contact report from USS Blackfin. Immediately changed course to the north-east and increased speed to full ahead to intercept.
0555 hours - Blackfin gave us the latest estimate of the enemy course, speed and position. He also said he was going in for a surface attack.
0602 hours - Picked up SJ radar interference from USS Blackfin bearing 330°(T). Changed course to the north-west to intercept.
0606 hours - Obtained radar contact bearing 325°(T), rnge 17650 yards on two targets. Commenced tracking. Position was 06°10'N, 103°38'E.
0614 hours - Sighted a large flash of light, apparently a torpedo explosion, on the bearing of the target.
0615 hours - Sighted gunfire and signal lights on the same bearing. Went to battle stations.
0618 hours - The escort that was coming towards and had been sighted shortly before was now at a range of 4700 yards. Changed course to put him astern.
0629 hours - The escort now turned around and returned towards the target. Changed course to also head for the big target at full speed.
0642 hours - It was getting light. The escort might have sighted us so went to radar depth.
0650 hours - Five depth charges were dropped.
0700 hours - Came to periscope depth. One depth charge was dropped by the Japanese.
0710 hours - The escort closed to 2500 yards. Sound was tracking the big ship.
0713 hours - Sighted the big ship for the first time. It was a big tanker at a range of 3300 yards.
0716 hours - In position 06°08'N, 103°33'E fired six torpedoes from 2100 yards. As Besugo was firing four depth charges were dropped not very far away.
0717 hours - Observed the first torpedo to hit the target in the stern. Then had a search through the periscope for the escort.
0718 hours - The escort came rushing in dropping five more depth charges. Went down to 140 feet.
0721 hours - Another depth charge was dropped, fairly close.
0725 hours - Six depth charges, fairly close.
0734 hours - Another depth charge. Two or three escorts were now hunting us.
0735 hours - Another depth charge.
0742 hours - Our original 'friend' now came in for his first real run. He was in contact. Made evasive maneuvers.
0743 hours - Four depth charges were dropped, very close. Besugo was now at 180 feet, not more then 10 feet above the bottom. The depth charges shook us up considerably and did some minor damage.
0744 hours - Slowed down to dead speed and continued to withdraw to the north-east. The enemy had now lost contact and never regained it.
1131 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Two escorts were in sight astern at a range of about 10000 yards. They were still echo ranging. Continued to withdraw to the north-east. Echo ranging was heard for the remainder of the afternoon.
1642 hours - Distant depth charging was heard. A total of 31 charges were heard and felt.
2001 hours - Surfaced and set course to the south-east for a rendezvous with USS Hardhead.
2 Feb 1945 (position 4.32, 104.30)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese frigate Kaibokan 144 (740 tons, built 1944) (offsite link) north-east of Kuantan, Malaya, in position 04°32'N, 104°30'E.
At the time of her sinking Kaibokan 144 was proceeding from Mako to Singapore together with Kaibokan 31 and Kaibokan 132.
(All times are zone H, -8)
1 February 1945
2331 hours - In position 05°07'N, 104°28'E obtained radar contact bearing 008°(T) range 9800 yards. There were four ships. All seemed about the same size and were not very big.
2 February 1945
0120 hours - Enemy base course 180°(T), speed 13.5 knots. They were zig-zagging.
0150 hours - In a good position 10000 yards ahead. Maintained this position.
0155 hours - USS Blackfin reported she was also in contact.
0157 hours - Dived to radar depth to attack. Informed USS Blackfin and USS Heardhead that we would start our attack.
0227 hours - In position 04°32'N, 104°30'E fired four stern torpedoes (no torpedoes were left forward) at one of the targets. One hit was obtained. Besugo had gone deep on firing.
0229 hours - Levelled off at 200 feet. No counter attack developed. Withdrew to the west.
0348 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Nothing in sight.
0438 hours - Surfaced.
8 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
In the evering USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) made the southbound passage of Lombok Strait on the surface.
12 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) arrived at Onslow, Australia to embark some fuel. She departed for Fremantle later the same day.
15 Feb 1945
USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN) ended her 3rd war patrol at Fremantle. Refit was only commenced 10 days later due to congestion at Fremantle.
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