Stanley Page Moseley, USN
Born | 28 Jun 1903 | Mexia, Texas, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Stanley Page Moseley, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Pollack (180) | Submarine | 13 Jun 1939 | 18 Jun 1942 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Pollack (180)
13 Dec 1941
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. Stanley P. Moseley) leaves Pearl Harbor for her first war patrol, and was ordered to patrol in Japanese home waters.
5 Jan 1942 (position 34.15, 140.08)
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese merchant Heijo Maru (2700 GRT) about 80 nautical miles east-south-east of Tokyo Bay, Honshu, Japan in position 34°15'N, 140°08'E.
7 Jan 1942 (position 34.27, 139.59)
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) torpedoed and sank the Japanese collier Unkai Maru No.1 (2250 GRT) south of Honshu, Japan in position 34°27'N, 139°59'E.
9 Jan 1942 (position 35.00, 140.36)
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Teian Maru (5387 GRT) about 40 nautical miles south-south-west of Inubozaki, Japan in position 35°00'N, 140°36'E.
21 Jan 1942
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) ended her first war patrol when she returns to Pearl Harbor.
18 Feb 1942
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) leaves Pearl Harbor for her second war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the East China Sea.
11 Mar 1942 (position 30.53, 126.20)
While operating in the East China Sea about 270 nautical miles east of Shanghai, USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Fukushu Maru (1454 GRT) in position 30°53'N, 126°20'E and the Japanese passenger-cargo ship Baikal Maru (5266 GRT) in position 31°00'N, 126°32'E.
8 Apr 1942
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. S.P. Moseley) ended her Second war patrol when she returned to Pearl Harbor.
2 May 1942
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. Stanley P. Moseley) left Pearl Harbor for her third war patrol. Once again she was ordered to patrol in Japanese home waters.
16 Jun 1942
USS Pollack (Lt.Cdr. Stanley P. Moseley) ended her third war patrol at Pearl Harbor. She went into overhaul at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard.
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